Rock Church - God in the Mirror - Part 3, Moral Mirror

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good afternoon everyone how are you doing today good good good why don't you say hello hello everybody watching online in North County take about one minute say hello to someone next to give him home and kiss high-five or something like that why're hello hello hello hello hello how's everybody doing today we're moving in I saw a interesting article online about a pastor Church four or five thousand I believe was four or five thousand and he had several people in the church who had been coming for years and once a years they basically said this is our church they were there for a long time but they didn't tie they didn't serve and they weren't in a small group so he decided to send a letter out to all these people saying you've been here four years you don't tie you don't in a small group and you don't serve and so basically you're freeloading would you consider going to another church I was like I gotta get that letter now if you're visiting this doesn't apply to you you know people check out church to check out God and want to see what's happening but there are some people you know you know the drill you know wall with this is about your save and you just said I'm just going to be in this little box that's not good enough for God I mean you can do it you know it's up to you but you're cheating yourself and you're freeloading okay give me an extreme example there are people extreme there are people who leave their children in the children's ministry they come on Sunday I don't I don't know this happens on a regular basis but it has happened they come in they drop the kids off and then they go to the mall then they come back like it 3 o'clock and there's people in there waiting for them there now that's an extreme example then you have other people who just come and just consume make me feel good give me let me take all the services and you don't give and that's not biblical so I just want to challenge you if that's you change like do something okay so here's your first opportunity we turn away kids that have been turn away kids in our children's ministry because we know I'm not volunteers that should never happen that happens when you have a church of 100 people and you have no enough bodies but there's thousands of bodies that do nothing but consume so I want to challenge you not to be that person for a couple reasons one you're not going to grow as a believer by just consuming you do not change by information it's when the information passes through you how many up in the Hometown Buffet okay or any buffet now how many of you seen people in buffet now because of their physical appearance but just because you've seen how much food they have eaten and they just need to stop right okay and here's what it looks like they're just sitting there like this it has nothing to do with size a person so they did get that out of your head you see they're sitting like this they're not hungry there's the only place that have room left is in their mouth everything is full of food can I get amen that's how some of y'all are with church just give me give me give me give me give me and at some point you get sick because that's not a healthy relationship so I want to challenge you to go serve some of you give some of the reasons that some of you haven't financial problems because you don't give because God is not blessing your finances period you want to be blessed give we need $600,000 for our East County building we you saw the construction we don't have enough way to finish we went in by faith do we believe God is going to do it absolutely we don't have enough money we started this you just walk by faith when you hear God speak but God is also going to speak to some of you we need people to serve in the children ministry let's go but don't sit now if your visitor I'm not talking to you but you're hearing it so don't let it happen to you don't be like that let's go and in the end you are going to be blessed and we will be blessed everyone's gonna be blessed it's all about all of us helping each other it's not about anybody doing anything for everything for anybody else that's not what it's about amen so let's let's go service go sign up for the tools ministry especially if you are a parent and you drop your kids off and come to church every week especially you are the no.1 candidate to go say I need to give back unless you're doing something else yeah so a lot of churches and I don't know if we're going to do this we could where you can't have your kids in there unless you sir they make the parents do it I don't know how to do that but it works so but the point is you know we want you to be compelled to go do what God's calling you to do so but if you're doing nothing if you're not in a small group matter of fact everyone's going through the my book called gotten a mirror a lot of small groups are going through that if you're not in a small group or you're not serving those are three things okay let's do those you know sign up for the life app the discipleship app but don't just come here this will never be enough for you this is not designed to be enough for you which is one of many ways to help you grow in your faith amen amen okay great let's see your Bibles today let's see your Bibles today say word one more time say word and see your pens lesson plan lesson plan while you turn to Matthew chapter 5 let me say two things one North County we are blessed and that when I turn away kids up there as far as I know but we still need servants and so continue to serve and give up there as well and also when you listen to a message I want you to write down not only if there's a feeling there are no feelings in this in the bulletin but write down what God says to you you want to come to church ready to hear something the reason we have churches so you can experience God not so we can entertain you so if you're going to expect to hear God expect with a pen so when you hear what he says you write it down everyone say write it down write write it down if he says to you something like you need to go home and apologize to your wife and I'm not talking about marriage at all but usually hear that little voice and you know it's true apologize to your wife what apologize to your mother now you might say what do I need to apologize to my wife for just being alive fellas gonna get Amen you know that your wife is all apology for some just something you did some maybe well forget y'all ladies amen thank you thank you thank you thank you lord thank you so much for your faithfulness bless us today may we be a blessing to you in Jesus name Amen so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna talk a little bit actually about 30 minutes 28 minutes so so and then we're gonna pray and then I'm gonna ask y'all to come down here who want to make a commitment to be holy you want to be holy that you want to be set aside for God so gods today we're talking about his morality can be reflected off your life like you are perfect mirror of his morality Lord I want to be a reflection of your holiness so this is not a salvation thing if you're not saved yes definitely you but mostly I lost save once you get up saying I want to take my life to the next level some of you are cruising and you you've developed your own sense of right and wrong with God and your own Christianity because you kind of put in 2013 language for you and it's just wrong you're wrong you want to be holding you want to be you want to reflect God's holiness so what I'm gonna talk I'm gonna have all it's a call I mean we're gonna pray and then I'm ask you to stand up like you see every week never have you come down here okay so won't you be thinking about that once you get ready now because some of y'all see that happen all the time you say man that's and you never thought you would do it now you might say well why do I have to go down there well come down here and find out because that walk from wherever you are does something to people okay there's some people so don't matter who you are got a lot of space down here amen amen so there are certain times in people's lives when they go low light comes out of them woman's pissed specifically you could tell when you ask woman how you doing and they go you could tell something's Goods happening in their life you say how you doing they go they made a man or when a woman is pregnant I have predicted about ten pregnancies before the women knew it or before they told me Cassie you're pregnant they said how you know I'm getting ready to go get a test and they were pregnant there's a glob okay I'm not sensing any pregnancy but y'all kind of far away right now so I'm not at a wedding women glow when they're in love they go okay there was a discipline called bio photonics everyone say bio for biology photonics a photon is a smallest unit of light photograph is the study of light in a study of light but it's about light it's about manipulating light all right now all countless photons just flowing on you from these lights photon is a little packet of light bio photonics is a study of light coming out of living things and light comes out of living things you can measure they're starting to measure the health of fruits and vegetables by measuring the light that comes out light comes out of people I have this theory or my opinion my opinion means what is that it's true that Adam and Eve before they sinned were meeting so much the light you couldn't see their nakedness and then when they sinned the light was muted and all of a sudden they saw their nakedness you and I have a certain amount of light that comes out of us right now the healthier you are the more light the younger you are the more light when you get old less light comes out of you you're close to death and when you die you have no light and so God has the Bible says in chapter 5 of Matthew let's read it says Matthew 5:14 it says you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it gives light to the whole world to the world God created us in His image that when he looked at us it'd be like he was looking in the mirror images spelled IM AG e last week we talked about the letter i in the word image which means that we were individually unique there are no two people alike and as a human race god set us above all creation and said i want you to take care of everything but suck cos i would make you in my image so you can be my ambassador my representative on the earth your individually unique as a race and as individuals the m in the word image means moral mirror and once a moral mirror that means that you and i were created such that we can actually receive god's morality understand his morality study his morality and then reflected back out to the world that your morality and our morality is irrelevant you and I are supposed to be la Luz del mundo the light of the world okay so look at the morning your notes says that we were set aside to be holy reflecting God's morality not our own I'm gonna say holy say holy here's what holiest holy means set aside for a singular purpose that means you do not belong to yourself your family does not belong to your things are not belong to you you set aside say Lord what do you want to do with it I have three children in my first daughter was born our first daughter was born you know you have this first baby experience where your heart lives outside your body and when the baby's born and their head comes through the vaginal canal it's like it bends into the shape of a cone as it comes to and usually after a few months or so it kind of rounds off but I see some of y'all still waiting for that to happen I'm just saying I was like how's the girls basically so I got that little love cone my daughter had a cone to the side she was like gum me okay Oh Bobby Brown depends on how old y'all are so we wrap her in a blanket the blanket was up to her right here you know what she just want to keep a warm and and we don't want anyone in touching her because she was perfect and God gave it to us we wanted her to ourself holy God wants you to himself doesn't mean you can't get married have a family but he wants your heart focused on him way above everything and if your hearts focused on him above everything then every you properly managed all the rest of your life and relationships the best you can but if your hearts divided where you're thinking about your job you think about your husband your boyfriend your girlfriend your wife or whatever your money your fears and you're distracted no God God holy set aside God wants you it created you to be a moral mirror where you would be so focused on God that his morality would you would receive it and then only his morality you would reflect out to the world only his morality you were out to the world excuse me so look at Matt turn to psalm 119 the very middle of the Bible psalm 119 someone 19 verse 9 says right in the middle of the Bible the very middle middle middle verse chapter is 1:18 you're in psalm 119 119 is the longest chapter Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter and psalm 118 is the middle chapter Weaver says in verse 9 how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to God's Word if you want your way cleansed and what I mean by that all your decisions and your decision process to honor God and to be right with God and to be blessed by God if you want that raise your hand okay very good put your hands down now I'm gonna say something that's gonna sound very judgmental because it is but it's not a simple judgmental okay some of y'all are not being truthful now if you feel like well he's judging me then you're probably guilty because I'm not I don't know who I'm talking to it's just you let your heart decide but some of y'all are doing that but you really don't want it because you're holding onto your way over here but if you the only way you could really know that you really want it is by what you do okay so how can a young man cleanse his way or young woman cleanse that way by taking heed according to God's Word so if you serve or don't serve it's based on the what the Bible says if you give and not give it's based on what the Bible says if you read pray and when you do it's based on what the Bible says if you love your enemies hate your enemies is based on what the Bible says and if you're really saying Lord I want to do what's right I'm gonna do with the Bible says that's what that means so let's read one more time how can a young man cleanse his way by taking heed according to your word with my whole heart I have sought you let me not wander from your Commandments I don't want to do anything outside of your Commandments your word I have hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you God you see a mirror here we were created to be a moral mirror where we reflect the glory of God the righteousness of God the thoughts of God the heart of God and the frame of the mirror and once a frame the frame of the mirror is the Word of God once you start making decisions outside of the Word of God you call it sin oh yeah well I saw on TV I iced her in the radio my friend said what did God say right in the middle so let's think about your life think about your relationships think about what you did last night think about who you slept with last night what you did before you came to church this morning what you watched on an Internet do you know that more people watch pornography on Sunday than any other day of the week obviously don't raise your hand but if you do that's on you how many y'all watch pornography this morning on the phone and the car walking in here we had ron jeremy who has done 3000 films right here on stage five services a few months ago and we got all this criticism people while you bring them up there hey I'm talking to a guy who's a who's not a Christian what's wrong with that and he's admitted yes that's what I am and how many y'all out there watch pornography and you all say nothing he's not the hypocrite you are but yet you say praise the Lord okay something's wrong you ain't livin inside the frame and you ain't trying to be holy you're out here you may have your own rules and God said I'm not blessing you and you wonder why you're not blessed that's why how many y'all would like your finances bless raise your hand you know you want you know you want more money walking hey I'm trying to get paid okay okay I'll try on my pockets all right yeah yeah give me those Benjamins well you know huh you know how it works in God's economy open your hand and let him honor him first with your money he will bless you I don't know I know that's the problem it takes faith how long you don't want you how many you want your job bless your career okay give it a God say God what do you want me to do you want your relationships place how many I want to have a blessed passionate relationship with someone yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah sex always wins right there there we go there we go and by the way God created is beautiful but you got to do a God's Way if you're out there going to club trying to shake your moneymaker trying to get it hey hey like I was born yesterday I was born at night not last night yeah look at number two you know looking over to we're supposed to live according to the God's word instead we become I am and pastas last week we talked about and I am in pasta as a person that says I'm going to create my own right and wrong and I'm a pasta it's someone who says my morality and you know what I'm gonna mix some scripture in with my morality so it's gonna be okay it ain't okay it ain't okay you just poisoned it you invalidated it turn to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 I know all y'all familiar would have stops I mean the red light green light yellow light a stop light how many y'all seen a stop light same in this this is not a trick question is to stop like the hangs that we all seen it right I mean it's not trick it's really something I know I asked some stuff y'all like that's so simple do you really use a trick you're not tricking I try to make it simple so we could all get it how many y'all seen a stoplight how old are you how's the hell is your son six three so I want to see so yeah they can get it okay so I'll see the stoplight right now when it says read it what are you supposed to do and if you don't start what happens something good or bad when it says green what are you supposed to do and if you don't go just something good about happen and it says yellow and you supposed to while and if you hit it slowly speed up slow down speed up there's the problem there's a problem yellow means slow yeah okay yellow means it's getting ready to turn red so you have to decide what you're going do if you don't obey the light something bad happens God said if you don't baby if something bad happens it's that simple it's not it's not complicated this is not complicated and and and Luger says in chapter chapter 3 Adam Lee Eve is talking to the devil and the devil says did God really say you shouldn't eat from that tree do I believe this is a real story most definitely the saying is this stuff ain't fake if this is fake this is not God's Word God's not making stuff up like just stuff that's not real okay this is not myth it's fact the serpent said verse 4 you will not die as a side note that the the Discovery Channel did a scientific study to try to find if all DNA would trace back to one couple and they found that it went back to one couple in Africa what is Africa today necessary before the flood but went back to there they said yeah all DNA trace it back to one couple okay I don't need a Discovery Channel to tell me that but for all y'all host skeptical science will tell you that the God will backs up in science but look at says in verse four the woman said the devil said you will not die you won't die as you have suffered consequences when you sin which is a lie and then in verse 5 God noses though this is a lie - God knows in the day you eat your eyes will be open and you'll be like God knowing good and evil it is satanic of Satan to think that you at the same level with integrity and the same integrity of God can decide good and evil on your own without God you can't you'll be wrong your morality is never at the par god it's just not how many of you in here know perfectly yourself maybe you didn't understand a question I know you did I'm just being rhetorical and sarcastic how many of you perfectly understand and know everything about yourself the only person you've been with for your whole life every day all day and you study yourself every day all day one anything in the whole world and it's something you should know better than anything is yourself so how many of you know everything about yourself no one ain't that ironic and yet you know all this other stuff about other people and you know all the stuff about other people who don't even know themself how is that possible it's impossible impossible it's not even close to be implausible you can look yourself in the mirror how many of you ever seen your heart you've seen your heart you had a sonogram again you saw a sonogram you didn't see your heart how many of you've seen your stomach how many of you've seen the inside of your heart you've seen the inside of your testing so I have I had what's name how do you see how many of you seen your bones your veins your DNA none of you you have no idea who you are I was in the hospital for three days I had 105 fever and my blood pressure was 86 over 52 I remember those numbers and I was like they were gonna cut me open I know what's going on make a long story short they didn't cut me open and the guy came in says you know you're okay you're gonna be okay ba ba ba ba ba after I was there three days he says but something very interesting your kidneys you have two different kinds of wiring on your kidneys they didn't mean anything he just said tubes are hearing your kidneys and yours like that I never knew that I could I never see my kidneys you never see my look you don't know you so you want tell me you know about the heavens you know about other people you don't yeah in our arrogance we think we could tell all this person's thinking this this person did this we should do this we don't know jack God God devil says you you can know right and wrong on your own that is a straight-up lie it's a lie you can't know right or wrong you can make stuff up now I was talking to a lady once at a banquet and she was like talking about I said you know would you believe in God yes I said tell me what you believe well you know we should all get along we should all treat each other with respect good we sure we should all respect each other's beliefs okay we're everyone has the right to believe if they want to believe in whatever the truth is that's their truth and all that sounds kind of good and I know if some of y'all believe that let me get it straight and I'll tell you why that's not good this is a mirror this is well as mirrors you see it a carnival okay so watch this watch the screen because you're gonna see that now I know some of y'all hungover from last night you're gonna go do church was all song now if I get in this ride there it looks kind of right looks kind of normal right kind of like from here up right here and when you listen to people's idea of right wrong sometimes it sounds kind of right oh we should let people believe what they want to believe ah that sounds kind of right what if what I believe is I want to smack everybody in the head who don't look like me that's my belief I don't like Hispanics I don't like black people who are darker than me I don't like white people and when I see them I'm just going to smack them what if that's my belief is that right or wrong well who are you to say bigot to tell me I can't believe what I want to believe who are you bigoted to tell me that you can't so how are you going to tell all these other people they can't believe that you can there is a law and logic called the law of non-contradiction the law of non-contradiction contradiction you can't contradict itself so I'll give you a little math equation I know some of y'all hate math so I'll give it math then I'll give it in literature form narrative a the letter a and a is a variable could be your belief it could be a car it could be a thing a cannot be equal to B and at the same time not be equal to B I'm saying slow and then i'ma pause so can marinate you can't say that a is the same as B and at the same time not be the same as B that is illogical that is that can't be true ever example you can't say this is a podium and at the same time it's not a podium that's not a true statement ever now you can say it is a podium and it is a table but it's still a podium but you can't say it's not it is a podium at the same time it's not a for him it's got to be one of the other so you can't ever say let everyone believe what they want to believe except that if every room if everybody can believe what I want to believe that means I could smack anybody in the head because that's my belief and you can't say anything because you just said you can believe what you want to believe but you can't believe what you want to believe what can't be both so when you hear people say that they don't know that contradicted himself because here's what they say you could believe what you want to believe in you Christians are bigots whoa I thought you suck I believe what I want to believe you just contradicted yourself you're the you're the hypocrite but you Christians supposed to love everybody I do we do but just not the way you think you love you think love is let everybody do what they want that's not love that's not love loving people has nothing to do with approving what they do I go to prisons and I talk to people who murdered people gang members rapists I love them I don't approve what they did to different things loving people doesn't mean you were to support everything what we were everybody wants to do my daughter played soccer my daughter was horrible row pull the ball came she just looked at it I know now Little League we want everyone to feel we don't want to break people's self-esteem now everybody has to win that's just not life people lose and guess what losing is good for some people because it's helping what they should stop trying to do sometimes I was watching a fight last night Floyd money Mayweather never say any for the Christian had a verse on his back and the Christian just got beat up why because Floyd money Mayweather has never lost now you might say well you know I'm room for the Christian okay but just because the brother believes in God don't mean he's gonna win don't think because you're a Christian you're always gonna win those two things have nothing to do with each other and I was watching for money Mayweather who is has a very dark past of being you know throwing money out strip clubs he just got out of jail for beating his wife he spent two months in a Cell 23 hours a day this world champ never lost ever he's probably greatest fighter ever and he just spent two months in jail in a Cell and I don't I don't know him I would love to know him I would love to know him so if any I wrote that up hook me up I'm serious I'm serious but I did notice very very very vividly a different man when they interviewed him and in be honest with you I thought he was he did a much better interview than the Christian this is where he was he was so gracious and he kept trying to in a subtle way getting to talk trash or give him open doors and he was so gracious I'm like this dude has changed I don't know if anyone saw that I noticed it I was like something happened to this guy no prison that those two months away from his family brought him down to reality God God said crater so that when we could receive his love that people would receive his love without filter we wouldn't put our own imma take this out and put myself in there no it's through our personality but it's God's love that it wouldn't be distorted with what we think so we think don't mean anything what did God say what does God say turn them on John chapter chapter 9 Jesus thought metaphors in the Bible taught stories and did miracles to illustrate spiritual principles in John chapter 9 he's gonna heal a blind man it's gonna give him his sight but a physical sight is inferior to spiritual sight there are some people who can see with the eyes they can't see anything in spiritual rock they don't discern God's purpose verse chapter 9 verse 1 as Jesus passed by he saw a man who was blind his disciples said rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was blind neither this man nor his parents sinned but that their works of God should be revealed in him your life is a journey you never want to come to conclusions based on what's happening just today or this year or for the past 10 years your life is eternal and for all you ladies who have been in labor well label there was a time when you wanted to kill your husband can I get amen you like I am never gonna have a baby again and I'm gonna stab this doctor if he does not give me an epidural right now but as soon as the baby come out and I don't know this from experience other than my wife having three kids and all the other women I talked to and by the way the Bible as well talks about this that as soon as the baby comes out you're like oh no you forget all that pain that's how life is you're a lady your whole life you dying you go to heavy like I can't remember desta Lewis says in verse 4 I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day the night is coming when no one can work also I am the light of the world say I am the light of the world this is Jesus saying that I am the light of the world and when he said these things he spat on the ground and made clay with his Survive saliva and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay so he spit on the ground and he made mud with the dirt and spit and putting the guys eyes and he said go wash your face in the pool of Shalom and he went washed and came back and so I'm gonna come back and find you because you spit in my eye think about it Jesus Jesus okay brother stay right there yeah what's going on hey brother do you don't want to know just this the whole time what's that she's little Luke yeah just for this all gonna be okay gonna be okay go wash your face and then wash it there take her and he goes whoa God wants to cleanse your heart so you could see so when he projects his morality his right and wrong his righteousness his holiness onto your life goes right back out he created you that he created you that you can be able to interact with his morality understand it study it that God's Word would be like fire in your bones be a lamp to your feet the words in your mouth it would be certain the thoughts and intents of your heart and and that God's Word would shape your decision-making process not a public opinion or the radio or the television yes the world is in conflict with God more people are in conflict with God than not so yes you will be a minority welcome to the club hmm and so you say Lord I want I want all that you have for me and I'm gonna be I'm gonna be set aside just for you I was talking this gang member one day years ago probably 20 years ago and we were talking at a school out in East County I want to say with chaparral for all y'all know what chaparral is or was it still there little Mexican kid I said you got a girlfriend he said yes I drew a little stick figure of him and his girlfriend I want to say her name was Lucy I don't know why I remembered that don't really matter I wrote picture him wrote picture of Lucy if it says her name I said you see every day he said yes I said what if Lucy got another boyfriend and she said I'm gonna see him two days and you get two and you get five days but you could pick any five days you want and I'm gonna give him two days left over that sounds like a good deal don't homie he's no I want her seven days I don't want to share hell with anybody God don't want to share you if you can want to not share her how much more does God have a right to not want to share you cuz let me tell you something and be your girlfriend forever I'm gonna tell you that now y'all gonna break up chances are maybe you get married the chances are you're gonna break up the odds are against you but God is gonna be gone forever and so in a minute we're gonna pray and there's a lot of room down here this some of y'all y'all need to just stop playing God not playing like you are God but playing him like a player taking advantage of him playing for a sucker that's what I'm talking about I'm doing my own thing I'm gonna go to church over Jesus and you're going out there creepin you know what I'm talking about can I get amen you gonna you know I'm talking about and you saying oh okay Lord I'm tired of playing games because there's nothing you're doing that's not open to him he knows it all and the fact that you're not dead or like in dire straits is because of God's grace it's not because of his approval God's love for you does not mean he approves it means he's committed to doing what everything he can to save you but at some point you will be unsavable so in a minute we're going to pray and then I'm gonna have you who want to be holy and surrender you're gonna stand like you see every week and then you're gonna come down here right here a lot of room down here let's all bow heads and pray same thing in North County bow your heads and pray there's gonna be someone there to pray for you if you are ready to be a moral mirror holy set aside just for God's purposes a reflection of his righteousness pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart pray dear God I am ready I am ready to surrender all to you I am ready to reflect your holiness I'm ready to walk with you I'm ready to obey you take over my life please purify my mind please give me the strength to obey give me the strength to confess honestly please I don't want to live this way anymore eyes closed heads bowed if you prayed that prayer in a minute I'm gonna ask you to stand the same thing in North County if you prayed that prayer in a minute I'm gonna ask you to stand by standing you are indeed surrendering so eyes closed heads bowed if you prayed that prayer just stand your feet and acknowledge it is time god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you god bless you very good all over the room god bless you very good god bless you god bless you god bless you very good god bless you there some of you in here you know it's time for you to get up you got addictions that you're holding on to that are killing you you got a disease from your lifestyle a disease a lifestyle that people told you can you can go ahead and follow yeah you got a disease from it God does not want you doing things that give you diseases he wants you to do things that bless you so if you got a disease something was wrong stand to your feet some of you have relationships in here that just ain't working out and you want them to work out you need to surrender it to God no matter what that means so stand up some of you are not blessed financially because you are greedy cheap stingy whatever it is you are holding on to your money as though it is your God and it's not you need to surrender the control and let God decide stand to your feet god bless you very good god bless you good god bless you for whatever reason you don't matter why you stand you just want to give it all to God god bless you good god bless you come on stop playing games with God god bless you God bless you God bless you come on come on get up get up god bless you good god bless you God bless you God will not make any exception for you you will suffer you will lose it all you will die miserable hated despised do not be deceived God is not mine get up out of your seat anyone stand up good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good hey man amen amen amen amen so now in a minute we're going to ask you to come down here if you're in the balcony all you have to do is good walk up and the rest of us we're going to cheer because it's gonna be big it's a big deal for these people so right now come up out of your seat come on the lsat Alton let's get man come on out they write their God person god bless you was up how are you doing god bless you I was telling someone in the backstage that sometimes you're gonna shout it out you know that that a detergent but we shouldn't have to shout out you know if you watch a baseball game if you watch closely you'll see the manager in the bench and this is how he calls the science anybody see that just like they want to take a picture out they just walk out there and go that's it he's out he's in God wants to do that without see us wants to go okay sell your house oh my god get rid of boyfriend change my job saw tithing that's it he don't need dudes like me to come up here screaming you know preaching for an hour to get you to do it just like he just do it that's how he wants us to be amen and if you do that oh you'll be blessed hey think about it all this energy all this to get you to do something is going to bless you that's it now you may look at we're gonna try to get something from you what are we gonna get from you everyone's gonna be blessed everyone's gonna be blessed so here's my challenge to all you all you have to do is obey God just do what he says now in a minute we're gonna pray and get all these people in a room this big and and if you are a community group leader fall if you can help with follow-up we're gonna have it we don't need a lot of people back here to talk these people okay and I also want to encourage you to service is not over until we get all these people through that door we're just gonna take a little while we don't want to walk out on them I know you're weak we got people walking out please don't walk out we still got stuff to do okay because they line up all around okay Lord Jesus thank you for these people thank you for this altar call and we pray you bless all these people and we pray we can reflect your holiness in our life and Lord may we be patient we cheer for all these people because they deserve it in Jesus name Amen we're all gonna walk this way let's walk this way you
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 5,623
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Rock Church, Pastor, Miles McPherson, San Diego, Sunday, message, message series, sermon, sermon series, leadership, Christian, Bible, gospel, teaching, good news, church online, rock live, livestream, evangelism, Jesus, God, non-denominational, megachurch, Southern California, preacher, worship, Point Loma, ministry, outreach, testimony, rocktv, hd, 1080p, sdrock, therocksandiego, God in the Mirror
Id: heAXg7krono
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 48sec (2808 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2013
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