r/NuclearRevenge - I May Be Far Away...But She's My Baby Sister... | Ep.20

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hello friends welcome back to another episode of reddit's nuclear revenge this video contains three stories that I hope you'll enjoy you'll hear about a bully pushing someone too far two guys getting revenge for their boss and how a revenge is dealt from 10,000 kilometers away I hope you stay for all the stories and subscribe for future videos what happens when you push a nice person to their breaking point this story is titled how about you take a stroll a little bit of backstory I was a bit on the heavy side back then and by a bit I mean I was the biggest guy in school so I got bullied a lot mostly verbal a few times it got physical but I didn't retaliate so almost everyone knew how much of a softy I was which made me a prime target for the whole school also the school was an all exclusive boys school onto the story I was called a lot of names back then chubby fatty big lorry anything big in size gets associated with my name there's this one guy who I've known since the first grade let's call him dv4 douchebag who's been relentlessly bullying me since the first time he laid eyes on me I'm kind of a nerd just love computers and anything related to technology which Divi didn't like because his IQ is mostly a double digit so at the start of eighth grade we could take an extra class that taught us current technology and stuff DV stayed at the back of the class and got in a lot of trouble with the teacher because he was disruptive the technology department is located on the first floor of the school this will be important later I had already complained to the school administration about the bullying and even had my parents involved in the fourth grade he only got a slap on the wrist because his father was a friend of the school vice principal VP had filed numerous reports about DB but had never taken any action oh and the time my parents got involved he said boys will be boys they're just having fun they'll grow up and look back at these moments and have a laugh who knows your kid might even lose weight just to impress them my parents were helpless in this so at the start of eighth grade the bullying started and this time it was mostly physical punching me on the arm slapping me on the back of my head my father had always taught me to turn the other cheek and always to respect others even if they do something wrong to you exactly one month after the start of the school year I went home with a black eye and fingernail scratches on my face my father couldn't bear it anymore that was the day my father gave me the best advice he's ever given me he said son you have the size and strength to overcome many things next time anyone ever thinks of bullying you physically [ __ ] him up bad you'll never have any trouble with anyone if you stand up and fight back against them I'd been bottling up everything till that day my father's words unleash that rage beautifully I went back to the school the next day and I was fuming eight years of pent-up rage ready to [ __ ] demolish divi my first class for that day was technology class the teacher still hadn't come to class so we were all just waiting outside DB saw me and started going on about my size I didn't say anything the moment that he punched my arm was the breaking point I simply grabbed onto his shoulders and said the words that I was waiting to say all day long I said this is for all the years of you punching and calling me names I [ __ ] threw him over the railing from the first floor he landed on the ground with a sickening thud what followed was the most girly scream I've ever heard the rest of the class had to pick up their jaws from the floor vice principal came running to his aid and looked up he saw me smiling with the biggest grin ever parents were called and what followed was a [ __ ] show douchebags father tried to punch me in the office in front of everyone the principal vice principal four head teachers of the school and the president of the school board who just happened to be on a visit to the school my father got in front of him and laid a nice uppercut which dislocated his jaw the police were called and he was arrested for trying to assault a minor DB at a broken shoulder and a broken kneecap which stopped him from playing soccer which he loved after the whole Fiasco was sorted out my father gave me some new advice he said just punch their lights out don't throw them from the balconies I never had any more trouble with bullies they were scared of me my next goal was to protect the other kids who were getting bullied if I saw anyone picking on anybody I would just stand next to the kid and ask what's the problem they would always apologize and leave I could proudly say that I solved the bullying problem in our school single-handedly it's all fun and games until you ruin someone's life this story's titled almost kills someone we respect and put the blame on us lose life as you know it I'm posting this one here as I seem to notice that nuclear revenge tends to not only have devastating effects but sometimes questionable means were used and this story fits that perfectly so anyways it's the early 90s and I was in my 20s working as an electrician with my best friend we were known as the Hawkeye me and the trapper slash Hunnicutt old mash reference the team of our crew kept everyone on the jobsite laughing and in good spirits even in the worst of times we were working new construction of an elementary school and had been on site since the very beginning we were two weeks away from punch-out that's where construction is complete anywho the superintendent over the whole construction site was a major jackhole and had been since day one he was new and wanting to make a name for himself it was his first time running a job and he made several mistakes and always blamed others he constantly cuts corners to save on cost which would turn around and bite him later on he had gotten several good hands fired he would run good contractors off the job and bring in his friends to replace them the drywallers and painters were a couple of examples and I had heard that he had half of the plumbers run off and replaced with his crew as well he was a total jackhole to us electricians as well wanting us to work overtime but not willing to pay for it he really wanted to keep us behind so that he could charge the company finds our small company finally brought in a couple of extra hands which pissed him off even more because we were starting to catch up by the time Christmas rolled around we were ahead of everyone else and as mentioned the job was nearing punch-out status two weeks before Christmas my friend's car since I was his roommate I carpooled with him as I didn't have my own transportation lost its rear end and we my best friend and I missed two days of work repairing it the jackhole superintendent saw this as an opportunity and told our foremen to have us fired if not run us off the jobsite he tried to kick us off the property himself but since he had no legal means he tried to have our Foreman run us off citing that we were unsafe and a distraction keeping others from getting any work done his argument was dismissed since as I mentioned we were ahead of everyone else it was the day before Christmas Eve our last day before we would be off for the holiday he knew our supervisor who was visiting that day was deathly afraid of snakes earlier that day a small rattlesnake had been found hibernating beneath a portage on that had been moved and killed gotta love Texas the jack Hall superintendent had brought a cooler full of beer for his crew for when the day ended well our supervisor made his rounds inspecting our work and talking to our foremen and since we were his last stop was ready to leave and start his holiday the superintendent told him to have a beer and pointed out the cooler our supervisor opened the lid to the cooler was so terrified that he had a heart attack literally the dead snake was inside when the EMTs finally cleared him the supervisor was telling him that he saw me and my friend at the cooler earlier and blamed us of course we had been under the Foreman's nose all day in which half of it was with the supervisor and our supervisor was aware to the jack holes tricks so he did not give in to demands of us being fired now for the nuclear revenge my friend and I did not take kindly to our supervisor being harmed nor to the blame being pinned on us do to us what you will but do not harm those in whom we have respect like I said it was the last day of work before Christmas holiday we had Christmas Eve and Christmas off after work my friend and I drove to a bait shop and picked up a gallon of catfish Charlie for those who don't know catfish are attracted to really foul odors and catfish Charlie was one of the stinkiest baits used for fishing catfish a cast-iron stomach is what's needed to not lose your lunch we drove back to the school and around back to where the air handler unit was for those who don't know the air handler is the main environmental unit for commercial buildings AC and heating we opened up the main intake duct and dump the whole bucket of catfish Charlie and closed the duct back up for good measure we had also added a pint and a half of water and stirred it into a nice thinner paste so that it would not quickly dry out neither of us could see for about 10 minutes due to the tears and it was a miracle that we didn't lose the contents of our stomachs remember this was Wednesday and like I said we had Christmas Eve and Christmas off and then the weekend four full days for that stink bait to stew in the running heat system come to find out later the jackhole superintendent and his cronies had forgotten to lower the main thermostat before leaving for the long winter holiday weekend the thermostat is normally lowered to 50 degrees Fahrenheit when closed during the cold weather and raised to 82 Fahrenheit when closed during warmer yeah it was left at 75 Fahrenheit that whole weekend it's Monday and my friend and I pull up to quite the scene that morning Martians on all fours seem to be littering the grounds of the school projectile vomiting spewed everywhere there was an ambulance and three fire trucks on the scene with firemen and full robbers including respirators running around everywhere all the doors in the windows of the school were open and giant fans were venting the building's the air was putrid and we turned green upon exiting the vehicle I said what the hell happened here our boss was sitting on the hood of his car next to ours his breakfast artfully painted the ground the jackhole superintendent and a couple of his guys were in the back of the ambulance on oxygen as they had taken the full brunt upon opening the building okay let's tell you the damage the smell had permeated everything and I mean everything the school besides the cafeteria was fully carpeted the drop ceilings were of the fiberglass type as well as the insulation so they absorbed the smell since the inner ductwork was insulated on the inside all of that had to be replaced as well needless to say tens of millions of dollars in damage also a fence had to be erected to prevent such a thing from ever occurring again come to find out the superintendent had skimped on the insurance and pocketed the money so needless to say it fell to his company to cover all the costs all of his underhanded dealings came to light in the end as well needless to say he lost his job and was arrested losing its contractor's license forever our boss never said anything but I'm thinking due to the way that he always grinned at us after that day that he had suspicions that it was us but he never turned us in and did put in for us for a big raise since the smell didn't permeate any of our stuff and now our jobs were complete anyway the plumbers electricians and pipe fitters were spared from ever having to enter that mess yeah nearly 30 years I guess the statutes of limitations are well up so I can safely tell the story I want to admit that I do feel ashamed for doing it being young and dumb in all is a great excuse but a contractor service went bankrupt and a lot of jobs were lost in the end the school still has a foul odor even today well about 18 years ago from what I heard yeah we expected to stink up that place but did not expect such a result how many of you would do whatever it takes to get revenge for your sibling this stories titled [ __ ] with my sibling and I will decimate your life from ten thousand kilometres away and laugh my sibling was visiting me from our country of origin for my wedding they had flown for many hours in order to represent our family at the small wedding planned my sibling to be called darling sibling or D ass is the sweetest and kindest human to exist they had been dating their teenage sweetheart henceforth known as piece of [ __ ] or POS for about two years I hated POS from the moment I met him he didn't treat DS right he was unfaithful he was already on a very short leash in my mind anyway darling sibling and I went sightseeing went out clubbing shocked I got married blah blah blah it was great until one morning I wake up to find D s in tears after being up all night long I come out to find that POS had dumped D s over Facebook and admitted to cheating on her and was already Facebook official with POS cheating partner remember that D s was a teen so the Facebook official thing really was a punch to the gut needless to say I lost my [ __ ] [ __ ] darling sibling was due to fly home the next day POS was it even grown-up enough to break up with D s face-to-face first order of business go into the city get absolutely wrecked and cause some mayhem accomplish that mission get D ass on a flight back home and begin plotting my destruction of POS now POS was not only on the short leash with me he was on the short leash with his school and his mother for usage of pot I knew this and I used this it was his last year of school so I wanted to ensure that he would be expelled and ruined his chances of any decent university I also wanted to make good on his mom's promise to kick him out should he ever get caught with pot again two birds one stone and that one stone would be a brilliantly crafted email detailing his drug-related transgressions and where to find pot in his car which would be parked on school property and did I ever kill both birds my plan worked smoothly and brilliantly D s called me freaking out asking if I had done something as POS had blamed them for it I feigned innocence and said I'm ten thousand kilometres away how could I have done anything I'm waiting until my next visit home to beat his ass POS was thrown out of his mother's home and had to live with his abusive and shitty dad he was expelled from school he did not finish and was not able to start University on time I killed for ages I'm laughing now I wish I'd have done more let me know what you think of the stories by leaving a comment below if you aren't subscribed hit the subscribe button so you don't miss out on future videos also join my discord if you want to chat see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 363,702
Rating: 4.8976207 out of 5
Keywords: r/nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear, revenge, reddit stories, darkfluff revenge, darkfluff nuclear revenge, best nuclear revenge stories, top nuclear revenge, top reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit storytime, capture the flag, capture the flag gone wrong
Id: CUNw3Xcnm4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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