Roasted Pumpkin Soup | Kenji's Cooking Show

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hey everyone it's Kenji I'm gonna make a roasted pumpkin soup a real easy one um so this is a red curry squash you could do it with a butternut squash you could do a couple of squash any kind of squash you have a Hubbard squash all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start by splitting it helps to have a big knife for this okay then I'm just going to take out those seeds hey buddy if you want to roast the seeds you can of course save them but we still have a lot of roasted pumpkin seeds left over from Halloween so don't really need these so just kind of scrape them out with a spoon like that this one basically gets all done in the oven so you don't really have to do much at all here okay so I got my squash I'm gonna split it now into quarters throw it on a sheet tray just like this okay and now I got some onion this onion I'm gonna kind of thinly sliver not even too thinly just kind of roughly sliver actually all right let's peel it and give it a rough slivering you belong in Slytherin and then what I'm going to do is just put the onion right on top of the squash like this is a kind of experimental thing I've never actually made in My Soup like this before I've often I often roast the soup and then cook the onions separately but I was thinking to myself if I'm roasting that squash anyway what if I just roast the onion so it gets a little cooked a little caramelized and we'll see how it turns out I think it's going to turn out good I don't see why I wouldn't all right now we're gonna get some olive oil good amount of it okay some salt and pepper let me give this just a little bit of a rub so that the olive oil kind of coats the squash that way it doesn't dry out it's roasting now we got some herbs these are just what I had in the garden you can use whatever herbs you want so I got some parsley got some Sage got some time you know I think also Rosemary would be great if you had it marjoram would be great all right say uh Sage would be great which is why I used it I guess okay now this whole thing is just going to go into a 375 degree oven we're gonna let it roast uh we're gonna roast that until the squash is completely tender so that should take about a few minutes I came back real quick as I decided as I was going through my um fridge I found this knob of young Ginger young Ginger is great because you don't have to peel it you can eat the peel if I was using like an older Ginger with a tough tougher skin I would peel it first with a spoon but I found this Ginger and I thought oh I will add this Ginger to that tray as well because I really like the flavor of Ginger and pumpkin soup so I'm just going to take this Ginger toss it right on in there let me give it another real little quick drizzle of oil Kendra doesn't dry out and all right now it's going back in the oven it's going to roast until tender and that will take a couple hours I turned this oven off it the pumpkin finished cooking in about an hour and a half um so I just shut off the oven and it's been sitting in there since then I had to go take my kid to daycare but anyhow the pumpkin is done the way you know it's done is when you take a knife or I use a cake tester and you poke it through it should just go through with no resistance right should pop right through her skin and everything so you want to roast until it gets it out please which is uh where we are all right so now I'm going to take this I'll discard the uh the parts of the herbs that we can't really eat the stemi bits okay and then the rest of this stuff I'm gonna put it oh so you see some of the onions like are brown caramelized some of the onions are a little bit softened I think that's going to be delicious in here okay so once it's kind of cool enough to handle now so I'm just gonna pop everything into a blender the pumpkin itself um this particular type of squash you can eat the skin but it can be a little bit tough so I'm gonna just scoop out the flesh with other types of squash some other types of squash like say kombucha um you don't need to even remove the skin you can just eat the whole thing and actually you know what some of these parts of the skin that are really tender I'll I'll just leave them in mainly just the ends I'll try and uh the tougher bits yeah even that part's okay yeah maybe I'll just go skin and all we'll just get rid of these tough little bits and recipes will go right in the bits off foreign you can of course do this with a you know an immersion blender hand blender or a food processor if that's what you've got blenders will get your stuff kind of smoother than a food processor never will though all right everything else just gonna go right in here foreign okay now I'm uh if I had chicken stock I would use it um but I don't so I'm just gonna use some water here vegetable stock would also work oh sorry I won and we're gonna go over and blend so the blender you always want to start slow gradually increase the speed so that it doesn't explode foreign let's see how this came out let me get a big pot I got this cranberry sauce going over here also actually that looks like it's pretty much done so good we'll solve it out this cranberry sauce by the way it's all it is is fresh cranberries uh a little sugar a little water and then you just kind of let it cook down until the Cranberries kind of soften and pop and that's all it is that's all there is to it good for poultry but I'm gonna use it actually to garnish the soup I think it'll be delicious in the soup it can do with some thinning out here so I will do that oh that ginger smells really good let's have this blender okay so I'm gonna taste this um I like to actually generally add a little bit of something sweet to my uh pumpkin soups whether it's um Honey brown sugar or what I'm going to use today where's that stuff at maple syrup oh if it'll open just a little drizzle of maple syrup and let's give that a taste doesn't this look good foreign yeah need some salt I really like that method I've never done it like that before I think it's really easy though look everything throw it all in the oven throw it on the blender and then thin it out that way you don't have to spend any time sauteing or sweating vegetables that nice roasty flavor pinch more salt little drizzle War syrup all right let me get a bowl to serve this in [Music] got that let me get a little uh oops some of the cranberry business what else can we put on here oh I know last thing where did my where'd my pumpkin seeds go oh well all right well we'll go with a little bit of olive oil and do I have any chives pretty sure I have some chives in here somewhere that's kind of see who's got the chives if you wanted to like fry some Sage that would be really good in this too toasted pumpkin seeds maybe toasted hazelnuts would be excellent in this like a little chives here tribe action all right let's tasted huh [Applause] sweet and savory a little spicy from the uh from the ginger a little heat there that is really good soup all right come on you want a little bit a little taste of this sure you can have it off my spoon I'll go get another one come on come here come on bud there you go don't be shy good what do you think he's he's unsure coming back from work there you go there you go all right guys gals non-binary Pals uh I will see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: J. Kenji López-Alt
Views: 171,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7XlF93UZMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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