Rob Gronkowski - Gronkumentary (Original Bored Film Documentary

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He is going to be so much fun with Brady moving him around more than ever before. Also, having Brady throw to a Gronk/Godwin rub route combo has to be an OC's wet dream.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kevin_Jim 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
The Ballad of one Robert James Gronkowski first in 10 and its own two-yard line he's like a Shaquille O'Neal he's just this big enormous guy that is unstoppable Rob Gronkowski wrong you can't stop in front of the most dominant player raised in Buffalo New York you're from Buffalo New York yes Buffalo New York there are five Gronkowski brothers my brother is competing at the highest level and from the early stage black eyes were no more unusual than runny noses Rob Dan and Kris are all in the NFL Gordy played professional baseball Glen Gronkowski was drafted by the Bills in 2016 to become the fourth Gronkowski brother to play in the NFL you know people were always scared to face him and scared to tackle him and skirt a pitch to him or hit off on them he immediately turned heads at the high school level before he became a star for the Patriots Gronkowski grew up in suburban Buffalo and played football baseball and basketball at Williamsville North High School we stay right here where Rob Gronkowski has taken the nation by storm since entering the National Football League but it all started in college at the U of A and then you decided to go to school at the U of Arizona [Applause] with the [Applause] [Music] the best time 12 catches for 143 yards against Oregon may be the best game I've ever seen [Music] touchdown like a big lug a big clown who will absolutely clown you the country is a weapon Mountain that's six six two hundred his college career was short-lived a devastating back injury sidelined him his junior year feeling great haven't felt this dream a lot I feel unbelievable and I mean I'm gonna help my brother Chris and my brother Dan and then if I were three brothers and that NFL at one time that's unbelievable remember there was the back surgery even before he arrived in the NFL that cost him a year NASA recently dropped into the second round the New England Patriots select Rob Gronkowski tight end we've put him in a room came back it was asleep on the floor didn't make a very good impression he was well he was sleeping on the floor yeah well you know I brought him in we just kind of you know we're getting ready to you don't have me but coaches and go through and then fell asleep in a floor stuffy buttoned up New England Patriots and Rob Gronkowski as a rookie Rob Gronkowski would earn the mantle of the grog Gronkowski a second-round pick out of Arizona hauled it in did you know that Rob Gronkowski is one of three brothers currently in the NFL trying to make teams I think bronc really brought some personality into a locker room read like some lightness and some fun to a place that's not very much fun his play style is Hulk ish what you talking about Domini you're talking with one of the greatest players at this position of all time that has come in and been able to run the middle run vertical and make plays like this since Coates this kid's done it in about three weeks let's say this is rookie haircut week yeah it's it's big as von Miller said he's almost like LeBron James in that his body type and skill set has never been seen before at his position against the body six foot seven and in turn his body had a terrific preseason 1969 [Applause] the league was on notice Gronk was not to be taken lightly scoring ten touchdowns and there's no receiver or tight in that has a bigger catch lately been one I don't think there was anybody at that position during the timeframe that was in the he was in the NFL that you could argue was he too close he dominated the tight end position Kowski second round pick out of Arizona has turned into a beast I've never seen its height in like walk wrong to be revolutionized opposition has a game to remember for the rest of his life tonight could we touch that in the second year Gronk became the most dominant weapon in the league but once you see it in person to your point you go holy crap not only is he one of the biggest guys in the field he's sneaky fast he's sneaky quick and he's extremely powerful Gronkowski we've talked about him this year he is become such the receiving threat down the field five six seven catches almost every game touchdown England you can block and he can make some brilliant catches and has really been the difference in this game they cannot match up with Rob Gronkowski solder again an eligible receiver 30 to his size and with his speed every hit is like a car accident he fell on his neck as a father just drives you crazy knowing that and it could be the last play could not run with him safeties could not tackle him and quarterbacks were like flies on windshield Rob Gronkowski is now two touchdown receptions away from setting a single-season record for tight ends the NFL record of 13 that's shared by the 49ers Vernon Davis Simmons also antonio gates we have a full-fledged park very plain tight end for the New England Patriots and the guy was an absolute monster [Applause] and then caring at the rookie of a big strong guy and I mean a really strong guy [ __ ] migrant Kalka [Music] catching an all-time tight end record 17 touchdowns in a single season Broncos and Patriots and a divisional round coming up here on CBS the one seat against the force under the bright lights of playoff football many a budding superstar had failed to blossom not drunk [Applause] lay it out for that one his domination continued in the playoffs by New England standards the Patriots had been experiencing something of a playoff winning drought it had been four years since they last won a playoff game and the proceeds it to the housekeeper tonight tying the playoff record for touchdowns in a game they ship they put them in motion [Applause] in the AFC title game Gronk was hobbled by injury oh man and you can see Rob Gronkowski that light ankle it's just been really indestructible this season Gronkowski he would get ankle surgery a week after the season ended a rare personality grunt was immediately embraced by the nation and balanc the perfect nickname he's a lot of things now lovable meathead party animal TV host a lot of things Kronk loves life and life loves Grande he's always bouncing around having fun yo soy fiesta yo shorty esta it's fair to say they expressed their displeasure that you were photographed with a porn star actress actress I'm sorry whatever his public persona is on the dance floor or at a party or whatever in the building there's no better teammate he works extremely hard in the ring with this monster to you why are you on the ground crews it's a sleeper crunk called a grokking so remember by Laci Noonan it might be tough because there's like way hotter chicks than me but I'm hoping I'm a little bit more freaky than them it's not so much that he had a plan or he worked his plan mainly because I think what crock is doing just rolling out of the rack every single morning and just being himself and people love him for it Bronk returned from injury picking right up where he left off the previous season believe that thing is I don't care what you see on film each batch to a person appears on film do we want to pull a linebacker on them babies a little too athletic for a linebacker [Applause] now do we want to put our best cover guy on oh man these our best corners guy he's gonna be overpowered by him I would argue he's one of the greatest mismatches in the history of football [Applause] how would you describe what Gronk brought to that offense over the years Rob Gronkowski's been a little busy these last couple of years the one of the rarest pieces in the NFL seeking out contact and delivering the punishment dois was incredibly coachable works hard prepares art wants to do it the way you want it done he absolutely is a coach's dream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah big you think Oh can't be that fast wrong the value of a good tight end is completely underrated cows it takes two Rams to bring up that out near the tent the value of an outstanding tight end is incredible because it changes everything that you do coverage why [Applause] wykowski five catches 156 yards his 11th touchdown of the season in a week 11 game against the Colts Gronk broke his forearm while blocking on an extra point attempt bankowski's going in but most notably tied in Rob Gronkowski who fractured his forearm walking on an extra point last Sunday is out he would miss five weeks before returning for the playoffs he re-injured the forearm in the first playoff game of the year only one put any lands on it he lands on the previously injured forearm the injury required three additional surgeries during the offseason simultaneously he would undergo surgery for a fracture in his back he'd been putting off and I don't care what any doctor tells me the more they open your body up the batter [Music] [Applause] now because of the injuries because he had a relatively short career you're not going to be able to measure career value and say his outweighs Tony Gonzalez's for exempt it didn't take him long to reassert his dominance Gronk was back [Applause] too big for most players to solo tackle he runs right through Reed Carolina Panther [Applause] this is just big-boy football here you can never enjoy a game when your sons are playing and first though cause of injuries and they just prayed a night before that no one ever gets hurt he watches their games with dread Firmin our worst fears about tight-end rob gronkowski bronc suffered a concussion a torn ACL and torn MCL on the same play well I think we need to start talking about how much longer he's gonna play I mean the guy's had four surgeries on his forearm he's already now had two back surgeries now he is a torn ACL and there's MCL damage as well the human body can only take so much there were now doubts as to whether he would ever return to form step one we get the kid on his feet pick Danny back he won't be done but he's gonna lose a step all that stuff do they always say when you get those injuries and he's not Adrian Peterson he's not gonna come back faster and stronger at some point you wonder when all this trauma is in the Kutch up to him and what even if he does come back whether that he'd be the same guy while I was recuperating from multiple off-season surgeries he's the most positive person I've ever been around coming back from a devastating knee injury he's attacking rehab every day when he returns to the game is unknown [Music] the much-anticipated return of grog croc with that left arm the bicep padded up he's gonna come back into the Huddle's get the knee brace he's getting when he's healthy against size speed combination quick out of his brakes off the play fake Brady [Music] [Applause] testing he immediately resumed his role as the best tight end in the league [Applause] against Chicago he had a career day embarrassing the Bears to the tune of nine catches 150 yards and three touchdowns [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we talked to him this weekend what'd he say man I'm healthy so happy to be healthy I'm living live life the way I want a little bit with a healthy Gronk the Patriots were poised to make a run at their first Super Bowl title in 11 years [Applause] electric boat what a candle fire house key unbelievable follow it did you catch that unbelievable live with Gronk what he's better than me at is is the blocking he's Iike block he's a big old guy barking is about desire it's hard it hurts it's not one that's Khalil Mack but he became an unbelievable force on the offensive line here he blocks of on Miller while also drawing coverage from Talib off the field and into the television truck and I think Rock you see him flapping his finger saying that guys been talking all game I just throw them into the NBC camera yes he was just you happen to be the whole time and that's why I took them and threw him out of the club grog had moments of stretches through his career where you just went like it doesn't seem fair [Applause] t seem like the Little League the 12 year old absolutely Clegg right it's like that guy's six three why is he in the Little League World Series he drove here Gronkowski 26 yards oh sorry for Bella jack tells them or dance coach all right I'm going to stick my tongue out and dance there you go Gronk dominated the postseason scoring in every game this is just another wrinkle they were ahead of the curve on dirt ahead [Applause] [Music] skee [Applause] New England and Seattle they would face the legion of boom in the Superbowl the most feared defense in over a decade there was no doubt at the snap of the ball where that one was going Gronkowski against KJ right a mismatch Gronk showed up in a big way on the big stage [Applause] [Applause] [Music] and the earthquake spiked ultimately the game would go down as one of the wildest Super Bowls in history hey [ __ ] 25 they pinched him 21 if you are about to die the hands of the children panels [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bronk was now a Super Bowl champion the patriot way meets the yo soy Fiesta way no source fiesta and it worked the Patriots were back atop the NFL I guess I should get back to work all right tacky even real too much no one had more yards after contact last season than been Rob Gronkowski his run after the catch abilities tremendous on big backer I'm coming Hulk we have a Hulk and hope mauling defenders smashing [Applause] running over guides running through guys running past guys Gilchrist it's not fair running around with those giant Hamburger Helper gloves that huge brace [Music] and I will kion the moment that he's to me forgotten to NFL history because the Pats lost the game the broncos had perhaps the best defense the league had seen since the 2000 ravens [Music] [Applause] they hit Tom Brady more in this one game then any QB was hit in any game the entire season Brady fields the snap from the eighties each other but when nothing worked and the Pats seemed powerless to move the ball Brady went to Gronk it's one of the greatest plays highest leverage plays I've ever seen love fourth down and ten 1 minute 34 seconds remaining where he goes down the middle of the field catches a 40-yard pass minute 34 left he kept the game's over if they don't convert that fourth and goal 17 seconds remaining with the game [Applause] those two plays are forgotten because they lost the football game but that was a game to go to the Super Bowl they were down 8 should renowned 7 they'd missed an extra point you hear about the details about Gronk's potential restructure comes as the highest-paid tight end in NFL history his most recent contract worth fifty four million dollars over six years the next season Bronk suffered a hamstring injury that kept him out of the first four weeks he has sized hands heart toughness technique he caught his 68th touchdown tying a Patriots team record in one more I got 69 touchdowns you know what I mean only you know what I mean baby [Applause] second and six for doing [Applause] rob gronkowski new patriot record touchdown number 69 69 deeds but the injuries continued to mount he punctured a lung on this hit against the Seahawks the only drawback when I was watching was career I was like man I don't know how long it's gonna last because you know big dream fall hard he returned in two weeks only to reinjure his back while diving for a catch the Patriots once again will have to finish their season without tight end Rob Gronkowski who had to undergo his third back surgery on Friday morning he would miss the remainder of the season then he had a torn ACL a broken arm a bad hamstring two more back surgeries thrown in well he's truly one the great his career cut short because of injury he had a longer vacation and that been a lot of the guys so I was so probably the most eager to get going it's not an easy guy to break down when you look at his size and his length his ability to put that free arm out give you a stiff arm like something out of an 80 slash or movie the Patriots refused to die long for New England deep drop three for Gronkowski he's got it touchdown Patriots oh right it's victim I think it's gonna be totally wild atmosphere and I think the Chiefs are gonna come out and I think they are gonna handle the page look at the just the AFC Championship game this year huge catch on third down to set up a game-winning touchdown he was at his best when the game mattered most third and tenth twenty two Edelman Jan 15 2015 - Gronkowski [Music] touchdown matrons and they're bound for Super Bowl 53 what a call so see we're going back baby and everybody's nothing you can do about it America's worst nightmares back we're going to a fourth Super Bowl in five years pack your bags star buses fussing on the strength of the braided Gronk connection the Patriots would return to the Super Bowl with another shot at the franchise's sixth rain wouldn't you know it in Bronx final game as a patriot he made the play that cemented a Super Bowl victory well perfect timing all week well all year we've been saying drunk is done drunk is done he might be done but on the biggest stage in the biggest moment he made the play the game that's a foxy [Applause] this is quacks last game in the NFL what a way to go out to catch Brady says it and it's a tornado strike you should have learned I should have learned we all should have we this is something that we'll probably never want to see again in our lifetime [Applause] cool as a cucumber there the dynasty continues drunk-ass three rings and I think that matters his biggest moment always came in the big games one of the all-time greats I think the argument is is Rob Gronkowski the best tight end of all time what an amazing career though nine years an athletic freak of nature utilizing his size to smash the opposition he plays with reckless abandon and the larger-than-life personality a once-in-a-lifetime player he had a great catch radius kind of as stiff as he is he could get balls on his shoelaces three Super Bowl rings first tied in and history with three straight seasons up double-digit touchdowns most yards per game by a tight end in NFL history Rob Gronkowski wrong nobody brings it home like a chill it's nobody make itself [Music]
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 1,726,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Spin, Truck, Juke, History, edit, diving, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film, stiff arm, smash, gronk, hulk, beastmode, carrying, dragging, defenders, dominate, draft, rookie, most, first, last, final, history, record, college, documentary, story, bucs, brady, ring, super bowl, playoff, clutch, truck, injury, brothers, training
Id: o9nuWN7-nIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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