Robinson Crusoe: Cannibal Island 4-Player Gameplay

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hello everyone welcome to od plays today i'll be doing a four player gameplay of robertson crusoe adventures on the cursed island this is a one to four player game cooperative game and very very thematic about survival and adventures on the island if you are not familiar with the rules of the game i have included a link in the description of this video that will take you to a tutorial video and where you can learn how to play this game just know that the tutorial video features the second edition of the game whereas here i just have the first edition the rules are the same the only difference is that the second edition has a more upgraded components in their arsenal so the game comes with about six or more different scenarios depending on which edition of the game you have and here we're going to play scenario fight carnival island so in this case our ships are wrecked and then we managed to survive and made our way into a deserted island or we thought it was deserted but as it turns out it's occupied by dangerous people the cannibal island they're occupied by cannibals so in this scenario we have to fight our way through in order to survive the onslaught of the cannibals we need to explore the island and find their villages to burn them down and the more village that we burn down the weaker the city of cannibal which is represented by this tile right here will become the goal of the scenario is within nine days we have to successfully conquer the city of cannibals down here so let's go to the board and i'll show you how the game uh how the game looks like after it's been set up welcome to the cannibal island so here we have the beach tile as usual and this is the city of cannibals right here it's not gonna be explored until day four so we have to make sure we stay alive until then and looking over at the invention cards here we in addition to the nine invention style we always start with the game there's also five additional inventions that we draw randomly so this time we got the shield which requires a rope to be made first and will help us in our ventures into haunting animals or even attacking the city of cannibals the drums will raise our morale during the morale phase and which makes sense you know music always lightens up a mood but everybody else is stressed and it requires us to discover the plane's uh terrain type first sorry not not planes uh hills and there's also an idea to make a sling which will boost our weapon levels by two very helpful in this case because we need to fight a lot of cannibals and there's also lantern which requires hills and fire to be to be discovered and it will make us easier to make new items for our invention ideas and lastly we have the wall which will increase our policy level by two but we need to discover bricks first pretty straightforward and our two starting items are flash of rum and pipe and tobacco typically you will draw draw these items at random but in this scenario though they actually want us to start with these two particular items specifically so that's what we have the pipe and tobacco will get us some determination token because you know after having a good smoke contemplating about your situation here you're more determined to face the challenges ahead and also wrong it's always good to refresh your soul and therefore you get one health in addition we also are going to play with the dog and friday in this scenario just to see how they work with the game and how much easier or i guess no difference they made to the difficulty of the game the dog is only good for exploration action and also hunting i guess they can't really help you around with making new items or gathering resources but that's pretty useful in itself and friday can be used for any action either on his own or as an assistant or support character to the other actions that the other characters are making he can even go with the dog to hunt i believe but he also has his own health he has one two three four health and the good thing about friday though is that he doesn't need to be fed at night and he doesn't suffer any uh weather effects or uh sleeping in the open air he doesn't lose health i guess he's been on the island for so long that he used to the the uh climates on the on the island so he's not affected by uh by these things all right so let's jump into the game starting with day one and the event phase which we will skip in the first day but let me just give you a little background though so here we have david the carpenter and vegeta cook and jeff the explorer and yvonne d soldier there are two separate married couples going on the honeymoon on cruise ship and they met on the cruise and became really good friends but unfortunately because of the storm and i guess the sheer bad luck they hit the iceberg or something and the ship sunk and they managed to survive somehow and swam their way into the nearest island where they landed on the beach tile right here and at first they thought they were okay until they met friday who came running towards them saying oh no what are you guys doing here did you not know this is like a cannibal island and people are here trying to kill everybody and you know have their meat as food and so panicked they decided to work with friday who seems to know his way around the island so that they can work together and survive on this island and also at the same time defeat the cannibals so that they will not be eaten as meals for this dangerous uh tribal people and also in a far away uh sort of in the distance on the beach they also saw latte the dog or they look at their little color and has the name latte on there so that's why they're gonna call the dog latte seems like the owner did not survive from the shipwreck on the cruise so now the dog is all alone and we all decided to take him in and in in our struggle to survive on the island so that's the setup here for the first event phase a lot of things happen i know let's move on to the next phase which is the morale phase and currently we have a morale of zero so uh david the carpenter who's the first player right now which is denoted by this uh red pawn here that's a first player pawn he doesn't get any uh determination tokens for now unfortunately because the morale is neutral at zero right now we're still trying to get a bearing of what's happening around us so not too happy or not too sad skipping over to the production phase so once you're not on the beach we found some fish and also some dry food lying around that we can use immediately for whatever need that we whatever things projects that we need to do so that's that and now let's come to the planning phase for actions hey look there's food from what's left over of our cruise ship seeing that betty the cook who's very conscious about our diet and food health decided to spend the whole day hunting for food or more like carrying the food back from the food crates so that we can have a proper meal tonight and not go hungry yvonne the soldier watches rio rancho came and get more determined so that she can be better prepared for the upcoming battles against the cannibals david is sensing that the upcoming battles are very gonna be very fierce and difficult so it will be handy if we have any weapons around to help us so he's gonna spend the whole day working on a new project making a new weapon for us and jeff the explorer will go and see what's in our surrounding area taking the latte with him so that it's easier for him he can do it more quickly and only spend half a day doing it and the other half the day he can cover more ground and explore even more areas around or maybe that area here okay and that leaves only friday who will stay around and help rearrange our camp to boost some more rails because we really need that right now all right it seems like everybody has decided what they want to do for the day we're going to go ahead and resolve the actions they have chosen to take so starting with betty the cook carrying the food crates back to the kin is no easy task so you take the whole day but eventually betty was able to bring back some food for us some i guess bread and canned beans and this event car were not discarded because we sent two pawns to do the tasks we'll get one non-perishable food and one perishable food next is the hunting action but it's nothing to hunt so we move over to the build action so david the carpenter will first use pipe and tobacco to smoke some and to get the determination token which he will actually use right away to use the economical construction ability where we had to discover the two determination token we just received so that when we build a project we have to spend one with less well we could spend one week less and in order to build the sling we actually need to spend one pelt or one wood so obviously we're gonna spend that one wood which we don't have to because we're very economical and with two pawns here david has spent the whole day after smoking some pisces and tobacco comes with a com comes out of the brilliant idea to make a sling out of pretty much nothing that's pretty ingenious if you ask me so now we increase our weapon level by two a pretty good start if you ask me thanks to david we all feel a lot safer a little bit safer now i guess compared to before and now we move on to gathering resource which we don't have any so we go directly into exploration so jeff the explorer along with latte has discovered how the areas around our beach area here and before that though jeff is also going to smoke pipe and tobacco to get to determination token so determined to see what's around in our area they actually cannot spend the two determination token i just got to use the reconnaissance ability to discard the two determination token and draw three iron tiles rounded stack look at them and choose one shuffle the other two into the stack and place the chosen one on top of the stack so this allows us to have a better control uh what kind of lighting tire we're going to explore so let's do that right now okay let's take a look so this is actually pretty tempting because with the river we can actually build the canoe which is a scenario specific invention that allows us to pretty much use the reconnaissance ability a weaker version of it for free in the future the only problem is it only has a beast here which i guess is good and the food here it's just that we will have trouble get uh getting uh of food in the future and but the good thing is it has three discovery tokens so that's pretty nice this is very similar except it's a planes but then these two are both food sources and both have discovery tokens and both have the beast card the only difference will be the river versus planes now with the planes what can we build we can build a rope the road can allow us to have a shield which can be nice and i think that's about it shio and ballista hmm i think the river will be a better choice because we can build that really helpful canoe so let's see what the other one oh okay so this is not bad either uh well it has a natural shelter so that's why it's not bad but only one discovery token in the mountain terrain which allows us to build a knife and i think that's about it it's the knife yeah and the fire too i suppose but it has a natural shelter here which is can be quite handy but ah man state discovery token in the river that's that's i think we're gonna choose this one because these two are very similar but uh the river can make more useful things than the planes can at the moment at the moment and the natural shelter is nice but only one discovery token here and we have three here so ah i think we can do the canoe first and then later we'll discover more natural shelter afterwards yeah so i think we're gonna pick this one and shuffle the other two back into the stack all right so well i mean we put this on top of the stack but now we just explored and we're gonna get this so let's bring latte back he's done a good job for half of the day i suppose and jeff the explorer only spent half the day exploring that area so we're gonna put a beast car into the hunting deck and we also get we got three discovery tokens so let's take a look at what they are hopefully some nice things here oh we got two food and if we have a weapon level we can convert that into a pelt and a food and extra helper so these things you can think of like for example we found like a wild boar so you use a weapon to kill it to get some uh some of the pelt and also some meat for food and this could be just like wild berries or wild fruits and things like that and this could just be like you know a little tool you found on the item that will help with the building process so that you don't need to spend the whole day to build something when you can just spend half a day building it this helps you to speed up the building process and because we discovered the river terrain we can now build the dam and also the map now for the second half of the day jeff the explorer will have to go out on his own and we'll see if he's uh successful now if you remember the successful exploration is quite high about five and six chains or the other one uh there's only one in six chance of failure however the chance for adventure is also quite high about five and six so the only reason you want to explore not alone is really to avoid these adventures otherwise it's pretty easy to explore and succeed and there's about half 50 50 chance of getting an injury but anyways so let's see if jeff the explorer was successful okay not bad it was a success but he did get a wound and fortunately one in six chance there's no adventure so jeff the explorer lose one health but then we were successful in exploring that region and let's see what we have oh and there's our first cannibal village there and unfortunately it's also another river which is a terrain type that we already have so let's check the scenario sheet here uh the first totem that we find is the first cannibal village that we discovered and it says here the player who explored it gets one wound so jeff unfortunately gets another one uh here because he's the only one who explored it and because there's a cannibal village here if we want to do a gathering resource action there it's not take one more pawn because it takes longer for us to do our work there due to the fact that we had to be more careful around the cannibal village so that would go we don't get ambushed or anything and but we still get the discovery token there so let's see what that is also if we have a pot we can cook a very delicious meal and get two health back right now though we don't have the pot let's see where's the pot the pot is right here and we need a hills terrain which we don't have right now unfortunately and that's all for the exploration quite fruitful i would say and now moving on to the rear range camp yvonne the soldier after having the whole day to rearrange the camp and coming up with some strategies she's very determined for the upcoming battles against the cannibals so she gets four determination token and actually she's going to spend two of them right away to use the hunt ability which will require us to discard two determination tokens to increase either the palestine level or weapon level by one but since we don't have a shelter yet we cannot increase the policy level so instead we'll increase the weapon level by one and friday will just help us to boost our morales so now our morale goes to one step there so at the end of the day let's see what goodies we have gathered throughout the day so all of these comes to the available areas for us so we have actually more food than we need but that's always a good thing i suppose and in the weather phase there's no weather we need to face in fact unless the event triggers it this scenario has no weather diet that we need to roll i guess facing the cannibals are already more difficult enough that we can't really have any spare time worrying about the weather and finally the night phase and we have to feed our people except friday friday can do their own thing so fortunately we have two uh fruits i guess we got it from uh exploring the island and two food that we found from the beach okay anyways so to the food here for four in four in total to feed all of our people so no one will lose health today and friday doesn't need to eat with us so that's good and now we have to decide whether or not we want to move our camp if we leave the beach we cannot move to here because it's a cannibal village here but we can move here but then during production phase we don't get the extra wood produced normally but i think that's okay we can probably move around a little bit more to get more wood we want to move here why i think i don't know why we can probably just stay here and not do anything but you will make the exploration a little bit more difficult though so maybe we don't need to explore quite just yet we if the more the totem comes up the stronger the villages are so that's not necessary to our benefit so i think we're gonna stay where we are right now and next turn just explore this area uh that's that okay so now we all lose one wound for sleeping in the open air because we didn't have the shelter built yet and the food doesn't get spoiled because this is a non-perishable food so that's fortunate for us and let's see here i think that's about it um oh yeah i should have put a little marker on the scales when i use them so that now they refresh and the next round we can use them the next day we can use them again but i forgot but that's okay we didn't use the same skill twice so it doesn't affect anything so now we move to day two and the first player will now go to jeff the explorer and we have to see what event awaits us now the event phase slow work everything is going slower than you than you expected put the plus one on the building action field during the next building that requires wood you need to spend one good more okay that sucks and also checking out the symbol right here we have to check the scenario rule book and he says the cannibals have raided us ready our camp doing it at night so because it's a slow work we spend more wood in the building action fields to indicate that we need to spend one more week to build whatever we're building next if it requires food normally and because the cannibals denotes bastards they really are came last night we had to lose three health because we haven't burned down any of their villages yet so one two three we actually crossed the morel line so morel will draw twice actually so we're going down to negative one and let's see here and we have to move our camp or lose our shelter but we don't have the shelter yet so we cannot choose that option and lastly we can lose two more health again which i don't think that's a such a great idea so we have no choice the best idea right now will be move the ken to here which kind of sucks for us because we need some more wood but uh to do some action buildings here but unfortunately right now we we uh right now in the production phase we don't produce any more wood but that's really unfortunate for us now during the morel phase because jeff is the first player you actually have to lose one determination token because our rails are so low unfortunately i don't have any to lose so instead we'll lose one health that's it's getting really really bad now it's only the second day too and next is the production phase we only get one fish and no other stuff here and now let's explain what we're going to do for today and right off the bat yvonne the soldier is going to use her the hunt ability again to discard two of her determination token and really sharpen that knife and increase our weapon level by one all right because jeff the explorer is not doing too well in terms of his health so he's not gonna do anything too adventurous today and just gonna stay behind and help out with the can by rearranging them to boost all my rails so we can really use that right now and ivan the soldier will also contemplate on the next attack plane to get back at the cannibals and it's gonna go out with david the carpenter to hunt for the wild beast hopefully to get us some food for tonight and friday on with a new sling and increased weapon level will go with the dog to attack the cannibal village right there the uh canoe village right now has a strength of five it's four plus the number of total and refilled uh which is only one right now so it's only a strength of five we only have weapon strength of four so friday will have to take a damage but at least we don't lose morale that way and lastly we have betty the cook who will get some determination focus to think up to try to come up the next step and i think she's also gonna help rearrange the camp to increase our morales and finally david the carpenter let's see what does he want to do he can gather resource probably yeah why don't we do that since uh since of the the slow work we have to spend one extra wood and that's always not fun all right so that's that seems like a plan for today and we'll see how that goes now we decided not to deal with the slow work just now uh just yet so we're gonna go hunt the beast first or we can attack the village doesn't really matter but we're gonna choose to hunt the beast first so jeff this uh sorry not jeff yvonne the soldier and david the carpenter will now try to hunt for some food here before that though if it's gonna boost her courage and her health i guess by consuming some wrong to get two health back and in deep into riverland yvonne and david encountered oh that's very fitting and alligator and also very uh powerful so it has a strength of six and does two damage to our weapon level and gives us three food we only have a weapon level of four so that means yvonne will lose two health thank goodness for the wrong and we our weapon level will decrease by two that kind of sucks and we will get three food so the the battle was definitely fierce the alligator was no easy uh prey and the return wasn't very great either i think the sling was broken and we lost two weapon levels we do get three food however and this car is not discarded and yvonne the soldier in the process suffered two wounds as well that wasn't the outcome i was hoping for but unfortunately that's why it is right now and now we have a choice we can send friday to attack the village right now and the first strength right now is four plus one so five and our open level is only two so friday will lose three health and he will be on the first of dying you know what let's let's uh let's do that right now so we will use our second conquestion action so friday ngati latte will attack the village there and destroy it and burn it down but because the strength of the village was five and our weapon level is only two friday will lose three health he's also on the verge of dying right now and we put a little marker here to indicate that yes that's indeed burned down and we don't have to worry about it anymore next up is the building action but we didn't build anything this uh today so we're gonna go to gather resource let's see if david the card printer has any luck fish sorry chopping it down woods then we have in hunting so let's roll these dice the success rate is actually pretty high too uh five out of six and not likely to have any wounds or any adventures so hopefully we'll have a good roll oh man that kind of sucked so we dig some seed but we also got a wound so david will now lose one more health and will reduce our morale by another step again it was a success however so i guess he got splinter in his hand when he was chopping down some wood there and now for rearranging the camp because we didn't go explore today uh yvonne will get two determination token making more new weapons and also betty the cook will also get two determination tokens as well and as for the rest let's see do we want more determination token for jeff i think we do or do we one two three one two three no you know what we're gonna spend the rest to increase our morale because our morals are really really low right now and we cannot afford losing any more health because of this one two three so now we're at plus uh positive one right now and now at the end of the day we get all our resources available to us and actually betty the cook has whipped out her grandma's recipe right now to help keep us a little bit more healthy so she's gonna discard two determination token and spam one food that we have available to heal two wounds and we're going to heal we can actually heal two people with one wound each or we can kill two wounds of one individual in this case we're going to kill yvonne the soldier boosting her up like that so that is less of a chance for her to cross the morel drop line again in the weather phase there's nothing we need to face and not the night phase we have to feed our people we're actually going to slaughter the wild boar that we got to get the food and the pelt and the food will use right away to feed all four of our people again friday does not need to be fed so with that everybody is happy they got food so they don't lose health and now it's a decision time do we want to move our camp if we move then it's going to be more difficult to explore around the area but if we don't then we don't get the wood production that we desperately need i think we're going to move uh well i mean they they decided that they want to move the can so that they can get more wood to build helpful things like the dam and also the canoe so that i can help the exploration a little bit better later so we have decided to move our camp but unfortunately we didn't build a shelter yet so we all lose one house for sleeping in the open air except for friday he he doesn't care he's used to the island life all right and i think that's about it our food does not spoil because we it's a non-perishable food and now we move on to day three so all of the uh skills can be refreshed and the first player marker will pass on to yvonne the soldier i really hope we were not rated by the cannibals again last night because i don't think we can handle that oh no ah it's a book again okay weakness you all hope that it is just a temporary weakness and not something serious your rest eat and hopefully get better the this round the first player cannot use his special determination skills oh no i was going to use it to make more weapons but i cannot do that anymore more importantly the cannonballs raided our camp again last night so let's take a look we'll slide this down into the book here the good news is we did burn down one cannibal village so now we only lose two health as opposed to three the bad news is a lot of us are crossing the morel drop line so our morel will actually drop by three so we're back to negative two again and now we have to decide whether we move our camp we cannot lose shelter because we don't have any shelters or each of us lose two health again if we lose two more health we actually uh jeff the explorer will die and we'll lose the game right away so that's that's not really an option so i think we're just going to move back to the beach again so that we can get the wood and the uh the fish there and again because of the scale there sorry the event weakness now iran the soldier cannot use her special abilities and now the morel face because of the cannibals attack last night our i guess new newly married couple who on honeymoon was not really set out to deal with this kind of situation so the morale is very very low despite we just raced a lot yesterday so fortunately though ivan soldier does have two determination token that she can discard so she will not lose any more health and she cannot use her skills uh this round anyway so that's sort of working out in our favor a little bit in production phase we got a wood and a fish and now let's play what we're gonna do to survive on this island today so things look pretty grim for us right now but if we lose hope right now then always lost for sure so betty the cook is gonna deal with the slow work and take a little break so that she can get a determination token and she's also going to rearrange the can to boost the morale up so that we will fail a little bit better and iran the soldier will also get some determination token and also booster morale so that she can use the hunt later to make even more weapons i guess uh the weakness forces her to think about what she should do to overcome it so that she can you know use her skills later uh tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow it will be a brand new day to do brand new things uh this day today i think it's a bad idea we go explore oh i mean it's not a bad idea but i plan on being building the canoe and we should explore after we build the canoe so that is a little bit we'll have a little bit more control as to what item tile we want to discover because during exploration with the canoe you can take two item tile and choose one so that's a pretty good option that uh we can use so david the carpenter along with a little tool they found during exploration will go to build the canoe and i've got just it's off the screen right now so i'll just put it here to represent that they're going to indeed build the canoe and the friday friday will help help david to to build the dam so that we can get some food there to keep our stomach fed we really need to build the drum so that we can get plus two determination token through the morel phase but right now we don't have the hills terrain to build this so that's unfortunate we also need to somehow build the knife which will allow us to build the spear from the soldier that way it can really increase our weapon level again we don't have the mountain terrain so that's unfortunate either as for jeff the explorer no no option there he has to take a break otherwise he cannot die and we all lose the game so i think that's the plan for today and let's resolve them one by one and unfortunately the dog latte will have to stay behind not being useful today we're bringing a little more conservative because we're already on the first of well basically dying anyway so first rest after a good night's rest or good half day rest uh betty is more determined to put more action uh to more work into today to help as much as you can so we're gonna discard this card and we will get a determination token as a result of resolving this event so this will go to betty the cook there's no hunt action there so now we go to the build action and we're going and because we place two pawns here we'll successfully build the canoe and it will require us to spend two of our wood because of the token right here the slow work ability so we have to spend extra wood here but this token will not be discarded we don't have to worry about it anymore and we can now use the canoe excellent and these are now done going back to david so half the day spent build a canoe and the tool unfortunately was uh damaged and wasted during the building process and for the second half of the day along with friday they built a dam damn okay so again they need to spend one wood to do that and now we have a dam and as a reward for that we get two non-perishable food i guess we use the theme as some sort of refrigerator or something i'm not sure how that works but anyways i think that was it for all the building action no gathering resource and no exploration and now um iran the soldier will get back the two determination tokonashi loss this morning because of the the cannibal raid and she's also going to rearrange the game along with betty the cook to raise our morale back to neutral again there's still hope in on this island after all as long as we work together and stay together and jeff the explorer no choice has to rest and get two health back and now move on to the weather phase so we got all the resources here and no weather so knife face we have exactly four food to eat but we have to use our non-perishable ones which is kind of a bummer but no choice here so we're all fed we don't lose health unfortunately we're still sleeping in the open air so we have no choice but to lose one health each the good news is none of us cross the morale line so but if we don't find any shelter anytime soon we're going to be in big trouble and all right so now we decide to move the cam again let's see to here so that can help us explore this area we don't really need the wood anymore well we kind of do but we can do without it for the time being and let's start with the day four on this cursed and a cannibal island and this marker can be removed because ivan can now use her determination skills again and the first player goes to the betty the cook the first thing that happens in day 4 is this city of cannibals has now been discovered we don't get any of the uh determin uh discovery tokens here but i think we do get the uh terrain types uh so as if we discovered it and notice there's a totem pole here so all the other cannibal village that we'll discover will be a little bit stronger again because of the extra totem poles here and because of the discovery of the hills tile as our hills terrain we can actually make pots bricks drums we definitely need drums right now and also lantern drums allows us to get two extra determination tokens during the morale phase which is very very helpful and part not only can we use food to heal we can actually use this discovery token right here to heal two wounds if you want to i'm actually not sure if this counts as being discovered that allows us to build these inventions but i'm just gonna house through this in this video to say yes yes it does count because right now we're not doing too well and i just want to make sure i have a little bit of fighting chance uh for this scenario all right so let's see what event is waiting for us we're all trained that we don't have any more cannibal raid during the night phase because i don't think we can withstand another one of their raids oh no ravenous predators i don't really care about the raven is predators what i care about is that there was another raid anyways winter is coming and the predators are getting more and more dangerous put this token next to the hunting deck basically the next time we hunt it's going to be more difficult to uh the beast will be a little bit stronger yeah and we don't have to fire and we'll lose the probably say okay that sucks anyways so more important let's slide this down into the book here and more importantly the cannibals raided our camp again and we get two wounds because again we have one of the villages burned down and let's see here so we drop two wounds here one two one two one two so three over all my rails dropped so we go back down to negative three wow that's really really terrible and now another decision to make but it's really not much of a decision because we have to move our camp because we don't have the shelter that we can lose nor can we afford to have everybody lose two health right now so no choice i think we're gonna move to here or here it doesn't really matter let's just move to here okay that was terrible i guess new married couples just have bad luck and they cannot really handle life on an island especially with the island with cannibals even with the help of friday the local and latte the dog this this scenario which is extremely difficult and we have a pretty back lock in terms of the event deck and anyways i digress so unfortunately uh betty the cook will now have to lose three determination tokens and she only has one which she has to discard and lose two health and one more damage she will die and we have to lose one more uh more rail but we're already at the bottom so that's not gonna be uh very uh very good for us but anyways i digress so now for the production we'll get a food and a wood now moving on to planning phase so seeing how the morales are so low david is determined to build a drum for us so that we can stay in a positive spirit and friday will help along with david so that we don't lose health because we don't have any determination token to lose through the morale phase we do have the pelt that we need to build it so that's no problem here and also we're also gonna need to build a plot along with soldier i guess or no not soldier with uh jeff the explorer because we really need the healing ability right now so that's that and we'll take yvonne the soldier will take latte the dog to explore hopefully something good and remember we have the canoe so we get to have a little more control on what we discover in that area there and also betty the cook has to rest because we're sleeping open air again then she's gonna lose one more health and we'll just die in fact so does the explorer she he also needs to rest and now let's with two here we have no choice we have to go and gather some food otherwise we'll lose a lot more health even with that we only have three food so somebody will have to go hungry today it's most likely ivan the soldier because she's the only one with some health left so hopefully the plan for today will not have any mishaps and we'll see what happens that we as we unravel each individual actions and actually right off the bat yvonne the soldier will use the hunt ability by spending the two determination token and increase the weapon level by another step so we have three right now still not close enough to defeat the city of cannibals they have a strength of 21 minus three so that's 18 right now uh but hopefully we'll eventually get there but that is if we don't perish first alright so today we didn't deal with the events we have nothing to hunt and we are going to straight to build so david and friday work together and spend half the day to finally build a drum that will raise our spirits up so in the future even we are down at the bottom of the morale we only need to lose one determination token as opposed to whooping three and of course we have to use the pelt for it up is the uh david along with uh who's this uh i think that's uh who is this again oh so david and jeff the explorer working together to build a pot so now we can get some yummy food and refresh our soul and our body and also use that discovery token there mostly so now let's move on to gathering resource the soldier will go first and let's go oh wow she actually failed that's unbelievable so she gets two determination tokens and came back empty-handed somebody will definitely go hungry tonight now the more crucial one is betty cook because betty only has one house left down here and there's a well we don't care about success right here what we care about is the wound die fortunately there's only one in six chance of getting a wound so wearing a pretty good odds here but if she somehow gets unlucky and injured herself while fishing then she will die and then we lose the game right away so hopefully that's not the case here we go okay not too bad so we were successful there's no wound but there is an adventure so let's see we do get a food and let's put that into our future resource there and this goes back to betty the cook and let's draw a car and see what this is mushrooms that sounds pretty good you have found some mushrooms on your way back to the camp decide discard this car or get one food per player and shuffle into event deck oh that's really good i wonder what the oh i guess they were poisonous huh oh okay we we could really use the food right now now if we get a food for each player we actually have an excess of food right now hmm if we have too much food we can because we built the pot so we can actually use the pot to heal one wood with the food unfortunately we don't have any determination token to use grandma's recipe so and if we someone goes hungry yeah we have to we have to bring the extra food back because if someone goes hungry and lose two health they they will definitely uh die so we have no choice we have to take one food per player and shuffle into event deck that's what we're gonna do so let's put a dice here move that out of the way so we have four players that's four foot for us and let's shuffle this into the event deck so that wasn't too bad and let's see how yvonne is doing with latte by exploring around the island let's see what they have discarded now because of the canoe that we built we get to pick two tiles and choose which one we want to use now it doesn't say what we do with the other one i just assume you put it on back on the top of the stack okay there's a natural shelter here so that's good there's also a natural shutter here but also a toten which means another village there so we can actually we cannot move in there because of the totem pole here so i think the better choice would be this one right here and also the mounting allows us to build a knife which will increase our weapon level and also the spear afterwards which increase our weapon level even more so i think we're going to choose this one and put this back on the top of the stack stack having discovered the mountain to ring we can now build the knife and also a fire and we also draw one discovery token oh it's a treasure might as well resolve it right now and see what we got so what we do is we draw from the the mystery deck until we draw a treasure symbol so that's a that's a trap that's a monster and there we go oh hatchet again okay so in the shadow you see something glittering put that token on the tile where you kept from now on during production phase of each round you get plus one wood even if there's no wood on that tile excellent so let's just do that right now actually since it doesn't make much of a difference and we had to shuffle the other cards back into the mystery deck thanks to the hatchet we're gonna put a plus one here meaning i guess during production phase we are more efficient at chopping down roots around our camp area and lastly jeff the explorer and betty the cook will each get one one health back because they have rested well for the day phew i guess nobody ever taught you how difficult it is to survive on an island when you are about to get married so keep that in mind the next time you are marrying somebody because island survival might be important when you go on honeymoons so at the end of the day all these resources are become available for us and we don't have any weather to deal with and now it's a knife phase so we have exactly four people and we have more than enough food to deal with that so we're gonna discard all these food tokens and now fortunately even though we didn't build a shelter we found a natural shelter in that entire there so we are going to collectively as the group decided to move there we'll take the plus one token with us as well so we get more wood production that's allowed because well it just it just is you can bring the hatchery around with you on the island so that's no big deal so thankfully we're not losing one house for sleeping in the open there and because of the pot we have we can get two health let's see who should we give this to definitely betty to cook so two health for betty to cook and probably to uh let's see here and we have two extra food we'll waste both of these because they're going to be spoiled anyways to cook some extra stuff in the pot so one food will give us one health during the ninth phase so one for david a carpenter and one for jeff the explorer so now all the characters ability will refresh we can use the hunt again and the first player goes back to david the carpenter and now we move on to round five so in the morning let's pray real hard that we don't have another cannibal raid again oh thank goodness so heavy clouds rain wakes you up and it seems it will rain the whole day put the rainy cloud in the weather space all right we had to build a roof somehow soon i suppose and we have to put a little adventure icon on the building action field too so this slides down and this is gone so now so let's just discard this and because we're not going to use the determination skill this round anyways so doesn't really matter to us so david carpenter can i use any determination skill and i want to put the rainy cloud token into the weather space and i think i forgot to put this token into the hunt deck because the raven is predators now for the morel phase thanks to our drums we got plus two determination tokens so instead of discarding three determination tokens we only need to discard one but number two david does not have any so he has to lose one health as for the production at the place where we're at right now there's no food being produced but we do have two wood that's a good sign that's a good part and now we plan the action for today so friday and latte will go on to explore hopefully finding us some good food and good resources and david will work on two projects the knife and the fire so that we can get more weapon and also some palisades now that we have a shelter in our camp and actually iran the soldier will help out alone with wisdom and she's also going to use her to determination token to use the hunt ability to increase the weapon level by one step jeff the explorer still not recovered from all the wounds he received i don't think he's ready to go out to explore just yet so he's going to stay behind to boost the morale by rearranging the camp and betty the cook will get some determination tokens while we're rearranging the camp as well alright so let's see how this day will go actually i changed my mind because i just realized we have no food and we really need to feed some mouth so we're gonna have uh jeff explore to go around gather some food in the surrounding area and as for the next one i think we'll have to let david work on the knife by on his own and have yvonne the soldier to also gather some food there all right so i think that's the deal here and let's see how these actions were resolved we didn't deal the events there's not no hunting uh action this round and now we have to do the build action we're going to try to build the knife first and see if we are successful with david working on the knife on his own so because we're doing that because even if we can succeed with the fire we have to draw a vision card because of this token here if that's the case we might as well try to roll the dice and and and so that when we succeed in building the fire we don't have to draw the card so here we go please succeed oh not too bad we have a success no wound being an adventure which what's gonna happen anyways so that's a very good road we're gonna discard the adventure token right here and move that out of the way and let's draw a card monkey c you chase the monkey away but deep down you know they will come back shuffle into the event deck oh no so some monkeys are lurking around i wonder why the cannibals don't eat the monkeys what's their obsession with eating human flesh weird all right so we have successfully built the knife we will now increase the weapon level by one that's pretty good and i was david the carpenter and now the next building action which is this one will succeed for sure because we assigned two pawns to it that goes to evander soldier and david carpenter and we will now increase our policy level by one so after building we are now going to gather resources let's start with ivan the soldier let's see if her military training was any helpful in gathering resources on the survival on the deserted island they don't teach you survival skills right okay so maybe she wasn't as practiced as she thought it was a success but she does get a wound and we crossed the morel drop line but we're already at the lowest mo rail so that doesn't matter she does uh succeed and let's take that back and we get one fish excellent now we'll roll for jeff the explorer let's see if her his gathering skill is as good as his exploration skill oh no so it was not successful he gets two determination token and also how to draw an adventure card that's pretty bad luck the odds are really in our favor but we didn't draw the we didn't roll the die row that we needed so let's see what kind of adventure we encounter while failing at fishing first actually sounds pretty good too you have found first in the cave decide discard this car or get two fur and shuffle into the infant deck what do we need the first for do we need it for anything at all we probably don't so we're just gonna discard this car so we got no food and we don't really need the fur so so that wasn't such a good gathering we only got one food that's gonna be a big problem anyway so moving on to exploration friday and the dog was successful at exploring that island tile area thinking and because of canoe we can flip both of them and see what we have okay if we discover this cannibal village friday will suffer a wound and because he's at his last house he will die now if friday dies we don't lose the game but we lose one uh we have one less pawn to work with basically if we choose the plane's tile we can we can get two discovery tokens instead of this one so that's pretty good too and we also get a beast there too the only problem is we don't have food uh i think we're gonna go with this one first and we'll leave that one for a little bit later when we have no choice but to discover it so let's put this one back on the stack and we'll discover this right here good and let's see which two discovery tokens we have found oh okay so we got a wood and also this which you have to check the uh the scenario sheet and it says it's an old machete so we actually get plus one weapon level so that's really good for us too and since we discovered the planes area on the island we can now make a rope and also the cure and let's not forget to put a beast into the hunting deck it will be a little bit stronger but we don't care all right and lastly better cook will get four determination token after i i guess they she built a kitchen in their camp so that she can make a better food for everybody else and jeff the explorer will just raise the morale by wine so hopefully we don't lose more morale anymore and that's not likely to happen though because we don't have enough food to feed everybody tonight but we'll deal with it as as it comes so all right so that's the end of today we get all the resource here and we might as well spend the match the discovery token converting to old machete and increase our weapon level by one and during the weather phase we have the rain cloud to deal with if we don't have any roof level which we don't then we'll lose one wood and one food which is all the food that we have right now so we will just discard three determination tokens from betty the cook using uh hooch to to cancel the rain cloud here so we don't have to deal with it and lose our wood and food so that's been used this round and now we go into the dreaded knife phase we only have one food and there's no choice because we have to give it to david the carpenter otherwise he's going to suffer two wounds and die right away so david the governor will eat the yummy or was it fish and everybody else go hungry and lose two health and we drop the morale here twice but we can only go down one step so raising the mario was pretty much a wasted action in the previous round fortunately we are living a natural shelter so we don't lose a house for the uh sleeping the open open air in fact we don't sleep in open air because we have the natural shelter we're not going to move the we're not going to move the camp either and now we refresh all the skills that were used and move the first player into drifter explorer and move to day six if the cannibals raid our camp last night we will definitely not survive so here's to hoping that's not the case oh no it is the case so predator is near you either share your food sources with the predator or you fight for them there is no other way the closest food source uh is exhausted cover it with the black marker if there's no such a thing then the player gets gets one wound wound okay so regardless of what happens the book symbol here means the cannibals did indeed read our camp last night so we lose two health each so david the carpenter unfortunately died by the cannibal's hand so the jeffree explorer evander soldier and betty the cook so all of us fell into the meal as meals for the cannibals and we did not survive the the cannibal island not the best honeymoon you want to go on when you just got married though that's for sure and for two new married couple they only got to enjoy the married life for about maybe two days on the cruise and they soon rest in peace on this deserted island and becoming the meals to the cannibal people so that's it for the four player gameplay of this cannibal island scenario unfortunately we were not able to defeat the scenario and we died around day six we fall prey to the cannibals and become their food but i hope you can see that the event deck for each different time that you play this game will be completely different because there's so many cars to choose from and you only choose like 10 of them out of like 60 cars so it's going to be different and also every time you go on the adventure whatever happens here will be completely different as well and also the five redundant infections that you draw will be different as well i think the last time i played we got diary inside of the drums which gives you plus one determination token during morale phase as opposed to the plus two from the drums so definitely a completely different game even though it's still the same game just a different scenario different cards and different situations here and also we added the friday and the dog without them we are actually going to do pretty bad too we probably would have not survived since like day three or something but anyways i hope you have enjoyed the little video i've made here and hopefully this video also gives you a better idea whether or not this game will be right for yourself and your gaming group until the next time thanks for watching and i'll see you then bye bye
Channel: O.D.Plays
Views: 4,408
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to play, board game, board game review, watch it played, board game tutorial, tutorial, playthrough, play through, gameplay, game play, O.D.Plays, ODPlays, Robinson Crusoe: Cannibal Island 4-Player Gameplay, robinson crusoe, Ignacy Trzewiczek, cannibal island
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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