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hi guys welcome back to my channel it's the cooking nurse once again and this is my very first video in 2021 happy new year everyone so as you can see in this uh video we are going to be making a stuffed butternut squash for people who don't know butternut butternut squash uh you're going to understand it we're going to see it in real time now because yeah but there are so many other ways you can cook it and this is one of them maybe styling it up or just making it more tasty but yes so this is a butternut squash um it looks more like a pumpkin this side but you can tell that it's not a pumpkin uh by the shape and the color and everything that actually makes a butternut squash different from a pumpkin so we're just going to cut it into two and then we scoop out the seeds and the fiber-like uh thing that holds the seeds these seeds you can just dry them and maybe pan fry them and cook them or you can just throw them away we're just going to cut into our butternut and oil them this is going to help them not to dry out like it's going the oil is going to help the butternut not to dry out then of course we're going to put some seasoning which is a mixture of black pepper and salt this is just going to give it test because at the end of the day we're just going to remove it and then you will see so this is done and we are just going to the way you're seeing it we're just going to put it into the oven so we set our oven to heat up and down and at maximum that is above 280 cent degree siliceous for one hour so put them in here of course it has been preheating so it's already hot don't just put it there when it's still cold so we leave it there for 45 minutes to one hour and on the side we are just going to make our stuffing which is a ground beef like you can see i'm just going to fry some beef on the side without too much sauce because we don't want it to be drooling so just put it here as you can see it hadn't defrosted fully but of course once the heat gets up it's going to defrost so just cover it and leave it there for some few minutes [Music] so as you can see our meat has all of it defrosted and it looks a bit cooked so at this stage i'm going to season it with some little salt because remember we've already put salt on our butternut squash and we didn't want it to be too salty so you have to regulate how much salt you put in everything you cook if you're putting beets in beets in different dishes so we'll be adding in our chopped onions our diced carrots we leave these ones on low heat for about 2-3 minutes before we remove them and let them cool down so 45 minutes have finished and our butternut is already cooked through like you can see right now looks edible already so yeah we're just going to let it cool down to a manageable temperature or you can just let it cool down completely you don't really have to rush if you're not in a rush i want you to go on google and find out some of the benefits or health benefits of a butternut squash maybe that would be helpful and the differences between a butternut squash and a pumpkin if you just want to know so our meat is already also off the fire and we're just going to keep it aside in a bowl and of course as everything is cooling down we're just going to be grating some cheese because uh like the process as you're going to see we will need it so putting the beef that has already cooled down in a large mixing bowl a little portion and then add in our grated cheese and mix it up all together now this is going to make every bite cheesy like that creamy ish so we mix it like that so that we can gain that one so of course on our butternut squash you pour out the excess oil and just scoop out all the flesh scoop out the butternut squash so that you're remaining with the shell or the outer part and we're going to smash the butternut that we got from both our two slices of butternut squash and then add in our beef cheese mixture mix it until it's all together like it all incorporates together this is more less like a maybe a pizza or anything but it's more delicious because it has more volume and oil so mix everything together just like you think you can just use a spoon maybe anything that you feel is much easier because you can tell i'm struggling with this one yeah so once everything is mixed together we're just going to put it back into our butternut covering or remaining coating put it back together and level it up to the level of where the butternut would be if it was still inside [Music] once we have finished putting back our butternut squash and beef and cheese mixture we're just going to put on some a little more extra cheese on top because i mean you can never go wrong with some extra cheese so just put it back and then put back into the oven on the same temperature for about about three to five minutes until the top cheese has melted and everything is set together so right now it's done this is a recipe i had washed somewhere on tv and i felt like i want to try this one out and once i tried it i just think i'm going to be making my butternuts just like this i mean i'm even going to try it with a pumpkin and see how it comes out so just put on some fresh coriander leaves or dania and just cut and serve and just like that you can enjoy your stuffed butternut squash thank you so much guys for watching up until this time i hope you liked this video and i hope someone tries it out and please let me know give me a review leave me a comment of what you'd love to see me film this year and if you haven't subscribed please do subscribe like this video share with your friends and i hope to see you soon in my next video bye
Channel: The Cooking Nurse
Views: 80,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook, african food, village cooking, coking recipes, how to make tasty, easy recipes, butternut squash, roasted butternut squash, butternut, loaded butternutsquash, squash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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