Rock Bottom Race Chaos! | Wreckfest | NASCAR-ish?

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what is up everybody Eddie sound head back again with son had entertainment doing some more rec fest gameplay and finally and all of your requests I don't know how many people asked me to do this track but we're finally doing the rock bottom race after it's been highly requested and we are going to jump right into it here in a minute I've got a Jeff Gordon paint scheme I couldn't use the NASCAR legend mod I did a test run with it and it just wasn't really working all the cars are just crashing out right at the start and it wasn't much of a race so I think it'll be better with just the regular class-a cars I see Lightning McQueen over there he must somehow that texture got carried over into this race I guess I have to take it out for it did not appear anymore and I just narrowly avoided that guy getting launched tossed and turned all around but yeah I'm hoping this race will go alright is I get tipped in the air and I just launched that red car I just sent him flying and they are piling in that is the definition of a pileup oh my god I got nailed it was the Queen - Lightning McQueen just ended my life I think I just went flying off the side and I'm missing a wheel a wheel just went flying off that's gonna do it then that is attempt number one right there we're wrecked we cannot keep going with no wheel so that that was ridiculous right there was chaos and oh my goodness I understand why you guys wanted to see this one so bad alright getting ready for attempt number two already off and underway and just don't want to get a long suck I did last time now I'm in the back of Kenny Schrader and we're over that is trouble and I'm getting piled into even more sent around and actually kind of recovered from that not too bad so somehow made it out of there in night after all of that and then we got a trouble spot right here see some of the NASCAR legend some odds cars made it in a quaker state car somehow snuck its way in here so Lightning McQueen made it in here somehow I guess I got to take that texture out for to not show up anymore the Quaker State car from the NASCAR less modest he rides drove underneath Mark Martin in a war wagon and I just completely destroyed it in the front end of his car and then somehow made it into the top five with that and looks like we got Kenny Schrader up here leading this whole deal and we're gonna scope give him a bumper oh god no that's no what I meant to do oh my god oh but we landed it oh he went flipping though with that one oh my god the hottest car what was that I did he landed on me and then like launched off of me that was amazing right there there's another launch going on and why am i why is it tell me I'm going the wrong way maybe I got a reset here or something what's that all about oh now it's telling what what the heck has happened there why am I going this way now and I could have barely get through that pileup my goodness those guys are flying right at me head-on so is this is this a lap then did I not have to go okay so for some reason I got to just shortcut that that corner right there I don't know why but oh my god that's a bad bounce oh look at our car it's destroyed already oh they're closin between you would fly in head-over-heels just like we did was the orange car from earlier and I'm getting just sent down the hill here we go oh my god can we stop it please let me get back in the right to right oh nice wonderful anybody else want to hit me and I landed back on him the Quaker Steak R again Oh wonderful another might McQueen runs into me this is getting ridiculous now oh this is I'm stuck in all my god just kill me already please thank you what in the hell was that the pileup that just forms at the bottom of that ramp right there is just chaotic it's just instant if you get stuck in and for whatever reason all right back on the way attempt number three and I'm uh not had too much success you gettin piled in you and piled up on and there's all kinds of drama already we just shove Kitty straighter than the carnage behind us we've got all ume onsen here in front of us oh and a war wagon then we got lightning mcqueen leading us in front here so we're just gonna follow behind him i guess about all you can do slide it around the top corner there head back down let's see if it'll actually me oh my god no okay i thought that was gonna be worse that was projected to send me right off the side I thought I was gonna go flying off the end again see him I get up here without any drama that's one hell of a ride right there and a bounce a bad bounce like that might be all right though Oh get it turned back in the right direction no oh I'm gonna get stuck on this hill though come on oh we're just crawling up this thing oh god don't hit me oh I just that was close right there oh we're really just gonna crawl up at this slow huh oh my god finally that was the most excruciating part of a race I think I've done yet in a rec fest that was just so boring but somehow during that we managed to take the lead so maybe we can do something with it alright here we come to the troll area once again I badly missed the ramp that time oh I thought I was gonna hit those steps but no I'm just gonna roll back down the mountain sure here we go boys oh great I love being stuck inside of another car get off of me 31 please and thank you come on preset me back Oh over wonderful Jana I'm just gonna reset there's no way it's just not gonna end is it alright we made it to that we got a nice launch up the hill too so I don't have to sit there and spin my wheels for 40 years back down alright we're still in the lead after that too much I'm pretty surprised about supplies nobody caught up to us I guess the next car behind us is Dave Marcus who is almost 20 East 20 seconds and growing on the the lead they were pulling away from and quite quite decently there oh that's an interesting bounce Oh God I put the car well alright all McQueen what are you doing be careful come on it's two laps oh please no and all we lost the wheel great alright I had a bit of a rage fit there for a moment lost the wheel and now I have to restart again and now a great start as I just get dumped and shoved on my side oh my gosh alright that last race was incredibly infuriating I just kind of slammed the restart after I lost the wheel and there's a huge t-bone oh my god a little like Fairlady Z looking thing just got launched by me and here's the the pileup as is tradition and I just launched off the side of a couple of cars and I and I'm stuck just wheel spinning again just wheel spin it I got guys right on my buns they're right on my ass get off of me I'm going it's like the mr. crate here at your blinker it on for five blocks I'm working on it I'm getting up here guys leave me alone there we go give me a push no you couldn't do that you said it sit behind me oh my god what are you doing oh that's a beautiful landing right there though made that transition perfectly alright oh all right we made it through one lap of carnage that law that last one was so annoying I had such a good run going we're only two laps away from being done get past a couple of guys now at least here oh my god they McQueen right there was getting out of shape I thought he was gonna come into our lane thank goodness he did not look at them look at them piled up on the stairs over there tragedies get a nice launch down the hill here and we'll see you get on lap 2 what we got up here Richard Petty oh when he just got absolutely destroyed oh and he's gonna come back down and nail us yep I would just hate to get through that that section of the track cleanly and it's cr-x thing is oh my god that was a lace hit oh the launching in this in this track is amazing the physics oh don't hit McQueen Oh whatever that was though sorry Oh some guys doing an impression of me a couple tries ago I clipped them on the way to hopefully that gave me a little help oh nice t-boned me at the top Matt thank you thanks Kansas I won't spin you out oh god maybe not I don't want to lose control he passed me for a position during that - Wow what what a stone-cold gangster Matt Kenseth is fourth at what ages G or even take it kind of easy on these jumps aw I don't want to risk losing a wheel again cuz if you lose a wheel you just can't do anything what into heck was that guy doing he's got it all wrong we're making it back up to the top once again so that's pretty much another lap completed as long as we get through this jump and this guy doesn't pull out in front of me that was close I think that was Donnie Allison - who's behind us so we got a Richard Petty in the lead we're on lap three that was somehow our best lap which was a minute and seventeen second lap nice and thank you whoever stopped there I'm gonna have to restart that our night just to avoid getting in the pileup that will inevitably form it it doesn't even matter because I get kicked on the steps anyway please keep your wheels on I bent one of them I gotta restart again or reset oh my goodness this is just I'm starting to understand why you guys wanted me to play this so bad it's cuz it's just ridiculous but I tell you what you guys the suggestions have been pretty good so far and I appreciate the support on the video soft throw that in there for you as McQueen just went flying into that pile up behind us oh that's a bad bounce no come on keep the wheels on it please don't let any wheels fall off oh that was that could have been tragic right there I just saw my life flash before my eyes all right final lap underway I think we might have something here if I can just play it safe for one more lap there's somebody grinding down the Ray on the way down please don't oh my god please no let me just finish the race if I gotta swim to reset I will but please just don't crash into me I don't know what that guy is doing that was Petty again I think this guy's still stuck up at the top here is it the same guy from earlier is that somebody else just stuck he's just spinning his wheels he's so close I've been there guy I feel your pain what am I gonna do oh please don't I thought that guy was gonna pull out on me to leave me alone will you all right we made it through I'd say that's the problem section so if we can make it through this one last corner we should be all right I'm just gonna take it nice and slow avoid any drama doesn't leave there anything to run into anyway so we can just get up here get past the hairpin corner it's drifting around it just for some extra style points right here at the end and that'll do it hit the one last jump here can we clear it no we're gonna get a bounce please not a bad bounce all right we made it and that'll do it across the line we have won the race the rock bottom race that is so well done to us victorious once again and that one didn't take us too many tries but man I got I got so close that one time I might have like ragequit just a little bit just a tad this is a little tad but we started right back up you got right back into it and want it again so thank you as always everybody I hope you enjoyed that rock bottom race if you did be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already and give me some more suggestions for mods tracks anything you want to see in rec fest or any other game for that matter go ahead and let me know down in the comments because I do read all the comments good and the bad ones there's a mostly good ones though so thank you for that as well and with that ladies and gentlemen I will see you in the next one thank you again for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 3,273,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rock Bottom Race, Rock Bottom, Rainbow, Road, Ridiculousness, chaos, central, Pifault, Extreme, Hole, Giant, Pit of Doom, Double, Oval, Crazy, Loop, Wreckfest, Gameplay, Commentary, NASCAR Legends, NASCAR, Legends, Tracks, Track Mod, Home Track, Madness, Insanity, Crash, Flip, Fail, Wreck, Roll, Blowover, Compilation, Fails, Wins, Console, Steam, PC, 4K, Soundhead, Entertainment, Gaming, Rivalry, NASCAR Heat 3, Forza Motorsport 7, Xbox One X, Fortnite, Twitch, Stream, Stock, Cars, Free, Fun, 60 fps, Speedbowl, derby, banger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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