We Joined the Most DESTRUCTIVE Server in Wreckfest Multiplayer!

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so today's the glorious return of wreck fest and folks we're back with poop sock and it's more extreme than ever be sure to stay tuned until the end because we played with monster trucks hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right neal where are you starting very back i'm in fifth i feel like this always happens there's some big vehicles in here though yeah there's a bus oh yeah i'm already getting run over by monster truck this is fine that's the rec fest way yeah poop sock oh geez i say it every time this is the best server in breakfast oh it is i mean by far oh geez no none of the monster truck oh i just turned it into the wall okay that's the bug zilla yeah the i think that's what it's called it's been forever since i played oh oh gotta go the wrong way big crash oh geez hey get around oh i just body slammed somebody it's fine this is a first though the bus is going the right way on the track yeah that doesn't make sense i'm confused he's trying to race he's still trying to wreck me though oh somebody just flipped him well kind of flipped him they put him in the wall there he goes he's over bus is on his side uh i'm on i'm in seventh right now i'm recovering after the bugzzilla ran me over there's a guy in a little uh oh the bumper car what wait i see him he's oh dude the bumper car made it how i want to kill him that's not even a bumper car it's a little uh it's a little barbie car oh go-kart okay i respect that whoa whoa whoa a lot of deaths happening oh no i got the bus the bus got me i think i just killed stinky crocs i can't get off the bus oh let me be low bus oh this is the best what place you in now third oh wow you're making up spots there i was doing good i passed you for a second then uh some unfortunate things happened yeah this race is quick too live already on six laps oh come on slide okay i think the bus is out which is good for us i think the the barbie car is straight up gonna win he is flying wait really yeah he's in i think he's in second i tried clipping him and i missed him oh no yeah that was embarrassing yeah buzz is dead the two bug slayer our bugs got they're just flying across yeah they're still there i'm catching up to the go-kart i mean you have full permission to kill the go-kart oh what the heck this is dangerous tracks i hit the tire that's poking out of the wall and i die almost the track is destroyed man i'm still in ninth i thought i was making up spots there hey you're top ten top 10 out of 21 cars i mean it's top half that's almost passing in school yeah yeah totally i love in this game how you can destroy the barriers though yeah i hit the tire that was poking out of the wall and it stopped me like instantly it was amazing i think i'm about to get third place that's not bad it's not bad not a bad start i'm trying to see if i can make up one or two more spots here i got two that are battling the head of me i'm hoping they body slam each other let's see more classic oh they just ruined each other oh big crash at the last second i got this oh wait no i laughed that guy oh did i just oh no the barbie jeep was dead i just hit the dead body oh man all the wrecking each other here at the line i see the big wreck i'm driving through holy man i made up four spots there i'm up to fifth nice that was a good feeling third and fifth place that's that's pretty good i went from ninth to fifth within like a lap all right i'm starting seventh where are you at i'm right in the middle this time not in the back okay here we go oh the little the little cart oh i'm gonna land on him okay i'm not taking the jump the first time i feel like everybody's gonna attempt to take it and that's a death sentence i mean this turn's gonna be a death sentence i don't know if i went the right way i'm gonna stay up on the wall this is fine i'm right behind you okay remind me next time to stay in the inside wall the inside wall i think might be a little safer yep i am down to 48 health after that i am in 17th did i hit you no i was right behind you oh oh i didn't know that i'm in 16th now where are you at i'm in 19th and i i'm down half my health oh geez that's a big jump oh oh you took the jump yeah i took it that time i wanted to experience it it's been a while i'm terrified to do that it was actually pretty clean might take the jump again no a truck just turned in front of me okay i'm not taking the jump uh i don't know if i can afford taking the jump again yeah that might not be good with 10 health i mean you come over here i'll run into you finish it up that sound good there's somebody blocking the top of the the ramp oh if you find me you can put me out of my misery but you got to be quick look what car are you in i'm in the the blue what's it called bandit oh geez with the flame paint job almost landing on the bus you know what i'm going to send it i'm going off the jump just do it just go for it oh geez there's a truck oh okay i'm behind my live are you live i landed the jump alive and then immediately got hit and i'm dead let's get a chase cam on you there we go okay i'm spectating you on i mean i'm probably going to die it's fine hit the jump baby oh i hit that sideways all right okay now critical damage 19 i am probably not going to make it oh bus bus bus okay avoid that did your life flash before your eyes on that one yes it did hey i'm up to six not bad can you get a top ten on bell ride oh probably not i'm down to nine health there after that slide i don't even know if i've finished a race on this track in uh online before oh why did i take that oh i didn't lose any health that time that's pretty good oh there's a must think anybody else is taking the wall like i am oh i don't know this track just send you head on into people oh my god well that was close what lap are you on uh this is gonna be lap five two to go here um about the fifth oh okay landed it okay that guy didn't i tried to shoot across he flattened my head oh no i'm dead all right neil where are you at the back again i'm in sixth this is because the game loves me is this all uh street or is there some uh dirt here i think this is all screen it's a pretty technical course uh somebody's gonna run through me here oh burn bombing is gonna be an issue just death back there purity man i'm in third here the battle bus in front of me oh i can hear people speeding through i know i'm gonna get bombed here people cutting the course awesome oh there's a bus with the ramp that just flew there and killed second place oh no i didn't know you put a ramp on green yes he's green yeah that's the battle bus it has a ram plow on the front of it i didn't know there was a battle bus in the game yeah fortnight really fell off oh yeah or descended depending on how you look at it yeah i would say this is a probably a big upgrade i prefer ragfest to fortnite i don't care i'll say it i think i meant that more in a way that uh that fortnight's just it's falling off that far yeah true we'll call it we get a battle royale mode and though no no no let's not have battle royale how would that work i don't know probably send ever well it's basically like a normal derby that would be kind of sick like a big map you get guns twisted metal okay now we're talking a different game here i like that though i really want to punt stinky crocs but i'm trying to race them somewhat clean here why just the the name well i mean he's voiced me clean where's the battle bus at did it disappear oh just oh my god did you find it no i found a bugzilla turn-bombed me nice there is a uh bug in front of us here not the bugzilla oh geez too willing it [Music] we're good godzilla's just been had it in for me this whole race oh there's a bug zilla behind me is that for position could be oh dear i think we're gonna run oh they're faster than they should be annihilated first place is right here with me too are you in third i'm a second now there's an allen in front of me why do i feel like we've played with alan yeah i mean there's a good chance oh oh oh i totally just missed the corner and slammed in there i'm sorry allen oh allen's roughing me up now alan allen passed this battle bus allen what are we doing here alan alan i might have flown across allen's nose and put myself into a staircase just take him out that's fine i'm already out now i'm back in fifth i'm worried about getting turn bombed the anxiety oh there's the battle bus go the orange one i'm behind stinky crocs we're racing for position here how many battle buses are there i think there's maybe there's two two or three i know there's an orange one and a green one might have just body checked uh somebody's fine all right back up oh nevermind i got it back from stinky rocks okay this game on now stinky yeah think about i don't like your name makes me uncomfortable how do crocs get stinky aren't they like plastic or rubber oh geez [Music] oh geez he's dead uh a uh maxilla just flew across and killed him he killed stinky yup stinky's dead oh no you're next probably but his last lap let's get a finish here i'm top 10 i'm an egg i'm just attempting to finish i'm so far back i don't have a chance unless they die oh there's cars closing in on me oh no no no no no come on make it make it make it make it make it oh there's a bug zilla behind me right boy just drifted this trophy truck oh there's a battle bus waiting at the line oh hey third you're doing pretty good today honestly i'll take the third i've if uh stinky socks is watching sneaky crocs after that apologize [Music] did you see the chat they're dedicating the win to you yeah thanks i guess yeah i only got eight but thanks larry dangerfield i'm starting 14th nils is here to my side wait where are you no i'm in the back again there's a lot of bugzillas there's like four of us here yeah oh wait where's the corner i'm watching cars turn but i don't think there's a corner here what is happening okay what's going on oh there's a funnel oh my god that was incredible looking i think everybody missed pretty much the corner we just all went straight that just shot me up to fifth place not too far back i can see you oh i am like running over somebody right now oh here's the joker does this count as a joker oh i think i can see you up there this is glorious looking i guess it's more just the track kind of splits in half for a second i just ran over a battle or ran beside the battle bus i forgot this thing does not handle very well no how about the sixth this is a short track like a really short track day yeah i thought it was a lot longer i don't think i've ever been on this track don't hit me i'm a big car hit the small course yeah i will run you over buddy [Laughter] [Music] i'm not very fast either yeah the speed and handling is a bit of an issue i can run people over though i got that going holding down fifth place though yeah i'm oh i was in six there's a larry dangerfield coming up behind you oh he won the last race uh-oh does that mean you have permission to run him over he dedicated the wind to me though don't pass me no you could still murder him though neal yeah maybe i should oh what the heck is happening up here okay about the fifth you get gapped i'm in fourth all of a sudden what happened oh i just got clipped another uh monster truck going the wrong way yes okay i'm back to ninth thank you oh oh oh battle bus wait the battle bus was actually uh they were racing for a little bit and then all of a sudden it's just like hey i'm gonna turn around you flip the switch oh i just ran over somebody it's fine this isn't like green bugzilla i hate you dad that's who hit me i got pitted by them he pitted me but thankfully it sent me into the uh the other side of the track you didn't send me off battle bus just annihilated i just wrecked two cars yeah the battle bus hit them and i just finished them both off they were sideways in the road that's glorious i wanna i wanna i wanna take out this green bugzilla do it neil if fight if i have a chance to turn bomb this guy hit by seymour every time i like destroy somebody i get passed i'm like yeah i passed somebody oh no stinky stinky crocs oh green one crashed i didn't have to take him out let's go oh geez come on turn i think i'm going to get fifth turn [Music] i got seventh yeah that's right nice nice
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 352,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wreckfest, wreckfest gameplay, wreckfest multiplayer, wreckfest multiplayer race, wreckfest multiplayer gameplay, wreckfest demolition derby multiplayer, wreckfest multiplayer derby, wreckfest multiplayer crashes, wreckfest best crashes, wreckfest online multiplayer, wreckfest xbox one, wreckfest ps4, crash game, car crash simulator, demo derby game, beamng crashes, camodo gaming wreckfest, camodo gaming, wreckfest update, wreckfest new cars, wreckfest diesel truck
Id: DxSMrJiUvYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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