Butternut Squash Soup With Coconut Milk

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hey i'm nick welcome or welcome back to the channel and in this video we're going to be making butternut squash soup so we're going to start with our butternut squash cut the ends off be very careful when cutting butternut squash you don't want the knife to slip these are relatively small butternut squashes so i'm just going to cut them in half like this if they were larger i would cut them in half first before spilling them down the middle so get a good grip just carefully run your knife down and butternut squash has a waxy skin so this is an easier method as opposed to peeling all that skin off so just scoop out all the seeds here now my oven preheated because we're going to roast this butternut squash which is going to give us a better flavor as opposed to cutting it up and boiling it in water i'm going to drizzle this with some olive oil we'll season it with salt and some fresh cracked pepper i'm gonna roast these in the ovens for about a half hour until they're fork tender we're going to put them flesh side down so while our butternut squash is roasting we're going to take one white onion we're gonna have this peel the skin and i'm just gonna dice up this onion it doesn't have to be perfect because everything's gonna be blended together we just want it roughly the same size that size is good we're just going to cook this onion down just to give our soup some body and flavor we'll put our diced onion aside here and i'm going to bring in five cloves of garlic just gonna smash and peel these i like to keep a bowl for any scraps that's why i don't have to go back and forth to the garbage makes things easier and like our onion we'll just give these a chop it doesn't have to be too perfect we'll just slice them and then run our knife through our garlic so i have a pan on medium heat get this preheating we'll add a little bit of olive oil also a tablespoon of butter because i don't like to put cream in the soup i don't want to have a heavy cream soup i want a nice butternut squash soup so a little bit of butter here is all the fat we'll need we won't need to add a ton of heavy cream so we'll add our onion to that give that a toss coat everything in our fat season that with a generous pinch of salt some fresh cracked pepper and we'll just cook this down for a few minutes until our onions are translucent we don't want to caramelize them we obviously don't want to burn them that looks perfect right there this is about seven minutes turn the heat down a bit and that's a color we're looking for with our onions so now i'll make a little well here and we can add in our garlic we just want to cook this for an additional few minutes just to cook the garlic through to cook out the raw flavor of the garlic and this will add substance to the soup so while this finishes i have some coconut milk here i'm going to get this heated get this hot i want it to reduce down just a bit our onion garlic mixture is just about cooked so i'll put this to the back of the stove here and i'll bring this coconut milk to a boil keep an eye on this because this will boil over and make a mess all over your stove let this go for just about five minutes or so that's a good consistency we just want this hot we don't want this reduced down too much so it's been a half hour we could check on our butternut squash and that looks perfect that color is what you want that's nice roasted flavor right there feels nice and tender take a knife and it pierces through no resistance so our butternut squash is ready but we want to let this cool down for like 15 20 minutes or so we don't want to just take this scoop it right in our blender because then we'll have an explosion all over the kitchen and hot soup everywhere is not fun i could tell you that so i let this cool for 20 minutes and we're just going to start scooping out the flesh of our butternut squash and we're just going to add it to the blender here and we don't want to do all this at once we don't want to crowd the blender so we want to do this in batches we'll bring back our onion garlic mixture that's nice and cooked down here and we'll add about half of this add in about a tablespoon of some fresh maple syrup and i have some chicken stock that i heated up here we want to add this to thin out the soup give it some flavor if you want to keep this vegetarian feel free to use vegetable stock that works just fine so again i have my blender filled up halfway we don't want to fill up the blender too much make sure our lid is securely on and have this top here to make sure the soup can't fly out keep it firmly down and we'll turn the blender on low let that get incorporated now we could switch it to high we want to blend this for at least one minute so everything is nice and smooth that's a nice consistency everything's blended well i like to add this to a pot because this soup could be served hot or cold so leave in the pot if i want it hot just heat it up right in the pot or just take it right out from the fridge and enjoy it cold i'll take the rest of our butternut squash make sure we don't get the skin as i did here we don't want to blend the skin here add the rest of our butternut squash flesh obviously no need to clean out the blender add the rest of our onion garlic mixture same thing tablespoon of maple syrup and now i'm going to add some of that coconut milk here about two or three tablespoons here give it some nice flavor we're going to use the rest of this to garnish our bowl bring back the rest of our chicken stock again the blender is filled halfway and when turning the blender on make sure your face isn't right above the blender because hot soup in your face just sucks i could tell you that so again start it on low bump it up to high let this blend for a good minute and then we'll add the rest of it right to our pot that looks beautiful so we'll check the thickness here the consistency the seasoning this looks a little thick needs a bit a bit more salt too so we'll add some chicken stock to thin it out just a bit add some more salt that's a nice consistency this isn't a puree this is a soup that tastes great so we're ready to plate this bring in my bowl ladle some soup in bring back our coconut milk here just around the top and i like to finish with some aleppo pepper gives the dish a nice color and a subtle heat that really rounds out the dish beautifully and that's it that's my butternut squash soup give this recipe a try subscribe to the channel give the video a like and we'll see you next time thanks again for watching you
Channel: RosePig Cooking
Views: 253,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butternut squash soup with coconut milk, butternut squash soup, butternut squash, spiced butternut squash soup, how to make butternut squash soup, butternut squash soup vegan, soup recipe, vegetarian recipes, butternut squash soup recipe, soup recipes, vegan butternut squash soup, roasted butternut squash soup, soup (type of dish), how to make, butternut squash soup recipes, butternut squash recipes, healthy recipes tasty, jamie oliver, gordon ramsay, laura vitale, indian
Id: N-FpR9D6qtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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