Rock Church - Who Are You? - Part 1, GOD

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[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] Hey, Rock Church, give the Lord a hand. [Applause] What's up? Can I have everybody stand up. We want to welcome all of our campus, microsites. God bless you, happy Thanksgiving, happy Thanksgiving. There are many things we are thankful for and I and my family thankful for and we are thankful for you. Thank you for coming to church today and thank you for praying for our family. My mother is in hospice and at my sister's house a couple of weeks. And we are with her day and night. And if you don't know what hospice is, you go through chemotherapy, which is actually rat poison and it's horrible and they stopped it and no medicine and just keeping her comfortable. And the last few days she's been stronger and doing good, but it's an up and down roller coaster and what we are dealing with, appreciate you praying for us and it's been amazing. Hard but amazing. And I want to speak on behalf all other people dealing with a similar thing, I know I am not the only one. And God knows who are going through and people from the church support as well, amen. It's one reason to take care of your kids when they are young so they can take care of you when you get old. You do not want to get old by yourself. I firmly believe and my sister and I have been on this every day, all the siblings back east and came and went, and she would be dead if our family wasn't there. And hospitals do what they do, they got a lot of people. Only your family can take care of you. And if you know somebody who is sick, if anything you can do for them, do it. Be a blessing, amen. Lord, thank you so much for your goodness, thank you for our church. Thank you for being family to us and being support to us. And thank you for my family. Brothers and sisters and relatives and in-laws everybody around us to support my mother, and we pray You heal her. We pray very specifically and clearly that we want You to heal her and give her another run of healthy living and enjoy her great-grandkids and grandkids and family and thank You for her 80 years of life. And thank You for today. Today I pray that You transform our hearts today, teach us something new. Challenge us to be different, to be better in Jesus' name, amen. Say hello to somebody near you and give them a hug and tell them God loves them, something good. Hey, if you have a Bible on the count of three lift your Bible and say word. One, two... Keep you on your toes. One, two, three, word. Very good, turn to Exodus 3, second book of the Bible, third chapter and we will be in a few minutes chapter 3 verse 13, in a few minutes, second book of the Bible, Exodus chapter 3. A while back my wife and I were at a restaurant. And we were sitting there eating and someone sitting near us was from the church, came over and we prayed and took a picture and they left. The waiter is from the church, took a picture, prayed and went about and did his job. And the water guy from the church, prayed and took a picture. Then the manager came over and prayed and took a picture. And by the way, if you see me out please come and say hi, I love people and my wife, she's more quiet and I like to talk to everybody and come up and get a hug or picture, or pray, it don't matter. And a couple a few tables and over and don't go to church or knows and came over as we were leaving and said, excuse me, and I am expecting the same thing and he goes, who are you. And I said, how do you answer that question? So I said, my name is miles. And he said, that don't tell me anything, and I am a pastor of the church... Everyone say. I am. Say, I have. Say, I will. One more time. And say it a bunch of times. Say, I am. Say, I have. Say, I will. Satan's number one battle in your life is in your thoughts. It's a spiritual battle. But it's in your thoughts. And his number one topic about your thoughts is who are you? It's your identity. It's I am, what you have or don't have, and what you will or won't do. I am. I have. I will. It's very important for you to know who you are in Christ. I am not talking about your physical who you are. If you want to know who you are physically, you look in a mirror. If you want to know who you are spiritually, which is what we are talking about, you look at the Bible, the Bible will tell you who you are. The Bible says you are made in God's image to reflect the glory of God and love of God and to rule and have dominion over the earth the way that God would and encourage and co-exist with other people and that's your purpose. And to glorify God in all the earth. The devil understands that, and if you understand your identity in Christ, you understand your identity in Christ. And understand what you have because of who you are and understand what you do because of what you have. That's who you are. You are not just a Christian that goes to church, but you are a Christian with a relationship with God and access to glorify the kingdom. Are you following what I saying. That's who you are. The problem is that the devil convinced many believers, that you are less than, you not who I am, you are not. The devil convinced you, I have not and cannot. And there are many Christians that God has given you an incredible title, relationship, position in heaven, that we will talk about next week. Your actual position in heaven spiritually as a believer you are seated at the right hand of the father, the father is right here, he's not way up there. Spiritually you are right here next to the father in Christ. And talk about that next week and that you have access to the throne of God. But the devil convinced you, you are way down here hiding under a rock and that your prayers will never be answered. And that you are less than and you should be happy with whatever you get. I am not saying don't be thankful for what God gives you. If you answer one prayer a week, I will be happy. No, God says I want you to cry out to me every day and expect miracles in life every day. The devil redefine who you are contrary to what this says. And in that redefinition he will imprison you because you let him and believe it. He will imprison you in that false identification of who you are, and since I am in prison in this less than category of what God says, because I believe the Bible and not the devil and why you need to read the Bible every day and talk with people that pray life into you and not death. You can watch death all day long, if you watch the news, it's garbage. I don't care what side, CNN or fox side, it doesn't matter, it's all garbage. If you let that stuff fill your head, fill your head, and it's us and them and all of this division in our culture. And God says all of that is from the devil. Speak life. Speak life. And to know who you are. And if you read this book, and believe what God said instead of what your critics say. Because if you believe what your critics say, he has a strong hold and in bondage, you are telling yourself a lie over and over again what you are not. You are telling yourself a lie what you do not have, and you are telling yourself a life what you never can do. Some of us, and deal with this, before I open my eyes I am hearing in my head what I am not. What will never happen. Don't get out of bed. The day is already so bad it's not worth getting out of bed. Just about every day. And remember we talked about, you have to get up mad at the devil. You have to get up jacked up. And remember, we talked, let's go devil. We have to fight. It is a battle, we are in a war. How many kingdoms in the spiritual world. And there is the kingdom of -- Say God. Kingdom of what, and you have to fight. Now look at today who God is, why? Because we were made in the image of God and if we understand who God is, we understand how we are supposed to be. You are not supposed to create your own image. Sorry. You can do your own hair. God gave you creativity and do your hair and mascara, what you want to do. And God created you and the reason we have Life Class and R-group, so you understand how God designed you. Take the pressure off. Don't try to create a human. God created you. That's a big deal. So when Moses in this story is going to ask God, who are you? God is going to answer him and guess what God will say. Say I am. Say I have. And say I will. That's what God is going to tell him. He's going to say I am. I have and I will. Why is that important? If you know who God is, you were made in the image of God and know how you are supposed to be. The devil wants you to worship him and be negative and liar and tear people down. And devil wants you to be one of his kids and God says I want you to be my daughter or son and be like me. Read the story. Chapter 3, there is 2 million or so Jews in captivity in Egypt and Moses is 80 years old, it took God 80 years to prepare Moses. How many under 40? Raise your hand. When you are young, you are ready to go, God took 80 years. The brother had to get a cane in order to be ready. Take your time. Slow it down. And Moses out there and getting the sheep and he's out there trying to find the sheep and sees this burning bush. The bush is on fire but not consumed. And goes to the bush and the bush starts to talk to him. Which is a miracle of itself, that fire would talk to you. And another miracle that you talk back to the fire. So Moses having this conversation and God says and I will paraphrase until verse 13, look, my people are in bondage, in Egypt and I hear the cries of my people and send you to deliver them. And Moses is a murderer and orphan and fugitive running for 40 years, killed the guy 40 years previous. He's just a shepherd and trying to pass his days along. And Moses, I have something bigger than you can ask or imagine. You go back and deliver the people that you just came from. And you go back to the most powerful nation in the world, the most advanced nation in the world and deliver them. And Moses had five excuses, and not get into those, and said, who am I. And don't worry, I am with you, and don't worry about it. And that is important, if you ever feel you are not adequate to do what God called you to do, you are not. Because it's not you doing it. It's God doing it. It really is. When people get saved, I don't save them. It's God saving them. There are some of you God speaking to your life right now and tripping out. You are thinking he's talking to me. I don't know you, I don't know your business. The Holy Spirit is doing it and have faith in the role. And he said, Moses who am I? And he said, Moses you are my guy. I will be with you, I got your back, don't worry about it. And then asked another question, Moses said who I am. And then he said, who you are? They are going to ask me, and when I tell the Jews that you sent me, who are you. Everybody say I am. Say I have. Say I will. When we understand that that's how God answered Moses. When you understand who God is, then we can understand who we are. And hopefully in this process, here's my hope in this process, we will do a whole five-week series on this topic. That your mind be renewed and you start thinking about yourself accurately. When you look yourself in the mirror and you see that your hair does this and you want it to do this. And you trust the mirror, that tells you that your hair is going this way and you want it to go. And when goes all the way and want it one way, and you trust what the mirror is telling you and comb it, amen. How many you looked in a mirror this morning before church. Some of you like I am cute, I don't need to look in a mirror. Y'all are lying. How many of you looked in the mirror. How many never look in a mirror? How many not look in a mirror. God bless you. You look in the mirror, you trust the mirror. Trust the mirror and trust what it says, look at what God says in chapter 3, verse 13, it says... Say, I am. I have, and I will. And God said... he's the ultimate I am. Everyone say I have. Say, I will. Everyone say, I am. Say, I have. Say, I will. Here's what God said, here's my name. Number one in your notes, your identity is your name. In this context it's your name, the name that God has given you, it is I am. God's name is I am. What does that mean? I always was. I had no beginning. It's very important to understand God is not dependent on anything or anyone to exist. His character, his value, his power, his ability, his love for you is not dependent on anything other than himself and it is unchanging. He always was, I will get to that in a minute. Because he had no beginning. He's the uncaused cause, he's the beginningless beginner, he is now and always will be. And you might say how does God not have a beginning, because everything has to have a beginning. The reason that you know that everything has to have a beginning, because science tells us that everything has a beginning. Science is the study of natural things. Science doesn't cause things to happen. It tells you how they happened. It's very important for you to understand. So when you look at chemistry, math, biology, they are telling you how things function. We observe it, we test it and let me say here's how it functions. Here's how it functions and predict, that's what science does. It doesn't make it happen or create it, it tells you what is already created. But one thing that science tells you that everything has a beginning. Nothing can cause anything to happen. Something had to start it. And now give you an example. If you look at the universe, imagine the universe is a big basketball and this is the universe. Everything we know to exist is in this basketball. And this basketball is expanding at the speed of light. The Bible says that God stretches out the heavens like a curtain. And science observes that the universe is expanding at the speed of light. Bible said it before science discovered it that the universe is doing that at the speed of light, that's a bad brother right there. Can I get amen. Everything in the universe is understood through scientific theories. And we understand it and don't know but understand it's there and science tells us that. And everything in the universe, science makes us believe that everything has a beginning. How can God be beginningless? Who made God, here's the trick, God says that nothing made me. I was. And the rules of the basketball dictate nothing can always be. Here's the thing, God exists outside of the universe. He created the universe, he created time. But he exists outside and a whole different rule set that we don't understand, and it's called the kingdom of God. And why we have to pray and help to understand how things work in the kingdom of God and not the kingdom of man. In the kingdom of God you serve and it's opposite. In the kingdom of man, you hate your enemy and in the kingdom of God, you love your enemies. And in the kingdom of God I had no beginning, that means I will never leave you. That means you can't shake me. You can't destroy me. You can't minimize me, the critics of your enemies can't destroy me, they can't minimize me. They can't get rid of me. You will never be alone. When the devil tells you are alone, my name is you are not alone. You understand. The devil wants you to believe you are alone. That's not who you are. You are a child, ambassador of a king, who always was and is and will be. You are an eternal being in an eternal relationship. By the way, some of you might not have a relationship with God, and give you that opportunity to have a relationship with God. Because he loves you so much and patiently waiting to establish an eternal, unending relationship. Look -- amen, give the Lord a hand. Amen. Come on. [Applause] I am. Number 2. Number 2, your authority. What comes with your identity. Is authority. I have. The resources that you have access to. Every single one of your names in the spiritual comes with authority. Resources. You are never resourceless. You are never empty handed. You are never powerless. You are the complete opposite. What makes people anxious is they feel like they don't have something and they feel powerless. And there is so much uncertainty. When you have complete certainty. When I do funerals I don't know how people do death without God. How do you do death without God? You have zero certainty. Because you haven't died and don't know what is on the other side. You have hope. Because Jesus died and rose he gave us certainty because I died and rose and you believe in me, you will die and rise. As a matter of fact his resurrection is a first fruit, a deposit on your resurrection. Look in the Bible, chapter 3 verse 16... What do you have? You have the presence of God. I am there with you. God is there with every single one of you. And some of you, why hasn't he fixed my problem? Because God is not about fixing problems but about making people holy. And it's much more difficult, I shouldn't say difficult, it's an obstacle for him to fix the problem if you are not giving the problem to him, on his terms. Accepting responsibility that you created. Confessing the problem. Walking away from the problem. Stop sleeping with the problem. Stop smoking the problem. Are you getting what I am saying? God just fix it. I want to do what I want. But you fix it. God says, that's not the kind of relationship this is. You have the presence of God, you know what comes with the presence of God? Everything God. The Bible says Ephesians 1:3, all the places in the heavenly places are available to you. A friend of mine had a dream and in the dream Jesus was standing in front of a vault of money and money is a metaphor for good things, and nothing else. And line of people walking up to Christ and when got to Jesus and said how much do you want. And the first dude, for real? How about 100 grand, no problem I have that in my pocket, boom. And the guy walks away. And the next guy, 250. No problem, here's 250. And on and on and everyone came up with their number. And my friend, in the dream and walking up and thinking what am I going to say. And gets to the front of the line and Jesus says to my friend, what do you want, he goes, I want it all. You know what God says? Ask for it all. Because if you got it all, this is how good God is, and God the God of cattle on 1,000 hills, metaphor for all resources and if he has it all, more for me. In other words, I can go to God and say, give me all, and he gives me all and you can come next after me and say God give me all and he gives all to you. And next person says the same thing and the same thing. And the devil says, God doesn't love you that much, you are really not his child. Therefore you really don't have access, you really don't have favor. So just ask for a little bit. And you come up to God because you are not sure who you are in his eyes. You have adopted the devil's definition of who you are. Because of how people treated you. And people's treatment of you puts you in prison in a false identity about who you are instead of who the Bible says you are. And you come to God and you are less than and that he's not loving and forgiving, and God, can I have this, and that's all you want. No, God has given you the presence and with that comes all of his power and love and wisdom. Waiting for you to access by faith and here's a perfect prayer. God I am a prideful person and lustful person and guilty, I am so sorry, can you love me? That's all I need. If you come to God thinking you are going to earn a blessing because of how good you say you are. That's the opposite. Think about this. You know God, I am a really good dude and you know I am serving in ministry. Can you just give me this in exchange. God is like, that's not how we play homie, it's not how we do thing. All of that stuff you said that you do, I did it. You helped the lady across the street. That was me. You know you didn't want to do that. And the only reason you did it because you saw the cute girl in the car in the front of row and walk in front and give high-sign. Come on. God knows everything. And what you have he told the Israelites, you know your pain. I'm right there. You have my compassion. You have my attention. You have my presence. Authority. Number 3 is activity. I will. The responsibility associated with your name and resources. My brother and sisters, God has not blessed you for stuff for you. I am not saying that you can't enjoy your house and money and family, absolutely enjoy it. But open your hands and say God how do you want me to enjoy it? Hoard for myself or share, of course share, with how I say and when I say and who. Because the devil will tell you only those people that deserve it. Do you think you deserve God's love? The answer is no. The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But that God so loved us that he gave us his son and who believe in him, not perish and have eternal life. Jesus who had no sin died for sinners. Look at what God says to Moses in verse 17... What does this tell us about God? That God is a God of redemptive promises. What does that mean? That God is a God who saves people. Forgives people. Encourages people. Delivers people. God is a God who understands what you go through and has ways and means to save you, not for yourself but for himself. That he would deliver you. Why is that important to you and me? Because every title he gives you, he will talk about over the next few weeks. Every I am statement about you, and ever I have statement and I will statement, is not only about your position and relationship with God and what he's given you, but how he wants to glorify himself and fill his redemptive promises through you. And in other words, we lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters like he did for us. The devil will tell you the opposite, because you are a poor beggar, you need to hold on to everything you have. Because you may not get another chance. That is not the gospel. And that is not the heart of God. The heart of God is that I am eternal, I own everything you can imagine and then even more. And I love you. And I want to pass it through you. And let me tell you, it will be so much more enjoyable to pass it through you, than for you to hold on to it, because if you hold on to it, you probably get what you hold on it. And if you let it pass on, goodness will pass on more than you can imagine. And these are words of speaking life and things and opportunities. However God wants to shower his hope and love through you. We need to reflect that part of God. And so when we read the Bible about who we are. We are eternal. We have the presence of God. And we are here to fulfill the redemptive promises of God. That people would know him and walk in the power of his love. There are some of you in here right now that you have been beat down with lies about who you are not, what you never will have, and what never can do. My prayer the next few weeks that God renew your mind. And you would say to yourself over and over again, I am. I have. And I will. But there are some of you in here never asked Christ to be your Savior. You are trying to work out pleasing God in your own strength. Let me tell you something, you are wasting your energy. It's by faith we were saved. By faith. The Bible says that the righteous man will walk by faith. Say I am a sinner. The Bible says we all have sinned, doesn't mean you are a criminal but flawed. And the Bible says that the penalty for sin is death. Physical and spiritual death. Physical death is in a box and spiritual death you are eternally separated from God. And the Bible says all have fallen short, and that Jesus Christ who existed outside of the basketball, in eternity, John 17, he says, father glorify me with the glory we had before the basketball, the heavens and the earth. They existed before the basketball. Jesus didn't come on the scene when he was born on Mary. He was in the scene on the Old Testament and on the scene before the Old Testament was written. He died and rose from the dead. And the Bible says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. You will get a new name, saved, born again child of God. You will have something you didn't have five minutes ago. The presence of God living in you. And God will impose on your life something you need to do. Obey him. Obey him. Let him work out his salvation through your life and whatever role you would play. In all the campuses I ask you to bow your heads and ask you to close your eyes. And I want you to think about your life and who you are. I want you to think about the all the lies that you are told who you are. All the bad words. The critical descriptions. The things that you were told you would never do, never be. Yet inside of you burning something telling you more to life than what you have. And you don't believe the lies, that God has more for you and that is the truth. If you realize you are sinner, the Bible says all have sinned and ask Christ to be your Savior. And pray this in the privacy of your heart and pray by faith and God knows and He's visited you and knows your pain. He knows your struggles. In the privacy of your heart, pray, dear God, I believe that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus loves me. I believe He died and rose from the dead for my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin. Come live in my heart. And be my Savior. Help me understand my new identity. Help me understand who I am, what I have and what I am supposed to do. Thank You God. If God spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be your savior, it's as simple as A-B-C. Admit and accept that you are a sinner. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died for your sin and rose from the dead. Then, confess yourself a sinner and say, "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin." If you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, just look at me right now and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that God knows you and loves you very much. Say, "Dear God, I believe that I am sinner. I know the penalty of my sin is death. I don't want to die and go to Hell. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. I confess myself a sinner and ask Him to forgive me of my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin, and fill me with the spirit of God. In Jesus name, amen." If you prayed that prayer, if you just asked Christ to be your savior, we want to know. We want to email you some resources. If you just prayed that prayer with me to accept Jesus as your savior, Click on the link that just appeared. We want to send you some free resources. God bless you and we will see you in Heaven.
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 11,210
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: EUJStyQk0ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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