SDG plays Robinson Crusoe

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hey super duper gamer here today I'm playing Robinson Crusoe adventures on the cursed Island this is a cooperative game for one to four players where you work together to explore the island find food build a camp and generally just try to survive a scenario-based so there's some different scenarios with real goals you have to complete to win the game so the object of the game changes based on which scenario playing I'll be playing it as always solo the game rules as written are sort of designed for three or four players and if you want to play a two-player or solo there's some extra little variants they throw in to help you do that alright let's play all right let's go over what we got on the table here before we start playing as you can see there are plenty of tokens and markers that come with this game here in the main board the thing that's most featured here is the map of the island we've got our starting tile here on the beach and we'll be exploring the rest of the island as the game progresses here is the event deck where terrible things happen for you every day over here you've got 9 plus 5 14 invention cards there's 9 that are always in and then 5 random ones that are drawn so that helps keep the game fresh is the five random inventions every game down here these are the adventure decks so sometimes when you're building gathering resources or exploring the island you'll have an extra little adventurer your character goes on and these sort have story elements and consequences that you get from there you've got my character board I'll be playing as the Explorer I've got some special abilities and a health trap over here you've got the scenario card castaways this is the scenario one and in the rule book states that it's the easiest scenario scenario and the one that you should start with I've got a really nice round summary card here to help you along and you're playing two-player you get to add Friday and if you're playing solo you get to add the dog as extra little support characters you've got the beast deck as we explore the island will run into beasts and these will get added into the hunt debt and you've got a stack of unexplored tiles that will get added to the island as we go out and every game you also get two starting items here I've randomly chosen to start with the biscuits and the hammer and nails which will help us along so game flow wise you've got a track here that shows you what's going on first to do the event phase where you draw an event card next to the morale phase where you get rewards or consequences based on whether your morale is good or bad third you've got the production phase where the tile you're on may produce wood and/or food and then the action phase this is where most of the game happens and I'll go over shortly what all those are the weather phase where your characters just get destroyed for being out on the island and then the night phase where you have to feed all your characters and make sure they have proper shelter for the night so the action is phase 4 this is split up into two parts first planning and second execution so during planning everyone puts out their action tokens all over the board and you can move them around you don't do it in a certain order everyone kind of does it all together as a group and once they're all out you would move into execution so the different actions you can take are here there's threat actions where you can put you can put your character tokens here to get rid of a threat card next we have hunting so once you have beasts here in the hunt deck you'll be able to fight those for rewards and then building is the brown action here so there's a bunch of things you can build you can build any of the inventions if you've met the requirements you'll see how that happens as we play you can also build a shelter you can build a roof and or Palisades around your camp or you can increase your weapon level gathering this is how you get extra food and wood and then exploring this is how you increase the size of this is how you increase the amount of tiles on the island for you to move around on here arrange camp is how you can get extra determination tokens and increase your mouth morale and then the rest action to heal wounds so you check our scenario card here you'll see the goal of this scenario is to build the woodpile it needs to have five layers built by around twelve so that the boat that's passing by will see us and come rescue us so building the woodpile is totally unique to this scenario so our the hatchet and mast items down here if you're playing any other scenario the goal is different you don't have a whip and you don't have these items so that adds some good variety to the game all right so step one is the event phase but during the first round you actually skip the event phase that's because we've got a starting event already out this is called food crates so usually during the event phase you apply the effects on the top half of the card first and then down here this is the the thread effect right here so as nothing happens so as we as the round progressing we draw more event cards so this gets moved over and then pushed off and when it gets pushed off that's when the thread effect effect triggers but in this case there is no threat effect so it's alright if it gets pushed off but we can still you know get rid of it by using one or two workers to gain one food or one food in one non-perishable food and you'll see what that means when I do it so that was the event based morality check the morale track it's at zero now actually in the solo rules it says that at the beginning of the morale phase like to increase morale by one because I'm just happy to be alive out here all by myself it seems like I should be dead already so I'm going to increase morale and now I'm up here where my reward for a man my morale is one determination token so I'm going to take that and place it by my character board our next up is the production phase so you look at the tile that your camp token is on and see if it's producing any wood or food and this tile this start kyle is and you'll have this starting tile out - this is the one you start on so it's producing a wood and a food so I take that and put it here this is called the available resources box now you notice also a white right here in the middle there's this picture of a beach that means this is a beach terrain type and different terrain types are required for different inventions there's one that requires the beach this card here this shovel you see at the top it's got the picture of the beach now we have explored a beach terrain so we're gonna go ahead and cover up this beach symbol indicating that that requirement has been met so now I can build this shovel and there's no resource costs to build it other than just having explored the beach down here you'll see other items that actually have a resource cost here you have to have already invented the rope and you have to pay to wood in order to invent the raft item but here all we need to do is have it explored a beach and that's the case because that's how we started on so so the shovel is available for inventing if we decide to do that alright so that was the production phase anyway the action phase now we get to decide what actions we want to do so every character has two character pawns and those can be placed on one of the actions Friday can be placed on any action the dawn however can only be a supporting pawn and it can only be used for the Explorer or the hunt action I'm definitely not hunting because there's nothing in the hunt deck yet alright so now we need to assign our pawns on actions so a little a little planning here if you look at the scenario the two items here the hatchet and the mask these are going to be very useful I definitely want to build these so the hatchet requires mountain terrain to be explored and the mast requires a rope so I don't have either of those yet so disco exploring mountain terrain is just going to be a matter of moving into the island further and then the rope over here is an item that I can invent but first I have to discover or explore a Plains type terrain so it looks like I need to go exploring in order to start working on those the other thing I need is I need food every night and I have one banana here it's 100 so next time we have one character that needs to eat and the other thing I need is a shelter so I don't have to sleep out in the open I do not have a natural shelter here on the beach and I cannot build a shelter because it costs to wood or one fur which I don't have so I can't build a shelter yet what I could do is explore and then hopefully I find a natural shelter that I can move my camp to so that I don't have to sleep out in the open tonight so I'm gonna actually spend this turn exploring I'm gonna explore with everybody now Friday can do an explorer action the dog however can only be supported and you can support Friday or me but you only support on Explorer or hunt actions so I mean having support me on this one right here which means that this one is successful alright so now that we're done planning we've got all their all their pawns put out on on what they're gonna do now we resolve the actions so threat no one went here because I don't need the food that you get from this yet because already have food no one went here because there's no beasts to hunt no one's building anything because this shovel is probably the only thing I can build right now or I could have increased my weapon mobile because I only cost one would but I'm not doing that gather resources no one's gathering resources I cannot gather these resources because they've already been used up during the production phase because my camp tile is here the gather resources action is really for getting resources off tiles and Jason to your camp and then explore now we do the explore art so we can resolve these in whatever order we want within the explore action group so I'm going to do this one first because it's easy my place successful so I get a new tile and we've explored a mountain terrain so we get to mark that up we also get one discovery token and here you see a totem image so the totem is if you look at your scenario she it'll tell you what to do here on caster we have no effect for the tokens all right the discovery token means take the first token off your mixed discovery tokens all right so here we found a goat if weapon level is at least one I can trade in this token for one fur in one food so that will come in any but it goes here in the future resources so if I had a weapon level right now I couldn't kill that goat yet not until it gets moved into available resources which happens at the end of the action space right and that's it for that one you'll see this this tile is producing one food and one wood but there is no natural shelter there let's go ahead and resolve this one next with Friday so it's only one pawn so he has to roll the dice all right now you guys should mark usually that would mean you have to do an adventure card but with Friday it actually just means he gets a wound this time it's blank it's either a wound or blank and it's blank so he doesn't get a wound for that one and this one here means success the other option would be to roll this which gives you two determination tokens but you're all the success so we're gonna draw another tile and put it here and it's the plain side so now we've got mountain and Plains we can put markers out here to remind ourselves that we have explored the mountains and Plains terrains tight so that the requirements for these items have been met and it can now be built all right and there's another discovery token see what we get here now this is a special one this is actually this is neat too this is scenario specific so you look at your scenario card and you'll see that this is called the medallion of a lady and it gives me three determination tokens but when you're playing a different scenario it will do something totally different so I really like how they were able to add the ability to the game like that but by using symbols that you have to match to your scenario sheets so the same symbol will do different things based on what scenario you're playing all right and then I'll explore up here and let's see what we get here success no wound but we have to go on an adventure so you take the card off the adventure deck for the explore action thorny bush you got scratched by thorny bushes your arm burns put the special wound on your character's arm shuffle into the event deck and then later when this comes up we'll have to do this bottom half of this card so we take a special wind token and place it on our character sheet on the guy's arm and then we shuffle this into the event deck and we were successful with this Explorer so we get to put a towel here and other mountains this one does have a natural shelter and a discovery token so we get another discovery token herbs this one if we have the prot item we can increase Morel all right and that's it so it's the end of the action space so at the end of the action phase all the future resources get moved into available resources next is the weather phase however during the first three rounds we have no weather for this scenario and then the night phase so first we can move the camp to an adjacent island tile all right so we're gonna go ahead and do that and move up here so we get this natural shelter all right next up players must discard one food or get two wounds so we have one food we can card that so our Explorer has eaten this is good because otherwise we get two wounds which is pretty brutal as soon as any one character dies you've lost the game all right next up if you do not have shelter each player gets one moon but we do have a shelter so we're clear there and then discard all the remaining food okay next around them to make sure you move your round marker on your scenario sheet and then you draw an event unusually cold night it was a freezing cold night you had to keep the camp discard to wood or each player gets a wound all right now look it's got this book icon here when that happens you'll your scenario sheet and see what the book icon does in castaways no effect but be ready for that to do some terrible things in the other scenarios alright so after you draw an event it goes down here in the in the threat box and it pushes over whatever was already there and it goes here now when the next one comes out this one will fall off and now this one says nothing happens when this one falls off it's gotten a threat effect down here this says each player gets one wound and in order to make it so this doesn't fall off and this effect doesn't trigger you have to place a worker and one wood or one fur here and then you get to discard this card and get a determination token so that's that's what you can do to avoid this effect at the bottom but right now during the cement phase we still have to do the effect on top which is discard two wood or each player gets a wound well I only have one wood so I guess I'm getting a wound okay and then morale since I'm so low I get to increase it automatically I get to determination tokens for where it's at now which gives me three these determination tokens can be used for my special abilities down here as the Explorer I can use these to reroll a green die or to select an island or increase morale or get a discovery token okay and then the production phase you notice since we're here we don't get any food we just get one wood all right now I was getting food out here I've gotten food on either of these I went here for the natural shelter and I do have food over here because my starting item was biscuits and so I'm gonna I might end up having to use that right now I'm trying to get a shelter built and then I'll move my camp off to an island title that has food so that I can get food every round because I'm gonna be needing that okay that was production so now actions so at the beginning of the action phase I can put wood on the wood pile but I can only put wood on one stage at a time so the first stage only takes one wood so the maximum amount of wood I can put on there right now is one if say later I have four wood but I haven't done anything on the wood pile yet I would only be able to put on one wood so I definitely want to start getting these lower levels of the wood pile knocked out so I'm gonna go ahead and put a wood there so stage one of the wood pile is done to win the scenario I have to build the wood pile and also invent fire to light the wood pile all right so now action planning I want to build the Rope so that I can build the mast I also want to build the map so that I can build my shortcut which will help me gather more wood but in order to get the map I need a river so I also want to explore alright so that's all the stuff I kind of got going on right now so I'm gonna use one of my Explorer guys to build the shelter or maybe I should use both of them I don't know what it costs to wood I only have one would I can't even do that nevermind alright I'm gonna have a Friday gathered reach to gather food from over here and I'm gonna go exploring with the dog and I'm also going to build a rope alright so that's all set actually he's not gonna gather he's gonna go right here and get food that way he doesn't have to roll the dice alright so first direction this is successful I only put one worker here so all I do is get one food and discard this card so that'll go in the future resources and I stunt next time not happenin build yeah I'm trying to build the rope I only got one pawn there so I have to work for it successful I take a wound no adventure alright so increase my wounds I'd built the rope that was the only build gather resources not happening explore yet but it's automatically successful cuz I took the dog with me and let's see what we got pills and we got a we found a beast so we'll add a piece to the Hunger and we got to discovery tokens we got throw bushes which increases your Palisades by one thorn bushes and also poison where if you have the pot you can trade this in to increase your weapon level by two so again future resources but that's it so the actions so now all the future resources get added to available resources it looks like me to build the pot because now we've got two things that we could use with 45 increased Palisades by one I could do that because I have a natural shelter but what would happen is if I move my camp I would lose it because the natural shelter doesn't go with me so if I can get this shelter built then I'll use that increased Palisades but for now I'm just gonna kind of save it oh yeah weather around to again no weather night phase we can move to camp do we want to yeah I think we should it and then I'll build a shelter oh yeah I don't forget to mark off the hills requirements on your inventions to indicate that you can build those now the pot hils so that's good now we can build the pot and start using those discovery tokens they require it now everyone has to eat I have one food and one character so we ate but we don't have any shelter so since we don't have any shelter every character takes one wound it's just my Explorer he gets one wound and that's it so round three drawn event predator in the woods going outside the camp is getting more and more dangerous every day green question mark I'll show you what that means in a second alright put greater danger in the Explorer action space during the next Explorer action you get a wound unless your weapon level is at least one okay so we'll do that and what the green question mark means is that we put this token here and that means next time you do an explorer action whether or not you roll the dice you have to do an adventure and also we got to put greater danger over there and do what it says and let's see what our threat is down here searching for a predator it's gonna take one worker and at least a weapon level one to get one determination token and discard the greater danger and discard discard if we don't do that then each player gets a wound when this falls off alright so that goes there okay we need a weapon level and when you do this too I want it to build I might have to not do this because I need that wood to build my shelter alright it's fine I'll then good thing I'd rather have this shelter and take the wound that's what we're gonna do are you don't forget the greater danger so we need weapon level we need to increase our weapon levels so that we can do basilican search for the predator all right morale again increase it and then here have the option to either get to determination or heal wound I'm definitely going to heal the wound because I have three determination tokens and I also have this medallion of the lady which could give me three determination tokens whenever I want so I think a little bit from around now the production we get a wood and a food because of where our campus so moving into actions we have to would we could play this on the woodpile but we're not going to because we want to use that wood to fill up the shelter here's the cost of building the shelter roof or Palisades it varies based on two three or four players for solo you use the one for two players and then what the mobile just costs one would no matter how many players you have so I'm going to build and I think I'm going to you take Friday with me to make sure it's successful I'm going to build a shelter and so when you require resources to do an action like this go ahead and take those and put them on your pawns to make sure that you're not overextending yourself and trying to use more resources than you have when you have a lot of more players and more actions going on okay so there's that now all I have left is one Explorer and the dog I'm still looking for a river so that I can build this map so I can build this shortcut so that I can start producing wood from an adjacent tile that's what the shortcut boat hopes that lets me do so I could try to find a river I'm gonna do that I'm gonna go explore it and the dog okay with me to make it automatically successful but I was supposed to increase my weapon level to remember oh man alright I guess we're not doing that here we go thread not doing it hunt no bill yes we're trying to build that it saw might be successful so the wood you used gets returned to the stager Friday me over here and now it's a mark that our shelter we put this here and we actually flip our camp token so you can see we have a shelter okay we're not gathering Explorer we are exploring so since hey since I did an explorer action and my weapon level is not at least one I get a win because of the greater danger so I take a wound I don't have to roll the dice because I get a few pawns but I do draw an adventurer anyway so we draw an adventurer and it says remains of its settlement deep in the forest you discover a ruin sentiment to settlement to say discard this card or draw three mystery cards only resolve one trap and two treasures and shuffle into the event deck and then when it comes up player has to get a wound okay I think I'm gonna do that three mystery cards one trap and two treasure now the king with that is if I draw two treasures first I'll have two drawing traps or if I draw a one trap I get to keep drawing until eventually I get two treasures and it doesn't matter if I accidentally if I happen to draw more traps before that happens I don't have to resolve them so this is the mystery deck first card is a treasure we got the whip you stumble upon a skeleton of a man in a fedora he has something in his hand plus one weapon level I would have been come in handy earlier all right keep this card starting next round whenever a player draws mystery cards where a trap must be resolved the effect of one trap can be ignored it still counts as result all right so as it's starting next round so if I draw a trap is still I still have to resolve it I got another treasure okay old clothes a little smelly but they still work keep this card from now on when snow cloud turns into a rain cloud okay that will come in handy when we start doing weather later so make sure and now I can stop I don't have to keep going because I already found on my treasure there's no reason to keep exploring and until I pull into a trash and we do have a successful Explorer all right and one discovery token it's a wood all right so that's it for yet all the pawns are back so this would all go to turn that into a wood right now and we have a shelter so I'll go ahead and increase our Palisades also so now we have a palisade level let them live with one and a roof level of zero but we're getting rain or any weather starting next round so I'm gonna want to build a roof really in all right weather for round three that were on right now no weather okay night phase so I want to go to the camp I actually really like where I am it's just it hopefully I can draw a river tile for here and actually I'll be using the explorers ability to try to make sure that happens so we should be good where the key with the camp where it's at and then everyone has to eat I eat and then do we have shelter yes we do okay so moving on to Round four now notice on here round four we will be rolling the orange weather day four four five and six and then all three weather day for around seven through twelve and what's gonna help keep us safe in the rain is this roof we really need to start working on our roof level but don't forget we also need to build this wood pile which we only have one base of wood on yet and it's gonna really help if we can build the hatchet because I don't give us an extra wood during production for our camp set and if we can build the shortcut because I'm gonna be able to produce wood from an adjacent tile to so we need we need to start doing that but we also need the roof and we also need to increase our weapon level so that we can kill this beast we got a lot of stuff to do alright let's just start with the next event flood water enters the camp and office things away turn one item face up to the invention side or minus one weapon level or minus one Palisades or each player gets one wound I'm just going to take the wound okay and then this goes here and it pushes everything over and we've got we get this green adventurer again and now this falls off so the thread action happens each player gets a wound so I get it wound and I cross this arrow which means morale goes down but that's fine in the solo game that's really fun okay now Morel since i'm solo i'm alive i'm excited I get to increase it I get to select again to determination or heal the wound I'm going to go ahead and heal a wound and production I get a wood and a food all right so I've got two would work with we'll see maybe I'll build the hatchet we'll see you we'll see okay right now because we're in the action base actually what I'm going to do is I'm going to spend three determination tokens now I'm going to spend two to draw three island tiles choose one shuffle the other two back in and put the one I chose on top so I drop three all right Plains was gonna be next I'm gonna take this River tile and put it on top so I'm gonna shuffle these other two back into the deck here I'm going to put this River one right on top so now I know I'll get the river and build the map I can build this shortcut I can start making more wood all right I still have one determination I can get more I'm so really the Explorer has this ability lets me reroll the green die but I'm not rolling the green dice too often because I've got the dog which can help me with exploring so it makes all right so now I have to do is explore here it's an island or a river and then I'm done exploring I think I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stay safe because what happens is once you start building up if you have roof level two and you move your camp you have to cut your roof in Pallet state levels in half so you would have you would drop the roof level one just removing your camp so once you get your camp like where you want it you gotta find a good spot for it and keep it there and just start beating it up where it's at so what I'm going to do I know I'm gonna River here so I'm gonna keep my camp here and I've got two resources on on my camp tile and I've got a lot of adjacent resources so we're good to go and so explore Friday with the dog to go explore that for me and then I really want to build roof now it takes two wood should I put just one guy there or two guys and guarantee success I am hitting weather tonight I know that for a fact so I also have to build fire so I'm going to try to build fire all right we're gonna do that oh I need the pot too though I'm gonna try to build the pot instead because that Plus new weapon level will come in handy a lot sooner I'll need the fire till the end I also really need to build the hatchet but we'll do that when we get some wood next round okay so threaten Oh hunt no build yes I'm building I've been a role for the roof first so here I'm rolling so it's successful I get a wound morale goes down and I go on an adventure unmotivated duty of being hurt tired and irritated construction is going very slowly discard one determination or get one wind shuffle into the event deck and then when it pops up I have to discard a determination so what happens is if you don't have a determination when it says you have to discard one you get a win right now I do have a determination I'm gonna go ahead and discard that and she'll pull this into the event deck okay but it was successful so the wood gets discarded my pawn gets returned and we now have a roof level of one row for my next build actions down here wound success and adventure construction you take a break to strengthen the camp with vegetation when it over grows with grass it will be even stronger shuffle into the event deck when this comes up +1 to the Palisades if you have a shelter hey this is a good one alright that's exciting okay but I do get a wound and I am successful so I get my pawn back and then the pot goes from the invention side to the item side so now I have it pop which means during the night phase I moved I can use one food to heal one wound during each night phase that's gonna be good because usually what happens in this game is I end up killing my characters all right so then we move on to explore so this gets explored now I do have the question mark but Friday doesn't actually go on adventures when he rolls a question mark instead just gets a wound so we're gonna activate this question mark and it is Friday a wound and we found our River with one discovery token all right this so then you check out here this is called pirate Sabre and it gives me plus 1 what's the level it's in the future resources though ok action phase is over future resources become available I use it now my weapon muggle is 2 now the weather base ok now we actually do a weather so we said we just roll the orange dice the orange side has mostly rain clouds on it 1 or 2 rain clouds and it has a snow cloud so we'll see what we get 1 rain cloud ok so what happens on the rain clouds is ok for each snow cloud discard of what we didn't roll any ok compare the roof level to the sum of clouds both rain and snow combined free to roof level missing discard one food and one wood ok so we have one cloud but we have a roof level of 1 so we're good if we had a roof level of 0 if I hadn't built that roof it would be we would have one cloud more than our roof level which would mean we have to discard one food and one wood but we don't have a wood so we have had to discard a food and we've had to take a wound for not having the wood and then we want to have any food to eat so it would take two wounds for going hungry so this is really good that we built that roof ok night phase do we want to move the camp no we have to eat all right very something Anna and can we have shelter yes moving on to round 5 now don't forget I have to build this wood pile it seems like I'm really falling behind I'm just so focused on stayin alive and I totally forgot to use my hammer nails that gives me support guys for building all right I'm gonna start doing that so we're on fire this drawn event Oh swollen arm you've got an infection and you can't work today if you don't have medicine the character with the special wound on their arm has only one pawn available this round discard a special wound and draw another card ok so this is gone but I only get one one-pot draw the next event catastrophe and the night of hurricane visited the island all right we get the brown question mark put all items in the future resources space they are not available this round place them back on the board after the action phase okay the pot on the road we can't use those so for example the mass requires rope I wouldn't be able to build the mast because that item is in the future resources until after the action phase and then this goes down here and pushes off this card which now triggers its third action each player gets one wound and discard the greater danger token so I take a wound getting dangerously close like I said I usually kill my characters and discard the greater danger now morale it magically goes up I'm definitely going to heal the wound production I get a food and wood now remember I've got three determination tokens right here I can't use the pot to increase morale or the weapon level unfortunately and I could kill the goat if I want to get another food actually let's do that I'm gonna kill the goat so I gives me one fur and one food the first gonna help me build oh I don't have the shovel so I can't do this and this yeah I need a worker in a shovel to discard this card and get a termination token I'm not gonna be able to do that which means next round my palisade level is gonna go down really stinks I'm moving over the action phase I could put wood on the wood pile but if I'm gonna use it to build the hatchet instead don't forget it I did find there rivers so now I can build the map yeah don't forget to have these extra guys so I'm gonna use my hammer and nails to get an extra support worker that's only good for building they're going to build the map and then Friday is gonna take the dog hunting this is probably gonna kill Friday but it should give me some good rewards actually he's not gonna do it because it's probably gonna give me food and I already have enough food for the trailer but plenty of food so he's just gonna gather wood which means the dog can only help with exploring or hunting no-one's exploring or hunting so he's not getting used this room alright so walking through first happens the build it's successful because I got two guys out here on ooh I forgot to put the ground the ground question mark was supposed to be there so I do have to go on an adventure hungry predator while you were working a hungry beast visitor can't decide get two wounds two food one fur and discard discard or discard one food and lose a palisade and shuffle into the event deck and when it comes up you have to fight a beast with the second one I really can't afford to get two wounds so I'm going to discard a food and minus one Palisades and shuffle into the event deck I've got the map which really does nothing for me it gets me an extra Explorer support guy but since my camp is here I'm probably not doing any exploring I mean I could I can actually explore out here it would just cost me an extra punch all right and then next up is gathered there's only one guy here so he does have to roll for it he's successful and he gets a question mark which for Friday is a wound so he gathered a piece of wood and that's it so now these become available again the ropes in the pot and I can use the pot I'm gonna use the pot now to get this poison +2 weapon though alright whether we're just on the orange done one snow cloud I don't forget though my old clothes are here to turn one snow cloud into a rain cloud which is perfect for right now so then it's just one ring clever then I do have a roof level one so we're safe face and I'm gonna camp okay I'll eat okay I have shelter we're good to go moving on to round six searching for a new path after the hurricane walking through the woods is extremely dangerous put reroll success in the explorer action space during the next Explorer you must reroll one success result explain your routes it only takes one guy to discard this and get in termination token if I don't do that then I'll have to put the question mark tokens in Explorer and counter but for now it pushes this off which triggers the threat action - one palisades but my palisade is already zero so since I can not do minus one palisade I take a loot okay morale I get to heal a wound production I get one food in one wood actions I'm actually gonna put two wood on the wood pile alright so stage two of the wood pile is complete and let's see I've got the map so now I can build the shortcut that's what I really want to do so yeah I'm gonna use hammer and nails again to get my next review to help me build the shortcut and I'm gonna use Friday to help me build the hatchet takes one wood to do that so the dogs again doing nothing so I'm doing this building and they're both I might be successful so here we go I build the shortcut which says put the shortcut token on any title adjacent to your camp during the production phase you get one chosen resource available on that tile so the shortcut becomes an item up here on the item board and I'm going to put the shortcut token right here because it's got both wood and food and I'm definitely gonna use it for wood so I can help get this wood pile going and then the hatchet is successful also so that costs me that one wood but now I have the hatchet excuse me extra weight production on the on the camp town okay weather again we're just on the orange dye I still make pretty good so hopefully yes only one cloud okay so we're good and night I have to eat and that's it moving on to Round seven now we're doing all three weather dice that is going to hurt all right Ron event poisoning everyone eats poisonous fruits and feels sick perhaps you can use them for something each player gets a wound I need the knife in order to discard this and get a determination and occurs weapon level if I don't then each player gets a wound all right so this one just fell off so the threat action if possible this card one item and cancel its effect I have items so I need to discard the map because my shortcuts already built so I don't need the map anymore because it was giving me an extra support guy for explore but I'm done exploring but I really need to focus on this wood pile below right now here we go this is where okay stone morale I'm gonna kill the wound and production this is where we're good we get one food to wood plus a wood from the shortcut so we get three wood and one food so I'm gonna take Friday no nice ok Friday and the dog Friday and the dog you're gonna go hunting it's probably gonna kill Friday so that's too bad but I just want to use the dog okay so I'm gonna build a roof I'm gonna try to build a roof with a fur all right that's all I'm doing no I need the third for the messed I should get a fur on the hunt okay that's what we're doing okay so the hunt is gonna happen first and the hunt always requires two workers you can't do just one all right we got furs oh oh this is not good one so we beat them our weapon level is four we don't need grease our weather my bunny so that's good we get to food and I was really trying to get some fur that's too bad so all that happens is we get too good one of those is gonna spoil tonight one I'll get to use my pot to heal a wound so I get something from it all right and then we build the roof level one but now we don't have any fur hey we need that fur for the mess all right whether we have to roll all three boom not good not good okay so first you check how many snow clouds you have I have two but one of them turns into a ring cuts only have one snow cloud and so for each notepad which is one discard one would okay so I just Carta would now compare the roof level to the total number of clouds it still counts as a cloud so I have three clouds my roof level is two so I'm short one so I have to discard one food and one wood and now also this the across that banana means discard one food all right looks like that hunt actually really paid off alright so that's it now the night phase so I have to eat and I have shelter all right I'm gonna go ahead and use this to get three termination tokens and I'm gonna use my three determination tokens to do scouting where I get to draw two discovery tokens keep one and discard the other perfect I'm gonna get that goat and I'm gonna go ahead and kill the goat to get a fur in food I really needed it fur that was actually perfect okay oh boy epidemic each player gets a wound draw another card okay [Applause] revisit the hungry petted creditor visit to you again vitae beast 3 my weapon level is 4 so we beat him I don't have to decrease my weapon though I get a food of fur and minus 1 Palisades and draw another card ok so I can get a food nifer I don't have any palisade level to decrease so I have to take a wound and draw another card bear the bear finds our camp and destroys it put a black marker in the arranged camp action space during the next arranged camp action you must discard that black marker instead of getting the usual benefit of the action repair takes a worker in a shovel you get to discard it's trying to get a determination token if you don't you decrease morale and each player discards the determination token ok so I'm going to put a black marker in the arranged camp space and I will stay there until someone tries to arrange camp so apparently I'm not gonna use the arranged camp action and this thread action that's where we put the green and grey adventure tokens up morale I'm gonna heal it wound definitely production again I get three wood and one food hmm I really wish I could that Friday gather but that question mark is would give him a wound which it kill him nothing oh I forgot I had to there should have been two beast cards so I do have the beasts in the context oh all right Friday's gonna take the dog hunting again and then what am I gonna do with my guys build a mess I need a rope a wood I'm gonna build a mast the wooden bird and you have to have the rope which I do and I'm also gonna build a roof level okay so first comes the hunt I'll here weapon level six mines only four so the active player takes two wounds it's Friday so he's dead and decreased weapon level by to collect three food and for all right that was not not good well we'll see it might come in handy it might come in handy during the Leatherface decreed weapon level bite - yeah that's so good okay so now might build actions I'm gonna build the mast first see how this goes I took a wound and I was unsuccessful but I got to determination tokens so when you're unsuccessful you actually get your resources returned to you instead of having them used up let's kind of have fun and I get that wouldn't now I'm going to try to build the roof oh wait I was supposed to have to put over here no I suppose I have a fir over here to try to build the roof lip okay I am successful I take a wound and an adventure so I take a wound and an adventure you need a bigger camp you have so many belongings that the camp has become too small for you soon you will need a bigger camp shuffle under the event deck now is the time now it's the right time to make camp bigger put extra wood on the shelter roof and palisade cost spaces from now on you must spend an extra wood to build them draw another card oh boy hopefully that doesn't come up that would be painful okay so this fur gets returned and my every foe increases to three and in the actions phase whether it have to roll up these dice okay I got no no snow for rainclouds compare move level three I'm missing one spec to discard one wood and one food and palisades decreased by one but I don't have any strife to take a wound to wounds away from dying okay and then I have to eat and then I can use my pot two kilo a woman with a food and then all the rest of the food goes bad moving on to round nine night attack each player gets a win if possible look at the top card of the hunting deck okay it had the green but it's already out so nothing happens each player gets a wound and there is no hunt dick so we don't look at anything it gets added to here so this thread action happens each player gets a wound decrease from around by one oh boy I'm only in one wind away from dying all right but now the brow face I get to increase it now I get to kill the wound production again I get 3 wood and one food and I'm going to go ahead and stick three wood all right three wood on the without actions fred is dead all I have are these two cuz I'm not explore another things so I'm not using the dog I'm gonna build the knife in case the Beast attacks and the fire because I needed to win the game so I'm gonna roll first for fire success wound adventure take a wound morale Goes Down and adventure visit of a prayer predator when you are working your camp is visited by a predator it eats your food and escapes discard one food shuffle under the event deck I'm out included but don't worry I still have the biscuits that I haven't touched yet so that's not gonna kill me and success so I do have fire which is one of the requirements for the scenario all right now roll or and night okay to determination no wound no adventure so not successful all right that's the end of the actions whether it is this this might get me boy okay this turns into a snow cloud look I have two biscuits so I can trade goes in for two non-perishable foods so these actually don't go bad during the night but now two clowns compare that to my roof level uh no I'm good February so I'm going to start anything I do have to discard one food and that's and another night days I have to eat alright so I'm still good still good okay move on round ten oh man what is this Oh plus-one Palisades this is a good one to grab some butchers make make the Palisades stronger excellent draw another card okay we have to put extra wood on shelter roof and palisade from now on those cost one extra wood to build might just not build any but you can still do those with fur for one fur it only costs an extra wood if you're using wood for the building costs and I do have it for it but I'm trying to use the fur to build a mast now I still have drawn on mint heavy rain is coming dark clouds are gathering it is going to rain and it will be heavy rain great question marks are you out there put a rain cloud token in the weather space and again when this falls off because I don't have the shovel mm-hmm so now this threat action happens but it's just decreased morale and each player discards a determination token I can handle that decrease in morale discard a determination rain cloud analytic space okay now the morale phase actually going to use my pot to creep around because I'm so low and happy to be alive increase morale and so now I can choose to heal wound production three wood and one food so I have six wood I might actually make it if I can survive this round okay I'm gonna put four wood here so in the next turn I just have to put two wood here and build the mast and I have the FIR I might make it I just might make it okay so for my actions through this round I can't build the mass because I've already you can only do one stage the wood pallet per turn so I've already done I've already done this stage so I'm maxed out on the wood pile so what I can do nope I want to build a roof level now but I can't because I only have two wood and it cost some extra wood and I don't want to spend the first I need the fur to build a mast on the next round well actually I could and then I would get three wood from production which would give me five total but I'm probably gonna lose some on the weather well I don't know I'll have four I'll have a roof level before so I might not lose any on the way all right that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna double up let's make it a lot of success I'm going to spend my fur I'm gonna spend my car so yeah that's all I'm doing for my actions span effort to increase your focus so now we're if level of support and now I do the weather phase and I have one rain cloud to start with and I get first off one of these becomes the rain cloud so I have one snow cloud which means I have to discard one wood and then I have three clouds total compare that to my roof level so I'm good as many levels four which is more than three decreased palisades by one so it goes from one to zero oh wait sorry I have four clubs total microphone sports so I'm good okay so I did lose the wood so I have to figure out how to get it would I'm just gonna have to do a gather action just I'm gonna have to roll for it oh no I'm not because I have two workers and I'm not relying on the mast okay I think I might make it okay I'm not moving the camp I eat a food I have shelter thanks around round 11 shrine event Oh we'll just might kill me tonight visit the predator thinks that your camp is a source of free food put the predator die on the weather space during the weather face this round roll the predator today and resolve its effect draw another card okay no big deal because I was actually already gonna do that because it was just part of the weather required for their own now in a minute memories of the cruise you spend the night talking about your ship your shipmates and your future here on this dangerous Island decrease in morale by one and put the brown adventurer token out this thread action triggers which is if possible discard the thought card from the hunting deck there's no hunting deck so no big deal no harm no foul because it says if possible when it says if possible that means it's ok if you're not able to do it if it tells you to do something you can't do it then you usually have to take a look I saw I had to do is decrease tomorrow but a morel basic it to increase morale because I'm so low and happy to be alive and I'm gonna choose to heal a wound I saw it through determination which I can use to get a discovery token I'm gonna do that see what I come up with I'm get a guy to help me build or a treasure card I don't want to build anything ok so I'll take the treasure card all right now go ahead spend it now to drug Patricia Carter got props you find a little basket with some clay pots in it build upon invention for free and without using an action Oh already have a pot so that's worthless production pays I get three wood and one food again that three wood is one from Island tile us to extra wood and then my shortcut gets me a resource from over here and I'm choosing to take the wood and then I get one food from my own for my can top so fractions Oh No ok you can only add wood to the wood pile at the beginning of the action phase and I only have four and any five it's not that bad though because have another round to try to do it all I have to do is survive this round so what can I do to help me survive would I collect more would increase the palisades actually my health isn't doing too bad I think I'm gonna go other food with a guaranteed success I still have to take an adventure alright so I'm gonna do that twisted ankle I knew I shouldn't have gone out [Applause] seven suddenly you have fallen into a burrow put this special wound on your characters lead leg shuffle into the event deck and when it comes up the character can only do certain actions and it's successful so I get it - I can use that food to help with the weather or if I don't need it for that I can use it to heal the wound with my pot so what is sweet all right I got one snow cloud because one of those turns into a rain cloud because of my old clothes so I have to discard a wood you have to just art of wood for every snow cloud because you're burning wood to stay warm in the snow now count the total number of clouds that's three compare that to a roof level before I read levels higher than the clouds so I'm safe and then the Beast I had nothing I made it alright my face I have to eat I'm gonna use my extra food to heal the wound okay now event round 12 depression you feel very pessimistic about your future the start to invention cards each player discards one a determination Toby wait so the invention cards means things that you haven't invented yet so I'm not planning on building anything so it doesn't matter really what I kick I'm just gonna throw to off and then this thread effect put the rain token in the weather space probably I'm not planning on getting the weather if I get to the weather phase I've already lost because if I don't finish the woodpile this round which I have to do at the beginning of the action phase then the game is over because I fail to do it in the in the allotted number of rounds morale I choose to heal the wound and actions oh wait the production production pace 3-wood yep but there we go three wood in one food now the beginning the action phase I'm going to put five wood on the wood pile and that's it I finished I would pile I have the fire item I've saved I flagged down the ship you have to be in round 10 11 or 12 as this as this ship is sailing by you have to have your wood pile built and on fire and I did I'm done I beat this scenario yay alright guys that's me playing Robinson Crusoe I want that's never happened before I'm guessing I cheated probably multiple times throughout that game so if you can't wear any of those mistakes go ahead and point that out in the comments and feel free to just ridicule me mercilessly it is harder for me to keep all the rules straight and play it properly one filming so this game actually has a very good reputation especially among the solar solo gaming community for me honestly not really my favorite um I think it's the number of components there's just so many different tokens and so much overhead a lot of accounting and bookkeeping just with moving the tokens around compared to the amount of playing and decision-making that you actually get to do but more importantly than that for me the game is too hard honestly I do feel pretty accomplished for finally winning if I if I so you properly did it which I'm really betting that I cheated on accident a lot because I've never beat this game I really wanted to beat it before I made the video so I played it over and over and over and I got so tired of just playing this castaways scenario and I may move on and just try some other scenarios just to see how they are but the rulebook tells you that castaways is the easiest scenario and it's gonna get harder if you try any other ones but it's hard it's too hard I've never beat it before and I really it's okay for game to be hard it really is but for scenario one the easy scenario in the box for me to just not beat that over over and over and over and over again it's really frustrated and it feels like there's a bunch more of the game that I can't even get to because I can't pass level one so it'd be really cool if they had an easier scenario to start with or if the overall difficulty of the game got reduced a little bit I have heard that it may be easier to just duel hand the two-player game instead of actually playing the solo rules with a dog because the dog doesn't really do a whole lot for you and it might be better to have a second player instead of the dog and you can do that yourself you know but I really like I was trying to play with the solo rules as written and that's just really important to me I hate making up my own rules for games unfortunately for me I'm gonna rate this game a 6 for for the reasons I've given there's just too many tokens too much accounting with the tokens and moving them moving them back and forth compared to for the amount of gameplay you get and also it's just too hard it's clearly a good game though it's very well thought-out they've done a lot to add replayability to the game like I mentioned in during the playthrough I love how some of the discovery tokens have symbols on them and you have to check the scenario card to see what the effect of that cymbal is in this scenario because it means in other scenarios they're going to do different things so they're able to reuse the same components and have them and while still adding that variability so I really appreciate that and I did the same thing with with the scenarios with completely different goals on the other scenarios and completely different like special items you can build you know and then they've got the five random inventions that you set out there in setup and then the two random starting items that helps add a little variability to the game now when I was trying to beat it so low when I kept losing over and over and over I went through and I picked my my starting items and my starting inventions and tried to give myself every advantage instead of doing that random setup and I still competed so in this playthrough that you saw I really finally figured out about how you want the shortcut in all my previous games I was playing as I was playing as the carpenter and he added he had a different unique character item the shortcut really helped me increase that wood production which is what you need to build the wood pile and now you are also supposed to do a random character at the beginning so again that makes it super hard so instead of doing random I just picked the Explorer and I was like the shortcut seems like it'll make it easier now that I understand how it works so let's do that and then also exploring drawing the island tiles because I had the Explorer I was able to find the river and put it out okay when I was playing as the carpenter I wasn't able to do that and I was had games where I just explore explore explore because I have to get what is it to build a fire I have to get mountains and I was just never finding out so they just happened to be at the bottom of the deck so I had to explore the whole island never find any mountains you know and by the time I find mountains it's like I'm dying from the weather because my camp hasn't been built up at all because I've just been trying to find mountains because I have to get fired like the wood power and I mean that's that's life you know sometimes when you're cast away on a deserted I want things don't go your way and you just die but in this game in my opinion for my enjoyment of the game it just happens too much so a lot of people do love this game I think probably mostly other reviews you'll find rate this game way higher than I am so go ahead and check those out if you found the gameplay interesting it's certainly a good game just not gonna be one of my favorites I'll see you next time
Channel: SuperDuperGamer
Views: 5,510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Robinson Crusoe, board game, review, how to play
Id: uqD1tOxRY4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 10sec (4090 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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