Rock Church - God in the Mirror - Part 1, Image

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good morning let's give it a get video hands but good morning good morning morning good morning good morning say Jesus how's everybody doing this morning very good very good it's very good to be in church want to say hello everybody watching online and we have some special guests I want to acknowledge online we have a group of Navy Navy divers in a Navy diver school class where was it from a 1340 there in Chicago and they have trained to be Navy divers which I is one of the hardest things you can train for and so we want to say God bless y'all thank you for watching all are doing god bless y'all stick it out I know it's hard I know I watch the little shows where they show you behind the scenes and what they do is they one of the many things they train these guys and they haven't swim in the water and they make him black out on the water and so they can not panic so they could be blacked out and yet still function I don't know how to do that but y'all better men to me I ain't even trying to get black down on the water okay I ain't trying to get black out above water we are excited for today listen last week I told you that I was going to give an announcement and so let me just give it to you now I got saved in 1984 and immediately went into ministry started matter of fact I was 20 years sober just two weeks ago April 12th amen and I started Bible study in my house pretty much right away with kids about neighborhoods and Filipino kids that lived in Penasquitos on my street they started accepting the Lord so I started Bible study in my house became a youth pastor I started a youth evangelist an organization called miles ahead we did youth Crusades for many years then I took over the Sunday night service at Horizon and then in 2000 we started the Rock Church thirteen years ago moved into this building six years ago and all of that's 29 years of going every constantly I'm a workaholic and has taken a toll on my family so June July August I will not be here in this pulpit I'm not going to be doing any Rock Church work I'm gonna take a three month sabbatical time to be with God in my family amen and then we have some amazing speakers that have come gonna come share with you we're booking them every day Nick voices will be here amen we have a Hillsong they're coming we haven't signed a contract but they've agreed to come so we got them coming and we have hopefully hopefully we don't have confirmed that pastor will be here and then another woman that's from the church Christine cane who's a world speaker is gonna she's coming here and she's gonna blow your mind I'm she's gonna she's incredible and we I'm also going to pre-record for sermons based on certain movies one of those movies is a notebook I just found out it was a whole movie but I saw it did someone said you got it it's a chick flick like we needed a chick flick to be one of the movies so I asked some chicks what's a good chick flick and they said you got to do a note book I never heard about it so I was on my couch crying like this so there before for sermons that I'm gonna do via video we're pre recording them this next month and a half but during those three months I'll be at the marriage retreat which is the middle of the June but I won't be here June July August and I'll be spending time my family playing golf doing whatever I'm probably gonna go to a Latin countries before we can do some Spanish Immersion AC movie a movie I appreciate I'm gonna miss y'all too but here's a couple things we are very confident our staff has been working on this for five six months this is not a surprise to them we've been working on this for a long time and the plan is that the church grows the plan is that people realize this is not this is about God God's gonna this is God's church and he's gonna show himself strong and the church is gonna grow and we're very excited about it and and I'm looking very much looking forward to it so I appreciate y'all praying for us I'll be here next week in the next five weeks doing this series throughout them through this month and May and then we'll be going and then we'll be back I want to be here for rest of my life just to be sure that I say that I want to be in the rest of my life I want to make sure I we all make it together I made my family so god bless you thank you very much we are starting a new series today based on my book called God in the mirror some of you have received that and OH thank you very much thank you very much before I talk about the book let me talk about the robot The Rock Academy our school that will that operate riotous a minute on Academy we have free school to 12 grade we have a robotics team there is a work Global robotics contest 25 go before you before you clap for them don't sit down let me tell you why they're here because you neither let's not clap just because they exist let's time for what they did here's what they did not for real there's 2500 teams around the world that competed to be in the in the global world competition 124 teams were picked four out of Southern California one of the San Diego in their class and they made it right there that's an hour ago about amen that's something to talk about so that next week they are going to st. Louis to compete in the world the world championships that'd be the first proper title and so hopefully they make it and we win is that the robot you're gonna have a man that's it that's it does it have a name say it again les oh yeah yeah yeah it's a little French difference that's what they this one's a third anyway let's pray for them that they win they make we want them to win amen amen Lord we uh we want to pray for our robotics team we pray that they go and crush everybody else but no matter what happens we pray they all the other teams would experience Jesus in and through them and it's your name we pray amen amen thank you very much thank you very much I came out a book called God in the mirror and I'll tell you the good new band I'll get about this book we want to give all of your free copy the publisher make a long story short did not deliver to ten thousand volts we ordered and so we ran out this morning so next week we'll have books for you next week and it's I think there's a few in a bookstore you can buy but we want to give it to you for free but we're going to talk I'm going to be preaching on this foot this week in the next five weeks and we have small groups if you haven't joined us our God in a mirror a small group running encourage you to get in one and we also want to encourage you to start one because we have a six-week DVD that goes with the curriculum goes with the book all you got to do is put it in and I'm gonna teach trite through the book in the small group and so you could sign up online you can sign up in the lobby and hopefully you do that especially if you're not in a small group this is a great time to get in one it's going it's going to go six weeks and they're gonna start not this week the week after next and so you still have time to get in one and get to know some people hey man how many y'all not in a community group a small group how many you are not in one okay there you go okay there's how you make a big Church small as you get in a group amen amen so let's see you Bibles today let's see your Bibles say word one more time say word see your pens lesson plan let's imply that's the plan let's turn to Romans chapter 1 Romans 1 Jesus the man Romans 1 there was a bi-racial couple a white woman and a black man got married and they had twins one of the twins was a little white girl blond hair blue eyes and her brother was a brother so biracial couple had biracial twins okay and even though each parent had a child that was a different proceed race as the vehm they expected to see themself in their children both children if God created all of us to be his children what does he expect to see when he looks at you he expect to see himself as though he's looking in the mirror thus the title God in the mirror so in the next six weeks we're gonna be talking about what it means to be made in the image of God and what is very important to understand is that God gave His image to all people not Christians this is a human issue now when you become a Christian something happens to your god image it brings it alive and it brings it alive so it can be focused to fulfill the purpose and intent God gave it to us for and created it for but it's very important you understand what it is because a lot of people trying to develop an identity by copying other people I'm gonna act like them I'm gonna dress a leg of em I'm gonna cut my hair like them I'm gonna talk like them and God is saying you're spending so much time trying to copy people when I didn't make you in the image of anybody else or in the image of culture which changes all the time I made you in my image and so as long as you're trying to copy other people you are going to miss who you are and so we're gonna over the next five weeks clarify really what it means to be made in the image of God so what we're going to start with Romans chapter 1 this is a very important concept to understand we look at Romans chapter 1 it says verse 20 it says for since the creation of the world everyone say creation now our culture teaches that God did not create the world that teaches evolution and at best God used evolution okay depends on what definition of evolution used some is microevolution and macro-evolution microevolution is when species adapt and change a little bit but stay the same species macro evolution is where one species can become another in other words your ancestor was an ape my ancestors were not Apes I don't know about you my ancestral naives there were people that God created in His image period an ancestor of ape is an ape ancestor of a dog is a dog now I know ladies some of you think your man is a dog but his ancestor was a human but it's very important to understand that because if you believe that you evolved and that you used to be millions of years ago something less than that's very different than what God says happens and so you have to reconcile that because you and God at odds God said he made man in His image day one he didn't make an amoeba and it grew and developed into God's image he made man and then he made and by the way first he made a dog first he made the eighth then he made trees all kind of stuff we'll get to that more next next couple weeks but he made man he made whoa man just like you are okay and then it says even more look who says after that oh I'm by the way I was in I was in a debate with a a professor from one of the local colleges here on Channel six I think it was on creation evolution and we got to the beginning of at the end of our little debate is like a five minute deal and he says well why basically we basically kind of believe the same thing I said well homeboy we don't believe the same thing because you have no explanation of where everything came from in the beginning because if you believe in the Big Bang what-who bang did it and where did the energy come to bang it and where did it come to get banged it there's a lot of that's a lot of mystery right then we'd also come from nothing comes from anything and when have you ever in your life seen something get blown up and get organized no words like taking a bunch of car parts blowing it up and all of a sudden you got a Rolls Royce it just doesn't happen it never happens it is irrational it is irrational to think organization especially the organization in the in the universe came from chaos without someone organizing it and so very mess creation so as Lucas bar lugar says it says since God did that his invisible attributes are clearly seen think this through think this through God's invisible attributes are clearly seen his love his wisdom his creativity his intelligence his organizational skills that God would make plants breathe out oxygen and make animals that breathe in oxygen oh that's an accident oh and at the same time the animals breathe out co2 and the plants breathing in thank God you would see then his invisible attributes are so clearly seen that you then look what it says it says that you have been understood by the things that are made that when you look at what he made and you see his invisible attributes even his eternal power and Godhead so that people are without excuse he what he's saying that when you look at what God made and you look at all the organizational skills and all the creativity and all the sin of just synergism and everything that God made in all the universe God says you without excuse other than to say somebody did that that for a baby a human being to live 40 weeks in a womb and never breathe yet it grows it never breathes and it comes to a vaginal canal through which it gets good bacteria from the mother and through which the fluid in his lungs gets squeezed out as it comes out god I had all that coordinated and it comes out squeeze all that stuff out of his lungs and then it goes first time and then you could say that is an accident God says I have no time for such ludicrous logic that's what this is saying hey you you have no excuse you can't say well God you know I figured out what millions of years what you know happens all the busiest stuff deteriorates you know it's gonna happen to this building and building here it's gonna crumble it's not gonna get more complex it's gonna be crumble what happens to you over age you get like this you don't get stronger and more beautiful you get all wrinkles and grace and then you die that's just reality homeboy I'm sorry it's reality so God said when you look at all that I made you can't say you can't but say oh my god how could a leaf you can take a leaf off any tree you ever seen in your life take that leaf off that tree and that leaf is number coded to that tree DNA in the tree every single one of you a number coded you're numbered take your hair out goes right to you I was driving the street one day and there was a cow flying up the street he was fine literally above the sidewalk along the road so I slowed down so I could drive the speed of the owl Oh roll my window down when the owls flying now you understand some of our owls owls obviously they come out at night they flip they hunt at night and they hunt by sound more than sight their faces are flat their faces are like radar screens that's why they look like a radar screen like a radar dish and there I hear their ears are right here in their face and their face funnels the sound right to the ears god is awesome and the ends of their wings are frayed they're like real soft cotton and when they fly the ends of the wings that are frayed dispute disperses the the the wind so there's no sound when they flap their wings so they could they get to swoop on something without being heard so here they're going that's what it sounds like when they fly it's completely silent hummingbird cuz cuz the hook the flower can't run he doesn't matter they but thou so I'm driving at the street and the Alice flying right on the other side street and I'm just looking at the owl looking at the AL because I just want to hang with the avila wha and then the ow turned and flew right at my car no lot and I got the window down and Alice looked like they look like birds with a head cut off cuz they got the the flat face it sounds like a decapitated bird and he flew right at me and up my windows wide open right and I'm thinking home and they swallow stuff whole and he's flying over me I'm going because he's right there if that owl didn't have the frayed wings day one the keen sense of hearing day one and all the other skills it has day one it wouldn't have survived long enough to evolve it was made that way day one and when you look at all that God made God is saying to you it is so unbelievable an unbelievable display of my invisible attributes because everything I made I made to glorify me and to display Who I am now God made the birds the bees the dirt the plants the fish the land animals and then he made man and that's us he says he's we're gonna do I'm gonna make man we're gonna make it fall assembly sphere we're gonna make man in our image and they're gonna supervise everything that we've made already but man more than anything is going to display the invisible attributes of God you you are not an accident you did not evolve out of nothing God created you the way you are and he created you out of his own image he didn't create on oneself that's not what he is he created you he created you and look so we look at five aspects of your God image and it spells the word image I am a GE the first aspect is the letter I which means you are individually unique individually we turn to Psalm 139 almost the exact middle of the Bible some 139 individually unique as you turn there let me explain over the next five weeks we're going to spend one week each in each one of these five letters I'm going to give you an overview of right now so next week we're going to talk all about how you are unique but today you just need to know huh that there's nobody like you everyone say there's no one like me now I know you know that you're gonna fit want to go there's no one like me by the way when you get up in the morning think about especially all who have long hair it's like an explosion right stuff is just everywhere and what do you do you bring order you bring beauty you bring cosmetics explosions do not bring order intelligence brings order Luther says in Chapter 139 verse 13 you form my inward parts you cover me in my mother's womb by the way go look at a picture an Anatomy picture of a human without skin you know they show the muscles they show the faster fastest connective tissue and you are wrapped your body is wrapped it's wrapped in connective tissue it's like white fashion it's very tough matter of fact if you eat chicken the chicken or even steak the meat is muscle by the way I don't know if you knew that but when you eat steak or chicken or turkey the stuff you chew that's the muscle of the bird and if you see sometimes this white really tough looks like a piece of tough paper that's called fashion and it's connective tissue that connects you together if you look at a picture of yourself you are wrapped and your muscles are intertwine wrap like that then your your bones are connected but with ligaments your muscles are attached to your bones with tendons and God's old you together like what are you saying here look what says you covered me in my mother's womb verse 14 I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made and it says marvelous are your works now has anybody here graduated from Harvard anybody we had no one in the morning services and no one in this church has graduated from Harvard okay we we got that kinda - how about junior college so let's just act like has anyone ever like driven through Boston how about that okay very good thank you anyway I want you to say like you're from Harvard you're a 13 generation Harvard law so I want you say like Hollingsworth is your name Hollingsworth everyone do is give me dinner can you do that homie very good say say Harvard say Harvard now say I am marvelous one more time I am marvelous and marvelous is what God did when he made you you need to know that God made you to stand out so stop trying to fit in if you look around this room especially when you leave here when you go to work tomorrow wherever you go I want you to look at people look at how they dress look at women women are just they're masters at this women get up and fellows / fellows we just put whatever is on I mean some dudes will kick fashion-conscious whatever well you know women got their their shoes coordinated with their socks that they got socks you know somebody don't wear socks and then there's skirt and then there's toenails a coordinator colored the shoe and then their fingernails are cousin a with this and they got a little earring here and their little thing in their hair and everything is like unique to them that is a glory to God and I'm not a woman but from what I heard women hate when other women have exactly on what they got on can I get hey lazy now say why because women want out I want to be the only one and if someone had the woman got wood thinking only the first thing that woman fixes now again I'm not judging y'all but you can affirm that what I'm telling you is true the first thing you think Sheila looking good in here land like a mine can I get any man lady say hey that's right it's got to be all about now God made you to represent an aspect of him unique to you the devil wants you to fit in he wants you to blend in he wants you to try to get acceptance from all these people Gosselaar I have one purpose for you God has a very unique purpose for you that he has for nobody else you can learn from other people but don't ever try to be like somebody else completely God did not make you that person number two the letter M turned to psalm 119 which is the longest chapter in the whole Bible psalm 119 20 chapters right before where you are the letter M in the word image means that God created us in His image and the letter M means that he create us to be moral mirrors in other words morality is the sense of right and wrong God says I created you where you can understand and reflect my morality I do not want you creating your own morality morality is Right wrong here's what I think is right how many of you have ever heard or even said here's what I think it ain't about what you think not that you shouldn't think and not you shouldn't have an opinion but God created you to reflect him okay so God here's what I think but God before I speak or act on what I think what do you think and he's gonna say you know what you got it pretty right or you are nowhere close so please don't speak until we figure this out together animals aren't walking around here we go where do I go hon hey God what do I go we know how he does out there God says to us we can actually seek hunger and thirst for the righteousness of God we can read his word conversate with him receive his encouragement reflect his encouragement without administer justice whenever you see people on TV cheering because justice was served according to their like this that is their image of God crying out now God's image can be used for wrong but it's still this is right this is right this is wrong this is wrong that is our moral mirror and act and working and but God says I'm gonna crane you in in my image I'm gonna create you in such a way that I could actually speak to you righteousness and you can get it you can interact with it you can share it you can execute it you can defend it you can display it that's the kind of relationship I had that's how I made you some when he looks at us he wants to see us doing that lucre says in chapter 9 119 verse 9 it says how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to God's Word there's so many verses about God's Word and God's words a lamp to our feet its water that cleanses it's a hammer that crushes its bread that feeds us it's a little he goes on on on on it renews our mind it cleanses our heart it's fire in our bones fire Jeremiah 29 21st 9 Jeremiah said I'm not her preacher word anymore and he said he couldn't hold it back because it was like fire it was burning him he couldn't you know sometimes I get up and I'm like okay I'm gonna be calm today you know for real I'm not gonna get excited but it's fire and so God's Word the Bible says that God made us so we can actually obey God's Word read your Bible to your dog you know what they're gonna do well what'd you say it God loves you read the Bible to a person God's words living in active sharper than the two-edged sword it's able to discern the thoughts and intents of your heart and convict you he created you to be a moral mirror the letter a turn to Genesis chapter 1 again over the next five weeks we're gonna go a week on each one of these letters Genesis chapter 1 God verse 26 first page of the Bible God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air the cattle of all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the ground let us verse 26 let us father son Holy Spirit make man in our image father son Holy Spirit and in our likeness father son Holy Spirit and he gave Dominion here is what Dominion or authority means God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth and authority over the earth the letter A means that God has given you the authority to rule first let me tell you what he did not give you the authority to rule over and that his people God did not give authority and say Adam now you rule your wife he said ladies can I get any man in front ladies okay and he ladies he did not give you authority over your man neither fellas gonna get any men fellas some frustrated men right there he said Adam and Eve I didn't give you authority over people that's called slavery Oh could get to the point of slavery I gave you authority over environments everyone say environments I don't have authority over you to tell you what to do I don't own you don't control you God has given me authority over the church this this church to exercise his authority in this church to create an environment where you have a God experience the lights the sound the video the worship the colors the seats everything is crate is designed to create an environment that you can experience God and once you experience God God takes care of the rest versus saying I want you to do this and control you to make you do this now I can tell you what the Bible says and I can encourage you but in the end you make a decision and so we try to create that environment if you're a parent your job is to create an environment in your home where everybody in the home can grow into who God called them to be if you're a coach you haven't create an environment while the players can be the best they can be if you're a teacher all the people can learn to be the best they could be if you're an employer all the people could do the best job that God created them to do it's about God's purposes being fulfilled I was watching television the other day and Gabrielle Reece I believe it was the volleyball player was talking about submitting to her man on CNN TMZ a camera with what program it was and I know they were trying what do you think about women submitting to men here's what gets lost in that whole conversation about women submitting to men right before when right after says wives submit to your husband it says husbands lay your life down for your wife and right before it it says submit one to another but they only talk about the one slice which says women submit to you man yeah women submit to your man but your man is supposed to die for you now would you love to submit or die I think some is easy part but it always gets lost God says this is not about one person trying to control the other it's about y'all working together with a leader the guy sent in the example of service so you can have an environment that honors God because it's all about God's purposes being fulfilled not ours the gene we created be God's friend the G means God's friend we were created to live in relationship with God turn to Genesis chapter 1 chapter 2 God create the heavens and earth you create the fish the birds the bees the animals the plants and he said it is good it is good it's very good as good as good good and then he created something and he said it's not good and that's something that he created that was not good with some Adam alone this is not the concept of a man not having a woman it's a person singular individual person and having no human contact and he says Adam alone cannot fulfill the reason I created people in the first place God created people in the first place so people could experience what he was already experiencing which was loving relationship who to God have a loving relationship with the Father the Son the Holy Spirit well God created man so man can worship he already had angels worshiping him day and night he didn't meet that he created man in His image so they can have relationship lucre says in chapter 2 verse 18 says the Lord said it is not good that man should be alone I will make him a helper comparable compatible to him somebody with whom he could have relationship somebody with whom they can display all that I am to the world God wants to have relationship with you God wants to speak to you God wants to encourage you God wants to walk with you he wants to forgive you of your sin I was in Donovan state prison getting ready to preach one day and the guys are standing out there and their orange jumpsuits black guys with the black guys white or white Hispanic with a Hispanic and right before I went out to speak God flooded me with his peace and he said to me I want you to tell them that I love them I said yeah I got it you know no no I want you to say to them God wants me to tell you he loves you and I saw these guys out there you're talking about guys who will die for cause and they just stand and Kate living like animals in cages so I went up on stage I said look before I start I need to tell you this God wanted me to tell you to make sure you get this really clear he loves you God loves all y'all he doesn't to be a robot coming to church doing going through the motions he wants to have a relationship with you he wants to walk with you he wants to encourage you he wants to wipe your tears away wants to give you wisdom wants to be your daddy I don't know what your theories like how good or bad or indifferent he can never be like your heavenly daddy and that's the beginning and the end of your existence is your relationship with God and the last one is eternal turn to John 3:16 John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son every one say only begotten for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life first let me say perish does not mean cease to exist perish means eternal separation from God is constant ongoing perishing the Bible says that God's loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that means his own you know his only begotten means the unique one you know how he started all this off with the letter I that you are individually unique how are you going to be individually unique by the unique one living in you God made you like he made a glove I am a GE and he made you like a glove in His image so he can live inside of you and bring to life every aspect of your God image if you have a glove before you go out to a snowball fight and a glove is sitting on the counter the glove can do nothing until you put the hand in it God wants to live in you so you can now do for him what you can't do without him and living in you and when Christ is living in you you have his authority his morality his uniqueness his righteousness a relationship that will never end into eternity and now you can become the person that he created you to be with his wisdom and his invisible attributes will guide and direct every aspect of your image but without God in you you're just doing your own thing and you ever be wrong because if you can figure it out without God he died for nothing he wants to live inside of you the unique one and fill you with his power and his presence in his love so you can be who he created you to be you didn't grow out of the ground you're not an accident whether your parents didn't plan you or not God planned you for before the foundations of the earth and the Bible says he's blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places they're already yours you just have to inherit them so in a minute we're gonna pray and I'm gonna challenge you to say Lord I want you to live inside of me and if Christ is living in you when the father looks at you he will see his son and he will see himself as always looking in the mirror but I want to give you I want to challenge you to say Lord I want you to bring to life and I want you to align every aspect of my God image so that I can be the person that you created me to be and I can stop trying to figure it out I could just be it so it's all by our heads and pray Lord we thank you so much for your faithfulness we thank you so much for your goodness we thank you that you made us that we can have relationship with you that you would live in us if you would like to ask God to bring to life your God image to live inside of you as a hand lives in a glove to transform your life to establish an eternal relationship with you pray this prayer pray dear God please take over my life please carry my burden please cleanse my sin via God I surrender my life to you I surrender my burdens to you bring clarity to my mind thank you God I surrender my life my pain to you God as eyes are closed and our heads are bowed if you prayed that prayer a minute I'm gonna ask you to stand and by standing you are acknowledging that you are resurrecting to a new life if you're in North County I'm gonna ask you to stand there as well there's gonna be someone there who's gonna pray with you so right now if you prayed that prayer I just want you to stand to your feet and acknowledge yes Lord take over my life god bless you stay standing stand to your feet god bless you very good god bless you very good god bless you god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you very good stay standing god bless you very good god bless you god bless you God bless you God bless you very good god bless you god bless you god bless you good god bless you God bless you God bless you very good we see you all over god bless you now in a minute we're going to ask you who are standing to come down to the altar and as you do that the rest of us we are going to cheer for them this is a very big important if you're in the balcony all you have to do is turn around and walk up and the ushers will bring you down so right now if you're standing up just come out of your seat come on down to the altar and let's give them a hands they come on down the the good news about today is that God knows every single one of you and God knows exactly what brought you down here well you brought you here then what you brought you down here he knows it all and he loves you anyway because he has something good for you if you just surrender it all to him he's ready to take it he's ready to start all over you know I have a grudge not gonna hold a grudge he has nothing but love for you his number love for if he waited all this time he waited for a good reason and so we want to encourage you just trust him trust him he has resources that you have no I know you know not of he has patience you know not of his love you know not up and he can fix things that man cannot fix he can't and all you have to do is trust him day in and day out amen amen we're gonna pray for them then we're gonna cheer them in someone's praying for offering who's that where are they okay lord I thank you for these people who come down here I thank you that you love them that you know them and what I pray that they would allow you to be God in their life I pray you do an amazing thing in their life and lord I pray over the next five weeks that we would learn who you made us to be who you intended us to be and I pray we can be it that when you looked at us you'd be looking at yourself in Jesus name Amen take a right trying to walk this way ladies and walk this way
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 11,674
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Keywords: Rock Church, Pastor, Miles McPherson, San Diego, Sunday, message, message series, sermon, sermon series, leadership, Christian, Bible, gospel, teaching, good news, church online, rock live, livestream, evangelism, Jesus, God, non-denominational, megachurch, Southern California, preacher, worship, Point Loma, ministry, outreach, testimony, rocktv, hd, 1080p, sdrock, therocksandiego
Id: _nPqKgT-63Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2013
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