The New SSG Decal Just Came Out and it is INSANE! | Crazy 200 IQ Plays in SUPERSONIC LEGEND 1v1

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caught you lacking you get on saying what's going on babies grab your chapstick your lips is ashy my hair bro i'll never be doing my hair for my videos i'm not gonna lie like i wake up i'm saying hop on the games and you know what time it is we've recorded but yeah i just want to say i love you all you get on saying i'm also going to be announcing the giveaway probably before this video is up but yeah i'm saying um so bad too sad you and i'm saying if you get to enter the first giveaway there will be another one coming soon i'll let y'all know what's going to be given away oh yeah but um make sure you uh make sure you leave a like you know make sure you subscribe to the channel and then turn it into another fight and then lastly give me a little kiss i'll see you on the next video [Music] eyes bruh like i don't even i don't even know what to say bro like they just released the new decals you get off saying the new ssg decal is here you can i'm saying we got the octane we got the finick and we got the diamond as you can i'm saying today i'm using that finnick and i'm about to be popping off with it just to start of which i'm going to see during rcs when i'm using this beautiful luxurious phenomenal cute petite what am i saying bro i'm gonna get banned from youtube but yeah um if you don't buy the decal you stink that's like that's the first thing i want to say second of all get the decal it's fantastic it looks beautiful for you and i'm sorry but yeah make sure to get the decal and support me and all that good stuff and i'm saying all right y'all real quick i'm about to show y'all these details you get i'm saying we got we got the sse into the stars you know bank let's see what it looks like octane [Music] the best card ever crystal earth so nice such a clean decal like grab this we don't care about this i mean we do we like that we like it but this is where legends are made grab hopping right into the 2v2 playlist threesome statue part of g2 esports i'm sure i'd be scary i don't even box mod kick off kill that you get what i'm saying shot a force teammate good save yeah boy arsenal you know me no boos try to shoot it at the night prague it's back you nasty man you hit it up can you read this i don't know but the boost is mine oh yes i know hit my line oh he missed he missed two he missed 250 50. get that boost wait he got the boost zanil make a play baby it's fine i don't even need all this boost that's just the boosters there's nowhere to be found watch this stuff give me that corner ain't one on that counter it wasn't me even met her in the shower challenge baby girl hmm jersey taking it back back to the crib back to the house oh that's a 50 right to my teammate hello bro come here all right if he doesn't want to get bumped i just gotta accept that i'm gonna play if he gets beat that's in uh i'm affected i try to hit it around them but big boy statue is just so massive it's kind of hard watch this hit it up because i have no boo take that corner boo he gets the carnival going for the bunks hmm i almost secured it but you know what i disappear in the net bro danielle you are a man of many talents that was so beautiful the way you just adapted to the nucleus of the mitochondrion which is literally absolute finesse look at my kickoff peak rocket league somehow doesn't get escorted on hold on give me that hold on mink give me that you're dead oh you're boing on no beans over to you beat them nice beat wait double oh i'm just gonna hit it high no boost i gotta troll because i have no boos where's the boost it's fine i can still go for the ball right bumping wait you got it nice hit that bumper oh imagine give me this corner stay with the ball stay with the ball still we're good covers the net good stuff arsenal has bomb oh my god he's shrugging me off stiff arm step arm i'm back though recoveries on a hunnid over leaf olga freaking past my boy easy open that you see how just like roll it in you see what this all right cut barely i don't know i want to hide voice correctly i'm actually like 50 years old with like five kids and i'm still voice cracking they talk about the unluckiness right pop mink oh ooh baby baby all right take a possession right here your boy got no boost he somehow gets a touch it's fine i'll get back touch that nice beautiful rocket league's inhale yes go on go on up the wall that's unlucky get a touch i'm here hold on fake process process no ang no boost though kind of sucks bump them off bro how did i bump into the mid boost though like gotta wonder these things oh yeah right here cross bank to you oh yeah that's one how many talk to me two i lied let me get back all right what drew he's doing i'm just going to pre-jump because why not oh you know that was probably not the best choice the pre-jump seeing as uh he kind of just sniped his teammate mid but i just did it for the lowest like i hope you guys are laughing right now lol hello all right secure the back left that's all that matters denial clip meister bam can't even guard him i don't know so neil's looking very rocs ready right now he's bro this is his tryout if you're watching my video and you're looking for a teammate this is a new trial for your team without him knowing oh 50. what a block trees does he have it in his back to do this he does wow good try jonathan all right all we gotta do is you know score before they score if i mean like some light or just don't get scored on it's two options right now yeah all right i'll get back casey tries to get scored on pop over him no boost statue on go again my boy fake force that's why not get back corner boost oh yeah give me this corner a little pop just in case he challenged i had to poppy i don't want to get done oh good for us watch this fake oh yeah pop fake oh yeah to the wall right to you don't don't panic don't panic never panic in the game of rocket league it's a game of a lot of time look right mid watch this fake wow i'm starting so much time pass back wow to my corner zanil gets a touch gets a touch around him around one arsenal gets a bad quarter what's gonna happen they're up three twisted left one zero we'll hit the ground they have time to score oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait nice i like the casting right there i'll scare y'all a little bit no okay my bad we are back in the 1v1 playlist he versus whiskey um i really don't know i was going to go schweppe schwab pull up what a mop 13 reasons why i'm that guy i be like high grabbing on her thigh that's one yeah that's freaking too eating freaking pee oh my gosh i didn't mean to say that the recoveries though are they on point today yes they are hold on get dunked hold on hold on get bumped hold on hold on give me that boost oh yeah it's clip time y'all know what time it is arsenal 4p set mink wait you know what that means i think that means where are you going or where are you from my spanish bro i've been to spanish for so long school was eight years ago for me i went to school back when abraham lincoln was president pop wait that was so bad oh my god he saved it i tried to bump him wait please give a good belt for the gang frick the gang though this decal is so clean though it kind of reminds me of like a beehive or like like some tech like some techie type stuff if you know what i mean watch this fake flick pop all right grab the boost he popped it up too high can't ariel i missed the ball fake again what's he going to do grabbing pads arsenal one pop plays the 50. he can't even he doesn't even come close my boy's on 200 paying i just realized so in all honesty free my boy you get what i'm saying like he's on 200 ping now probably can't even do a kick off wait does he almost redirect down in there give me this boost look at that oh my god look at that touch he can't even guard it because i'm just you know his pink's too high i'm just that saucy like at that point shot chalk it up like how can you swipe this pre-flip perfect touch off the wall to a boost grab to it i'm saying it's not what you can do in that scenario scenario build like a cheerio mink give me that give me that corner too not even corner oh bro yeah you gotta forfeit it it's just a massacre bro um is it like it's just a massacre i don't even got a chainsaw like um i don't even know what to say like free my free my cat my cat from the slimer hey do not mink waiting that's what you call big meat shock you know what i'm saying like you know i'm saying mink look at that ew that got to be the weirdest shot like one of the worst shots i've scored bro like like that's actually scrumptious we better sit again what is this lobby eg oh this is a german amigos i think yeah german amigos playing my by the new 18 member what a smash smash didn't keep doing though i never lie i'm always going to block that hundred percent of the time come on give me the boo you know you know i'm gonna grab 100 percent of the time a lot bro i'm not gonna lie i never grabbed the boots like me and the bus got beef or something like i being i'd be avoiding it like it's it's my ex or something what you bro what's your plan talk to me get dunked hold on fake getting back it's fine i missed the ball i'm gonna leave you to defend the 2v1 you won't know why because i know you're like that uh that's on me um you know like you just gotta know what's on you sometimes i think i think they both got picked out like he is him and then he do that bad of a flippy set so uh you know what i'm saying give me that mid fake process soft touch bam bump him bam keep going let me see something oh yeah i'm challenging this for selfish i'm about oh yeah for sure for sure my boy oh if i had extra boost a little bit of extra top right oh open that you know you know us a lot hold on hold on fake wow that that you know those are just touches we need all right time to start trying bro chasing them chasing chasing all right 1v1 just good try i got it watch this bang top left i lie didn't i wait score nice i don't know how that's not top left though like like what like what you nasty nasty how they're on the top left sorry sniped me like kind of suspicious if you asked me oh i bumped them fake the jump freak the flick i'm i'm confusing the net guy so bad oh i said hit it to me hit it to me hit it to me hit it to me you're hitting it y'all like that i was reading this from the get-go you know me man you know i'm just you know i'm just waiting it's called being patient you know see i'm just floating away from him to hit me the ball you know i'm saying i know he own goal somehow so i don't you gotta wait for it a boy headed to the corner nice nice clear back nope you just hold the bag the bag is oh he got a bump kind of a clutch bump not gonna lie it's fine teammate has a lot he's lagging he's like he missed he scored crossbred he hit a bounce shot crossed right down all right the teammate is lagging it's all good man you know what tommy am i hmm free touch nice wedding goddess watch this bang sidewall somehow gets a demo he hits the underside of my car you stinky man all right it's wide right it's wide right it's wide right it's wide right it's wide not wide enough not thick enough all right that was my bad i don't even know what the heck i'm doing right now but um i'm gonna bring it back oh yeah okay i don't know what that pass is but we live in you we learn oh good save give me that corner wait what it's all good it's all good just go it's all good just go 50. it's all good where's this boost though fake under him ill arsenal various girls you young one your boy had 12. he made it work you know what i'm saying make it work make it twerk pause i don't know what i don't even know what i'll be saying at the time give me that oh yeah hold on flip yourself oh my god look at the adaptation very nice look at how it looked like i had no mechanics i'm saying out here trolling and bowling and rolling you know what i'm saying bam look at this and i just um flippers that skirt that's right whether or not i do i'm gonna show you what i don't know what i'm saying oh oh wait can't be getting dunked like that sir wait he just saved that but it was laggy yeah i don't know concert you can't be getting um god dang his head didn't have the boost you know sometimes god dang this man kick off all right we're good no hang ariel nice i watch this no boos what just happened wait he faked him wait left back it up back it up terry mango tear when he reversed terry terry said nah all right wait leaf that's a pass though that is not the touch that that is anything but the touch like i read you i i can't follow because i'm cheeky momo but what is going on like how does that even happen like god said no i don't know actually i thought you were just going to put it bottom corner but some i gotta bounce and then that happens and then that happens and we're all happening like what's happening what's happening shawty is like a melody in my head that i can't keep me saying oh yeah nope not today bucko not today bucko came here bucko oh i almost got that around them and he bumped me somehow i'm twerking in their net again man bump them go go go go go go middle gosh what is going on what is going on oh that's a pass though he's got it right it's fine i get the boost he has a challenge he doesn't have a challenge i try to get back got a block bam we're good he tries to shoot on me he's not like that you're not that guy pal hold on wait that's miss oh my god i thought i missed you know imagine i flicked that to the crossbar we lose the game it's like dang arsenal come on body come on buddy buddy but like a mother nutter butter are you coming are you gonna lose zero seconds talk to me no we aren't no we are not oh yeah we might win zero seconds though pop oh yeah to me fake this bam he read that it's in my net bam pre-flip i should have just went for that honestly i could have caught the ball off the ceiling 360. i'm one point off of one thousand i backflip i backflipped i backflip i backflipped he missed they both missed he missed i failed he bumped me bumping him all right bro where is the boost uh watch this wait wait no we're good bang hitting it up to him watch this he's gonna go i bumped them then wait they're like that aren't they talk to me they are yeah that's on me i sold the bag you know what i'm saying but it happens try to get a bump not like that right now you know i'm saying we regain we go next and by next time i mean the end of the video but um i'll see on the next video so i mean we still going next peace guys [Music] you
Channel: ArsenalRL
Views: 72,198
Rating: 4.9687428 out of 5
Keywords: #Arsenal, #RocketLeague, #SquishyMuffinz, #Cbell, #Lethamyr, #Leth, #GarrettG, #Amustycow, #SunlessKhan, #Jzr, #Striped, #ChicagoRL, #retals, #ApparentlyJack, #rizzo
Id: Iu71X5bhsvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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