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your word is a lamp to my feet a light to my path if you need to know how to which way to go and you want to hear a word from god this is the best way to hear god is to go to his word so i want to talk to you about hearing god through the bible and psalm 119 says a lamp to my feet and light to my path so we're going to talk those are our two points today just two points in this message a lamp to my feet and a light to my path so point number one today is a lamp to my feet now in luke 11 jesus is talking and i want you to think about lamp and light those two words because we just read those two words in psalm 119 lamp and like watch how many times jesus uses this and remember it says your word so every time it says lamp or light it's talking about god's word you see his word is a lamp and a light so watch luke 11 verses 33-36 no one when he has lit a lamp puts it in a secret place or under a basket but on a lampstand that those who come in may see the light the lamp of the body is the eye therefore when your eye is good in other words you're reading the word your whole body is full of light god's word but when your eye is bad when you're not reading god's word your body is full of darkness therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness if then your whole body is full of light full of god's word having no part dark then the whole body will be full of light as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light now there's something that you have to know about the way i think about the bible and i'm going to say it in kind of a humorous way but the same dude wrote the whole book now i'm not saying that in a demeaning way toward god i'm just trying to get us to understand i understand 40 men penned this book but the same dude wrote the whole book god god wrote it god's the author i asked before how many authors of the bible and people say you know 39 or 40 depending on whether you believe paul wrote hebrews or not no just one author 40 writers but just one one author it's the most amazing book over 1500 years 40 different men and it is cohesive and no errors it's just amazing so here's what i'm saying if if the word of god means lamp and light in psalm 119 what do you think it means in luke 11. see lamp and light is referring to god's word and here's what he says if your eye is full of light then your whole body is full what please hear me it matters what you see it matters what you look at think about how much darkness we see just watching the news think about how much darkness we see watching a movie or or reading things on the internet it's just full of darkness and yet we spend hours many times doing that and just a few minutes doing this our eye is taking in all this darkness and then just a few minutes or sometimes not at all takes in light i was talking with a man one time helping him through the issue of lust and he said pastor you just don't understand the images that i've seen you know the the things i've been involved with and then the pornography and the things like this and i said to him i actually do understand that because i have a bad past in that area as well but you you need to understand that you've taken darkness in through your eyes you need to now take in light through your eyes and if you'll spend time reading god's word meditating on god's word listening to god's word even in your car you'll be amazed at how much light you'll have all right listen to this when god's talking about the tabernacle in exodus 25 verse 37 he says you shall make seven lamps for it and you shall arrange the the lamps they shall arrange its lamps so that they give light in front of it okay all these details about the tabernacle why did god give all these details i think it's simple because they represent something to us so he's saying i want to give light think about this we talked about stubbing your toe in the dark what do you do when you're driving at night turn your lights on and which lights are the most important your tail lights or your headlights see where you're going so he said in the tabernacle i want you to have lamps and i want you to arrange these lamps so they shine in front your word is a lamp to my feet a light to my path if you need to know how to which way to go and you want to hear a word from god this is the best way to hear god is to go to his word uh exodus 27 verse 20 and you shall command the children of israel israel that they bring you pure oil obviously that's the holy spirit of pressed olives for the light pressed i think refers to the pressing circumstance in life allowing the holy spirit to press his pure oil in us to cause the lamp watch this to burn continually i just want you to know something this is burning continually never stops never goes out anytime you need a word from god you can you can go to the bible psalm 18 verse 28 you will light my lamp the lord my god will enlighten my darkness proverbs 6 23 for the commandment is a lamp and the law is a light this is just all through scripture reproofs of instruction are the way of life and then again take the new testament jesus tells in luke 15 very famous story most of us know it the prodigal son a prodigal refers to the way he was living prodigal means wasteful so he was wasting his life but in that passage there are three things that are lost there's a lost son who comes back home but there's also lost sheep and the shepherd goes to get that sheep and there's a lost coin well when he talks about the lost coin listen to what it says luke 15 verse 8 are what woman having 10 silver coins if she loses one coin and according to represent something valuable a son is valuable to a father a sheep is valuable to a shepherd so if she loses one coin what woman does not light a lamp sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it okay so what do you do when you lose something you light the lamp you go to god's word friends thanks to you the message of hope and grace found in jesus is beaming into millions of homes around the world through tbn so for your gift of support and any amount this month we'll send you dr robert jeffree's new book courageous 10 strategies for thriving in a hostile world so take a moment to visit courageous 10. thank you
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Keywords: robert morris, robert morris sermons, robert morris 2021, robert morris free indeed series, robert morris the god i never knew, robert morris blessed life series, robert morris jezebel youtube, robert morris university, robert morris series, robert morris gateway church, frequency, robert morris frequency series, god's voice, hearing god's voice, god speaks, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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