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I was in a late meeting with important people when Sandra barged in looking worn out and scared Alpha it's Katrina she said with a trembling voice I dismissed the meeting and walked over to a frightened Sandra what's wrong with Katrina is it something about her brother I asked concerned no Alpha it's not about her brother she's been kidnapped by the vampires she explained visibly shaken I felt a Sur of anger what nonsense are you talking about what do you mean she's been kidnapped and where were you weren't you supposed to stay by her side and protect her that was the only aim I gave you Sandra to protect her from danger what were you doing when she got kidnapped were you just watching them take her away Sandra struggled to find her words knowing the consequences of my anger I she began then closed her mouth unable to speak what I demanded trying to remain calm she eventually explained everything to me my fists clenched in Anger as I realized it was Alfredo's men who had taken her my wolf stirred within me more troubled than ever before by the plight of my mate we have to leave now my wolf urged urgently I rushed outside and hopped into the car driving to the hospital where Katrina had last been tracing her scent I followed it until it AB abruptly stopped they must have used a car or teleported her I concluded grimly returning to the pack house frustration gwed at me as I contemplated the situation I won't let anything happen this time I vowed to myself regretting not ensuring Katrina's safety before hiring Sandra mind linking my men for backup I prepared to confront Alfredo's men as I approached their old house I sensed something was a miss the absence of guards and any signs of struggle entering cautiously I searched the house but found it empty we have to find his new place my wolf insisted echoing my own determination to rescue Katrina why didn't you react like this with my previous relationships I asked my wolf curious why would I when they weren't my mates they were your responsibilities not mine he retorted mind linking my men for backup despite the distance I continued my search until I spotted Alfredo's massive house avoiding detection I observed Alfredo and his witch from a distance noting the seriousness of their conversation when they departed my wolf and I prepared to strike but as I approached I was repelled by a magical Force the witch had shielded the house desperate to reach Katrina I attempted to break through a window but was thrown back each time surrounded by vampires I fought fiercely until my pack arrived led by Jerome welcome to the party buddy I greeted him grateful for his support Jerome and the other pack members joined me in the fight I'm so grateful that I have someone like Jerome in my life I love him to the Moon I sometimes forget that I'm his Alpha when he treats like we were both lactated on the same mother my men including Jerome started tearing out the hearts and tearing their limbs without my efforts when I saw that my men could take care of those vampires without me I decided to go back to the window where I smelled Katrina's scent before I could go any further more vampires matched coming towards the same direction I was heading to the number increased but they're no match to us I trained my men very well in my Empire I don't live with coward werewolves they all know how to fight any danger except the young ones most of the weakling vampires fled away and the courageous ones remained one of the vampires came from behind unnoticed and attacked one of my men choking him he bared his fangs ready to kill my man but Sandra came out of nowhere in her human form and staked the vampire the was tall compared to Sandra but she tiptoed and finished him when she staked the vampire both of them stared into each other's eyes passionately what is going on there are they flirting in the middle of fighting after the goddamned fight blood was everywhere and ripped limbs every everywhere I tried to enter the house again but it was still the same everyone shifted back into their human forms standing still looking at me I asked Sandra to try entering the house maybe if she tries it might work she strolled towards the house she was thrown backwards too Jerome can you try he nodded and tried to it was all in vain I was now confused and hopeless now I wish Vanessa or Vivian were here they'd have broken that spell Katrina are you in there can you hear me it's me Sandra if you're in there please come out Katrina Sandra bellowed why didn't I think of that she's definitely in there I smelled her we all stood there still waiting to see if we could get a little glimpse of her I stayed in my wolf form the big man was not letting me shift back into my human before he saw his mate he was pacing around round restlessly listen Mr Gray I need to shift Back To Human if she sees you she'll be tremendously scared I told my wolf keep quiet human he Gruff why is she not coming out is she all right my wolf asked getting worried do you think she's inside Jerome asked yes I answered him through a mind link we have to find another way of entering that castle before Alfredo and his witch come back I like them all I'm very sure that by now he might have got the news of us attacking his castle she's there someone yelled I averted my eyes toward the door and saw her my heart broke when I saw how pale she looked I certainly knew those bastards would show her no mercy the way she looks they definitely tortured her why would they do that to a pregnant woman I asked myself she was in the door frame with her right hand on her belly I looked her up and down and my heart almost skipped out of me when I saw the trails of dried blood on either side of her legs she was very very pale with dried and fresh tears in her eyes her dark fine skin was full of dirt she trailed her eyes around she leaned her left hand on a jam with a little smile of Hope when she saw Sandra Sandra you came for me I thought they killed you are you still alive not a ghost she asked in a low tone they didn't kill me that's why we are here to take you out of here Sandra replied Jaden's brother you came as well she says as she looks at Jerome Jerome furrowed his eyebrows her words came out in Whispers but we all heard her does she think Jerome is my brother I wondered in my mind and I indeed take him as my brother I mind linked with both Sandra and Jerome to say something to her your faces are the only ones she saw first and knows well since we can't pass through that magic wall or whatever it is tell her to slowly push her legs down to us I say to them girlfriend are you fine can you walk on those ugly stairs and come down here we are here to take you home Sandra said to her where is Jaden she asked yeah of course she can't see me when I'm like this in my wolf form why are you all naked she asked here we go I said they told us to undress ourselves if we want to take you Sandra said Katrina gave her a skeptical look but nods in conviction she sloped like three steps and suddenly stopped when she saw me I tried to hide myself behind my men but still she uncovered me I saw fear in her eyes don't be scared my love I will never hurt you my wolf said I'm not so sure what happened because when I saw her she was rolling down those damn stairs all my people gasped loudly in fear she rolled down and stopped before me I immediately shifted into human and squatted down what happened why did she roll down she's pregnant for God's sake I muttered my voice shaking a little I gently patted on her cheeks but she was not responding I held her head in my hand getting scared Katrina don't do this to us I told her with my eyes glistening I was relieved when I heard her cotted pulses beating on my hands letun go back to the pack house and take her to the hospital Jerome says okay Jerome carry her and lay her onto my back I said to him and he nodded I shifted back to my wolf and Jerome laider onto my back some of you run behind me she might lose and fall okay Alpha they responded they all shifted as well and we all sprinted back going towards the pack house we finally arrived at the pack house I rode her straight to the Pack's Hospital the doctors took her from my back and rushed her inside I was following behind and I got stopped when they entered her in the operation room Alpha you have to stay here you can't go inside the doctor said and I wanted to argue with him and remind him that I'm his Alpha but Jerome stopped me with his hand on my shoulder let them do their job Alpha he said I didn't say anything else and did as Jerome said I'm very worried very worried for her Jerome if the babies can't survive I want her to survive she'll be fine Alpha the babies might have died in her belly but she's going to be fine okay he said I'm going to the pack house to finish some work he said patted on my shoulder and left what are they still doing there I am losing my patience now I wanted to see her to know if she's fine a while later the doctor came out with a worried expression how is she doctor I asked him getting impatient Alpha he was hesitating and frightened to tell me I urged him to say whatever it was I'm ready to take it I told him he nods I have good news and bad news he said start with good ones I said to him ma'am is fine but she had a miscarriage and lost too much blood he said I was not surprised because I knew deep in me that the babies will not survive okay doctor I expected that as long as she is fine I told him and the good news is didn't you already tell me the good news I asked him cutting him off you told me she was fine wasn't that the good news I apologize Alpha if I confuse the news he said oh okay what is the good news ma'am had a miscarriage but with one twin what did you say doctor miscarried with one twin how is that even possible I asked him dumbfounded yes Alpha it's very true and possible to Mis carry with one twin he said I just arched my eyebrows bewildered my heart was delighted that I was going to be a father of twins but now it looks like it's not going to happen how's Katrina she lost too much blood but she'll be fine it's really a miracle that the second Twin survived the way they tortured her might be a piece of cake to our kinds but to her as a human and Pregnant was too much she was physically wounded all over her body and I know for sure that when she regains Consciousness it will be difficult for her to come back to her usual self we will keep her in the hospital for some days monitoring her he said what if I lick her wounds and heal them I want her to wake up without any physical wounds or scars of those bastards tortures take me to her I demanded Alpha you can't see now I growled Alpha give it like half an hour her body has to rest now without any obstacles he said all right I will wait Sandra came to the hospital and I ordered her to stay very close to her okay Alpha I will not move an inch she said bowing at me feeling a little guilty don't feel guilty she's going to be fine I reassured her when I saw drops of tears coming out of her eyes I'm truly sorry Alpha for not giving her enough protection I didn't protect her as you ordered me to I'm ready to accept any punishment you will give me she cried it's okay it's not your fault so lift your head straight and wipe away your tears don't you know that I hate to see werewolf tears years you stay around she might wake up and ask for you I told her and left I know nothing will happen to her because the hospital has enough security and they're all werewolves so she's being protected now that she's in safe hands I have to go and finish something Jerome watch over the house there is something I must put an end to I mind linked with Jerome Alpha what are you thinking about what are you planning to do he asked I'm your Alpha Jerome you should not ask me those questions just stay at the pack house I will be back soon and don't even think of following me I told him and blocked the Mind link before he argued with me I shifted and sprinted Into the Woods I'm going to find Alfredo and make sure that I finish him completely today I'll make sure that he will never ever hurt Katrina I said and my wolf wiggled his tail because I said my Katrina I know you have feelings for her and you care about her he said yes I do have feelings for her but this is what I was always avoiding I knew if I bring any woman into my life it will be like inviting them into their own Graves or into the burning flares of hell I will send her back to her family once she recovers maybe if she goes back to her family she'll be safe with the twin in her womb if I don't do that she'll face lots of dangers or else get killed if I don't arrive at the right time to save her I said to my wolf I know you feel the same way I do you human but trust me no one will ever hurt her again never he said how are you so sure that if we end Alfredo it will be the end of our problems you saw what happened with Luciana and Sophia I said and you know very well what Sophia did yes I do know and remember everything Sophia never loved you she was just using you to get whatever she wanted she combined with her family to destroy you Thank the Moon Goddess that she didn't find the sofra we would have been ashes by now if she did I don't know why I didn't like her and I think the only reason she approached you was because of the SRA and she must have known you before you even met her don't you wonder why she was a werewolf and her brothers are vampires my wolf asked and I knew it very well and I don't regret meeting her because I loved her with all my heart and trusted her with it she was the first woman I ever first loved with all of me and she'll always what am I even saying why am I thinking about that woman ever since I knew who she was and her intentions I hated her for life even if we meet in the second life I will still hate her me and my wolf were having a conversation while surging through the woods let me hope you mean what you're saying my wolf said I didn't say anything else and he did the same we were both silent why are you quiet I asked him I just wanted to give you a moment of silence he said and why would you do that I asked M because I know you when it comes to that evil woman he said I stopped running when I got a whiff of scent in the air the scent was unfamiliar mixed with Katrina's I've never heard of that scent before it's very new to me I said to myself why is it mixed with Katrina my wolf asked I'm wondering the same thing Mr Gray I said I ambled forward and the sense got stronger and stronger I stopped walking and trailed my eyes around my area I could feel the sense in my nostrils but there was no one around I'm the only one in the woods not even a single wandering bird it feels like someone had broken a full heavy cologne bottle in front of me how do you explain this Mr Gray I asked my wolf I'm confused as well as you are he replied it can't be Alfredo he doesn't have that kind of power of being invisible and we haven't even come any closer to his castle it's not him definitely no still wondering where the sense came from I saw the thick white smoke in the air the smoke formed itself into the form of a person I slightly moved two steps backwards and tensed getting ready to kill whatever creature it is When the Smoke cleared out before me stood a very very black old man his body was covered in pure white clothes that looked like sheets he had long pure white gray hair and pure white gray beards there was no blackness in his beard or hair he directly gazed at me and smiled who are you I asked him with my eyes fixed on him Serenity I'm here to warn you Jaden Evers sorry do I know you I asked the old man before me you may not know me but I know you and who you are and that's the reason I am here to tell you something and warn you at the same time he says I glared at him wearily what shocked me more was that we are communicating through mind link yet he's not a werewolf I regained my composure as I blinked rapidly whatever you want to tell me we have to wait respectfully I have unfinished business that I have to take care of I told him through mind link I matched past him to continue with my mission but stopped midair when he said you don't need to go whatever that business is has been taken care of I slowly turned around and glared at him confused it's already done he said what are you talking about it's already done you'll find out very soon he said the reason why I approached you unexpectedly is about our girl this is very important important and I want you to attentively listen he said with a straight face I started getting anxious and having a bad feeling about whatever he's going to say I'm all ears I said to him before I tell you the main reason you might be wonderful who I am well I'm one of our girls or katriona Alpha someone called me and I averted my eyes from the old man to the person calling me my men in their wolf forms were the ones calling me run toward me what is it I asked them as they drew closer beta sent us to you saying that you immediately needed at the hospital they said is something wrong with Katrina is it something serious we're not sure what the matter is Alpha we apologize Alpha they said it's okay you can go back I'll follow behind they bowed at me and sprinted back when I turned around to the old man he was gone where he was standing is an empty space where did he go without finishing his sentence who the hell was he and how come he can talk with me through a mind link he's not a werewolf nor a vampire and on top of that he said the name Katrina how does he know her I'm going to lose my mind if I don't return back to the pack house Mr Gray do you have any idea who that old man was he was all white from head to toe the only Blackness he had was his skin tone was he Mr Gray are you thinking what I'm thinking he was a ghost is that what you mean my wolf said don't talk about ghosts now I told him don't tell me you're scared of ghosts human he sniggered would you shut it down Beast I said to him as I surged in the woods heading back to the pack house I will deal with alfredo and his witch later but for now Katrina is my first priority it makes me feel agitated and hate myself when I think about what she must have gone through because of me to the extent of losing a twin my child I arrived at the hospital and headed inside Jerome and Sandra were there waiting for me what's going on here I asked them both nothing serious Alpha the doctor wanted to speak to you said Jerome speak about what Jerome just Shrugged his shoulders I linked with the doctor to find out what he wanted to speak about doctor is there something wrong with Katrina yes and no Alpha this is something I wanted you to see first he said and my worries increased if you don't mind please go to the patient room I left Jerome and Sandra and matched towards where the doctor told me to go Katrina was still unconscious but her features were back to normal she was not pale as we brought her the doctors did a great job by giving her the best treatment should I think about raising their salaries we lost one twin but at least she's doing much better thank you doctor for treating her well in this short amount of time hopefully she recovers and goes back to her usual self how's the baby doing the baby is doing great but as I told you before ma'am will stay in the hospital for monitoring he says I got a smile on my face as I watched her on the patient bed looking good and peaceful as if she's sleeping and having a good dream now that she looks better I'm going back to find Alfredo and kill him for good this time around I'm not going to show him any Mercy back then I didn't want to kill him because I thought of a good relationship Jerome and I had for him he used that advantage and made me look stupid but not anymore I've had enough it's time for me to suppress him and his world a female doctor walked to me with a tablet in her hands she signaled the two male doctors to exit the room they left and closed the door behind them Alpha there's something you need to see here she says as she opens the tablet something strange happened that I as a doctor failed to understand or explain she says I didn't say anything and urged her to continue she handed me the tablet with a person's naked picture on it it's none other than Katrina's bruised body what's the meaning of this why did you take her picture that's what I wanted to talk to you about she says when we were in the operation room m''s body was badly bruised as you see in that picture expecting you to heal them when we took her out of the theater her bruises were all gone in less than 30 minutes she matched towards Katrina she unnoted the patient gown and exposed Katrina's body for me to see I was about to lose it but got distracted by Katrina's now unbruised body her body was perfectly healed from what I saw on the tablet how did she heal so fast did you apply something in the IV RP no Alpha we didn't she replied then how comes her body there is something special I see about her I don't know what it is but I feel it what bothers me so much is that she's son 100 human but I have no clue about the strong feeling I get that she's not an ordinary human she says what is it that you're feeling about her why don't I feel it the only thing I feel or know is that she's just an ordinary stubborn human who sometimes acts like a mole I saw the doctor giggling about what I said when she saw me staring at her she swallowed her giggles and apologized does she have any problems or side effects from the miscarriage I asked her no Alpha we thought as a human it will take her some time for her body to stabilize but we were wrong she's stable now what we're waiting for now is for her to regain Consciousness she says all right doct thank you please leave I'd like to have a minute with her her as you wish Alpha she says nodded the gown and exited the room I drew closer to her and Stood Still gaping at her I glided my hand on her beautiful face her face brightened up and formed a small smile on her lips I beamed at her and felt the heat radiating through my body I jacked away my hand astonished when I jacked my hand away the brightness and smile on her face faded away what the hell is going on who are you Katrina I ambled toward the door and went out closing the door I stood there gazing at the closed door is there something special about her like the doctor said or am I just losing my mind I mumbled I mind LED with Sandra to come to the hospital Sandra came in immediately and found me still gazing at the closed door she bowed at me in respect and sat at the nearby bench where's Jerome not sure Alpha she replied I left the hospital and went to look for jeromejerome where are you I asked him through mind link I'm at the pack house in my office he answered I barreled to the house and entered his office on the first floor of the house I entered without knocking and found him on the phone I felt sad when I saw how his cute face looked he looks like he hasn't slept for ages he ended the call and came over to me so something serious I asked no alpha everything is under control our only problem is the shanton committee they'll be here in a few days and they expect you to be around all right Jerome I don't have any appointment tomorrow or the following day so I'll be around you look awful Jerome I want you to get some good rest no Alpha I'm I don't want to hear you say no Jerome the work I had to do as an alpha you did it yourself at least give yourself a day off I know you have your own problems to fix when I vowed to serve you I meant it no matter the obstacles are here for you my Alpha my Alpha and the pack comes first before anything else he says I know you mean it Jerome but I will alpha you look more awful than me when was the last time you had a shave he asks I'm not sure but thank you for being a good beta to this pack a good friend and a brother to me don't don't worry about the shanton committee I'll take care of them they're also a pain in the neck yes there especially their Alpha Jerome said and we both chuckled get yourself a time of rest dude I said to him as I patted on his shoulder and headed out I used the back door outside shifted and sprinted in the woods I surged through the woods tirelessly feeling the Cool Wind air that blows through my thick fur I came to a stop when Alfredo's Castle came into view I moved moved closer it was very quiet there was no sound coming out of his castle of course it has to be quiet we killed all the bastards my wolf said as I drew closer something caught my attention Alfredo isn't that him I dashed forward towards him he was lying down on his back looking as pale as a ghost what happened to him is he dead I shifted in my human and squatted down taking a closer look at him Alfredo was a handsome man but now he looks ugly what the hell happened to him who killed him it's very rare for a vampire especially a powerful vampire like him to get killed like this without using a stake Alfredo was not that powerful he mostly got his power from his witch to torment and kill the innocent people and turn them into vampires unwillingly I darted my eyes around and saw his witch laying down too she was still alive but wincing in pain cropping her belly with both her hands I shrinked when I saw blood running down out of her help me Lord the scene is making me sick in my stomach I left the lifeless Alfredo and went to his witch her face lightened up filled with hope when she saw me as if I'm the cure to her pain I'm glad you came to Alpha she says I'm not your Alpha witch clean your tongue I told her through gritted teeth please take me to your girlfriend katria I want I grabbed her by the neck NE tightly choking her why would I take you to her what do you want to do to her do you want to make sure that you kill her huh is that what you want I asked her in Fury feeling like breaking her neck no I don't want to kill her I just want to apologize to her she says in difficulty breathing I let out an evil laugh you got to be kidding me you want to do what since when did you start apologizing witch please believe me I'm in so much pain right now please I feel like dying she whined why don't you use your magic and help yourself witch I can't help myself because my Powers were taken away from me I raised my eyebrows so high we wanted to kill her as we did to your stop I don't want to hear another word coming out of your mouth I growled if you say another word I'll rip your throat out if only I knew that she was before she could finish the sentence her hands fell off from her belly and she fell down on the ground and became pale as Katrina was I stumbled backwards but steadied myself before I landed down what day was this firstly the wired old man secondly Katrina healing herself and thirdly and thirdly this what's going on
Channel: JK_GoodReads
Views: 2,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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