Robert Morris: If You Don't Know God, You Can't Recognize His Voice | TBN

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you know what our conscience does it tells us what's good and evil now listen again this again i may shock you a little bit god never intended you to live by your conscience he intended you to live by his voice his voice you say well then how would you know then what's right and wrong well his voice can't god tell me what's right and wrong can't god speak to me our conscience condemns us when we do something wrong but you know what happens when we do something wrong if we'll come to christ he'll cleanse our conscience [Music] so today i want to talk to you about recognize through relationship in other words recognize god's voice through relationship now i'm going to date myself a little bit here but there used to be a time when we didn't have caller id does everyone remember that so you didn't know who it was that was calling you on the phone right okay so i'm going to give you an illustration and you tell me if you think this is true all right so one day the phone rang i picked it up and my wife debbie said hey and i said who is this and she said debbie and i said debbie who okay that didn't happen all right i'm i didn't did not have to buy flowers at the grocery store on the way home the other day dad and i were walking to the grocery store guys walked out flowers and she said he's in trouble okay so okay that didn't happen because when debbie calls me on the phone when she says hey i know who it is i know her voice why because i spent a lot of time with her is it possible that we could get to the place where we're in church or the grocery store or in our quiet time and the lord could say hey and we could say speak lord your servant is listening sure it is it comes from developing a personal relationship with jesus and i want to say to you because there are some theological persuasions that teach that god doesn't speak today he said everything through the word once the the scripture was canonized that he doesn't speak anymore i don't believe that i don't believe that god spoke for 4 000 years he opens the bible speaking to adam and eve he closes this bible speaking of john on the island of atmos and then all of a sudden he just quit speaking and for the last 2000 years he hasn't spoken to a human i just don't believe that and i'm not talking about an audible voice i know god can speak an audible voice but i'm not talking about it i'm talking about an impression i'm talking about a leading bill hybels wrote a book called whispers where god whispers something to us and leads us to do something or to go a certain direction i'm talking about god having a relationship with us i have a quote here from dallas willard and i mention this in one of those sessions but i will read you the actual quote it says if god doesn't speak today then the greatest disservice we could ever do to people is to tell them that they can have a personal relationship with god jesus came to restore a personal relationship with god and our god is a speaking god god is a communicative god god created us in his image with the ability to communicate he created us with a mouth and with ears he created us to be able to speak and to be able to hear god wants to speak to his children so we're going to talk about though how to recognize god's voice through relationship so let me give you three points here's point number one relationship with god is and here's what i call the point actually our highest priority relationship with god to have a relationship with god is our highest priority so let's go all the way back to the beginning think about this god creates them uh in his image and then it says he walks and talks with adam and eve in the cool of that and think about that and god every day he just shows up and he talks to his kids and then sin comes in and i want to show you the first thing that happened when sin came into the world and maybe you've never seen it in this light but here's the first thing that happened when sin came the world genesis 3 verse 8 and they heard the sound of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god among the trees of the garden then the lord god called to adam and said to him where are you so he said i heard your voice in the garden and i was afraid i heard your voice in the garden and i was afraid god had never heard those words before and god had never done anything to cause adam and eve to be afraid of him think about that fear comes in yet god had never been raised his voice to him never been angry never done one thing to make them afraid of him but as soon as sin came in and here's what they were afraid of his voice sin makes us afraid of the voice of god when we when we talk about god walking and talking in the cool today i mean i just kind of let my holy imagination run and i think about you know maybe one day god took him and showed him a waterfall you know maybe one day god took him up on a hill and and showed him a herd of elephants you know maybe one day he said i'm gonna meet you a little bit later and when the sun went down he said to him look at the stars i created those stars and you know we're told that stars are millions and some hundreds of millions of light years away now i don't know if god created them and the light got here immediately or i don't know if god created them hundreds of millions of years before he created lemony so think about that think about he could have been creating those stars before they were ever created and thinking to himself oh i can't wait 300 million years from now until i create adam and eve and i get to walk and talk with them in the garden and show them these stars that i'm creating you see what i'm saying so he creates this world and this universe for his kids and he wants to just talk with them every day i'm telling you god wants to talk to you but the first thing that happens when sin comes in the world is they become afraid of the voice of god first thing that's it and we're talking about in this book frequency tune in here god i'm telling you what causes us to be afraid of hearing god is sin but think about this jesus comes to restore what was lost so it's not just a personal relationship with him but it's a personal relationship with a talking god with a communicative god with a god who wants to communicate with you so there adam and eve walking and talking in a garden with god they fall jesus comes lives the perfect life for 33 years dies on the cross resurrects the third day and the first thing he does is walks and talks with mary in a garden in a garden i mean there's we even have the old hymn do you remember the old hymn in the garden and he walks with me and he talks with me exactly what adam and eve lost you probably heard about the little boy though that asked his parents who's andy and she said what do you mean andy he said you know that song we sing andy walks with me and he talks [Laughter] i'm telling you you can have a personal relationship with jesus but it's it's a relationship it's a relationship so it's our highest priority here's number two it's our highest pursuit our highest pursuit relationship with god is our highest pursuit now remember in the garden there were two trees okay the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which really was the tree of death but was it called the tree of death but if you ate from it you died and some people have asked well why didn't they die physically because that's not what it was about it was they died spiritually spiritually beings they died in their spirits and they were separated from god spiritually by the way god immediately put it drove them out of the garden and put an angel there to guard it and said lest they eat from the tree of life and live forever now many many times we read some of the bible and we don't understand everything in here is grace everything is about grace even the law brings us to grace so it's all about grace so you say well why would god you know drive them out so they couldn't eat from the tree of life the reason is they were in a fallen state if they'd eaten from the tree of life in a fallen state they would have lived forever in a fallen state so his grace drives them out and by the way the tree of life is in heaven and it says we can eat from it any time we want so you can eat from it in a redeemed state so there's the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil now i'm going to shock you a little bit probably okay but god never intended for you to choose between good and evil never he intended you to choose between life and death let me say it another way he intended you to choose between his voice and satan's voice see here's the tree of life listen this is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he never wanted you to choose between good and evil he didn't eat it he wanted you just to choose life and the way you choose life is you hear god you know people say well experience is the best teacher no it's not it's a horrible teacher you ever touch something hot that's not a good teacher god didn't intend you to experience it and then know that it hurts he wanted to tell you like your parents do don't touch that it'll hurt listen here's the best teacher god's voice god's voice is the best teacher god spoke to me and so i never did that that's the best teacher so i'm going to just kind of keep taking you because i'm taking you to how important it is to have a relationship with god to hear his voice it's not between good and evil um you know what our conscience does it tells us what's good and evil now listen again this again i may shock you a little bit god never intended you to live by your conscience he intended you to live by his voice his voice you say well then how would you know then what's right and wrong well his voice can't god tell me what's right and wrong can't god speak to me our conscience condemns us when we do something wrong but you know what happens when we do something wrong if we'll come to christ he'll cleanse our conscience so that we don't serve out of dead works if you don't have your conscience cleansed you'll always be serving god out of dead works dead works or anything you do to try to please god apart from the spirit of god being led by his spirit uh hebrews 9 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god watch cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god see when our conscience is it cleans we try to do something to get his favor but his favor comes through the blood of jesus christ so it's not by what we think is good or bad it's by what is life or death it's by god speaking to us and god wants to speak to us and the holy spirit wants to speak friend because of your partnership the impact that tbn is making around the world for jesus is miraculous so to say thank you for your gift of support in any amount we'll send you saturdays with billy written by dr don wilton please go to saturdays with billy and thank you for being a part of this global television ministry
Channel: TBN
Views: 83,204
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: robert morris, robert morris sermons, robert morris 2021, robert morris the god i never knew, robert morris blessed life series, robert morris university, robert morris series, robert morris gateway church, frequency, robert morris freqency, robert morris frequency series, robert morris frequency episodes, god's voice, hearing god's voice, hearing the voice of god, is god speaking, god speaks, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn
Id: HezsS_NwS5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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