Tony Romo: From the Small Town to the Big Stage | A Football Life

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I will 100% be that 70 year old grandpa telling the grandkids how underrated Tony Romo was. He was so good and I hate that he never had post season success.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChocolateMorsels πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a great watch! Romo is so genuine, and his enthusiasm and obsessiveness are contagious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zarmin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy crap did anyone else think that thumbnail was a memorial type of graphic like Romo died? Wtf man I freaked out for a second.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/istrx13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The announcer played football?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HumanShadow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

A good dude and good QB that half the fanbase wanted replaced every time a mistake was made. Its a shame those people didnt appreciate him then and its a shame some still dont now. Was he our best QB? No. Did he make mistakes? Yes. But he put it all on the line every time he went out there and played through all types of injuries and at least gave us a shot to be in nearly every game. Wish we couldve gotten him a ring but it wasnt meant to be.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chuck_Foolery πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Favorite athlete of all time. Can’t wait to watch this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Idontcare4808 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ConkersBadFury πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for making me love football even when we come up short Tony. Thank you for teaching me to enjoy the journey

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UrAveragePanda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hall of Fame for undrafted NFL players?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eastern_Town2961 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 19 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
coming up on the old high school football field so this is actually the high school we played our football games all the footballs we get hit art class right up there i'd look out in the middle of class looked down on the field just wondering you'd be like man one day if i ever got a chance to play on that field it's amazing how time just kind of goes and all of a sudden now the field looks small it was big at one point you're gonna be a football player when you grow up today is the best day of your life [Music] let's go right now i always felt like i never could throw the ball as well as i wanted to comparative to other people i wanted to be a natural thriller who could do it from different angles you could do it you know off your back foot sliding right shoulders facing this way without moving your feet still throw back to a crossing route and hit him on third and four i couldn't sleep there was this insatiable desire to figure this out i call it like a joyful obsession oh what a pretty pass easy touchdown [Applause] something that you really love you know but it's like you're obsessed with figuring it out and so when i say that i would throw football every day of the year 365 days a year probably two times in that day two different sessions probably 100 of those days [Music] and then at night into the couch just to feel it come off your fingertips over and over and when i found it the game got easier forget about the winning and losing that was what brought me joy was feeling the improvement [Music] beautiful wisconsin nature's wonderland [Music] in all my dreams i see [Music] before becoming the cowboys all-time leading passer tony romo's obsession took root in small town america in a place called burlington wisconsin oh tony yeah tory's everything here in burlington and the pine center well i grew up here and you know burlington's a small town it's you know there's probably 10 000 total people it's a tighter knit community because it is smaller the work ethic that he developed i think was a large part of it was because of the community that he grew up in antonio ramiro romo grew up in the heart of packer country with his two older sisters it is the type of town where generations can pass through the same household for tony visits to see his sister jocelyn mean a trip down memory lane what's up hey mom sports was really my whole life growing up i would play sports 24 7. you want to see dad's room yeah yeah yeah it was so big when i was little this is yeah my bed was right over here same way i remember when he was younger in the morning i'd find tablets next to his bed and there were plays on him no matter what sport he was playing we had posters we had michael jordan brett favre we had a bunch of uh you know other legends of the game he basically lived in the gym yeah we used to call them a gym rat we maybe we were buying them tennis shoes every month this is really where the first time i had an obsession of like something i loved every single day and it was it was basketball when i was a kid we hung a basket right up on the garage one year the driveway was actually gravel so that my parents were nice enough to make it cement one time it would be midnight and i think we could hear the basketball bouncing and we'd have to like you know the neighbors are trying to sleep and boy was he special because he just makes everybody better he had that knack of knowing where to pass when to pass who to pass to it was just so innate that he didn't have to teach it i loved it it was all the time i'd i'd come out here stay out until two in the morning mom let me [Music] football was more of a pastime for teenage tony not until some tough love from father romero did the multi-sport star take the game seriously you know it's going to be very very hard for you to play at the division one level in in basketball as good as you are you're just maybe two steps too slow you know and and a few inches too short my dad's always been very honest with me he's someone i look to for advice and everything just because he's you know he's smart and he's wise when he tells you something you know it's coming from the right place and you know when he told me about the possibility of making that choice you know i didn't really want to or even think about doing that at the time but i think he might have been right when i look back i don't know romo attended eastern illinois on a partial football scholarship but he did not play a snap freshman year and coaches suggested a position change to tight end and i told him i said no i understand where you're coming from coach but give me one more year and if you don't see improvement or if you don't think i'm better then we can talk about it again but give me one more chance and that really was the day that i switched in my brain really for the rest of my life from that day on i would argue for the next 10 years maybe 12 i threw a football every single day of my life and so when i came back in the spring game probably four months later i went like 19 for 21 with like two touchdowns and i went over to coach afterward and i was like do you mind if i stay at quarter right you're like i think you can stay at quarterback so bromo went on to win the walter payton award the equivalent of the heisman trophy for division one double a excitement was high for the 2003 nfl draft so draft day was interesting because we have a big party it's out back right here so we probably have i don't know 100 family and friends that come over welcome to the 68th annual nfl selection meeting commonly known as the draft all of a sudden bam third round ends we don't get drafted which is okay now we're into the sixth round we're in the middle dallas is calling people are calling all of a sudden the cheese dip is cold no one's no one's eating or talking anymore just to throw one other name into the mix division three mount union rob adamson all he did was win back to back national time tony romo eastern illinois too finally the sixth round ends and we're going to the seventh round and i just all right dad i'm out of here i'm walking down the street on the 262nd pick and the last pick in this draft the oakland raiders pick ryan hogue and then uh you don't get drafted hey i felt like i let everybody down you feel like you're just not very good and then you feel humiliated because it's in front of everyone that's coming here to support you then in the next hour it's like where are you going many teams called but romo's final decision was between the broncos and the cowboys with denver offering ten thousand more to sign behind the scenes sean payton's like we don't need to go any higher i mean jerry's like we'll give him 20. what's the big deal and sean's like no i got him i got him we'll keep him at 10 i i already can tell i'd still tell him to stay he owes me 10 000 he took the least amount of money for the best reason because he had a great chance of making that team i looked at the roster i thought dallas gave me the best chance to make it they had a coach i wanted to learn from it was bill parcells who was there now come on kid you got the ability to do it take it with you i think he was smart enough to see the opportunity and i always tease him ask him how it worked out that decision so i think it worked out pretty good for him you know i like to think i'm a you know small town guy who grew up went to a small school came here and now he's lucky enough to play a game that he loves as an undrafted third stringer tony romo was a long shot to become the star quarterback dallas had been searching for since troy aikman suddenly retired tony where is that role model that first year if we just put him in there it would have been worse than bad he was athletic he did have a quick delivery we just tried to help him with his throwing his accuracy his decisions okay sit sit sit throw it tony tony set your feet set your feet and throw it i don't like that what's this come on let's go the good lord just blessed me with the ability to process you know spatial awareness things of that nature quickly so when i got to the nfl that wasn't that fast it was almost i was like feels the same speed to my brain now the difference is i'd see the guy in throat before he was open because i could see it but i throw it in the dirt the problem was i was so bad at throwing a football and just the mechanics and the knowledge of the game at that point huh you're gonna get killed huh they'd be licking their chops you'd be like liver wished on rye huh a little pepperoni they said oh we got a little pepperoni back here we can have for lunch oh i'm not gonna tell you again i'm not gonna tell you again for over three seasons romo sat he didn't throw a single pass in a game those three three and a half years felt like 20. get it out of there that's a sack i never even got like a rep and so i mean it just felt like you were destined to never get an opportunity come on romo you should have known pre-snap what to do there david lee worked with me every day and throwing the football day and night okay you know i'd be like i get 20 footballs just so i can throw into my couch at home i just started to get immersed in it at that time and then when they all started to come together i improved quickly by 2006 romo turned the corner second and eight come on kid tony will you run your team god darn it come on kid come on tony throw it throw it throw it that boy you got it got a boy tony that's a good throw tony and i think bill must have seen something that he liked um because it was a unique decision that he made that he's gonna start tony in that first preseason game and just allow him to have that opportunity to play with the starters i'm gonna play him a lot saturday night i might start him and let him go i mean he's studying his brains off no i know that's good he better study his brains off this is it three years come on he's not tony romo is going to start at quarterback bledsoe's going to get the night off so that tony romo can play a lot the seattle game in 06 in the preseason was probably still to this day i would argue might have been the most important game i've ever played in just individually you know right then that this is basically an evaluation to see whether or not you can be the starter and be the guy if you're the first round pick or you're a guy in the first few rounds you're getting multiple opportunities you get years when you're free agent you really only get one shot that was my chance and i knew that at the time so when i went in that game i wasn't going to be timid [Music] romo has completed his last sixth in a row 12 in a row for tony romo i'm throwing like 18-yard you know back shoulder on the sideline right before i'm getting hit and we're moving the chains i'm like i haven't thrown that in my entire career but this ball's coming out and it's coming out fast goes deep in the end zone touchdown dallas what a heck of a throw by tony romo offensively there's only one thing you're going to watch and that was tony romo and i think he certainly passed the test he did a real good job that's when i knew he's going to get a chance to play in the league the preseason performance began a buzz for the backup in dallas romo showed similar poise when discussing his next contract three weeks later in the fourth pre-season game before the game you go out and you warm up for an hour and i come in and all of a sudden one of the coaches says hey uh coach parcells wants to see you in the coaches office and so i'm like okay that's different bill and i got him in a little room like a closet almost and jerry's like jody come on sit on right here bill's sitting there with a little bit of a scowl on his face put this chair and wrote him about sit down to kind of pull the chair in so now it's like all three of our knees are touching right next to each other and i had both my feet kind of on his toes and bill was sitting there almost a half an inch from his ear it's about the most intimidated i've ever been in any sort of a setting in your life so we were squeezing them a little bit to to sign the deal bill says you know i can't play today i can't play today i mean you just you're we're not gonna we're not gonna showcase you for the rest of the league you out there you play well and you know you're a free agent this year and you're gonna go play somewhere else i'm i'm not gonna let you play to that unless you're gonna sign this contract that we offered you he was so composed he was so good and he looked me in the eye and he said i'm going to get to play when you've got an investment in me the one you've proposed doesn't really make the kind of investment in me that i think will get on the field i need to get on the field and so jerry looks over at bill and they look at each other and they're like okay i think we're gonna do the contract that you want and i was like okay i shook his hand and said that's done he walked out of that door and bill jumps up and grabs me and said we've got us a quarterback said man did you see that composure under this kind of pressure bromo earned the contract he wanted but entering the 2006 season he was still drew bledsoe's backup his only full-time job was holding on place kicks midway through the year on monday night football his long-awaited chance arrived drew bledsoe that last interception is one that just can't happen and i think tony romo is about to replace drew bledsoe at quarterback i remember like it was yesterday we're kind of making halftime adjustments and bill just walks in and he tells the quarterback coach hey won't you go tell him bletz was down romo's in and i think all of us were surprised certainly tony and drew were i don't know that i've ever been more nervous your brain at the moment is just this is happening this is like what you your whole life every day that you do something for for this the first play i walk in and we're going to call a safe bootleg play action bootleg to the right throwing on the run ball tipped into the air bug was flying in the air and i'm like no [Music] pass is intercepted tony romo comes in one pass one interception i went out there was like a chicken with its head cut off i mean just throw hit boom throw aggressive everything throwing be all intercepted at the three romo's first meaningful nfl game was a disaster he finished with three interceptions and three touchdowns but one was to the giants it's an interception return 97 yards welcome to the nfl tony romo terrible showing tonight terrible after three and a half years on the bench tony romo earned the starting job in week eight of 2006. he led dallas to wins in five of his first six starts on thanksgiving he tied the cowboys record for touchdown passes in a game as fans playfully enshrined him five touchdown passes for hall-of-famer tony romo going on what's going on um just got it yesterday did you see your name in the ring you know that's something you aspire to one day definitely and you know i could play another 15 years maybe five touchdown passes over well i know but you know a couple of them were i could have thrown those two we've got a ways to go here so put the anointing oil away okay bill parcells tried squashing bromomania but it couldn't be stopped within an instant your life changed it was almost like a disney sports themed movie the guy comes out of nowhere and just takes the whole city and then the country by storm and it's romo mania and there's signs in the stadium it just was something that i don't know that we've ever seen happen here in dallas i was driving home from work one night and there was one of those billboards those digital billboards and there's my brother on this billboard and i was like oh my gosh that was probably the time where you really stopped being the wisconsin kid and now you were the dallas cowboy i know i got better looking in the eyes of the opposite sex so that part of it helped my favorite sign i've seen today so far is tony's better looking than eli there's a lot of girls holding it up after leading his team to first place the former no-name free agent third stringer suddenly became the world's most eligible bachelor carrie underwood performed here at halftime thanksgiving day met tony romo they've been talking by phone the thing about romo as much fun as it's been for the fans it's been like twice as much fun for him watch out little playboy don't hurt yourself but here's jessica wearing a dallas cowboys jersey with a pink number nine off during that time you just feel like wow girls like me it's a positive i guess and then you eventually just grow out of that in just 10 starts romo was named to the pro bowl as he led dallas to a playoff berth in his first ever playoff start the cowboys trailed by one late in the game then romo started driving romo is going to throw to the end zone near the one yard line i remember on that drive it's like you know you grew up in wanting to be the guy who takes your team down and scores i mean it's a playoff driving one of the best drives in my career the only task left for romo was to hold the ball for a short go-ahead field goal so it's 19 yards for the lead the ball will be spotted by romo at the 9. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ball was slippery blah blah blah they used a new ball you know still gotta put it down the crazy thing is i thought i almost made it to the end zone i feel the guy coming in front of me and i'm trying to get the angle to get across and really just get the first down but another guy was behind me [Music] i take responsibility for messing up at the end there and that's my fault you know i cost the dallas cowboys a playoff win i don't know that i've ever felt this low you know at any point so i don't know it's um the fans took that tough but i think they believed that the future was going to be tony romo he wasn't there to hold on snaps and he never held on snaps again he was there to throw the football and win games and i think they felt that with tony romo was a quarterback this team is going to win a super bowl well we got high hopes entering 2007 with sky high expectations romo delivered he led dallas to 13 wins and was named to a second straight pro bowl romo set new team records for passing yards and touchdowns in a season romo made that play on his own his gun slinging and daring escapes fueled one of the most exciting regular seasons in cowboy's history runs it down at the 25 and kicks it picks it up and runs left at the 20 romo trying to make something happen gets away from one man left to [Applause] dallas looked destined for the super bowl earning the top seed for the postseason romo decided to take jessica simpson and a couple teammates on vacation during their off weekend before the game tony came to me earlier in the week in the bye hey let's get some friends of ours let's get away low-key i mean we weren't on booze cruz is going across cabo but it took a lifetime when people found out obviously for a second straight season the cowboys super bowl hopes were dashed without a playoff win an interception with nine seconds left is going to end the dallas cowboys season that's a tough loss stick just because i feel like that was our best team this is a disappointment of absolutely colossal proportions and the playoff drought will continue the first team under that current playoff format as the number one seed to lose their first game most of the blame fell on the quarterback especially because of cabo the worst thing he ever did was not bobbling the snap against seattle the worst thing he ever did seriously was taking that trip to cabo look if you win that game cabo was the best thing that ever happened it was an honest mistake by us we certainly shouldn't have done it i don't think it had any bearing on the game you know i mean it's just the optics of it you know was wrong and i think it's silly when you look back like why would you do that but you know at the time you just don't know any better it's just living you learn what tony does such a good job with the boys is um he's a really good teacher he comes up with really creative ways to teach the kids oh drop back drop back you're throwing me drop back tap tap tap tap yeah good throw he taught hawk our six-year-old how to play chess what should i do then well when you get pinned what do you do put pressure but i think this is a better person right it's the only pressure you got good job buddy teaching is the culmination of decades of joyful obsession but competitiveness is what drives tony romo like using an obscure chess maneuver to best his six-year-old son you know what i'm going to do though a thing called end passant remember when you move up too hey did you move past my pawn yeah it's called imposant only when you're in that position it's a rare one believe me i'm not gonna hold you accountable you're six nowhere was tony romo more competitive than on the field [Music] he hated to give up on a play [Applause] escapes one he heaves it down to the post to williams and he cut it he fought hardest when the game was on the line the undrafted long shot has the most fourth quarter comebacks in cowboys history [Music] for all intensive purposes this season four to snap in the gun fourth and ten rommel back looking to his right looking looking looking looking [Music] with 18 seconds left [Applause] but romo was over two in the postseason in the 2009 wild card round versus the eagles he answered his biggest criticism for the first touchdown of the game [Applause] they've blitzed he's handled it they set three he's handled it tony romo he's been pretty darn good today winning that playoff game was great because it changed everyone's minds at that time the playoff drought is over the cowboys win 34 34-14 but then it just goes right back to next year 54. unfortunately the next season took a vastly different turn in front of thomas tony romo's flat on his back and he was blasted and he's down and hurt right now did we catch the pass yes yes the first down yes i sold it the last one yeah did it come out i don't know what you are lying around what you are lying around 29. look out tony romo was asking his way back in hang on wait a minute we're going to get you checked out here a broken clavicle ended romo's 2010 season the following year he showed just how much pain he could endure against the 49ers i go in at halftime and they take a x-ray and i got broken ribs you know they don't know anything about a punctured long and that but they think there might be a possibility based on whatever and they're like uh yeah we can't let you go back all of a sudden we get behind now we're behind by like 10. john has taken over at quarterback all right doc i'm out and he's like huh and i just grabbed my pads and take off running right off the tunnel the doctor's still 200 yards behind me i threw a fourth down pass to whitten justin smith comes off the edge and it just is like a piercing kind of feeling watching the back side up here boom he gets a late hit before those ribs have got to hurt the end of that game i remember we're in overtime and coach calls the comebacks and i said no no i tell jesse i'm like hey we're going to run poker here and in my brain i'm thinking i know it's going to work because the coverage and what i get and i'm thinking if we can end this game in one more play i want this game to be over [Applause] [Music] to me that was the game that as much as any other uh personified what he was all about because it was that competitive spirit that mental and physical toughness and then the ability to make the critical plays of the critical moments snap good kick up good cowboys win it's one of the prouder moments because i remember after the game everyone's like yeah you know what i'm like don't even come close to me don't hug me don't touch me let's meet the team we're supposed to be right here let's go win the game in this drive you're all good enough to do it now it's time to go do it it's our time boys right now you ready let's do this in 2014 tony romo led the second most prolific offense in cowboys history he became the franchise all-time leading passer as dallas went 12-4 to win the division [Music] wow you know i felt like i had figured out how to play the position at what i felt like was my best the cowboys looked equipped for a super bowl run first they'd have to win at home in the wild card round that was the most pressure i've ever felt going into a game just like in the 2006 and 7 playoffs their super bowl hopes hinged on a final drive down three they faced a fourth and six oh they're gonna they can't go for it they can't it felt like a narrative of your career is what it felt like it's like oh seven i get a second chance and i was a little different player in 14 than i was in 07. fourth and six romo cox and throws it over the middle what a brilliant call it is third goal at the eight four-man rush they pick it up roma looking around nowhere to go i remember being like oh they were ready for this play they'd seen it on tape so at that point there's a calmness that you have to go through and i just turn and fire that ball about as hard as i could at that moment [Applause] when he caught that pass it was pure joy [Music] felt like the culmination of a lot of years right there just you go down you want to play off game and your last drive and it felt good felt really good [Music] it was like he was going home to win in front of his family and his loved ones that sometimes can't always travel to dallas so it held such special meaning for us it felt like the stars were aligning once again the cowboys faced a fourth down on the final drive needing a touchdown to take a late lead 26-21 at the green bay 32 with under five minutes of the game blitz is coming he throws a deep ball to the left [Applause] oh my goodness we'd worked long and hard on that pass put it there he went up and made one of the great catches that you'll ever see in a playoff game a sensational catch my goodness by dennis bryant over sam shields unbelievable i mean we all just lost it yeah we thought we'd won the game really because you're down to the one-yard line with our offensive line we're going to score a touchdown they have thrown the challenge flag what are they challenging i think they're challenging the catch should be that's the pitch [Applause] after review it has been determined that the receiver did not maintain possession of the football you know nowadays it's a catch but at that time i ruled it wasn't that would have been the best throw of my career the biggest play of my career it was just devastating because you feel that like this isn't it [Music] you feel for your husband you're just so sad for um for them because you know how hard it is to get there first of all and then you know how devastated they're gonna feel it's like a pc it just gets ripped apart that day and that's that's what professional sports does and that's what makes it difficult but also amazing at the same time you don't just get over something like that you feel like the clock is ticking and there's another year without a super bowl and every year that passes where there's no ring and there's no super bowl you feel it he feels it in his heart did you ever change up your grip before i did about four years ago five years ago and helped to work to work i was more this this way now which i'm still not even the exact same you are it's all a puzzle just figuring out the techniques or the things that matter to be more successful than not because people just get into a routine and they do the same things over and over it's like there's always a way to keep improving hey and the kick too the kick gives you that extra half second yeah and he don't over stride it came out harder you worked your whole career to figure this out because what it made football so much easier and i found it in like 2013 about midway through the year i remember the bronco game i'd figured out how to actually throw off different platforms to different angles and still hit the same spot as if my footwork was exactly the same romo's 25 a 35 for 506. the second five touchdown game of his career i granted i only got to play in like 18 more games or 20 games after that unfortunately for roma the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak a collarbone injury ended his 2015 season in 2016 he suffered a back injury in the pre-season grabbed his back he got bent in half and tony romo is hurt the door was open for fourth round pick dak prescott and prescott ran with the opportunity [Music] [Applause] the cowboys were 8-1 by the time romo healed and the franchise's leading passer could see the writing on the wall [Music] really i just came up here to talk to you guys uh i wrote something i put it together that i really just wanted to read you see football is a meritocracy you aren't handed anything come on romo you should have known pre-snap what to do there you earn everything every single day over and over again you have to prove it it's a division championship it's a total domination a great example of this is dak prescott he's earned the right to be our quarterback it's not always easy to watch i think anybody who's been in this position understands that what is clear is that i was that kid once i remember the feeling like it was yesterday romo scrambling stops points touchdown it really is an incredible time in your life and if i remember one thing from back then it's the people that helped me along when i was young you're the best if i can do that to dac you know i've tried to be and i will be going forward that's what you remember not your stats or your prestige but the relationships and the achievement that you created through group [Music] lastly i just want to leave you with something i've learned in this process as well i feel like we all have two battles one with the man across from you the second is with the man inside of you i think once you control the one inside of you the one across from you really doesn't matter i think that's we're all trying to do thank you guys appreciate it it was the most perfect speech i've ever heard and i i think that's why it was so hard because you know you're kind of saying goodbye but i've never been more proud to be associated with somebody in my life at season's end the undrafted kid from burlington retired a cowboys legend we have a ring of honor i don't think of anybody that could be more deserving than someone that's made a huge contribution to this franchise than tony roma so you're saying tony romo is going to be in the ring yes i am little did romo know that a chance meeting in 2016 would decide his next career the first time i really had a chance to talk with tony was that the nfl party at the super bowl in phoenix arizona and i just happened to ask him tell me what you think about the game on sunday and he proceeded to break down the defense of the seattle seahawks the offense of the patriots how the seahawks could stop the patriots and i walked away from that conversation i said that man is going to be a lead analyst for some network one day i hope it can be on cbs welcome to jacksonville what a scene what a day it is hot i mean it is scorching hot here in jacksonville for the afc championship game rematch hello friends jim dance along with tony romo tracy wolfson there's a lot of intensity and excitement in the air as this one's about to get started i'm excited we got to rematch the afc title game and they're both really good again romo attacked broadcasting like any of his endeavors with joyful obsession he has like a sixth sense what's going to happen on a play it's like a chess table's in front of him he sees where all the pieces are and he knows what the next move has to be it's a 34. it's up for the fade inside the 16. here's the pass to the end zone and it is 16. he did a great job and you could tell right off the bat too he was immersed in it and he prepared like crazy he worked on being great and he was the magnetism that enthusiasm he has that came naturally they got him off sides down the field he's open and wide open allison cuts back he's got jones in front of him he gets past him and he's down to the six tony romo the color analyst quickly became a sensation i couldn't believe the reaction was so positive i was like oh my gosh this is so cool we're not used to this i think the reason we all enjoyed watching him is because he kept us on the edge of our seats so if you want to tell a story i want to get you excited about it i want you to hear the passion in my voice so that you understand how important this is and this is you got to hear this part of it the fact that i could get you interested it's enjoyable [Music] i don't know guys what's harder raising you guys and making sure you're behaving or playing football playing football why is that harder behaving some people like how do you feel you didn't you didn't have a super bowl you didn't have this or you didn't i'm like are you kidding like you think i had it bad or rough i'm the luckiest guy who's ever walked that's how i feel i wake up in the morning just being like thank you i have more gratitude toward my career and life probably than people realize i worked hard right but there was so much other stuff that came into play for that all to happen and to have this beautiful family these three boys and beautiful wife i just can't imagine there being a better word than gratitude toward what the lord's given me and allowed me to do in this life content with his career and life there's still the question of what brings joy to the obsessive tony romo i mean it's funny because i switched these differing times it used to be just singularly focused on this one thing and now it's like that family [Music] jacksonville plays like a new england right and then you go into golf for me now tony romo is the winner of the 29th american century championship that's basically my daily mind ritual i guess you could say is just constantly going through these things which is great [Music]
Channel: NFL Films
Views: 1,064,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Football, NFL Films, American Football
Id: 25CRk33DwMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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