Grant Park 220 | NASCAR Cup Series Full Race Replay

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here they come into turn 11. in the field now being led by Denny Hamlin he won the poll yesterday and now he has the honor and is making history as NASCAR is racing in the streets of Chicago down the front stretch they come for the first time here they come off the end of the front straightaway Tyler Reddick in the 45 wasting no time he's going to jump to the outside of Denny Hamlet Hamlet slips off the corner that'll give Tyler Redick the advantage Hamlin in the 11. Reddick in the 45 surprisingly side by side for the lead through one through two and up through Lake Shore Drive headed to turn three Danny Hamlin now giving up the position battles back on the outside of Reddick the problem is he won't be in position for turn four very narrow will they sort it out threading a needle Hamlet carrying a lot of speed they somehow go through their two wide successfully now it's off from turn five Back Down Columbus as you see the field continuing to file through nice and clean really quite shocking bags it is and I'm surprised that Tyler Reddick was so aggressive on the initial start but that aggressiveness has paid off here they come into the braking Zone they're going all the way down to first gear change for third you see Christopher Bell in the 20. he'll slide off the corner for a while and that will open the line for Shane Van ginsenberg and right now in seven yeah we see Eric albaroli he's turned around coming out of turn number five we'll see if he can get it going the right direction here no and we're wanting them up here in six you got Eric Jones and Bob Brad keslowski's involved Noah gregson's into the tire pack gregson's gonna back it up but Eric Jones and Brad Keselowski are wedged together now in six here's Brad he'll back it up waiting for Eric Jones to do the same and as they came to grief in six now they will part peaceably and resume their driving activities foreign take another look at what happened here that's Eric albarola coming out of five a lot of bumps there and that concrete we've heard svj G say that they could be a little Slicker on that surface and Eric albarola learned it here's the pile up in turn six yeah really starts with the 42. if Noah excuse me Eric Jones in the 43 just in way too deep nowhere for the six to go nowhere for the 42 which is the teammate to that black 43 car in the bottom of the screen luckily the yellow car kind of snuck through behind him there and another into oh Denny Hamlin the pole sitter contact with the barrier Denny Hamlin that is turn two right as you get ready to come down Lake Shore Drive and Denny Hamlin got a little bit too hot into two this is a great view right off the front bumper of Hamlin's car you see the different surfaces looking back at the driver himself he's gonna be frustrated he knows he had track position obviously some sort of mistake or issue listen Daddy listen to the wheel spin just how low of grip there is all right let's take another look right here we're gonna see all by himself that purple 11 just gets in the corner loses grip and slides into the tire barrier I don't believe there's any damage that tire bear did a really nice job let's listen [Music] [Applause] yeah I mean you heard it no real wheel hop no real break input just too much traction or too much speed for the traction available so Denny Hamlin after starting on pole has fallen back quite a bit he is down into the 12th position Tyler Reddick seems to be well it's a bad cliche but on a Sunday drive here in Chicago out in front of this field and he's put a second and a half between him second himself in second place bell bell comes in second spot off the end of the front straightaway under somewhat of a challenge by Shane Van gisbergen right now they are racing for the second spot with Denny Hamlin finding that Calamity in turn two that's allowed Tyler Reddick to check out and he's been very brave in these breaking zones while he continues to move away what a battle for second right now this is the right-hander turn two they're on Lake Shore Drive and they're racing their way to turn three you see the Comfort right here of SVG he was able to close in the middle of the corner now he gives a little gap on the high speed section almost breathing the throttle a little bit in turn three we never saw that in the dry this is turn four I love to listen in and just just how gingerly these guys have to drive these cars they're very gingerly coming off of five and then they'll let her rip down this straight away known as Columbus Drive and then they got a hot heart on the binders coming in to turn six here they come now cutting the corner and that's the onboard shot right now from your third place driver and as you see second place is starting to tiptoe away Jeff this to me is a very difficult spot on these conditions six Kyle Bush hard into the tire barrier oh he tried to slow down and he just impales that Chevrolet into the tire barrier hard contact for Kyle he's trying to back the car up to get out of the tire pack but he has wedged that Chevrolet Camaro underneath of the tire pack and that's the first time we have seen that all weekend long windshield deep into the tires there in turn six and that brings out a full course caution we have seen on different Corners where one car might have an issue but they know that they can continue rolling we'll see the blue flag which is a local caution but this is a full flag caution now Kim and Kyle Busch feels like his car will still roll and he can still race he did ask for a little help take a listen [Music] well on the on the radio he told him I just need help getting out of the tire barrier after that I should be good Kyle Bush you see him just sliding he was very nervous about the wet conditions and that nervousness proving itself as he gets into the tire barrier it's just a misjudgment of the grip much like Denny Hamlin had turned two Kyle Busch you saw his speed versus the other cars um and once the car starts sliding once traction is broken you're kind of done it's not gonna basically come back to him I mean look at the speed luckily for Chris butcher in that 17 that white and blue car he was far enough in front of Kyle Busch that he didn't get hit but to your point Rick very interesting so what they're going to do here is literally just tow this car back Jeff try to get it out from underneath the tire barrier yeah that's right they had these hooks put onto the rear bumper they can hook it up pull it out Kyle Busch says he thinks he's okay to roll I think one thing that's important to remember is that setups matter how you set your car up for this race to does make a difference most teams probably were set up for the drive based on practice yesterday your car may not break as well as someone else's it may not turn as well as another competitor you're going to have to drive your car to its limit and not get pulled into chasing speed at this moment understand where you have grip and where you don't ignore the people around you that's very difficult to do for a race car driver but in these conditions that is what is required I want to see if this car can that's what it really works yeah what it looks like yeah just like listen to The Crowd by the way look at the crowd yeah 20 deep over there in turn six Kyle Busch had it fired up they backed him out we'll see if he's able to continue on but this brought out the first caution of the day from the streets of Chicago [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ask her on NBC rain is basically stopped falling here at Chicago but the track is still wet and luckily for us we got my old buddy Dale Jr Mike all working down there turn four Junior it's been an exciting start on these wet weather tires what's been your opinion from your Vantage Point down there I was super excited to see this race get going and watch the drivers face that challenge uh in turn four there's so many bumps getting down into the breaking zone of that corner it is a fast corner so it's not a heartbreaking Zone but they are respecting not only the bumps but what those could do to the car and how they could throw the car out of control they're really really respecting and cautious to the entry of that turn they're uh you know turn fives the first Corner uh first gear corner and they're nowhere near that so they're you know they're probably in third third gear through here just gingerly trying to get through the center of four and five and then onto the long straight away and not induce any real spin with any high RPMs like a second or first gear would do so pretty impressive so far I know there's been some accidents at other parts of the racetrack but right down here it's been pretty clean the eight car of Kyle Busch you see him a little bit of damage to the right front Junior I'm going to tell you that was pretty breathtaking to see this hit to the tire barrier with the car having less damage absolutely the tireberry does a perfect job uh see all the water coming out of those tires but that tire barrier we've seen it do its job multiple times this weekend Kyle's able to not only uh climb out of that car if it were a you know heavily damaged but he's going to continue to race and I think race well when he came by here I know there's some body damage but tires are pointing in all the right directions as long as electronics and everything's okay inside the car you saw a lot of water get inside there during the wreck from the in-car but as long as everything survives I think the body damage you know is not a big deal here especially with the slow pace uh with the wet weather if it dries uh that that Arrow disadvantage may show up but I doubt it I think the team can can repair that and he's got a lot more respect I guess for that corner than anyone else right now yeah we've seen race control has said that all starts and restarts will be single file until further notice and Steve you mentioned that at the very beginning that they could be they could tell the drivers that it would be a single final restart we saw that last replay that's our first time we've seen kind of that in car for Kyle but you could hear the the wheel hop and here we come Rick stretch and into the gas again out front Tyler Reddick and then Christopher Bell running second front and two coming into turn number one that's the left-hander on to Balbo everybody safely through in front of the top 15 cars or so Tyler Reddick starting to leg it out now trying to pull away from the 20 of Christopher Bell as they exit turn two and race up Lake Shore Drive how impressive is Tyler Reddick been so far in these conditions just driving away from the field and he looks really comfortable doing it you have to imagine everybody's going to gain more and more confidence and there'll be some drivers to be able to match that pace especially back here in the field but a lot of difficult traffic a lot of having to be patient with other drivers trying to get through this part of the racetrack there's with the concrete I believe that allows for a little more grip back down to you here they come into turn number six Tyler redika weighs and the 45 further back stacking by side in the 34 car that's Michael Mcdowell Daniel Suarez in the 99 Suarez is going to slide underneath it'll grab the spot and try to gain traction all at the same time McDowell's on a mission today I caught him this morning I said what do you think he said I think one thing it's time to win that's what's on his mind and he views this as an opportunity he is a good road racer he has Road Race experience in the rain more than most of these guys and he is going to try to take advantage of it one of the big challenges he and everybody are going to have to deal with as he approaches turns turn 11 which is directly underneath via's there is puddling on the right side of the racetrack you've got to stay to the left against that wall to stay out of those puddles riding on the back of Daniel Suarez's Xfinity mobile number 99 and looking back from that camera you see the 34. Michael Mcdowell continuing to put pressure on Suarez trying to have him make a mistake so he can get by him this is the race for the fourth position here they go McDowell's gonna take a peek McDowell's going to jam it in deep but down to 34. he'll slide under Suarez coming into the corner they both are trying to get that traction out of turn number one and Daniel Suarez is now in in position to take the spot back in turn two wheel to wheel to Lake Shore Drive accelerate straight away McDowell taking the spot away now the 22 legano mixes it up with these guys all offline trying to find some water here trying to find out where they need to be no drown last for this thicker part of the racetrack just yet but watch these drivers during the straightaways get offline to seek out moisture to keep the temperature down in these tires that's exactly what they're doing leaving turn five right now you're watching the battle from fourth on back now here's the challenge that Daniel Suarez faces Suarez is in the white car here's Joey Logano in that yellow number 22. further back Ty Gibbs in the green 54 at their wheel to wheel Denny Hamlin on the move as everyone begins to stack up headed to turn seven let's see how this side by side battle works out not much room down here in normal conditions much less in the wet Denny Hamlin making the good decision to give that spot up did not want to go side by side into this section look at the uphill climb and now they're going downhill right against that wall see those puddles on the other side of the racetrack stay out of that stay in this groove everybody doing a really nice job down here so far back up the hill on Jackson Drive and still up front it's Tyler Reddick Christopher Bell has closed the Gap though just a bit as he Rockets down the front stretch battle for the until he slips just to Tad off the corner and they come now over to Lake Shore Drive this is turned to that's the 90 degree right-hander Christopher Bell in that 20 car in Hot Pursuit of your race leader headed to three can reading be patient here as he sees Bell getting closer and closer can he be patient and not start pushing too hard and slip the car in the braking Zone and end up in a tire barrier Bell really doing an impressive job to be able to close that Gap he too sees himself closing in on Reddick battle for the lead Tyler Reddick in the 45 Christopher Bell in the 20 they come out of five and now they're going to set it for the braking Zone hard on the brakes they're going to drive it in deep Belle drives it in just a tad deeper than Reddick and he'll shut it down to a car Lane they cut the left-hander turn six and set it for that downhill run over the bridge into seven Belle's aggressiveness though Corner entry is impressive got to be careful not to overstep his bounds a little bit both of these drivers have a ton of dirt racing experience you have to wonder if that's slipping and sliding of dirt is paying advantage to him today I love the fact that Christopher Bell look how close he is of that wall watch him gain old Corner entry here just a little bit this is the heavy braking Zone see that right there Christopher Bell is very comfortable with his race car under breaking and these top three have separated themselves from the field want to take a look at the Xfinity fastest lap Reddick Bell Ben gusbergen but it's Bell that has the fastest lap up to this point averaging 75 miles per hour around this 2.2 Mile Road core Street cores here in Chicago battle for the league continues to tighten Christopher Bell slowly catching Tyler Reddick they are one and two trying to settle this amongst themselves at least for now they will leave turn one and you're watching them come over to Lake Shore Drive they're going to hang that right Christopher Bell doing a great job keeping Pace with the race leaders so far at this portion of this race got to give these Goodyear rain tires a lot of credit these drivers feel really comfortable to be able to push you can see the tire and the Forgiveness that it has as they start to lean and slide these cars around on Corner exit Marty and Junior it's funny because I talked to Christopher Bell right before they fired up the cars and he said he was actually upset that it was raining he said well our car was so good in the drive that I could not I wanted to be in the dry I didn't want to want to be in the wet today so Mel's still very quick look at Braddock slipping in front of you Jeff oh and he slips huge coming out of six that's going to open up the inside Lane for Christopher Bell that was a costly mistake for Tyler Reddick and that will earn Christopher Bell the lead he hangs the right turn seven headed to Jeff that was a mistake that Bell forced Reddick to make we we talked about how Bell could break so aggressively Braddock was watching that Reddick tried to match that Tempo on Corner entry and his car would not do it Christopher Bell although he didn't move him out of the way he forced Reddick into a mistake three drivers have been up front officially Reddick had led every lap until now Bell now up front in the field here in Chicago he goes around and he will complete the ninth flat here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Lighthouse a pioneering Fortune 500 Global Technology and Engineering giant is at the Forefront of breakthroughs in AI hypersonics space exploration and more joining NASCAR's Automotive expertise and lytos advanced research Lighthouse is designing the most advanced vehicle to ever touch the surface of the Moon join us as we navigate this captivating Journey over Lake Michigan and skies beginning to clear over Grant Park here in the city of Chicago as 10 laps are complete on lap 11 now Progressive racing right here look at Corey The Joy he hangs a ride on Alex Bowman this is a very tight Corner that was such an aggressive move I don't think Alex thought he would ever be there gets a good run goes ahead and sends it in there puts Bowman in a position to have to get the spot up Bowman tries to cross him over let's ride along with Denny Hamlin and check out what he saw see right there he's trying to block that move have to wonder if you can buy with that all day long in this rain I doubt it there you see the battle for second starting to tie it up tightened up between Reddick he's Bergen and as you see also these lap times are starting to drop we're down to 103.19. they get faster and faster not only understanding how to push these cars on the web but also understanding the changing track as it's continuing to dry everyone's improved except for Reddit redick's not quite on the pace he wasn't to start now he's under threat of losing second spot Reddick and Van Ginsburg and right now Racing for second coming into turn six this is happening just about three seconds behind race leader Christopher Bell and it's happening 15 seconds ahead of Michael Mcdowell in fourth they're downhill into seven [Music] Let's Ride Along SVG check out what he does it's very unusual most drivers in the cup series do not use the clutch at all as he approaches a breaking Zone watch that left foot no downshift there so let's see right there left front use the clutch made the downshift most drivers don't do that anymore he says he likes doing he's comfortable doing it I doubt he even knows he's doing it some people think he's doing it for a competitive Advantage getting his car to turn better others think he's just a habit using that clutch downship with these modern Transmissions you don't have to use it he's choosing to and after qualifying six Noah Gregson is in the tire barrier he's nailed it and he's doing the burnout trying to get out of it and he can't he is stuck leaving turn number six on his Crete quite a smoke show at the same time he just killed the engine he's going to need help to get out of this tire pack another one that probably will want to continue that's the exit of turned six before they go up over the bridge and then to turn seven he was running 34th one of the two entries for legacy Motorsports which Richard Penny one of the co-owners there and Richard Petty turning 86 today is his birthday and then you see next to Noah gregson's name there on the right jha for Jimmy Johnson one of the other co-owners he was scheduled to run in this race until uh tragedy in the family and Drew respect the privacy of JJ and his family but thoughts and prayers out to JJ and everyone involved in his family at this point the safety workers and the recovery vehicles are going to have to do the same thing they did for cobbler she saw the two gentlemen right there basically clear the hook they're going to pull them out let's take a look exactly what happened really much like Kyle Busch he got a little bit further around the corner and going a little bit slower Pace but got wedged up underneath the tire barrier and then his Mike pagley really pointed out put a bit of a smoke show trying to back that car out from underneath it there's no telling how much those tires weigh not to mention how much water is in them at this point um the eight pulled out without a problem we'll assume the same can happen at the 42 we're going to get a look at it really depends on the angle too probably if he nosed it in a little harder on the right side see you Full House on top of the pit box yeah Luke Lambert the crew chief is the person closest in the Wendy's uniform at the bottom a bunch of sponsors all the crew members wearing the 84 that would have been the number that Jimmy Johnson would have been running here in the race a safety crew now right there at the back bumper of the 42 for Noah Gregson we'll see if they can pull him out and he can continue bag man it's got to be a little bit tight right there looking down from your perch as to the cars rolling by yeah I'm I'm looking right down on the racetrack and of course when Noah was trying to back away uh and putting up all the smoke there were some drivers that were trying to make their way through that you had that to deal with and now there are three safety Vehicles here that are tending to him and the drivers are just barely squeezing by on the inside there is a lane to work with but they don't have much grace there's Noah out from the tire pack put the tow rope away and then Noah gregson's gonna fire up and move away from the accident scene and turn six pretty amazing we've seen two cars get actually underneath the tire bears and turn six and both of them have been resilient enough that they're still able to run we'll see if the 42 is going to be able to continue turn six has been tough though [Music] foreign Nascar fan rewards is free to join that means you can earn points All Season by just watching races you can answer trivia play Fantasy High race tickets and more you save your points you trade them in for free tickets autograph merchandise exclusive NASCAR gear and one-of-a-kind race day experiences just visit fan rewards seen a lot of racing gear around this road core Street course with all the fans showing their appreciation and their favorite drivers learn a lot of the gear Marty Rick Ryan Blaney was going backwards he's one of the cars that comes down Pit Road he uh misses a contact there almost contact with Kevin Harvick Bubba Wallace also on Pit Road it was fuel only for Blaney Harvick is going to take tires here of a seat for the guys out front just too early and too close to the end of the stage to give up all that track position yeah Marty I have to agree and Marty make sure you keep me honest here it seems like the rain tires the Goodyear is like a white as we're on the Busch Light damn it right it's a white Goodyear that's almond because we're going to see a conversion here right guys are going to start gambling on the drying up and they're going to jump you that's a great shot of the sidewall that treaded tire you can't read it but it turns white pretty solid versus the yellow if you get the right angle you could tell the difference it's a little harder than you would think um in the rain but we'll try to keep a track on who's on slicks who's on Treads right now the whole field though still on wet weather tires two cautions we're under the second one now and while we have a little break in the action let's go to the peacock pit box and check in with DJ and Brad hey guys already we've seen a lot of aggressive moves taking place around this track yeah and DJ you know we've had a successful 14 laps with six to go on this stage we see the temperature coming up just a little bit but are we getting to the point to where we're going to see guys become even more aggressive as we get towards the end of this stage yeah I think that it's only going to ramp up as this goes on they're figuring out what they can and can't do some by trial and error and losing on that side of it but yeah they're going to continue to be aggressive here that's what you have to be there's no way to hide around this Racetrack and if you can take advantage and get yourself positioned better right now that's only going to enhance your chances later on down the road I'll just tell you one thing I know some of them are talking about slicks I'd tell them to put my slicks way back away from pit wall because I don't want those anytime soon what I see with this train DJ don't want no slicks Rick the word slicks is not the right word right now with the track as slick as it is I'm gonna tell you there's a lot of things as a crew chief I think I would sell you know maybe we should be here maybe we should save some fuel after what I've seen there's zero chance I'm trying to sell my driver we need to put some slick tires as we're on board with Reddick and his Toyota on board I think that's a driver decision because there's zero Trans in 12 Corners that all 12 are going to be ready at the same time it's um you know let's look we're on with almondinger right here Northern Tool and Equipment reasonably dry right here while it's wet no standing water to any Hamlet with that Coca-Cola zero sugar can but I mean there is some real damp spots especially right here and Nascar has deemed that this is once again a single file restart the restart Zone you see the pace card going through it now up in front it is Christopher Bell Tyler Reddick van gisbergen and Mark Trex Jr Michael Mcdowell the top five up through the gears they go again we'll see how well Bell pulls away from Reddick as they go down across the start Finish Line and into turn number one Christopher Bell off to a great start Tyler Reddick in Hot Pursuit they stack it up single file they will turn to the left that's turn one they turn onto Balboa Drive watching them now begin to realign themselves for the approach to turn to nobody doing anything dramatic or anything crazy right now they're just trying to get themselves back up to speed and they'll do it clearing two and heading to Lake Shore Drive see back there in the fourth position Mark tricks Jr he's a hot man right now in the series one of the best at the road courses closing in on his Bergen into turn four the top three were running two seconds faster than the field before this caution let's see if some of these guys have caught up now they've caught up can they match the laptop they have left turn five here they come down shifting and on the brakes and driving in deep Tyler reddick's trying to make up some real estate that's Reddick in that green and black 45. Here Comes everybody now gonna hug the inside that's Daniel Suarez in the white car Kyle Larson in the blue and white car they clear the bridge and now race down into seven [Music] a little side by side action there as Alex Bowman in the 48 and Corey Joy once again it seems like these two have a fight that they're trying to resolve and it hasn't been resolved yet lejoy now on his back bumper Bowman looks like he's Running Scared out in front not sure what Corey lajoy will do as they work their way through 11 and lejoy even puts the bumper to the back of Bowman now up over the bridge and to turn 12 the final turn and just behind them Ryan priests in the 41 able to clear that 14 of Briscoe but Briscoe fires back on the inside their door to door as they go down the front stretch Dale Earnhardt Jr talks about disagreements on the racetrack these guys have been in odds ever since the green flag fell behind them side by side into one that is Ryan priest at the 41. these drivers are teammates at Frisco in the 14 right there set it for two and Brisco will give way a loud priest to complete that pass and they'll single out now as they head to three pretty solid up to 16th here over his teammate Briscoe Chastain right behind him who is one of the biggest movers since the start of the race Plus positions for Chastain Byron also up 12 positions as is his teammate Chase Elliott so some big movers in the field watching Ross Chastain on board with him inside of the race car and following the top from his race car right now he is in the 18th position here he comes in to turn number six he's gonna try to ease it into the corner right now but he's got some drivers that are stacked up behind him he will just cut turn six and not take that wide approach because he's trying to get set up for that downhill run into turn seven he'll cross the bridge he'll make the right-hander onto Michigan Avenue and then that will set him up for that unique and Technical set of Corners that make up turns 8 9 10 11 and 12. yeah kind of the Congress Loop right here a big long sweeping this corner right here though turn ten it it's kind of almost just a kink a very fast section you see how much water is there that definitely looks like the wettest part of the racetrack the entry into turn 11. now we're heading across to turn 12. everyone kind of in line pretty organized you see the map on the upper right hand side of the screen you see the one of Chastain even though he's running in the 18th position a good distance behind the 20 Bell the leader yeah 14 seconds behind his Ross Chastain right now here he comes up the front straight away and he's trying to catch Chase Briscoe he's right in front of him that would be the battle for the 17th position Ross looks pretty calm inside the car not making any sudden movements as he makes the right into turn number two Dale is that does that surprise you I mean he has a lot of ground to make up but he's not forcing any issues right now such a long way to go and you're on a racetrack that's continuing to change down here where I'm at I believe we're going to start seeing this track dry out quite a bit I'm already seeing it in some of the cracks of the racetrack where this concrete surface is beginning to drive right in the Apex of turn four beginning to dry out really really wet where Burton is but drying out on the other end of the racetrack so these drivers need to find moisture on the straightaways try not to allow them tires to overheat starting to see a little bit of drying from turns five to turn six there on Columbus Drive out front with a 1.3 second lead is Christopher Bell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Chicago street race the Grant Park 220 on NBC still out front is Christopher Bell they're coming up on the end of stage one again a caution will not be thrown at the end of the stage but the top 10 drivers will all earn stage points and the winner of the stage gets a playoff point and they can carry that in to the playoffs and through the playoffs as long as they are there but Bell right now aggressively making his way around he just came out of the Xfinity 10g turn and through 11 and up to 12 and Bell looking to grab the stage win it will be his first stage win this year as he makes that hard right hand turn on to the front stretch and across the start Finish Line For the Win of stage one and it looks like things heating up behind him Tyler Reddick and Shane Van gisbergen getting a little closer together as they finish second and third in stage one on tricks Junior Michael Mcdowell rounding out the top five and it Suarez Larson almendinger Gibbs and Jensen button all part of the top ten Steve we're starting to see some cars on Pit Road I think really we're starting to see some dry lines so the real issue will be do they take wet tires or drives I think it's time to make the swap Marty yeah and that's what a lot of teams have been debating in fact on the Racecourse Junior mentioned it a moment ago with these rain tires drivers have been trying to find slick parts of the racetrack to keep their tires cool so a lot of teams coming in here we'll see if they all go to slicks Kim and for Chase Briscoe he was saying forward drive it just is not great they had a little trouble there on that rear tire and he needed it to slide across the center so looking for some air pressure adjustments on the 14 of Chase Brisco this is one of the toughest things for a race car driver you've been out there on treaded tires now as you see the 14 rejoin these are the yellow sidewalls you saw the yellow Goodyear so we know they're on slicks so it's easy to say the track is drying but these slicks do not have much traction if the track is still damp so Briscoe here oh man you see how slick just that water is right there front tires not working Junior as he heads down to turn four this entry is going to be very delicate this has got to be one of the toughest things that a driver would do unwillingly almost to put on slicks and wet conditions now there is a dry line through this particular part you see it on the screen drive through here but if you get offline just a little bit it's wet Dan now as we go to this end of the race track Bagley the track gets wetter and wetter down towards Jeff Burton it does it does get drier here on the outer approach to turn five but turn set or six that is turn six is still damp and he slips just a tip coming off the corner Jeff this is going to be interesting as he heads to you this is the part I'm concerned about on slicks I just don't know you see the entry it's starting to dry the exit's a little bit dry but up through this part of the racetrack I nervous about it there's a lot of water running across as he starts downhill this is the part you're gonna have to be careful so you missed the bottom right there that's because there's no grip this is where he better tiptoe very nervous about see all that water standing there I'm really nervous for anybody on slicks at this part of the racetrack it will be the last part of the racetrack to drive now Rick if he can manage that wet section by just going easier remember it's total lap time so even if he has to go way slower in front of Jeff and turn 11 but he has a chance to go way faster in front of either Bagley here at turn one you know what is the next game that's the goal here Bagley oh trouble turn six Joey Logano into the tire barrier matter of fact he'll nail it he'll back away but he has torn some of the covering of the tire pack away that was the impact that we had from Legato but he was able to get away and will not need a tow back out onto the racing service [Music] see the big impact in and then you see the barrier kind of that sheathing come loose it's far enough offline I don't think it will cause a yellow if a yellow does come out I'm sure that they will attend to it but legano back up and running and I'm telling you these cars are resilient as we see legano able to continue on it almost looks like he hasn't been involved in anything and then coming to Pitt Road Jensen button now tries to get it right and he almost hits Joey Logano so button was coming to Pit Road and he got tanked from behind at the same time Stenhouse missed turn 11. I'm sorry turned 12 turn 11. he had to run off into the runoff area got turned around and back on track slicks on the 15 of Jensen button again the yellow lettering on these Goodyear tires and everybody's watching lap times of the cars on slick let's see what exactly happened the Button he's kind of a little high oh there's contact we talked about how difficult it was going to be to get onto Pit Road you wonder if the car behind the 15 I couldn't make out the car number even knew he was pitting and then Joey Logano comes around the corner and sees a car sitting broadside in front of him button was up high enough do you think he was trying to make the turn there and just got tagged I believe he was hitting no he was pitting for sure guys definitely and I think it was butcher who was behind you yeah Dave I think you're absolutely right kind of similar colored cars there is a yellow line there when you come through turn number 12 that the drivers they would try to get on the inside of the yellow line he was a little bit outside of it maybe he just wasn't Chris butcher wasn't expecting him to turn right there because he was higher yeah let's go back and look see how high the 15 knew exactly what right Rick if you're behind him and you see him leaving that high you're not thinking he's fitting and that's just an experience that Jensen button has in our series knowing how to signal to the guy behind you without using your hand no gestures whatsoever just the placement of your car no way they knew behind him he was hitting now in a very awkward spot sorry Rick of transition you see Denny Hamlin come to Pit Road Marty Pit Road Denny Hamlin who started from the pole had that spin kind of hung around the top ten for much of this run so they're all going to slicks here see but this is about a lap or two earlier than the leaders wanted to pit you'll see his teammate Christopher Bell come very soon leading right now Dave and William Byron got on the Slick Goodyear Tires as well he went from 32nd to 17th on that on that run and that's important because he needs points he's trying to win that regular season Championship I hear what Marty's saying about what we consider the fuel Windows to be but I just have to ask myself as I look at lap time so much slower because of the wet they may be getting better fuel economy remember if you can't push the throttle down you can't burn as much gas you see how dangerous pit out can be 48 on the racetrack 24 leaving on slicks now so William Byron trying to get a good feel for what it's like to be on slicks on this somewhat dry race track and I'm still watching lap time Rick that's going to be the Telltale for me and still the fastest cars on the racetrack are the 20 the 91 of the 45 who are all on rain tires leading the race coming right at you uh now we have Magus Bergen who is in second an issue there of Gilliland in 38 gets turned around and you see the yellow good years that tells me the 38 is on those slicks we talked about just found a little bit of a damp spot I think this makes the racing so much more exciting okay 2X from fourth comes to Pit Road you see it on the pylon on the left side of your screen that is going to generate some concern in the top three Marty and you saw Ryan Blaney there on the screen as well he had a contact on the track a moment ago they have cleared the DVP but right now Blaney in 37th through X coming to Pit Road he said the rears were absolutely gone on these rain tires and I think you're going to see his teammate Christopher Bell you're also going to see Tyler Reddick come down Pit Road the 12 car also as we mentioned a moment ago Ryan Blaney in last and here's that Replay for Blaney making that contact earlier they were on the DVP they cleared the DVP and here's the onboard for Ryan Blaney listen to this wow that impact for Blaney they did clear the DVP so Blaney back out it's been a tough couple of weeks for that race team DVP damaged vehicle policy basically rules if you have any sort of damage you're only allowed to spend so much time on Pit Road that's what Marty was talking about it's been cleared which means he's basically free and clear for the rest race like it never happened except for the wear and tear on the car it did happen they reset the clock but to reset the clock you've got to make a minimum speed around here so obviously that would have been a little more challenging because of the wet weather conditions yeah but they they got their oh no the Knight of Chase Elliott also into the tire barriers and he's able to get off you see the yellow Goodyear tires and turn two this is in turn two I'm trying to look at the monitor to see when he was last on Pit Road it looks like he had just left Pit Road so that is cold sticker tires for the nine that just shows how dangerous it is Marty the 20 in front of you yeah Chase Elliott did just fit Steve and yes it's tough on those slick tires he had made so much progress talking about Chase Elliott usually the game and these wet Tire races who gets on the Slicks first remember Truex fitted a lap earlier you see Tyler Reddick on the bottom of the screen as well everybody going to slicks here and trying to baby the car as best they can Redick has a tough time getting out of a stall so now we'll see where the bat where Belle Blends and the 45 Blends versus the rest of the field back on the racetrack you see all babying those tires the 20. oh man it's so difficult he's right out in traffic 78 of Josh balicki that yellow 78 that is running just in front of Christopher Bell again before he came to Pit Road he was the race leader Angus Bergen now scored as the race leader until he comes to Pit Road [Music] riding along with the enhanced Health on board [Music] still the puddles through turns 10 and 11 before they come up this hill to turn 12 . Magnus Morgan trying to get by the six of Brad Keselowski and now he comes to Pit Road so the race leader on Pit Road Dave and this will be one of the things that Shane has never done before taking a next gen car to Pit Road Kenny hit his marks cleanly and give the crew an opportunity to change those Goodyear Tires well yes he does he will get the Slicks as well so Shane Van vickersburg and winning actually leading for the first time in NASCAR he'll get credited for leading one lap now he'll drop back into the pack with the fresh tires and see what he can do from there look at the map on the upper right hand side of the screen you see the 51 leaving the 20 coming around the last corner I believe the 51 right here is about the middle of the front stretch excuse me the 91. here's the 20 who's the first car on brand new tires and this is going to be very important really for position and Christopher Bell stays in front of the 91 on the pit cycle so as both tires move forward to slick tires Christopher Bell holds his position relative to the 91. Steve he was about 2.1 seconds back from Bell before that pit cycle went through a lot of troubles around the racetrack turn two turn six have been the most hectic up to this point [Music] oh foreign foreign driver of the number 42 Wendy's Camaro in the Nascar Cup Series and I'm always baconating I'm not kidding check out our videos on the NBC Sports YouTube page where do you think you get an outfit like that bacon from head to tail head to toe that's pretty impressive aerial coverage brought to you by PODS moving the summer save up to 30 percent at today 28 laps completes on lap 29. there are 17 still to go in stage two and Ben gusbergen with Reddick tucked in behind they are chasing after Christopher Bell who is the race leader you're starting to see a very defined dry line you can see these two cars running in it we started under very heavy wet conditions the drives the drivers took to the track and as they continue to run it created this dry line so there's really been this pit transition from wet tires to slick tires wet tires really are just a treaded version of the Goodyear Tires what you would have in your street car at home the slick tires are the type of tires that these cars run on all the ovals are zero tread they're perfectly smooth that rubber kind of heats up gets sticky and sticks to the track and the trick Marty is if it's wet enough the groove tires are faster but when the dry areas start to show up if you can manage it the slick tires overall have more speed yeah I think that's the key right Steve if you can manage it we saw Chase into the tire barrier again and he's stuck again he's trying to back it up he can't do it he's wedged in into the tire pack in turn number six as everybody will Race by to his inside [Music] and will it bring out a caution it does as he is not able to get rolling so they will have to help him get out of that tire barrier [Music] turn six has been his Nemesis today yeah it is like the first time not his fault he kind of got taken off in there with his teammate but this is a couple times that the 42 has definitely made contact with this tire barrier Marty well just to finish what we were saying Rick I wanted to show those tires Steve was talking about up close so so yes the Slicks here yellow and they are very slick as you can see it's a tough to hand to hang on to on the racetrack here are the treaded tires Steve like you said just like your passenger car at home the Treads and it kind of Wicks the water away from the tire but they have that white sidewall in fact there were some teams that had these on well into the run here Bubba Wallace just pitted a moment ago and took these tires off but they are so hard to hang on to without water on the track Steve the drivers actually have to go seek it out to keep them cool because not only is it treaded so there's less tire touching the ground but it's much softer gummier tire so heat is its Nemesis it's designed to create heat in the wet so when it gets dry it gets so hot it really starts tearing the tire apart you kind of start searching for puddles like a kid you know you look for his puddles to jump in that's what a race car driver on on wet tires do to keep your shoes cool is that why you do it as a kid well the the these kids have found a little bit of wet weather conditions on the track you know Gregson included [Music] [Music] thank you NBC Sports coverage of NASCAR is brought to you by Progressive Insurance save when you bundle Auto home and motorcycle insurance visit Credit One Bank a credit card company and by PODS moving this summer save up to 30 percent at today Museum of Natural History there in the background is you can take advantage of NASCAR drive at your race day campaign able to follow your favorite drivers with access to their in-car cameras just visit Drive where you can download the Nascar mobile app to watch all of the action we'll have a restarts and last time we've heard from Nascar it was single file restarts and while they're getting single file let's check in with Parker kligerman well Rick I just want to give a shout out to this first ever Chicago Street course crowd here remember just a couple hours ago it's pretty horrible conditions around your torrential downpour but as this race has gone on I've walked around this whole race track to different corners and different points and it's been amazing to see the fans coming out in droves getting up against the fences sometimes five seven deep against the fences in areas where they just want to see these race cars so it's awesome to see this crowd return here when the weather got a little better and those race cars fired up and started racing you know race cars just attract everyone to come out here right after the rain it's been pretty cool to see yes it has you mentioned the torrential downpour there there has been over two inches of rain that has fallen just today and so just this morning so really a tip of the cap to everyone here that has put on this event all of the street workers that have been helping out and making sure that this racing surface has gotten to the condition it is now that we've been able to see already 30 laps of this race complete and you mentioned Rick we're kind of it was a pretty hectic first 32 laps before I started in the wet we're moving into the dry you're going to see uh some red flashing lights probably still on the back of the race cars I think that's still required if you're allowed to run wet tires everyone here is on those dry slicks that we just kind of showed you Marty gave you a great example how what they actually look like but now it's kind of a big reset everybody from here is probably looking for one more Pit Stop Christopher Bell leads the new zealanders running second in Van Ginsburg and doing a just a remarkable job you're on board with Hamlin he was the pole sitter he kind of got off track really early and now he's he's kind of riding there in 12th now it's kind of you know it's a little more I don't want to call it straightforward but I think the drivers now have a better idea how their cars drive now that they've been in the dry a little bit and now Dave it's all about communicating to your team and to make adjustments and Steve whenever NASCAR race is on a road course or now Street courses we keep our eye on AJ almondinger who's running seventh uh AJ just reported that the brakes are miserable the car won't turn he's not real happy with it but that's normal and he's won a couple of times when he's complained about his race car team asked him to be big picture about the whole thing he said I get the big picture just don't want to get run over out here see the numbers there one of the very few that have so much experience on road courses cup Xfinity IndyCar and imsa for AJ almondinger let's check back in with the peacock pit box and DJ and Brad all right Brad uh interesting racing so far I mean the guys have done a great job even though some have had more problems than others there but uh some things that we can go through here with the race recap uh rains all day I can't even believe that we're at this point with what we saw this morning the amount of rain that has come down and and filled this track there's so much water but then we fire off Denny hamlins on the pole he sends that thing down into turn one got to a great job tip torn around this racetrack trying to find some some dry patches they cost me Canada than the first caution though the first spin not caution was Eric almarola yeah and then these guys tried to get in turn six down here a little too hot Eric Jones kind of created that uh Denny Hamlin our pole Center uh tried to get a little bit more than what his car would give him there in turn two Hal Bush well Kyle goes in there really really hard sends it in but he's able to get out and and move on he's still racing [Music] got put back here comes Noah uh once again this will be the second time he's been in the turn six uh barrier up there but it's just such a corner that you want to gain some speed uh just not enough grip there still a little bit damp I wonder if there was a Baconator down there but you can see Christopher Bell who's been really really fast since the beginning of the race he took the lead over did a great job got ahead and saw Jensen button trying to come and down trying to come down Pit Road got turned around yeah he's got to be further right than that and the hand out the window letting these guys know because that's part of them Noah once again with his low life I wasn't a highlight the real version turn six before Oh Noah but yeah it's it's been interesting but the guys as we talked about in the last stage you know it's starting to ramp up and when they get on these slicks now we know we're really going to start seeing some aggressive racing as these tires start to come in a little bit you know I wondered what may happen with Christopher Bell there when he switched over but once they got a couple of laps and he got back in his rhythm he really was beating the second third place cars by more than a second per her lap so it was just incredible but you know we're here this is happening we talked about what a great place it is to be and uh the sights The Sounds everything I mean it just doesn't get much better than this and we're racing hard and it's only going to get better [Music] foreign thank you [Music] take a look at the Toyota driver update fell up there in the lead Reddick is third fourth marktrex Jr Ty Gibbs is ninth and full winner Denny Hamlet currently in the 12th position see if he can work his way back up front Skyline here of Chicago the backdrop for this historic race for NASCAR Denny Hamlin has that number one pit stall and already 32 laps complete of the 100. Steve one thing that might come into play here is Darkness there aren't lights around this track and because they started just a little bit later and not getting as many turns as they have been able to and up to speed it could be an issue and back across the start finish line bell pulling away now from Brent gives Bergen and here comes Reddick looking to the inside fighting for that second spot redick's going to send it on into the inside he's going to slide across the nose of gizberg and now in turn number one Christopher Bell in that red car at the bottom of your screen he's away with the lead and the traffic Stacks up from second on back now leading that battle is Tyler Reddick to turn three and Daniel Suarez is getting mixed up in here in the 99 cars it goes by Truex here comes the fights your ex really loose right there in the water gotta lock up behind them Kyle Larson and Truex side by side into turn four everybody get through there clean great battling here on these restarts I think the tip I think the tempo's picking up guys yeah Mark trucks Jr just trying to regain some lost ground Christopher Bell has checked out you're on board with AJ Allmendinger as the Field Works the way down Columbus Drive into turn number six almond Digger now will clear that spot clear that turn that is and work his way to turn seven third seven down here again this sharp right-hander you can see the dry Lane and you can see the intensity picking up drivers are trusting the race track they're trusting the grip even downhill into this right hand or the infinity 10 Jeep turn I'm amazed that they're that confident look at all the wetness on this part of the racetrack but they're still attacking still racing each other that's the wettest part of the track right there Jeff in front of you and they go through their gingerly but then once they're able to come out at 12 and get back into the gas Bell again trying to pull away one second already over Reddick Tyler Reddick now in the second position dropping back to the battle for fourth Kyle Larson in that car right there that number five he has it Daniel Suarez we ride on board with in the Xfinity mobile right now he's tried to take it away off turn two up Lakeshore Drive as Larson will Gap in by about three curlings Daniel Flores did some testing in Trans Am at Detroit went and raced the Trans Am race in Nashville with the IndyCars so has some street racing experience I think that's paying out for him right here they chase the five-car Larson his burger right in front of him for the greater part of the last 10 15 laps or so these two have been Inseparable Daniel Suarez Kyle Larson Racing for position here's Larson on the attack to the inside of his Bergen now he'll grab the spot the lane is left open up here comes Daniel Suarez in the 99 downhill to seven this is part of Cup racing that when drivers come from other series they're shocked at how aggressive Cub drivers are Australian supercars they're also very aggressive but this is when they tend to lose spots after restarts our guys get up on it they know it's important to get track position they get very aggressive they step up their game and SVG is going to have to do the same well SVG has dropped back a bit now more aggressive in front of him and now he's starting to see just the level of competition that he is fighting against Dave and in all of that look at what Kyle Larson has done in the blue and white number five car he has now raised his way up a couple of positions after a good pit stop in and out on the green flag cycle game spots there and Larson is going after it a lot of coaching for him in the early parts of the race but now he is being very aggressive and going forward in the five incredible drive by Larson right here still getting a little bit of pressure back there from Suarez almost full out through turn three there into the breaking Zone turn four over the bumps track really drying out through this area right now a lot of grip get them slide in the cars lusting out really wide and driving away Kyle Larson has been very aggressive in the wet and now he's even more so aggressive in the drive he has cleared all the cars behind him he's running in position number three freaking Suarez along for the ride that you're riding with right now as they try to track down the front two and fell and Reddick yeah you can see how aggressive look watch a five car watch it actually hop it actually moves around and it'll pick up almost picked the tire up off the ground that shows you how much grip the racetrack has when it was wet the cars just slid around now they're actually bouncing and moving around tires are fully in this racetrack grip level back up looking the rest of telemetry of watching hard on the throttle and back off again and around turn 12. Kim and we know Daniel can get around Road Force tight tracks from left and right he won Sonoma last year but when I talked to crew team Travis Mackey said having sdg has been tremendously helpful in terms of learning how to attack race track where to find speed on this course the crew chief the drivers the entire team over at crack house have done a deeper dive into the smt data of SVG that's just out of depth to what their notebook has been this weekend come right at you again Junior yeah Christopher Bell is just annihilating this build right now holy car in the 91 second bracket everybody else about a second off let's look at Truex right here trying to make this pass Focus Bergen to the inside now I'm into turn one makes it work it's really a one lane track he gets loose on Corner X and loses the spot back it's a one lane track one line of Drive everything else is wet [Music] turning onto Michigan and heading right at you Jeff Burton yeah I love this race and you can see Martin tricks Jr he just shipped it in there hoping to get SVG to back up he didn't do it he checked up early and just turned back underneath him really great racing it's kind of racing we expected to see we got to this racetrack we got on the track we realized it is going to be a racy little fun Racetrack and we've seen it so far Tyler Reddick and Kyle Larson Daniel Suarez Vengeance Bergen Truex Jr all in line going by the Pit Road Dave and Shane back Ginsburg in the blue and white 91 he's clawing back now but his team is getting a kind of play-by-play they don't like listen ing right they're hearing every single shift up every single shift down his microphone is hung open Electronics in the weather you try to move as much out of the way as possible but you get any sort of you know rain or moisture into those Electronics they just seem to quit working the good news there if his Mike's cradle stuck open then the driver can't hear you see him looking down you wonder if he knows there's an issue looking at the steering wheel trying to figure out if he can fix something and all that's happening while he's trying to go up to the gearbox down to the gearbox brake accelerate he's doing a good job managing that situation inside the race car while obviously maintaining a spot inside of the top five and the track is continues to get quicker and quicker guys more more cars running one night or 91 second laps most of the field in the 92s and 93s [Music] and right now we see them going through the Xfinity 10g turn but it's Bell who has been dominant once he's been up front LED 27 laps already foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this time next week the cup series once again will be racing prime time but next week it is Atlanta and Steve oh my goodness Chase Elliott got to win a year ago but he might have to have a win if he's going to get in to the playoffs and Atlanta is definitely not an easy track if you have to win somewhere yeah the solid smallest drafting Super Speedway type track we see it's only a mile and a half but their rates like Daytona and Talladega in packs Bumper to Bumper drafting off one another yeah down here turn up to 11. booming around he made contact he's up against the wall trying to let traffic go by there's a little opening right here he's trying to go in and he's not going to be able to get turned around I hope all the spotters will let him know he's here now he's gonna have to wait there's another small opening coming to see if he sits there he just needs to sit sit sit almost into line there's still four or five more cars yet to go he was 11th and did they change from a blue to a yellow flag it looks like they did they've gone to caution there was a blue flag there but now because he couldn't get it fired back up it goes to caution you see contact right here at night he was just both of them look like their cars were moving around a lot he and the 11 car got together it almost looked like they both are in the corner too deep contact around you in go back and watch that again yes watch it from an old board from Denny Hamlin yeah hear that right there he's Sly they're both sliding you could hear her Denny Hamlin off the gas and you can almost hear the tires shaking as he was trying to get it slowed down I thought both of them were in deep ultimately Hanley got into the back of him so so as we are right on board right here with Denny Hamlin you could see this very still overcast skies and look how much the lights like the caution lights and all we're still you know 90 minutes from scheduled Sunset but this is anything but a bright sunny day so Marty with 60 laps to go that is nowhere near a fuel window to a hundred but if you think we're racing Darkness this is decision time for the leaders do you pit now thinking we may only run to say 80 laps yeah Steve 60 laps to go or are there 60 laps to go that's what Adam Stevens is thinking with Christopher Bell as you see Alex Bowman limp down Pit Road that's critical because he's very near the cut line Adam Stevens is worried about the darkness that is obviously coming here this evening and how many laps would be left in the race so if you're Adam Stevens you're leading the race like you are like Christopher Bell his driver what do you do here Steve there's five laps to go in stage two you want those points to you pit here thinking hey we may be racing to a different number than lap 100. Pit Road was closed that time by I could see the red light as it can came through so no options to pit Pit Road doesn't open automatically it's manually opened and uh it's going to be a tough decision you hope that NASCAR would give this information but they may not have it they haven't made a decision yet Rick decision time you see Alex Bowman contacts and around he goes dealing with the elements here at the streets of Chicago foreign well here in Chicago you got plenty of options with the deep dish pizza you got the Chicago dogs so right here we see the leaders passing Pit Road the green light is on so these so the idea would be you only want to pet one more time there are 59 laps to go you see some takers back in the field new tires are a little Advantage but not big enough to give up track positions so you only want to pit after you're inside your window we see William Byron coming to Pit Road right here Kim and for Joey Logano and this team they are playing a strategy card knew they didn't have the position or the car to win they think we are not racing to lap 100 we are chasing Darkness so they are electing to come in and make what they think is their last stop of the day here Marty so Ken this is an interesting move Kevin Harvick coming down Pit Road the Busch Light onboard camera as he comes down to Rodney Childers so pitting here they should be able to get to like lap 80 or so they're at the back of the back they kind of have nothing to lose the leaders though if they they should come around lap 62-63 so an interesting move if we are indeed Steve racing to Darkness around lap 80 they think they've made the right move here to be out when everybody else fits if you're an Alex Bowman fan you unfortunately see the hood up on the 48 I don't believe it's damage from the spin uh but the engine has gone into this protection mode Electronics on the engine so so from what we hear from the team they're trying to figure out why the car thinks it needs to run at a lower RPM frustrating and Parker once again you're at a vantage point that very few people get to experience here right Rick and I've been able to walk around this entire racetrack the Chicago Street course and I have to say this where I'm right now this patio over turn 12 is one of the most surreal experiences I've had in NASCAR as you look over my left shoulder that is the Chicago skyline there's all these people hanging out watching race cars though below them about 20 feet coming off turn 12 onto the front stretch and I just have to say I've wanted NASCAR to do a street course but this has been unbelievable whether you're a new fan of NASCAR or a long time fan there's no denying how big this race has been for this sport it's just unbelievable experience here on the ground and seeing these fans just take it all in they're expecting over 70 000 fans to be able to experience racing this weekend and so we've seen you know full Suites and full grandstands what I just haven't expected is the fans have lined up along the fence like on Lake Shore Drive you know things we've taken for granted which the speed of these race cars and the sound you see these newer family look at that right there yeah I mean I mean what are they 10 Deep or so maybe even more than that yeah it's very amazing this right here is turn two you see that that's actually the garage area back there in the distance where you see the haulers but look at the backdrop I mean that's just something that Nascar has never seen before they've never experienced something like this and they're again are the fans a lot of new some old well and I want to give the Chicago fans credit right like I know Chicago is a sports town we know it from all the sports teams and they're die hard but a new sport how die-hard would they be very because it was a wet morning you see all the ponchos they've still come out in droves great shot as you see Congress Loop and the fans they're appreciative of the show we're seeing from Nascar and green flag is back out Bell back into the gas Larson right on his back bumper we'll see if he has anything for him in one here they come now up the front straightaway into turn number one Christopher Bell Kyle Larson Larson practically pushing in through one and Daniel he'll glance up the barrier in one they sort it out battle for the lead in the right-hander Jared to Lake Shore Drive down along straight away here Larson losing a little bit of ground big battle right here as everybody's trying to recover around Suarez Leah Torres car has any damage if he's able to continue to bet a tow link Coggins have an incredible run today in this race in that 54 Interstate Batteries Toyota drewx still out of control that's probably one of the most aggressive parts of this race we've seen all afternoon they work their way down the straightaway into turn number six good battle for the lead now as Alex Bowman has found a problem onto the racetrack and he has come to a halt on the racetrack that is the straightaway leaving turn five headed to turn six the leaders meanwhile headed to turn nine great battle for the lead right here aggressiveness is picked up the laps are winding down two to go before the stage ends Kyle Larson had the fastest car before that last caution he has putting a ton of pressure on Bell Bell's able to exit the corners very well Larson struggles a little bit but beats him under breaking paved oval's dirt ovals Road of course it doesn't matter NASCAR does sprint cars Christopher Bell and Kyle Larson continue to battle what do you hang on the 48 Marty no oil pressure Steve and finally the engine let go that is two drivers right at the playoff cut line with the 48 and Alex Bowman and also the 23 of Bubba Wallace and there you see the smoke coming out of both sides and that'll bring the caution out because he's stopped which with just one lap to go this is going to end stage one and so the field will be Frozen when the caution comes out it means the Bell is going to win stage two as well so we sweep stage one and stage two they'll have to push Bowman back into the garage and you heard Marty just say it Alex Bowman remember he had to sit out a couple races due to a broken back of all things he sustained in a race car accident not in a NASCAR race but in a sprint car race he's come back in the point situation he's yet to win but he came in just barely outside the playoff picture and now on the left side of your screen all the way down to 20th at minus 32 really the big Gainer today for me is Daniel Suarez up there in 15th Daniel currently running in the seventh position great work trying to inch his way up remember a new winner somebody outside wins that cut line kind of moves so it's a moving Target Bowman one of the drivers who has missed because of injury the other one Chase Elliott could be in the same situation there you saw the car missing the turn and just sliding up against the wall again that's Daniel Suarez in the 99 Larson putting a lot of pressure right there on Bell but yeah Suarez is able to keep it going it's Juarez fell back to seventh after that incident Rick you you can feel like the intensity is picking up right everybody talks patience and oh we're gonna get used to the track and all those talking points a couple days ago not anymore it's not a new track anymore to these drivers it's the same track they've been on for 44 laps and they're pushing and it's not dry but it's getting drier I would say from 10 to 11. well fans stick around as Lidos will take us from the asphalt of the Chicago street race to the surface of the Moon in today's news President Kennedy in a speech at Rice University thank you foreign [Music] first two stages complete in the Nascar Cup Series Chicago street race the Grant Park 220 on BBC and the most points earned today Bell winning both stages that's 10 points for winning the stage and so he gets 20 points after winning both you see that big smile you know why that is Rick you had him in fantasy oh I have Bell Reddick the 91 and the five so as long as they don't mess it up from here I'm feeling pretty good about the day I've had so far and I I joke but that's really the point right so when we say points earned today they can't be taken away they've earned them in the stages so now if you have an issue like what Alex Bowman had you at least kind of have a little bit of a a little bit of a silver lining to your day Dave so Steve Michael Mcdowell runs in the top five note that this week the crews are servicing their cars in the opposite direction pit Cruise flow pit Lane flows in the opposite direction so Michael decided he would be The Driver behind the wheel when the crew practice this week usually it's not the high price driver usually it's just a crew member that does it Michael got behind the wheel to make sure his guys were on point for the pit stops today there should be one more Kim well Dave for rookie Ty Gibbs it has quietly been a fantastic day currently finds himself in the sixth position and when I talk with the team this morning they say is about racing smarter for Tai trying to limit their mistakes and get as many points as possible knowing they are within Striking Distance of finding a spot in the playoffs Marty no complaints really from TY so far just lacking a little bit of rear grip on that Toyota cam Martin trucks Junior's in the eighth position right now as crew chief James small told him a moment ago listen if you just stay online we'll be fine at times we've had some of the best cars one of the best cars here today and at times we have struggled you see them make contact for the wall there is no damage from that contact his biggest struggle is exit of right hand corners and James also told him a moment ago Steve hey back it down a little bit back yourself off a little bit there's plenty of pace there but we need to survive well the only thing that concerns me about you and I but we took the count yeah six exit rights a lot of Rights a lot of Rights James small right there now listen we talked a lot about the driver of the 91 and his Supercar background well that's where this man right here came from James's is from Australia and he races a lot and grew up in that Supercar kind of garage here just like we I grew up in NASCAR so he knows a lot about changing both directions knows a lot about Street courses and obviously helping his driver Martin Truex Jr to a solid run still running inside the top 10. I love these two get on the radio man not my style but they have a very interesting style they will snap at each other so I'm just hearing from Nascar they have made the decision that because of the late start and sunset they have changed the length of this race and they're letting all the teams know this race will end at lap 75 so you see that in the upper left corner of the screen 47 of the 75 laps have been run and so now the Finish Line has changed they're going to 75 laps now all the teams know it well now everyone is inside their pit window so remember a yellow go Logano Byron Centric Bush Harvick all came to Pit Road Al morola they just hit the lottery because they don't have to come to Pit Road right now they'll stay out because they can make it to lap 75. so they're instantly going to get track position gifted to them by the adjustment of the race length now the rest of the field will all come to Pit Road and if you're Bell Larson Reddick you're a little frustrated these guys have leapfrogged you but you have got to have a clean stop here and at least be the best car or at least the first car on new tires off from Pit Road so right here hard right hand corner we are going to see a jam pet Road small pit boxes Dave Kyle Larson gives up second place now to come to Pit Road he'll get four fresh Goodyear tires in Sunoco fuel in the opposite direction of normal a tear off too so they can see Marty Tyler Reddick you see him coming down pit Rose going to get those four fresh Goodyear Tires what a gift as you mentioned Steve for everyone that pitted a lap 42 but Adam Stevens did tell Christopher Bell yes they shortened the race but there's only nine cars that pitted at lap 42 and you're better than every one of them you can pass all of them when you get back out on the track well what an interesting twist in this race Steve it is interesting twist but I like that pep talk right listen let's not hang on the bad brakes let's just get back focused do what we can do you see Bell Larson clean off Pit Road Reddick the 54 of Gibbs also saw McDowell coming off holding his position in fifth the restart when we return [Music] all right foreign [Music] thank you [Music] a few new names up front now as the pit stops have shaken things up and the end of this race at lap 75 will also make things interesting Justin Haley will be up front Austin Dillon and Chase Elliott the top three legano William Byron and Cedric the top six back up through the get to racing racing get there in second Chase Elliott in third and how hard do they go into turn one here they come into the corner you got Justin Haley in the 31. there's Chase Elliott and the nine legano in the 22. but gotta will slip that'll cost him to spot it'll cost him the fourth position now as William Byron will make his presence known in the top five he'll take that fourth position headed to three the driver that's dominated this race Christopher bell all the way back in 12th position gonna have a lot of work to do to try to drive his way toward the front of his back all these cars a lot slower than him there's a couple there toward the front Chase Elliott William Byron that I think will be hard to run down dropping further back in the field you saw Corey lajoy making some moves inside of the top ten meanwhile the leaders are they coming to turn number six Joey Legato with a 22. Austin Cedric in the two third teammates as they all head to seven and turn seven teammates ballon Steve mentioned it these guys had a great strategy call hit him before that before the last caution now they've got track position and most likely can make it the entire way great work by that team but Justin Haley leaned the pack grew up two hours from here he is a good road racer he will not be an easy pass Byron in the wall Byron missed the corner they're gonna snap s too narrow there's nowhere for everybody to go you gotta go right they are all that stuff there are seven cars sitting here with nowhere to go they're trying to back up it is a broken camera there's nowhere to go right here traffic jam on Jackson Street or Jackson driving so they knew this was going to happen you hear the fans yelling but that was just a situation where one car got sideways and then another one was so close he couldn't get by but that means another caution lap and another restart Steve well first of all the running order is going to be very interesting to see but Jeff did it all start with the 24th seemed like he got into the barrier first yes that's right the 24 of William Byron who was in position to possibly win this race he ended up getting into the barrier let's go back and watch so here there it is right there William just missed the corner again these wet conditions got out of the groove and then it just snowballed from there if you were able to get in this right lane and get by this that was a lucky break here it is right here see William just missed the corner just pushing hard wet conditions out of the groove and Harvick spun around in front of him and that's what started this long here did we see Corey lajoy get into the back of the four there also to maybe help him get around I did yeah we did but yeah I mean listen I don't know what there it is right there but I think what happened was the four of Harvick saw the 24 and he probably checked up trying to avoid him and Corey didn't see him it's very narrow it's hard to see through these cars see right there I just think that that was I don't think Corey did that on purpose or it was anything terrible there it's just Harvick is probably trying to get slowed up well look who's stuck right in the middle of her 37 laps LED today for Christopher Bell and you see the 20 stuck right in middle of the traffic jam it's like rush hour in Chicago nowhere to go I agree so you see right here you just wonder what Jeff was saying so so Kevin Harvick had a little Gap in front of him so I think he probably adjusted his speed and we've seen Corey Joy be very aggressive into this corner I think he just gets into the back of him but look at this lucky break slash great driving I'm gonna give him a little bit of both for Tyler Reddick also Daniel Square Edge watch this right here oh McDowell couldn't but yeah Redding gets through yeah with the 20 Suarez Reddick both through and for that reason it's still Haley and Dylan and Elliot up front but then a different group of cars behind them remember we talk about the jumbling of the field and the 20 kind of had track position after he went up and took the lead all day long and now he's going to be sitting way back here and now Nascar has to decide how this scoring is going to work it's going to be very different difficult to kind of untangle this yeah this happened you know it's a road course and we have spotters all over you know we probably have two spoters most teams do but right here on Michigan Avenue the spotters are right on top of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra building which is only a half a block away so they were able to see it but there was really not much you could do once it got blocked up there wasn't anything but it happened right in front of the spotters you're going to see a lot of cars jocking for position in the lineup because NASCAR is going to have to make a big decision okay were you able to continue where do you fall in line Yeah so basically it goes back to the last Loop line unless you were in the wreck which is basically three quarters of the field right so now we're gonna have to kind of peel it back piece by piece NASCAR's gonna have to work the lineup out NASCAR will put them back in line and we will have another restart from here [Music] oh foreign these breathtaking aerial views have been brought to you by PODS moving to Summer save up to 30 percent at today want to see which drivers are on the Move brought to you by Elk Grove Village plus 36 spots for Haley yes Haley is up front for the restart and then actually there's only about four or five that are certain of their positions and after that there's a lot of confusion as to where they're going to line up Dave not bad for Justin Haley up all those positions and that strategy is leading to that I just talked to Trent Owens his crew chief about their fuel situation and that was under green under green they would need three laps they were three laps short on fuel under caution if they can get about six laps it's two to one usually the way you calculate they could make it they're counting them off here and Tim that may not be the last caution today that's right Dave for Austin Allen he qualified 29th and when I talked to Crew Chief Keith brought in this morning their whole goal today was to get off strategy and see if they can do something with this race that way that is exactly what has played into their hand they last stopped on 31 just like Justin Haley checked in with the team they feel very confident about where their fuel window is Marty especially with these cautioned laps well Kim what a crazy weekend it has been for Chase Elliott the wreck and qualifying going to the backup car starting at the back of the field coming up through the field then the spin in this race they fix the damage from that and Alan tells him this gets us closer I think they would feel more comfortable if they got another caution here for Chase Elliott in the 19 to make sure they could make it all the way but boy what a game changer Steve and no team maybe needs this win more than Chase Elliott and his group member missed the seven races earlier this year right now not in the playoffs for that group and Tyler Reddick real quick was in the middle of that contact Jeff called that and they have a little bit of damage the toe is knocked down on the 45 but according to Tyler not bad enough to pit yeah and Pit Road was open so anybody that would have come would have already had that opportunity you see the cars swerving back and forth just trying to keep the tires clean they pick up all the loose Marbles and they stick to it um and then the cars have very little traction so try to clean up the tires when they can we've got the scoring all worked out so a big break for Reddick Gibbs amarola kind of moved themselves up Bell and Larson loss of track position we saw Harvick sideways and you see what it would look like right there as they run yeah 11 cars in yellow Haley is leading though that would move him above we talk about you know what it would mean for Chase Elliott well you know Haley would move into the playoffs Austin Dillon who's running second he would jump above he's not even in the top 20 of points we have Chase Elliott so a lot of names at the front of this field that could change the playoff picture [Music] a win and you advance into the playoffs which will begin at eight races [Music] cleaning the tires off as they come through the Xfinity 10g turn enjoying themselves they're along Michigan Avenue getting ready for the green flag as they get over Jackson Drive and into the restart Zone it is Haley Dylan Elliott hard under the gas and onto the front stretch once again Haley pulling away after a great restart three car links ahead of doing here they come into turn number one Justin Haley away but here comes Austin Dillon he's going to send it in a little hard right now he'll be one maybe two car links behind very aggressive restart Austin Chase Elliott and the nine had trouble earlier today has rebounded quite nicely now inside the top five Justin Haley leads down the back straight away locks up the right front tire in the braking Zone quick returns four into turn five look at these cars sliding out to the brick concrete wall here taking the wall there and turn four exiting four and a traffic jam through turn five now they will swing wide and set up for the entrance to turn six that's the left-hander back onto Balbo single foul as one car spins around it's Martin Truex Jr exiting turn number four facing the wrong way basically facing Southbound on the Northbound Lane they'll right that car spin that Toyota around and then send it back up Columbus Drive as we pick up the leaders in front of Jeff bird look at this battle right here awesome Cedric trying to keep a hard charge in time Gibbs behind him Ty Gibbs had a really good day his very first Xfinity race was on a road course at Daytona and he got the win look at the two cars sliding around here's what happened to Truex around he goes in front of the field that wasn't a bigger wreck but we got bubble Wallace off course over here in front of me he's in the runoff areas trying to work himself back onto the racetrack [Music] now Bubba Wallace now making his way up Jackson Drive and has lost quite a few positions he tucks in behind Blaney as they make the right hand turn back onto the front stretch let's look again at what happened to the 23. just got it there a little bit too deep we see multiple people do that as his track has tried the break-in Zone has gotten longer but if you miss it it's still wet over here this is the wettest part of the racetrack if you get offline it's not going to slow down we've seen other parts of the racetrack we're actually seeing them block the brake front brakes up that's not going to happen over here it's too wet turn number six watching everyone set up for this corner as they work their way through turn number six and headed back to Michigan Avenue Daniel Suarez that's the 99 car he's got damage to the left front making contact onto the racetrack hoping that left front oh and Noah Gregson sends it into six matter of fact it got locked up backs it in spins the car around tries to right the car several drivers coming to grieve here in the last handful of laps Noah Gregson when he comes back to Chicago he will never drive on Columbus Drive this might be the worst place for him to go he's four times he has been into the turn six Tire barriers you see the damage right here what happened contact between couldn't tell if it was the one yeah the one I think the one got into the 38. I mean it's everywhere let's look on board with the one right here I could see what Ross is thinking right too wide in front the 38 has a pretty wide entry Ross thinks he's going to get into the bottom contact of the 38 and then the 42. just misjudges the best I could tell misjudges it loses control obviously but speed seems to be much higher than the cars around him backs it into the tire barriers and there you see the damage to the left side of the 99 for Daniel Suarez Suarez trying to get by Hamlin right behind them Eric Jones bridge and into turn seven coming towards you again Jeff you have to wonder how long NASCAR will let that 99 car ride around there with that piece of debris hanging off of it see that dry section of the racetrack heading through the loop now downhill this heavy braking Zone we've seen so many people Miss look how wet it is they slide through 11 back up over the hill to the right-hander back on the front stretch it is Justin Haley he has a good lead over Austin Dillon and Chase Elliott thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you remember when you were a kid playing with Hot Wheels well they just got a whole lot bigger buckle up for an exciting new competition It's Hot Wheels ultimate Challenge Tuesdays on NBC and streaming on peacock [Music] 18 laps remaining from the street course here in Chicago Justin Haley after some pit strategy has found himself out in front Austin Dillon is a half a second behind Chase Elliott 1.4 seconds behind Haley and then Reddick has been able to clear Kyle Busch he's running fourth here's Christopher Bell getting into the tire barrier in turn one yeah it looks like he's just getting too hot and as the car's peeled off he just just way too much speed there's no other way to put it you see the contact to the tire Barry is able to keep going you see him turn six Tyler Redick is buried in this into the entire wall in turn number six Tyler Renner took a wider line coming in and this portion of the track that he stuck in is still wet he's on slicks he's trying to get traction and he can because the payments with he is buried that Monster energy Toyota Camry into the safer barrier right here at the end of Columbus Drive gosh it comes out and they will have to pull him out from underneath the tire barrier Tyler Reddick had just made his way up to Fourth he had passed Kyle Busch and now frustrated with himself so while they pull him out of the tire barriers we're going to reset once again and have another reset and restart from the streets of Chicago Tough break there for running [Music] foreign and home of Sue who's the largest T-Rex that they have found and we have had an enjoyable day calling this race radio style and that means we go from broadcaster to broadcaster do we want to check out the guys that are up on their perches and back man you may have to call in sick to work tomorrow you have yelled trouble more than anybody of the broadcast team there's free Rick I'm gonna be hitting the old loons cough drops tonight to juice up for TMD tomorrow morning at 7 A.M on Series XM NASCAR radio what I've seen here in turn six today is a whole lot of contact into that safer barrier behind me this is this is one of those Corners that has really been the thorn in a lot of sides today or in this case the tire packs have been a thorn in the sides of those race cars it's been a handful down here but this race has been amazing to watch and the fans have enjoyed it here at my end of the racetrack Dale Jr what about you yeah down here in turn four I think that you know this hasn't been much of a passing zone as we anticipated up until this last stage or these last few laps we're starting to see some drivers like Tyler Reddick and like tiger get more and more desperate the faster cars that we saw earlier in the race kind of mired back in the back side of the top ten pushing really hard they're taking advantage of some opportunities here sliding tires and all those all those things getting into turn four but heading out of turn five down to turn six uh great long straight away another passes on down there near you in turn six and then headed over to Jeff Burton yeah you know it's been fun for me to watch these drivers adapt as this racetrack has changed you all knew coming here it was a tight race track and it was going to be a challenge it was made even more difficult with the rain and now the track drying where can I push my limits where is the speed and after all of that we have the top three cars none of these three drivers have won a race this year and all three are way out of the point any one of these three guys wins they're in the playoffs and I think that going forward there's so much on the line they're going to have to be aggressive if they want to win this race but we've seen what happens if you get too aggressive yeah that's a great point to bring up too Jeff let's bring in the peak pit box and DJ and Brad Daugherty guys do you think Haley can hold off the hard charging Dylan Elliott and Bush you know Brad this guy's a Justin Haley is a real talent behind the wheel and he's getting more comfortable in these cars uh each time that he drives and he's got tremendous amount of Talent on road course this uh street race this time uh I really believe that he has everything that it takes if he's got enough fuel they're going to have a hard time getting by well the thing that we've noticed is you just can't get outside of the dry line at all there's no grip anywhere but I'm watching that Chase Elliott he's really good at the end of these races so it'll be interesting to see what happens yeah a lot of them we thought didn't know that we're going to be up here in this particular time but let's look back exactly what has happened and how we got here a little bit we can see uh kind of what towards the end this was just some button trying to get onto pit Lane but he was really wide there and Chris butcher got into him spun Joey Logano had to to avoid that but we've seen a little bit action everywhere yeah these guys down and turned he's been in there five times a day just kept getting into the wall yeah Martin Truex has not found this to his liking either as things went on uh he got into the wall there and then I mean this is a really hard lick I can't believe that it didn't do more damage there uh we can see here Danny Hamlin just got in way too hard and got into Alex Bowman yeah both those guys got in there a little bit hot he didn't mean to get into Alex but there's nowhere to go yeah and again it's just a major it's just a matter of staying inside that line and then you see the fire there with Alex bull and this is we knew this was going to happen at some point in time and it did came right down in front of Jeff Burton but this is the became the parking lot that we expected might happen here with something happening on the exit of one of these corners and about 14 cars involved enough yeah that was a bad one and then here we go with Truex again he gets spun around in the middle of track goes to the back of the field uh just no luck there and then we see Gilliland he gets knocked around there he gets spun and then last but not least yeah Noah back in turn six once again Wendy's is gonna have to sponsor that corner down there next year and then what about this guy they changed the race to 7500 laps ago Christopher Bell gets shuffled back he's getting starts from 12. now all of a sudden his race is over and then here we go Rick Tire Bears which we've seen uh three cars that have done that today with Kyle Bush Noah Gregson and most recently Christopher Bell in the 20th as they come over the bridge into the restart Zone and back into the gas they go Haley has Dylan all over his back bumper Dylan trying to get him a little bit Loose as they came through 12. now car Link's back but aggressively attacking after Haley battle for the lead 15 laps to go Austin Dillon now in the three looking to the inside momentarily he couldn't get the move done in turn one now let's see how it shapes up in two Haley at the 31. Dylan three now Under Fire from Chase Elliott of the nine and others Austin Dillon off uh ran offline just a little bit there in turn two a lot of a lot of lock up over the bus Dylan Dodge that four there trying to make up a little ground the breaking Zone off turn number four five and now headed to six we'll see how this shapes up now as everybody's driving deep into these Corners here they come here come all the leaders now hard onto the breaks oh Dylan nails pushing it through six down to the inside but Haley the course and keeps the lead to seven you can see what Austin Dillon is trying to do he's trying to beat Haley under breaking Austin Dillon in that three-car is putting a ton of pressure on him remember this area that they are approaching it is wet down here we'll also villain trying to get to the right of him no Haiti did a great job of going through the loop better he has distance on him now no way Dylan can make a move right here Haley misses the group Just a Touch until he gets a little bit of a run Kyle Bush sliding sideways as he went through turn 11 but they are nose to tail the top three with Haley in front of Austin Dillon here you see them coming out of the 10g turn Xfinity 10g Dart and in through 11. a little sliding there by the eights as there still goes to two turn number one now you got the leaders Haley Dylan Elliott Kyle Bush Joey Logano they're the top five there's a little car but how about a rebound for Kyle bushdale found the tire barrier in front of me in six and now he's running inside of the top five it is real impressive to see the speed of this car after that crash earlier in the race also off to Dylan never thought we'd be seeing him running in second place putting pressure on Haley here late he wants to get back to that back bumper remind him he's there make him pressure himself into a mistake that's what he did the last time through turn six now see if he turns the wick up again Dylan's gonna come in hot again he's going to not as hot as last time through but Justin Haley doing a great job of keeping the lead here with 14 to go he really is and he's going to have to do a good job Austin Dillons worked very hard at becoming a better road racer he really struggled early in his career he spent a lot of time in the off-season doing some racing knew he had to get better we run so many road races now it's required to be good at it Austin Dillon has put in a ton of work and maybe the most approved road racer on the circuit Dylan now a half a car link we'll see how much pressure he puts on the back of Haley oh he hit the wall he hit the inside wall and sent him into the tire barriers we'll see how much damage that is done it's torn the left front off of Dylan's car you see the tow link has been bent yeah this is going to be the end of the day for the three car there's no way he can continue with that much damage on the left front it all started with contact on the inside of the corner forcing the three straight he was pushing such pressure on the leader in the end of mistake for the three Rick take another look at it he bounces off that inside wall right into the tire barrier and hard contact with the left front he was just pushing so hard but right there he Clips the wall and into the tire barriers and Ricky can't turn it into turn one he just nosed it into the turn one barrier the car won't turn and now he's blocking turn one he's trying to back it up he's done it a couple of times and as we see right there with that contact at the other end of the straightaway now he's just trying to back it up on the Pit Road just trying to get out of Harm's Way Stay Green under 13 laps to go and he has made it on to Pit Road he's backing up there now just a tenth of a second separating the top two Chase Elliott now in a position where he could potentially win his way into the playoffs Haley out front once again through turn 12 but now the closest car to him is Chase Elliott right there running in the second position bush has moved up to third Legato Ben Gisborne is running in that fifth spot thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign things are heating up up front yes SVG has closed the Gap he's up to third now and the fastest car on the racetrack there have been issues in turn one though yeah you see the 19 takes the left Tanner just too fast goes by balicki all the way up it catches the quarter panel of the four and then joining them was the 21 of Harrison Burton just look at the speed in here see the glowing rotors too and the 19 the front rotors were glowing orange and then you see right there brake lock up for the 21 the same thing into the tire pack he was able to pull away but you said it Justin Haley leads Chase Elliott second but Shane Van gets Bergen is flying a second a lap now over a second of lap running the leaders down with 10 to go here he comes out of five he's setting up for six and he is outbreaking the front two he is sending that car in about maybe a hundred feet deeper than everyone else he's cleared six he's headed downhill to Michigan Avenue in seven [Music] great battle here for the lead you got Haley who's looking for his second cup win Chase Elliott defending Champion SVG has a ton of championships three Supercar championships this is a great battle I said Haley's got his work cut out for him he's a really good road racer but he has two great ones behind him and Dave it looks like SVG is getting a little more aggressive when he was asked after qualifying third for this race if he was feeling comfortable in this new to him race car he said absolutely not I am still learning every lap but the three-time champion from New Zealand has been learning well and all through the day even though he got caught back in traffic he has been going forward he's got 16 lap better tires than the two cars in front of him and he thinks he can get him of course it's over all of Australia and New Zealand every Motorsports fan over there at 11 A.M right now are tuned in to see Bergen can make the passes needed to be able to get the lead of this race as we close in on the Finish offer of Chase Elliott off of turn five he's a great run Justin Haley Chase Elliott running for their lives right now they look in the rearview mirror and here's SVG looming larger he's going to ease it into the corner going to take a peek to the outside just for a moment you're looking at SVG from Chase Elliott's car over the hill downhill to seventh and right now he's looking for room to race [Music] a great battle here you can see the pressure being put on a little bit of contact 91 is in the back of the nine on that previous corner it's been since 1973 Mark Donahue one Riverside that a road course from ringer came in and took the trophy from these guys spg's got a shot Haley's still out front Chase Elliott right now almost blocking for Haley as SVG that Shane Ben ginsbergen trying to get by the nine he goes to the inside to take a peek not close enough though as they go into one here they come off the end of the front straight away he's looking for the right moment maybe perhaps a slip from Chase Elliott Chase Elliott is conflicted right now he's trying to go offense he's trying to play deck it as SVG is on the move I'll take the spot it's Bergen now in second place zeros in on Haley out front Haley looks in the mirror and sees a new car does that add pressure does that push the 31 into a mistake look at how much the 91 games he's right on the back bumper now out of turn five here he comes out of five this is the potential change for the lead Justin Haley in the 31. Shane Van ginsbergen now will take a peek it's not there but he gets right up on the back bumper and Haley battle for the lead and possibly the win leaving six and heading to turn seven oh an aggressive move right here down the hill under breaking we got a concert on the racetrack we're gonna have to go back and see where they were lined up before that caution came up just as quickly as the pass was to happen for the lead Mark trucks Jr in the 19 into the tire barriers hard and so he's stuck in there with under eight laps to go it's coming down to Ken SVG get by Haley and so strong you know and the 91's already left the 31 back in front I think he knows that he hadn't completed the pass we'll get that confirmed by NASCAR oh yep NASCAR's confirmed it Justin Haley again another shot but this run by the 91 it's not just the pace of the car but his nimbleness and traffic I mean that was closing in on two passes in the same lap there you look back on Ben gisbergen and he looks calm well it looks to me like he's just he's saying okay I've done everything I need to do I'm now in contention to potentially win this race well he's won 80 Supercar races so he knows how to win a three-time champ this is that garage 91 entry for track house a third entry Kimmy reichen it has driven it let's see what happened to the 19. oh just oh look how bright red the rotors are breaking issue loses control in turn one [Music] alive playoff picture in the Nascar Cup series is heating up everyone wants to win at their home track right man that's like a dream come true how about that boys [Music] Atlanta it's got a complete 180 from what it used to be it's a challenging race it was chaotic and crazy in prime time again Sunday nights NASCAR will take to what now is the high Banks of Atlanta and can Chase Elliott do it again can you repeat that's one of the great things about Atlanta it will be the road to the playoffs and it continues next week yeah and it's it's maybe not as unpredictable the street courts as we have never seen But the finishes at Atlanta continue to fill the Highlight Reel every time we think we know who has an advantage or who looks to be the best car somebody else pops up Lake Shore Drive has been extremely fast all day bumpy as they were racing down into turn four from turn three that kink in turn three and it'll be a handful of laps that will remain Justin Haley does he have a chance to hold off Shane Van gisbergen Justin Haley has one career win and it came at really the biggest stage for NASCAR it was at Daytona there was a wreck he was in front when the caution happened you see him in the 77. and so as everyone came to Pit Road thinking that the possibility existed they were going to restart lightning in the area that severe weather caused him to call the race and Haley was scored the winner and so win number one now could win number two be well earned if he's able to hold off the 91. well you heard DJ talk about it and it's not just the Hall of Famer Dale Jarrett who has mentioned the talent that Justin Haley has now I think of them instantly as like a super speedway racer so maybe next week in Atlanta um just because he was so good at that discipline in the Xfinity series but he's had some real highlights you know second year now with colic there's Matt colig right there he owns colic racing that has cars that race both on Saturday in the Xfinity series and Sunday here in the cup series but I will tell you if you said hey a call at Clark is leading here at a road course I was at AJ Allmendinger yes not Justin Haley but Haley has done a very nice job Dave so what a great opportunity for Shane Van gisbergen and the 91 project 91 car it's his product of track house racing that's the team that Entertainer Pitbull and Justin marks co-own this project was put together to get Championship drivers from other areas to come in and race be a part of NASCAR I'm not sure anyone thought they could go to Victory Lane but Shane Van ginsbergen certainly can because of his championship experience and now because of the experience he's had here today Project 91 second place and going for one it'll be five laps to go Haley with Ben gisbergen right behind him and we've seen what kind of pressure SVG has put on racers to make them make mistakes can Haley be mistake free for five more laps through the restart Zone they go five to go here in Chicago the car length now two in front of the 91 is Haley he's gonna have to be perfect here he comes into turn number one Haley so far so good slips just to Tad off the corner but now here he comes battle for the lead Shane Van Ginsburg into the inside and to the lead off turn two with less than five to go here in Chicago but Haley is right there he's coming back to the inside through turn three he's gonna retake the lead crossover move he is now clear into the league as Bergen often turned five down the long straight away he's got wide open racetrack to work with and no pressure from behind because he's going to pull away by one maybe two car legs and is bringing with the lead they're stacked up from Stan Ginsburg and to the lead here in Chicago [Music] SVG holding on to that top spot as Haley now has fallen back eight tenths now nine tenths of a second [Music] anyone with a hard right turn through turn 11. coming up on four laps to go what an impressive performance we have seen out of the New Zealander here he comes off the end of the front straightaway and he's slowly starting to check out Justin's hand adjusted Haley's opportunity is fading to try to win this race this afternoon and here he comes BG out of two into the right-hander here he comes now racing his way up Lake Shore Drive to three look at the replay of this battle up front as they hit into turn two van Ginsburg can go to the inside here he's passed since way before knows how to make that happen but Justin Haley hey I'm proud of him man he brought the fight back to the 91 here down there straight away through turn three offline the 91 does the crossover move into turn four a great job outbreaking just too much speed too much talent for that 31 and Justin Haley now Haley under attack from Chase Elliott and a lot of other cars back there fans meet Ginsburg and is just driving away he had the fastest car by far he was about a second a lap faster as he was running down the 31 of Haley and the nine of Elliott and once he got clear he is driving away I do not expect a mistake from this guy he is experienced he's used to winning mid races this will be huge for his career if he can finish it off but he has been in this moment before so many moments for drivers that have come into this series and their first start you look back 1949 of course Jim Roper Charlotte Speedway is back when NASCAR started 49 50 50. so many early drivers in their first start but that was back when NASCAR was young now 75 years in in Van gizbergen could be added to that list as winning his first start in the cup series his Bergen in the 91 driving away Haley keeping a comfortable distance between him and Chase Elliott off into turn four Larson a little ways back from Chase Elliott he has company from Kyle Busch Austin cindric turn number five as they raise their way into turn number six that's the gap for the lead as they race their way into the corner everybody just trying to get to the Finish unscathed as they leave six and go downhill to turn seven it's 114 p.m on Monday in New Zealand not far from being at a party they're gonna have a great time a lot of national pride watching this race car driver take the fight to NASCAR's best he's been impressive all weekend practice qualifying and now the race he is cruising away from him yeah and a very humble race car driver we talked to him before the race he was so humble saying you know I'm still learning I'm still learning yeah potential first win for the driver but it would be the 24th win for the crew chief Darian grub on the pit box he has one with the likes of Jimmy Johnson Tony Stewart Danny Hamlin Carl Edwards Casey Mears an amazing list of drivers for that crew chief now trying to take a first-timer to Victory Lane you think about the drivers that have came from that Supercar V8 discipline Marcus Ambrose has to be watching smiling thinking about his time in the NASCAR cup level and the success turn number one Bubba Wallace into Ricky Stenhouse Jr and into the tire pack Stenhouse goes but came in way too hot flip Stenhouse and Stenhouse has buried that Chevy into the tire pack that's off the end of the front straightaway and it looks as though he's stuck sure enough the caution comes out [Music] and the driver did not get the white flag that's out front that is the only way that the race could be over if a caution comes out with under one to go but that means we'll go into overtime so a little more racing for the fans here in Chicago and those of you watching look at this as Bubba in the 23 slid into the 47 the 47 gets locked underneath the tire barriers in turn one completely out of line driver's left I don't know if the track was still damp or if he was just out of control but you see him coming in with ahead of speed already spinning out Ricky Stenhouse probably has no idea what happened ko'd from the side and he ends up here you go take a look right here from on board with Kevin Harvick big impact for the 47 and the 23. thank you sun setting here on chinetown to Windy City and just a couple laps remain it will be overtime for the Nascar Cup Series and their first ever Street course race and we want to hear from the guys who have been calling it from the different turns around this track are are any of the three of you amazed at what we're seeing out of the New Zealander I'll start with you Mike it is amazing what this driver has done he's getting ready to make history as we've documented here a few moments ago but it's been a long time since a road course ringer has gone to Victory Lane and especially in his first ever start in this series it's been amazing to watch him do it so smooth but yet all aggressive at the same time now Junior what about you yeah the gizz as he's known to all those fans in V8 Supercar has done an amazing job and I'm not surprised because as I was saying before the Carson Marcus Ambrose came here adapted really quickly I think the V8 Supercars are very very comparable to what we raise here even now with this next-gen car more closely resembling each other so no surprise to me V8 Supercar is NASCAR to what Nascar is in the U.S to to Australian and New Zealand fans so uh it's awesome to see though and uh hopefully we have a spectacular finish and that will be a popular win if he makes it happen Burton yeah I think one of the things that will be difficult for him is these this late race restart however what he does have going for him is that Australian Supercar is an aggressive series they get after it they race hard and they are not open world cars they're they're closed cars like these are with fenders so they know how to race they know how to be rough when they need to be so I don't think this moment is too big for him however there's some people behind him that are very very hungry that a win could be career changing what are people willing to do this late in the race yeah that's correct they look similar to what we're seeing here obviously the wing on the back though these are supercars and this is what Shane Van gusbergen has been able to be so successful in yeah a few different aerodynamic changes you mentioned the wing but also they have the the windows he said earlier and pre-race it it's a little odd driving with open side windows I've never thought of that before I've never seen you know seen very many cars Dave with both windows closed on each side but a very impressive run thus far well remember this is a left drive car that is a right drive car so this is brand new to him too and Jeff Burton nailed it think of the drivers behind him who want to win they talk to Shane about it on the radio two cars behind you guys you are desperate for a win for a point situation for the playoffs be prepared for that we've been doing awesome coffee is in the 31 then the nine again correct and then they talked to him about an issue he thought he had when the caution came out he thought he had a motor problem he reported data back to the team as he could a lot of things went through Shane's mind then and the crew chief told him during Grubb said don't get paranoid your car is fine Steve these drivers have heard things uh clicking in their cars or clanking their cars when they're on the way to Victory Shane's trying to get that out of his head and hold off the guys behind well the man has won 80 Supercar races three championships so he is a closer without a doubt uh left driving right drive real simple where do you sit anybody who's ever been to England they sit on the wrong side of the car that's what we say well you know so think about that he's shifting with his right hand in that Supercar shifting with his left so I mean it's not a small change for him but he has really adapted and adapted quickly now he has to adapt to NASCAR overtime one good thing in his Corner the single file restarts that we've seen all day will make it a whole lot easier than if it was double file but there's still 12 very tricky Corners in front of him and a bunch of hungry drivers behind them you mentioned the restart rules and the overtime and Steve the other question is Haley and Elliot do they have enough fuel well that's going to be very close right because these laps once we go into overtime you know they don't really count towards the distance to the race so Haley and Elliott 45 Laps on the tank now a bunch of that is yellow but still you get a little stumble does it not pick up that could be an advantage for the 91 it could be a detriment to someone like Larson right does he hit him in the back or does he get by we've seen some good lap times out of Larson you wonder if he could clear them quickly could he challenge all right DJ Brad do you guys think the 91 Rises to the occasion ah this is phenomenal I mean you guys have documented what you've seen we haven't seen this before uh somebody come in and be as aggressive and as dominant as what he has been coming up through the pack that was so impressive getting to the front yeah no no doubt about it I had the Good Fortune of having a V8 Supercar driver in my car and Marcus Ambrose and won some Xfinity races for my race team so I know how talented these young men are so we're going to watch a great one here Rick and when the restart happens overtime rules are they will go two laps if they get back to the White Flag without a caution then the next flag that flies would end the race and they will go to video to determine who is in front uh if that comes into question and you see the city street lights they are on and the field making their way down Michigan and now to Jackson drive into the restart Zone SVG trying to make history here in Chicago it's overtime presented by Credit One Bank turn one they go here they come with less than two laps to go SVG away with the lead by a Carling maybe two you got Haley yeah alien and now Kyle Larson's in the mix they're also they're all stacked up right behind him but in command and pulling away is Shane Van gizbergen to turn three and the battle now is for third fourth fifth you see those cars close together down into turn four no lock-ups everybody getting through here really cleanly in this coming to the White Flag the 91 easily out front of the field this has been one of the smoothest parts of the racetrack when he leaves turn five and comes down Columbus Drive and sets up for the left-hander into turn six he drives it in deep but he's very smooth he'll flip that inside spring and wide and head downhill to Michigan Avenue Steve mentioned it the advantage of having a single file restart and allowed a very calm restart SPG got a great restart drove away from Haley and now he just has to focus out front he's filming far enough away where Haley cannot outbreak him it is now mistake free time do not get yourself in trouble do not overdrive just keep Pace with the car behind you and he hasn't pulled away from Haley yet five back you just heard that from the spotter and gisbergen out of turn 12 coming up to see the white flag one more time around this street course in Chicago here they come into turn number one does Justin Haley or Chase Elliott number one have enough fuel in the tank and do they have enough to get to the back bumper of that 91 car here he is right-hander turn two for the final time you see the Gap right there pulling away down the back straight away cleanly through turn three Full Throttle into the braking Zone over the hook ing through four through five smoothly onto the throttle good point heading back to you he will swing wide out of five he'll set up and go right to the middle of the racetrack and go drivers right now hard breaking down shifting he's gonna try to hit way deep it'll pull away from Haley even more he'll lead turn six downhill to Michigan Avenue for the final tie this evening in Chicago track house racing drivers had been part of huge and great memories from chassis and Martinsville to this but it's really close the 75th anniversary of NASCAR and it has been 60 years since a driver has won in their series debut well through turn 11. Shane Van gizberger has been perfect he has navigated the streets of Chicago to Perfection the final time on to the front stretch he comes to the checkered flag he's one of the very first street race in Nascar Instagram [Music] [Music] [Music] back-to-back wins for track house racing a Victory lap now for the 91. [Music] the fans showing their appreciation all the way around this course [Music] three-time champion of the supercars The Checkered Flag moment brought to you by Advance Auto Parts thank you [Applause] the 34 year old from New Zealand we mentioned earlier if he could add his name to the list well he has done it 60 years since Johnny Rutherford did it at Daytona back in 1963. he wins in his first career Cup Series start only seven drivers in the history in the 75-year history of the sport have been able to do it we saw it here and it just shows the talent of his discipline that he is able to wheel a car around a street course and he just did it with absolute precision and raw speed as you see Daniel Suarez coming up to congratulate his fellow track house driver how will he celebrate that's the question you know we see burnouts we see you know so many different things last week it was throwing a watermelon I'm confident to say we're not going to see a watermelon to to rule out but so impressive and it just shows you where NASCAR is in global Motorsports right what a great [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Columbus Drive has never seen such an impressive show of power [Music] together [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to America Shane Van gisbergen what a run [Applause] for this young man I was talking with his good buddy fellow kiwi and Indy car driver Scott McLaughlin he said he's one of the smartest race car drivers I've ever had to compete against and I think he's ready for a little celebration let's be honest Shane when the steal came together did you honestly feel like this was possible no of course not but you always dream of it and thank you so much to the trackhouse team and Hans Health Project 91. man what an experience in the crowd out here like this was so cool and that's what you dream of so hopefully I can come and do more what were you telling yourself on those final few restarts well when anyway you had that bad strategy backside and I started to worry a bit but had some full sounds onto people and everyone was the racing was really good everyone was respectful and it was tough but a lot of fun it's Monday back in Auckland but I'm sure there's a party going on in about one o'clock in the afternoon what would your message be to all those young drivers back there in Australia and New Zealand oh anything is possible about you know the the fans in Australia and New Zealand the response this week and the coverage has been uh I can't explain it like the response and the support I've got from everyone and even over here how welcoming everyone is I I can't believe it dream come true so you know everybody's going to want you to drive their car now are you up for a full-time cup ride if you want I'm doing one more year in Oz and then uh I'd love to come over here there you go one more year in Australia and then he might come Cup racing with us Rick look at this crowd here on the front tracks in Chicago and the fans in the stands as well SVG gets the win the Kiwi is a Cup winner [Applause] a popular one at that as Shane Van ginsbergen will be heading to ruoff Victory Lane once he got out front it was dominant no mistakes made you see now he celebrates Ross Chastain his teammate for a day cheering him off much more to come from the streets of Chicago stay with us thank you thank you reminder our post race coverage continuing on peacock where each week we'll bring you the NASCAR America post race show presented by Progressive Steve you mentioned some of the more beautiful sights here in the city of Chicago the Chicago River Lake Michigan Grant Park but probably the best site for the New Zealander has to be the celebration right at the finish line and seeing the checkered flag in his first ever Cup Series start yeah his performance really from the drop of the green flag in practice he continued to jump to the top of the time charts as everybody got more and more comfortable and the pre-race he told us nah that was just my comfort with the streets everyone else will close in on me well I appreciate the humility but in the end it was just raw speed and that experience and talent in street racing that paid the difference I mean he you heard him all the way back to 18th he moved his way for on a track where we thought passing was difficult he went from 18th to First over those closing laps and here it comes from social media Indy car driver yeah Scott McLaughlin yes he's a very happy I'm gonna paraphrase yes enjoy every moment brother New Zealand represent emotional and we had heard from Dale Jr he's got friends in Australia and New Zealand and you know at the very beginning of this race they were just so proud of what SVG has been able to do and what he's shown America just even in practice and qualifying and then what he's able to accomplish here by winning this race winning it and think of the position he was in obviously faster and never even touched the first two cars on his way by right did it with such respect with everything on the line he raced there's Darian Grubb the crew chief joining him right here you know he raced everybody with with so much respect understanding that it was kind of the the new guy on the scene but even that wasn't going to slow this 91 down Dave Burns Justin Haley really shouldn't have anything to hang his hat about he had an exceptional performance here in this street course race and wind it up second Justin Haley had the unenviable task of trying to hold off a three-time supercars Champion with with 16 lap less fresh tires uh talk us through the final laps there yeah I mean it was tough I I uh put it in the tire barrier yesterday and we stayed up all night I stayed with the guys for the rain and uh re-wrapped this thing put a new body on it and um vintage came on for this for this weekend obviously congrats to project 91. it sucks obviously um you know where we are right now we don't have a uh we are in position to win every week so um coming that close obviously is uh not what you want but uh just really proud I want to call it racing and um what an awesome event can't uh can't wait to come back next year once your crew chief Trent told you you were okay on fuel what clicked in your head then to just try and go get it because you had no idea where Ben giesbergen was yeah I mean I was really struggling on the under the braking zones I feel like I could get off the corner better than anyone but um I mean what are you gonna do he had 16 lap pressure tires um just strategy and I feel like I put us behind yesterday putting it in the tire barrier and then uh from there it just kind of trickles and and whatnot but I mean what is there to be disappointed about you know so we'll uh we'll go to Atlanta next week try our best appreciate Cog racing Matt Cauley Chris Rice for giving me this opportunity and uh trying to make the best of you and Justin Haley showed what a good Street racer he really is today and they're still trying to get the car restarted maybe burned it down a little too much there on that uh celebration it's done its job at this point Progressive NASCAR America post race show coverage continuing on peacock let's bring in our guys that were up on their perches throughout this entire race and give us an overall view of the street race in Chicago Rick it was amazing wow unbelievable earlier today we didn't know if we were going to get going today but I would say this is a big success Pete Bostonian and I are gonna have a lot to talk about on Sirius XM NASCAR radio tomorrow morning thumbs up this was this was spectacular and something to remember for a long long time Dale Jr what about you I wonder how gizbergen will rank this in his own career re-bath Earth bath thirst 1000 wins among his many Supercar wins Just a Dream night a dream evening for him as he said and what will Justin marks do next with this 91 got some more road course races coming up who else might we see in this car with the potential to come in here and shock the sport Justin Marx has been willing to shake up the sport do things differently and he's had success doing it and I got to tell you something the industry NASCAR Chicago the teams everybody involved Having the courage to do something different come to the streets of Chicago whoever questions that race that was a good race it was fun it was a great time congratulations to everybody because that was a fun few days here in Chicago and I want to mention Julie geese's name she is the president of this street course race for NASCAR to come in here and do what they've been able to do I'll Echo the the sentiments that we just heard resounding yes this was a huge success and thank you to the Chicago fans because there were a lot of reasons weather-wise why today wouldn't be the day that you would come to Grant Park and see your first ever NASCAR race but they did they filled the place top to bottom every straightaway every fence line and that is what really set the stage for this amazing performance by this driver not only the straightaways and the trees the light poles but also in the building surrounding the whole course you had people on the roofs you had people looking through the windows they were able to get through the torrential rain that took place the record-setting range from this morning and then the racing just continued to get better lap after lap after lap although some had troubles getting through those Tire barriers in the end it was Shane Van gisbergen who gets the checkered flag post race coverage will continue on peacock coming up next on NBC it's America's Got Talent [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign telecast may not be reproduced re-transmitted or used in any form without the authorized written consent of NASCAR broadcasting NASCAR would like to thank all of our fans for your support and we hope you enjoy today's broadcast
Channel: NASCAR
Views: 119,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nascar cup series full race, nascar, nascar cup series, alex bowman denny hamlin, denny hamlin mad, denny hamlin, hamlin, bowman, NASCAR Cup Series Full Race Replay, tempers, angry, bump and run, spin out, crash, wreck, denny hamlin gets spun by alex bowman, nascar playoffs, playoff race drama, COTA, Circuit of the americas, last lap wreck, Denny Hamlin, William byron, Ross Chastain, noah gragson, Chastain vs Gragson, Denny Hamlin Kyle larson, fight, kansas fight
Id: qKrqVijjGO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 21sec (11181 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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