Vision 2019 | Miles McPherson

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hey friends great to have you with us today and very special broadcast from Christian faith were having fun in the word and it's our prayer that you will hear what you need for your life today that there'll be a scripture there will be a thought that speaks right to your heart and right to your issues in life you know the Holy Spirit has answers the Word of God has answers and so I'm praying for you and believing that you're going to receive those answers that you need you can always connect with us at Christian faith dot us or and all of our messages are there our special offers are there and we would love to be involved with your life have you be involved with our lives so let's get into the word let's hear what the Holy Spirit is saying let's receive what God's word has for us won't you turn someone next to you and give them a big hug he hears you do turn to someone next to you that doesn't look like you which is very rare that I go to churches and the second it's very rare that I go to a church and can see the United Nations in the church 990 amen 97% of churches are segregated and so you are blessed beyond blessed so I want you to check second second find someone who don't look like you and tell them this better be good okay amen I want to welcome the North Campus at Mill Creek on Mills Creek Mill Creek North Campus how y'all doing out there everybody watching online let's give all those people out there big hand I'm on I hear a voice back here somewhere my name is Miles McPherson I am from actually strong Island New York Long Island right outside New York City strong island and passive Casey thank you very much for having me I'm honored to be here been hearing about you for decades and it's a blessing to finally be here I've been praying for this opportunity and honored to be here so god bless you thank you very much same MO I grew up in New York had a dream to play in the NFL in 1982 I was drafted the Los Angeles Rams and then I got cut which means you get fired and went play for the city for the San Diego Chargers for years we don't have a team anymore and I tell you I have another brother who was the Heisman runner-up and another brother who was eighth ranked box in the world and two sisters ain't do anything they didn't play sports they didn't play sports very nice people they didn't play any sports my first two years I was doing cocaine smoking marijuana chasing girls living wild and then it was a guy on our team who actually came from Seattle Seahawks Sherman Smith I don't know if y'all remember sure mr. Sherman Smith we came to our team and he was doing a Bible study not playing I was doing cocaine on the plane and he was standing out of the plane and our airplanes about that wide Sherman was that way he was six for 225 pounds I was walking down an outer plane had been doing cocaine in the bathroom and he confronted me with the gospel and I eventually gave my life to the Lord stop doing cocaine and one day stop smoking weed in one day got back at my girlfriend in same day April 12 1984 and we got married we got actually got engaged in married in 11 days now I'm not saying that's after it's after four years of dating but I realized that after I got say that I couldn't have sex or any more we would just live in wild so I said well I'm gonna make an honest woman of you an honest man of me we're gonna get married and we're just gonna throw the dice on it so a man we got married we have three children and grandson and we married 37 years so God thank you very good amen I want the permission today to overcook your grits how are y'all know that term overcook your grace amen amen in every race conversation you have in this country it is about us versus them and we live in a time when our world is more divided at least in my time than ever I grew up in 1960 Martin Luther King was killed when I was 8 years old and I was 8 years old I remember thinking what do we do I remember feeling it was so unfair and for all that time since then I've been struggling with the division in the country and it's getting worse and worse and worse and every race conversation you have us for us to ever say us say them can all y'all say us say them but there is a third option and the third option is that we honor what we have in common I want to talk today how we can exercise the third option in our life how we can learn to honor what we have in common because I'm opposed to that we have a whole lot more in common then we have different can I get amen I have four grandparents from Jamaica I have one grandparent there's a half a grandmother who was half black and half Chinese she married a black man from Jamaica have another grandmother who was wife from Jamaica her parents moved her to New York Jamaica Queens New York so she wouldn't marry a black Jamaican well what does she meet in Jamaica Queens the blacks are making okay brother was double-chocolate he was Jamaican from Jamaica in Jamaica and when he would go to her house to date her he was not allowed to go into the front door he would have to go into the back door of her house when they got married they disowned my grandmother so we never knew her family they lived 15 minutes away we never met them never heard of them did not know they existed I grew up in a black neighborhood I went to school in a white neighborhood my first eight years of school and in my first eight years of school I was got treated bad by the white kids because I wasn't white because it wasn't white got treated bad by the black kids I wasn't black enough and so my life was always in this somewhat no man's land getting dealing with this division and country then I started playing football which I really found family because they were black white and Hispanic guys on our team and we lived together we bled together we cried together we won and lost together can I get any memory and so I want to talk today about how in the kingdom of God we need to do a better job of representing the unity that the Bible talks about that we can really love people who do not like us and they have nothing maybe we don't think have anything in common to us but really realize that we're gonna have more in common than we realize turn to Joshua chapter 15 if you chapter 5 if you will Joshua chapter 5 Joshua chapter 5 and in this story Joshua's leader Israelites into the promised land and he's going to be confronted by the command of the Lord's army and the commander of Lords army is going to ask him he's gonna ask the commander Lord's army on us verse them question now before I get into this message I want to challenge you in this one thought that you can be racially offensive without being a racist I've had I can't count thousands of conversations with people about racism and racing and always will get in these conversations people say well I'm not a racist I said but yes but you offended this person or myself they said no I didn't because I'm not a racist and if you can't separate the concept that you can be racially offensive no matter what you look like by the way that you can't be racially offensive and not be erased at the same time now obviously we do have races in our country but there are some people who think if I'm racially offensive I must be a racist and because I know I'm not a racist I'm not racially offensive fear for you will never learn anything so once you give yourself permission to learn something today can I get amen give yourself room and space whenever you come to church you should come to church saying this to God God overcooked my grits get in my business don't come to churches to check the box to say you came god challenged my thought give yourself 28 minutes in 32 more seconds to allow the Holy Spirit to challenge everything you've ever known about how do you see the world that how you see people who are different and how you see culture how you listen to the news because when you watch the news they're telling they're asking you to choose one side or another some of y'all may watch Fox and some of you may watch CNN and they're dividing us and the Spirit of God is trying to unite us so I hope the Spirit of God opens your eyes up to say let me step back and be about the Bible and the citizen in heaven first before I'm a citizen of this world amen and so so in this story Joshua was getting ready to walk into the Promised Land he's he's getting ready to take the land that God promised him and he's gonna be confronted by the commander the Lord's army the commander of Lords armies gonna stand there and Joshua's gonna ask him on us first them question he's gonna ask him a Fox CNN question this one's gonna ask him and as a commander in law's Army's gonna say there's a third option the third option let's read it chapter 5 verse 13 it says it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold the man stood opposite him with his sword in his hand and Joshua went to him and said are you for us or adversaries everyone say us say them and what's ironic he says are you for us or adversaries in other words if you're not on my side you're my enemy that's the death of satanic spirit if you're not on my side if you're not like me you're my enemy if you don't agree with me you're my enemy my adversary don't let that spirit get in your heart there are people who disagree with you that don't have to be your enemy I don't agree with my wife all the time but I sleep with her every night I can so don't don't let that don't let that divisive spirit get in your heart and it says here says he says are you for us or adversaries and the commander in law's army says no you want a hot dog or hamburger I wanna I want pizza no I didn't answer that he says are you for us or average service he's just no I'm not for neither he says look but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come joshua fell on his face to the earth and worship and said what does my lord say to his servant and the commander the lord's army says take off your sandal off your foot for the place where you stand is holy ground here's what's so interesting about it the commanding Lord's army says Joshua I'm not here for you I want you I want you to pause and think about this concept I was a priestess once in his past came to me he actually called me on the phone he said I disagree with how you broke that down because the commander of the Lord's army and God was on the Israel I said nobody was it I said no he wasn't I said God doesn't come here to serve us we come here to serve Him hey the Promised Land is God's idea Israel is God's idea and when Israel went against God against Israel you know that God's not on your side you need to be on God's side now God will be on your side if you're on his side but go against God see what happens curse God see what happens stop read your Bible stop praying and see what start doing what you want to do is see what happens God's not gonna to bless you bless your life and so he says are you all right he says no I'm not on your side he says listen unity is not your idea it's about your people your people your people it's about God's idea and so if we were going to have unity if we if we are going to be the people of God if we are gonna be the people of God we have to do it God's Way can I get a Amen okay so if we're all agree with that we all have more in common than we have different why are we so divided why do we hate each other well obviously the devil move back up sociologists refer to how we are divided they call it grouping everyone say grouping all of us are in multiple groups all you ladies are group all the ladies say hey that's a group okay all the mother all the mothers in here say hey hey that's a tight group okay so you have females are group mothers are a group mothers are multiple kids are group mothers of one child are group all different groups guys are group employment guys are group managers managers are group passes our group assistant passes our group on and on y'all got me are you up on saying every single one of y'all in multiple groups this is a group it is see people come to me saying why are you I'm cute that's not now they say you rack you mix you for the weekend you the minute game with it hey DISA group is it's a group call mixed okay all of y'all mix you just don't even know it your DNA but but but every all y'all everyone all of us have different groups the people who are like you and by the way in any of your groups are your in-group the people who are not in one of those groups at the particular time is your out group if I walk into room and there's football players and baseball players over here even though there's an in group of athletes there's also a group of just football players so the baseball players are in the out group of the sport but the in group of athlete you got what I'm saying once you understand you're in group you understand and once you identify you're in group you understand all the intricacies the details of your in group how they dress how they talk how they walk how they think for example if you have a group of mothers talking about being a mother and then some young lady who's never had a baby comes over she just found out she's pregnant and she's always gonna be so nice about having baby I'll have so much fun and I'm gonna do this up into this and because you are mother and you are in it and you know how 24/7 10 a kit is to have kids and she has no clue what she's saying you're like wait to that girl back baby pops out that woman then she will understand what it means to be a mother can ladies say man if you know I'm talking about so all of us when you identify you're in group whatever that in group is even if it's this you understand you're in group the problem is the people in your out group you don't understand them you may have heard three things about them from your sister from your neighbor and then you hold those three things those five things as truth about all people like them it's called stereotyping when I was I was on vacation once I was in it in the gym this guy was working out and I could tell he was a professional athlete versed someone who worked out there's a difference between people who work out and people who play sports for real but then I said I know he's not a football player cuz he doesn't have a football legs so I said he did because his legs were disproportionate unlike football plays it's just it's a long story I won't get into it but it was top-heavy he had all his weight all his mass here he didn't have any here which is from running he had it here I said he's an athlete but he's not a former player he played hockey he skated so he didn't run he didn't develop the back he developed the front from skating so what we had in common is we were athletes but what I didn't know I don't know about hockey so we spent the whole vacation together talking whenever we got together about each other's sport educating each other about what we didn't know the thing I know about hockey they play on an ice and he's like five brothers that play that's all I know and they got a I got a puck that was it but so when you have you're in group you understand you're in group but you don't understand you're out group very important you to understand we'll come back to that but when you identify you're in group you express in-group bias now you may say well I'm not a racist it doesn't mean you're not racially offensive and that applies to all of us there's things we could say and do out of ignorance out of habit that offend people and we're just so used to it we don't even know it this is one of them I'm gonna show you a list please see if you got your phone take a picture of these slides I'm gonna put on the screen or it might help you in the future in-group bias always we show preferential treatment to people who are like me it says I am more comfortable with those who are like me I am more inclined to spend time socially with those who are like me I'm more patient with those who are like me I get the benefit of the doubt quicker to those who are like me i express more graceful mistakes are made by those who are like me it's easier for me to communicate with those who are like me I assume I will get along easier with those who are like me I am more willing to go out of my way to help those who are like me I possess more positive assumptions about those who are like me you walk into the room and you identify people who are like you for what in any which way they are like you it may be ethnicity by the way there's only one race the human race there's only one race the human race there's no such thing as races but you may you will walk in to say they are like me because they look like me they like me because their mom like me they're like me because they're past like me I make all those assumptions the opposite is true this is where it gets dicey because you might do this without even realizing it it says I am less comfortable with the hose not like me so what are you gonna do when you're less comfortable somewhere you're gonna avoid them I am less inclined to spend time socially with those not like me I wonder how many who ever had someone over your house it doesn't look like you I am less patient with those not like me I give the benefit of the doubt slower I give the benefit of the doubt slower to those not like me I express less graceful mistakes made by those not like me I it is more difficult to communicate with those who are not like me I don't assume I will get along with those not like me I'm less willing to go out of my way to help those not like me and I have less positive assumptions about those who are not like me now you may be a great sweet person and by the way we do that all the time for all kinds of reasons may the Spirit of God erase that from our life about in every group that we encounter seven things I would give you number one acknowledge that you have blind spots they're gonna say blind spot take a picture that please blind spot blind spot is being unaware of what you're unaware of being blind and don't even know it you ever say something offensive you need to know what you said and you find out a week later they were mad at you for a whole week fellas we do it all the time when I watched matter of fact fellas go up to the women in your life and ask him are you creepy you'd be surprised as the ladies of your job I think you're creepy you thought they liked you you think you got swag this is swag right here this is called the shake it this is a jerk shake it you get one of these guys swag but you may say you man welcome say hey do you see I'm creeping they're like it's called a blind spot you didn't even realize why cuz you have a blind spot is the thing called social narrative don't say social narratives social narrative is a story that shapes how you see the world it's a story that develops this prescription through which you see the world it's what you learn from your parents your home your relatives your neighborhood your friends all the information you gather as a kid developed a prescription through which you see the world it told you who's safe who's not safe who's working hard who doesn't work hard who's smart who's not smart it told you how to interpret the news there's seven billion social narratives you only have one of them my brother and I lived in the same I have two brothers we lived in two sisters about my two brothers and I slept in the same room for all our life growing up matter of fact after the first Exorcist movie back in the 70s my brother and I slept in the same bed we slept back-to-back I said you watch that side of the room I watch this side of the room y'all remember Linda Blair's head went 360 for all you old people out there at the middle of night I said mark he said what we have never social narrative you don't see the world like those people in your out group you have to accept that there's things you don't know great news you can learn here's a man in San Diego leadership coach he wrote an article called the right hand of privilege how many y'all the right hander raise your hand okay keep your hand up really high you could put your elbow above your ears like I see you hand up really high there you go keep you head up just for a second look around the room all y'all who are right-handed the world is for you if you're left-handed all of a special left-handed people I'm left-handed plays your hand come on shout - shout left-handed that's right that's right that's right we are the minority that's a group that's a group okay you pretend that this is a group now you may think what's the big deal the world was made for right-handed people don't laugh please don't laugh at me I'm not trying to I'm brokenhearted over this this is discrimination when we were in school they made the desk on the right hand some of you are right here to people but I didn't even realize that I know because when you have a cultural vantage you don't even realize it because you think you're entitled to it as normal to you and so you can sit there in class and and talk to the girl next to you what's up girl and write your homework because your elbow is braced you had an advantage if I'm trying to talk to the girl I gotta be out here like this hold up girlfriend let me get this right and I gotta write in my hand get ink on my hand like that because I'm writing and the ink is going on my hand because I'm writing if I want to get golf clubs you want to get golf clubs the right hander you go to any golf shop and get golf clubs right here because they made him for you if I'm left-handed I am and I got to get golf clubs I gotta go to a fine golf shop and maybe I can get those golf clubs if I want to get a cancer Smith do you know a left-handed catcher has never been in the World Series ever if you want to get a catcher's mitt a right-handed no problem any sporting goods store you get it catches me I may never find and you go get a catch as written in an hour you're home you're playing with your son I'm still running around weeks later you go what's the problem I got my quick and you already realizes this advantage of being left-handed you shake with your right hand I'm not like I'm not right-handed I gotta go with my bad let me accommodate it's called it's called right privilege you'll get that later called the cultural advantage and just because you have now let me say just because you have the cultural Vantage doesn't mean you hate the left-handed people necessarily but it also doesn't take away two disadvantage of the left-handed people so in the left-handed people tell you I got a problem you say and because you've never even acknowledged experienced hadn't even clothed there was a disadvantage to being left-handed it doesn't take away the disadvantage so when people say I can't get it you're like you're just making that up you're just you're just saying it's harder when it's not really hard are you just making it up no no we're not making it up it's a blind spot give yourself room to not only acknowledge the blind spot to say but but as I believe in Christ I want to make sure that my right handed privilege is given an advantage is shared with the left-handed people number two number two number two rename those people with your brother or your sister get rid of that term those people don't say that anymore you know the Bible is greatest commander in the Bible this is the greatest thing we could ever do as a believer you shall love them and I assume all y'all want to follow Christ can I get amen amen Bible says in Matthew 22:37 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your mind all your soul that's the greatest commandment there's no doubt there's a whole bunch of Commandments this is one that's more important than every single one you shall love your Lord God with your heart mind and soul and you shall love your neighbor as yourself everyone say neighbor say neighbor say neighbor so that means you are biblically obligated to love your neighbor just like you love yourself you are riki obligated to make sure your neighbor has the same advantage that you have but what if you renamed someone less than neighbor when you label someone something you can't relate to them outside of that label if you call your your child dumb you can't relate to them as smart that label and everything that goes with that label is attached to that person so anytime you put a label on somebody understand that is going to frame how you treat them how you pray about them what you expect from them because if you call someone dumb you'll never expect anything smart from them and so you will only see that you want you to treat them through that lens of that label God said I want you to label the neighbor and then he said well who's my neighbor well the good samaritan tells you everybody and i want you to treat him as brother sister now but if you read label them and you humanize them by lowering the label by calling them a blackness or whiteness or an illegal a criminal all the labels that the TV and the culture will give you to apply to them that dehumanize them from what God has made them in his image I was that I was in a in a prison ministering in this and after I ministered this white supremacist is walking around the track and God told me to go up and talk to him sorry I couldn't go past this orange line that was paint on the ground so I went up to the orange line and called him over and he got this close to me and I just finished speaking so always guys on the art it was the field inside the inside the buildings on the on the pre in the prison whether I like it or not that dude was made in the image of God now his behavior doesn't reflect the heart of God don't matter that dude is 99.5% genetically identical with every single one of us in this room every single one of y'all in 99.5% genetically identical with each other oops every single one of you in love my god oops every single one of your main image God oops every single one of you love your sleep at night can I get amen you love your food you love your you want to have a family you want to have a career you want to have a purpose we got so many things in common I need a labor you neighbor because once I once I labor you neighbor now I will not allow you to be mistreated once I label you something less than neighbor I permit myself to allow you to be mistreated less than what I would want to be treated amen number three give in group love to your out group next time you're in a room and you see people that are in the out room they are the outsider be the Christian in the room you know the Bible says love your enemy like you love your friends loving your friends is easy Satanists love their friends you get zero credit for that how can you love those who you're outgrew how can you walk into a mall a Starbucks or wherever and say or your job or the coffee or the cafe your job of school wherever saying Lord I'm gonna show me who is the out-group in this room and I'm gonna go over there and I'm gonna loving them and be a light in this room right now and be an encouragement to them that's what you could do number three number four acknowledge your sister and brothers color I remember the first time when someone told me they didn't see my color I thought they had a stigmatism these few kids we said I don't see your color and I said I say oh it's jacked up everything is gray they said no no no I see bread green and blue I just don't see your color I said well how do you know I have a color that you shouldn't see if you don't see it I know it's politically correct to say that it's ignorance and a lie your eyes these things right here it is the only visible part of your brain outside your body they are a direct extension of your brain they process 10 million bits of information per second 90 percent of your brain activity comes right here through your eyes 90 percent they process motion depth shape and color involuntarily you can't prevent it from seeing color unless you close your eyes and even then you see black you you can't not see I was I was talking this girl one day she went to the Hawaii she was talking about her tan she got a tan Hawaii she was showing off a tan she had a little spaghetti strap had a little brown this working and she was one this guy to come talk to her she was kind of like amazing how we celebrate a tan that we get in Hawaii but when someone gets a tan the wound we invalidate it God God said y'all are tripping I just made one color yellow exists all different shades of the same color it's one I was watch the Sanford son Sanford is something right Fred G Sanford got robbed y'all remember shirt Fred geez effort and remember they remember the white cop and the black cop came and the white cop but always talking then the black cop had an interpreter the white cop with Fred was saying so Fred G Sanford got robbed and and and and and the white cop comes knows it and they both come over and a white cop goes friend gee mr. Sanford was the perpetrator colored and he go yeah he was colored white culture says you have white people and people of color God says that's what y'all say what I say is that all the other colored it's just a blend to differentiate the brown it's all y'all Fred G was funny he said white people talk about being colored they turn red when they get embarrassed they turn blue when they get cold hey number every every race conversation is a race consultation we bring our assumptions to every conversation about people we bring our social narrative we bring what we've learned what we talk what we were taught what we heard on television into every conversation subconsciously or consciously and we impose those assumptions on people and because we do see color and we do see hair texture and here accent matter of fact when you hear when you hear this accent what are you saying some people think oh these people are still a bit that's just our culture and then when you hear an English accent from England you think they're smart and we place all these assumptions a race consultation is I hear your accent I see your color I see your hair I see your dress your walk now I'm gonna listen for you to educate me what you're really about instead of me assuming what you're really about God made people all people in His image with the ability to understand him have relationship with him walk with him he his voice and speak his word and there are people of all kinds of packages that have all kinds of relationships with God by the way they may even have an act agonistic relationship with God that God has called you to reconcile and if you don't come in every conversation with allowing the Spirit to speak to you about who and what you are speaking to and the depth of that person and the pain and experience of that person because one of the things we all have in common it's pain and the ability to avoid pain and grow through pain and the need for other people in our life to minister to us we have to be that we can't just be these robots let's say I'm a Christian I'm going to church and here's where I am and that's who you are and that's it know the Spirit of God has to do a reconciliation work between us and minister to us and speak to us of a real or an open our eyes of what we are actually into lastly we did this video the books called the third option we create this thing called the third option challenge where you make a video of someone who doesn't look like you you tell the world why you love them what you love about them and then you challenge three people I want to challenge you to show the world that there are more people who love each other they're not our country is so divided as you know the government is not ever going to fix it it's going to be the Spirit of God in the church the problem is the church is so divided that's why it's it's a blessing to see you all here today but we have to do more than just sit in church together we haven't loved each other we have to show the world and display that love to each other we have to forgive each other we have to sit back go Lord what are my blind spots what do you need to do in my heart that can help me love people who don't look like me who I assume they have nothing in common with me and maybe they don't have anything culturally in common with me buttons in the spiritual world we have everything in common there was a baseball player named rocker rocker was probably out 75 years old when he was 71 he need a heart transplant and a kidney transplant he's black Panamanian here 3:28 batting average 18 year all-star MVP in a major league baseball when he was 71 he needed a heart transplant in the kidney transplant at the same time there was a 27 year old white NFL player NFL being the best football best sport on the planet guys who you know that and he he was a 27 year old football player he went into a coma because he had a brain aneurysm he died he had signed his organs over to be donated his heart and kidney went to rock crew there's white kids heart and kidney went to a black panamanians heart and body when he was 11 years old Conrad was 11 years old he met rock crew rock crews in the major leagues at the time he came with home mom I'm gonna be a pro athlete I met my hero rocker ooh his heart and kidney are now in the rock crews body to this day Conrad's mother calls it rock cruises I think you have my son's heart and kidney he said would you like to come hear your son's heart in my chest she goes over there friends you can watch this on 3030 on ESPN and their friends to this day how is it if we're so different than this white kid can put his heart and kidney into this black kind of man his body we're the same but until we're willing to put our heart into the well-being of our brothers and sisters our neighbor you you you you you we're just playing you got to let the Spirit of God over cook your grits and get in your business y'all got family members that are talking trash about those people you need to be that light I'm an you ought to bow your heads and pray real quick amen I'm a saw you ought to bow your heads and pray there's some of you in here you need crisis just Savior unless you have a heart transplant you're never gonna see heaven unless you have a heart transplant you will never be able to love with God's heart in the privacy of your heart if you would like to surrender your life to Christ surrender your burden to Christ pray this prayer with me pray dear God I surrender my life to you I believe Jesus died and rose from the dead for my sin Jesus fill me with the Spirit of God I want to love like you I want to think like you I want to serve my neighbor like you I want to honor you with all that I am thank you Jesus for your faithfulness thank you for your death and resurrection if you prayed that prayer I just slip your hand up really high I see you and pray for you really high I just slip your hand up really high god bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you God bless you you put your hands down lord thank you lord thank you for the witness of this church and I pray that the witness that is in this room would be translated to be on the street and they would see every person in the Washington area as their neighbor change our hearts in Jesus name Amen amen god bless y'all god bless you thank you so much for being a part of our broadcast today and hey we need you to be part of the team part of our dream team giving in to the work of God did you know the Bible said if you've heard the teacher then you respond with your giving generosity opens so many doors in our life will never have less when we give right it will always enlarge and increase our lives so be a part help us out today click on give and or go to our website or Christian faith dot us and be a part of the ministry we're investing in you by sending the word out across the internet we need you to invest and be a part of that so I'm praying that God's speaking to you and that you get connected with this ministry and together we'll touch more people right will make a difference in our world let's be light in the darkness let's be salt in the earth
Channel: Christian Faith
Views: 1,434
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus Christ, Christ, Christianity, Church, Giving, Casey Treat, Wendy Treat, Christian Faith Center, Love, Christian, Christians, Bible, The Holy Bible, Scriptures, Christian Encouragement, be you, beyou, be you moment
Id: fXFp8WZvex8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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