Rock Church - The Pursuit - Part 11, My Aching Heart

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The book of Judges, so remember after Joshua led the tribes of Israel into the Promised Land, he called them to be faithful by obeying the demands of the Torah and if they do this, they will show all the other nations what God is like. And Judges begins with the death of Joshua and basically tells the story of Israel's total failure. The book's name comes from the leaders Israel had in this period. Before they had any kings, the tribes were all governed by these judges. Now don't think of a courtroom, these were regional political military leaders, more like a tribal chieftain, and you need to be warned that the book of Judges is very disturbing and violent. It tells the tragic tale of Israel's moral corruption of its bad leadership and basically how they become no different than the Canaanites. But the sad story is also meant to generate hope for the future and you see how the book is designed. A large introduction that sets the stage for Israel's failure if they don't drive out the Canaanites. Then the large main section of the book has stories about the growing corruption of Israel's judges. And the progression shows how Israel's leaders go from pretty good to okay, to bad, to worse. The concluding section is really disturbing and shows the corruption of the people of Israel as a whole. So let's dive in and explore each part a bit more. The opening section begins with the tribe of Israel in their territories in the Promised Land. And while Joshua defeated some key Canaanites towns there were still a lot of land to be taken and a lot of Canaanites living in those territories. So chapter 1 gives a long list of Canaanite towns and groups Israel failed to drive out from the land. Now remember that the whole point of driving out the Canaanites was to avoid their moral corruption and their way of worshiping the gods through child sacrifice. God had called Israel to be a holy people and that does not happen. Chapter 2 shows how Israel moved in alongside the Canaanites and adopted all their cultural and religious practices. And it's right here that the story stops, and nearly the whole chapter the narrator gives us an overview of everything that's about to happen in the body of the book. This part of Israel's history the narrator says was a series of cycles moving in a downward spiral. So Israel became like the Canaanites so they would sin against God. So God would allow them to be conquered and oppressed by the Canaanites and the Israelites would see the err of their ways and repent. So God would raise up a deliverer a judge from Israel and defeat the enemy and begin about an era of peace. But eventually Israel would sin again and it would all start over. This cycle provides the literary design and flow for the next main section of the book. It gets repeated for six of the main judges whose stories are told here. The stories of first three judges, Othniel, Ehud and Deborah they are epic adventures. They are also extremely bloody stories. Either the judge themselves or people who helped the judge they defeat their enemies and deliver the people of Israel. The stories about the next three judges are longer. And they focus in on the character flaws of the judges which get increasingly worse. So Gideon begins pretty well, he's a coward of a man but eventually comes to trust that God can save Israel through him and defeats a huge army of Midianites with only 300 men carrying torches and clay pots. But Gideon has a nasty temper and murders fellow Israelites for not helping him in his battle and then all goes downhill from there. He makes an idol from the gold he won in his battles and after he dies all Israel worships the idol as a god and the cycle begins again. The next main judge is Jephthah who is something of a mafia thug living up in the hills. When things get really bad for Israel the elders come to him begging for his help. Jephthah was a very effective leader, he won lots of battles against the Ammonites but he so unfamiliar with the God of Israel, he treats him like a Canaanite god. He vows to sacrifice his daughter if he wins the battle. This tragic story it shows just how far Israel has fallen. They no longer know the character of their own God which leads to murder and false worship. The last judge Samson is by far the worse. His life began full of promise but has no regard for the God of Israel. He was promiscuous and violent and arrogant. He did win strategic victories over the Philistines but only at the expense of his own integrity and his life ends in a violent rash of mass murder. Now a quick note here, you notice a repeated theme in the main section of the book that at key moments God's spirit will empower these judges to accomplish these great acts of deliverance. The fact that God uses these really screwed up people doesn't mean that he endorses all or any of their decisions. God is committed first and foremost to saving his people but all he has to work with is these corrupt leaders and so work with them, he does. This whole section is designed to show just how bad things have gotten. You can't tell the Israelites and Canaanites apart anymore and that's just the leaders. And the final section shows Israel as a whole hitting bottom. There are two tragic stories here and they are not for the faint of heart. They are structured by this key line that gets repeated four times at the close of the book, in those days Israel had no king and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. The first story is about an Israelite named Micah who builds a private temple to an idol and that gets plundered by a private army sent by the tribe of Dan. So they come and steal everything and then they go and burn down the peaceful city of Laish and they murder all of its inhabitants. It's horrifying story, when Israel forgets its God might makes right. And the final story is worse, it's a shocking tale of sexual abuse and violence that leads to Israel's first Civil War. It's very disturbing. And that's the point. These stories are meant to serve as a warning. Israel's descent into self-destruction is a result of turning away from the God who loves them and saved them out of slavery in Egypt and now Israel needs to be delivered again from themselves. The only glimmer of hope in this story is found in the repeated line in the last part of the book. It actually forms the last sentence of the story, Israel has no king. So the stage is set for the following books to tell the origins of King David's family, book of Ruth and also the origins of King and Israel and kingship itself in Israel, the book of Samuel. And the story of Judges has value as a tragedy of sobering explanation of the human condition and ultimately it points out the need for God's grace to send a king who will rescue his people. And that's the book of Judges. [Applause] What's up church! [Applause] How is everybody doing today? Can I have all of y'all stand up. We want to say hello to all campuses and especially all the people watching in military. Give all of those people in the military a great hand. God bless y'all. [Applause] My name is Miles, welcome to The Rock. Whenever I get interviewed a lot of times I am asked how the NFL prepared me for being a pastor. In the NFL especially on game day, before games in the locker room and it was serious. Guys not chatting a lot and had gladiator face on and painted faces and headphones, getting in their zone. Mad, sweating. Intense. And then we went out and battled for three hours and guys bleeding and hurt and knocked out. It was like gladiator. And I was invited to Padre locker room one day and it was the complete opposite. Ten minutes before the game they were eating hot dogs and should I leave and have a talk, no ten minutes before the game start and they explain like we play 500 games and we don't get excited like y'all get excited. But you know what it prepared me for in every area of life you have to fight. You are in battle. When you look at what is happening in the world, you know 51 people died in New Zealand. The devil is very serious and sometimes we don't take this serious. We don't worship. We don't come on time. We don't read the Bible. We come, I meet people in the mall or wherever and it's like a fan. I'm not anything. And we don't take it serious. And I want to challenge you in a couple of things. We're going to pray for the victims in New Zealand. And also for the world. Because the devil is overtly expressing hate like I have never seen it. And God is looking at his church going, you are the only hope I have. You're the only hope I have. And I need to you aggressively love people. And be nice to people and display my love and grace on this earth. Are you following what I am saying? This year -- last year God told me two words. Make disciples. And we are talking about discipleship and in a series called Pursuit. Which is a series on discipleship, and a disciple being in pursuit of the heart of the Father. And we started over 900 discipleship groups. But we're going to have a training on April 4 and God is continuing to reveal what discipleship is in this church and it's a process, thank you for your patience in that. If you are in leadership or serve or lead dGroup. I can't encourage you enough to come on April 4, we will give you plenty of information and simulcasted to all campuses and a journal to guide you through. We never had a vision like this before, and it's going to be a dGroup training as well. But God is looking at us and I'm only responsible for this church; right. I have relationship with other churches but this is the one that he gave me responsibility to. And he said, I want you to challenge them and need more out of them, I need them to surrender more so I express myself through them more. In light of what you see on television, understand what God sees you on television, it breaks his heart and he looks at television -- not look at television, he is there. But you get what I am saying and looks at television and then the church, are you guys going to respond? If you have a Muslim friend you should pray for them. Pray for them. Call them up and say pray for them in Jesus' name just like you pray. And pray that God will comfort them and they understand and have an experience with the Holy Spirit. If you have people in your life that are haters. Listen I'm not trying to sell a book but I wrote this book for answers. Get this book and do it. We, God's people, have to be the moral compass the country. Politics is not the moral compass of the country. The church is the moral compass of the country. If we don't do it, who is going to do it amen. So let's all bow our heads and pray. And after I pray as our eyes are closed and heads bowed. After I am pray and find someone in this room that doesn't look like you and that means a different ethnicity than you and praise God that is not going to be hard. Thank you that we have the United Nations here, I preacher that we have a skittles church. Lord, thank you for this church, thank you for being a part of your family. Thank you for allowing us to represent you in this evil world. The world is full of hate. You are a God of love. And I pray that you bless us, encourage us and empower us in Jesus' name. Amen. Find somebody and tell them that you love them and ask them their name. Amen. So I'm going to stand here -- boom. He's taken -- all right, all the ladies want his number. Hey, see your Bibles. Get your Bibles out on the count of three, say word. Word. [Laughter] One, two, three, say word. Word. Okay, turn to Joshua chapter 6. I am going to preach the sermon I was going to preach last week. I want to encourage you to continue to reading through the Bible. Starting the book of Judges today. And on the stage is my grandson. Amen, MJ. His other grandmother -- Karen. And my sister, Margaret. [Applause] So I know it's odd for me to have a basketball in my hand. Because I am a football fanatic, I slept with my football in my hand in high school but today I have basketball. In basketball the point guard's job -- move in here, you are good. The point guard's job is to make sure that the basketball gets to the right person. Amen. He dribbles down the court and throws the ball to the right person so they can eventually get it to the basket and score a basket. Amen. In the kingdom of God, God has given you resources. And as we continue to study about being a disciple and having our hearts transformed into God's heart. Our job as generous believers is to take the resources of God and make sure they get to the right people. Now resources are not only money, that's the first thing we think about and that is one of them and probably our dear resource and why Jesus talks about it more than anything in the Bible. But your resource is wisdom -- I know you keep moving back, I know you are scared. You remember a couple of weeks ago I talked about saving my sister from drowning in the pool. This is the one. She would be dead right now. Tell them it's true. I snatched her out of the pool. But in the kingdom of God make sure that whatever resources that God has given us. Whether wisdom, prayer or authority of God through the Holy Spirit, encouragement, forgiveness. Be sure that you get it to the right people. Generous does not mean giving everything away. You have to learn to be generous to yourself. The Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself. You are to love yourself. If you look in the mirror and say, I hate you, guess what you do to everybody else, hate them. It means that you value yourself as much as God values you. Sometimes when God gives you something, sometimes enjoy it or other times give it away. The prayer is Lord tell me how you want me to steward as you have. Generosity is assigning God's resources to the right place. Greed is with holding and preventing them to get to the right place. The title of my message is entitled aching heart. Either your heart aches to be generous or your heart is like Achan. Lord, thank you for your faithfulness and pray that you challenge us and bless us in Jesus' name. Give them a hand, God bless y'all. In Judges -- in Joshua, the Israelites are getting ready to go into the Promised Land. Their first city is a city called Jericho. Say Jericho. God says here's what you going to do, you go in the city of Jericho and walk around the city one time for six day. On the seventh day you walk around the city and blow the trumpet, shout and the walls fall down. And here what you do, all the gold, bronze goes into the treasury of God. That's what I want you to do. Generous is what God tells you to do. One family Rahab, save them and that's what I want you to do. The land itself even though it's valuable, you are not to ever build on this land. I don't want you to do anything with it. Even though you have this real estate I am giving you, I don't want you to use it. And then there are cursed things that are dedicated to false gods. I don't want you to take those things either, I want you to destroy them. When you see the gold and silver, give to the treasury of the Lord. When you see expensive things and Gucci and Aramis, and destroy that because that's being worshiped and I don't want you to worship the God they are worshiping. I want to be sure that you understand what I want you to do. What happens they do it and then a guy named Achan. Say Achan who will do something that did not tell them to do, and look at Joshua 6:13... Everyone say shout. Be careful who you judge. Uh-huh. In other words if you take their cursed things you bring a curse on the camp. By the way, a curse doesn't mean a voodoo doll and you get stung. It means that the favor of God is lifted from your life. You could have a lot of things and have no favor of God. You could have a lot of fun and have no favor of God. You could be at parties and smiling but have no joy in your heart. Because it's not blessed. You want God's blessing to be on your life. I would rather have a little bit and be blessed than a lot and be cursed. Amen. I want to be sure that I am blessed no matter what that means. And then it says... Consecrate yourself and be holy. Number 1 in your notes, father give me a heart that desires to grow in generosity. Now if you notice we haven't taken the offering. We're going to take that at the end and we're going to give you a generosity challenge. If you are a regular giver, we will take our regular offering. If you are a visitor, we will take our regular offering. But some of you will challenged today and start giving biblically which means to be tithing. And if you ask God give me a generous heart, not a heart that gives everything away. That's not biblical. Give me a leading of the Holy Spirit that distribute your resources in the way you want and in the time you want me to do it. And you could be going down the street and one homeless and asking for a bottle of water and you have three bottles. They say hey can I give you a bottle you need to ask God, they could have 20 bottles in the car and scamming you. A true story at an orphanage and a girl with pig tails and raining and no shoes on and standing in the mud, she wanted shoes. And I said I got some. And the Lord said no shoes. And I said you speak Spanish -- I didn't know God, my bad. God said don't give that girl any shoes. And then I said I can't -- I said no shoes. And then asked kids in the youth group and one kid gave her shoes. And walked down the hill. And then I was like man God why couldn't I do that. And the pastor said don't give her because she's not poor and goes down the hill and sell them. Not every time but in that situation, that was the situation. Lord what do you want me to do what you have. Not just a matter of giving away. Help me steward. Some things are very clear. Tithes are very clear. Forgiveness is very clear. Prayers for people is very clear. Okay. So first one, father give me a heart that grows in generosity. How many of you would say as we are saying this do something disciple prayer over and over again and talking about changing your heart. How many of by a show of hands would say that your heart is changing through this series. Raise your hand really high. Really high. Very good. Your heart is actually changing. Why is that important? God works things out subtlety and you will have a bad taste in your mouth for things that you used to crave and you will have a craving in your heart that you used to have a bad taste in your mouth about. You will be like -- man I feel I need to pray. I need to read my Bible. Exactly. That's how it works very subtle. And they go in, the Jews go in and enjoy Jericho. But what happens a guy named Achan goes in and sees stuff he was not to touch and steals them. And then they go to AI, and it's a smaller city, we don't need everybody and send a few out and send a few to AI and get spanked and lose. Look at Joshua 7:10... Now understand, here's what happened. They defeated Jericho and went to AI thinking it was going to be easy and lose and guys get killed. And Joshua crying out to God, you forgot us. And God -- don't want to say have no pity. He is like fool get all of of your face. You did what I told you not to do. Achan stole some stuff. God removed his favor. There are people who are coming to church and your life is not blessed, why? Not because you come to church, you are not obeying what you hear. Let me tell you something, Christians and even nonbelievers don't have an information problem. We have an obedience problem. Think about this. People come to church and go man I hope it's a great word. Hope it's a great worship and you are looking -- some people, for this experience. And this feeling and this motivation or this new thing you never heard is going to change your life. Probably not going to happen. If you could only do what you know. If you could -- watch this. How many of you know you should forgive people when they sin against you, raise your hand. How many know that you should read your Bible every day. How many know that you should pray every day. How many know you should fast on a regular basis. How many know that you should give of your tithes and offerings. And how many know that you should serve all the time. And how many know that accountability relationship is good for the faith. Your hands are getting lower and lower -- come on now. How many of you know that God wants the Holy Spirit to supernaturally through you. Do that. How many know that you should worship with all of your heart, mind and soul. How many know that you bless God on time and every week. Yeah -- God is never late. How many know that God would love you to be here on time and get all the worship you can get with the family of God with all of your might and passion. If you know this is true, raise your hand. How many know you should share your faith with nonbelievers and should be better at sharing your faith. Are you following what I am saying? If you just did that -- God changed my heart. Give my a desire to do that. That's what this series is about, give me a desire to do that. I saw this little kid with his mom and he had a service dog and I said, what is the service dog for. And the little boy had an allergy he had EpiPen and allergic to the EpiPen. I have this dog and now I can sleep. I can't imagine having a little kid that is that allergic and you have to watch 24/7. And God said what do you have that you can give to him, authority in Jesus' name over that illness. I want to read this to you and what God wants you to know, Luke 10:19, behold I give you authority -- say authority, authority -- say it one more time authority -- to trample on serpents and scorpions and that you have power over the disease. If you do not believe that or exercise that and not ask. I never prayed for anybody to be healed. Have you ever prayed for anybody to be healed? Did you stop after one time? You need to beat that door down. Everyone lift your hand up. Just lift your hand up. You can lift it straight up. We are going to pray for one person that is sick. Here's the thing when you pray for somebody, you want to ask what happened. You follow what I am saying, you believe so much that God will heal them, heal you right now. Raise your hand if you had an issue, keep it up and something wrong with flu or ankle. Okay, we will have fun. We will pray all of us for somebody that we know that has something wrong with them. No matter what it is, God is bigger than anything. And I will pray for you. And pray out loud and we are going to exercise authority over death, disease and ailment and spiritual depression. Say, Jesus all authority in heaven and earth has been given to you. And you give it to us. In Jesus' name, we exercise that authority over demons, over disease, over illness, over discouragement, over to spiritual bondage in Jesus' name. Amen. Now just -- keep your hand up, come on, if you are getting tired, switch your hand. If you waved your hand a minute ago and say I had an ailment and knee, and feel better. I had sinus and it's clear, raise your hand. Look at the hands if you feel it got better. Look at the hands. Amen. You are thinking that didn't really happen, come on. [Applause] You may be saying, how did they know, it didn't happen. That's why it never happens to you. So if you are like -- and by the way, did I know the kid? Nope. I didn't know him, never seen him before. Now you may not be someone that walks up to people that you don't know, fine. There are people that you know. Pray for yourself. You got a little pimple pray. Put something on it and pray again. Joshua 7:10 it says... In other words Joshua the reason that you lost the second battle, the reason I removed my favor from you and my peace from you, because you did what I told you not to do. If your life is not blessed, it's not because The Rock Church isn't preaching the sermon for you. It's not because our worship songs aren't what you like. It's because you are not obeying God. I mean that's between you and God. We are here trying to bring you into the presence of God. You have to come. You have to participate. When you are here, before you get here, after you leave. But the main thing you have to obey. If you do not do what God says, let me say it this way. You cannot expect, it is ignorant to expect the blessing of obedience by being disobedient. Put in context. Fellas, you can't expect a girl to love you if you are not treating her good. If you are not loving her and vice versa. You can't expect to get money from an investment if you are not investing. You can't expect your grass to be green if you don't water and fertilize it. It just doesn't happen that way. He says what you are doing, you sinned. Look at 2 in notes, create in me a heart that connects blessings to generosity and curses to greed. Lord help me understand why this is going on in my life. Why this doesn't work out and why this does. A friend of mine is a pastor in Florida and had a service talking idolatry and talking about how we have things that we created that are idols to us. Money and things and car, whatever it is. And challenged the church to bring their idols to church. And one lady she brought her shoes. Not all of her shoes just some of our shoes. There is a thing with some women, I don't want to stereotype you ladies because I know you are not all the same. At least in this area. But some of you have a lot of shoes. And you buy shoes like you wear them once and that's it. I don't know a lot of ladies like that, maybe one or two like that -- there she is right there -- okay, you buy a shoe and wear once and can't wear it again. I can't wear it twice. I am jacked up, I have no fashion. Please I will wear shoes for years. Can I get amen, fellas. We will wear those bad boys out. Resole them and go another 10 years, okay. Her shoes were her idol. And another guy had a Mercedes van, you know what he said, I don't need it. It was a status thing for me. And I didn't need it. I had to get rid of it. It was robbing the blessing of God. Now all I am saying that the Holy Spirit spoke to them about those things. Just because God gives you something doesn't mean you are supposed to keep it. Just because God gives you something or access something doesn't mean it's for you. He intentionally gives you things to pass on to somebody else. It's a pass through. He's using you as a conduit. To blessing for somebody else and for you to be like him because God is a giver because he gave his only son. So you always have to ask God if I am holding on to something that doesn't belong to me anymore. It may have belonged to me for a while, if I am holding on to I am bringing a curse or eliminate the favor of God. The favor of God may have been on it when I first got it. But now time for me to move on from it. It is now an idol on me and replaced a sense of security I should put in God. Or whatever. Doesn't matter if I know why, I need to get rid of it. Okay God who and where do I get rid of it. Number 3 in your notes, Holy Spirit develop a heart that pursues the blessings of generosity through generosity. You do not want to pursue the blessing of generosity through greed. Lord I want to enjoy a bunch of stuff being greedy. No, I will enjoy the blessings of generosity by being generous. I want to enjoy the blessing of prayer by praying. I want to enjoy the blessing of friendship by being friendly. I want to enjoy the blessing of obedience by being obedient. As a side note every Sunday you came here and identify one thing to be obedient in and identify how you weren't obedient before and focus on that. Just one thing. Joshua 7:20... Lord, I want your heart, a heart of generosity. If you could take out this green card, it's in your bulletin. And prepare for our offering. If you are a visitor, this is just our normal offering. We would have taken it already but we have a special generosity challenge. Just feel free to participate any way you feel. But I want you to assess where you are at. If you turn the card and look to the side with the writing on it, the white side. Where are you at? The first line, I do not give to God's work through the church. Or I give when I feel a special calling to. Or I give first to God out of each paycheck, before paying bills. Or and I give a full 10% of pie income, which is a tithe. When the Bible says belongs to the Lord. Says that he gives it to us so we can give back to him and practice. Where are you at? On the right, my generosity growth plan. Over the next 90 days here's the challenge, I will make my first gift of what you want to give today. I will begin giving to God first as God cannot be second in our life. And then I will increase my percentage up to a tithe. My encouragement to you is that you would say Lord, I'm going to start tithing. The Bible says that the tithe belongs to God. And that he tests me if you will not tithe that I will open up the windows of heaven. God says to test me. How many of you would like God to open the windows of your life, say amen. He says, let's go, just try it. 90-day guarantee. Why? Because God cannot lie. When God tells you to obey him, you should always test the fruit of obeying him. God's faithfulness is undeniable when he is unfaithful. But when he removes a favor from your life and you have to struggle all the time, that's also undeniable as well. What I will do is pray and give you a couple of minutes to fill out the bottom. We will have all campuses fill out the card and after we fill out the bottom, I will pray again and we will take our offering. If you need a pen, just raise your hand. We have pens that will be passed out. If you could bow your heads and pray. Lord, we thank you so much for your faithfulness. You have given us resources and power. Your presence, wisdom and forgiveness. We have a tendency to hold it to ourselves. Holy Spirit, pray that you encourage them and think back when they did give and you bless them and they return to that. People that don't have jobs I pray that you open up the windows of heaven and give people careers. And thank you for the people at microsites and people that don't have jobs in this church that give anyway. I pray that you honor their faithfulness. Thank you for being good to us, in Jesus' name amen. What I will ask all of you to do, take two minutes to fill this out. And then pray again and bless it and then we'll worship for a minute and then be dismissed. Take a minute and fill that out if you will please. We good? Say amen if you are good. Say amen if you need more time. As I pray, this is our -- I pray that some of you this would be a changing point in your life. That you would learn to do this. With God. And trust Him. If you are a regular here, you can give online, you can automate this as well. There are several ways to give. They are on the screen. In our bulletin. Lord, I thank You so much for your faithfulness. Lord, I pray a blessing on everybody here. I pray that You would give us a generous heart. One that not only enjoys to give but also enjoys the benefit of giving. And that You would bless us and entrust us with more resources as we become trustworthy with it. Thank You for Your goodness. Multiply blessings on every person that gives today. Multiply blessings on the people who by faith are making a pledge to give over the next 90 days. And we pray this in Jesus' name, amen. If God spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be your savior, It's as simple as A-B-C. Admit and accept that you are a sinner. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died for your sin and rose from the dead. Then confess yourself a sinner and say, "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin." If you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, just look at me right now and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that God knows you and loves you very much. Say, "Dear God, I believe that I am sinner. I know the penalty of my sin is death. I don't want to die and go to Hell. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. I confess myself a sinner and ask Him to forgive me of my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin. Fill me with the spirit of God. In Jesus name, amen. If you prayed that prayer, if you just asked Christ to be your savior, we want to know. We want to email you some resources. If you just prayed that prayer with me, to accept Jesus as your savior, Click on the link that just appeared. We want to send you some free resources. God bless you and we will see you in Heaven.
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 2,002
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: 2bOS8nP9bZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 11sec (2831 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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