r/NuclearRevenge - I Took Down My Evil Mother After YEARS of Torment.

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hello there my friends welcome back to another episode of our slash nuclear revenge where you'll hear stories about lives getting turned upside down guys today's episode has two stories the first story is a neighborhood coming together to take out a psycho neighbor the second story is about a mother who gets what's coming to her for how she treats her kids guys this episode is going to be a long one as you can probably tell so make sure you have some time and buckle up because it's a wild one i hope you stay for the stories today and subscribe for future videos this story is titled don't mess with the sweet old ladies cat when the neighborhood has a kid who knows everyone a little about me first i was a scrapper as a kid and knew everyone in the neighborhood i made money babysitting kids and knew the older kids because i was permitted to roam i'm also one of those people that people will tell their darkest secrets to and i've earned a lot of trust in my neighborhood i was a pack leader and people generally did what i said but ok enough about me on to the revenge this is a bit of a long one but you'll enjoy it this is an old story back from when i was young i can't remember the exact age but it was around 9 or 10 which would have been the early 1990s i lived in a small neighborhood there were not many kids and the ones there were mostly older teens the brunt of the community was older people the neighborhood was built in the early 40s and filled up with people after the war and many of them stayed there on the block south of me was this old guy who pretty much hated everyone if something happened to accidentally go into his yard like a ball or a frisbee he would take it and destroy it right in front of the kids one time a kid parked his bike right outside of his home on city property and this guy took the bike and destroyed it he also has a major vendetta against cats he hated them and to this day i'd never know why we didn't have a feral cat problem but many people including my own had cats that were indoor and outdoor we were not on the main road and there was little traffic and most of the cats didn't go far from home usually just roam the streets not causing any trouble and they always came home at night unless they ended up in this old guy's yard he started by trapping cats and taking them to the pound many families in the neighborhood would get calls about their cats being turned in and having to go get them my family who were well known at the pound since my mother was an animal lover would get calls to inform us that one of our cats was there when the guy found out that trapping cats wasn't getting rid of them that's when he escalated he started poisoning them using antifreeze but many lived because the symptoms were caught early enough so he decided to escalate again and that's when things got serious suddenly cats all over the neighborhood were dying and nobody could figure out why it wasn't until the cat of a sweet old lady got out of the house the cat that belonged to this lady was an indoor cat who managed to run out when she opened the door to grab a parcel three days later the cat showed back up sick and dying this woman was not poor and the cat was a costly cat and this woman loved the cat she took the cat to the vet and it was determined that the cat had a belly filled with glass shards but the damage was too massive and the cat died while at the vet's office the woman was furious this got around to the neighborhood and it was me that told her that i thought i knew who did it i thought this because since my mom and i were frequent visitors to the pound she became friends with someone there and she told my mother who it was that kept bringing in cats and with a little prodding we found that all the cats that came from our neighborhood were brought in by the same person i took this information and i told the wonderful older woman who i thought did it and she was a pistol she got into her caddy rolled up to this old guy's house and confronted him i was a bit of a free roam kid back then and had to be home by the time street lights came on so i made sure to ride my bike over to see what the fireworks would be like she rolled up and pulled into his driveway got out of the car and pounded on his door and i mean pounded he opens the door and she begins softly saying that something terrible happened to her cat and she was just going door to door trying to find out if anyone knew what happened this guy responds with a humph reaction i wasn't close enough to hear everything that was said but i was close enough to hear what happened next sweet old lady went from zero to [ __ ] in about half a second she poked her finger into his chest and said i think it was you you craggy son of a [ __ ] i know that you've been taking cats to the pound and i bet you're the one that killed my princess this guy just smirked and said yeah glass and cat food and some catnip will always work to get those destructive animals out of the neighborhood i will keep on doing it and you can do nothing to stop me i didn't hear what she said next but she got back into her car and drove off i was good friends with sweet old lady and often spent time at her house after school because she was alone and needed some company she was always very kind to me and when i went over next i asked what happened after she left she told me she called the cops but without concrete proof there was nothing they could do when they spoke with the guy he admitted to trapping cats and taking them to the pound but never said anything about the glass sweet old lady was beside herself because she wanted justice for princess i smiled an evil smile and said don't worry you'll get justice she looked at me smiled and nodded her head you see this all happened in the first part of october i knew just about every kid and teen in the neighborhood since i was free roaming and i told them all what happened the total was about 20 kids and teens i told them all what i thought we should do i laid out the entire plot and we all worked to get the things we needed when halloween rolled around i was unfortunately not able to participate in this because i was grounded at the time but i did find out about the aftermath halloween night about 15 people in the night converged on his house they found out he was going to be gone that night his car was still there but a neighbor relayed to the group that he'd left in a car with someone else the group shattered every window and mirror in his car once the windows were broken they opened the door and destroyed the interior they then popped the hood unscrewed the oil cap and in go sand they broke every window in the house including a sliding glass door in his backyard all the screens were shredded and they put super glue in all the door locks and super glued the mailbox shut once the screen was torn they gained entry they didn't steal anything but they did destroy the inside of the house they spray painted the words four princess on a wall inside the home polaroids were taken and i got to see the destruction this from what i was told took about three hours in total and neither of the neighbors next to him or across the street said a damn thing or called the cops the group left and went back to their homes like it was just a typical halloween night i found out from the neighbors that the total amount of damage was around twenty thousand dollars and it seems that the group destroyed some very precious little things that he had now the one thing they did that i'm not proud of is they dumped the urn that contained his late wife's ashes i think that was a dick move but i still believed he deserved it it took him about a year to get everything fixed he told the neighbor that his car insurance would not cover the damage to the car and that he had to buy a new car adding another fifteen to twenty thousand dollars on top of the total the police were called but there was nothing found this was all before dna and all the fancy csi stuff so it was just dust for prince and be on their merry way he tried to go after the sweet old lady but it fizzled there was no proof that she had anything to do with it the great thing about all this is there was never another cat that vanished from the area he died a year before i left the neighborhood at 18 and from what i heard from a neighbor he was raging about what happened to anyone who listens once i was able to roam again i went to the sweet old lady and showed her the pictures she just smiled and gave me twenty dollars she lived for another three years she was wonderful during that time that was pretty nuclear and i'd say the old guy deserved it for all the cats he did this to but the urn thing really got me do what you want to the old guy but dumping his wife's ashes was a little too much i'm gonna tell myself that she was an evil old hag just like him so i can sleep at night and also i'm pretty sure dna testing did exist in the 90s someone tell me if i'm wrong this next story is titled destroy my childhood ruin my chance at college and laugh when i said i was homeless i'll ruin your life backstory my mother was a really shitty person i have four other siblings one older sister and three that are way younger from three different dads i'm a male by the way my dad went to jail two to three years after i was born for a while and i rarely saw him he's an alcoholic if that matters she was a single mother but she made it work and she worked hard one of the bigger problems was that she took out all of her aggression and hatred of my father out on me as well as her work stress etc cumi being treated like absolute crap from the age of four to about 17 every day was hell she was extremely strict and her perspective was warped she was also pretty big in stature and had a lot of strength examples of how she treated me included 1. i was beaten badly once because her room was dirty 2. the dishes weren't washed and i got beaten as soon as i got home and on a few occasions there weren't dishes when i left to school 3. if i walked too loudly around the house i'd get my ass beat she also broke my nose for looking at her the wrong way on my 10th birthday when she brought me a cake that i was allergic to it was more or less every day or every other day she used her fists elbows extension cords hangers chairs canes bats etc whatever she could find within arm's reach was her weapon of choice i couldn't ever escape to my room for long because she would always call me every few minutes to get her things or to yell at me the funny thing was she never drank or did drugs or anything oh yeah and she's put a knife to my neck before and had to be forcibly stopped by her boyfriend of the time the only thing i will say is she tried really hard to make up for it with video games and electronics etc it didn't make a difference for me though it never helped she controlled most aspects of my life i got by with little petty revenges revenges such as peeing in the drinks she'd forced me to get her by the time i got to high school i turned to alcohol i resented her and the negative atmosphere affected who i was as a person i started to be cold and uncaring calculated she started kicking me out of the house every few months telling me to find somewhere else to live by the age of 15. she sent me away to a different country for a year and tried to keep my passport but i made it back to the us with the help of the embassy and my stepfather i came back senior year with no credits for the prior grade which ended with me getting a ged i spent most of the time i could with my best friend and started working whatever jobs i could find i was terrible at saving as i'd accumulated loads of shitty habits while growing up and it didn't make much of a difference she eventually told me that if i went to college i would always have a place to live until i finished queue my first two semesters at a two-year college i maintained a 3.7 gpa my teachers loved me and it was my escape towards the end of my second semester during finals i came home late one night around 10 pm and my mother yanks the door open screaming in my face asking when i'll move out i'm slightly drunk and decide to completely ignore her and walk to my room i've rarely ever raised my voice at her because it's never ended well now at this point i'm 19 and i've been doing school full time with no savings i get to my room and she rips my door open and starts yelling i say nothing and stare at her she walks away and called the police on me saying she's afraid that i'm crazy and i'll murder her and my younger siblings i don't know where she got the idea from as she's the one who's held a knife to people before i packed everything into a duffel bag and left five minutes afterwards i failed all of my finals because i couldn't make it to my school things kind of spiraled and the next two to three years were me on and off homeless i survived the best i could in a big city with no college degree and made bad choices due to my really bad habits eventually i found a profitable hobby that gave me meaning and through that i started to work my way up i got my own apartment had a full-time job and did my hobby on the side i hadn't kept up contact with my mother at all but my younger sister who was old enough to have a phone found me on social media so i saw photos and such my mother reached out to me via email all smiles asking how i've been now guys i've always been envious of the relationship that most people have with their moms so i gave her a chance and gave her a call we talked for a few minutes and everything was civil and seemed like things would go okay and then she asked me what i've been up to in the last few years and i told her honestly that i was homeless for a while and i struggled a lot after what she did to me but i worked my way out of it she literally laughs at me she laughed at me for a few seconds in a very condescending kind of chuckle and said i never did a thing to you so i don't even know what you're talking about it's your own damn fault that you were homeless by that point i hung up i was speechless and fuming you did nothing to me okay i've spent too long letting you destroy my sanity now is the time there was a few things my mother didn't know 1. i knew for a fact that her current well-paying job that she has was gotten on lies and she never got her college degree and lied about it on her resume 2. i had access to all of her email accounts and cloud storage accounts since i was the one that set them up when i was younger and she never changes her passwords lastly she definitely wasn't aware that from 13 years old on to the last time she hit me i took photos of all of my bruises marks wounds bloody noses saving them to my computer and then google drive on top of that my little sister had been sending me photos via social media of the bruises that she got from my mom the first thing i did was compile all of those photos and videos into one folder i then reached out to cps in my city and explained that i was worried about my younger siblings how i was abused in the past and i had mountains of proof since i've called the cops on my mother and before that thing happened with my older sister there was immediately a home visit they arrived almost a day later with police and coincidentally my mother was literally in the process of taking her anger out on my younger sister while they were knocking cue an emergency removal of all of my siblings from the house and my mother getting arrested though was released hours later i sent cps all of the evidence and there's a legit case against my mother now the next day i smiled and then called up her job to inform them that she had lied about having a necessary college degree as well as her current events in her life which sparked a background check she was fired days later say adios to 75 000 and a blacklist in the only industry you know how to work i then spitefully deleted every single cloud account and email address i've ever made for her which i'm sure will make keeping up with a lot of bills nearly impossible i then anonymously reported her to the irs because of the tax fraud she committed for years by claiming people's children that weren't hers with a lot of detailed information since i lived with her while she did it so now my mother lost all of her kids and her job and i'm meeting with a caseworker from cps next week to talk more about what happens moving forward but i do know the kids will not be going back i don't know how she's gonna pay her mortgage now and survive and i'm sure she's gonna get a call from the irs who will be looking for a few thousand dollars that she owes them she also has to go back to court in a few months not exactly sure what she was charged with but i'll update when i find out how things turn out she has no idea that i'm the cause of any of this i plan on keeping tabs on her and waiting until it seems like she's close to death before i tell her it was all me and that i peed in her lipped in iced tea all those years i hope you're doing well now opie and that your brothers and sisters are safe i'm pretty sure you've saved your siblings from years and years of pain from being in your mother's care guys and that brings us to an end of another nuclear revenge episode let me know if you guys think the stories deserve the nuclear revenge badge or not if you aren't subscribed please hit that subscribe button so you don't miss future stories and see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 255,057
Rating: 4.9308686 out of 5
Keywords: nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, r/, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, nuclear, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, reddit nuclear, evil mom
Id: FcG8z0MiWI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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