r/maliciouscompliance - "You Know The CEO? He's MY Brother..."

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hey Rowan and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit are such malicious compliance where people conform to the letter but not the spirit of a request quickly before this video starts I just want to say I was looking at the stats and apparently 70% of you guys aren't subscribed so if you're in that category then please do hit subscribe down below with notifications on so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's get right into the stories the teachers orders this story occurred back when I was in middle school I was a good student and teachers usually enjoyed having me however I had one teacher that did not like me at all for some reason to make matters worse I had her for three periods a day including study hall this men I had plenty of run-ins with her throughout the day and after a while I had given up on trying to win her over I went to a private Christian school and it was school policy that no homework was to be assigned on Wednesdays so that students would have to no excuse not to go on Wednesday night Church so there I am sitting in study hall with nothing to really focus on there were no upcoming exams and it was Wednesday so there was no homework to do I had a small troubled chess board and figured that was educational so I raised my hand and asked the teacher if I and my fellow classmate who also liked chess could pass the class period by quietly playing a few rounds absolutely not this is for classwork not games but we don't have any class work it's Wednesday you cannot play a game just be constructive at this she turned back to whatever she was doing and the discussion was over I sat there for a few moments mulling over her orders then raised my hand she was so engrossed in whatever she was doing that I ultimately spoke her mom what is it may I borrow your tape yes fine just hurry up I quietly retrieved her scotch tape and then went back to my desk and pulled out a stack of notebook paper I then proceeded to stealthily build a large sailboat with three masts and everything it wasn't until I was working on an ornamental mermaid for the bow that the class had become entertained in my activities and started to snicker and laugh causing the teacher to look up from her desk what on earth step outside now in the hall the lecture I was given was pretty extensive and ended with a question of what I thought I was doing by building a boat during study hall to which I sheepishly grinned and replied ma'am you said to be constructive detention for a week what was more painful though is that she trashed the boat huh that was perfect malicious compliance she wanted him to be constructive and there he was being an engineer making a boat but it sounded like she had like some grudge against him for no reason she might have survived this if she had been a courteous douche I was working at a company that despite being a multinational had a very small staff due to its nature very specialized medical field this plus the constant staff absences from the office due to the site and field trips meant that everyone at all degrees of seniority came and went from the head office and mucked in and did whatever they needed doing whenever they were there eventually however it came to the point of needing a dedicated office person for answering the phone data entry filing etc so the specialists could focus more on the medical work and a girl was hired I was away consulting on a site set up when she started and this was what happened when I came back and met her I got back in the morning and wasn't planning on working immediately after such a long trip instead I was planning on as I usually did on Wednesday when I was in the city picking up my five-year-old nephew from the school and going to the park with him we were going to drop off some papers and a case full of medical equipment at the office on the way so I arrived at the office wearing jeans with a child in tow this is fairly unremarkable our job schedule is non-standard and to accommodate this drop-ins at all hours in various states of sometimes casual dress our frequent hi you must be Becky I'm she cuts me off what do you want just dropping off the equipment case and some paperwork the office girl doesn't bother to reply just shrugs toward the back where the case goes I put the papers on the edge of the desk in order to wrangle the case into its cupboard don't put them on there they don't belong there where would you like them where would I like them then nothing to do with me just get them out of my way I take a deep breath and remember she has no way of knowing who I am or my role with the company ah actually these need to be entered in the computer so should I just hand them to you or do you have an in tray how about you do your work and stop trying to slough it onto me and that child shouldn't be in here my nephew who has been in the office many times looks startled at this and a bit upset I understand you were taking over in the office she cuts me off again that's right and as the manager I need to tell you that in future you need to dress appropriately and do the work you're given me another deep breath trying to muster sympathy as she's new and possibly hasn't realized the genes and the child aren't out of a line for a quick drop-off I summon us for a final attempt at making the encounter more pleasant ah you know I never finished introducing myself I'm then the office girl to my nephew don't touch anything just because your mother she meant me lets you get away with coming in here doesn't mean I will put up with it in fact you can go stand outside my nephew is confused and distraught at this and bursts into tears me suddenly not giving a damn if she's new and losing all sympathy and the smile no I don't think so if you don't like it you can take it up with the CEO I'm a close personal friend as well as the manager here and he's happy for me to run the office as I see fit take it up with the CEO she says malicious compliance time I know he will be here shortly so I decide to just wait and do that soon he comes in the door daddy my nephew runs over and gets hugs the CEO to me oh great you're back have you met Becky yeah Becky this is dr. blank my business partner and sister I hope you've been treating her well he takes papers off me and hands them to her then he looks closer at his son What's Wrong kiddo has someone not being nice to you we didn't fire her she just didn't show up the next day don't know what happened to her after that she never contacted us for a reference I would pay such good money to be able to see that face as soon as the kid weds daddy she's just like ah order up so writing this up I realized how stupid this whole thing is and it might be a teensy bit blown out of proportion but this is our such malicious compliance not our slash I realize how petty I am and now I feel bad about it so here's my story so a few months ago I decided to try a well liked deli in my town that has been around for a while but I just never got around to actually trying because of unnecessary loyalty to a different deli I would usually go to the first time I walked in it wasn't terribly busy inside so I took some time looking at the board's until I saw a specialty sandwich that I thought looked good but just wanted to make a small alteration too so one of the butchers calls my number and I walk and start rattling off my order and everything is going fine until I get to my sandwich and can I get a Russian but instead of ham on that can I get chicken cutlet instead so you don't actually want a Russian then I guess technically not but I want everything that's on that sandwich but instead of ham I would like chicken Cutler listen you're holding up the line there were people standing around but they all had ordered just tell me exactly what you want on the sandwich it will be faster that way me now a little confused and peeved this guy is being kind of rude about it all right can I get a list everything I want on the sandwich see how quickly that went now I don't see how it could be faster to write down every single ingredient instead of just Russian sub C C or something similar and I don't like to be very confrontational so I didn't really say anything at the time but the sandwiches I got were divine and I go back to that deli constantly now though whenever I get that particular butcher I pepper in some malicious compliance every time that butcher takes my order now I do exactly as he asks no matter how busy or in a rush he maybe I list every single ingredient I want on every single sandwich now this wouldn't seem too bad but I only really go to that deli if a bunch of my friends are going to be together or if my family wants lunch so I usually get upwards have like six sandwiches whenever I go in and they are all specialty sandwiches that are written down on the board already ultimately taking up more of his time sometimes he'll recognize a sandwich and ask oh so you won this sandwich why didn't you just say so to which I reply because it's faster this way I might be alone in this one but let me know if you like this but whenever I go to a place I'll only get why I already know I'm really bad at trying new things and I really want to do it more just go and get things that I've never ordered before or something like that because I'm always just getting this plain things that I've had every single time yeah I don't know if I'm the only person that does that but I need to try more things I'm a mean to the students what are you going to do about it this was back from when I was a substitute teacher one year one of the Spanish teachers was out on maternity / sabbatical who is taking advantage of the lighter workload afforded by her courses and workload due to some issues that were a succession of long term substitutes an older woman who had never worked with high school kids myself who couldn't stay in the position as I didn't speak Spanish and then finally an older gentleman the older Jen oh gee whose name I never got had no clue what he was doing but was full of misplaced energy stubbornness and more than a dash of spite the students picked up on all of it and due to the fact that not a small number ended up with defiance issues they did him as much as he did BAM entered the final party in the conflict she was a paraprofessional para her job was to help a student confined to a wheelchair with both the work and modifying assignments but at the school she was also expected to basically be a class mom and helped the other students win her charge didn't need immediate assistance this woman was the embodiment of the stereotypical Italian mother sweet helpful warm and very aggressive in her protectiveness one day the old guy made a girl cry again the parrot told him not to do that again to any of the students he asked her to tell him what she was going to do about it if he did so she complied the para threatened to beat him within an inch of his life two hours later they were both fired as of two years ago the school staff still misses her oh well that was it expected I think that's enough for that today hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories think you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 149,807
Rating: 4.8368382 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, malicious, compliance, maliciouscompliance, r/malicious, r/compliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, rslash maliciouscompliance, CEO, Business, Boss, Manager, Company, Brother, Sibling, Office, Girl, Middle School, School, Education
Id: TsMoMnhhs_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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