Rod Parsley - Walking in the anointing

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just let me walk around in a minute are you doing alright Elkhart I need you to shout for a minute because what I'm about to give birth to on Friday night of camp meeting is going to absolutely blow up in Elkhart Indiana so just I it's just going to happen so if y'all can get here get here now I'm going to take just a minute I've got I've got my liberty and my help has already come Thank You Holy Ghost thank your Holy Ghost thank you thank you thank you that I can say thank you thank you that I can stand here thank you that I've got a microphone and a Bible again thank you that the devil is a liar thank you for seven times greater anointing greater acceptance greater ability greater anointed I thank you everybody listen to me so as I began to lay there actually I had me a bigger walking stick that my father bought for me and I would walk Jonah can tell you if I say hi to miss Joni Austin Chandler's back yonder asked and Blair is at a Leadership Conference in Marietta Ohio so important a bigger walking stick I don't know about you I have this big old platform and it's difficult for me to stay right here you know because I'm a walker and I just I just don't know how people like Haircutters as I stand in one spot for hours I don't know how they do that and because I have to walk I have to move if I don't on they explode because I found a scripture that said whether so ever the sole of your foot shall touch I give it to some of you need to get a walking spirit some of you need to walk into your teenager's bedroom and just a very fact that your feet are touching in there if you recognize the presence of God his glory will be released into the sheets no I'm just talking on it so so so while I lay there while I was walking people would drive past unum and I'm a I'm a spinner one of the originals no you don't even what I'm talking about you don't even know the spinners who knows the spinners look no white people raising their hands and the spinners the Four Tops he original Jackson Stevie [Applause] Rachel stop with them HR so I spin that's that's I spin every morning I spend every night I spin in my driveway I stop along the highway and spin I'm not telling you to I'm just telling you how I get breakthroughs how does you say spin right now they're not on me right now for that that's what Judah did you know Judah they were the original spinners God has Seiko out by the tens of thousands before the battle and spin you know why because he's God there and there and there and there and in praise you wave that ancient lulav and you wave in front of you and left and right above you and beneath you to let the world know that you're inside that wheel in a middle of a wheel like that spinning sword and nothing can touch that I know I'm trying to just talk to you so as I will walk I would ask God alright now when I come out of this thing I'm gonna be six it hit me when I was 58 so in in one way I lost a little over two years between two and two and a half years I lost one of them I lost totally because they had been on so many opiates that I barely even remember that year I barely remember it and if you're on them pray to get off of them they told me it takes six months to get off of them and I came off in eight days after two years so yes you can [Music] so I would pray I would call out to God God I'm about to enter the third phase of my existence on this planet it's amazing how your life changes it's amazing you know that now children that I watched be born in this church their children their children grab ahold of my leg and come and sit on my lap on the front row it's an amazing thing there are certain wisdoms that only come with age period I've I've operated by the grace of God in a lot of wisdom over the past 40 years far beyond my years but not like I've entered into just by living I I know how to come out of a valley I know how to survive a demonic attack I know how to bring things out of the spirit into the natural eye I know the strategies of the adversary I've learned them I've watched it I've learned a lot about people I've learned that God doesn't love us because we're what we should be because we're never going to be what we should be and most of the problems with humanity today are very simple one of the biggest ones is expecting people to behave differently than their proven character [Music] if it's a duck it'll waddle and give itself away if it's a duck you know quack and give itself away if it's a duck it'll fly and give itself away I don't care what commercials say you can put one of those 3d goggles on but ostriches cannot fly they're not going to fly if you expect your ostrich to fly you're going to be disappointed if you expect people to behave differently than their proven character you're just going to be disappointed all the time so just turn them over to God and call them God's project just stand back let God work amen so I said God I need you to show me to show me how to live in this phase of my life and I heard God say you're not who you were directly after that brother Copeland was here and standing right there unannounced about the Holy Spirit he by anyone the Holy Spirit had him lay his hands on me and say the words that God had said to me in my belly that's what prophesies for to confirm and somebody prophesized something to you in your head turned sideways it wasn't God [Music] well I'm at valor and everything's great and the Spirit is of God is on me and God told me to come here and God didn't tell me to leave and some but it lay his hands on you and says it's time for you to go just look at him and say you're a devil God would have told you before he told them prophecies for confirmation well I don't mean to teach along the way I'm just trying to tell you so God the Holy Spirit God the Holy Spirit God just told me to tell people at Elkhart be very careful there is a pseudo spiritual ministry mocking spirit in that region where everybody's a minister and everything's a church and everybody's got a word and everybody's got a ministry and it is not so know those that labor among you know them lay hands on no man suddenly oh I feel god I'm not I'm you know I'm not shucking the corn but I am growing it I'm growing it right now so I ask God you know my wife has a tremendous prophetic edge she has remarkable insight in the Holy Spirit and she has always told us one must learn to embrace the season of one's life if you try to live in your past you're going to constantly be chasing something that you are not and if you are constantly chasing your future you will never receive satisfaction and peace in your present so what you need to understand right now is that you are sitting right smack-dab in the center of the circumference of the perfect will of God for your life right now and if you're not a happy and at peace right now celebrating that you will never be your peace is in him your comfort is in him your direction is in him so I found myself well I'm just being transparent today I don't know so I found myself being schooled by God that the directions that I had been going in for 30 years needed a shift now I don't know about you but if you're gonna train your puppy by the way I'm gonna have about 10 of the most beautiful highly bred German Shepherd puppies you ever laid your eyes on and if you want one you better get in line but here's what I know about puppies because I've raised about 200 of them here's what I know about puppies you better start training at 6 weeks don't go behind some dog 2 years old and think you're gonna train in something because at that point he's 14 did you ever try to train a human being that was 14 they lose their minds at 14 they move back into their bodies about 60 if you don't have any just wait so especially girls well I'm just gonna text her and tell her I'm not texting her this is very important so so I pray God I've always known what to do always it was it wasn't difficult because the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord those of you waiting for 42 burning bush experiences Moses excuse my English which you ain't had one one he was a man born to become the deliverer of a people born in bondage what a legacy one reason we've called this Dominion camp-meeting legacy living legacy because something [Music] God has brought me full circle and in many ways I'm right back where I started only everything is different I said God you have to show me you're gonna put a seven times greater anointing on me now I can tell you right now the haven't laid hands on many folk here since God put it on me cuz I'm telling you there's a blessing in it that is unlike anything you've ever experienced especially through my ministry I have to be very very cautious about laying hands on people I've laid hands on several preachers and they've said pastor you've laid hands on me a dozen times and the power of God that hit me when you got in front of me and reached that left hand out to me was unlike anything I've ever experienced like everything there - for all gathered up and then multiplied well I didn't do it God did it cuz it has nothing to do with me except I've just been obedient God said I'm gonna put a seven times greater anointing on you and one of the major forms is deliverance and I'm gonna go ahead and say it on 120 live which will air tomorrow night you will see hundreds if not thousands of people living in an immoral lifestyle immediately delivered yeah men are gonna get out of the bed with men women are gonna get out of the bed with women just get ready that's my legacy I was straight I was trained by a man and God spoke to me said you're gonna bring it back to Pentecostal churches the Ministry of deliverance I've had it we'll send them to the doctor send them to the psychiatrist you can do that but only after you've had a man or woman of God in a congregation of people full of the Holy Spirit tell that thing to come out of them thank you for your enthusiasm back to the firearm you'll be set for you today you quit smelling like smoke today you don't have to be bound by some little tobacco weed growing out of the ground in something no bigger than your little finger your man of God you're a woman of God you're a Nazarite you're full of the Holy Ghost take that mess all for you get deliver [Music] I didn't say get some help I said get delivered sit the bottle down they didn't do nothing for you sit it down be a Nazarite give it up get delivered that we got a big ol doll to hear about bout big enough to get your big gossipy negative speaking tongue on we get you delivered always negative be seated I'm just talking I'm just talking if you don't think I can preach by a tape not here to impress you you putting this on honey it's like getting new clothes you just it takes you a little while to get used to it I've been wearing that anointing for 40 years man I'm telling I'd move in it too but then everything changed nothing felt the same because God was so gracious to me he didn't bring me back and he won't you either to be what you were [Applause] he's not bringing your money back like it was he's not putting your marriage back like it was he's not giving you joy back like it used to be God gets a hold of it you change it so I said God you have to teach me because then because you you understand that you Elkhart online wherever you are you are an extension of the anointing that God places in my life if you don't understand that you understand anything about the kingdom if you just go to church somewhere because that's what's convenient that's that's not no no no no no because that's where you have a job and you really wish you were somewhere else you're just dead weight you understand I mean we're glad you're here you know you take up some room on the pews we appreciate that it makes everything look better but as I preach to you to camp meetings ago it is entirely possible if not probable it's not probable for the church to decrease the numbers and increase in an Ordnung see that's why that's why preachers I can't think nothing but numbers are way off base I don't I don't know what know what numbers are not an indicator of anything but numbers so I said God what are you doing so he took me back and he said to me what is your primary calling I mean God talks to you funny like I can do lots of stuff I'm just I'm just you know most of its gifting most of it's not even like I didn't learn it out of a book or something it's just I am it's like I have a 36 inch inseam I can't do anything about it it's just there well that's what gifts are gifts are just what you are and who you are now the tragedy is that most people don't know what their gifts are they see something they like in somebody else so they try to imitate that and then that doesn't have anything to do with the gifting so you never discover your own gift you never come to full fruition who you are in Christ so you have to get to the point where you understand as I do that God doesn't love me because I'm pastor rod parsley God doesn't bless me because I passed for this great church I'd have been in a mess during that two and a half years wouldn't I because I didn't have a microphone and I didn't have a Bible and I wasn't administrating and I wasn't on the phone and I wasn't making decisions and it was just me and God and I felt more worth in the presence of God at that time than I did any other time because it's just me and him it you didn't hear me my relationship with hims based on my relationship with him not my relationship with you you're not listening to some of you ladies you interpret your relationship with God based on your relationship with your husband god help you or your daddy my relationship with him is based on one thing the blood of Jesus and my dedication consecration to him as a person a human I'm not special to God I thank you for honoring me but I learned when I was 21 years old you're not really honoring me at all has nothing to do with me personally because then if you show up it strokes my ego and if you stay home I feel disappointed I feel like I've failed it's not my responsibility to work the miracle just my responsibility just started just to be obedient and if your drunken on the applause of the people you will die when it stops and God will prove to you that that's what you're intoxicated on not him and his presence oh man I'm messing up today so God said to me I'm quitting so God said to me he said go back to the beginning to your primary calling I'm bringing you back there again well I've been a soul winner since I may eight years old that's what I do I eat it live it breathe it sleep it it's Who I am it's what I do win souls that's why God graced me to travel 150 nights a year because I couldn't win enough souls here that's why he graced me to be on 17000 television stations seven days a week twice a day for 28 years and then we came off some it's now 30 years for 30 years but there's a shift in that so he said go back the apex of all Christian Endeavor must have become to place the jewel of the soul on the crown of our Savior that the Lamb of God slain receive the reward of his suffering period the only reason to have a church there know the reason to have a church unless a soul is attached to no reason to have a youth group no reason have a worship team that's that's one problem the church the church the church is intoxicated and preoccupied with worship see you're quiet now you rarely hear about preachers anymore you hear about worshipers I try to get people to come to Dominion camp meeting greatest camp meeting in America for 30 years and I don't care whether you know it or not everybody out there knows but but you try to get preachers pieces yes sir how be that I want to be another anointing man I've come just sitting on the front row anything you want me to but didn't you try to talk to singers god help you they gotta have 14 bottles of Perrier they gotta have it on a silver platter they got to bring their band cause can't nobody else play nothing you got to talk to 14 agents sign 22 documents you can't even get them on the DVDs of a of something like camp meeting anymore because if you're going to sell the camp-meeting DVDs they won't allow you to have them only what if every preacher was like that expanding churches growing churches so much so that you know when I was in Russia the Holy Spirit spoke to me I was sleeping in my suit and I was wrapping the pillows in my in my t-shirt and there were there were rodents crawling in the hallways I'm talking about the best hotel in Leningrad st. Petersburg the best hotel where IA stake one night if they said it was it was about that big 4 ounces and it was white it was so old it was white and so the next night none of us got sick so the next night we said we'll have the steak but the Sun Rosa will have the steak and the guy said you can't have the steak well that's you don't say that to brother some wrong you don't even know him you don't say that to him I was getting ready to go into a meeting with the president it was all identification and so forth and the line was stretched out for about a half a mile and he said come on with me I said brother Simon all I'm just robbed bro I don't have a ticket like you I you know the president didn't send me one he said where I go you go this is the President of the United States goes to the front of the line and nobody said assert you you'll have to go know why he just carried it it was who he was you understand so he said we'll have the steak and they said you can't you had it last night they said this one table ate our full allotment of beef in this top hotel in this city for a month so think about that when all the socialist politicians are trying to get you to be like Europe just remember that nothing had been fixed in 70 years there wasn't an elevator that worked anyway the traffic lights didn't work nothing worked but that totalitarian government military machine that's all they were so I was there and I laid down in that Wren said bed and guv the Holy Spirit spoke he said go back to America and get on every television station I said that's not gonna be hard I've tried for ten years to get on him I'm on seven and won't anybody else even look at me I came back from that trip and on my desk was a to two times a day strip on two of the largest networks in the world did you hear what I just said when God says the thing don't be shocked when he does it and he does it suddenly [Music] he will Dave Depp he will confirm his word with signs following so God said that to me God said that to me and then he began to throw doors open just thrown open just throw them open and on Friday night of Dominion camp meeting I need everybody here because I'm gonna lose this thing on the earth I'm gonna lose a brand-new ministry called the City Harvest Network whose purpose is to plant world Harvest churches all over America now you say wait a minute how's that gonna happen well you'll have to catch up to God cuz that night I'm will lay hands on 27 brand-new pastors who will open the doors of their churches in September [Applause] from California to Maine and that night I have to be careful because people will want us to plan another hundred and I just say okay do you have any money no is that necessary never ask never ask the bank for permission to do what God's called you to do but don't go in debt okay that went over big don't go in debt to finance a lifestyle because you're so full of pride it's one reason God has given had difficulty starting new churches because Bible College boys will graduate from Bible College and they're getting married their last year here to somebody they shouldn't marry and then they go out and they want to plan a church and they don't have enough money to feed themselves and then they get a church and they put 50 people together and start paying themselves twenty five hundred dollars a week and have to have a new car supplied by the church no no no no no no no no no no your full-time with the ministry pays you full-time and most church plants the pastor is still working another job to supplement his income because I don't take lazy folk and pastoring 30 people is not a full-time job if your youth group is 80 kids that's not a full-time job you're looking at me funny I'm just telling you what I tell them can you imagine I haven't even announced it yet 27 brand-new churches one two three of them already have 200 people gathering and they haven't even launched the church yet that's 600 people on Sunday morning acting like y'all and look this is not that newfangled thing no no this is not that newfangled thing do you believe in speaking in tongues yes or no do you speak in other tongues yes or no do you lay hands on the sick in church do you win souls prove it do you believe miracles signs and wonders are for today in church yes or no you're not listening to me I'm talking about Holy Ghost filled fire baptized lay hands on the sick and watch them recover casting out temples Holy Ghost filled churches look at you do you care I don't know I go to church hear what I think well we'll help you with it but don't go in debt don't go in debt remember that Pastor soda $17,000 seed and he did he he didn't have 850 dollars but when he made a determination that he wasn't going to keep his Church in debt and he's so deceived God paid off four hundred thousand dollars of death and I got to go preach the night they paid it off burnt the mortgage blessed be God forever you
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 32,954
Rating: 4.8199611 out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, Holy Spirit, God, Jesus Christ, Anointing, Power, Ministry, City Harvest Network
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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