Weirdest Roblox Games Supercut!

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- [Orange] No, don't you do it, don't you do it. I'll grab your booty, no, I just put that in there, stop it, take it out. (upbeat electronic music) (Orange laughs) Hey yo, it's AO back again with another gaming video. That's right, we're back in Roblox once again, what is this guy doin' and why was that fire going upside down, wow, okay, I get to make my own character, nice, oh, yeah. You're gonna be lookin' so good, dude. So I'm playing a game called The Future and this is what the future looks like, apparently. Well, I don't want the future to look so angry. There we go, the future's looking happy (laughs), bucket head (laughs). Oh no, which one are we gonna choose? Spaceships, oh, we could be a karate man. Oh man, so many options to choose from, a princess, oh, wait, wait, wait, I saw some cheese, I saw some cheese, get some squeezy cheese, yeah, I'm a cheese head. That's no Gouda (laughs). Oh yeah, look at those legs. Oh, I can pick whatever color I want? And let's go with that, it looks good. Let's get some of this, oh yeah, he's got style, he's got grace, he's got cheese head in your face, yeah (laughs). Okay, let's go to play, I have no idea what this game is. I'm gonna get (laughs), why is he so reluctant? He's so reluctant, like, I don't know if I wanna play either, what the (laughs), noodle arms. What are my arms doing? What is even happening? Gladiators? Okay so, what do I have to do? Do I have to pick this stuff up or what, ooh, ow, ow, ow, it's hurting me (laughs). Even stepping on a sword hurts you, hey, no (laughs), no! Ah, it's not fair, I couldn't even pick up a weapon (laughs). What is even going on? What's wrong with everybody's arms and legs (laughs)? They're doing the wacky wobbles. Okay, we can pick this up, here we go, here we go. I can do it, no, no, you gotta pick it up (screams). (laughs) It keeps stabbing me. Knife to meet you too. Okay, I know I can pick it up 'cause that other guy picked a sword up, so I know I can do it too. (groans and laughs) Come on, you can do it, come on, it's so hard. Come on, I can do it, oh, whoa, no, what are you doing, don't punch the blade (laughs). The future is terrible if this is what the future is (laughs). I guess it would just depend on if you're watching or if you're actually in battle because if you're just watching it, then the future's awesome 'cause this is hilarious. Come on, yes, I got it! Oh, (laughs), I'm stabbing myself, ow! Ow, that's so many ketchup packets. What is this guy doing? Hey, what you doing, buddy? Oh, you're hanging on for dear life (laughs). I'm punching your booty (laughs). Oh, you're still hanging on. Where are you going, what the? Are you climbing, oh my gosh, ah, ooh, ah, okay, okay, now I'm doing the same thing, how do I get back up? Help me (screams). (laughs) Oh, ketchup everywhere. So far I've successfully died, what, three or four times now? Most of the time by getting stabbed by the own thing that I'm trying to pick up but I can't, okay, I can do this now. Pick it up, pick it up, oh, I had it! Come on, yes, I've picked it up, yeah, on the way to (speaks gibberish and laughs). That's what you get, yeah, winning, that's what you do. Yeah buddy, you're a real cut up (laughs), slicing booties (laughs). How's you like it, huh? Knife to meet ya, you're a real cut-up (laughs). Hey, spaghetti arms, come here (laughs). See you later (laughs). This game is amazing. It's so weird, I love the future. Slicing butts, slicing butts, slicing butts (laughs). Yeah (laughs), that's what happens when you slice butts, guys. Whoa, look at this guy, he's a master of disaster, whoa, oh no, I'm dying, what happened, oh, he died. Oh, well, come back here. No, you're not gettin' away from me. Break dancing, oh no! Now I'm gonna have to pick up the sword again, I don't think it's ever gonna happen (laughs). I kind of feel like that other time was a fluke. Oh, I got this, I got this, gluh gluh, no, don't sit on it, no, don't grab the blade (screams and laughs). You're cuttin' all the ketchup packets in the world. Well, what is this? Whoa, is this TNT? Oh no, it's a ball and chain, what is this? What do I do with this thing? Do I use it to choke people or what, I don't understand. What is, okay, I'm gonna try and choke this guy from behind, (speaks gibberish and laughs), am I winning (laughs)? Yeah, got him, I don't even know what I did but I got him. Whoa, double swords, I don't even know how you did that. Yeah, eat ball with, I don't know, looks like TNT on it. Yeah, come on, it's dynamite, ah, no, and off the edge, oh, so many ketchup packets everywhere (laughs), this game is so weird. Is it even keeping track of who's winning? I don't think it is (laughs). Oh, I almost lost all my power just trying to pick up the sword. You won't pick it up, please, can you handle it? Oh, I guess he can. Whoa, yeah, I still have five power left, you guys (laughs). Oh no. Hey buddy, chop, chop, (laughs), get to it. Yeah, quit spinning those arms (laughs). Spinning it to winning it. Come on, just get that (speaks gibberish and laughs). Oh, four, three, two, one, what happens? Who's the winner? Is everyone the winner, ow (laughs). I thought it was over, oh. Gamemode voting, oh Gladiators and Moving Day, oh, well, let's try Moving Day if we already tried Gladiators. Map voting, there's only one house. Okay, I guess we're going to Mr. Finn's house. All right, keep loading, loading, Moving Day. Move everything into the truck as fast as you can. Okay so (laughs), okay, okay, okay, it's time to move out, everybody's helpin', okay, I'm gonna take this chair. No, I'm gonna take this chair, buddy (laughs). Where are we supposed to go? Oh, okay, we go inside, excuse me (laughs). There's a guy hangin' from the wall, you're doing it wrong. Okay, hey, hey, I've got the first thing in the truck, guys, looky, looky, oh yeah, okay, can't get it up there, okay. Nice job, excuse me, (laughs), don't stuff me in here with it, geez. What are you doing up there, you guys? Why are you just hanging on the side? That's not helping anything. Okay, I guess I'll take the chair here, okay, I can't see anything, whoa, where am I going (laughs)? I think I'm making it towards the door. I can't see anything (laughs). There it is, I saw the door for a second. Oh yeah, I see it, I see it, there it is, okay. (laughs) What are you doing (laughs)? Oh, it's crushing me. Let's couch this discussion (laughs), come on. I feel like we're trying to get light at Starbucks or something (laughs). I want my double Frappuccino Latte (laughs). Just put it in there, you guys, stop fighting over it, come on. I just want to push them out of the way, okay, okay, you're finally out of the way, now if I could just get up the ramp, what the, where did you even come from? It's raining men, noodle men, it's raining men (laughs). Okay, we got that, it fell out (laughs). Gonna try my new tactic of pulling it in, there we go, yes, see that works so much better, just pull it on in, here we go. Stay in here, stay, stay, couch, don't move, no. Oh man, that was crazy, what are you guys doin'? Here, let me help ya (laughs). I think I just farted. (laughs) Everybody's fartin' up in here. What the (groans), oh, I'm stuck in a door (laughs). You've got a toaster, you want to toast some buns, whoa, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, geez, I got a very delicate toaster right here. What were you doing? Whoa, what is that door doing? I think it's time to get a new door. Your door's broken, just lettin' you know (laughs). What the, are you taking that out, I just put that in there, what are you doing? What are you doing, I just put that couch in there, that was my couch. Okay, I'm gonna put this toaster in there and then I'm gonna get this couch. I just put it in here and now I gotta put it back in there. Hey, what are you doing? You're taking my stuff out to fit your stuff in there, well, now I'm not gonna let you put your stuff in there (laughs). What is he (laughs), you broke the door (laughs). What are you doing (laughs)? What the whoa, now I'm stuck (laughs). Okay, get this up there, yeah, looking good, looking good, okay, now we're gettin' some of my stuff in there. That's good. Alright, let's see what else we can put in there. Let's see what's goin' on over here. Ooh, what is that stuff back there, I gotta check this out. What the, is this a doghouse? It looks like a Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer doghouse. Come on, it's comin' with me, whoa. Wait, is there somebody in there? There is, there's somebody in there. Hey, somebody's in the doghouse (laughs). Alright fine, I'm taking this. Okay you Fortheads, I'm gonna put this in here, don't take it out (laughs). No, don't you do it, don't you do it. I'll grab your booty, no, I just put that in there, stop it, take it out, no, stop it (laughs). I can't believe it, the way you guys always put the (laughs), whoa, what happened? Oh no, what even happened, I broke it. I broke the cake. Now, put this bed in here and I put it in there for a reason, stop taking it out. Worst moving day ever, every time I put something in here, somebody takes it right back out. It's like Tetris. I can't get the bloc in there, it won't go. Fine, I'll put the, no, don't kick the office chair, pick up the office chair, pick it up, pick it up. No, not the ground (laughs), yeah! Yeah, put something smaller in there, that's better, yeah. See, I'm helping, this is how you do it. No, don't throw it out. ♪ This is how you do it ♪ Wacky arms (laughs), look at you. Look at you, spinning it to win it. Yeah, oh, can I use this, oh no, I'm supposed to pack it. I got ya, I got ya. I'm taking this hammer, it's a real hit (laughs). Yeah, this dude's just break dancin' with the garage door (laughs), stop it. Stop wacky wobblin', oh yeah, you feelin' flushed? Oh, buddy, buddy, don't fall, don't fall, don't fall, I'll catch you, here, just land right here (laughs), you gotta go, I'm helpin' ya, just drop it right in here if you gotta go (laughs). Oh wait, what if it missed, ew, nevermind, I don't wanna be here (laughs). If this is what moving day was like I don't think anybody would ever move ever (laughs). After five minutes, you come out, you're like, why is my stuff just thrown everywhere? Why is it broken and dude, why are you hangin' off the side of a wall (laughs)? Are you break dancing with my garage door? We got 50% of the items into the truck (laughs). This game's so much fun. (upbeat music) (Orange laughs) - Hey yo, it's AO, back here with another game video and we're back in Roblox once again and we're playing Oof, (robotic Oof) (laughs), Oof, Oof, (laughs), so good, alright. So, I have no idea what the, (robotic Oof) whoa, that was loud. I have no idea what this game is but it must involve a lot of Oof (laughs). I wonder who did the original Oof voice, like who did that, who made that sound? Okay, what's up here? Whoa, ooh (laughs), I'm not a fan of that (laughs). Hey, I'm a real cut-up, you guys, Oof, (laughs). I love that they have an Oof soundboard right here at all times, so you can just go over here and be like, yo, I want an Oof. (repeated robotic Oof's) (Orange mimics robotic voice) (laughs) It kind of sounds like a chicken (imitates a chicken sound and laughs). (imitates a chicken sound) I support Big Head. I support this dude. Whoa, it's a drink, what does this do (laughs)? Try the new Oof drink, you'll be a head of the game (laughs), what the, whoa, no! Oh, okay. I'm fine (laughs), I died. Why did the helichopter drop me straight from the (laughs), oh man, so this game is all about getting killed, please don't. - [Robotic Male Voice] You can jump. - [Orange] Okay. (high pitched squealing) (screams) I instantly regret that decision. I'm very glad that I do not have ears, otherwise it would be exploded. Ugh, that was terrible. Okay, yay, I support this guy, who do you support? Oh, you support the same person, yeah, come on, guys, who do you support (laughs)? I support peanut butter Roblox sandwiches. Ooh, what's this, a racetrack, very cool. Are we gonna Oof it up in here? Be careful, the slightest mistake will result in one Oof, uh-oh (laughs), that's not good. All right, let's get this thing back on track (laughs). This one's mine, Oof, no, this one's mine, you can't have it, oh, excuse me, gotta go, uh-oh, no, no, no, don't slip up, don't slip up (screams and laughs), oh no, here comes the Oof. Wait for it and (repeatedly says Oof). (repeated robotic Oof's) (high pitched squeal) Oh, okay, the red ones are very blown out, they explode-y your non-existent eardrums and if you do have ears, then they do explode your eardrums. Well, that looks toasty, toast your buns (laughs). Let's see what this is, ooh, I want a big head. Okay, it just killed me, it didn't do anything fun, it just killed me. This is the weirdest game ever, just every single attraction kills you. (laughs) You sound like a hamster (squeaks and laughs). Okay, let's try this again. We gotta get this back on track, I want to beat this level. Yeah, excuse me, coming through, uh-oh, nope, nope, nope, nope. (repeated robotic Oof's) Yes, I know, Oof, Oof, Oof, oh, I think that's actually my car doing that. Yeah, it is (laughs), it was the car making the Oofs. Watch, when I drive it, it does (laughs). It's the engine, oh, excuse me. What the, why does it keep disappearing (laughs)? What are you guys doing, it's automatic. Stop disappearing, it's wheely annoying. What happened to your car (laughs)? It was break dancing. Okay, I got this. Here we go. Slowly going around a track, yes. Oh, we're doing so good, uh-oh, ooh, no, no, no, no, turn a little bit more, no sir, no sir, you can't, okay, yay, I won (laughs), actually I didn't win. Let's try some more of these, Oof, Oof, try this one. (loud scratch) Ooh, loud. (lion growls) (low boom) Wow, feel the bass. (high pitched squeal) Okay, that's annoying, I don't like that one. Here it is. (high pitched Oof) (laughs) I kind of like that one. Guys hanging out in the pool? Water you thinking (laughs)? (high pitched Oof) (Orange imitates high pitched Oof) So much fun. Excuse me, no splashing in the pool, geez (laughs). All right, let's go check out another attraction, another Oof attraction (laughs). Yeah, guess what's probably gonna happen? Probably gonna die. All right, whoa, look at this one. Oh, it's got glitter, nice. Glitter party 'plosion, what, what? Okay, did I die? Did I, what happened? (robotic qhigh pitched Oof) Okay, the glitter vaporized me, weird. I don't really like that one (laughs). You've been glittered to death. Wait, wait, I think that's the Mario theme song. (high pitched Oof) It is (laughs). Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof. Dude, that's not a chair. You're barkin' up the wrong tree (laughs). (hums Mario theme song using Oof's) (laughs) Come on! This road is broken. I don't even know what's happening. Okay, quickly step inside once the button is pushed, I'm inside, what's happening, wow! The weight of the world is on my shoulders (laughs). (high pitched Oof) Whoa, it's a Oof Roblox totem pole, lookin' good, that's how you do it, what, what? Hello sir, can I interest you in an Oof? Come back (laughs), they didn't like it. Would you like an Oof? (repeated high pitched Oof's) it's so many Oof's all at once. Ooh, what's this, does this go somewhere, cool, what is it, yay! Ugh (laughs), it doesn't do anything except Oof you! Remember, don't click on any links claiming to give Robux, it's a scam. Well, I'll be the judge of that. Yeah (laughs). Oh no, this game killed me, why? Wait, I didn't know there was more down here, whoa. There's so many. All right, let's try 'em out. - [Child] Hey, guys. - [Orange] Hey, guys, whoa (laughs). There's so many different Oof's. I want there to be an Orange Oof. - [Child] Oof, meow, Oof, meow, Oof, meow. - Oof, meow? Oh, you've cat to be kidding me (laughs). - [Child] Oof, meow, Oof, meow. - [Orange] This game is awesome. Ooh, check it out, it's Excalibur. Can I pull the sword from the stone? These (laughs)? That's right, Orangey isn't too sharp (laughs). Ooh, it's been a little while since we've heard an Oof hasn't it? There we go. (robotic Oof) Wow, sounded like it was underwater. (deep robotic Oof) - Oof, (laughs crazily), Oof. (robotic Oof's) Oof, Oof, (laughs). What's this one? (high pitched screeching Oof) - (speaks gibberish) RIP, headphones. There's some snickety snakes, ow, Thor's hammer, why'd you do that? Oh, I see, it was a band hammer (laughs). Sit but, whoa, it makes me (laughs), if I keep hitting it, it kind of makes me break dance, yo, what's up? Yo, welcome to the party, ONT in the party, oh, you wanna sit, yeah, you can't sit. You gotta break dance. I'm gonna sit break dance. Ooh, break dancin', that's what we do (laughs). Come on, buddy, you don't wanna do it too? Oh yeah, I think that's a trampoline. Yo, Orange makes you jump, jump. Whoa, whoa, holy moly! Holy macaroni, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof. Yeah, keep Oof-ing, Oof-ing, Oof-ing, yeah, keep Oof-ing, Oof-ing, Oof-ing, yeah, (laughs). Them's the words. What's that? - [Child] Oof. - [Orange] Oof (laughs), I like that one, Oof. - [Child] Oof. - [Orange] No, no, snickety snakes, do not come near me. (child repeats the word Oof) (Orange imitates child and laughs) Ooh, what are we diving into, what do you guys think this is? Maybe some Skittles ketchup, yeah! Oh, yep, definitely Skittles ketchup (laughs). There should be grind up Skittles and make ketchup out of it. It's the best thing ever. (repeated robotic Oof's) (Orange repeats robotic Oof's) I wonder if I can sit down on this guy's head (laughs). Yo, just take a little rest, sittin' on your (laughs). You guys, check it out, I can break dance. Yo, you got no business up here 'cause I be dancin' all the time, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't ignore me. (high pitched Oof) Hear what I say! I say, Oof, (laughs). He left. Walkin' down the street straight suckin' down a sodey pop, yeah, (laughs). Where you going, ah, he just jumped her (laughs). Mm, mm, mm, delicious. We all drinkin' it, it's so good. Tastes like brains (laughs). Hey guys, you have five minutes to talk about... (repeated robotic Oof's) (Orange imitates robotic Oof's) Hey, what's up, buddy, you got some (repeatedly says Oof), come back, don't run away from your feelings! No, let me go first, let me go first (shouts), what is it (laughs)? A shark, that didn't look like a shark (laughs). It looked like a Venus fly-shark. Let's take this thing for a spin again, yo, we're spinnin' it to winnin' it, I could just get inside, there we go. Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, Oof, excuse me, these things are so hard to control. It's no wonder nobody can beat this level. (gibberish) No, turn, turn, turn. No, stop running into the side, don't do it, don't die (shouts), I've been Oof-ed! (repeated robotic Oof's) (Orange imitates robotic Oof's) Road testing Roblox got a ball. We support Big Head, we support Big Head. Oh wait, that's, oh, now we support the same person (laughs). I'm so tired, I just need to sit down for a second (groans and laughs). I'm broken, fix me, help me. No, come back, we were having fun (laughs). We were protesting together. Love me, don't run away from your feelings (laughs). I'm broken again (laughs). I'm really flippin' out, woo-hoo. Ooh, check it out, it's high time for slide time, wee! Oh no! It goes nowhere, I like how he explodes in midair. (high pitched repeated robotic Oof's) (Orange imitates robotic Oof's and laughs) Yeah, I think Oof is the word on the street, you guys. What, what, it's the magic word. Your bird is the word. At least turd isn't the word, that'd be even worse (laughs). (upbeat electronic music) (Orange laughs) - Hey yo, it's A to the O back here with another (speaks gibberish and laughs), what is happening, oh, my goodness, (laughs). Okay, this is my favorite game of all time (laughs). It hasn't even started yet. All right, we are in Roblox once again (laughs). We are playing a game called Human Giraffe (laughs). I'm really stickin' my neck out here, what the (laughs), this is amazing. What am I even doing? Okay, looks like I have a super long neck, okay and I can choose, oh, I can lick people, hey, licky lou, (laughs). Ah, yeah, you can't get away from me. (laughs) Wow, okay, everybody's licking everyone (laughs). It's a human giraffe centipede (laughs). What can I say, I don't lick you at all (laughs). Oh, yeah, I'm lookin' real good. Man, I didn't even know what I'd look like with a long neck but this is pretty awesome. Looks like there's some fun stuff going on here, should I lick that? Of course I should (laughs), wee! Spinning it to winning it, yeah, (laughs), wow. This is the best amusement park ride ever (laughs). Oh yeah, whoa, okay, that's good dismount, I like that, just landed right on my feet. Let's see, oh, you can go on the inside too, wow! Holy moly, oh, oh, I thought I was gonna go right off the map, that was crazy. Slurpy, slurpy, let's see if I can lick this lady from across the map, come on, sit still, sit still. Ooh, you gon' get licked. What the, my tongue went the wrong way. You lickin' hot dogs, huh (laughs), I got your booty, yeah, lickin' booties, gross (laughs). No, no, don't put me in the blender, ugh, (laughs). What is even happening? Come back here. Let's see if I can go in the blender. Can I get in there, wee, all right, (laughs). Oh, yeah, spinnin' to winnin', lookin' good, wow! Uh-oh (laughs). This is the best game ever. I don't even know what the point is. The point is to be hilarious and it's working. What's this, neck helicopter? Oh, okay, well, I'm buyin' that. Can I use a parent's credit card? - [Man] Ah, what? - [Orange] He has a neck helicopter, neck helicopter, see (laughs)? Neck helicopters. - [Man] Oh, dude. - [Orange] I'm neck and neck with the competition (laughs), oh, wee, whoa, feel the air on my derriere, (laughs). This is amazing. I love neck helicopter (laughs). I didn't even know neck helicopter was a thing. Oh man, I wonder if I can sneak up on these guys and then lick them in the booty (laughs), got 'em, yeah! That's right, you just try and get away (laughs). I lick you a lot (laughs). She's trying to lick that guy on the ground (laughs). Okay, I can detach from you, hold on, I just gotta press, which button is it, oh, there we go, what the (laughs). I've lost control of the vehicle, sir, help, (laughs). What is even happening? Please, neck, save me, save me, neck (laughs). Oh, there we go. Now we're back to helicopter mode, that was weird (laughs). Whoa, go and see if I can get that lady over there. I'm gonna lick her, gonna lick you, I got her (laughs), yeah. Licked you from across the map. Hmm, let's see, extended neck, don't I want that one now, whoa! Whoa, oh, cool! You can spin it in different ways. Spin it, to win it, yeah! You know how to begin it, whoa, lickin' the grass (laughs). Lickin' everything all up in here. Should I try and lick on the inside of that? Hold on, hold on. Gonna try and do it, did I get it, whoa, oh no, I'm falling to pieces, oh, back together again. Uh-oh (laughs), my heads through the sides, ow, (laughs), ow, whoa, (laughs), wow, that was awesome. This is way more fun than I thought it would ever be. I mean, honestly I didn't, wow, Human Giraffe can swim! (laughs) What are you thinkin', get out of there. Whoa, (laughs), are you a swan? What are you doing? What does the swan say? He says, slurp-a-derp, hear me chirp (laughs). See if I can get that person laying on the ground. oh, ooh, oh no, I missed (laughs), yeah, got 'cha, how you like it? Oh, wow, cool wall, I wanna scale that, wee, (laughs). Hey, we're buds. It's kind of like one of those Velcro walls that you jump up against, pretty awesome. He's wacky, he wobbles, if you push him he will topple (laughs). Oh, what's up? Okay, ooh, maybe we should buy some, whoa, hey, hey, hey, oh, she's lickin' my booty (screams) help me (laughs). Uh-uh, I can't get loose. Oh, oh no! Oh no, I deserved this (laughs). Don't drag me in the water, what are you thinkin' (laughs)? What are you doing? Oh no, she's trying to put me in the blender, you guys, (laughs), no, ah (laughs), what is even happening? Yeah, that's right, I licked the sign now I can't go in (laughs). Uh-oh, now she's almost got me in there. No, I don't wanna go in the blender, oh, I'm in the blender. Oh, why did you do it (laughs)? Barf-o-matic pie pants, let me go (laughs). Whoa, yeah, that's what you get. Okay, come on, come on, we can get away from her. Ah, she's on one side, I'm on the other, how are we gonna do this, who wins, who wins in this situation? The audience, that's who wins (laughs). Wow, we almost got a hole in one. Uh-oh, we're stuck to each other now. Are we married? I think we're married now (laughs). I feel like this is what maybe being married's probably like (laughs). I want to get stuck, help (laughs), she won't stop licking me (laughs). How did a giant hotdog get into this situation (laughs)? Check out my buns (laughs). Help! All right, I'm gonna go with neck helicopter, let's see if it works, wee, oh, whoa, oh, yeah, looky looky, who got that cookie? Uh-oh, I think I'm stuck up here (laughs). Well, that was crazy. All right, I think I've learned my lesson now. Oh, nevermind, these guys need to get licked (laughs). Come back here, I really wanna lick you (laughs). No lickin' me, ah. ♪ Won't you find somebody to lick ♪ ♪ Won't you love somebody to lick ♪ Ah, oh no, she licked me, (laughs). Not again. Look at this guy dancin', let me see if can, oh, I missed him (laughs), right into the drink. Oh yeah, yeah, come on, oh, she let go, quickly, we gotta get away! Oh, we're going in here (laughs), wee! This is fun. ♪ I wanna be an Oscar Meyer Wiener ♪ (Orange laughs) My wiener, yeah. Check out my buns, even though this hot dog doesn't have any buns. All right, I'm gonna put this one in the blender. Okay, come on hotdog, get in the blender. Get in the blender, hotdog, I want you in here, come on, (laughs), why? Ooh, I got an idea, maybe if I use neck helicopter I can, yes, I can lift it in the air (laughs), oh, cool, (laughs). Flying through the skies with a giant hotdog. I bet you'd never sausage a sight like this before (laughs). Get it, sausage, saw such, (laughs)? I dropped the hotdog. All right, I'll be a worm. Am I a worm yet? I wanna be a worm, yeah, look at that (laughs). That is awesome, look at me. I'm on team Slytherin (laughs). Get it, slither (laughs)? Uh-oh, now you guys have opened up a can of worm (laughs). Hey lady, have you ever been licked by a worm (laughs)? I bet you haven't, gon' be good. All right, let's go up in here, see what happens, come on, wormy (laughs). Whoa, whoa, uh-oh, he's tumblin' out, oh, he sticks the landing. Hey, what's up, guys? Ooh, worm in a blender, ooh so tender, what the, ooh, ah, it's hard to control (laughs). Look at this, look at this, we got a worm helicopter (laughs). I kind of look like a floating Cheeto, (laughs). Where you guys taking him, where are you taking him? Don't make me lick you, I will too, I'll lick you, gon' hit you (laughs). Worm moshing (laughs), hit him in the face, come back here, come back here. This is the best game ever (laughs), it's so weird. It's exactly what I think real life should be like (laughs). All right, let's try super extended neck. Okay, let's see it, let's see it, (laughs). Okay, get up, buddy (laughs), yeah! Oh man, I gotta be careful, I might walk on my own neck (laughs). Wow, you're neck is even bigger than mine. Hey, who wants to play a game of jump rope? I guess it would be jump neck, wouldn't it (laughs)? Yeah, look at this, woo-wee, we're having fun now. Oh yeah, whoa, get away from me, I'll lick you. I'll lick you, don't make me do it, I'm gonna do it, I did it, I did it, yep, can't stop it, now we're spinning (laughs). Ooh-wee, oh, this is a fun game. (upbeat electronic music) (Orange laughs) Hey yo, it's A to the O back again with another game video, whoa, check out my arms (laughs). That is awesome and speaking of arms, we're playing a game called Doodle Arms (laughs), very aptly named, if you ask me (laughs). That's so awesome. It kind of reminds me of that other game we played, the Human Giraffe, oh, that was so much fun (laughs), this is awesome, yay! Oh man, it would be so awesome if I had arms and they were like this, oh, that's the best way to do it you guys (laughs). Whoa, check out those buns, hamburger buns, whoa, what's going on? Whoa, holy moly (laughs), now we're having a blast! (laughs) I don't even know what's happening, that was so fun. That thing blasted me right out of the house. Oh yeah, give me some of those coins, very nice. Oh yeah, we're gearing up for something good here, let's see if I can jump on this thing, come on (laughs). Come on (laughs), it's not working. What you doing, buddy, just sittin' over here, just checking out some buns (laughs)? Check out these arms, whoa, holy moly, oh, what happened? I almost got very sad there for a second. Woo, got my noodle arms back, whoa, what's wrong, buddy, what happened (laughs)? What are you doing? Whoa, uh-oh (laughs), you don't have any arms. You want some of mine, I've got plenty to spare (laughs). Oh yeah, got cash money, I don't know what I'm gonna do with that cash money. Whoa, I wanna jump on that plane, it looks pretty crazy, come on, oh, I missed it, very close. Hey, what's up, buddy? You're not gonna grab that cash money, then I'll grab it for ya (laughs). Money, money, honey. ♪ Dancin' in the air ♪ ♪ With no underwear ♪ It's not weird. Oranges don't wear underwear (laughs). Hey, what's goin' on, buddy? Oh, we all got our arms. Okay, let's get in this cannon again, here we go. It's gonna be a blast, whoa, whoa, it shot me to the other cannon, what the, whoa (laughs). I'm on top of the world and then I fell back to earth, ah. All right doodle arms, get back in that cannon, here we go, I'm off like a shot, woo-hoo (laughs). Oh man, I'm having a lot of trouble sticking that landing. Must be the wacky, wobbly arms. Everybody knows that wacky, wobbly arms cause wind resistance (laughs). Oh yeah, having fun. Ooh, what's this? Superman, oh, I just bought that, what does that do, I wonder? Huh, whoa, whoa, what's happening (laughs)? I don't know what's happening. Wait a second, oh, I can click stuff and grab it, well, you should have told me that. I've been playing this game for like, two minutes (laughs). Everybody's like, settle down, Orange, you figured it out pretty quick. You should have told me right away. See, now this is how you grab (laughs). I'm gonna grab this guy's booty (laughs). Got ya booty, what 'cha gonna do now? Apparently nothing. See, now this game just got a level up. It was pretty fun before but now it's really fun, whoa, this is plane crazy. The power of the plane propels me (laughs). Woo, that was fun. Hold on, oh no, I gotta grab this guy from across the back and got him (laughs). Hey buddy, I got 'cha ear. Oh yeah, I twisted his ear (laughs). Hey, have you heard the word (laughs), you haven't? It's probably 'cause I'm grabbin' your ear (laughs). Oh, this is sweet. I love trying to grab people from across the map, they don't even know I'm coming. See if I can get this guy, oh, so close! I'm scaling the wall like Spider Man, this is awesome! Oh, noodle arms, got your butt, yeah! Oh wait, does that make me a butt toucher (shouts)? What are you doing over there, buddy (laughs)? Where you think you're going, come back here, gotcha (laughs). Grabbing booties, oh yeah, this game's awesome! Yeah, it's a whole other level now (laughs). He tried to get away (laughs), he's trying. He can't do it. Oh, that was awesome. Ooh, get in the water pot. Things will really boil over then, won't they (laughs)? Okay, let's see if can just drop, ooh, I'm gonna have to swing it to wing it, oh no, I missed. (laughs) Check out my buns, here we go. Whoops, oh hey, I didn't mean to grab you, I was trying to go into the pot of water. I grab your booty, booty grabbing, everybody booty grabbing. Hey, what's up, buddy? Whoa, I'll grab this whole plate, I'm takin' it with me. I'm gonna put a hamburger on it, giant, hey! What's for dinner? Apparently you are (laughs). Wacky wobbles, you're in troubles. Let me grab that buns, grabbin' buns. Ooh, I wonder if I can fly into the cannon? Oop, did I do it? (groans) Stuck a little bit (laughs). Not even sure what's really happening right now. Ooh, that's crazy. Super secret surprise butt grab (laughs)! Oh no. Hey, what's up, buddy, just got my hand on your shoulder. Hey, buddy, I really gotta hand it to ya (laughs). Whoa, do you have a pet marshmallow, that's awesome. (groans and shouts) I'm being mugged (laughs). Ooh, let see if I can drop into that pot of water, hold on. Grab it right here, oh yeah, oh yeah, it's lookin' good, can we drop in, hold it steady, yay! We did it! What do I win? You win 42,000 whistlin' pinwheels, woo-hoo! Hey guys, I'm boilin' noodles. Noodle arms, that is (laughs). Whoa, what's goin' on over here? Knife, ooh, can I grab the knife, let's try it. Knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, knife, come back here. Hey hey, cup of noodles, couple noodle arms anyways (laughs). Oh, man. Hey, what's up, buddy (laughs)? Super secret surprise butt grab! Super secret surprise butt grab (laughs). It's so much fun. Hey, I'm goin' where you're goin', you can't stop me. ♪ Booty grabbin' ♪ ♪ Everybody booty grabbin' ♪ ♪ Booty grabbin' ♪ ♪ Everybody booty grabbin' ♪ Hey, hey, hey, you know what they say, life is a beach (laughs). Got 'cha, yeah, you're tryin' to fly away from me (laughs)? Oh, look at me, I'm all arms, woo-hoo. Now we're having fun. Where are you taking me (laughs)? I don't even know if there's anything over here. Oh, we're having fun now. This game is so weird, I love it. Wow, look at all that floatin' stuff back there. All kinds of cool stuff. Oh, okay, kind of stuck, oh no, how am I gonna get out of here? Ooh, wait, can I grab one of those clouds, hold on. Yeah, I did it, I got out of there (laughs). Oh man, my parents always told me to keep my head out of the clouds but tough luck, I'm playing Noodle Arms (laughs). Super secret surprise butt grab! Ah, they didn't like it. Cool, where are we going, buddy, you and me? Oh, check it out, are you feeling melon-choly (laughs)? Thanks for the ride, watermelon. Woo-hoo, I know he doesn't rind. What, he doesn't, he doesn't rind it. You think he does but he doesn't. Wuh-oh, where are we going? Uh-oh (shouts and laughs). Oh, whoa, floating doughnuts. ♪ I flew into a spinning ring of doughnuts ♪ (laughs) Whoa, back to Earth, whoa. That was weird. Water are you thinking? I'm having a ball, beach ball that is. Hey, what's that thing, I wanna grab it. Oh, it won't let me. Oh, I was itching to get back to the kitchen (laughs). What's goin' on out here, anybody out there that I can super secret surprise butt grab? Whoa (laughs), wee! Now this is fun! Oh, yeah, look at that. I got those moves, I got those grooves. Oh, I'm gonna get the drop on ya (laughs). What happened, oh, I was gonna super secret surprise him but he got away. All right, time to get back in the cannon. Ooh, gearin' up for some good stuff, wow (groans and laughs). That was fun. ♪ Having fun when you're grabbin' buns ♪ Hamburger buns, that is (laughs). (groans) Owie, whoa, whoa, holy moly. This thing is sticking straight up, let's jump in it. No, let go of it, Orange. Like, now, stop it, blah, there we go. Hoppin' in the cannon, let's shoot straight up. Where we gonna go, woo! Feel the air on my derriere. Whoa, there's a treasure chest up here. Keep your hands off my chest (laughs). This game is so weird, I love it, I don't even know what's happening right now. Oh yeah, oh, I'm feeling merry...go round (laughs). Whoa (laughs). Noodle arms, I've got noodle arms you can't stop me, I've got noodle arms I'm using my noodle, ow! Super secret surprise sniper butt grab, yeah (laughs), got 'cha! Where do you think you're going, whoa, (laughs). Whoa, this is awesome. Oh, I'm not lettin' go. You gotta take me wit' you, everywhere you go. Everywhere you go, I will follow (laughs). Things are gettin' wacky up in here (laughs). I don't think they want me to (laughs), to give up, you okay? Hey, check out my buns, my bouncy hamburger buns. Uh-oh, I'm stuck in a hamburger loop. That's dangerous when you get stuck in a bouncy hamburger loop. Ugh, you never know what's gonna happen. Uh-oh, I better jump on this one, just to be safe. See what's goin' on, woo-hoo! I can see everything from up here. I can see hamburger buns, I can see your buns, I can see my buns (laughs). Super secret surprise butt grab! Oh, you didn't see that one coming, did ya (laughs)? From across the map. Oh, here we go, super secret surprise butt grab (laughs). Best game ever, oh, boy. (upbeat electronic music) (Orange laughs) Hey yo, A to the O, back again with another game video. Look where we're at, back again at Roblox once again and we're playing a game called Hmmm (laughs), that's H with at least three M's. What is even happening here? What the, whoa (groans and laughs). Is that an alien? Please don't probe me, oh. (bass-heavy dance music) What is even happening here (laughs)? Okay, so, I guess I'm gonna go in this room. What is in here? Whoa, it's so weird. I can't get to ya, buddy, I'm sorry, I got to go check and see what's in this room. I can't get to ya. So it's just a bunch of rooms, Tyty3801 has released Obunga? What does that even mean? Our fate's have been sealed? Uh-oh, why'd it get all foggy in here? I'm real confused. - [Child's Voice] I'm watching you. - [Orange] Who's watching me? Ooh, why'd I die? Okay, this is so weird. What happened, I don't even know what happened. Okay, I guess we're startin' over. I'm just gonna follow the crew. The zoo crew, excuse me, you stepped on my ankles, ow (laughs), owie, owie. Okay, what's this, whoa! What is this room? Hey, what the heck is going on? (repeated robotic Oof's) Uh-oh, it's an Oof room. Oh, please don't Oof me. Whoa, that's a pretty sweet song. ♪ Ugh, ugh, yeah, yeah ♪ Dude, let me out of here. I don't wanna be Oofed (laughs). (loud robotic Oof) Okay, okay, that was weird, what is this? ♪ Losing Waluigi ♪ - [Orange] Luigi? ♪ Waluigi ♪ (Orange laughs) ♪ Waluigi ♪ ♪ Waluigi ♪ ♪ Waluigi ♪ (laughs) This game's so weird, you just go in different rooms and there's all kinds of crazy stuff. (upbeat dance music) Oh yeah, ooh yeah. Doo, yeah! All right, I'm going up the stairs, hey, what's up, doggo, how you doin'? Don't mind me, just barkin' up the wrong tree (laughs). Ooh, let's go check this one out, what the? Yeah, that one looked a little too crazy. Hey, it's Steve. What's up, Steve? - [Steve] The truth is that this is my hut. - [Orange] Yeah, I know, well, actually this is Roblox, you're a little wrong, whoa, there's a bunch of mini-men going on, what is happening? Uh-oh, I think I hear Baldi, Size Manipulator 6000, inactive? What do you do? How does it work, I think it's broken. What the, whoa, I'm mini-size! I'm like midget Apple. - [Apple] That's Little Apple. - [Orange] (laughs) Uh-oh, I hear Baldi somewhere. Where's Baldi, leave me alone, Baldi. Woo-hoo, what's in here? Aw, sweet, I'm in the vent system, you guys. Whoa, I mean, I'm getting thirsty. I better get a drink, whoa (laughs). The drink is as big as I am (laughs). All right, the vent system is boring. Gotta go find some good stuff. Yeah, we can go check on this room. Oh, cool, look at all these pictures. There's SpongeBob and there's Clippy, you know, from Microsoft (laughs). This is pretty funny. Oh, that's some good stuff, you guys. It's a little bit like the normal Elevator 'cause you just don't know what's gonna be on each floor in that game, here you don't know. (phone rings) - [Man On Phone] Is this the Krusty Krab? - [Orange] Hey, I'll take a Krabby Patty! - [Patrick] No, this is Patrick. - [Orange] Yeah, give me Krabby Patties! (Patrick whistles) (phone rings) Come on, I want crabby patties. - [Woman On Phone] Is this the Krusty Krab? - [Patrick] No, this is Patrick. - [Orange] Patrick, give me Krabby Patties (laughs). This is awesome. I'm jumpin' on your belly. - [Patrick] No, this is Patrick! - [Orange] I wonder if I can, whoa, I can click it, nice. Yes, I got a crabby patty (laughs), delicious! (Orange slurps) I've got the crabby patty, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sweet, let's check and see what's in this one, what the, what the, Pepsi? Whoa, okay, please don't throw that at me. (rock music) Although if I did get hit by it, it's just a soft drink, don't worry (laughs). Yeah, having a Pepsi. Pepsi and Krabby Patty, let's go see what else is around here (laughs). This game is so weird. I don't understand but it's awesome. Uh-oh, there's some hair sticking to the wall. Ew, I hate it, whoa (laughs). Were you planking on the elevator door, that's weird. I don't know where to go, let's go to this one, I guess. I can't remember where, whoa, wuh-oh, uh-oh, abunga has been released. What is Clippy doing? Clippy, Clippy you're in the wrong game, please leave me alone. Luckily, our team has managed to recapture Obunga. I don't even know who Bunga is (laughs). Cowabunga, leave me alone, Clippy. Clippy, Clippy, why are you getting bigger? Clippy, I said no, you're supposed to leave me alone! Yeah, you're growing at a really good clip (laughs). Don't hurt me, leave me alone. Quickly, I'm gonna go in one of the other rooms and see if that gets rid of, ooh, ooh. Oh, hey, it's the Geico. The Geico Gecko. This is so weird. Hey, the GEcko's bigger than I am (laughs). Now I know how Little Apple feels. - [Apple] Okay, that's enough with that. - [Orange] (laughs) You love it. - [Apple] No, I actually do not. - [Orange] (laughs) Alright, we're gonna check and see what's in this room. What the Shrek? Wow, oh, this room has a really strong ogre (laughs). What is even happening? ♪ It's raining Shreks ♪ ♪ Hallelujah it's raining Shreks ♪ Oh, my goodness. Hey, how does Shrek like his eggs? Ogre easy (laughs). I gotta get out of here. That's too many Shreks. Look like it was partly cloudy with a 50% chance of Shreks. Whoa, can I play this, oh yeah, come on, I wanna play that, what the, whoa (shouts). Okay, you just killed me, playing the guitar killed me, that's definitely not music to my non-existent ears (laughs). Down we go (laughs). Yeah, who needs stairs? Or a ladder. I just got those fruit jumpin' skills, yo. What the, oh yeah, I don't understand why it's raining aliens over here. Ooh, what's in this one? Oh, don't touch my spaghet, right? Say it, say it. - [Man] Nobody touch my spa-- - [Orange] Yeah, I touched it (laughs). That's using my noodle (laughs). Whoa, now it's Baldi. Please don't slap my booty, Baldi (laughs). I don't like it. Whoa, it's Thomas the Tank Engine, what are you doing in there, Thomas? (Thomas the Tank Engine theme song) Can I come in there? What the, how'd you get in there? Ooh, that's so loud. That's way too loud. Thomas the Tank Engine's really gone off the rails, (laughs). Hey, Little Apple style. - [Apple] Orange, stop! - [Orange] (laughs) All right, let's get out of here, ooh, dog butt (laughs). Did I look in this one already, what's in this one? Oh, I see, that's Thomas the Tank Engine's butt. (Thomas the Tank Engine theme song) Could you turn it down, turn down, whoa. Oh, so that's what's going on, you just gotta squeeze through like that, I see, I see. Oh, Baldi, leave me alone (laughs). Yo, what's behind door number 432? It's a cat playing a piano. You've cat to be kidding me, that's music to my ears. Can I grab the kitty? Yeah, pretty kitty, hey (laughs). Hey, I got a kitty. You guys, I got a kitty. It's feline intervention (laughs). Okay, another one, here we go. What's up, whoa! It's raining tacos, yo, what you taco-ing about (laughs), let me in, I need tacos. ♪ It's raining tacos ♪ ♪ It's raining tacos ♪ ♪ Taco craziness ♪ ♪ Is my favorite song ♪ Ooh, can I clip that, yeah! Who wants a taco, baby (laughs)? I got taco face (laughs). Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, that thingy's been released, the Obunga, the Obunga cowabunga. I wanna be small, well, you gotta go in the room and make yourself small. I'll use memes, people will think I'm cool, used meme and status update, people liked it. Waves hand in front of face, becomes invisible. Plays video game, felt very weird (laughs). Lady, you crazy, you're so big. Okay, I don't think I've been down over here, so let's go check this out. Whoa (laughs). Oh, I haven't been in this one, what's in this one? Wow, hey, in this place the cactus sales have really spiked (laughs). Hey, is that a Rick Roll, I think that's a Rick Roll. ♪ Never gonna give you up ♪ ♪ Never gonna give you wet willies ♪ I think that, that's how the song goes, right? (screams) I just got Rick Rolled, you guys (laughs). Gladly. ♪ Never gonna give you up ♪ ♪ Never gonna squeeze your nipples ♪ Ay, oh no, been in that one. That's the Pepsi Party. Who doesn't love a good Pepsi Party? Can somebody release him, huh? Release what, release who? Him, in the box? - [Child] We're watching you. - [Orange] Who's watching me, no, don't watch me. Ah, somebody released Obunga again. Hey, it's the guitar. I want to play guitar, okay, don't drop me off the map, no, stop dropping me off the map. I shouldn't have grabbed the guitar again, that was really strum (laughs), that was a stretch for a pun. I was trying to make it say it was dumb, but strum, it really didn't make much sense. Whatever, sometimes you say some puns and they don't work, you just gotta keep going with it, yo. That's what you do, you gotta keep runnin' and punnin' all day long (laughs), runnin' and gunnin' and punnin'. Oh, boy. All right, I think I've been in most of the rooms now. I've wandered around this place a bunch of times. This is a lot of fun though, I really like this game. Am I even smaller than I was before? I am, I'm super duper teeny tiny (laughs). Hey, what's up, puppy, please don't eat me. Is this Thomas, yep, there it is. (Thomas the Tank Engine theme song) Okay, Thomas the Tank Engine, your butt is so noisy. Why is your butt so noisy (laughs)? This is cool. (trombone plays a sad tune) Waa, waa. (upbeat electronic music) (Orange laughs) Hey yo, it's A to the O back again with another gaming video. We are back in Roblox once again. All right and we are playing some Ragdoll Shotgun, yeah. I've never played this game before, it should be a blast (laughs). Get it? Okay, I guess it's just gonna go, whoa, am I playing? Am I in, oh, this is the game. Why am I laying down on the job? Oh, 'cause I'm a ragdoll, that's why (laughs). Yeah, look at that Orange, he's got moves, he's got grooves. Everybody do the flop, yeah (laughs). Okay, so what do I do here? The point of the game isn't to just break dance is it? 'Cause, I mean, that'd be pretty cool but I'm not getting any points or anything, so I'm assuming that's not what I'm supposed to be doing. Oh, it looks like everybody's shooting at each other, oh (laughs), yeah, that's what I'm supposed to do, whoops (laughs). Okay, now I know how to play, excuse me. (hums a silly tune and laughs) Yeah, okay, that's how you do it. You got to click and shoot, okay. Then you fly off the map like that, apparently, that's the name of the game. No, no, Orangey, don't fall off, oh, that was close. Okay (laughs), yeah, movin' and groovin', I just got somebody. Wow, that was awesome. I wasn't even trying. Well, I kind of was but yeah, I got another one, all right! I'm an expert at this game already. Yes, got another one, wow! This game really is a blast. Yeah, look at the money I got, nice! Okay, so I only got to play for a few minutes in that round, so I got to play a full round. Wow, look at all those fireworks, yeah, you guys now how to par-tay (laughs). Oh, what happened? Am I planking? Can you please stop standing on my head, thank you. Contrary to popular belief, my head is not for standing on. Come on, there we go (laughs). Yeah (speaks gibberish and laughs). ♪ I got legs ♪ ♪ And I don't know how to use 'em ♪ Okay, here we go Deathmatch in SFoTH, I don't know what that is. SFoTH, okay, what are we doing? Move it or lose it, it's hard to lose it if you haven't ever had it in the first place. No, I got (speaks gibberish). Hello, sir (laughs). (guns blast) Butt pillows, yeah, now we're kicking some booties. Yeah, now we know how to play, come on, who's got 'em? Come on, yeah, havin' a blast, see you later, hot potater. Got him, yeah. Yeah, oh, I see, every time it makes the cowbell sound that means I got somebody. Yes, come on cowbell! What I need is more cowbell. (guns blast) Put this thing in the middle here, it's rotating like crazy. Spinning it to win it (laughs). Looks like we're break dancin'. With these sweet break dance moves, we're gonna go on America's Got Talent, yeah, oh no, I fall to pieces. I think I'm on fire too, butt fire. Oh boy, oh, okay, I got two KO's now, nice. Come on. Ooh, got another one, did you hear the cowbell? Oh, I almost fell off again, yeah, who wants some (laughs). Who put that spring platform in the middle thing, I can't play it. This game's pretty fun. It's a free for all shooter but it's really hard to control yourself so that makes it even more fun. I almost didn't make it there. All right, who wants some (speaks gibberish). Whoa, that guy got seven KO's. I got some catchin' up to do. Whoa, don't do break dancin', come on, yes! I think I got him. Yes, got him, all right, five KO's. Come on, ooh no, we're spinning' it to win it, yes. He's still alive. Oh, gotta make the jump, yeah, you can't stop the Orange. You can't stop the Orange, woo, oh, got another one! All right, now we're kickin' some booties. No, no, no, no, yes (laughs). Come on, hit 'em, I'm blasting him. Come on, move him. It won't work, ah, it's broken. I wonder how many times they shot that guy in the booty and he didn't die. Okay, oh, yeah, got another one. Oh and another one! Ooh, Orangey's on a kill streak, yeah. Hey there, buddy, you just gunnin' in for some funnin' in? Yeah, okay, how come I can, oh, I think I got him, yeah (laughs), ripped him right off the edge. Oh, but it didn't give me the points, why not, whoa! Okay, see, I'm on the top there, can you see me? I'm kind of rag dolling it on the top there so that means I win (laughs). I know, I didn't actually win but I got a lot of KO's, so that's pretty good. Excuse me, just coming through (laughs). Jingle jangles. Hey, now we're having a ball (laughs). Goal, yeah, blah, (laughs). Hey, that's pretty fun. They should make a Ragdoll game where you're playing the soccer and you got to score goals but, they should totally do that, why haven't they done that? They put in giant soccer balls, they should totally do that (laughs), got 'cha. Okay, King Of The Hill in Delivery, huh? What does that even mean? Whoa, I'm on top of a truck. Oh, I see. You got to spend the most time in that zone right there. Come on, no, this is my delivery truck! Yeah, you're driving me crazy (laughs). Triple kill, holy moly! Take 'em all down. Excuse me (groans). Excuse me, I'm not a speed bump (laughs). I'll blast ya, (laughs), we blasted each other. Whoops. Got a Roblox totem pole going on here but it's a little blocky (laughs). Ragdoll Roblox totem pole going on, come on, get 'em out of here, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about. Okay, now I should actually get back to trying to be in the middle part there. You guys are totally distracting me. The whole point of the game is to sit inside of this thing 'cause you're going to be king of the hill, you want to spend the most (speaks gibberish). I shot myself in the booty. Oh, man, booty shoots, booty shoots. (groans) Stop, help, help me, I can't get over there 'cause I'm stuck (laughs). I'm stuck on a truck. Oh and I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm rhyming. I really was stuck on the truck. Yeah, look at those fireworks. Yeah, I didn't do very well that round. I was supposed to spend as much time in that truck as possible, in that one zone to be King of the Hill but then I ended up just fighting with other people, 'cause that's more fun. Orangey loves break dancing rag dolls, yeah (laughs). Hey, we're having a ball (laughs). Okay, now that I feel like I'm getting the hang of the game, Deathmatch in Ancient Islands. Let's do a little bit better this time, okay? I wanna get up on that pedestal. I wanna get that gold medal. Actually, I want to get the Orange metal, yes! Starting it off right (laughs). I'm runnin' and gunnin' and blastin' your bunions, yeah (laughs), where you going, buddy? You runnin' away, you shouldn't run away. Here we go, here we go. Oh, sneaky Pete. I'm sneaky Pete, yeah, got him, all right. Oh, booty shoot, can I land back on the map, come on, come on, yes, oh, he lands back on the map, it's not KO'd, he's doing so good, uh-oh (laughs). Oh, come on, you just got away, okay, you just need, no! Oh no, I got myself. I landed in the steamy water, water am I thinking? Wait, that doesn't work (laughs). Yeah, I love it when he jumps, he just wacky wobbles all over the place (speaks gibberish). Whoa (laughs), how come every time I'm sitting on that ramp somebody shoots me in the booty and sends me 800 feet into the air? It's not what I wanna do. Oh, I got you, buddy, I got you, oh no! You snuck up on me. Hey, what you doing, you just laying down on the job, let me help ya (laughs). Later, hot potaters (laughs). Hope you had a nice fall. Whoop, there it is. Oh, oh, almost got him, come on, yeah, got him, very nice. Got four KO's. Got to get more KO's. KO's stand for Krispy Oreos, right? That's what I'm gonna get, Krispy with a K, yes, got him (laughs). All right, I got five Krispy Oreos, those are my favorite. It's Krispy with a K. You got to make it hip. Oh no, I got a KO and then I was KO'd. I got Krispy Oreo'd, you guys. I got stuffed in the middle, ooh (laughs). What are you doing, get off the edge, you should go and play over there, go play in the water, it's fun. That's what everybody's doing, no, no, oh, what a great landing. (laughs) Oh man, this game's so hard but it's so much fun. Come on (groans). Into the drink. Slidin' on my booty, slidin' on my booty, shootin' booties, yay, oh, got him! I got him, whoa, double shot, nice. I mean, what other kind of game can you just slide around on your booty while also playing games and have it be awesome? Whoa, whoa, got another one. How you like it, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, gotta land, we got to land back on the island, you guys. Here it is and he sticks the landing and I got another KO, I don't even know how I got that last one, so good. Oh, Krispy Oreos in my tummy (laughs). Okay, I don't know why I always jump on that platform because I always fall off, so I'm not gonna, I gotta stop, oh, yes, I got second place! Look at that. Looky looky, Oreo cookie, Krispy kind, yeah, we get fireworks. Yeah, shootin' fireworks at my booty. That's so good. You didn't get a basic crate. Well, why not? You should have gave me one for free. Free stuff is the best. Well, what kind of party we got goin' on here? Is this a party party? Everyone loves party party (laughs). This is shootin' booty party, yes, got one! That's what you get for fartin' around on the job (laughs). (imitates fart) Okay, that was a little quiet, that was quiet, it was respectable though. They can't all be winners. Come on, what are you doing, floating midair, what's going on, Neo? How are you doing, Matrix? I know fart-foo (laughs). Okay, maybe I don't, oops (laughs). Oh, come on, blastin' you, come on, yes, see you later. Oh, you're just sittin' there, huh, you're just waiting for somebody to blast ya (laughs). Easy pickin's, these guys are just sittin' there too. I'm gonna get you out of here (laughs). Why aren't you guys even trying to get away? How come sometimes I blast 'em for hours and they just don't go anywhere? Come on, go! Whoops, I just realized right now that it's a King of the Hill (laughs) match. I should have been going for that little box there the whole time 'cause you wanna be the one that spends the most time in the box. In a box, don't box me in, bro, yeah, look who's in the box (speaks gibberish). I'm in the box (laughs). (speaks gibberish and laughs) Look who's in the box. Leave me alone, let me be in the box, I love the box (laughs). Oh boy, I don't think I'm gonna win this match, you guys. I realized halfway through, oh boy. Okay (laughs), yep, I definitely didn't rank here, okay. Oh, well, thank you very much for watching, you guys, been a lot of fun. Make sure you do everything you can to make this the most popular video on the internet 'cause toyserk is so good, until next time. Later, hot rag dolls. (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: Annoying Orange Gaming
Views: 3,495,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, ao gaming, ao games, let's play, ios, gameplay, annoying orange gaming, weirdest roblox games, comedy, cartoon, satire, spoof, lampoon, roblox, minecraft, weirdest roblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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