Robert Morris: How Valuable is Hearing God to You? | FULL TEACHING | TBN

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we make time for whatever we value so everybody says pastor i want to hear god do you really i mean do you really if you do you make time my question for you and for all of you watching is how valuable is hearing god to you we talk about someone says well the lord told me this or the lord told me that and we say well i wish i heard god like that well how much of a value do you put on hearing god so i'm going to give you the most practical way i know to learn to hear god all right so i have four points for you today here's number one set an appointment set an appointment if you want to talk with someone even today you set an appointment with that person right let me read you some scripture exodus 19 verses 10 and 11 then the lord said to moses go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow and let them wash their clothes and let them be ready for the third day for on the third day the lord will come down upon mount sinai in the sight of all the people and then verse 19 says and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder moses spoke now listen and god answered him by voice see this is one of the things we've already talked about but all through the bible god spoke and he spoke to people the bible opens with god speaking to adam and eve and it closes with god speaking to john on the island of patmos the book of revelation and every book of the bible every book of the bible has god speaking every book bible so there's a speaking god so god still speaks but he answered by voice he did it on the third day but here's what he said have the people do this first two days and then on the third day i'm going to show up and i'm going to speak you know what god was doing setting an appointment he was setting an appointment uh let me say it another way god comes to a prepared atmosphere think about how much preparation goes into a church service and you pray you may have served in some area of your church or you may even be in leadership in the church but what would happen if you went to church one day and they weren't prepared no no teachers in the classrooms for your kids no one to help you part worship team they they were all playing different songs they didn't know which song they were going to play and the pastor got up and said listen i didn't prepare this week but i'm just going to do my best you know would god really show up no he comes to a prepared atmosphere so listen to me uh sure we're talking about church meeting with god once a week what about ever what about meeting with god in the mornings he comes to a prepared atmosphere set an appointment set an appointment to meet with god now listen you set appointments to meet with people you don't even like why wouldn't you set an appointment to meet with god and what do you do when you set an appointment you set a time and a place those are the two things right who are you going to meet with where you're going to meet and what time so you got who so that's god but then you set a time and a place one of our pastors and by the way let me say this a a misappointment is it will turn into a disappointment but you actually can't miss an appointment if you don't set one you just have a disappointment so one of our pastors um is just great man of god and known the lord for a long time his time and place it's it's about six in the morning and it's at mcdonald's literally he puts the his earphones in he has worship music on his plat on his laptop and he spends time with the lord and he writes in journals from six to seven every morning at mcdonald's i've even had to say the church because everybody loves him wants to meet with him don't go until after seven but if you want to meet his name's tom lane if you want to meet with pastor tom lane let's just start going to mcdonald's around seven o'clock you'll find him he's the like the number two guy at a church you know over we have over 30 000 attendants over 800 on staff he he's very important to me but i think about it sometimes i have to let you know something he goes to mcdonald's so much he has been customer of the month [Laughter] i'm so proud all right i am proud of him for meeting with god so i'm just listen this i know this is practical but every one of you here and every one of you watching want to hear god but most of you don't set an appointment it's very important to have an appointment all right here's number two be still and worship now i put the be still in there because that's tough and i'm not talking just talking about physically i'm talking about it in your mind quiet your mind here's some verses psalm 46 verse 10 be still and know that i am god exodus 14 13 and moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the lord some of these verses you've heard be still and know stand still and see the salvation lord second chronicles 20 verse 17 you will not need to fight in this battle all right let's just stop for a minute how many of you like to hear that from god you will not need to fight in this battle position yourselves stand still and see the salvation lord and that in that instance in second chronicles 20 he said put the musicians out front and send the musicians out front now they're they're in a war there there are people over there with swords and spears and bows and arrows he said put the musicians out front i personally would like uh you know my finger's a little sore day i don't think i can play today you know i don't think i want to be in front of the battle but god said you let the worshipers go out here's what happened when the worshipers went out he confused the enemy and they turned and killed each other think about that if you'll worship god he can confuse the enemy and then just kill himself you don't even have to do it you just stand still and see the salvation of the lord when i worship i can feel myself slowing down i feel it i can feel my mind and my heart slowing down i can get steel in the presence of the lord um i was having a tremendous back pain one time in my life tremendous back pain for about a year i went through several procedures i went through to several specialists it felt like a knife in my back right between my shoulder blades i mean it felt like that i'm talking about all the time wake up in the morning go to bed at night and it would get worse and worse this is you think i just have to say it's amazing it's really not it would it would be worse when i would speak stand up to speak and and be in such pain i you know on the verge of tears and one morning i decided to have this is i this is a little word that i kind of kind of this phrase means something to me and extended quite time because you have a quiet time every day but sometimes about three times a week i have what i call an extended quiet time it's where i have a little more time in the presence of the lord i just set aside that time and so i thought i've got time today to have an extended quiet time and so i got in the presence of the lord and i started just crying out to god not for my back for me and then the lord started dealing with with me about unbelief he said you know you can preach on healing you know the doctrine of healing i can explain to you why some people are healed and why some people are not healed theologically i can show it to you in scripture i've prayed for people to be healed and i've seen people healed i've seen i saw a woman healed of cataracts in front of my eyes where her where her eyes went from white to blue i saw it so i i prayed for a deaf man one time that got healed so i've seen people healed but the lord dealt with me and said you can believe for everyone else to be healed but you and he said you think you're too bad to be healed but it's the same with salvation the reason you get saved is because you're bad right so i just want to let all of you know you're bad enough to get healed because we think you have to be good to get healed no you just have to be bad to receive grace from god now of course i got to go to romans and so well should we send more god forbid no don't go out and be bad you're already bad enough okay you've got that but in that quiet time i was just telling god i'm i'm sorry for my unbelief and the lord i felt it it's one of the most amazing experiences of my life pulled the knife out of my back and it happened immediately it was an instantaneous healing that he did for me [Music] here's number three pray and read now we should always pray and read our bible but i want i want to just i want to go back to something just for a moment most people when they think of a quiet time think of pray prayer and reading your bible and they don't think of worship it's very very important to worship god and enter his presence before you pray and read very important as a matter of fact in the old testament god killed two sons of a priest because they were supposed to enter the presence of the lord and then put the incense on the fire so that the fire would go the smoke would go up in the presence of the lord they actually put the incense on the fire outside of the tabernacle and they died what does that represent it represents the incense and on fire represents prayers going up before god that's what revelation says but he said no no you come into my presence before you put that now that doesn't mean you can't breathe a prayer anytime but if you're really going to talk with god you enter his presence if you're going to talk to me you need to enter my presence so we need inner presence so pray and read uh mark 1 verse 35 in the morning let's talk about jesus having risen a long while before daylight he went out and departed to a solitary place and there he prayed psalm 119 verse 147 i rise before the dawning of the morning and cry for help that's prayer i hope in your word that's the word okay so i'm going to do something that you might not think i would do i'm going to tell you what to pray about and where to read the bible okay so i say preachers all the time say you need to pray and you need to read the bible and we think well how do i pray or what do i pray about and where do i read okay so i'm going to tell you i got it all figured out all right i'm going to tell you what to pray about and where to read in the bible okay here's what you pray about whatever's on your heart whatever's on your heart if your kids are on your heart pray about your heart because you're not gonna be able to think about anything else until you do that prayer if you want one of the simplest definitions of prayer prayer is the transference of a burden and say that again prayer is transferring the burden if if you uh pray and if you go in the closet or whatever and you talk to god and you come out of that closet and you're still burdened you didn't pray you just gright here's what we do by the way with burdens you know you weren't designed to carry burdens sheep can't carry burdens sheep are not pack animals if you've never heard someone say i'm going on safari i need to rent some packed sheep okay sheep cannot carry burdens they can only lay them at the feet of jesus but here's what we do we we say am i uh we go in and we say lord i'm just going to lay this at your feet i just lay that at your feet lord i just i just can't carry that lord anymore and i just lay it at your feet god i'm just laying that at your feet lord ninja i like laid that at your feet well if you're just gonna sit there this lady said to me one time she said i said she was telling me something i said you just need to give that to the lord she said oh i've given it to him many times i said how can you give it to him many times unless you took it back so pray about whatever's on your heart and here's where to read you say okay where in the bible do i read you ready i'm going to tell you on the inside anywhere on the inside i've already read the outside holy bible i haven't got it memorized okay anywhere on the inside but you can read a chapter in old testament chapter new testament you can read a psalm and a proverb a day proverbs says 31 you can read one a day you can read through the bible in a year just read the bible just pray and read the bible every day and here's number four listen and write now this is the best way i know to hear god okay so set an appointment and then be still in worship pray and read and then after you pray and read the bible listen and write down what you think god is saying let me show you how scriptural it is to write what you think god is saying to you psalm 45 verse 1. this is david speaking my heart this is from the message version of the bible my heart bursts its banks it's all about the burden on his heart spilling beauty and goodness i pour it out in a poem to the king shaping the river into words and of course we have a lot of the psalms that david wrote first chronicles 28 19 all this says david the lord made me understand in writing by his hand upon me all the works of these plans in other words i wrote down what i felt god was saying to me habakkuk 2 2. then the lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it the best way i know to hear god is to write and to write down what you think god is saying in other words if you read a scripture for the day and let's just say that you're reading and you're reading in ephesians 5 about husbands and wives and things like that and you're a husband you could say i feel like god is saying to me to love my wife like jesus loves me and lord i know you love me unconditionally and i know lord that you're not criticizing me or condemning me there's no condemnation for those in christ and i have been critical and condemning so i'm asking you to help me love my wife as you love me you see what i'm saying just writing those things and i believe you're saying to me this this and this and this you can't imagine how you'll hear god because then later in the day something will happen and you'll think oh that's what god was telling me this morning he was telling me not to do that see so write it down now we're talking about value his voice so let me tell you why i named it this um we make time for whatever we value uh i'll give you a may this might be a male and female illustration but it might not it could go both ways but to the ladies if you value nordstroms yes amen you make time for nordstroms if you value shoes you make time to buy shoes right so guys if you value bass pro shops you make time my wife said you know it's amazing me how you get tired after 20 minutes at the mall and you can spend hours at bass pro shops and don't never get and you never get tired it's because i value bass pro shops okay so what what do you what do you value obviously children grandchildren we talked about grandchildren a little bit before we started taping today i make time for my grandchildren because i value them okay so everybody says pastor i want to hear god do you really i mean do you really if you do you make time a friend of mine named bill hybels who's a pastor wrote a book called whispers it's about how god speaks to us whispers and he tells the story in the book of a man that he he came to him after a sunday message and bill talked about making time to meet with god and this guy was a young advertising executive and he came to build and he said what what kind of world do you live in you know that you can actually spend like 30 minutes a day just reading your bible and praying and just listening to god and listening you talked about listening and writing what god was saying to you what kind of world do you live in he said i commute like an hour every day to work i don't have time to do that and bill said well i don't want to you know compare schedules you know we're all busy but i make time for whatever i value and i value hearing god and you'll just have to decide if if this is something you value or not so a few months later this man came out from after service and said hey um can you and your wife come over for dinner and bill said well you know i have to check with the boss you know and see and so they checked and they lived close so he would be able to do it with the schedule and so they went over their house for dinner the ladies were talking this guy said to bill come here i want to show you something and he took him to this room that overlooked the back porch and there was this beautiful rocking chair beautiful rocking chair and the guy said i like rocking chairs and he said after i talked with you i decided to just try what you said so i set my alarm 30 minutes earlier and he said every morning for 30 minutes i get a cup of coffee and i get my bible and i sit in that rocking chair for 30 minutes and i read somewhere in the bible and then i just listened and he said i write down what i think god's saying to me and he said i want you to know something it's changed my life it's changed my life i want to tell you thank you well a few years later the guy comes up to him after service says hell and talked about something and bill said okay he said well you know that rocking chair that i told you about and he said yeah he said i've been sitting that rocking chair and i think god wants me to leave the advertising business and come on staff here at willow creek at the church and help you build the church church was real small town and bill at that time he said well you know no one's getting paid around here and so we can't pay he said well i have enough savings then i can do it so bill said he said you know i don't take responsibility of shooting your family he said you need to go back to that chair and and listen a little bit more and make sure so he came back then a few weeks later he said hey i went back to the chair that's what god is saying he said i quit my job and i'll be at work tomorrow morning wow so the guy came to work as an unpaid employee and he was one of the best employees they ever had helped them build the church from the expertise that he had you know then a few years later he came back he said hey can i talk to you about something and bill said sure he said well you know that rocking chair he said yeah i know that rocking chair he said well there's a friend of mine that's moving to colorado to start a church and i feel like god has spoken to me to to go out there get a job in the advertising business and help fund the startup of that new church and uh bill said you really believe god's telling you this he said i do he said okay so he went to colorado and for years he helped that church and he helped it you know with wisdom and and finances to be able to grow and then one day he sat in that same rocking chair and in that rocking chair he read a doctor's report how cancer had enveloped his body but he took that report to the god in that rocking chair and eventually they had to move him from that rocking chair to a place to get care and then he passed away and they asked bill to come and speak at the funeral and after the funeral he was at the house with the widow and the family and the kids and he said hey um what are you going to do with that rocking chair and they said we're going to pass that rocking chair down to our children and our grandchildren because he heard god in that chair okay this may sound strange but here's what i'm saying i want you to have a chair i want you to have a place where you hear god i want you to close your eyes for a moment and we we we just i just like to end with just a very simple prayer if you just pray from your heart lord help me to value hearing your voice and to make room and time in my life to hear your voice in jesus name [Music] amen at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 47,703
Rating: 4.9136071 out of 5
Keywords: robert morris, robert morris sermons, robert morris 2021, robert morris free indeed series, robert morris the god i never knew, robert morris blessed life series, robert morris university, frequency, robert morris frequency series, god's voice, hearing god's voice, hearing the voice of god, god speaks, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, prayer, pray, gateway church, pastor robert, hope, voice, god
Id: k1kZH1Ottuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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