r/maliciouscompliance - Fire Me Anytime: A Pro Revenge Story (MaliciousCompliance)

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hey everyone and welcome to story time my name is Jake and today we are gonna be looking at the subreddit our such malicious compliance where people conformed to the letter but not the spirit of a request if you new around here please do hit subscribe down below so that you never miss out on another video but for now let's sit back relax and enjoy some malicious compliance fire me anytime here's a way I used malicious compliance to get paid for doing nothing for the next year while dedicating my efforts to the success of the competitors of the people who are paying me the setting office of a small plumbing company offering residential and commercial services six days per week plus emergency service after hours and Sundays three employees that handle dispatching technicians invoicing scheduling parts ordering etc we all have the same skill set and cover each other's backs technically we have all been hired as dispatchers take no administrative stuff like payroll accounts receivable accounts payable marketing are all done at head office which has another two locations just like ours the cast o P thirties guy single no kids very flexible schedule smush ly late 20s single mom raising three brats between five and ten years old constantly leaving early and missing days due to motherhood duties doctor's appointments school meetings etc Howard older than dirt I think he helped Noah build the ark has even more elderly parents with dementia and has an arrangement with his sister he lives with his parents on Friday Saturday and Sunday and works Monday to Thursday not available on the weekend under any circumstances his sister lives with the parents Monday through Thursday Howard doesn't need the job but if he leaves then his sister will offload some of these days on to his play and he's having none of that he so be you'll meet him later so the way this worked was Howard would come in at 6:00 a.m. and work until 2:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday smush Lee would come in and work 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday after getting her kids off to school and leaving early to pick them up she would cover the weekends remotely from home she also came in at 6:00 a.m. on Fridays since Howard wasn't in I would come in at 11:00 a.m. work to 7:30 Monday through Friday and cover on-call emergencies after hours my hours were altered from the 8 to 4:30 in my contract by verbal mutual agreement I didn't mind I like to sleep in all went along fabulously for a couple of years and tail smush Lee messed it all up one of her duties was vetting and submitting timesheets for payroll and head office noticed that one of the techs was constantly making more than the others it turned out the smashley was doing some horizontal dancing with one of the plumbers and was inflating his hours on the payroll it all came to light when a customer called for a warranty issue on some work that was done and we could find no records in our system the customer insisted that our tech was out and the lady on the phone had told them that there was a 20% discount for cash emails were sent ahead office GPS records of the truck were examined and their little scheme was discovered she was puffing hours for the plumber and they were making money on cash side jobs on the weekend both were fired for cause and smush Lee was stuck trying to raise three kids with no job and no unemployment so now it's just me and Howard hey chart and owner called us into a meeting and explained that smashley was no longer employed we worked out a temporary arrangement for scheduling until a third person could be added to the team Howard would work his usual Monday to Thursday staying until 4:00 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday he would pre dispatch any late calls which we would try to avoid the field supervisor for the plumbers would take after our calls directly on Monday and Tuesday I would work Wednesday through Sunday and come in at 8:00 a.m. on Friday and work until my regular clothes time I would pre dispatch the plumbers first girls on Thursday nights I covered after-hours calls Wednesday through Sunday we were assured that this was a temporary arrangement until a replacement for smashley could be found she was let go last May with only two people covering the office neither Howard nor I could take any time off as there was nobody to cover September the first enter sob sob was brought into the picture to handle administrative stuff which admittedly had gotten a little loose when only Howard and I were covering things like missing POS on par orders missing packing slips reports of revenue and expenses being incomplete that sort of thing we were far too busy just trying to keep things running short-handed to deal with any of this stuff how would an I were also told that Saab would cover the dispatch board if required he was a douche he came into the shop claiming that he had been brought in to whip us into shape I couldn't stand him from the beginning abrupt aggressive and with a vocabulary that used a lot of swear words just a douche whatever let hip handle is outward-facing stuff dealing with vendors ordering parts fleet maintenance all that stuff he also handled timesheets for payrolls and reporting to head office fine I am good with that and if I have to deal with his BS for a couple hours three days a week fine I only worked under the same roof with him Wednesday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until his departure around 5:00 p.m. it was endurable I had requested time off twice after he arrived and had been denied both times worthy of know is that my contract specified three weeks holiday a year and up until he arrived I had only taken two days off in the spring fast-forward to late November if anything Saab had gotten worse he was really getting under my skin and I had just about had enough I had a teensy issue with anger and it was becoming more and more difficult to rein in my rage and go after him then came the straw that broke the camel's back I looked at my pay stub and saw that I was short five hours I get paid not only for the hours I am scheduled but also for the time I put in covering after-hours emergency calls this routinely put me up around 46 to 48 hours a week with overtime after 44 hours so these five hours I was sure were overtime hours I went to sob on the Friday payday and asked for an explanation he replied that he had been directed to bring overtime down and if I check my email I will see a directive that states under no circumstances is anyone to work overtime in this office this was clearly directed at me and me only as Howard only put in 36 hours a week and didn't cover on-call so why am I shot five hours on this pay I deducted 30 minutes each day for lunch but I don't take lunch I just eat a sandwich at my desk there's a mutter I can take 30 minutes off your pay each day is unpaid break time it's the letter of the law but I actually worked these hours are you serious you're deducting time for breaks I didn't take it's the letter of the law you don't like it take it up with the labor board I don't have time for this stuff get back to your desk and do your job all right mate now it's on anchor me all you like be a douche all you like but mess with my money you are going to pay and I will screw you over hard I have a good friend Eric I have known since high school who is an associate of one of the better law firms in town I invited him out for a few beers and some wings on Sunday night and asked him if his firm handled stuff like this you know it's amazing the amount of advice you can get for a few pieces of chicken and some beer Monday I drove across town to a store and bought one of these they are pretty easy to get just Google spice shop for your city or order when a famine I fiddled around with it and figured out how to get it to work on Wednesday I showed up for work at my usual 11:00 a.m. start time and things in the office with business as usual until 4:00 p.m. on the dot I took my sandwich a Coke and a paperback novel and sat in my car it didn't take long about ten pass for sob come storming into the parking lot and demands to know exactly what I am doing taking my lunch break I replied the phones are ringing off the hook Jeff needs to process a credit card payment and Mike is just about to clear his call I need you back in there right now sorry sob but if you're not paying me for my break time then I'm not working through my break time either you handle it or I'll take care of it in I checked my countdown timer on my cell phone 17 minutes and then I rolled the window back up it was beautiful sob turned red and stormed back into the office when I returned he demanded to know what I thought I was up to I am entitled to a 30 minute unpaid break you took that time off my time she so now I am taking my break I am entitled to her it's the letter of the law he sputtered but had no response so I went back to my desk five minutes later I get an email instructing me to take my break before 2 p.m. so I can be back at my desk before Howard leaves for the day I replied to his email BCC copying the owner of the email and HR I replied that I was unable to do so because as per Labor Law I was not entitled to a lunch break until 5 hours into my shift therefore I would continue to be away from my desk for 30 minutes beginning at 4 p.m. I even snipped and pasted a paragraph from the labor board website to support my position he came into my office and chewed me out at length I wouldn't budge I told him it's the letter of the law if you have a problem with it take it up with the labor board on Thursday just after Saab left for the day I composed and sent him an email again BCC copying in owner and HR I explained that I had agreed to changing my hours on a temporary basis until a third person could be added to the office I also agreed to continue to work them until the transition was complete as SOB was now firmly in the groove I now withdraw my consent to the change of hours as contractually specified and beginning Monday would revert to the hours in my contract Friday I showed up at 11:00 a.m. and sob is waiting for me with a printout of the email HR and owner have been calling me what is this all about simple when I was hired my hours were in the contract Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. they were changed by a verbal agreement well I withdraw my consent and stand on the hours specified if my contract screw that you work the same hours until I tell you differently the hours of service in the contract are the letter of the law contract law if you want to change the hours we can always renegotiate the contract you want to alter the hours fine then I want to alter my rate of pay there was a flurry of emails he would then sent to me and I would copy HR and owner on my replies since he wasn't copying them in at all so I worked Sunday as usual then showed up Monday at 8 a.m. Howard asked me what was going on because sob was bad-mouthing me all over the place to him and to the tax one thing you should know is that a good dispatcher in the service industry is a rare thing there are trucking dispatchers and taxi dispatchers and tow truck dispatchers but finding one that knows how to balance plumbers and customers and solve problems it's tough I get along with all my plumbers and they are all asking me what's happening I take the high road and basically reveal nothing I get along with these guys quite well towards early afternoon I send sob an email explaining that there are some lay calls how late do you need me to work he replies until the calls are run perfect so I end up working until 6:30 same on Tuesday but 7:00 p.m. Wednesday to send emails both days and sob told me to stay both days he replied to me only and I sent an OK email reply copying the bosses in by Thursday morning I had racked up 39 and a half hours 38 were in the office and one and a half hours taking after-hours calls about 10:00 a.m. I sent an email again copying the bigwigs and detailing my hours for the week explaining that at 12:30 p.m. I would have a total of 44 hours and as per sob directive of such-and-such a day prohibiting overtime I was left with no choice but to go home just before I hit Send I turned to Howard and said you might want to make some popcorn sob comes storming in and demands to know what is going on well sob I am only following your directive you said no overtime right well as of 12:30 I will be on overtime unless you say different and I have to go so it's either rescind II no overtime or I head out your call sob is now screwed he's been told to dial back on the overtime and now he's going to have to pay me overtime for half of Thursday all of Friday and all of Saturday or cover the dispatch board himself work the weekend you miserable person you'll pay for this stuff okay I need that in writing and I can't work Sunday you have to listen you little rat don't tell me when I have to work I tell you when you have to work and you're working Sunday nope labor law says specifically that I can get one day off in seven I can show you since I worked last Sunday I am working every other day this week I get this coming Sunday off it's the letter of the law Howard can't work it I can't work it so I guess you have to but my kid has a tournament on Sunday can't you bend the rules sorry it's the letter of the law sob was a real treat to be around for Thursday and Friday I assure you and my little spy pen recorded every word of his mouth Monday I come in I think this was the 26th of November and the owner and HR and sob are waiting for me odor and HR want to know what's going on they are getting reports that I am being insubordinate and threatening to abandon my job sob wants to can me and up until two weeks ago I was a model employee I explain everything and refer them to the emails that I copied them in on they asked what started this whole mess and I told them that sob he was told to reduce overtime and took time off my check but I had actually worked he demanded that I go back into work on my break and that I scheduled my break three hours into my shift I laid it all out owner gave sob the stink eye and said I never told you to dial back overtime they asked me if I were to be willing to go back to the hours I was working before we can discuss it but since this would be a major change to my employment contract we will need to renegotiate it including my rate of pay can you go back to those hours and then we'll schedule the meeting no thank you if I revert to the previous hours then you have no reason to schedule a meeting we do the meeting first then once we have a deal you get the hours changed let's just talk about it we'll get back to you okay but you need to discuss this soon I am taking the last three weeks of December as vacation time sob explodes with owner and HR right there you're not taking any vacation without my approval and I'm not approving a minute of vacation for you I turn to owner in HR violate the law I am entitled to vacation time yearly by contract law I am entitled to three weeks so far I have taken two days this year I have requested vacation time and sob denied it both times I couldn't take it in between when you fired smashley and hired sob because there were only two of us in the office I get three weeks a year and we are coming up to the end of the year company policy is use them or lose them so I am using them HR says we'll pay you out the accrued vacation time I look at her and reply hmm I don't agree to your offer I am entitled to the time I want the time not the money she thinks for a minute and says we'll roll it over into the new year I don't agree to your offer I am entitled to the time this year not next year sob pipes up but Howard already has two weeks booked off and I'm taking my family to Florida you can't take the time there's nobody to run the shop what y'all going to Florida so you expect me to run the entire show alone work seven days a week and you send an email saying no overtime are you serious back to owner and HR look I had to work a full year before I was entitled to a vacation all of the plumbers have to work a full year before they are entire to a fake Asian labor law says that you have to work a full year before you're entitled to a vacation and he's telling me that I am not allowed to take my vacation because he's going to Florida and he's only been here three months is that why I'm hearing here you guys told me to hold off on vacation time until we got a third person I point at sob well there he is right there and I am taking the vacation I'm entitled to no payout no rollover and if you want to renegotiate my contract it can wait until the new year and I stormed out of the office I don't know what the rest of the meeting was like but about an hour later sob stas chewing me out again see how he's out of thousands of dollars and now he has to tell his kids but they aren't going to Disney World calls me every name in the book the next two weeks were awful what a douche bag calling me names telling me he won't rest until I am out on my butt telling me I'm the worst person he's ever worked with so I took my vacation time didn't do anything didn't travel just kick back and relaxed and spent time with my parents over the holidays I get back in January and there's a new face sitting on my desk and sob is there with a grin on his face and my separation papers HR put laid off rather than fired so I had that going for me which was nice now where I live if someone calls a former employer for a reference all the former employer is permitted to say it's the time frame the former employee worked there and whether or not he would be eligible for rehire so a few days into January SOB gets a phone call hiya soapy my name is Eric and we're looking at Opie's resume here he says you were his most recent employer you're on speaker what can you tell us about him sob goes off like a stick of dynamite calling me every name in the book saying that I was a horrible worker lying about missing time telling all sorts of BS I let him go on and on a sop recognized my voice he stops Hrunting yeah you rat I know your voice ever heard of the Law Offices of Joey screw him uber and how their lawyers and this call is being placed from their conference room nice talking to you sob the next call we're making is to the owner and getting his lawyers name it took a while but a meeting got scheduled with owner HR sob owner's lawyer me and Eric Eric explained I was starting a claim for wrongful dismissal and this meeting was to explore the possibility of a settlement we laid out everything every email a timeline of events and then the piece de la resistance a supercut of audio of sob yelling threatening ranting and just being SOP it was beautiful sob went white owner stead him the whole time like he wanted to erase him from the face of the earth they asked us to excuse them for a few minutes so Eric and I went for a coffee and chuckled they texted us within 20 minutes to return Oona's lawyer explained that they were admitting no liability or wrongdoing but that as a gesture of goodwill they were willing to offer me three months severance if I would sign a waiver Eric smiled declined and then played the tape from the conference room about the reference he also mentioned that he was present at the time and so were two of his colleagues and were all willing to file affidavits to the effort another break we came back and they upped the offer to six months we countered with two years severance eventually we settled on fifteen months with me to collect a check every two weeks as if I was employed based on an average of my hours for the past six months of my employment and I had racked a lot of overtime in those six months they even tried to stick a clause prohibiting me from working for anyone in the same industry while the deal was in effect but Eric spotted it and had it struck out my skill set is in demand and it didn't take long for me to find another job doing the same thing but for one of their competitors it's awesome these guys pay me on one Friday and my working job pays me on the next I am racking up savings like you wouldn't believe and Eric was pretty gentle with his billing sob yeah he was candid no time between me and owned its network of contacts the rumor mill has basically made him untouchable he's still looking for a job as far as I know I did tell my new employer to get rid of his resume if they ever got one but if I ever get a phone call asking me for a reference for sob all I can tell them is that I worked with them for four months in 2018 I can't say more than that it's the letter of the law that was a great story it was just so perfectly read out like I could read that so easily and it made so much sense and it was such a good story in the end as well perfectly legal he got to like 15 months of pay without having to do anything and the guy got fired and couldn't find a job it was just a it was like a malicious compliance prevent crossover but it was perfect hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day and that you enjoyed that video if you want to check out some of the videos then click on screen right now or check out the playlist down below if you enjoyed that video then please do leave a like and if you want to submit your own stories then you can do so by joining the discord in the top link in the description but thank you so much for watching and I will see you very soon
Channel: Storytime
Views: 378,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, Storytime, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, episode, story, time, stories, reddit stories, reddit story, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, revenge, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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