r/NuclearRevenge - I Got My Boss Deported...He Paid the ULTIMATE Price.

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hello friends welcome to a new decade and with that brings an episode of our slash nuclear revenge what a way to start the year off by listening to two great stories of people who get their lives completely ruined the first story takes place on a ship where a crew members band together to get rid of a horrible man the second story involves a performance review where a manager tries to bring up false information on an employee and gets absolutely destroyed I hope you stay for these stories today and subscribe for future videos this story is titled a story that I kept to myself for so long so I was a sailor I was the trainee engineer I had a very evil second engineering officer he was just below the chief engineer but his relative owned the shipping company which owns the ship that we were sailing so basically he ruled over even the captain on board he was horrible to work with and a very evil human being he was almost 7-foot tall huge and intimidating our ship sailed from Lebanon to Philadelphia where they load cattle and bring it back to Lebanon for meat our ship was small on to the evil deeds he did to me he once told me to fight the electrical officer because he was bored we were working at the time trying to get our tasks completed and he said that either we fight or there's no going to cabin I told him no that I wasn't gonna fight a man who was just as old as my father so he had us work for 32 hours straight he would always make me do a two-person job by myself things such as lifting motors that weighed more than me this resulted in me having back problems for life I discovered him pumping oily water from the bilge basically a tank at the bottom of the ship straight into the sea and questioned him for those who don't know the water in the bilge is often oily and full of harmful materials that's basically sludge from the machines and is considered highly illegal to empty into the ocean he got back at me by throwing a makeshift Molotov cocktail at me that he made from turpentine and a beer bottle there's a lot more but now at least you get what type of person he was so we were three trainee engineers on board we were sailing through the Atlantic and the sea was angry we were rolling 15 to 20 degrees each side which means that our ship is madly tilting sideways along with the waves and we were painting the engine room it was my 18th hour or so and we were trying hard to keep steady with the paint tin and brushes so one of my friends who was painting some pipes lost balance and dropped the paint on the floor the second engineer became enraged saw this from afar and ran up to him and just booted him in the face then when he was down the second engineer kicked and punched the living hell out of him I still remember my friend asking me what the point of spending all the money and time was to be an engineer if this is what sea life is we were all first-time sailors the ship reached Philadelphia and the rule among us was to act like we don't know English or else face the very bad consequences but before reaching the ports my friend told me that we have to end the reign of the engineer so he wrote a letter a huge one stating everything from the mistreatment of the employees to the illegal dumping of sewage and sludge into the ocean and his gold smuggling and we waited for a Coast Guard to board they boarded did their routine checks searched us in our rooms and collected our documents for further looking up then the Port Authority came along and they have a person who talks to every crew member to find out if anything suspicious is going on when she got to me I confessed everything and showed her the letter signed by 30 out of 35 of the crew all the horrible things that the engineer did to us she checked the CCTV and sure it's all erased then Port Authority did a thorough inspection on the engine room and found the bilges empty to the sea which like I said is a major crime in the marine world in the end the engineer got arrested on US soil and they tried sending him to Lebanon but the passport he was carrying was fake it wasn't even his real name he was an illegal immigrant in Lebanon he immediately got sent to Syria the rest is told by the captain later to me it turns out that he was a criminal who was on Lookout by the Syrian police I don't know why but it was something about joining the army or something his relative helped him escape and from there made fake passports and documents and sent him to sale which still happens in a lot of ships he got arrested and later executed by gunfire in his own country all his relatives escaped to Lebanon before all of this so there was no one to even take his body he died like a dog I hope you're burning in the deepest hottest hellhole fares this one's titled my performance review that became my managers performance review this was posted in pro revenge and someone told me to post it here I hope it fits guys I know this is long but I assure you this is a juicy one I was working with a b2b sales company we sold services to companies basically and this company had managed to hire the most incompetent lazy and jealous sales manager I've ever come across we were a team of five salespeople and a sales manager all five of us sales people hated our sales manager for various reasons but we liked her personally I was the top salesperson on the team I was sitting at 170 percent of my yearly objective and was well on my way to the President's Club this is largely because I was the only sales person on the team with the real sales experience and the sales manager was too incompetent to train a team so my VP came down for our yearly performance reviews and I was called in first it was my VP and mrs. B and I was expecting a positive performance review right off the bat mrs. B hits me with Opie you know our location hasn't been performing an objective for a number of years and we suspect that this is because people are misrepresenting their daily work I'm taken aback she then continued and said I don't think you're actually doing what you say you're doing in your CRM this is something that could get you fired I looked at mrs. B and said really I'm shocked that you decided to go this route mrs. B with a confident smile said we got to do what it takes to get this location on objective I said all right let's play a game mrs. B a day any day in the calendar and let me prove to you that I went to all of my appointments and did all my stops as recorded she responded well Opie I'm not saying you never go into the field I just think some days you stay at home and put [ __ ] notes into the CRM so I said mrs. B pick a day any day pick a day you think I lied about my sales activities so mrs. D picks a day now I'm smiling ear-to-ear and I'm [ __ ] heated right now I noticed the vice-president is smiling at me and his head is slanted to one side I suspected he knew that mrs. B was about to get absolutely wrecked and he was right so she gives me the day and I turned to the VP and said mr. VP are you aware of how Android phones work the VP responds and lighten me I said by default Android has location services turned on and in fact Google will track where you went and when naturally I carry my phone everywhere so let's compare what Google says I did that day to what my crm says so I pull up my Google location services for that day and surprise surprise it's a match mrs. B is obviously very concerned at this point I said I'm actually quite enjoying this performance review let's pick another day mrs. B mrs. B fires back and said we don't need to do that I turned to the vice president and said mr. VP would you mind picking a day he says sure what about XYZ he pulls up my CRM and I pull my location services for that day guess what it's a match I then get ready to pull out the big guns and said mr. VP do you remember company XYZ with the contract value in excess of 1 million that we lost recently the VP responded and said yes o P I remember apparently our competitor won them over on price we can't win them all mr. VP here's an email from their VP they basically stating that they've decided enough to go with us for our failure to give three samples to them to decide on which product worked best for them let me forward you several email chains where I clearly asked mrs. B to order those samples in fact in those very same email chains she confirmed that she had in fact ordered the sample I had our service department look to see if any orders had been placed for those samples no orders were actually placed mrs. B is sweating bullets at this point my performance review has just turned into her performance review and shit's not going right I then said mr. VP I have one more thing to bring to your attention do you mind if I step outside for a minute so I can show you he said sure that he had to talk to mrs. B anyway now I need to mention that several years prior to this a general manager at another location harassed a woman the company was sued and lost a lot of money because of this since this incident the company put a very clear cut policy that no relationships between management and people who work for them are allowed its immediate termination for the manager now another sales consultant in the office was named Joe Joe was a married man with two beautiful kids and mrs. B had the hots for him she tried to hook up with him multiple times twice on text Joe and I had talked about if he should report this transgression I walked into the sales office and said Joe I think it's time we get a new sales manager you need to bring up those text messages he looks at me and goes is today gonna be that day I said yep today's gonna be the day we went back to the office where the review is being held and I let it all out I said mr. VP I just want to clarify company policy is it true that if a manager tried to engage in a sexual relationship with the direct subordinates that its immediate grounds for termination mr. VP sits up straight takes a moment and goes yes if something like that came to my attention my hands would be tied and I'd have to fire the manager I said well Joe's got some he wants to show you mrs. B gets up and walks out of the conference room her world her career had just completely been wrecked and I don't think she wanted to be around for the end Joe went on to tell the VP how he's a happily married man with two beautiful kids and mrs. B kept hitting on him in fact she had sent him numerous inappropriate texts and on two occasions openly invited him to come over to her place just for the night to get drunk and have some fun along with some very explicit pictures shown mr. VP asked to see the text and Joe provided them then the VP said I'm gonna need the both of you to go back to the sales office the location manager and I have some talking to do we walk back to the sales office and I noticed the sales manager office had looked cleaned out apparently mrs. B was bawling she was a wreck and crying and said she was gonna go home Joe laughed and said yeah she won't be coming back it was about 20 to 25 minutes when the VP came into the sales office and asked me to come to the conference room again so I did i sat down and the VP said well I'd like to inform you that mrs. B has been terminated effective immediately with this being said after your performance review and looking over the numbers you deserve nothing short of stellar remarks on the review and you'll be getting that I said thank you how do I apply for the new sales manager job that just opened up mr. VP laughed and said he'd let the location manager know and I'd be able to put in my application I thanked him and he told me in his 35 years of being in sales and sales management that this was by far the most interesting performance review he's ever witness hey friends I hope you enjoyed the two stories today let me know if these two stories are worthy of the nuclear revenge badge or not if you missed the last episode of nuclear revenge it's right here make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on future revenge stories see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 128,377
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Keywords: r/nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclear, revenge, reddit stories, darkfluff revenge, darkfluff nuclear revenge, best nuclear revenge stories, top nuclear revenge, top reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit storytime, r/, oil dumping, oil tanker dump oil
Id: fFtpE5GLbAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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