Rock Church - Wo·Men - Part 2, Is It Your Time?

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[Applause] Amen, Rock Church. Lets give the Lord a big hand. [Applause] Hello, how is everybody doing? Hey, let's say hello to all of our campuses, San Marcus, East County City Heights and Donovan state prison and Juvenile Hall. Amen. And give a shout out to missionaries, Amy Howarth, in Mozambique. And God bless you and today we have a message for the ladies. Hey, very good. Let me say at the top, this message is directed at the ladies and of course you guys we want you to respond and receive as well. But for the sake of focus, I want to focus on the ladies. And you guys are invited, and that's your invitation and don't want to repeat that but focus on the ladies today, amen. I got up today with a heavy burden on my heart, I don't know what it was and it was wearing me down and I woke up and drove here. Before I pray, I want to throw to that, and when you pray, you pray for me so that I can give what God has for you. And sometimes something negative in my life or maybe somebody here -- not maybe, but God wants to throw you out your funk. When we pray, throw that in and prayer and include that in your heart. And if you are that person, receive it, and God is going to do something and the devil is trying to hold you back and God will pull you out of his grip, amen. One thing, our ministry and the impact of the church is expanding. Last year we had 40 million people watch and view the gospel online and of that 40 million, 580,000 received Christ and looking to expand that, amen, amen. What does that mean? They watch the gospel presentation and they click a button, I receive Jesus Christ and want information. We count that as someone making a commitment to Christ. We gave away $1.4 million of clothing in the needing people in San Diego. Some people their houses burn down or have needs and we give vouchers to the police department and fire department and $160,000 vouchers received and come to our thrift store and get it. Amen. And the ministry in the prison, we opened a campus last year San Marcus and they grew from 1,000 to 1400 or 1500, that is amazing. And God bless you. And all that is great and that is expanding. However our giving is flat. And I am praying as someone comes and the giving goes down. And Lord we have to keep it going and keep it strong. I want to first thank you all that give at the campuses. Thank you very much, but praying, God what about the summer. We have to get through the summer. I feel like God put on my heart pray for $1 million over what you give between last week and June 30. Okay, that's what I am praying for. I am making that request known to you, to ask two things. One, you pray with me and say, God open up the windows of heaven, we have plenty in this church. And pray for what you would do. Dear God how would you have me participate? Some of you God has gifted you with a lot and God has stirred your heart to give and this is a great time to do it. And some say what would my little bit do, a little bit from a lot of people does a lot. And I want you to pray about that and what God would you have do and have God open the windows of heaven and by June 30 we keep this thing going. Amen. Get on our knees and pray. Lord, thank you, Lord I pray that you would bless our church today. That you would speak to people. That lives would be changed. Specifically to ladies in the house. Who carry their own unique burdens. I pray that you set them free. I pray for miracles. In Jesus' name, amen. Turn to a lady around you and say, God is going to bless you today. Usually when I hear what people say they heard me say often unless I have said it five times. It's not exactly what I said. Are you following what I am saying. It's not just me, we just hear stuff. I am going to say this one more time really slow. This sermon is about women. About a woman in the Bible. It is going to be directed at women. Because I want to focus on the ladies. However, it is also for the guys. But I am going to say over and over ladies, but it's also for the guys. Are you following what I am saying? If you are a guy and don't go home -- ladies, if you go home with a guy and whatever, he was talking to the ladies and it wasn't for me. Just slap them. Is that fair? Are we clear. Fellas can I get amen. You know what I am saying. Great, I don't have to say it again. See our Bibles and on the count of three say word. One, two, three. Say word. Turn it Esther chapter 4, and in my Bible it's page 348. But you don't have my Bible, it's not going to help you, Esther chapter 4. Old Testament. And while you turn there, next week we will have the campus pastor weeks and week after that a Navy Seal and week after that the Charger players and say good-bye to the Chargers. Amen. There was a time that would be exciting. These are Chargers that love God, can I get amen. I know we are mad and hurt, it's not the players fault. Don't hate. Don't hate. Esther chapter 4. If you were driving through a city. And let's hypothetically say it took you 20 minutes to drive through a city, Manhattan for example. As you drive through the city, you would drive and stop at a light. You would drive and stop at a stop sign. And if Manhattan you drive and stop because people walk across the street. We don't have right-of-ways, you are on your own basically. And you drive and keep stopping and drive stop, drive stop and finally out of the city after a few days of getting through the traffic. As you are driving -- as a matter of fact how many have not driven in New York City? It's an adventure, like Knoxberry farm, very dangerous. But when you drive through the city, two types of time you are experiencing. One is Chronos time. Everyone say Chronos time. It's where we get the word chronological and it basically describes a duration. If you drove 20 minutes in the city, Chronos time would describe the 20 minutes, the duration of the trip. John 5:6, Jesus said when he saw the paralytic man he knew he was in that position for a Chronos time. It's a duration of time. When they decided to take Judas' spot, Matthew 21, those that accompanied us, the time, that Jesus went in and out of us, beginning with the baptism of John until that day taken up. The three year period of time, the Chronos time. As you drive through the city, the 20 minutes of the trip is described as Chronos time. But when you stop at a stop light. That's a Kairos moment and then you drive and that's a Kairos moment and you drive and someone in front of you, and those moments of time are different than duration. Kairos moment is a duration of time or precise moment of time when there is a time between you and God and something specific happened. If you are 30 years old, a Kairos moment is first date, say. Someone died in your life, when you graduated time. School, high school, college. You are living and then something tragic happens. You are living and something exciting happens. You get your first job and first paycheck. You have Chronos time and then you have Kairos moments and in this story we read about a woman that has a Kairos opportunity and today's message is a challenge to the ladies to step into your Kairos moment. You can create one, in other words, you can say God I don't want my life to continue the way it's going. I am living and going to church and this and that and the same mundane thing every week. I am done with that. You can create the Kairos moment. This is an exciting day, by the fact, today is the 19th Sunday of the year, 141st day of the year, it could be an ordinary Sunday or Kairos Sunday. That's up to you. Do you want to go through the Sunday and do the same thing by the way with the same people and the same burden. And the same people criticizing you and dragging you down and investing nothing in your life. Is that what you want? That's not what God wants for you. Or say I am changing today. Everyone say stop. You make it a Kairos moment. And some of you know that God is stirring your heart, can I get amen. Let's say it one more time, that is pretty awesome. How many know that God is stirring your heart. Amen. What are you waiting for? Why does that brother have to yell for a half-hour to get you to do what I am telling you to do. Are you following what I am saying. I will go home and tonight and toast -- and God why? And he said, yeah, I'm been trying to tell them. So in this story it's about a woman named Esther. Let me give you the background. There is a king, the king of Persia from 485 to 465 B.C., and everything was going good for the king. And he had six months of celebration for his wealth and success. And brought his dignitary friends and leadership and they partied, partied and had a seven-day feast after that. And at the end of the seven-day feast, I will bring in my queen so y'all can see my fine woman. So he said to the eunuch, go get my queen. And the eunuch, the steward goes to the queen and says queen, the king wants to see you because he wants to show you in front of the boys. And she is, I ain't coming in there. Again I am ad-libbing. Girl, you need to get in there, the king don't play. He's waiting right now. She says, I'm not coming. And the eunuch comes back and says, YO, king, she ain't coming. And the king boy says you better check that, because if she doesn't come. You will send a message to all the other women in Persia they can disrespect their husbands and you need to do something and check that. What he did, he dequeened her and no longer queen. And said you are no longer queen. I have to get another queen. I want a beauty contest and bring all the virgins that want to apply and have been to be a virgin and go through 12 months of beautification. Ladies, can you imagine spending 12 months at the spa? Can you imagine spending 12 months at the spa, come on, you get everything right. A month on your hair and month on cheeks -- everything. Yes, that would be fun, huh. So anyway this Jewish girl who they renamed to Esther, she says, her cousin says you need to apply to be a queen. But don't them you are a Jew, because the Jews were exiled and not Persian and don't tell them you are a Jew and Esther is tricked out and six months of oils and beautification and 12 months come out, and the king goes -- hum, hum, hum -- that one. Picks Esther. She wins, she's the queen. Five years after being queen. One of the king's main administrators, like his vice president. Gets offended by Esther's cousin and doesn't notice but he's Jew. This guy, Haman convinced the king to write a decree to kill all the Jews. Not knowing that Esther is a Jew. And he signs the creed on this 13th day they kill all the Jews. And the word is out, kill all the Jews. And annihilate them. And says, Esther, you know what happened, there is a word from the king that we all will die. You need to talk to him. This is her Kairos opportunity. She has an opportunity to say, I will go to the king, you need to check yourself, respectfully because you don't know what you signed. And it's going to impact me. Speaking on behalf of my people. The problem if you go before the king without inviting you and you go before the king inviting yourself and he doesn't accept you in your presence, you die. So she's in a predicament and has this Kairos opportunity to do something for God. Now ladies God as human opportunity for you, and you can make one up, you don't have the opportunity to save all women in the world. I don't have this incredible situation like Esther. But I do have an opportunity to change my relationship with this person. I do have an opportunity to be a better mom. I do have an opportunity to go to Life Class and find out what my gifts are and find out what God has 7ed me and to be more faithful to serve my time in the community. I have an opportunity to learn the Bible better. I have an opportunity for this moment to make a decision that my life is going to go right instead of left. Or go left instead of right. And instead of going down the same old same old, I am going to change. Say amen if you know what I talking about. And see Esther and challenge you ladies to today be my Kairos moment. Some of you ladies have been carrying a burden for decades, something that happened when you were little. And the devil has been lying to you all your life. He has you in bondage and every now and gives you a glimpse of happiness or fun and then back in bondage. But you are in bondage the same, he let's you out of jail so you don't think he's there, he doesn't want you to know it's spiritual. It's time for you to say I am done with that. Today is the day I step up and get the help I need and the encouragement I need and the people in my life praying for me. I am not going to continue to do the same old same old. That's your Kairos opportunity and 100% of you to take advantage of it. And some of you know that God has put you in a situation where God has prompted you to take a step of faith in relationship or ministry opportunity or changing your job. Or breaking up with somebody, because that person is no good and it hasn't changed and not going to change. You are saying, God, okay I need to do this. Say amen if you know what I am talking about -- oh, it's quiet. Number 1, let me read Esther 4:11 it says... Esther So what happens is she's telling cousin, you are asking me to go in there and confront the king of killing our relatives. But the law says if I go in and he doesn't hold out his scepter to me the authority, I will die. And that's what you are asking me to do. And in verse 12, they told Mordecai these words... Everybody say, yet who knows. Everyone take a deep breath in and say, who knows. Who knows. Whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. So all of you ladies who have a job. Whether your job be in an office or whether your job be raising your kids, which is the hardest job. You have softball team you play on and Starbuck group you see when you buy your Frappuccino, who knows that God has not put you in that position to do something for him. Let me tell you, he's not put you in that position just to get a job. He's put you in that position for something very specific. And here's Esther and standing there, I got this king, I won the beauty contest and now you are asking me to risk it all for God. Absolutely. Look at what she says, verse 14... Everyone say who knows... For such a moment, a moment. Let me tell you something, y'all were born, you will live, you will get old and you will die. And you will be gone. There is a time when nobody will remember your name. But during your time on earth, there is certain moments that God says, I need to use you right now. I want to change your life right now. I want to do something through you right now. He doesn't want you to just exist and go away with a puff. He wants to make a mark on this earth through your life with this is glory. And who knows when but now. You waiting for the sky to open up? It's not going to happen. He wants to influence you by -- like this. That's it. You are at work, and somebody over there and goes PSST, and something makes you turn your head. How many of you have been some place and something made you look at somebody, amen. Something came, they need help. Holy Spirit. PSST, look at that girl over there. Look at that guy over there. Why don't you go over there and pray for them. Okay. Kairos moment. Okay. Why don't you go over there and quit your job. Okay. Kairos moment. You have another job for me? I'll tell you after you quit. PSST, break up with that guy. You got another guy for me? Yeah, me. Amen. [Applause] And by the way, me meaning God saying me. Okay. Yeah -- I will get email. Verse 15... Everyone say pray for me. Neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day... Fast meaning they will abstain from eating and drinking to pray and seek God. I will go again the king, which is against the law, and I might lose my life. And if I perish, I perish. In other words, I am going to do what God tells me to do no matter what. That's what God wants. Ladies, God wants you to do what he says no matter what. You know how much power you have? You have more power than you think. You ever wonder why a woman's voice is on voice mail? You ever wonder why Siri is a woman, because people listen to women's voices. No, think about it. How can I help you -- yes, sirI. This is a true story in the fighter jet, when something goes wrong, it's a woman's voice that tells you, you are about to die, please eject. I am not lying, any military brothers, amen. Your left engine is on fire, the enemy is closing, you are about to die. You have anybody you have to tell before you leave. A sweet, calm voice, why? Because the pilots go, yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am. You have power. The devil wants you to think you have no power. Number 1 in your notes, and probably the only point I will get to because our time is running out. Sorry, it's going to be a good one though. The fear of God must supersede the fear of man. The fear of God -- and I don't mean God I am scared of you. It means God I respect you. God, I don't want to disappoint you. That has to be greater than man, I don't want to disappoint you. This is your dilemma. Remember Esther got her job with her wiggle and her jiggle. Right, she went to 12 months of beautification. 12 months of whatever -- I don't know what they did, but they did it; right. And she got in there and came in there and beautified 12 months of-myrrh, that's how he got her job but not how she -- how she got her job, and not keeping her job. Fear of man comes when you allow man -- when I say man, people, identify your self-worth. And determine your self-worth. When people are the ones who determine your value, you have fear of man. In other words you want to please man. When the praise of people is what you live for. You will do whatever you can to get the praise of people. When your self-worth is tied up in your natural talent, looks or possessions. You will use those things and depend on those things to get the praise of man. And when that is your primary source of encouragement, and your primary source of help defining who you are. You will fear man more than you fear God. And in our culture, ladies, it says you have to be cute. You have to be thin. You have to look a certain way to get the approval of man to get jobs and opportunities and etc. And trust me there is a lot of truth to that because man is warped and that's the way the culture is. But God is above that. And you have to decide, even though exists, do I let that rule my life. And here's Esther saying, Mordecai, I got this job, I spent 12 years getting my stuff right and get this job and now you tell me to throw it away to help with this decree. He says, yep. You may be thinking I did all of this stuff to get ahead. I did all of this stuff in my life and get this relationship and house, whatever. And God is putting it on my heart to put it the on the line. I don't know what he is asking you to do, but here's the thing, do you fear man by focusing on your natural abilities and the praise of man, and praise of man acknowledging your natural abilities. Or do you focus on the calling of God and relationship is identified by calling from God and formed you in the womb and called you for the nations. He already knew, that's what you have to decide. If you say I am a child of God, and God gave me this talent or personality or whatever for his glory. And when the Kairos moment comes and that's in conflict with what man asked me to do. That's right. That's your conflict. You have to say I want to please God more than I want to please man. So Esther had to make a decision, do I please God and serve God and realize that God put me in this situation. By the way, your Kairos moment is going to sneak up on you, it's way bigger than you can handle. God is never going to ask you to do something that you can't do without him. He is never going on ask you, and say it ain't about me. It's about His kingdom agenda. It includes you and sometimes includes you to the fact that you are the middle man or middle woman. He's working through you. You have to say, no, my identity is in God's calling on my life. Look at number 2 in your notes. You must have faith in God over your personal risks. Here's the risk. You are living one way as Ms. Thing. You are living one way as cutie pie. You are living one way as sweet Mary. And then God says, I want you to confront that person in the name of the Lord. I want you to start serving. I want you to start giving. I want you to start praying for people. And you are say, God that's contradictory to how I have been living. When you walk into your Kairos moment, the thing you risk is losing who you are. Because a lot of y'all have been living a dysfunctional life with a dysfunctional view of who you are. And you are comfortable with it. You are actually in an abusive relationship whether it's mental or physical and because you are accustomed to it, you are scared to get a good man. And scared to trust God for better. The devil convinced you that this is all you deserve because this is who you are. Your Kairos moment is, I have to let that person go. I am not that person anymore. I want to talk into the person that God has called me to be. That's a decision you have to make every day of your life because you continue to grow closer and closer to God. Can I get amen. I remember when I went from doing cocaine to not doing cocaine in my job. I went from partying and hanging out and cursing to talking about Jesus. Is that the same guy? No, the other guy is gone. You have to be gone. And if you walk into your Kairos moment, I'm not going to worry what people think just what God thinks. And I want to trust God even if I lose my nasty identity. And I want to be identified as a faithful child, bold, Bible speaking praying, Christian woman of God. Can I get amen. Here's what is going on happen. In a minute we are going to pray, and I will challenge you to walk into your Kairos moment. What does that mean? Lord I don't want to live like this anymore. Whatever this is, I will ask Christ to be my Savior and praying and know my gifts. Whatever it is, I want to change today. I want to change today, may 21, 2017. Right now. Make that decision. Well, you know -- there are no circumstances in my life, I don't see any Kairos moment. Here's the Kairos moment. It's here. It's a matter of you saying yes to God, say out loud yes to God. Bow our heads and pray, all campuses. Listen very carefully. Ladies, God is saying I need you to be who I created you to be. I don't need you to worry about what man said. I don't want you to live down to man's expectation. I want you to live up to mine. I don't want you to live down to man's expectations. I want you to live up to mine. I am here with you, I will never leave you or forsake you. My plan is give you a future and hope and not to harm you or embarrass you or shame you. I will honor those who honor me. In your Kairos moment and say I want to walk into this moment. Pray in the privacy of your heart, dear God, like Esther, I want to walk into my moment. I surrender my life to You. I want to walk by faith. Not by fear. Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Holy Spirit, fill my heart. I am ready. To do what You called me to do. To be what You called me to be. Devil, you have no authority in my life. In Jesus' name I rebuke you out of my life. Be gone. My Savior is sitting at the right hand of the father. And all authority in Heaven and earth he has. In that authority, I rebuke you Satan, be gone. I receive this Kairos moment challenge to surrender my life to Jesus Christ and His plans for my life. If God spoke to you during that sermon and you feel like you want to ask Christ to be your savior, it's as simple as A-B-C. Admit and accept that you are a sinner. The Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died for your sin and rose from the dead. Then confess yourself a sinner and say, "Jesus, please forgive me of my sin." If you would like to ask Jesus Christ to be your savior, Just look at me right now and pray this prayer with me in the privacy of your heart knowing that God knows you and loves you very much. Say, Dear God, I believe that I am sinner. I know the penalty of my sin is death. I don't want to die and go to Hell. I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord that He died and rose from the dead for my sin. I confess myself a sinner and ask Him to forgive me of my sin. Jesus, please forgive me of my sin. And fill me with the spirit of God. In Jesus name, amen." If you prayed that prayer, if you just asked Christ to be your savior, we want to know. We want to email you some resources. So if you just prayed that prayer with me, to accept Jesus as your savior, Click on the link that just appeared. We want to send you some free resources. God bless you and we will see you in Heaven.
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 4,980
Rating: 4.775281 out of 5
Keywords: rock church, miles McPherson, San Diego, message, sermon, volunteer, volunteerism, leader, leadership, pastor, Christian, Jesus, Bible, God non-denominational, mega-church, southern California, preacher, worship, Sunday, point loma, ministry, outreach, news, stories, transformation, heroes, inspiration, devotional, small group, testimony, disciple, mentor, parable, satellite church
Id: PN6Ebr9bvRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2017
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