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today we've got a great bartender Revenge story  we'll get into that in a bit but first text my   friends behind my back let's have a group meeting  so a few years ago I was kind of seeing this guy I   had been to his house accidentally met his parents  even though it wasn't anything serious I quite   liked him but it wasn't in the relationship stage  yet more just taking it easy he would text me all   the time and always want to see me whenever he  could Etc I ended up talking to my friend about   it so obviously she asked for a picture and as  I showed her I could just see on her face what   was coming he had also been meeting up with her  not only that but she L me know that he was also   trying it on with her close friend too okay no  skin off my nose but we didn't want to let him   get away with trying to mess us all around so we  decided to surprise him I carried on talking with   him like nothing had happened and he'd asked me  to come over that weekend to meet his best friend   and hang out together so I agreed and showed up  at his door with the two other girls and walked   in to sit down and have a chat with him he was  absolutely mortified to say the least and it   made it even funnier that his friend had no idea  what was happening so he just figured it was a   little get together and started asking the girls  questions about who they are and how they know   this guy in the end I ended up getting bored of it  and went to leave and he ended up running after me   apologizing about meeting the girls and asking  for another chance the player life is not for   you my friend I guess you can't fault the guy for  trying but you want to talk about somebody that's   just going to ruin their reputation and just wkak  of desperation random coffee thoughts wrote bahaha   I found out a friend and I were seeing the same  guy and believe me the chances were so incredibly   slim it could happen but it happened the look on  his face when he saw us walk into the bar together   was priceless the chances of two girls you're  dating meeting are slim but never zero also hi   I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy awesome stories  of Revenge it would be amazing if you left a like   or left to review if you're listening to my  podcast that said our next story is landlord   refuses to make repairs I own a small business  and have been renting a unit in a complex for   about a decade a few years ago the longtime owner  of the complex sold the property to a new group   initially they made some nice improvements to the  property updating signage repaving the parking   lot painting the facade and some other cosmetic  work the terms of my original lease were that the   owner of the property handled all repairs to vital  infrastructure Plumbing Roofing Etc the previous   owner thought that should be his responsibility  since it was his property at the end of the day   during the course of some of the renovations the  power to my AC unit was cut I didn't realize it   as it was winter time when the repairs happened I  run a business where we don't need the heat and I   only run the AC in the late spring through summer  so there's literally a few months where we're   not using the HVAC at all I called my property  manager and he proceeded to tell me it wasn't   their problem and that the terms of our lease were  for now nnn luckily it was just an issue with the   outlet and I was able to switch the plug with no  issues or additional cost to me there have been   a few other issues that the management refused to  address that have been mildly infuriating namely   their repeated insistence that we have a triple  net lease a few months later we had a water leak   the valve to toilet had failed once again the  landlord tried to tell me it was my issue but   I fought back this time and produced a copy of my  lease that clearly stated that all water related   issues are Management's problem I don't pay for  water or gas utility and it's included in my rent   this is going to be important later begrudgingly  he sent a plumber to repair the toilet while he   was here I mentioned that our utility sink was  also dripping and he should have the plumber   look at it he declined to do so the drippy faucet  has turned into a pretty steady stream we tried   turning the water off of the valves but the  old gate valves have so much calcium buildup   they still won't close all the way I've mentioned  it to our landlord repeatedly and still no repair   it's been about a year and the faucet continues to  consistently run my dad was a plumber for a while   and I'm perfectly capable of fixing the issue but  out of spite I refused to I had a small leak at my   house once and it drove my bill almost $100 for  the month over normal I figure at least $1,000   in water has a literally gone down the drain not  to mention the water is also being heated by the   gas water he heater stuff like this is certainly  why a you keep that lease in the contract you   signed somewhere very safe but B when you move  into a place like that you document everything   that is even like mildly wrong with it send it  to the building order the landlord or whatnot   have it documented that you did not cause any of  this stuff to go on Sika wrote did you sign a new   lease with a new owner if not they should need to  honor the original lease agreement our next story   is hotel room lesson with season milky condom  this Petty Revenge story took place in 2008 in   rhos Island Greece I was visiting the island for  8 days for a University vacation event and I was   sharing a very small hotel room with two friends  one of these friends was a funny guy but also a   weirdo Who Loved saying and doing shocking things  and making others uncomfortable every chance he   got with complete disregard of social rules and  decency while we shared the tiny room he would   wake up every morning at 7:00 a.m. which is insane  while being on vacation and would start moving   around Furniture the entire bed and bedside  table making a lot of noise to create space   to work out his workout was just jumping around  while huffing and stomping his feet on the floor   and turning on the air conditioner and setting it  to 16° C which is quite cold for a small room so   naturally every morning the freaker would wake us  up with an insane amount of noise and him huffing   and sweating over our heads while we froze he  would also use the bathroom and wouldn't clean   up afterwards and he had clogged the shower drain  with hair which he refused to move we told him to   stop because he was ruining our rest and also got  several complaints from other rooms for all the   noise he made so early every morning of course  he was completely unfazed and continued doing   his thing on the fourth day I had enough and  decided to take action one afternoon I entered   the bathroom and turned off the water supply and  removed the valve so it couldn't be turned on I   flushed the toilet so there would be no water  and then used a plastic cup to empty the water   from the toilet bowl then I proceeded to take a  dump which of course was not submerged in water   and there was no way to flush it I also placed a  condom filled halfway with condensed milk on the   door knob from his side I took the bathroom key  and waited the moment he entered the bathroom I   locked him inside and turned off the light he was  trapped in darkness with the smell of fresh crap   with no windows he freaked and started yelling  and banging the door while trying to turn the   door knob only to find out there was something  sticky and slimy on it but he didn't know what   it was since there was no light and the door  wouldn't open he was yelling about the horrible   stench and the yucky thing that was on his hands  which I told him was a certain male substance he   gagged and screamed to let him out I told him  that he needs to respect others and when asked   to stop doing stupid crap politely he should do it  and play nice with his roommates he threatened to   start screaming to draw attention from other rooms  and we would be in trouble to which I responded   that even if they hear him he would be the one  blamed since he already had amassed several   complaints against him and he had no proof of what  I was doing to him and the most possible outcome   would be him being severely reprimanded from  the University for his behavior which reflected   badly on its image in other words he was freaked  and there was nothing he could do I left him in   there for nearly 2 hours while scolding him for  his behavior through the door and him begging   to let him out after I opened the door he was  completely dejected and sad from that day onward   he stopped his Bull and was a good boy so I mean  it worked but where did op formulate this plan   where in their mind did they go oh I know what the  trick here is evaporate all of the water in the   bathroom and take a dump and lock him in there of  course crazy blue 25 Road what a creative way to   exact Revenge our next story is pass me over okay  I'll leave this is only a small piece of pettiness   on my part I have a zero-hour contract working  in Hospitality a full-time supervisor role came   up and since I have experience in that area  I thought why not interview went really well   with the assistant manager we had a laugh and a  chitchat along with answering the same old boring   questions I added flare don't worry soon after I  had a major illness the kind you don't want to be   around food so I took 4 days off to be clear of  it my first day back is a Training Day comments   are made about being short staffed unable to fill  more of these Zero Hour contracts and how we need   some help luckily they filled the supervisor role  and she'll be starting next week it ain't me and   this is the first time I'm hearing I've been  clearly unsuccessful in my application I get a   half-hearted apology from the manager at the end  of the day's sessions with a I like to do these   things in person but you were off sick you would  have gotten the role yet the other candidate can   fill the hours we need they wanted me to guarantee  that I could work 60 to 70 hours a week despite   this not being what the job States and entails  I told them I'd happily do 50 or 60 in the busy   season which I think is more than satisfactory  to anyone else anyhow I left for home and get a   call for a job I'd interviewed for before I went  off sick I was hedging my bets and glad I did so   I'll be off to work a 3-day Work Week else W for  more money see you later oh and good luck filling   that extra Zero Hour roll with no job security  added personally I think they thought they'd got   lucky finding someone for the supervisor role they  were struggling for months and presumed I'd stay   on the very needed lower role now they're down  three needed members instead of just two update   HR emailed and would love to schedule an exit  interview what is your advice Reddit how honest   am I being should I keep it s Snappy or just  don't bother alog together so as long as actually   replying with honesty and being Snappy wouldn't  cause you to in any way endanger your job in the   general field like it wouldn't cause a reputation  where other employers would be like oh I've heard   bad things about you then I'd say realistically  there's two ways the brutally honest extra Snappy   look you did this wrong for your sake do better  next time or just don't even do it at all I think   that's either the two options I would pick from  the gal wrote yeah Grammy play I Remember applying   for a fulltime from part-time a few others did I  asked the manager on his way out if he selected   he said no I haven't made up my mind I'm about to  go on vacation and I'll mull it over and let you   know when I get back okay no problem he walks out  the door my coworker runs up to me yo I got the   full-time slot I quit over AOL IM within the next  couple weeks this next story is neighbor Karen   gets evicted so I cheered parts of this previously  but there were updates I never got to finish it's   not a short one but it is very satisfying I shared  a duplex with my then girlfriend and her son seven   to fully understand all of this I have to lay out  the geography this is a single house duplex with   both doors in the Middle with a shared small front  porch the house was built on the side of a hill   our half was on the uphill side so underneath the  other unit are both garages side by by side the   sidewalk comes up from the garages in front of the  other unit directly under the shared front porch   there's also a back porch but it has a divider  so we share a moderate amount of privacy we got   a new neighbor one day but didn't meet her until  a couple of weeks after she'd moved in we'll call   her Karen she's mid to late 50s skinny and has  cats lots of cats we can see them in the windows   our meeting one is such one day we're out washing  our cars in the front yard me the girlfriend and   her kid the H wouldn't reach the driveway I also  have a pair of motorcycles that I'm washing too   they'll be important later we're having a fun  afternoon in the sun playing with the hose you   know the scene all kinds of cute and happy this  is when our neighbor comes home Karen drives   along the driveway parks in the garage and walks  up the sidewalk where we are we politely introduce   ourselves and even joke that if she pulls her  car up here we'd wash it too she all but ignores   us and walks straight to her door we shrug it up  off but then she returns and goes straight vapor   lock setting the mood for the rest of the year  she starts nagging in an angry almost screaming   tone that she doesn't want us on her half of the  yard we can't be on her half which included the   sidewalk since it went through her half of the  front yard we needed to get off of her side of   the yard since the sidewalk was on her half it  was hers and we couldn't use it we would have to   go around the back to get to our door that that's  not happening and also wants us to stop using the   garage door opener because she doesn't like the  noise it makes when we do that's obviously not   happening she's upsetting my girlfriend and her  kid I have to calm them both down and get them   inside while Karen's still yelling with a jabbing  finger no I'm an easygoing guy I can let it roll   off but the girlfriend and kid didn't deserve that  I got them both to calm down he needed ice cream   she needed a beer and smoke and Karen needed  to be taught a lesson I go to put the cars and   bikes away it's during this that I can hear Karen  through the garage ceiling on the phone with what   I can only assume as our landlord benching about  how rude and insufferable we are we scare her cats   really and we keep running the garage door and  it bothers her she doesn't like it we just have   to go the light bulb goes off both of my bikes are  carburated and for the life of me I can't remember   the last time I had them adjusted since car  washing was cut short maybe I can do that instead   I pull mine and the girlfriend's car out of the  garage I'm going to need the space then I park   the bike side by side exhaust pipes facing into  the garage I break out the tools and start with   a little one she's a 2001 V 1100 classic I named  her Molly Vance and Hines pipes but they're still   pretty loud I crank Molly up and whale on that  throttle while I fine-tune the throttle body just   ripping it as loud as she can filling that garage  with all of the noise kept that up for a few   minutes then let her rest a minute when I finally  put Molly to bed I can finally hear Karen stomping   on the floor and yelling at me I yell back okay  Karen just one more to go only be a few minutes   then I turned my attention to Black Betty she's  the' 08 Vulcan Mean Streak limited edition she's   an 1800 she has pipes too but the baffles may or  may not have been drilled out before I can crank   it up I hear her calling what I assume is the  landlord and yelling that she doesn't care about a   lease she wants us kicked out she just won't stand  for it I didn't catch the rest of it as Betty was   clearing her throat I gave up the subterfuge of  actually working on it and just H the throttle   open for a moment then rest then throttle then  rest kept that up to my own ears started ringing   then put the vehicles away she was still stomping  on the floor and talking on the phone I assumed   this was some one other than the landlord because  she's retelling the same story again also did I   mention that we're friends with the landlord yeah  so once I'm back inside the girlfriend is on the   phone with him we tell our side he laughs at my  prank with the bike and then asks me to not do   that anymore we finish off the evening with some  TV while Karen is still screaming her voice is   wavering as though she might be angry crying in  the coming months it only got worse but in that   moment the most committed of meth heads could not  match me for the endorphin rush I got from hearing   her rant and squeal a few days later I'm out on  my way to work I leave at about 600 to make it   in time to have breakfast at the desk before I log  on at 7:00 I go around to the garage and Karen has   left her car outside her garage and positioned it  so I can't get my car out I knock on her door and   of course she doesn't answer bang on it a few more  times nothing I even yelled at the door hey Karen   you're blocking my car I need to get to work this  is clearly her Petty revenge for the bikes I'm   sure good shot Karen good one fortunately it's a  nice day so I can just take one of them to work   the bike can fit around her car but thanks to her  I wasn't going to have time to enjoy my breakfast   once I got there that evening I came home and her  car was still there so instead of putting it back   in the garage I leave the bike parked behind her  car just at the edge of the street now I know what   you're thinking but op what if she backs into  it and I was kind of hoping that this is where   it would go see I've got great insurance and an  even better lawyer but no this is how Petty she   is she calls the cops come knock on our door push  the bike over go through the front yard no calls   the cops the nice policeman informs me that I'm  blocking her car from exiting yeah that was kind   of the point I informed him that she started it  I felt like a kid saying that and honestly we   would have called the police on her for this crap  this morning but it seemed a juvenile and a waste   of their time also I had to get to work the cop's  response was yes but that's why we're here that's   just sad lets me know our species is doomed anyway  once I explain the whole thing Mr policeman knocks   on her door addresses himself and gets her to  come outside we explain the whole mess and the   cop asks is this true she admits it but can't  produce a reason for it cop scold us both for   being childish and to stop locking the driveway  says he doesn't want to have to come back out to   our residence again ha yeah okay that weekend we  go over to the neighbors for a few drinks no not   that one she doesn't like us the next duplex over  their porch is about 30 ft or so from the original   scene of the crime we're not being loud no music  just a handful of us grilling out and drinking   beers oh and among the guests this evening is our  landlord himself did I mention we were in good   with him so anyway sure enough the nice policeman  comes by it's not the same officer as the last   time but popo nonetheless he comes to the deck  flashlight in hand says he got a noise complaint   call clearly it was her but what is rib busting  hilarious is that the officer said the noise   complaint was placed by wait for it the landlord  of the house yeah no crap anyways landlord steps   forward and says funny I don't remember calling  to complain about myself once again we explain   everything to the officer he Chuckles asks us to  keep it down and leaves after that Mr landlord   goes over to her unit of course she doesn't answer  the door but he speaks loud enough for her to hear   letting her know what she did wasn't cool after  that we tried to avoid one another there would   be minor crap like UPS packages dropped for her  we find it on our side and move it over later on   we'll hear through the door keep your hands off  my stuff or other headaches that makes us wish   her cats would turn on her few weeks later I'd  gotten a promotion at work so we threw a party   sure enough the cops were called again this one  was not placed by the landlord but he was still   there he yells over at her door hey Karen this is  getting old this next instance I can't quite take   credit for but Karen had built this obnoxious  awning to cover her side of the porch out back   she never uses the porch so why bother however I  clearly remember a stipulation in our lease that   says we are not allowed to modify the exterior of  the units at all maybe hers is different maybe I   should call landlord and find out what's that no  she doesn't get to make modifications either oh   well she did so he makes her remove it again  because we're in good with him he shares the   tale with us how she bened then beged and then  relented it was ear candy speaking of candy come   Halloween I decorated the yard I had heard from  multiple neighbors of ours that their children   were frightened of my front yard come Halloween  by this point I should have guessed though that   the lines were being drawn with Karen figuratively  and literally I had to move some of my decorations   and that included the 15t ghost on the roof of  the unit I had to move it all the way over onto   my side so come Halloween night we took her son  out trick-or-treating and literally every kid we   saw we told them to go by her place she had the  good candy and lots of it but she's old and hard   of hearing so you'll have to bang the door pretty  hard no she won't mind she's a sweet lady now I   realized this was also mean to the kids who went  to her door but they were a worthy sacrifice on   the altar of petty Revenge finale season it's been  about 10 plus months now the cops haven't had to   come back out and no one had been cussed out in a  while one evening we hear a ladder coming from the   kitchen go in and find the pipe is busted under  the sink and spraying I quickly go out to the main   and close it but because this is a duplex I've cut  the water off to her side as well she's not home   yet so we call our buddy the landlord he comes and  addresses the issue small part to fix it needs to   run to Home Depot be right back meanwhile I type  up a note for Karen's door I let her know that we   had a leak had to shut off the water but it should  be fixed within an hour or two even thanked her   for understanding while he's gone we clean up the  water it was a lot then before he returns we hear   the splatter again at first I'm a little confused  I know I turned it off but then it clicks I go   outside and there's Karen holding a pipe wrench  I said hey didn't you see my note she says yes   but my cats need water I said yes but now you're  flooding our unit I need water my girlfriend comes   out and goes off sh shouting calling her a bench  next door neighbors here and come out it's a show   now I go get my wrench to close the main valve  again but she won't move out of the way she's   literally blocking me I half expect her to take  her wrench to my head so I back off sure enough   landlord arrives at the crap show I say hey we  left her a note she ignored it and started the   water again the landlord says wait she what then  he turns the light into her cussing her out I take   advantage of her to St action to go kill the water  again but at this point the damage is done it's   been running long enough that the carpets are  soaked and the water is pouring out the front   door meanwhile the landlord is still yelling at  her all right Karen that's it you're out of here   this is your 30 days she replies bull I've already  signed next year's lease the landlord replies but   I haven't yet it's worthless tear it up and I'm  taking your deposit to pay for the damages she   melts but but I don't have any where else to go  she continues to argue and cry about her deposit   she'll need that for her next apartment she can't  afford to move she threatens small claims court   to get it back the argument rages on while I take  girlfriend and son to go get packed we can't stay   here tonight we spent the next couple of nights  at a hotel while the carpets were redone he bought   the beer and ribs for the next barbecue few more  weeks go by without so much as a peep from her   one day we come home and she's just gone porch  garage and apartment all cleaned out I'm almost   disappointed she didn't say goodbye honestly just  her deposit being kept and being told get the heck   out of here she got off easy considering she did  some serious damages and realistically if she had   no other option you think that she wouldn't be  acting so crabby and like she owned the place   for some reason arguably odd wrote someone with  nowhere else to go should really put more effort   into making sure they're welcome to stay where  they are freak around and find out Karen our next   story is bartender Petty revenge on a q jumper  preface this story takes place in the UK where   queuing is very important and we take it seriously  the drinking age is 18 but it's not relevant this   isn't technically my Petty Revenge but I thought  it would be worth sharing nonetheless I love this   sub a few years ago I was going to see a few  friends for a drink we'd arrange to meet in a   local pub but some of them said they'd get there  a little early to watch theot football as a few   of us weren't really into football we said we'd  meet them later on cue later on I got to the pub   and went to get a drink it wasn't overly busy  but there was only one bartender so there was   a bit of a delay at the bar found a spot at the  bar and waited my turn there were a couple of   guys waiting to my right and a bit of a gap to my  left to another group who had drinks in hand and   weren't ordering as the bartender walked in front  of me he asked who was next I nodded vaguely to   my right and off he went to the other guys a few  minutes later a girl probably barely old enough   to drink stood next to me you know that feeling  when you instantly know someone's going to be   rude I got that feeling straight away she stood  at the bar arm outstretched card in hand not even   bothering to look over to anybody else stood at  the bar when the bartender then asked these guys   who was next she shot it across yeah two passion  fruit martinis and a pina colada remember I said   she didn't bother to look at any of us well that  was probably a good decision as I turned to look   at the other guys and they were all staring  daggers at her the bartender took her order   and began mixing the drinks whilst doing so he  looked over at these guys and shot a subtle wink   at them the bartender finished making these drinks  and put them on the bar Out Of Reach of the young   lady he went to the terminal pressed a few buttons  and said okay that'll be 1886 British 14 the girl   said I wait what quick as a flash the bartender  replied there was a round going the last order   was paying the bills are you not with these guys  the girl replied oh no I'm just paying for these   drinks thanks the bartender's reply was very dry  so you weren't next in line then he turned to the   other guy stood next to me who was next the queue  resumed as intended when the guy standing next to   me got served he pointed at me and said this  girl's next at no point in these exchanges did   any of the orders come anywhere near the value of  the round I got my drinks I remember it was under   £5 for two ciders and paid quietly said nicely  done to the bartender as I did to which he gave   me a knowing smile I headed back to our table and  shared what had happened with my friends whilst   doing so some of the guys at the bar looked over  to see us staring in their general direction to   my surprise a few of them waved with some of my  friends weaving back one of my friends explained   oh we were standing at the bar earlier watching  the footy with those guys they're all our teams   fans too bartender's a fan too he's sound the girl  was stood there for another 10 minutes waiting to   pay for her drinks she spent the time studying  a menu assumably not wanting to look at anybody   else at the bar what I really like here is there's  not like much outward shaming of her just stating   a factual thing oh so you weren't next then and  then she has to make the decision of whether or   not to stand there and deal with the shame until  she can pay for her drinks or give up and leave   and go home but with that being said that's all  the time we have for today now if you want to hear   another awesome Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 14,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8nJmIctgdPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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