r/NuclearRevenge PSYCHO SISTER BREAKS MY GAMING LAPTOP! - Reddit Stories

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today we have a crazy story of revenge against  a jealous sister we'll get into that in a bit   but first my tasty revenge against my neighbor  if everyone continues to turn a blind eye when   ills are ongoing in the community it will just  be a matter of time before the whole city is   ruined this is what I believed I still believe in  this principle even though some people might call   me out for it I mean if you're clean without a  skeleton in your closet it shouldn't be too hard   to call out an evil doer should it my name is Nate  and before Chris my neighbor came into the picture   I was one of those guys who loved the quiet  Serenity of Life tending to my gardening and my   free time included but the arrival of Chris into  my life turned my world upside down at first Chris   didn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary  when he moved in I considered myself a good judge   of character and when I sized him up while giving  him a plate of casserole I did not suspect him to   be of unruly characteristics but soon enough The  Simple Pleasures I enjoyed began to be of interest   to Chris's misdemeanor we weren't friends just co-  neighbors but his actions to me declared war every   morning I woke up to one new piece of graffiti or  the other than the one ID cleaned off the previous   day how did this all truly start I can track the  last time we engaged in a conversation without any   hint of trouble back to the last outdoor Gathering  of one of our other neighbors James James and his   family had had this tradition of having monthly  outdoor Feats where they invited other neighbors   to have a nice evening this was the second  one that I attended with Nate in attendance   not because we were avoiding each other but  because the timing never seemed to click for   our availability at that very barbecue Feast the  guys were joking about clothes and how some women   didn't know how to push out an appeal of some  sort in a joking manner I referred to Nate's   shirt which was a mix of random tie dye designs  I said with a shirt like Nate's the guys aren't   doing much better it was supposed to be a joke and  for the rest of the guys in that little group it   was we all laughed with the exception of Nate and  we're back making another joke the barbecue night   ended and we went our separate ways to our houses  the next morning while going on my morning run I   saw the shirt I'd made a joke from hanging a bit  out of the bin bag it didn't seem like much but   neither the joke I made so I decided to wave it  off playing it as none of my business as something   might have happened to it after the barbecue  that had nothing to do with me turns out it was   my business how it was 3 days after that that the  designs began at the initial stage of his Madness   I tried to address the issue as politely as I  could I walked over to his door presenting my   dislike for the sign even if it was supposed to be  a great sight for the street but each word I spoke   concerning the issue was meant with a resounding  voice of indifference from Chris however since   he was not ready to settle our differences like  grown adults I decided to take the the case up in   a way he could never have expected the good thing  is that from the way we exchanged our grievances   he could never have expected that I would react  the way I did but the truth is I could not just   go on with the back and forth it was furiating to  say the least like instructing a child not to do   something bad but being a child the instructions  fall on deaf ears and they keep at the silly act   that was when I decided to take the matter into  my own hands since Nate was hellbent on pretending   not to know what I was talking about I knew the  best way to bring him down was to catch him in   the very Act of vandalism I had to catch him in  a way that would be undeniable so that fateful   day when I got back in from the last fruitless  confrontation I had with Nate as I continued to   Pace back and forth wearing out the rug in the  living room it became clear to me that using a   traditional means to resolve the conflict and  tension would be impossible yet I couldn't let   his destructive beh Behavior continue and even  if he was going to be destructive he could find   somewhere else to do it than close to my property  I chose to expose him to the entire neighborhood   then but I couldn't do it without concrete  evidence I refused to be known as that neighbor   who shouts allegations without evidence after a  while I moved to the room I used as a study and   this was where it all came to me my mischievous  plan for Revenge I had different ideas come to   mind but I wanted the one that that allowed me  to act as civil as possible and necessary so I   decided to put a tail on Nate catching him in his  act while it cost me a couple of bucks I knew for   a fact that in the end I would say it was worth  the expense I picked up my system and ordered a   couple of discret surveillance CCTV cameras that  I could find they arrived a couple of days after   and I installed them in the dead of the night  it had to be in the night because I did not   want to give Nate any reason to believe I was  on to him or make him change his location I had   invested my time and money into it and it could  not go to waste I placed them in places he would   never think to check even if he suspected that  I was surveilling him the good thing was that he   could not find me legally guilty of monitoring  his movements since I could easily deny that   I was surveilling my property from unwanted and  unforeseen circumstances it was the perfect plan   all I had to do was wait and of course like an un  suspecting fish baited with a worm on a hook he   took my silence about the graffiti as my surrender  to him as I continued to wait after placing the   device The Waiting moment felt like an eternity  at some point the thought that I'd accused him   wrongly came to my mind each night I would lay  awake wondering if the CCTV had been able to catch   him doing something he shouldn't be doing from  that Wonder keeping me up I would find my way to   the study checking through the video feed watching  waiting that I would see something each night I   went to bed tired and fruitless for my adventure  yet I refused to throw in the towel a lot of   energy had been used up and most importantly I  could not see myself accepting that I was wrong   about Nate being the graffiti painter then one  night after my tireless and unfruitfulness of   the previous nights he was there in my feed in the  dead of the night I saw the figure approach the   bars of my house I saw the figure with a spray  can approach and as he began to paintt another   figure appeared and just before I cut my loss and  accepting that Nate was not the one vandalizing   my property he appeared from the other side of  the road apparently there were two of them this   was the unexpected part of the night I somehow  found myself laughing hysterically at the fact   that he could have fooled me and gotten away with  it if not that I refused to back down I had what   I wanted I had the evidence that I could show to  the entire neighborhood while I exposed him as   the evildoer but somehow I didn't feel satisfied I  felt like this was somewhat of an Easy Pass given   the stress he put me through the sleepless nights  the money it cost me everything so I decided to   take it a step further by morning and the days  that came after I kept watching the clip there   was something about it all that phased me amused  me even the fact that without the evidence in my   hand no one would have believed me it made me me  see that no one would actually know who they were   so I decided that if I did the same thing no one  would know the thought came for a brief moment and   for that brief moment it took root and formed into  a plan in my mind I really do not remember doing   it but somehow I was sure I was the one that did  it I mean it was my account it was my name on the   purchase account it was the money that I used to  pay but all of this preceding part happened like   a blur I do not remember it all I remember was  getting the package opening it and seeing the cans   of spray paint staring back at me as I looked at  the box of the crime tools a sense of power washed   over me you would be right to call it my moment of  empowerment quickly I picked up the second crime   weapon my laptop I scrolled through searching  for how to draw the easiest graffiti ever the   first couple of videos I found seemed greater  than my level of expertise but when I finally   got to the one that worked I watched it repeatedly  I understood what I had to do and how to position   myself after putting in a couple of hours for the  next 3 days I was ready to begin the second phase   of my revenge plan everything was set and all I  had to do was wait till night once it was dead   in the night I set out of my house with the spray  paint cans in my hand I matched the houses that   I'd marked in my head they belonged to the people  that would be extra pissed they would not let it   slide till it became an issue this was pivotal to  the plan I had you could be sure that my graffiti   was no good but at least it was something it was  enough to start up issues the next morning we were   alerted by raised voices through the street of  people demanding to know who had the audacity   to desecrate the face of their property of course  I came out with the same complaint this was where   it got interesting as different people gave their  suspicions I was silent then they asked why I was   silent I proceeded to tell them of the issue I'd  been faing for a while and who I suspected to be   doing it all along they were quick to ask if my  accusation was not baseless then I informed them   that I had video evidence that I was waiting to  make use of when the time was right since the   person in question refused to take responsibility  and own up to his actions luckily for me the video   was on my phone and I proceeded to show them I  informed them that after I caught them on camera I   took down the CCTV device as an explanation as to  why I didn't have the tape of who tainted my house   wall you can guess that the reaction was priceless  they marched to Nate's house and demanded that he   pay for fixing every wall that was desecrated  the night before they presented the video I had   taken stating and showing him the evidence of him  and his buddy doing it to my house it was sweet   knowing that none of them could trace it back to  me but it was sweeter knowing that Nate finally   got what he deserved and that was the last time  my house was tainted thankfully they didn't have   access to my purchase history it probably would  have been disastrous for me wouldn't it kind of   an odd note for op to end the story on I mean if  anybody had access to your purchase records you'd   probably be stressed out even Beyond committing  actual crimes last thing I want is the Judgment   from people as they see how many times I order at  900 p.m. from door Dash that said our next story   is if you're going to sleep with your coworker  don't be unprofessional my name is Alexa well   Alex since that was what I was known as at work  I was Alex always buried in a truckload of papers   either trying to make sense of the numbers on the  sheets or typing the numbers myself and making   reports about something I was an intern at one of  the reputable firms in the city I was recruited   just after finishing college and you could tell  that I had that newcomer Vibe with how I was   serious with office work while the other interns  like myself or those who were freshly retained   as full-time workers of the firm were off lazing  somewhere I was always glued to the tiny cubicle   I was assigned it would be unnecessary lies to to  say that I was okay not making friends or doing   whatever the heck it was that they all found  more important to do regardless of the pile of   work that they had to do at their respective  cubicles I was not okay doing that however I   wanted out of the tiny cubicle I was tired being  like the rest of the gang from the very first day   I was assigned to space I wanted to level up and  rise from the microcosm of the workplace so I put   the work in from crunching numbers and finance to  crafting compelling marketing strategy G's I was   bent on making my mark such that my role in each  department of the company would be notable you can   already imagine that I was usually a target for  the office banter among the new Workforce they   usually term to me as a no fun or spoiled spot  when I remind them of the deadline for due tasks   I was not the kind of person you informed about a  hangout be it on the weekends but most especially   not on weekday to be fair they did know how to  get their work done at least most of them seeing   as the company was quite competitive everyone had  to do something if they wanted to be part of the   five interns that would be retrained after their  first year of internship given my nature of being   committed to my work it was not unusual for me to  keep track of what was going on in my surroundings   and because of that it did not take long for me  to figure out the breach of agreement that was   ongoing between Kesha and Thompson Kesha was one  of the other four interns and Mr Thompson was the   leader in charge of the inter turns he was the one  who assigned tasks gave us deadlines to meet and   passed his feedback along to the department  manager who in turn gave the higher ups the   final feedback how did I find out that fateful  day I was pissed at the other interns we had a   joint deadline to meet and as usual they were not  interested in getting the work done at the time we   were given they wanted it to pile up to the last  minute before getting together to brainstorm on   the project I had a different opinion and I sought  to do the work myself hoping that they would join   in later that day I went to the printing corner  where the common printer was for all the interns   we weren't at the status where we had nearby  printers and it was a bit tiring to always have   to go all the way to print more so the fact that  I was pissed with the other interns did not make   it better The Exchange I witnessed was enough to  raise my annoyance over the weeks I noticed this   sort of favoritism between Mr Thompson and Kesha  to be fair I wanted to play it out as they kind   of aligned somewhat but it was more than that  and I could sense it in every standing meeting   Kesha always had a sassy mouth whether she was  kind enough to turn her work in she never got to   do it right yet her actions were never important  to be attacked by the manager he would rather be   found nitpicking at others little mistakes the  scene I witnessed was preceded by wished voices   coming from close to the printing room the voices  were followed by Childish laughter that you would   not expect to be found in the workplace this was  why I decided to pry I moved closer wanting to see   exactly what was ongoing and warranted the sound  I could hear when I did see them locked together   in more places than one a wave of unease swept  through my entire body I was stuck Frozen in place   as the scene before me continued to progress they  were beautifully engrossed in these activities   such that they did not notice when I came into  the room or the fact that I was standing within a   close shot of them as I remained with each second  tying into the next I was struck with disbelief   although a part of me knew there was something of  some sort going on between them I didn't believe   that it was intimate of any nature and neither  did I think that on the rare chance that they   were they would be Reckless to not only go against  office policy but to disregard the policy in the   office space it was quite unbelievable to me at  least in that instant it all clicked the way they   interacted the unusual Warmness and friendship  all of it made sense and the annoyance kicked in   more I believed in hard work and at the same time  I do not disregard the place of great luck what I   hate is unjust favors especially not at the Peril  of other people's Comfort everything they did was   at the expense of my comfort the night I had to  spend picking up the slack for the entire team   knowing that our manager would tender his final  report of the interns collectively I was pissed at   the injustice of it all I was able to recover from  the initial shock that I felt before they noticed   my presence and I began to fight the urge within  me to confront them right there but I didn't want   to come off like a creep or a stalker I couldn't  let them flip the switch and put me on the spot   instead so I left the room without getting the  print out I wanted I got back to my cubicle and   I contemplated going back with my phone to take  a picture in case they tried to deny it when I   confronted them but that didn't seem like a better  choice than the first there was also the fact   that I could be reported to the human resources  department for conducting myself in actions that   inhibit cooperation among team members that was  not an option since I wanted to become a full-time   staff after the internship this type of allegation  would kick me out of the door instantly so I did I   kept on thinking about what I just experienced and  before I could choose what to do I saw Mr Thompson   stroll out of the room like he wasn't just  conducting himself an un professional manners with   a co-worker shortly after he did Kesha came out  if I had not witnessed what I did I could not have   guessed that a few meters from where I was a thing  of that nature happened so it was no surprise that   the others did not see it I thought about raising  the issue in the next standing meeting such that   the other interns in the team would understand  what was going on as I did but there was a fear   of being labeled a stalker and pedler of false  rumors if I didn't have anything to support   the claims I was making in the end I kept what I  had seen to myself but it wasn't too long before   ID made the complaints known to the right  quarters the actions that would trigger me to   finally explode damning the possible consequences  started towards the end of the next week although   we were almost at the bottom of the hierarchy  in the company the rumors reached our ears that   there was a sudden need for evaluation of the  current interns we had spent just 6 months of   the entire year but the higher ups had demanded a  final report detailing the strength and impact of   each intern in the first half of their internship  it was rumored that since this was unusual for the   higher ups to demand whatever report was submitted  would not only determine the fate of the interns   but also serve as a barometer of their potential  within the company as Friday Drew nearer you could   visibly see the tension among all but one of the  interns everyone was a bit scared of what the   report would look like and tried to put in their  best in that very room I witnessed the gory site   of Kesha and Mr Thompson I went to make printouts  and found some papers stuck to the printing Outlet   the person that was printing was yet to remove the  printed copies and out of benevolence I wanted to   check the heading to figure out who they belong  to so I could save them the stress of coming to   get them but what I would see stuck to the printer  was the report Mr Thompson made curiosity made me   scan through and when I did I saw his favoritism  and unprofessionalism boldly written in the paper   with Kesha as the most resourceful intern I was  livid but not too much to March into his office   I placed the papers where I found them and left  the room the rest of the day passed by in a blur   and I clocked out for the weekend the weekend was  a lot for me I couldn't deal with it anymore I was   pissed that they would continue to get away  with their act and it could continue to the   other interns that would come after us so by the  next week very early on Monday morning I marched   to to the human resource office and asked to speak  discreetly regarding the actions that could impact   the company in a negative light that I have  witnessed I was taken seriously because amidst   the whole level of hierarchy when it comes to  actions that could harm the company's image there   were policies that allowed subordinates to make  reports on their supervisors that was my Escape   Route I went in earlier than usual hoping that  no one would see me or Trace back the possible   backlash to me I went in and I narrated everything  I had seen I was particular about going early that   Monday morning so they wouldn't view my actions as  retaliatory since Kesha was more rated than I was   I couldn't understand why they had to bring their  unprofessional act into the workspace knowing how   harmful it would be to the growth and development  of the company and this was especially to our   supervisor Mr Thompson he was the main person I  needed the HR department to query but in the end   I could only be sure of my actions the reaction  to my actions was fully out of bounds but I got   to know this quite late the complaint I made to  the HR department skyrocketed into something way   bigger than I expected before the end of the week  Kesha was asked to turn in her ID card and clear   out her desk before the end of the day at first  I thought Mr Thompson was let off the hook and   removed from being the intern manager as a slap  on the wrist but I was wrong it finally got to   the ears of others that someone anonymously made  a complaint compl to the HR department and the   complaint that was made got Mr Thompson relieved  of his duty with about 3 weeks to round off his   pinning tasks while he looked for another  job eventually I felt Vindicated if he was   going to sleep with his coworker he could have  at least tried to separate work from pleasure   being unprofessional got him what he deserved  you know most places that have a rule about not   dating co-workers has installed this rule because  either they witnessed somebody or they personally   had a really big issue going on or especially like  in this story there's a power imbalance between   an intern and a higher up usually I'm willing to  turn a blind eye to an office romance but when it   ticks all the boxes this one did in this story I  mean how can you not feel like you need to report   that especially when it's being used to put you  down in your furtherment of your career our next   story is jealous sister breaks my new gaming  laptop so I break her expensive camera back   and I 21-year-old female was in high school my  parents lived by a few rules one of them was   that they'd only get us the essentials needed for  school and extracurriculars we weren't broke or   anything in fact we were sitting comfortably in  the middle class my dad worked at a bank and my   mom was a nurse and together they brought in  enough money to take care of us and even set   aside funds for things like college and all but  my dad would never get us something he didn't   deem as essential I think it had something to  do with how he grew up it had to be because   because he loved telling that story to anyone and  everyone willing to listen he grew up in a poor   background and he was responsible for his bills  and taking himself through college when he became   financially stable he wanted to make sure that  we knew the importance of money by making some   things we wanted unavailable to us I guess that  was his way of telling us to work for whatever we   wanted when we wanted something that wasn't for  school we had to give him a list of reasons why   we needed it the validity of our reasons is then  gauged at his discretion and he decides whether   to get it for us in the full 18 years where I  lived at home only a few things got approved by   him believe me it was easier to buy save up and  buy whatever we wanted than wait around and come   up with a 10 reasons why list which would surely  be rejected I had two siblings growing up an older   sister and a younger brother I'd always been on  good terms with my brother but as for my sister   Julie 24-year-old female the opposite was the case  she was always pissed and irritated I could count   the number of times I saw her in a good mood most  of her irritation was usually directed at me we   bickered at least five times a week and she was  at fault for the most part I don't know why we   were mostly un bad terms but whenever I thought  about it it was almost as if she was jealous of   me why I have no earthly idea but all evidence  pointed at it like that one time when I got a   new dress from Mom in my sophomore year of high  school I had a best friend named Sandra 22y old   female and she invited me to her birthday party  which was taking place in her house I didn't have   a suitable dress for a party so I told my mom to  take me shopping my mom and siblings usually went   shopping together it was like an unspoken rule but  that day Julie and my brother Oscar 19-year-old   male were not home Oscar had a group project with  one of his friends which was usually what he said   whenever he wanted to leave the house and slack  off with the video games with his friends Julie   also went to visit a friend and mom was going to  work so she couldn't call them to come back home   for shopping since the mall was along the way to  her workplace she decided to take me I got the   dress I wanted and returned home when I was trying  it on before I left for the party Julie saw it and   started throwing ATT tantum she complained that  my mom had always shown favoritism towards me   and her buying me a dress was evidence of that  Mom tried to explain the situation to her but   she wasn't interested in listening to reason until  mom promised to buy her something too but that on   its own wasn't enough for Julie after I attended  Sandra's party I took off my new dress and dropped   it in the laundry basket I shared with her a few  days later when it was time for laundry I checked   the basket but the dress was nowhere to be found  I was sure of where I kept it but for some reason   it wasn't there my mind went straight to Julie  and I confronted her about my missing dress but   as expected she denied knowing its whereabouts  I tried to get mom involved but Julie knew just   how to manipulate her she said that Mom stepped  in only proving her point that she was always   taking my side because of this mom decided not to  get involved and told me to look around again I   searched and searched but I didn't find it a week  later it turned up behind mom's rose bushes in her   backyard garden it was all torn up and ruined with  mud I remembered vividly that I'd kept it in the   lottery basket and there was no way it could have  turned up behind the bushes if it wasn't put there   by someone but of course Julie wasn't fessing  up and since there was no way to prove that she   actually did it I had to let it slide I was even  blamed by my dad for not taking good care of my   things Julie got away with a lot of things she  did whenever I did something good or Mom and Dad   praised me for something she always made sure to  find a way to undermine me I ignored her for the   most part and that was why we were able to live in  the same house for all those years but then there   were some days that I couldn't let things Slide  the one I remember vividly was when she broke   my new iPad before I got that iPad Julie requested  a video camera she told my dad that she needed   it for a school project that was a lie she wanted  the camera because she was planning to start some   kind of streaming show with some of her school  friends but she obviously couldn't tell Dad that   so she cooked up the lie about school he asked  why she was the one buying the video camera and   not the school or some of her other classmates  but she already had a lie prepared dad was not   very involved in our schooling except when it  was something Financial he threatened to call   her teacher to confirm if she was telling the  truth but she knew it was an empty threat and   so she told him to go ahead as expected he didn't  call and the next day he got her the camera she   wanted when I wanted an iPad I could have easily  have gotten it with the same dishonest means she   used but I wasn't that kind of person I prefer to  tell the truth at least to him so I went to my dad   and told him I wanted a gaming laptop he didn't  like my reasons for wanting it so he refused my   request I really wanted the laptop at the time  so I decided to get it myself I got an after-   school job at a Burger Shack close to my school  so whenever I closed I resumed my shift I attended   to my schoolwork whenever I got home at night it  took me a few months and consistent savings before   I was finally able to get the laptop I wanted I  was so proud of myself but my parents were even   more proud my dad praised me for my diligence  and for being respons responsible enough to   save and get what I wanted I knew what came next  as always Julie was jealous of my laptop and the   Praises I got from our parents so what did she do  she started to report money missing and blamed me   for it she told our parents that I used her money  to get my laptop the only reason why they didn't   believe her was that it was because it was public  knowledge that she didn't know how to save a scent   talk less of the amount of money needed to buy my  laptop whenever she got some money even the ones   she wasn't expecting there was always something  important she needed to spend it on when her   strategy of making my parents think I stole  her money failed drastically I knew she was   going to try something else I put a password  on my laptop and whenever I was done using it   I always made sure to lock it in my wardrobe I  had a wardrobe key and I kept it with me at all   times I never let her borrow my laptop even when  she said she had some school project to do and a   accident could easily happen I couldn't trust  her with it but no matter how hard I tried to   make sure my laptop didn't land in her hands it  finally happened one afternoon I was home alone   playing a video game when I received a call from  my mom she forgot something at home and needed me   to bring it for her as soon as possible I didn't  even think too much about leaving the laptop on   my study table I went to meet her and as soon as  I got back I met my laptop on the ground snapped   in two there there was nobody at home but I knew  exactly what happened Julie came home and when she   saw that I wasn't around she took that opportunity  to break my laptop to be sure I asked our neighbor   who was lounging outside his house when I left he  confirmed that Julie had come home when I left I   reported the issue to our parents but as expected  Julie denied it blatantly but our parents didn't   believe her so my dad grounded her and got me a  new laptop but it wasn't as expensive or the same   model model is the one I bought for myself so  in a way Julie won and I couldn't accept that I   decided to get my revenge on my own at that point  the one thing Julie loved more than anything was   her camera she had started her streaming stuff  and surprisingly she was starting to get a little   traction that was exactly where I hit her one  night when she was asleep I took out her camera   from her wardrobe and went down to the kitchen  and got some table salt I had earlier Googled   what could destroy a camera camera and I saw that  salt water could do the job I prepared a bath and   poured the salt before dropping in the camera as  soon as I took it out I switched it on I think   it shorted a circuit or it fried the battery or  something but it stopped working I cleaned off the   water and returned the camera to the case before  going back to sleep it took over 2 days before   Julie realized what happened the day she wanted  to shoot her content for her stream she tried   turning it on but it wasn't working she pointed  fingers said me but nobody believed her my dad   complained that she was always careless with her  things which was true but she was never careless   with the camera she tried to get it fixed but  the parts were too expensive she pleaded with my   dad to get her a new one but he refused she tried  getting a job but she was always getting fired at   one point I felt sorry for her as she tried again  and again to gather enough money to buy the camera   but whenever I remember all the things she put  me through I reminded myself that she deserved   everything she got I was going to say when Opie  got that laptop they can't let their sister use   it because God forbid that laptop's going to  end up behind the rose bushes in the garden   too well it ended up snapped in half anyways  for somebody who's just a Perpetual screw-up   because of their own choices you know they can't  hold a job they can't keep their valuables intact   is there room to really feel bad for them like  maybe they need some professional intervention   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,890
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: z9wJRaG7O6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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