Roasted Butternut Squash Soup | My Vegan Kitchen Life | Cooking | Tasting | Foodie Fun๐Ÿ™ƒ

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hey guys Welcome to My Vegan kitchen so it's fall and you know what that means pumpkin squashes and butternut squash so guess what that's what we're gonna be making butternut squash soup one of my favorites it's super easy it's great for meal prep so let's do it guys let me show you how let's go pop the oven on and I set it to preheat to 400 so let's get that started because we're gonna go right over here to our Feature Presentation the butternut squash this is such an easy recipe I think the hardest part is just getting cut in this butternut squash so I washed it to make sure the outside is clean because we're gonna leave the skin on when we bake it in the oven so this is how I do it let's let me show you let me show you if this gets a little a little rough and a little tricky let me get a spoon in the meantime so I don't have to walk away okay but this is how I do my butternut squash I cut the top coming so you guys can see and then I cut the bottom off look how pretty that is it's so Orange it's a good one and then I take my knife and I go right down the middle first I get situated and I just slice it right down the middle that's it there it is so you see the seeds inside we're gonna get rid of that I'm just gonna take a spoon and we're just gonna scoop out the seeds oops you didn't see that it's about the seeds look at that nice and easy and then I'm gonna scoop out the seeds on this one I need a lot of muscles for that there's still some more seeds let me scoop that out now sometimes I do save the seeds and I'll roast them and use them as like um garnish at the end but we're not gonna do that today get the rest of that out so you just want to get out all the soft areas that's inside of the butternut squash all right so for the part I'm gonna put this in switch over here real quick one of these baking dishes so for the part that's gonna go downward which is here depending on how much is left out being that this is gonna have a hole I don't have to make like a ventilation area but because this is the hole is going to be right here I'm just going to take my knife and just make two little slits right in the top so when it starts to steam it has ventilation all right so let me get my my baking dish there's my butternut squash I'm gonna grab some oil and salt so here we go I'm gonna salt my butternut squash just a little bit and then I'm just gonna put a little bit of oil and not too much just a little bit kind of rub it around and then I'm gonna put it down side into my vegan dish okay to toss that to the side we're gonna roast a whole garlic right in the dish so when you want to roast the garlic all you want to do is cut off the top so I'm just going to cut the top of the garlic off and be careful when you're doing this guys we're going to toss that and we're just going to leave this we don't have to take off all of this white stuff just leave it just like that we're going to place that in there in the bowl I'm going to use red pepper and yellow pepper let me just get the seeds out so this is a big red pepper you can use one red pepper and one yellow but this was a really large one and I had it just kind of hanging around the refrigerator so why not just use it just slice that we're going to put it right in there all this is just going to get baked up baked up beautiful let's get this one let's get the seeds all out all right get the seeds out of that one and just place it right in there let's find a little hole for it let's put it on top of that like and then we're just gonna take a whole onion one whole yellow onion cut off the butt and peel it I'm going to cut it in half just so when it comes out it's just it'll fit in here a little bit easier can I just toss it right in there just like that it's my cover so I could grind this salt just a drop of salt We're not gonna put too much salt because we really don't want to Salt it but the salt does help to pull out some of the flavor so we're just putting a little salt and then especially in your garlic we're going to add some oil and then some oil on the veggies some oil on the onion because when it goes in it's going to burn if we don't do that and that is pretty much it that's what your your dish should look like we're gonna pop this in the oven at 400 for 45 minutes and that's it when I come back we're gonna finish the rest of it and I'll just show you how easy this comes together and it's absolutely delicious so let me go put that in the oven and I'm gonna do a little bit of prep but I'll come right back guys 45 minutes in the oven and I'll be back all right we're back it's been an hour so 45 minutes in the oven it took to roast the butternut squash and the vegetables and then I gave it about 15 minutes just for it to sit and cool a little bit because you know me I would burn in my hands because I'm always trying to rush through and do this but here we go this is so easy it's almost it's almost a sin to do this uh video but for those of you who don't know how to do it that's why we do the video right all we're gonna do now is pop everything inside of the blender look how pretty and charred that is just put it in the blender that's it just pop everything in the blender all those onions look so juicy the garlic we're just gonna squeeze all of the pulp all of the insides right into the blender how easy is that that is so easy and that is delicious roasted garlic when I tell you all the flavor is gonna be in your soup that's it I squeezed it all out and get a it's rinse my hands really quickly guys let me rinse my hands [Music] all right now we're gonna scoop the butternut squash and see I like to do it this way I know some people cut it up and then do it you know um roast it and then put it in I like it this way all right you know you could do what you want to do you could do it the other way like peel it and then cut it but the skin on the butternut squash is so hard that I hate to peel it I just like scooping it out just like this but look how easy all I'm doing is just filling up the blender cup I'm gonna just continue to scoop it out and fill it up and if a little skin get in there it's all right it's going to be all Blended up that's just fiber that's some good good fiber and vitamin C right in that skin oh this bottom half is a little warm I'm not burning myself burning myself burning myself get out flip this one over oh this one feels a little hotter and just continue to scoop it out you all got goodness out this recipe was just so easy I was like you never even have to go near the stove that's what's funny I mean like the top of the stove obviously you went in the oven but you don't have to like put it on so cook anything this is cooked this is nice and warm and for some of you you might have those fancy blenders that heats up soup when you're when you're that's nice too but this is already cooked so let me just continue to get this butternut squash in here and then I'll show you what to do next foreign so we got everything that was in the um the bacon dish inside of the blender now we're going to add coconut milk that is our cream because remember I'm vegan so we can't you use like heavy cream we're gonna use half a can of this coconut cream come on work with me here work with me I'm filming you gotta work with me all right here we go and that's it half a can yep if you need more we'll use more but right now I think we just need half a can to put a two minute in there that's gonna help to warm it up to give it like a nice base and that's approximately like a half a teaspoon we're gonna put a little bit of salt and for those of you you probably want to blend it first taste it and then add salt but because I make this so much I pretty much know how much salt to put in and I put my salt in right now I'm also what am I thinking what am I I'm gonna put a little ginger in here let me grab my spices and find my Ginger a little bit of ground ginger I'm gonna put a little ground ginger guys if you don't like ginger you don't have to put it in here but I'm going to put a little bit of ground ginger and a little bit of cinnamon and just a little bit we don't want to really taste the cinnamon but it does add a nice base all right let's pop the top on the top on I'm dripping like hot sauce all right let's close this up I'm gonna put this here give me a second let me put this away I like to put everything away and I'm also going to turn the skillet on because I want to have some bread with it so let's turn the Skin Out Skillet on so that can get ready by the time I'm ready okay we pop the top on here we go a medium so we Blended that for one minute so let me take a look coming let's see what it looks like come in there look in there get in there get in there you see it that's what it looks like I'm gonna taste it so I could taste the texture and the flavor so let me taste it really good really good do I want to add a little more salt let me put a drop more salt it's really good though really really really good it's a little more salt I'm gonna put the top on and probably just blend for about maybe 30 more seconds because I want it to be really smooth but here we go one more time all right so the 30 seconds is up I'm gonna leave that there because I do want to have a little bit of bread with it so I just got you can get whatever your favorite dinner roll French bread I got some ciabatta bread I'm gonna use a little bit of butter and I do love this vegan butter right here because it is perfect it tastes just like regular old butter it's not like oily it's very creamy so I'm going to put a little bit in the pot I'm going to take one of these breads I'm just gonna basically just open it but let's try to get it open and just put it right in there and let it warm through okay so while that warms through let me put the butter away I'm gonna show you what this soup looks like pop that off let's walk over here remove the top I'm Gonna Save this goodness look at that yep scoot that all in there it's so smooth and it's so creamy take the center part out I don't want to waste any of this let me get all of it yes so creamy and now here's your soup look how creamy it is and it's still warm so I'm gonna pour it right into the bowl look how creamy it is and it's warm now if you wanted to heat it up some more you could heat it up but this soup is absolutely perfect I want to lay this down somewhere uh I laid down right here it's absolutely perfect because you can make it ahead of time you can make it a day ahead of time you could make it for like meal prep like to take it to work for um for lunch this this soup is so perfect it's loaded with vitamin C so if you're feeling sick or down it really helps to kind of boost your immune system the weather is getting cooler so this is perfect for now I absolutely love this soup because it's just so easy like you saw all I did was cut up the vegetables put it in the oven roast it and then put it in a blender in the 45 minutes that it's cooking you could do something else sounds like my bread is ready it is yup my bread is nice and toasty so let me grab that out of the pot we're gonna put it right here on the side I don't want all of that bread so let's just cut that down a little bit let me just cut it into a little smaller smaller sizes perfect and we're gonna taste it let's put this on the side put this over here we're gonna taste it now guys I'm gonna taste it like this first and then I'm gonna taste it with the bread creamy this is this is just so full of flavor there was nothing you in there so you know what's in there there's no preservative there's nothing like that this is just butternut squash and vegetables roasted vegetables let's try it mmm it's so creamy and warm so good I'm gonna take a little piece of nice warm bread and just dip it in here this is good this is comfort food this is so good this is one of those recipes that you could use for holidays kids really like the soup also because they get to dip it this is really good guys you really gotta try this recipe I'm not gonna yes I am yes I am [Music] we did another recipe and this one is super easy so for those of you who are like oh my God there's too much work there's too much ingredients there's no excuse on this one easy easy nutritious it's filling toast a little bit of bread with it very filling for dinner very filling for lunch you're gonna love this soup thank you guys for joining me in my vegan kitchen and join me again next time for another really easy really simple don't forget to subscribe though if you like this platform Please Subscribe I have plenty more recipes popping out of my head that I want to share with you guys bye guys I'm gonna finish this soup
Channel: My Vegan Kitchen Life
Views: 44,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KSPN3eretJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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