T.D. Jakes: How to Find Courage in Difficult Times | FULL EPISODE | Praise on TBN

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there's somebody who keeps getting up and going back trying this trying that starting this business starting that business starting this relationship starting that relationship the lord is saying go back and lay down again in the rest of laying before him it will become clear to you what you should do who you should marry where you should live and how you should go [Music] to the world that's watching i know that there's a lot of bad news everywhere but we've got good news we've got positive news that jesus is still lord and god still sits on the throne and he's got everything right in the palm of his hands and we're trusting him to guide us through this season not only that we might survive but that we might thrive in a season of turbulence i think that one of the things that is so pronounced about god is that he is described as a root springing out of dry ground which says that the conditions around you don't have to be right in order for you to spring forth and that's very applicable to where we are right now the ground is dry but the root is still springing up and we need to not so much focus on the dryness of the ground i certainly think we ought to obey all the rules that are necessary to be safe but at the end of that we need to go from safe to success uh from surviving to thriving using this as an opportunity to rethink our lives and use the innovation that this disruption has caused to maximize who we are yeah so bishop i just can't help myself when i'm with you all i can think about is things that are big and exciting and dynamic you are a serial entrepreneur you have changed the way many in the church have even looked at things i remember reading that uh one of your conferences when when when the when the bishop rolls in the town you know it's almost like the circus comes to town because the economic impact on that city is a hundred million plus okay and cities are vying for the attention of you you have a you have something on you that i think can come alive inside this season and i don't want to sit here and talk about doom and gloom because many many many amazing things took place because of something bad and and you know romans 8 28 is for real and you exemplify that you're here to share uh whatever you want to share with our audience so bishop where do you want to start i don't know where to start after that illustrious lead-in uh i can say that i thrive up under pressure okay uh something about the challenge ignites the best out of me when things are bad that's when i'm really call to action uh i have tried uh over the past few weeks to uh breathe hope to people to get on facebook live i've been on abc i've been on nbc i've been everywhere just speaking to our nation reminding them that faith matters in an environment we know that here but in other environments they don't always make room for a voice of faith but it's very very important that we are a part of the conversation the narrative when you start talking about being entrepreneurial i i often say to myself if i could have sang like the winans i would have been a recording artist okay i didn't have that okay yeah i would have been requesting myself to sing or like the clark sisters or somebody but the the reality is all you bring to ministry is all that you are you cannot bring something that you're not you cannot imitate what somebody else has all you have to bring is all that you are and all that you are is enough and a lot of people don't realize that what god has placed inside of you is enough you don't have to sit back and wish you were somebody else he has pre-designed you and pre-equipped you to accomplish everything that he created you to do if you can withstand the controversy of being unique because being unique requires courage we are much more accepted if we are cheap copies of great originals so you have to decide do you want to be accepted or do you want to be accomplished i decided i wanted to be accomplished i've never told you this before but uh i was born in between two dead babies my the baby before me died and the baby after me died and i was raised by a dying father and there's nothing like death to teach you how to live it gives you a focus it gives you a gratefulness it gives you uh an urgency that i probably would not have had normally to live my life to the fullest i felt like i owed it to my father who died at 48 to live my life to the fullest my grandfather was murdered uh by the kkk when he was in his 20s and on behalf of my dead grandfather my dead father and my dead siblings i was blessed to live and i wanted to live my life to the fullest and to do everything that i was created to do without fear and without favor oh we're all blessed that you lived i mean look at the millions of people that one life can don't make me cry now no we're all going to be teary-eyed i know i know you are representing i think an attitude inside of a season that whether it's the best of times or whether you think it's the worst of times you're right okay and as a man thinks so his he is the way the bible says it speak to that uh you you seem to be declaring that things could happen even in this season of covet 19 that we're in oh absolutely first of all god made it slow down and think you know he has a way uh he maketh me to lie down in green pastures and so this shut down and shut in and shut up that he has ordered because i'm stuck in the house with my family shut up but all of that you're gonna use it aren't you all of that is a great opportunity to recalibrate in corporate america there's a term called disruption that is very very frequently used and a lot of companies go down in disruption and a lot of companies thrive in disruption and the difference between one or the other is your aq and aq is your adaptability quotient how well you adapt to change has a lot to do with whether you survive or thrive being able to adapt in moments of disruption and adopt new ideologies and find a way to minister to the flock or find a way to create a job now that you've lost a job or find a way to write the book that you've always wanted to write now you've got time to write it you know to do the painting that you've never done now you've got time to paint it to start a blog to start a company to to find out what is in your inventory come on now uh that that has laid dormant behind your job and now you have the opportunity to explore the relationships and the possibilities and the potentials of producing those things i think the word production is something america is learning we're suffering right now because we started being consumers more than producers and now everything that we need to combat this disease we're having to get from somewhere else and we're having to retool ourselves as a nation in order to make simple things like a mask you know when you think about that what happened to our country you and i grew up at a time that we had a lot of production going on around and it was the industrial age and then there were companies like monsanto and carbide and and pittsburgh steel and motor companies were we were producing we got away from that and started consuming and i don't think it's just the nation i think it is a cultural mentality where we become more adept at having a cell phone than making one yeah and now we need to retool ourselves to become producers again and that needs to start with individuals not companies what are we doing to produce the first thing god told adam was be fruitful wow okay and i say to people all the time you can't be fruitful if you're not seedful the difference between being fruitful and not being fruitful starts with the fact that you have seed which is potential bringing it to fruition is to be fruitful god knew adam had seed so he only called out of him what he placed inside of him and in moments of adversity that's what god is calling out of us what it's locked down inside of us wow you don't become what you want to be you become what you are so what are you waiting on right and if there was ever a time to be aggressive and and you know i you know think of a think of a uh somebody that has a restaurant and now local restaurants now they are getting that take out side of things tooled up right now yeah they have to yeah they have to maybe they didn't have an app before and maybe they didn't have a delivery service before but necessity is the mother of invention yeah and all of a sudden they're rethinking their business and i don't think we're going to go back to business as usual everybody says when are things going to go back to normal disruptions there are no there's never a normal again we're going to have a new normal after this as we begin to rethink how i know as a church we're having a new normal we always streamed we always had technology we always had social media but to the limits that we now push it to is another level that requires what type of staff do we need how do we tool our organization to be relevant in a time like this in an ever-changing world and the other thing that's coming out of this that i think is important it's coming in a negative way but it has a positive consequence as americans we don't think as global as we should tbn always has but a lot of institutions think that the whole world begins and stops between the pacific and the atlantic we don't go past california or beyond new york and whether you're a minister watching right now or whether you're a pastoring a big church or small church or a big company a small company you need to think globally because we we need to understand that our currency is connected uh we're connected by disease we're connected by attack we're connected by the conditions in the atmosphere the weather the world we can no longer sit autonomously and say those people are having a problem because those people shortly become us and so we're interconnected and we must go back to genesis and become our brother's keeper in a way that we have never done before beautiful you just said the phrase whether you pastor a big church or a small church you've pastored both yes i have for those that haven't heard in a long time and it's so inspiring uh west virginia yes uh was where you pastored a small church what happened all of a sudden what what what what what and and a follow-up question to that were you the same guy you are now back then absolutely that's the funniest part about it there's somebody saying i think what happened is that god hit me uh it you know i think that god hid me and there's nothing wrong with being hidden uh god has life in the womb of a woman god hides butterflies in a cocoon of a worm whenever god gets ready to produce anything that pressure that's precious it goes through a cycle of being hidden and i think one of the things that people don't tolerate well today is being hidden because they think being hidden is being forgotten i spent almost 20 years pastoring uh in west virginia in various sizes of small churches none of them seeding over a thousand people uh early on 40 and then i mean we had 40 on easter sunday counting pregnant people in dead people we might have got 240. we might have got the 40. you know if we were really really lucky but i needed that hidden time moses needed that hidden time he was hidden in his mother's house then he was hidden in jethro's house it takes a lot of years for you to be ready for the weight of what god is going to do in your life i am exactly the same person uh when i came to dallas it was scary to me to see that 1500 people joined the first sunday then i was prepared to have to fight my way through like i did in west virginia play the piano for the choir and my wife would be the president of the usher board we'd just pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and so many people came almost ran from them i thought what do you do with success because the one thing that people who have struggled failed to prepare for is winning wow come on we prepare for sustaining ourselves through the struggles that that spawned us but we have uh no business plan no mantra no model for winning and so when i started seeing the magnitude of what god was doing in my life it was scary i used to call john hagee on the phone all the time i i was shout out to john hagee he he would kind of mentor me a little bit i would say was this normal this is happening is this normal because one of the sources of great stress in our lives is not knowing what's normal if a woman was pregnant and she didn't know it was normal to gain weight she would think something was wrong wow if she didn't know that it was normal to have a mask on her face she would think something was wrong if she didn't know that it was normal to be sick every morning she'd be calling the doctor every morning she would think something is wrong you don't have to change any of her symptoms to give her peace just tell her it's normal and a lot of times when you're doing something for the first time the most frightening thing about doing it is trying to figure out what's normal on this level and that's why you need mentors and you need models in front of you that help you to understand whether you're doing something wrong or whether this just goes along with the turf oh it's so good if i say the term to you a little nine minute clip of one of your sermons seven seven seven minutes it wasn't nine okay it only took seven okay so if i say to you a seven minute clip what and somebody hasn't heard that story what does that mean uh i spoke for uh carlton pearson years ago for his azusa ministers conference it wasn't even the big azusa that everybody thinks of it was his leadership conference that he held at his church brian keith williams myself and dr mark hamby spoke uh each of us having a different day and carlton then took those three sermons and put them together into a 30-minute show when you deduct the advertisement space we came out with about seven minutes each your dad happened to walk into the room at the time that my seven minutes was on and i was preaching a message i call behind closed doors everybody else called to show me your wounds but it was really behind closed doors the substratum of the message was that christ showed his wounds and it caused his disciples to believe your dad was writing a book called i had no father but god and he was struggling with whether to be transparent about his life and some of the things that he'd been through and what i said about showing your wounds so touched him that he called carlton and didn't even know my name described me to carlton and uh and asked carlton who i was and um and he invited me to tbn the first time i came to tbn i was running a revival in grand rapids and he called me on a friday night i had to go in i had to talk to dr abney who released me to go he said i think you should go i said i can't go because i'm supposed to preach for you he said no he said i think this is a destiny moment for you i'll get somebody else to speak if dr abney william abney and grand rapids had not done that that wouldn't have happened either he released me to go and my wife and i came into santa ana with those big gates that opened up and then back then they sent those big limousines to pick you up i'm riding i'm riding in the limousine which didn't happen all the time and i got to those big gates and i didn't know whether the preacher wet my pants i just thought i would just die and you lived in west virginia that to pastoring there i lived in what's was this like uh 90s uh something like that yeah yeah and uh and it was i mean i had never been i didn't even know which camera to look at or anything a greenish grass uh went in there to speak and my whole life changed wow thank goodness yeah my whole uh before i knew it i had a contract on my desk asking me to do a show here's what's funny i was on tbn for two years and didn't own a camera thank you lord i i would take the footage from preaching for people who had a camera do the glues at a friend of mine's church in west virginia and then put it on the air i did not have a camera and when people came to west virginia looking for my church they would drive past my church i'd be standing in the door watching them go up and down the street they were looking for some kind of great big church i was literally in a storefront across from rose city cafeteria in south charleston west virginia it does not matter where you start it matters where you finish yeah my goodness you know we call this time we call we have a saying that we say the productivity of rest and i think that's what what you've been talking about is that in this got it it's like he stopped everything for yes yes so that we can reevaluate and become productive in the things that we might not have thought you know laurie the thing about it when you think of restoration the root word is rest oh my goodness okay so if you want to have restoration you have to first accept rest and for people like me i would confess something that's hard for me work is easy for me my father modeled work in front of me my mother modeled work in front of me we are workers we are industrial it was like a sin to sleep late in our house so work is natural to me what is hard for me is to let everything go and just rest but in the process of rest we find restoration and what i have learned if you don't do it on your own he'll do it for you right he maketh us to lie down wow and some of us have the personality types that the lord has to make us lay down if you think of samuel being called samuel kept getting up in the disruption and going to eli and said is it you that called me and the old man would say go back and lay down again there's somebody who keeps getting up and going back and trying this and trying that starting this business starting that business starting this relationship starting that relationship the lord is saying go back and lay down again in the rest of laying before him it will become clear to you what you should do who you should marry where you should live and how you should go before the broadcast i shared with you um a few things that inside of this unique season that we're in that you know is is been declared a pandemic and you know look just i know you know and i just want you to know we know we're shooting this during the cove at 19. and we're five feet apart yeah exactly kate measured it out yeah and beverly made sure that we were social distancing by the way before you before you came so so uh inside of this season we're kind of being aggressive here uh tbn has made an offer on a company and and i told you a little bit about that and and and tbn was built in a tough season for the broadcast industry and it takes a little bit too long to describe but just trust me it was the kind of the worst time in broadcast history really is when tbn was built for a lot of reasons and and so it feels like you can expand inside of a bad season how does that how does that work everyone's talking about it practically everyone's talking about retooling and innovation and all that all that's super important what's going on spiritually i got the bishop in the house here so talk to us about what god is really wanting to say is it what why is it that these things can happen we can be productive inside of a really terrible season if you remember the parable about the fig tree and and it didn't bear any fruit and jesus said uh twice have i come to this tree and yet it has no fruit i will give it one more year and he says dig around it and dung around it and then if it bears no fruit cut it down digging around it and dung around it is disruptive and smelly okay it is disruptive and it is smelly and yet that was what it took for it to be fruitful that's what it took for tbn and you know what the problem is it's who you hang around okay because when you hang around the wrong kinds of people they will they will make you so fearful not careful i want you to be careful i don't want you to be fearful they will make you so fearful that you bury your dreams behind your fears but many many innovative people see disruption as an opportunity to be more fruitful than they've ever been in their lives and in order to really get that kind of mentality you have to be around those kind of people people think that they're not doing it because they don't have the money it is not about the money it's about the mentality if you get the right mentality the money will come so a lot of times we think oh if i had the money i would do it if you're not doing anything with the money you have you're not going to do anything with more money that you have because that is controlled by fear what you really need to do is have the courage and if you have the courage and make the right relationships you can use opm other people's money god will bring people into your life to underwrite your dream if you are that tenacious relentless kind of person my my dad would always say everyone wants to fly like the eagles but they're hanging around turkeys you know and and the the idea that this really could be the best of times uh if you can see it that way now so it's vision it's always going to be that purpose that you know uh talk to you talk to uh us more about that we're hearing a lot of the negative stuff on the news channels talk to us about being productive in this season well it's like the stock market when the stock market goes down everybody wants to take their money and flee and depending upon what age you are i understand it at a certain age you want to protect your assets you can't afford to wait for the market to come back up again but the people who have been the most successful in the market when times are really bad like this they don't run from it they run into it you can buy the stocks for a dime on the dollar right now and then when the company when the country comes back up again you've got more than you could have ever afforded because success is always born out of people who see adversity as opportunity and if you stop and start to look at adversity in fact when it comes to business period your business is twice more likely to be successful if it is built around solving a problem so you need a problem to have a great business crisis yes we heard um on one of the news channels we're just flicking by uh lori and i were and we both saw someone say the irrelevance of god and prayer in a thing in a time like this kind of uh i think we only caught half of it i think it was kind of no no purpose in this modern society yeah and i think i think it was in reference to maybe a prayer that uh the vice president had had made and okay what's your uh what do you want to say about that well let me say this about prayer i stay away from the politics as much as i can but the thing that people don't see about prayer that i think is vitally important it might not be relevant to you but to the one who is praying the prayer if it stabilizes me if it anchors me if it releases creativity in me you might not say that it's valuable to you but it was valuable to me i often tell people you see what i'm saying it's so good i often tell people that god doesn't make chairs and he doesn't make tables he only makes trees and and so i'm not saying that you should pray till you see a table because god's not going to make a table but if praying calms you to the point that you look at a tree and now you see how to make a table then prayer puts you in a place of provision you see what i'm saying to you oh my god so when you start the bishop that's exactly why he's wearing the purple sweater the purple sweater come on but but really prayer anchors your soul come on and it releases your creativity and it tells you what to do with what you've got because if you look in the scriptures i'm getting excited come on now if you look in the scriptures almost every miracle in the scriptures occurred by the prophet or christ using something that the person already had whether it was two fish and five loaves of bread or the pot of oil or the handful of meal it was something that was already in the house the prophet didn't bring the meal he just caused her to see it differently he didn't bring the oil he just showed her what was already in her house if you pray god will show you something that is unique that exists in your house that he will use to bless your life good lord you know bishop one of my favorite stories is about the little widow who had all she had was the empty jars and that was her greatest asset for those empty jars and he says go get elijah go get all the empty jars that you can possibly find mm-hmm and so sometimes that's our greatest this was her the emptiness was the greatest asset that she had the thing about that story the pot of oil continued to flow until she ran out of empty vessels showing that god is endless in his supply it is a matter of your capacity when you start talking about greatness and smallness i don't think that everybody was meant to lead something great because they don't have the capacity to handle the stress that goes along with leading something great that's why you ought to be careful about coveting something that belongs to somebody else or inheriting something that you don't have the capacity to handle you have to have the capacity that is commensurate to the opportunity right how do you expand your capacity if you feel like that's something you need to work on what would that's a great oh that's a that's a good old interview question there uh everybody can't think to ask you the right kinds of questions the thing i think that when david killed the lion and killed the bear he was expanding his capacity working himself up to the giant got it if you kill the small thing that's in front of you it will increase your capacity to go after the bigger thing that's coming before you and so if you don't do anything with the lion don't talk to me about the giant you have to work on the level that you're on first 30 then 60 then 100 fold you god is not going to give you the hundredfold opportunity if you haven't maximized what you have the man with the one talent buried his talent and was cursed because he buried it it wasn't that it wasn't enough it was that he failed to do anything with what he had no matter who you are on the level you're on i can see right now talking to you can i tell you what i see come on now on the little raggedy back porch out from our kitchen that my mother had in the little house that we grew up in there was this big pot that she had and she took cucumbers and she raised out the garden and put vinegar all over them and put them on the back porch and made pickles and then she canned them she took apple peelings and she made uh preserves she took peaches and made preserves that's not big stuff that's not a big corporation you won't find that in the grocery store but she did something with what she had if miracles begin with things that are in your house and within your reach and we spend most of our time complaining about what we don't have crying about what we've not been given frustrated because we see our neighbors with something that we don't have rather than valuing who would have valued cucumbers who would have valued apple peelings my mother said don't touch those apple peelings now i throw apple peelings away she said i'm going to make a apple jelly out of that and she boiled them down and put sugar gel in them and put them in mason jars and and put them up under this she it's about value it's capacity and then valuing what you have and most of us have little value over what we have because we're so busy coveting something we saw somebody with on tv wow is it true that perfect love casts out fear that's that's true yes that's true that's biblically true so is it also true then that the opposite of fear is perfect love so perfect love is not thinking about how we should try to love god it's understanding how much he loves us so in a covid 19 you know weird season that we're in we should be dwelling on god's love for us because that casts out fear yes can you speak on that first of all uh i have to be careful talking about that because that's uh that's an area that's really sensitive to the core of my relationship with god the one thing that i know for sure is is that he is for me i have always known that he is for me uh that helped me when others were against me i knew that god wasn't on the fence about me that he loved me he may have to chastise me he may have to correct me he's not always loved everything i did but so far as loving me you have to be sure that he loves you number two agree with him about that love wow if you disagree with him and take your opinion out of it and just say lord i don't see what in the world you see in me i don't understand it i can't relate to it but i by faith agree with you in loving me so that there is no discord between me and my creator that i am valuable and that casts out fear that cast out fear of people of your own failures of your own insecurities of your own incompetence everything they said i couldn't do i ended up doing it because i agreed with god i could have agreed with the teacher who said i'd never be a great writer she said you're right too colorful you know the the the sun dripped down beneath an alabaster sky and cascaded down into the leaves as they danced in the wind down into darkness since the evening ebbed upon the night i like to write that okay i like to write like that they were trying to teach me how to write like a journalist succinct just the facts no color so she exed up all my papers and colored them all red and said you'll never be a great writer and i've had maybe 15 books on the best new york bestsellers list you cannot agree with the adversary you have to agree with what god says about you yes and if god says that about you agree with him if you know things about yourself that make you feel unlovable if you've made mistakes and and you're still in shame and guilt just agree with god about you that he he thought enough of you to send his son to die on the cross and traded him for you that he would get the judgment that you were worthy of so that you could get the life that you could never earn that is the gospel lead them to the lord if you if you can understand that in your heart and in your spirit i know what it is to walk in shame and guilt and grief and confusion about myself and feel so unworthy of his grace and mercy but listen friend [Music] when god saw you and saw his son he chose you my goodness and he offered up his only begotten son that whosoever that's got to be me and you whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life maybe in all the disruption of covey at 19 god has gotten your attention that there's more to life than stuff all the stuff is shaking all the universities are shaking the medical centers everything's shaking the only thing that's not shaking is god wow i want to challenge you to build your faith on something that will not shake and if i could in this moment just pray with you that you could be stabilized i know your life is shaky i know you don't know how you're gonna pay next month's rent but let's stabilize you and then we can stabilize it let's pray father in the name of jesus i need you like i never needed you thank you lord come into my heart ah forgive my many sins the atrocities that keep me up at night the embarrassing shenanigans that made me hide my face from you i'm so sorry i ran from you now i run to you i give you my life come into my heart lord jesus and give me new life and purpose and let me agree with you that i am valuable because you say so i accept you as my lord in the name of the lord jesus amen friend it's well it is well with your soul friends no matter what trouble you're facing today god has already provided the wisdom courage and strength you need to stand for your gift of support in any amount we're going to send you joel osteen's new book you are stronger than you think please go to tbn.org forward slash stronger than and thank you for being a part of this global television ministry
Channel: TBN
Views: 242,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, bishop td jakes 2021, bishop td jakes, td jakes sermons, td jakes motivation, td jakes courage, td jakes motivational speech, td jakes testimony, td jakes prayer, purpose, social injustice, finding peace with god, td jakes peace in the storm, finding your identity in christ, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, hope, td jakes ministries, peace, overcome, testimony, overcoming, crisis, maintain peace, 2021, 2020, storm, courage
Id: 0VZyxSf1DHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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