Daniel Radcliffe Reflects On Harry Potter | Harry Potter Cast Marathon | The Graham Norton Show

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now Daniel presumably you are familiar with uh Miriam's potty mouth because uh are you because you you were in har Potter but did you actually work together yeah but I don't remember I've been told there was a swear jar involved on set but I I can't remember that I don't you remember you swearing a lot in front I was probably careful when it was you but when you know with the other kids I didn't bother he's the lead I was just talking backstage if that's what you call that funny littleby area and apparently it's 20 years since Harry Potter came out the since we started filming the the first one and your balls have dropped since then I can tell you that it's a it's a relief to us all I hope so because they're just we kids there we get it [Applause] yes it's just yeah but but it's interesting because Professor Sprout which you know you were in the second film and the last film yeah I should have been in all of them yes and that was a grave oversight and I'm holding you responsible but anyway it was wonderful to be in the two that I was in and I'm very proud of it but you do get recognized as Professor Sprat I do I I mean I think I've changed since then but people do recognize me and funnily enough in Lithuania I was Lithuania are have you come just to see Professor Sprout I don't think so are the films called Professor sprout in the J no but I was mobbed in Lithuania maybe because I was Jewish I don't know I'm the only one there sorry stop cheering now but but I just think that's incredible like you're being mbed in Lithuania and you Professor Sprout imagine being this guy I know what what was it like I mean it it the it's weird and funny and I think I the best way to see it always was like weird and funny because it will it you know and it es and flows and sometimes it's in your life a lot and sometimes it's not in terms of getting recognized and there's been lots of very odd moments I was chased out of a science museum in Spain um and I was just like but it was sort of fine because everything was in Spanish there and I couldn't understand anything inside so it was time to leave anyway and then but yeah you got but someone thought you were something else in New York recently oh yeah you know what actually this didn't this did not come up in in with it yeah so uh I did recently so me and my girlfriend fostered a dog uh and it's it we sort of got our friends to adopt it this is unnecessary for the story there's a dog with me um I I I was on the street with this dog and my girlfriend was in the shop and so I was it was very cold and I've got my hoodie and my fleece uh my fleece hoodie and then a big coat over that and the dog was really cold so I was like I'll just kneel by you and like stroke you and like try and keep you warm and then uh and then I saw this guy like look up at me like 10 yards away away and smile and I was like and just carried on and then he walked past me and he came back uh like got about five steps past me then just reappeared with a $5 bill over my shoulder and just went get yourself a coffee mate and I I really like my girlfriend came out and I was like I don't think I'm I'm like I'm wearing nice clothes I thought like yeah so I was I was very I I that was a wake up call apparently I have to maybe you know your dog on a string it was not I do maintain cuz the person that owns the dog has also been mistaken for a homeless person with this dog I think the dog just looks very cold and sweet and vulnerable no Shivers and just little hungry yeah ra you hate Prosthetics and things don't you I don't love them no but don't you like you choose jobs to avoid them after Voldemort I did I have yeah yeah cuz how much of that is pathetics on Voldemort actually to be honest on Voldemort not so much there a lot of painting and O very little teeth the eyes more or less eyes they shave the beard off right yeah it's a good look but but wasn't there a moment when you kind of knew the Voldemort look was working when you were on set and you you met her yeah I passed by the script supervisor had a little uh boy who was on set his son maybe her her son for 5 years old anyway I passed by this little child I just looked at this boy he burst into tears the the costume the costume must have helped as well cuz it's quite frightening the costume was actually wasn't that it was just a lot of flowing silky stuff that I kept tripping over now I had these tights on underneath and they were like ladies tight and they ripped in the middle I just say came out no they didn't rip I they were like ladies tights are there other sorts of tights well they're not they're not the sort of tights you wear at the RSC oh okay but you did have a problem with what happened was that the tights used to work their way down so the Gus the gusset of the tight was sort of around my knees so I couldn't walk as elegantly as I would like as Voldemort So eventually then I said to the dresser could he's called Neil he's very sweet he was always had his head up my skirt trying to adjust things and I said would he mind cutting them off so I had a gter belt so for most of Harry Potter underneath the robes I have very nice gter belt you spoilt it for everyone now now this is an odd thing the way that characters come back Dolores Umbridge what is the connection between doloris umage in Harry Potter and Corona virus uh you tell me I'm not I don't do social media or anything so I have no idea what's going on well on Twitter there's lots of these tweets if we followed Laura um's proclamations nobody would get Corona virus did she bring in Social distancing did she invent it yes absolutely she did and uh and and all all for the better I feel yeah coronavirus is the Dolores Umbridge of the world right now also if coronavirus had a name it would be Dolores Umbridge oh oh gosh okay okay I'm going to keep a low profile on that actually social distancing for you as Dolores Umbridge do people kind of scatter out of your way in supermarkets anyway they absolutely do anyway so I've I've never I've never touched I've never touched anyone in the streets when I've been walking around I you you've had an experience of playing lots of real people over the years I mean you play Princess Margaret Elizabeth Taylor do you look at footage or do you get into them other ways oh know well it depends I think I do everything I I read about it um I'm I'm a sort of [ __ ] for doing doing I watch as much I read as I talk to people it if the person's incredibly well known you kind of the the best thing to go is to go to the friends who really e the person I think you know and then you can get their take because often if you're playing a well-known person you're just going to play what you already know yeah but you want to go beyond that and then um so I just basically try every try to get every single I I overdo it because then I get completely confused and it's like oh God and then and overwhelmed and then I've got no idea what to play and then bit by bit um what was great was that he wrote it so you know the best thing just f up the writing because he's already got her inside His Brilliant head yeah and so I could just phone him but we did speak to lots of writers but what is that I'm nervous of asking this what no please don't be okay because I will answer I know that's that's what makes me nervous what your question okay what is the story uh about you meeting an American man in Cambridge when I was a student yes yeah that was before I was a lesbian I was just um I was sorting myself out yes and um as you do at University and I was on my bike because we recycled over the cobbles I would imagine di on a bike and um I didn't want to say it and we stopped at the traffic lights and I turned I looked to the left or the right as it whatever it was and there was a car an open car with an American Soldier inside and something crazy took hold of me then you know that feeling I've got right now and I said would you like to follow me to my college and I'll suck you [Applause] off great job great job you knew you recognized from somewhere exactly that was just I was still in knee pants at the time anyway go ahead Ahad finish that story I think we know what happened the really interesting thing was that um he afterwards and and I should explain I thought I was being a good girl because a bad girl would have had intercourse with a random stranger from the street for sure for sure well I still think it was the right thing to do I'm sure he felt the same way anyway after it was all over he said could I come back next week cuz I've got some friends here I'd like to be on one of your shows that will actually air all these big franchises like you've been in Potter Star Wars mov like Revenant but apparently when you go back to Ireland people only want to talk to you about one thing yeah it's a kind of a funny one when I was when I was in my 20s I did like a sketch show in Ireland called your bad self for the national public like the broadcaster there RTE and I wrote sketches with my friend Michael and we did the sketches and that's kind of the what we did sketches yeah but there was this one sketch that I did that really stuck around like nobody watched the show I felt like at the time but this one sketch just seems to do the rounds and people stopped me about it all the time in really awful ways but the sketch was basically it's just it's a guy with all his friends in a car and they're going to a concert and he's drank too much lemonade he's like you need to pull over and need go to the toilet will you please pull over and they're saying just go in a bottle you can just go in a bottle and he's like no say okay fine so I say fine and then I do a poo in a bottle so it turns out he needed to do it it turns out he needed to do a poo and so it's a good a good it's a good in in in Ireland like people stop me about that all the time and it's so weird you're on a night out and you hear like hey Don and you turn around and it's a woman weird and she's got like a bottle of honey and she's like look i' I don't want to it's like it's really and I'm like I was in the Revenant godamn it yeah yeah yeah I think is this a tip this is don't worry it's on your yeah yeah yeah wow wow it's a ni L on the face it's like you guys have a problem I love it he thought it was cool and now before we talk about another thing very quickly uh Daniel Radcliff time traveler we've had this on the show before right yes I don't know if you're familiar with this uh Daniel Radcliff time traveler this is the collection so far right Danel rler all Dani r l in the past and this is my favorite one Dan right that's amazing I look like a lot of old women in the past it's very rarely men or boys about 2 days ago about 2 days ago someone found another one oh good uh this is uh this is a young lady in 1922 there she is it is just it's I I don't these are all my past lives and I was like a sort of a slightly depressed lady in a lot of them if you think you spotted Dan rockliff in a former life uh do you get a touch I heard you talking on a show where you met Donal Trump yes but not particularly because you wanted to no I was I was just I love real estate I have to go meet him when I was really young no I was like I was I was um like 11 or 12 and I was going it when we were doing press for the first Potter movie and they took us to New York and it was the first time doing sort of the morning shows in New York um and I was about to go on The Today Show I've never been on sort of American sort of morning TV before I was quite nervous and uh Donald Trump was also had also been on that day and so they that's Donald Trump for those of you who have blissfully forgotten what he looked like but he um then they sort of walked me over to him cuz clearly they were like you know somebody said hey you want to meet the kid Place Harry Potter and he was like sure I don't know conversation went but they uh they sort of walked me over to him and he said oh hi nice to meet you and I said nice to meet you and I said he said how are you and I said I'm I'm really I'm quite nervous I I've never been on TV before I don't really I don't know what I'm going to talk about and he brilliantly just said you just tell them you met Mr Trump to me that's like that is the that is the Everest of self-confidence like like imagine if I just been to you like when you go on that show just talk about me talk about your stuff looking two Americans and we're both just like like sad yeah thing you're already sad know you're all laughing and what the problem this but also this is kind of the problem because you do end up talking about him and you know we should be talking about the other people cuz I know you're well I mean the beauty of the whole thing is you have to cuz he he just doesn't talk about himself you feel like you have to you got someone promote this guy Mar marges things happen to you like you're is it your house in near Dover Oh Yes actually I'm glad you brought that up because I do rent my house and if you're interested two other people I mean other people um and it's the nearest house to France which is very important in this story and it's £425 a week and it sleeps it sleeps um six people for seven nights it's clean is there a cleaner yes anyway one one day I got a call from the police and they said um are you the owner of the gun imp placement and I said yes and they said are you aware that it's been used as a drop for criminals to get rid of their drugs or you know it's a drug drop I believe that's the the phrase and um I said well of course I didn't know what do you mean and they said well people have rented it they were a gang a gang from uh Liverpool I think and um they they took my house and they dropped the drugs in the bay or they and there was a helicopter that came on the roof it's a flat roof you see and they they had cocaine they had 30 something like 13 million pound worth of no no it wasn't like a little thing this was a massive 1 million Jesus Christ of cocaine no I don't I've never no that no that was like wholesale ohale listen I'm is wholesale of course well of course I was horrified because I didn't know I mean I don't have anything to do with the people that rent it I just take the money you know yeah and um more and I was I well I could get more for it because it's really lovely all that what was upsetting to me was when it was reported of course in the daily mail um all the people online said oh she must be in it you know she's part of the gang oh and they were calling me Miriam Escobar [Applause] we know Danny ratliffe you have a reputation of being lovely to fans you very sweet you give your time very freely to them but I read with interest that you were starting to toughen up now you're being a little more Discerning with your fans um D what do you me what what do you mean well wasn't there like you were being generally nice but you were the friend and she kind of went you know oh yes right well yeah well cuz I I think when when you like start acting at a young age people expect you to be a a total dick all the time and that's kind of the expectation that you sort of always find yourself coming up against and and so I think all my life I've like been really like worked hard to not be that and to be like as as far away from that as possible but that has sort of sometimes meant that like someone you can be really rude to me kind of and I'll just be like yeah fine people I won't really like notice that you've been rude and uh sometimes like people will come up and like 99% of the time when people come up to you and ask you for something on the street they are really very nice and then just occasionally like someone will come up and I I said somebody said can I get a picture with you and I I just you know just saying words not meaning anything by it I just said yo yeah of course if you want to and she just went well I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to I was like and of course I was like oh no of course you wouldn't have silly of me come here and um and and then like she left I'm I go friend was with me and she was like that girl was a dick to you like you don't need to like you need so she's giving me like a little bit of sense of uh like you can judge that not that I'm like a dick back now or anything I just don't but you don't need to be that but but apparently ruper grin's even worse than you rer I don't know the details of this at all but rer ended up at somebody's house one night just from like continuing to say yes to things Andy you want to do that you want to do that every like yeah again I feel bad saying this because I feel like someone's going to take advantage of that and just like ask him to you know he's going to be like the new Manan candidate or something because sometimes people come up to you and they don't mean to be rude but they can be quite rude can't they oh yeah I had um I had at the premiere of is it suff jet my wife just been in a film and and I thought if anybody calls out my name I'll go and sign autographs and as it happened a few people saying didn't I did that and so this woman was screaming screaming screaming she James James James say my thing say thing my thing and uh and I came over and she went oh thank you I'm a really big fan of some of your work uh I think yeah thank you I'll sign some of your posters but that was kind of that was a weird and people are trying to be nice they're try to be I think sometimes as well there's a thing that people do where they like and it is very particular particularly like young men with me want to do a thing where they want me to know that they don't give a [ __ ] about me like before they start asking for something so they'll be like didn't really like the Harry Potter movies but can you sign this I was like like don't do that just say some say a nice thing it's so easy I had one I had one happened really recently a fancy dress party where um uh and this is weird right uh do you know that thing where uh some people make a list of people famous people that they're allowed to have sex with if they meet them oh the free pass thee fre pass right she called it an allowance um and I was like what that pocket money how are you go to spend me um and so I met her and her fell and and then she came up and said uh afterward she went so you're my allowance and I was like I be excuse me and then she went you you know he's cool with it and you're my thing and I was like uh he's not cool with it by the way yeah by the way that's it's a whole other story and uh and I was really sort of like taking a back by and and I was like I'm married and thank you very much it's very very nice of you and she said this thing it was like it was meant as a compliment and she was trying to get me to do stuff but it was still really backhanded and she went cuz you know a lot of girls would be after somebody like Chan and Tatum I was like do you know what you're not getting it I know achievable goals what's going on which you probably addressed my hair yeah um yeah this is what my head looks like now um which I'm seeing on the screen for the first time don't look it's yeah I'm I'm filming Frankenstein at the moment and I'm playing eagle and this is what Eagle's hair looks like but that's not your hair is it no it's extensions oh look at Mary she's all over like a rash she's in there grooming you like a monkey she was like you have a little play around backstage actually can we change the subject please sry you can't stop talking about your career without mentioning Harry Potter cuz you were so you lots of different got of different people from apprach you off high that I said people you know they're funny cuz they actually get really scared in fact I was walking down hamstad street and somebody actually just screamed you know they just you know just really really scared and you go and then there are young children who are scared scar of me yeah they just scared of me between that and the red sometimes it's quite useful I take my I've got a wand at home so when the when Billy brings uh my son he brings kids who I don't complely like I just take the wand or they're not being particularly good you know take the wand out and they you know at Halloween presumably trick and- treating people just run away from your house screaming oh my God so good it's amazing it's the one time we don't have to dress up and we just s of blend in I ought to just I know you that's what he looks like it's it's like it's like it's like trying to talk to Oz like it's it's yeah it's very it's very soft isn't it thank you it's real dead human beings hair is it yours no it's it's it's from I I assume a dead person or a person that donated their hair somebody donated their hair someone who's had their hair cut off yes it was found on a floor no did you see mam Mia he was very good at mam Mia did you see that that was a dreadful film did you think that was a good film I can't possibly find that talking about the you know the explicit content of 50 Shades and you know the things but nothing that Julie Walters hasn't seen Beck your PO no intimating what no personal services oh yeah that exactly personal services if the to everyone's it really is no CU it was really ahead of its time it had all this stuff in there the all the all the fetishes oh yeah no old Cynthia it was about Cynthia pay the Madam and um yeah she'd seen it all and most of it wasn't to do with sex it was to do with sort of roleplay first time I met her was in a sort of shishi restaurant in Soha really quiet with with Terry Jones you know from Monty Python who was directing it and um the she walked in and there was a few diners in there it was all very quiet first thing she said she didn't even say hello she said do like sex Julie well depends on who it's with and she said no cuz you can find a girl who likes sexx you've got gold she sits down and she gets out a whole load of photographs and the first one and I mean really I've never seen anything like them in my life and the first one was this man lying on the floor covered in sort of some sort of dark matter don't know what it was and she said that's my bank manager and I said what what what he no he's covered in Hoover dust that's what he likes so he would pay to go and see her to be covered in Hoover dust and that's what and and that was like how do you find that out how do you got how do you discover that you get turned on by Hoover I know she said to me she said look Julie if you need a cleaner just ring me up and I said why what and she said well because I'll get you a slave I have slaves people who come especially to be you know beaten and do the cleaning so she said if you want somebody all you've got to do I said I want to beat somebody said that all you've got to do said is get give them a toothbrush tell them to clean the kitchen floor and kick them out the band in a pair of high heels she what she had wow there's a story that where you know could you prepare and prepare and prepare but there are some things you cannot prepare for was it when you went when you went on one night I went there was one one night so I did that show for eight months and um wow uh eight shows a week eight shows a week days a week yeah eight months and um and my character the you know Show's mother from hell um and she um I start at the back of the auditorium and the kids are on stage and they're starting the show and I you know I'm Immortal you know sing out Louise and I'd got dress and the dress dress coat hat and also she has a little dog a real dog and I was standing at the back and my coat was a bit uncomfortable about oh never mind so sing and as soon as I started speaking and walking down the AIS I thought there's something in my there's something Ah that's the mouse there'll be there's a mouse walking up my arm on the inside of my coat other part of the plate no no no uh a mouse that obviously as my coat was lying in the dressing room it crawled into my the arm of my coat oh lovely lovely snuggly lovely and and then suddenly shouty woman put the coat on shouting in the mouthe Jesus started walking up my arm I'm so oh sing out Louise come on I go talkie talkie talkie all the way up onto the stage mousy up here talkie talkie talk got start singing you know some people get mousy mousy and I then I started doing a lot of trying to get it to jump out if I do that Mouse will fly go Mouse didn't do that Mouse clinging in there and obviously then at the end of the scene I I came said did you I had a mouse I had a mouse and someone said I saw that Mouse it came down at the back and just ran off I thought and I love all the people in the oh my God what did you you know I wouldn't I'd have stop you can't stop just keep going so see there's a lesson there CU a lesson I go through ridiculous things I don't think it necessarily is necessary but I enjoy it I do enjoy you love it I love it I like the um did you were you brilliant at school at research and projects yeah I was a SWAT [ __ ] at it yeah yeah and then you've got a friend is it a a friend of yours who's a psychic oh G yeah this is my favorite bit it's funny how one story comes out and then it obliterates it's the In fairness other actors going okay I want to hear more I want to hear well look yeah I did um meet a psychic who's a friend of mine and I was seeing her she's got lots and lots of different um strings to her bone she does healing and she does um other things and but she also has a um a talent for mediumship and as I was do seeing her for something else she said oh Margaret is here does that mean anything and I said yes it does and I suddenly thought well I've got if I play before you get before I had been asked to play her I hadn't actually said yes at that point and uh I said well yeah no actually if you've got the horse you know the horse's mouth it's in the room you're not going to say no actually you know so and so I said um yeah and I asked I said would you mind if I played you and uh the she said answer no she said well no she did say I think you're a better idea than the other actor the other idea the other you know the other who was the other they never told me the other the other possibility but whether it was sound of a lone gunshot right now no no no but there are it was a very typically a typical Margaret thing in the CU you had met her I had met her she had a she had to wait yeah a couple of times yeah yeah you see didn't ask but um but there she had a way of sometimes complimenting you and putting you down at the same time she was um and the fact that she said yeah I think you're better than the it was just like you never knew where you were with her then she came through with another note which was useful whether it C whether it was true because the psychic was fantastically intuitive or there really was the Ghost of Margaret telling me I don't I don't know but the note was good and it say I get the smoking right okay and I smoked in a particular way and always remember that the cigarette holder is as much a weapon for expression as anything else and that was a good note and she was somebody who was innately dramatic if you're Royal you can't necessarily talk much you're a walking icon you're a walking so she was very she was very I think conscious about the silhouette and whatever she did with her body and particularly with her hands and so you know anyway am I waxing no I love you I just just I you don't believe in talking to people no I didn't his extraordinary career and you know I mentioned the Oscars in the introduction and things but Harry Potter [Applause] weirdly but that did sort of change your life in a way well yes a lot of very small people kind of used to say hello to me and and that that was nice it's a whole whole different lot of people yes and but also so weird that they'd only know you for that one thing like You' never existed before no I never had and except one one kid once said to me he said were you were you really a cat and I heard myself say just pull yourself together how could I have anyway so there's so that there's the the Harry Potter bit of your life uh which kind of changed your life but then D comes [Applause] along is that one of those things where you thought you were famous till you were in downtown no I I didn't I didn't think that at all it's it's only since downtown that people seem to know you know who who who stopped me and and asked me but it's only since dton and that's that's television for you yes it's common it's television but funnny enough I was I was in waitrose in storrington my face and a little boy was at the um checkout with his mother and he kept looking at me and I thought what am I going to do about and he went kept looking at me and at me and I said c can I help you and he said it's all right it'll come to me in a minute I it was so sweet so lovely it will come to me but but the the people coming up to you now like because apparently Americans are very well you know they're not shy Americans no well no no but I I don't go anywhere really where they can get at [Applause] me it's it's usually in in museums and AR Galleries and things so that limits things I keep away from that and and hars I don't go now so are you in a way sort of glad that downtown's over oh yeah no I mean because honestly she was about by the time we finished she must have been 110 so I couldn't go on and on and on I couldn't it just didn't make sense I know Alex I know you you're a big D fan I am I I shouted it a lot you hav't seen I do yeah we watch it and we shouted it cuz I'm not in it have you ever watched d not I've got the box set cuz who do you get you get you get some well I get mistaken for Liam niss oh you do he does for me so I've I've been complimented on my performance and taken two me I guess you know you're a wonderful educating reader so much F do you did get Julie wal yeah every one think some Julie Walters oh I don't have a picture of Julie Walters I do I do we've got a Liam n we've got a Liam niss but I don't think you do look particularly like Liam niss well apparently they've got one thing in common those two boys that's all I'm soring scratch his head doesn't understand but does he get does he get a confused for you yes he's been complimented on his English Patient I am decisive but I can change my mind thing go actually I'm wrong you know what I'm wrong it is a lot of the times shockingly well you know this thing about trans now always people always say you mustn't talk about trans well [ __ ] that I'm going to talk about it I was very keen on grammar and so when people started talking about pronouns and that they wanted them and not he she I thought what the [ __ ] what they talking about it it's clear it's grammar it's the structure of language but I met a wonderful actress in Australia Zoe trist you know I mean she's brilliant actress and she's trans and I she had a discussion with me about it and she said what does it matter to you if you can make somebody Happy by calling them they instead of he or she why not do it and I thought that's right it doesn't matter about grammar if you can make someone happy and give them a sense of themselves then do it absolutely and so I'm now somebody who uses they and all the rest of it what whatever they want me to say yes I'll say it don't I believe it was at an award show where you came face to face with your doppelganger that's overstating it I so well do you know what I thought it was overstating it but now as I sit opposite you I can see it go in the room it really makes sense who do you look I'm trying do you want to guess this is crazy m is it a male or female because I I'm getting a strong no no no I I don't mean this no and I don't mean that pejoratively you kind of remind me of Blanchett from the Prof Fox that's yeah it's K Blanchet yeah yeah it is it is it isit that wow cool yes that's amazing you got cuz I didn't this afternoon I was like really does he but you do oh that's weird I was going to say I loved you and Carol yeah now I feel like I'm not askar no just to remind everybody so there you are yeah and now here's Kate and you wow you guys yeah yeah yeah I used so I did a play my first job was like a Amic mcdonal play when I was 19 years old and I did it in the West End and it was a really amazing thing you're starting to be an actor and be in the world and oh my God it's kind of happening uh but all my cast classmat started calling me Kate uh because at that time I particularly obviously really looked like her and then I'd be walking down the street and people would stop to tell me that I look like Kate blanch which was like upsetting as a young man trying to make your way in the world you're like I'm on the west end like C like [ __ ] off um uh and then and yeah and then and then one day I was I was at the I was at the bapst CU I've been to award ceremonies too not because I've been nominated but you know something I've been and uh and I went along and I suddenly bumped into her and there she was and it was Kate Blanchett and it was really reallying um she Donald gon yeah all the time no she was really really I I kept it together really well I was very proud of myself I didn't like Panic or and I didn't say people say that I look I just said you're amazing and it's very nice to meet you and I was so happy with myself cuz I'm bad meeting famous people who I admire um I said goodbye and I walked away and I felt it was amazing but I walked straight into the women's bathro room like [ __ ] no that's H Swinton cuz that's the yeah no man um a young Boris Becker I talking about school days you think he's going to go to Dan R for talk about because you didn't go to school I mean I went to school briefly yes I mean yeah I died sort of the first 10 years and then well however long you go to school before yeah not very experienced at it but yes I went to school on set and uh and just wasn't there very much and it was one of the things I loved about Potter was cuz it got me from school did you have to do any exams yes that's I went back for exams which sucked um so you didn't do exams you go back actual back to my actual school and they must have just hated you when you showed up I think so yeah Harry [ __ ] po yes I mean yes a lot of a lot of I think I was also probably you know uh uh prick I was a 14y old te you know teenager so on some level they were probably being and I probably was as well but um but yeah it wasn't did they make you go all the way do you have to do a levels and things I dropped out I stopped after as level so I stopped at 17 and you haven't got any a levels sorry you haven't you got any a levels I've got as levels if they count what does that mean you do as when you're say hey can I say um hi to my daughter iy who's doing her gcsc M it's not a radio show we're all all out I promise her good luck s yeah good luck good luck sweet about that it's not in never going to be ont yeah we don't care good luck good luck I don't actually care good luck good luck so we've got no school photographs of Daniel Rag and I'm so sorry I never thought we'd be doing this again but if viers won't let it go the Daniel Ratcliffe time traveler thing right it is it is bizarre so now so there's all the old ones we used to have I think that was the first one we ever showed there's a thing there's a thing that happens when I come with this show where that people sort of uh dredg the internet and have found photographs of of people that look like me throughout time and turn out there a lot of them that's quite a good one so that's uh that one's that one's on [Applause] canny some of them that's that's rubbish that's well that's quite actually that is quite good I suppose yes that's good that's quite good that's ridiculous oh look there you are as a nun oh yeah I feel like getting less like me and just like a this this is still one of my favorites because you look so happy in this one I think this was this was when time traveling you hit a really good bit of your life here there you go I think you were in we've got some new ones got some new ones members of my family now weirdly we found one of you I think you're married to Robson Jerome oh oh do you don't that's a bad part of your life that's a w I take itue with yeah that's this one is good this is again another very very jolly bit of his life Daniel's really loving life here hello that [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 403,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A-list Celebrities, A-list Entertainers, Best Moments, Casting Stories, Celebrity Gossip, Celebrity Interviews, Comedy Show, Couch Conversations, Daniel Radcliffe, Graham Norton Couch Moments, Guests Interaction, Hollywood Celebrities, Hollywood Tales, Iconic Characters, Movie Trivia, Red Sofa Show, TV Interviews, Talk Show, Talk Show Host, The Graham Norton Show, Unexpected Revelations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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