Kobe Bryant - The Black Mamba (RIP - The Complete Career Documentary)

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Thanks for the link. Brought back so many memories.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/hypeadddict 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’ve watched this a number of times. Probably one of the greatest documentaries I’ve seen.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/IMissKobeSoSoMuch 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
but to be successful you have to be able to persevere so people see your success now but you had to overcome some obstacles it's tough to be in another country learning multiple languages what a silly file for many years in italy so that's where kobe picked up the beautiful italian so our parents just immersed us in italian culture tourists surrounded by italian kids we were just learning the language as they were for me growing up in isolation turned out to be a great strength it also turned out to be a weakness too and things that i kind of had to navigate through as my career went on oh yeah this guy grew up in italy and then he got dropped back in america so now to move back the age of 13 in middle school being completely different i had a hard time reading that hard time kind of getting adjusted to the culture what i remember would be him coming in as a kid and tremendous expectation [Applause] but i was reading all this stuff about his high school coach saying they would they would get there and he would be shooting baskets in the dark they hadn't even turned the lights on yet when did you know no one is going to outwork you i never looked at it as work i didn't realize it was working till my first year at nba the aces of lower marion featuring the best player in high school basketball in 1995 kobe bryant because people want to assume that because someone has physical attributes they don't have mental attributes they always want to say that talk about he speaks fluent italian there he is mr bright flying jamming high risers on his college boards good enough to get in any school uncommon amongst uncommon people exception among the exceptional taking tv and recording star brandy to his prom that's the kobe bryant killing people right there 18 year old kool-aid small fresh out of high school bold headed kobe the best player in the nation for anybody in high school he has been one of the most followed high school athletes in this state all winter long we'll be brian who is going to go the distance up and slams at home james at home and that got him up out of the seats and some high fives hey kobe that you're the one player here who's thinking seriously of making the transition right from the high school ranks to the professional ranks how serious is that part of your decision well it's definitely a possibility i think i'd be foolish i can look into that so mention sports illustrated you say i'll go to college but if i don't think i can get better in college i'm just going to skip it that's just what i was going to ask her maybe it was a property what's it going to be college or the nba oh no i haven't made up my mind yet [Music] [Applause] 1996 state champs and that ends a 53-year drought and kobe bryant showed his true medal show what he could do and there's the young man that has been so ballyhooed and has packed this arena tonight i saw a great poignant moment father jellybean joe bryant son kobe embracing [Music] decided to take my talent to uh no i have decided to skip college and take my talent to the nba what people don't know about that is i i had a bet with my classmates and whether or not i would do that or not like the pause so it's an opportunity of a lifetime i feel it's time for me to go out and seize it while i'm still you know we're just hating when a 17 year old kid is our high school superhero a star or star-struck people don't want to babysit 18-19 year-old kids he can go get a shot for himself anytime he wants and the nda even in the nba he'll be able to create shots yes he will yes he will at the age of 18 i knew that i was not going to be stopped this was my life with the 13th pick in the 1996 nba draft the charlotte hornets select kobe bryant from lower marion high school in pennsylvania a coming out party for the high school kid jerry west told me today that greatness lies ahead for this young man thought he was going to be absolutely fantastic kobe bryant he was acquired from the charlotte hornets in the exchange for friday's device everybody remembers that trade you remember what you told me one day before when i first met you you said you were going to be the greatest player of all time and he buries the three for his first nba points first time that he hadn't been a starter on his team and the first time he hadn't been the best player and the first time the coach had kind of had to criticize him there were times i'd take the bench for seven straight games and then play the last 20 seconds of the game for a year and a half i knew i could play with these guys i i wasn't getting the opportunity to show a guy by the name of dale harris was a former coach of the los angeles lakers dale harris is a good man but he lost his way with colby daryl harris wouldn't allow him to make fancy moves in practice if he made a spectacular move dale wouldn't even count the best showboat played a good game for his first game i really look forward to going out how do you undergrad showboat right because shaq is like i'm superman batman i'm the big brother you the little brother kobe wasn't trying to be anybody's little brother remember when he first come in he said he wanted to be better than michael jordan a little bit like michael he was just special another thing you told me as an 18 year old would be better than mike so i knew it definitely drove you was different from everyone else yeah he had an aura about him that i've never seen an 18 year old the oral was common either this kid's really cocky or he believes in him [Music] and to accomplish all that coming from high school not going to college i think was great that got the fans out of their seats looks like he was thrown at the hollywood park next door out of the game standing ovation from some of the fans that are left here and that's for kobe kobe's play he played really well jake earned a lot more minutes than he's been getting the youngest player in the competition from the los angeles lakers kobe bryant he's unstoppable and uh i'll label him the next michael jordan 18 and a half years old third [Music] kobe bryant michael finley and carl the way he worked at his skill level to become one of the most amazing scorers one of the most amazing offensive players that we've ever seen so our winner is kobe bryant [Applause] young rookies straight from high school eight seconds left ryan's right above wrestle five seconds left four brian drives pulled up because that air ball game where kobe shot those air balls against utah fake stock away cross court left open drive kobe should not have been in the game dale harris put him in the game specifically to teach him a lesson because he got tired of the front court jazz stockton all over nine [Applause] [Music] true you know why if somebody would have shot an air ball in our team and had shot a second one they were gonna shoot a third one he was fearless i think that's one of the things that spurred him to greatness he wouldn't allow himself to fail you have to take good with the bad you're the captain of the ship you go down with the ship thanks a mod well there's a player in the game today that's been compared more than anybody else to michael jordan that's kobe bryant of the lakers like what happened is when i came luigi and i wanted to take one shooting at hitting with michael jordan in his face i called kobe and he was like so what was it like what's going against jordan i was like man this is that black cat we tried this we tried that but you know what we better get ready for the carol mill cat we got a little show going on here between number 23 and number eight before the black mama before the black mama his nickname was the caramel cap pulled away by kobe bryant that's the future and even michael jordan will tell you that kobe bryant has the future of the nba you're looking at the present and the future all i heard was you know they called them black panther they called like jesus and awesome stuff so i want to see wow little advice from the master but what happened is that we wound up he wound up becoming a big brother he's learned a lot in the short amount of time he's been in the league and believe me he's going to continue to learn he was the closest thing to michael jordan that we saw wow i tell you that was he's impressive you know michael jordan is impressed with that kobe bryant has sent a message that he is the future i can pinpoint things before they actually happen last year i would go through games where everything was like it's like a blur [Music] i could see things a lot more than i could last year [Music] brian's minutes are up his scoring is up and he's upgraded his defense now the 19 year old veteran is making the types of impression that van gogh and monet would be proud of he's the league's leading scorer off the bench and much more one inch taller thanks to mom nature and 10 pounds thicker after frequent trips to the weight room in the off season i think that's what the fans came to see and you talk about elevation you had mr brute force and shaq and you have that aerial artistry of the younger kobe back [Applause] he thought that he was going to be greater than mj-1 when you talk about the bridging of the two generations between michael jordan and then to kobe bryant players today talk about kobe bryant being their michael jordan he not lebron is the closest player to stylistically michael jordan cowboy kobe price odom gets it ahead of ryan by himself you have those extreme winners that literally to the exclusion of everything else including their family including you know other people focused on just one thing yeah nobody works harder that's why they're and they they love to win in an almost psychotic way that's one of the reasons why shaq as he would say tried to slap him is because he was so cocky about what his intentions were you guys had a fight several weeks ago did he connect on the punch he threw no no i was swift this is a team that is talented it's young it's on the verge i just had a chance to meet kobe bryant he's dedicated he's competitive he reminds me a lot of michael jordan and uh there's not too many players that have ever done that in this game who's the best player you ever played with hobie number eight definitely kobe probably just different works hard you know again getting to the gym at about five working on his jab steps have things make sure everything's perfect and uh that's kobe kobe in his career had 40 game-winning mix they're going to take it off the jungle this is it now game's on the line you're down one and kobe bryant at the point kobe bryant pulls up for the shot six to go giving the lakers 2.6 seconds remaining where do you expect this team to be in the postseason we're going to the finals the series is tied to three games a piece this afternoon it's put up or shut up yet they have lost three times this year once in the regular season and twice in this series to the trailblazers on their home floor the greatest duo to me shaq and colby those were co stars they needed each other to be as great as they were well the first thing that the lakers have to realize is they've got 12 minutes to play with only a 13-point game not anymore steve smith hits on the run and it's 15. i don't think you go to the hacker [Applause] [Applause] emphatically [Applause] now kobe but i think now both of them look back fondly and miss a little bit of what they did have three times [Applause] shaquille o'neal makes it a six point difference with 41 at 3 10 seconds left tonight game one the indiana pacers versus the los angeles lakers now kobe has been sensational throughout the playoffs but more importantly first team all defense now he's going to be playing four different pacers but everybody's going to be waiting for that glamour matchup kobe versus reggie here is kobe exploding he is without question one of the ten best players in the history of the league bryant cuts it to three doesn't take him long to get into the lane and hangs in the air they really appreciated that competitive fire and it was that ability to sort of let it rip if anybody said you're too selfish you took too many shots like he's like well i think i'm the best option misses shaw grabs the rebound that's a loose ball foul on shaq that'll be number six what a big play that's it goes down all of a sudden you step up these are the kind of moments that you look for are they three years later in the nba finals that same move that i was showing him in my step back he hit in game three after shaq fouled out [Applause] it's the jumper and it sort of gives it you know take your time everything's cool i'm not going to let us lose this as he's running down the court pass me on the button says you never should have been dead [Applause] free throws followed by kobe bryant hobie just literally takes the whole game and just puts it on the shoulder how good is this kid [Applause] 21 years you said you've always dreamed to win a championship is it what you dreamed of or is everything or more i mean you have to the regular colors falling from the ceiling the fans going crazy and i look back at jack and kobe and they were co-stars who in the end they needed each other stephen hey i only got one if i didn't have you i would probably you know warm my body up just trying to get ready just try to get it back again instead of basically getting surgery shaq opted to say basically don't do that then come back and complain about not getting involved [Music] everything went through the outcome was good with the big dog and me in the house won't get guarded shaq comes in he's out of shape [Music] listen i got beat up i got hacker shack i was tired man i just put a little work i'm blowing home i'm swimming under jerome my ass in the gym 10 hours a day loves it [Music] so much athletic ability is freezing out of it colby wasn't particularly fond of being shaq's team thanks captain obvious people wanted me to just kind of level off my play just do the same thing i did last year and i'm not gonna do that and i'll work too hard and i improve as a basketball player every day and i want to show that improvement he'd be there an hour two hours before everybody that he would show up at these practices and he was fully sweated out like he just done three hours of working out before anybody did anything i did your conditioning and after 800 shots now i go to practice that's 800 after and then you watch shaq and he's the opposite and yet you guys are aligned anyway there's people like that man and you can hate on them you don't want to note this crazy kobe bryant [ __ ] getting up at four in the morning you know doing dead lifts like [ __ ] i want to sleep [Music] kobe has the same mindset and mentality but mj had the assassin i'm to rip your throat out with my scoring he never took a play off and he played hard on both sides of the court he didn't take rest on defense many people confused that he wants to beat you scoring his preparation to win is as good as anybody ever a lot of talking going on there right now i think you're going to see the referee step in and separate the two players kobe will do whatever you ask him to do to win whether it be play defense he just wants to win i'm not denying the genius of michael jordan i'm saying kobe bean bryant in my estimation holy brian was the greatest basketball player wow mark what what hustle [Applause] kobe i'll say it again jack and kobe this man played with the broken finger and won a championship had to rotate the ball off of the broken finger the celebration has begun on the laker back and the los angeles lakers will make it a second straight nba crowd he finished with a 15-1 it's an actual discussion you can have now well i said it a year and a half ago no way in the world would i ever put anybody in the conversation with michael jordan but kobe bryant is there and now no one's asking the question is he the next michael jordan the question's been answered he's it and beautiful thing is that they're just getting started don't get another one next year again back to back that's how you have to be if you want to be a winner there's just no way around it you know swish paula that's why i get the money holla look at my mansion with shaquille o'neal i don't think that was handled well we're all waking up every day trying to be you know above average or something and this guy was waking up every day wanting to be the greatest basketball player to ever touch the earth complicated shots shooting over taller opponents footwork with extraordinary grace the elan vital of the athletic ballad dream [Music] jack left side to ori looking for kobe to get some space against george lynch two seconds one second kobe [Applause] the rest of the league lying down saying okay lakers you have it because everybody out here says the lakers are by far the best team nobody can beat him i think there has been nobody better than kobe bryant i think with the kind of will to win tied at 103. now you normally wouldn't be concerned about but he's hit two in a row so you better be conscious of where that veteran is and kobe's hands hate to go bryan's had an unbelievable quarterback [Applause] he was the most dominating offensive force [Applause] [Music] [Applause] players nowadays dominate the boxes and elbows you and mj are two of the best at doing that we mentioned he gained 15 pounds of muscle right kobe is the second greatest shooting guard of all time [Applause] you never know what's going to happen he's oh why did i just see here we go the ball comes in colby's got it above the three-point line taking a little bit of time too much is always going to be kobe bryant's gift and his curse there were times it drove both his friends and his teammates away to brian [Applause] we never really had problems at all i'm the big brother he's a little brother i want him to be the best player in the world you can have a combative relationship win championships and the lakers this was their third consecutive finals appearance kobe starts on the defensive end if michael jordan is the original kobe bryant here's the remix baby [Applause] the most dominating impressive imposing force on the court the scary [Music] and by 23 he had helped lead the lakers to three straight championships i knew it was bad when kobe got trouble this is a wrap for us he's one of the most wholesome dudes we had lakers all-star kobe bryant arrested by eagle county colorado sheriffs ryan applied with an arrest warrant turned himself in friday july 4th will have to answer charges of felony sexual assault you know they try to have to go through something like that you know with uh not only individually but you know as a family and then you know for the organization my teammates i didn't force her to do anything against her will [Music] bryant fell back to earth and the landing has jolted a nation what if we brought together four players who averaged 20 points per game the season before and put them on the same team you talked about shaquille o'neal well you basically said that he was fat and out of shape i knew i knew the fire that i lit i knew what i said and you knew what he said because i had you i was able to just chill out of myself yeah see that's what that's what pissed me off that that was it right there that was yeah and i always told shaq that you know even in practice i used to told me you gotta do ready did you like hearing me probably not kobe himself was required to constantly fly in and out of colorado so this definitely affected kobe's performance on certain nights i felt like there's so many things coming at once it was just becoming very very confusing i had to organize things so i created the black marble mamba as he's known as the killer black snake has the killer look in his eyes [Music] kobe kept it together thank god he he held his game together because if he was cracking under pressure and getting like six points a game the whole l.a would have been like that [Music] guilty i may have ruined my life i may have i may never come back from this but the one thing i can control right now is what i do in basketball the public is still giving kobe the benefit of the doubt he's one of the few black celebrities that get there not because he's a celebrity more because you know the girls showed up with eight different scenes to the investigation you can't do that the crowd's yelling stuff you heard it and you almost had to create this alternative character kobe has to deal with these issues the black mamba steps on court and does what he does it's [Applause] the black member follows a trail of aerial clues potent venom floods the system killing it swiftly another three is good one away from tying the franchise records [Applause] if you're watching somewhere your record is in big time jeopardy he's got 10. this dude came out and was kicking our butt this is right during the middle of when he was going back and forth to colorado publishing a new nba right now who talks about so much stress and fighting between him and vanessa she has a miscarriage and he actually blames himself for it and my favorite moment that we ever had was on the bus leaving the arena leaving arco arena when we got there people were removing us uh-huh so i went through the game all of us put our ass on the windows we got to see a lot of different shades of the moon yes they did yes they did all of us lined up both sides of the bus kobe bryant flying out of the corner of your screen and he catches that kobe and maybe lebron james can make that finish michael jordan to us is to go to kobe bryant kobe bryant to goodwill yeah around the corner oh my goodness did he even see the basket yeah approaching shuttle to play i think after the whole colorado visited chiseled him even more [Applause] yeah but a lot of that stuff was created by me i used to push his buttons he used to push my button it made us perform at higher levels a lot of times as a coach you see guys want to have a space that they kind of define as this is my area you know always saying don't don't talk about my game though i won't talk about yours [Applause] is and he talks about the dark side of these type of athletes the mindset of someone like kobe it is one mission and one mission only all he cares about is winning more than anything else in the world literally more family more religion more money more fame fourth fall in the falls thanks to that man right over there they want to win that game at all costs and they'll do whatever it takes [Music] we also thought the piston had no chance no chance whatsoever basketball's culture is about the young product and kobe was for about a ten year window the gives it to prodigy here comes kobe less than five from way outside [Music] oh man [Music] he has the ability to make big shots you guys were such huge personalities and maybe that could be why it wasn't just that they beat the lakers it was how they beat the lakers were you surprised at how easy it was yeah i i didn't think they could dominate a team that won three rings to the extent they were completely demoralize them and really take their will to play which is exactly what they did how did they take the lakers heart the 2004 lakers were one of the most hyped up yet disappointing teams of all time the detroit pistons have just shocked the los angeles lakers 100 to 87 to win the nba title and for the lakers it truly will be the end of a particular era they've had the three championships that brought in the other guys we talked about how much they'll revamp we won three out of four don't get no better than it doesn't matter how many fights we had how many scuffles we had shaq's future is certain the big shift in the balance of power in the nba as the league's most dominant player is headed back east the newest member of the miami heat remember this i'm gonna bring a championship to miami i promise do you wish you and kobe would handle your relationship differently and if so how many championship you think y'all could have won do you think that your game was as good as it's ever been during that period time oh yeah absolutely toby wasn't the most personable person when he played people didn't like colby personally when the lakers traded shaq i remember saying at the time don't discount that man oh what a shot i'm gonna have to eat a dirt sandwich for a couple years because kobe's team is gonna be awful but the lakers made the right decision one guy practices one guy doesn't one guy wants to play one guy is literally he's gonna play from there ten years hope he's got it near mid-court five seconds remaining from a player that played against colton and michael jordan [Applause] in his jump shot right now he went to the free-throw line extended gave a head fake to them off the 360. the man ran shaq out and i admired him for years but i wouldn't want to play with him it's not easy but it's not supposed to be easy when you're trying to be great [Applause] selfish [Applause] are just awful i mean the team's not any good they're not going anywhere gotta hurry the lakers added next they both just [Applause] you should go all braveheart all them and lock them in the building and bring them up with the team back-to-back years they get bounced in the first round lamar on a two-on-one with kobe he may be somebody who's remembered more fondly by history than he was in his time i mean the guy was very polarizing he played right criticize him for taking too many shots or being selfish or whatever then obviously you have the rape case in colorado i mean there was there was there was a lot of reasons why their people did not like kobe when he played very but he rebounded with another seven eight nine years [Music] 332 to go in the third it was all a dream i used to read up magazines and your pictures on my wrist wonder of the world tonight [Applause] them by himself 62 for kobe and 61 for the mavericks i am not entertained are you not entertained in 2016 when steve won nash won the backpack mvp kobe should have run the mvp i was on the team with steve matt when he won back to back [Applause] the best player in the league was kobe bryant [Applause] with kobe even when you're not talking nba finals there are moments 81 colby's putting up pretty good numbers but he's not really going up kobe is back in and out of mobile and we will win it earlier in the game so it gave us i guess some fastest security we're down by 18 20 points and uh we needed some energy all of the lakers then i want to say erupted for like 40 or something in the third quarter he was dominant over us knocked away by kobe great hustle by kobe he's gonna score [Music] for number eight but obviously a lot of his game patterned after the great mic report michael's high in the game 69. when did you know that you were going for eight yes well there's 70. 70 points for kobe won away from the laker record i just remember realizing at one point in the game this may be something historic happening right now i don't even know if i believe it 77. we'll just let you soak it in with the crowd this one would be the tie will for number two and the next one would be the pass ladies and gentlemen you have witnessed the second greatest story performance in nba history 79 points i mean the overcame like the deficit came back it just i mean you basically demoralize them which is what you like to do 81 point game 55 in the second half you got to get him out of the game somebody got a stop kobe will be replacing listen to this crowd for number eight [Applause] again the lakers out of timeouts they got to be matched up here now you know the clock clock you cannot allow precious second seconds to go off the clock by not being close to a man they'd love to get into nash's hands and they don't knocked away stolen by parker here's johnny one-point game [Applause] mvp there's a there's a whole talk about okay why did he change his number and why did he pick 24 right and there's a lot of legend you know it's that there's 24 hours in the day and i wanted it to remind me that i should always be pursuing greatness 24 hours in the day oh i'm changing my number to 24 kobe daddy which one is it it's the one that says bad [ __ ] you've got the peaks and valleys in kobe's career and some of those are on the court some are off the court kobe has 50 he's done it four straight games 50 or more points we think kobe bryant is the greatest player of all the goats he's the goat toby does it how did he get to that baby he's won the all time right around mike miller all time all time great we've got a problem here this is houston uh say again please houston we have a problem bryant to the basket inside 81 points consecutive playoff appearances his street ball mentality [Applause] pop it a little bit [Applause] for kwame brown what did you say back no you can't but simply the biggest nba in season trade so far this year as the lakers acquired talented big man pal gasol from the grizzlies okay you look at this and you say okay well we can have a conversation about who's the best kobe the acrobatic finish that was sweet right kobe literally was the first person you know at the practice gym in the morning uh has ever worked at his game i've been fortunate enough to be at the top of the mountain before and uh to have to go through struggles in the years following that game one tip off finally seconds away kobe bryant has put his team in position for another championship his coach phil jackson says he's put the whole package together this year the scoring obviously he's rededicated himself to defense the leadership it has been a special season that's why he won the mvp and that's why they're in this position right now number one seed in the west this year kobe bryant knocks it down beautiful move [Music] [Applause] to prove that i can lead this team my way i can put my dna on the team and carry them to a championship but today's back-to-back three-pointers for paul pierce [Applause] [Music] knocks it down the seventh three-pointer of the game you won the mvp you led the team to the finals how do you characterize the season well i mean the goal was to win a championship you know it wasn't to win mvp or anything like that to win a championship so from that aspect we failed i was in a comedy club yeah and y'all had lost no i know yeah i know i get it i just had to do something just to break listen i know i know i i used it though that's the difference between first and last place kobe tell me how my ass tastes [Music] kobe and if you can talk a little bit more about that work ethic because i know that there are some things that you know people don't know about kobe it was amazing it was amazing to me his overall work [Applause] seeing kobe which i thought was going to take the torch from michael jordan as the best player in the world just like that and playing for the team that i loved down and spread it out for the killer instinct the clutch give me that ball i want to iso kind of hero ball guy fall away for the lead yes three seconds to play again he was the marquee he was the headliner you knew that kobe was coming to third town kobe is right there one of the greatest ever i think that the greatest comparison to michael jordan is kobe you know what michael never resented he never resented kobe being compared to him you believe took the game and elevated it where michael left it but i'm not gonna let you young people desecrate mike what michael accomplished we not we just saying give kobe his credits they've got numbers how people just skip over kobe like cody one night like that though like y'all just challenges people just bypass and say budget is better than kobe the best finisher in the game has just done it again 102 100 lakers he looks up at the crowd and gives him that look like why are you so why are you so surprised that's what i do i mean is it a surprise that i did that it throws up a prayer and then that was a prayer coming from me i played against all three would much rather as an opponent play against lebron than facing kobe or jordan on the other side because of their mentality and what i know what they're gonna do every freaking success clutch houston last night san antonio i'll tell you [Applause] what is it about kobe bryant that can elevate this team possibly to an nba champion he's the best player in the game it's just that simple the los angeles lakers one of the most storied franchises in all of sports led by one of the most dynamic players this game has ever seen kobe bryant lakers back on the final stage for the second consecutive year you had guys that were in their seasons in april and they would work out in july and august kobe bryant would play in the june and was working out a week or two later no they say one man can't beat a team i beg to differ that's how bad he wanted it one man can beat a team this guy has dominated [Music] will kobe bryant i never thought i would say it playing against michael jordan for so long but kobe bryant will go down as the greatest basketball player that has ever lived mvp of the 2009 nba finals toby bryant i love new york city man i really do wish this the makeup of basketball i just love coming here to play it's beautiful gym kobe's got a mismatch wants to get back to the bar instead he'll go itself i think for the first time in my whole time following basketball the defending champion is under the radar two-hander i played with kobe okay and he the work ethic just his demeanor on the court you're talking about playing through injuries i mean unbelievable he wanted that's on his way down that's how good it is for this guy his biggest asset is his desire to be the best his drive he's got it chloe bryant has now scored more points than any other player at madison square garden with 61. what a magnificent one kobe bryant a standing ovation at madison square gardens and some of the most educated observers of the game he even got a high five [Applause] phil recognizes what he did here at madison square garden we appreciate it but today's star player durant chris paul lebron and their friends kg is the only player left in the league hobie and kg they're the end of an era so you better appreciate the last chance time for the lakers down by two 108 106 and a three for the win two for the tie and over top of the lakers but with the game on the line uh-uh and with 4.1 obviously you could catch and make a move to the basket and possibly get a whistle it was the iron will to put his foot on people's neck and take their heart so they remember the next time they play he is hard to believe amazing again at the buzzer is there anybody more clutch than that game most players talk about playing the last shot to win a game but there's a difference between talking about it and making it happen i mean copenhagen they want the ball uh just some about those moments that they they they not they're not running from over game over man 1.9 i don't know how he got the ball but that's what he does wade is guarding [Music] [Applause] 11.7 seconds remaining in a four-point [Applause] game mvp and the winner of the bill russell nba finals mvp is none other than kobe bryant when i got four you got four i was like hey i got four he got four straight when you got that fifth one yeah hold on you said i just wanted to get one more absolutely we know what it means as a team but what about individually for it's you one more to check yeah and i said you know what ain't nothing you can do about it either and how about colby coming over kobe's not just a player kobe's an era see the culture of basketball has players and changed chill together played aau together train together do events charities golf together [Music] [Applause] because when kobe broke into this league even the star players had to fight for a smaller pool the money and the attention he's trapped away that hurt he stays down he's hurt i played through a myriad of injuries yeah i've been fortunate enough that you know most of the injuries that i've had you really can't do any more significant damage to him the more you play cody's gonna go back and get it he hurt his finger yes he did he is hurt right now this is put it back in place if you're willing to work hard if you're willing to wake up at 6 a.m and if you're willing to play through pain and through injury really push yourself beyond perceived human limits i'm a big kobe fan you hear about his kobe in year 17 gave you 27 6 and 6. in year 17 [Applause] but the lakers have a chance to take the lead brian with the crowd roaring goes to work [Applause] and then the quote that you said after was at what point are you holding on to something that's not there so at what point do you say enough is enough it's time to walk away from this thing right i don't know if that moment ever truly exists and how you kind of have to feel it inside of yourself [Applause] most people that choice is made for them splash outside ryan is starting dominating the sport for two decades on their reserves going to work what is what are we looking at because as you guys are talking about this he just tore his achilles this is probably one of his last things he did he tore the killings but in order this is like a rule in the game he had to shoot his free throws so he's walking back out with no achilles and he did does this hurt but the lakers down by two and they bought him and beat him at the free throw run it was pretty pretty impressive wow he could barely walk man holy [ __ ] no crying or nothing i mean that's the achilles thumb i shouldn't say that's good put a foot in jack anybody that doesn't think that someone like kobe bryant doesn't deserve a mansion and all they told us probable torn achilles they're gonna do an mri are you pretty convinced that's what it is yeah if any one's gonna get through this ruptured achilles a year and a half date without kobe bryant we are here to celebrate greatness for 20 years i have decided to skip college and take my talent to the nba kobe bryant is retiring after 20 years in the league all with the lakers basketball players to ever hit the club to play his final nba game defense leads to offense moby's you know last game tonight represents a 20-year span of life that was the most impactful part of my of my life for sure [Music] 18-time all-star five-time nba champ and relentless competitors kobe bryant has never cheated the game he has never cheated us as the fans he's played through injuries he's played her [Applause] that winning one championship two championships three championships four five that's possible you know to see that every day that that's what drove me and that's what drove our teams to the success we were able to have and we have five championship banners [Applause] yes sir there's 40 40 for brian kobe i mean he is really from the old school kind of a documenting the moment [Music] a 50-point game [Applause] [Music] i used to tease him a few years back many years back to be true about it about him having [Music] [Applause] one minute coming up to play kobe with the ball and the lakers down four ryan it's a one point game he's so tired he can barely pick his feet up look at him but he continues to [Applause] [Applause] 56 points are you kidding me the amazing kobe bryant a superstar who spent his entire 20-year career with one team lakers will get a chance to take the lead and look who has the ball he was a cold-blooded assassin [Music] [Applause] [Music] level [Applause] but does he have enough legs to get free throws we'll see two free throws for 60. [Applause] a [Applause] you couldn't have written this [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 3,059,285
Rating: 4.8806291 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Juke, edit, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film, kobe bryant, rookie, high school, marion, title, chip, chmapionship, first title, win, celtics, lakers, rivals, shaq, drama, 81 pts, greatest, history, moments, final, facial, putback, gasol, steal, no flinch, cartoon, interview, toughness, injury, comeback, game winner, buzzer beater, joseph vincent
Id: VH1wT4osLxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 55sec (4255 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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