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today we have a crazy story of revenge against  a high school classmate we'll get into that in   a bit but first how I filled my ex's toilet bowl  with rocks I met my ex-girlfriend when she was a   broke overly ambitious and delusional opportunist  we both worked as domestic staff in the house of a   wealthy businessman and politician then I worked  as the pool boy and Gardener while she cleaned   the house alongside an older lady the job may  have been considered a lowly one at the time my   friends thought I was being ridiculous working  this same job they did during summer in high   school but I kept the job because the pay was good  even better than many other white collar jobs my   friends had our employer is a wealthy man and he  pays his employees well my ex-girlfriend was hot   it was a lot harder to notice just how attractive  she was seeing as she had to put on a uniform at   work but anyone who took a cursory look at her  would notice just how attractive she was at the   time I was in my final year in college and looked  forward to graduating and getting a job that paid   more still my my job paid for my car maintenance  the clothes I had on my back my food and all the   other bills I had to take care of my aunt paid my  tuition so I didn't have to take student loans or   anything and I looked forward to starting on a  clean slate after college with zero debt hanging   over my head my aunt had advised me to wait until  I was done with college and was well on my way to   achieving my dreams before deciding to get into  a relationship girls can be a huge distraction   she would say when you're well on your way to  making something out of your life girls will   will come in their numbers I took her advice but  I soon forgot all about them when I met my ex we   became friends for some weird reason the weird  reason being that she presented herself as some   helpless lady who needed help I wanted to help  and save her from whatever she was running away   from at the time she told me all about her lofty  dreams her dreams of being a writer a singer an   actress she said she wanted to be a model and  was almost signed to an agency but she had to   leave because the agency owner wanted to get her  to date him she also wanted to be a writer and   had submitted manuscripts to publishing houses  but they rejected her because of her name she   wanted to be a singer but was still working hard  on that her acting career was on hold because   she had an accent she had different reasons for  why she could have been great but wasn't still   I didn't see that as a red flag she was a young  immigrant lady who was trying to find her way and   be successful in a new country and I felt pity for  her I wanted her to realize her dreams so I would   regularly ask about what she was doing to reach  these goals even when I noticed that whenever our   boss and his family were around she wore another  uniform a tighter dress that clung desperately to   her chest and was way above her knees the older  lady she cleaned with once said that she did that   to make herself attractive to our boss while they  were having an argument and I burst out laughing   a while after the argument she'd asked me why I  laughed and whether I thought our boss could never   be attracted to someone I didn't pay attention  to how hurt she was at the idea aide of our boss   not being interested in her I just told her that  she was no doubt a beautiful woman and that any   man would find her attractive I also did not pay  attention to the fact that it wasn't until I told   her that I was in college and that I had plans to  work in a bank after college and work my way up   the corporate ladder later that she started paying  me special attention like I said we were friends   so we certainly had friendship going on for us  but we never went beyond that before then I liked   her and it must have shown in the things that I  said and the comments that I made while talking   to her but she never reciprocated she never  flirted back all the times I would flirt with   her my flirtatious comments were always met with a  stern look so I just stopped when I told her about   my plans however things changed she would flirt  subtly with me and like a puppy I would fall for   it and be all over her that continued until she  suddenly started seeing a mystery man she would   tell us the other staff and me all about him and  her appearance improved a bit it was evident that   she was seeing someone but none of us knew who  it was because she never introduced him to us or   even showed us a picture of him I finally found  out that the mystery man was our boss's personal   assistant he was married and that was why their  Affair was Kept Secret he made many promises to   her promised to introduce her to certain people  who could help her go further in her career and   even promised to give her a huge amount of  money he fulfilled none of these promises and   suddenly ghosted her when she confronted him and  threatened to contact his wife he swore that he'd   get her fired and that shut her up my ex told  me the story herself and I know I should have   figured out by then that she was just some girl  desperate enough to exchange favors for money but   I was in love with her I pity didn't felt bad for  her I was even mad that the personal assistant guy   took advantage of how naive she was shortly after  that incident she went back to flirting with me   and being all sweet on me I find finally asked her  out she said she'd never been on the inside of a   university so I offered to give her a campus Tour  on a Sunday she wore a nice flowery dress it was a   simple dress but it suited her well and made her  look very pretty she also let her hair down and   that gave her face of feminine fullness on that  date we had our first kiss and then I asked her   to be my girlfriend a few months later I graduated  from college and quit my job at the house I also   got an internship opportunity at a finance firm  it was a good one the pay was sweet and as a   graduation gift my aunt offered to pay my rent for  6 months at the time my girlfriend had started to   complain about living with her extended family it  was a small house and her uncle had many kids and   kids of other family members living with him she  had to share her room with three others and was   very uncomfortable I asked her to move in with me  and she happily did it wasn't until my girlfriend   moved in with me that I understood why she wasn't  anywhere near being as successful as she wanted   she was lazy my ex never got up early unless she  had to be at work and the only reason she worked   was because she had to she hardly ever cleaned  the house and never offered to cook I preferred   to cook because it was cheaper and healthier she  always wanted us to eat out because that way she   could get out of helping out in the kitchen her  behavior irritated me but whenever I pointed it   out to her she would flare up and make me  feel guilty about bringing it up she would   then threaten to move out and I'd apologize that  went on for a while until one day I returned home   from work and saw that my ex had moved out I was  alarmed I went to her uncle's house to see if she   was there but she wasn't I went to the house where  we used to work and was told she'd quit her job   the week before soon after I found out that she  just rented her own place it was a comfortable   apartment in the Heart of the City there was no  way she could afford to pay for it when I finally   saw her she admitted that she'd been seeing  the personal assistant she'd had an affair with   he' had gotten her an apartment as promised and  she was leaving me at that point I was not shocked   it was clear that I'd been playing and she'd been  only using me I just accepted what was before me   and let her be for 5 months I didn't hear from my  ex she didn't reach out to me and I didn't reach   out to her either 6 months later she called me  her sultry voice was even extra suery she asked   how I was doing and if I wanted to meet up to talk  I deliber ly pretended to be interested I knew she   needed something but I was curious to know what  it was that she needed she asked me to come over   to her house probably to lower my defense and I  obliged her I went to the apartment one evening   and she told me the tales of how the personal  assistant ditched her he refused to send her the   money for the next month's rent and warned her to  never contact him again as usual she was te eyed   and all that I knew what she was getting at she  wanted to ask me to move in with her I tended to   feel sorry for her and went along with it I wasn't  seeing anyone at the time and I was bored so I   just went along with the whole thing that week we  hung out every day mostly in her apartment and did   all the couple stuff together she was convinced  I had forgiven her but I was waiting till she was   homeless she said they refused to take her back at  her old job and that she was going to keep chasing   an acting career she even made promises about  doing things for me when she made enough money   from acting she was going to move Mo out of the  apartment and the landlords were going to give her   a refund of the caution fee the residents of the  apartment she stayed in had to pay a caution fee   when they started renting the caution fee was a  huge amount but it could only be returned if after   the course of the resident day the management  didn't have to fix anything she said her apartment   would be inspected and then she'd be handed her  caution fee at the end of the month she looked   forward to getting that money from them and moving  into mine she even had a list of all the stuff she   was going to buy with the money you know what's  very funny she never even apologized properly she   just blamed everything on the personal assistant  guy like she had no will of her own and was under   his control one evening the management was to  come for the inspection the next day I was in her   apartment when she went out to job hunt someone  had told her she'd get a job at a bar and the bar   manager was only ever around in the evening soon  after she left I left the apartment went to a park   that was close by picked all the Rocks I saw and  could carry filled a sack with them and went back   to her house I then emptied the sack into her  toilet bowl I filled the whole thing up there   were two bathrooms in her house so I went back  to the park with the sack and filled the toilet   bowl in the other bathroom too after doing that I  shut her door and left quickly filling the toilet   with rocks will make sure that she never gets her  caution fee back the man she left me for left her   with nothing I suspected the reason he got her an  apartment was because he needed a secret place to   visit her after the inspection she wasn't given  the caution fee she called me crying her eyes   out and accusing me of taking advantage of her  she even asked to meet up but I refused I was   already unto her manipulative tactics well I guess  if you're leaving the situation where you've been   yanked around back and forth I guess you would  want to leave them with something to remember   you by it's kind of crazy and actually kind of sad  that after all that they would call up op accusing   them and then also saying can we meet up it's just  so messy also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy   crazy stories of Revenge why not hit those like  And subscribe buttons down below that said our   next story is how I paid my stepmother back for  what she did to my family there is nothing more   painful than the thought or rather in this case  the feeling of having to lose someone you hold   dearly to your heart so much so that you could  have never have imagined life without that person   and that's not all only for you to realize that  it was not natural occurrence or a coincidence but   rather it was the work and or action of someone  else you hold so dearly to your heart too and all   of this was just as a result of the struggle to  get proper recognition in the eyes of someone's   Superior for something really beneficial for both  sides this is the story of how I got back at my   stepmother for the terrible act she committed  against my beloved sister over the struggle for   who was going to hold the largest and most shares  in inheritance left behind by our father my sister   female 19 and I male 25 were the only children  of my father and also of our biological mother   this was right before she passed unfortunately  she was the love of my father's life and their   love was as strong as anything I'd ever seen this  was however cut short by the terminal illness that   claimed your life earlier than anyone had thought  or anticipated my father was really broken by this   and I was the only one that realized this at  the time as my little sister was too young at   the time to have noticed or even grasped what was  truly going going on it took my father quite some   time before he was finally able to move past the  loss and he did so as quickly as he could as he   knew at the time that there was nothing he could  have done to prevent that and the only thing that   was within his capabilities was taking care of  his children that was my sister and myself and   after I truly had understood what my father was  going through and the hurdles he was going to be   facing I decided to lend a hand in the process I  did so by taking care of my sister and myself also   without having to bother my father with everything  this was excluding the necessities of course as at   the time there was no reason for me to work or  do anything of the sorts as my father was quite   wealthy at the time his business was moving very  smoothly and everything seemed to be going really   well for us and money was definitely no problem  of ours most times my father was usually always   away on his business meetings and these were the  moments where I usually stepped up assuming the   role in taking care of my sister and myself there  was this particular day when he was away on a   business trip and the only difference between his  previous meetings and this one was the fact that   the time he had spent away was considerably longer  than the previous business meetings unusually long   in fact and when he finally came back he didn't  stay for long yet again as this time he was off   for another supposed business meeting I could  vaguely deduce at the time that these were no   ordinary business meetings that he was going for  but I just couldn't place my hands on it and I   didn't have to ponder for long as before long I'd  soon figured out what exactly was always taking   his time during his meetings and why the meetings  were happening more often than it or rather they   should one fateful day when he came back from his  usual meetings he didn't come alone and this was   the first time I crossed paths with my soon  Tobe stepmother she was quite literally half   my father's age but then she didn't look her age  not even in the slightest and this was actually   one of the things that I liked about her at  the time after our first meeting slowly but   steadily she was all already integrating herself  into our house and our family and sooner rather   than later my father soon formally introduced her  to myself and my sister as the newest addition to   the family his new wife and our new stepmother  I had no idea at the time what was going on or   what intentions she had in mind for my father but  then at that very moment I knew that my father   had truly began to feel happy for the first time  in a long time and for this I didn't or rather   I chose not to think of anything else except for  what matters little did I know that I had quite   the surprise waiting in store for both myself  and my family luckily and thankfully I was able   to put a lid on her act before things went wholly  out of control right after my father had gotten   married to her things were relatively all right  between the both of them I mean don't get me wrong   they usually had their moment where the both of  them would be engaged in some serious arguments   sometimes over the most little of things but then  again couples fight and they make up and this was   one of the things that I know for a fact was not a  problem between my father and my stepmother there   were however some cases where I would wonder  whether or not she was going to leave my father   as the arguments would get so heated that I would  even become so scared and all but thankfully that   wasn't the case at the time about a whole year  into their marriage my father's Health was greatly   deteriorating at an unprecedented rate the doctors  couldn't diagnos what exactly the problem was and   just attributed it to his old age not like he was  all that old at the time anyways and they were   placing him under strict observations because of  this at that time he was staying full-time in the   hospital and my sister and I were placed in the  custody of my stepmother for the time being and   at the time we had thought that this would be for  the best at least just until my father was able   to recover his health to a reasonable extent and  of course obviously my sister and I at the time   were relatively happy to have someone there for  us how wrong we were almost as if she were just   finally revealing her true self her attitude  and behavior towards my sister and myself had   taken a complete 360 as there was no trace of her  former self when she was always around my father   I couldn't understand what prompted this change at  the time but looking back now I think I completely   understand why that was the case with her the  thing was she wasn't really into my father for   anything other than the money she was receiving  and the the manner in which he sponsored and   catered for her rich lifestyle things were really  not looking good for my sister and myself I knew I   had to do something but at the time it didn't seem  like there was much I could have done to change   the entire situation my father was still in the  hospital for quite some time and it was just on   rare occasions that he would be conscious enough  to see my sister and I and even when he did it   was never for long as we were always escorted out  on the premise that my father needed his rest and   that visiting him wasn't allowed anymore at some  point I usually found this quite upsetting as we   usually went during the daytime and I couldn't  find the problem with my sister and I visiting   him during the day but then again there was no  way I could have changed the entire situation   as back at home things were even worse than we  had expected normally we usually had our meals   complete for the day as there was never any lack  of Provisions for that at the very least my father   made sure of this but then while our stepmother  was having the total change or rather reversion in   her mood character and personality a lot of things  had changed and this was one of them she placed   restrictions on the amount of food we ate the  times we ate and basically on every other thing   or activity that we were going to get ourselves  engaged in it got so bad that she had a resort to   even dropping us out from the school my father had  put us in on the premise that there wasn't enough   funds to properly manage the funds my father Left  Behind for her even when I knew fully well that   my father had more than enough resources is kept  away for the safe use of the entire household and   I guess she didn't know this single yet vital and  crucial piece of information so when she did this   I immediately went to where my father had kept his  stash and took out what I felt would be sufficient   enough to sustain my sister and myself and all  of this and just like that I was still able to   pay the fees she said apparently was too much and  this in some way was upsetting for her and later   along the line she soon found out that there was  something I was hiding as she soon found out that   I was the one that made the deposit for myself  and my sister it was at this time that she knew   that there was definitely something I was hiding  and she wanted to by all means figure out what it   was she came to me on several occasions trying to  take the calm approach and Converse with me in the   hopes that I might let up little did she know that  I wasn't willing not even in the slightest and   after weeks of non-stop trying to get me to talk  she finally gave up the act and almost resorted to   Violent means she attempted starving my sister and  myself for days but this had no effect as we had   something to fall back on and after she realized  that this was getting her nowhere she eventually   turned to physical violence as it was my very own  sister that was the main target of her actions it   all happened when I was out one day and I left my  sister at home I was looking to get something for   the both of us for dinner and seeing as she had  made the kitchen off limits I had no choice but   to step out myself after I got back I found out  that my sister was not in good shape at all she   had a swollen eye and a black eye and at the same  time she had various bruises on her body and she   was crying her eyes out when I got there I was  so Furious I didn't even know what to do or how   to react I just knew that she had to pay for what  she had done to my sister then before ultimately   deciding that she had to pay in general for the  terrible treatments we had been getting but before   I could confront her I had immediately called  the police and reported the case to them the   approximated their time of arrival as 30 minutes  and I felt this was enough time to say my goodbyes   literally I didn't hold back on my words and told  her how I felt truly in basically putting in some   elements of provocations all to make her resort  to her usual violent self and she did but just   as she was doing so the officers had gotten in and  apprehended her on the spot I guess that was more   than enough evidence that they needed as they took  her away although I was badly hurt with bruises   and blood dripping from my mouth I gave her the  middle finger just as a final parting gift to her   because we both knew at the time that there was  no escaping her fate she had gotten what she had   coming for a very long time so although the story  did take a very dark turn initially I thought this   was going to go to a place of like they found out  she was poisoning the father to try to take the   inheritance for herself or something I mean you  hate to see op have to sacrifice actual injury to   get the police to arrest them but it was a pretty  smart move our next story is my revenge on my   running partner in high school my name is Lillian  but in high school everyone seemed to prefer   calling me Lily for some reason of all the things  that happened to me in high school one of the   things I could never forget not even in a million  years is that period when I decided to contest   for student body president it was my senior year  of high school and you can say it was the most   eye-opening experience in my teenage years the  main issue I had was that I was a cliche student   in high school movies I saw myself as a go-getter  I wanted to get things done and I wasn't afraid   to go after the things I saw myself doing with  each step I Carri the weight of my aspirations   on my shoulders not willing to be deterred from  making a mark a difference of some sort within   the school Community I guess this thought came  to mind from freshman year when I stumbled on the   record of how we got to have the school magazine  it wasn't always there one student body Pres   pushed the idea and saw it come to pass before  they graduated this was what I wanted to do make   a difference and not be some random figurehead  occupying space this fueled my passion making   me not just any random student walking through  the hallways of the school I was the one who was   always involved in every activity from leading  the debate team to organizing charity events my   peers looked up to me in a way and my teachers  commended my dedication and Leadership skills   that's why the idea of becoming the student body  president had always lingered in the back of my   mind I guess it was just an expectation for  most people that I would run for student body   president this is why what happened during the  election period threw me into shock such that   anytime I opponent's name was mentioned I found  myself suddenly thrown into some sort of unease   Jake the problem I had with Jake was that I knew  him better than most people did he had a track   record with me for being cunning manipulative and  divisive he was the kind of person who always had   a trick up their sleeve an ulterior motive that  was not so clear in the beginning sometimes if   you didn't pay much attention you would never  see between the lines of his BS so many didn't   see through his deceptive ways but I did I was  familiar with him and I could be certain that   his ambition was nothing more than a Decoy for the  real reason he had in mind for campaigning however   I didn't know all of this till the election was  announced as I sat in my first period class The   Familiar sound of the intercom crackled to  life announcing the news that would set the   wheels of change in motion the upcoming student  body election my heart raced with excitement at   the thought of finally having the chance to  make a difference in our school Community I   mean it was what I'd always dreamed about and I  was ready to make changes to issues that I had   witnessed firsthand that plagued our school but  I guess I was oblivious to the fact that I wasn't   the only one who was interested in becoming the  student body president while I confirmed within   my mind to run for the position as I sat in my  first period that day so did Jake I didn't get   to know about his candidacy until later that week  as the news of my candidacy spread throughout the   school without even coming up to categorically  declare my interest yet so did the news of   Jake's candidacy across the hallway between  students gathered in twos and threes Jake's   name started to pop up as the school got buzzed  up with anticipation for the upcoming election I   finally got to launch my campaign with a Clear  Vision I embarked on this journey with sincerity   and determination my campaign platform focused  on two key pillars improving school facilities   and promoting inclusivity I got the posters and  the Lael pin for those who were on board with my   campaign promises from the rallying cries in the  cafeteria to impassion speeches in the courtyard I   made it my mission to connect with each and every  one of my peers my mission was to make them see   that I listened by listening to their concerns  and sharing my vision for a brighter future for   our school but there was Jake to contend with  while I focused on uplifting my fellow students   and building a platform rooted in positivity Jake  took a different approach his campaign strategy   seemed to revolve around unnecessary tactics and  underhanded Maneuvers it started with Whispers in   the hallways and escalated to full-blown rumors  circulating on social social media across student   pages and private group chats it was just like  Jake it was his Mo so I wasn't really shocked   by the occurrence one particularly silly rumor  started a couple of days before the final voting   period it stemmed from a twisted version of an  experience we had in a middle school group project   Jake spun the story to make it seem as though I  had single-handedly sabotaged the project and let   my classmates down it was a blatant Distortion  of the truth but it struck a nerve none less   back in middle school Jake and I and three other  students were paired up for a group project on   Environmental Conservation I was not prepared to  fail so I took charge and divided tasks among our   team including Jake but as the project progressed  it became clear that Jake wasn't pulling his   weight while I worked tirelessly to research  and prepare our presentation Jake seemed more   interested in goofing off than contributing when  it came time to present our project to the class   I stepped up and delivered a thorough and well  researched Pres presentation while Jake barely   said a word his lack of effort was glaringly  obvious to everyone in the room however instead   of owning up to his shortcomings Jake decided to  twist The Narrative to suit his own agenda it was   this very narrative he tried to push once again  he painted himself as the victim relating it to   his claim that my leadership was overbearing and  unfair as far back as a middle school and would be   worse as the student body president to be honest  it was a bit disturbing to be portrayed in that   manner yet I was bent on sticking true to the plan  I had Jake's underhanded moves were not enough to   derail Me From the Path I had chosen to walk or  so I thought as the final votes were tallied a   sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air since  the election campaign was more tense and tedious   than the school had recorded in a while but when  the results were announced my heart sank like   a stone in my chest I had lost the student body  election by a razor thin margin falling just short   of Jake's vote count I watched Jake celebrate his  victory with a smug grin and I couldn't help but   feel a surge of resentment Rising within me it  wasn't fair I had worked tirelessly pouring my   heart and soul into my campaign only to come  up short in the end according to the rules   of the election the runner-up was automatically  designated as the vice president a role I never   imagined myself in at that moment I had no choice  but to embrace it to put on a brave face and carry   on it was to show that I wasn't as crazy as Jake  painted me and that I didn't have an overbearing   desire to lead it felt like a punch to the gut  like being slammed by the door hard what stung   the most was not just losing the election but the  manner in which it happened to see Jake with his   deceitful tactics and underhanded Maneuvers  clean Victory while I was left to pick up the   pieces it felt like a slap in the face as the  days passed my resentment towards Jake simmered   but I refused to accept de feed lying down I  knew for a fact that it was only a matter of time   before Jake fumbled really badly in public space  I could decide to wait till it happens naturally   or I could Propel it to happen faster I decided  the latter was a faster means of getting me the   position I should have gotten without Jake's crazy  story days passed and Jake settled into his role   as student body president his behavior became  increasingly intolerable it was like watching   a balloon inflate except instead of air it was his  ego that was swelling to astronomical proportions   with each passing day he seemed to Revel more  and more in his Newfound power strutting around   the school like he owned the place what irked  me the most was his blatant disregard for the   opinions and concerns of his peers it was as if  he had decided that he alone knew what was best   for the student body and everyone else could just  fall in line behind him no matter how many times   we tried to voice our idea or raise legitimate  concerns Jake would just brush us off with a   wave of his hand dismissing our input without a  single second thought it was infuriating to watch   him act so arrogantly especially knowing that  he had only won the election through underhanded   tactics and deceit but as much as his behavior  graded on my nerves I knew that stooping to his   level would only make matters worse so instead  I made a conscious decision to take a step back   and let him dig his own grave with each passing  day Jake's facade of competence began to crack   revealing the truth of his incompetence beneath  his shortcomings as a leader became more apparent   his lack of action on important issues glaringly  obvious to both the school administration and   the student body it was kind of hilarious to  see him Babble out words when he was asked to   present the proposal for the fundraiser event at  the PTA it became increasingly clear that Jake   was not cut out for the role of student body  president and that was not a risk the school   management was ready to take they questioned  the members of the student body and everyone   aired their views stating that Jake was more of  a joke never available for meetings or calm to   listen to the issues and feedback that members  of the council had they left with no choice but   to remove Jake from his position as president  his inability to effectively lead had become a   liability that almost caused them to lose face at  the fundraiser thankfully I and the other members   had brainstormed ideas for the fundraiser and we  were able to slip it to the princip ible while our   so-called president was up on stage embarrassing  himself as I watched him pack up his things and   leave the student council room for the last time  after the school management made their decision   I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief he  was gone and I didn't have to move a muscle not   directly at least with Jake out of the picture  the school administration wasted no time in   taking action recognizing the need for strong and  capable leadership in the wake of Jake's departure   they announced plans for a byelection to select a  new student body president for me the news of the   byelection was a welcome development the decision  was made in-house the vote was cast in the student   council room with the principal overseeing the  activity in less than 20 minutes a unanimous   decision was made and I was pushed from being  stuck as Jake subordinate to being the president   of the student body it was one sweet comeback and  I'm pretty sure the tale still resounds within the   hallway of the school years after reg graduated so  not going to lie I felt like all of these titles   back in my school days were just kind of titles I  just don't remember anybody in any kind of student   body or student council thing actually doing  much of anything like yeah maybe they just had   to represented a fundraiser or something or maybe  they had the power to plaster posters advertising   some senior event or something but really I  thought most times it was really kind of a nothing   Burger and just surely there is no way that once  you're removed a good few years from high school   or whatever that anybody is going to care enough  or remember enough to quote this student body   election I think it's a pipe dream to think that  there's some lasting Legacy in some high school   student body election like especially if you're  graduated and done with high school and you're   still that obsessed with this story it's almost  like a you need to learn to move on I'm sure Jake   has but with that being said that's all the time  we have for today today now if you want to hear   another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,939
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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