r/maliciouscompliance | School Uniform leaves us FREEZING... I'll fix that!

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welcome to the story time channel my name is steven and i hope you're all doing well today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by voodoo daughter outdoor recess really isn't that important to me background i went to a catholic school that had the traditional uniform every guy dreams about for some reason white shirt plaid skirt our uniform rules were strict about everything shoe color sock color jewelry etc and in those rules it was clear that the girls could wear tights under the skirts but nothing else was permitted no leggings no sweatpants yoga pants weren't a thing back then but they'd have been out of the question too your choices were bare legs pantyhose or tights so when winter rolled around we were cold like all the time the school was a big old marble and limestone monstrosity so it was drafty and chilly and we were just cold to this day i'm still always cold when i shouldn't be and i wonder if years of being too cold just set in somehow anyhow under the story guess what else is cold in winter outdoor recess what sadistic evil jerk of a man thought it was a good idea to force children to play outside in the cold without protective layers is beyond me but that was the school policy the boys got pants and blazers so they were always warm enough though they might catch a chill and yes we could take our jackets but imagine being outside in a winter coat and a knee-length skirt the coat was only helping so much while the boys played we girls would huddle next to sewer grates and storm drains in the area trying to stay warm by the steam or if a delivery truck was on campus we'd lean against the engine to leech some of the heat i don't know how the faculty could watch this and just not care but they never did edit we did have indoor recess but only if there was precipitation and i don't mean expected bad weather i mean there had to be something actively falling from the sky when they flung the doors open if it just finished snowing two inches before we went out too bad if it started raining five minutes after it started too bad then we got to fifth grade and they wanted to teach us responsibility this meant not just grades affected when we missed homework but punishment as well i wasn't aware of the new rules until i missed my first homework assignment i don't remember why i didn't do it just that it was an honest mistake maybe i left the book i needed at school maybe i forgot we had an assignment i don't know but that first case was totally accidental so i come to class and don't have my homework the teacher tells me to see her after class okay she tells me per the class contract i signed in the beginning of the year since i didn't do my assignment i have to stay late and eat lunch when everyone else has already gone out to recess thereby missing recess i was bummed but oh well that's what i get for screwing up but then i served my punishment and it was great everyone was done eating so there was no line in the cafeteria the lunch ladies were just packing up and felt kind of bad for me so a few of them asked if i wanted extra of anything i found a seat in the entirely empty cafeteria and realized it was nice to eat in silence instead of the cacophony of hundreds of other students still lunch and recess were our only real chance to socialize all day and i wanted to catch friends i didn't have any morning classes with so i asked the teacher in charge of lunch detention if i could go outside since technically the punishment was laid to lunch not missing recess per the rule book she declined and said that the late lunch was a means to take away recess as a punishment so i had to stay in the whole time okay i get it i'm the one who screwed up and that was that or so i thought i spent the next couple months being a diligent student and turning in my assignments but then the weather began to turn cold our recess conversations began to tilt to the same topic they did every year who had found a new source for thicker tights than we had worn last year we had gotten quite creative and though we hated the look most of us had a giant stash of cable knit tights think of a knit sweater on your legs the problem with knitted wear is the holes though so though we looked warm we still froze then one day i missed another assignment and the same punishment ensued and i had an idea if i just didn't do my homework anymore i'd get lunch detention every day and i wouldn't have to go outside in the cold i'm a genius so i stopped doing my homework in class with the nicest teacher i'm not entirely stupid but i was in fifth grade so not smarter than the adults around me yet after like three days the teacher pulls me aside and says if i don't have my homework tomorrow she's calling my mom crap next day i have my homework for that class but i skip another and that gives me my idea the rules say that if i miss my homework in any class i get lunch detention that day unless it's already after lunch and then the detention applies to the next day so if i'm careful about which classes i skip the work in i can stagger my missed assignments enough that the teachers will just think i'm flaky but not doing this on purpose so that's what i do some days i miss a morning assignment so i get a detention at lunch other days i'll miss both a morning and afternoon assignment so that covers lunch that day and the next four classes in the morning for afternoon classes i could stagger and randomize just enough i kept this up for about a month or so when the teachers must have started comparing notes or the lunch detention crew began to wonder why i was always in trouble i wasn't sure what flagged the system but mom got called why isn't voodoo daughter doing her homework is something going on at home that we should know about is she under any stress we haven't been informed of is she struggling with any subjects remember posh private school they want to be seen as caring just not about us freezing to death so mom sits me down why aren't you doing your homework and i explained to her about being cold about how the punishment of a quiet late solitary lunch with a good book in the warm cafeteria is way better than a loud lunch followed by a cold recess that i never really got warm from for the rest of the day i explained to her my system and that i was still getting good grades on my tests i understood the subjects and i wasn't skipping things i needed to work on but i didn't see how there was a downside i was doing less work but maintaining my grades i got to stay warm i an introvert got to eat in a quiet space for my meal and the school was unwilling to offer any alternatives gotta give mom credit not only did she admit that i made complete sense she told me she was proud of me they had created the system and the rules i had disagreed with them found a way to live within their system and get everything i wanted here i was 10 years old and i was navigating bureaucracy better than most adults she called the school and insisted on an in-person meeting with my principal and my homeroom teacher she basically laid it all out my daughter says that she and her friends were reprimanded and made to take off their clothes in front of the class when they tried to wear leggings and sweatpants out to recess is this correct principal stammers i uh thought we were here to discuss homework issues mom says we'll get to that apparently when the girls wear anything but socks pantyhose or tights even outside during recess they are reprimanded and if they try to wear them indoors during class they are made to take them off right there in the classroom is that correct well yes so i just want to get this on record my daughter was willing to sit in this cold building all day in your dress code and only violated it when she was outside in the freezing winter temperatures and you decided that her health wasn't as important as your dress code well they're outside you see anyone driving by can see the schoolyard and to have all the kids out there wearing whatever like all their bright colorful puffy winter jackets they're already wearing on top it's our policy to teach these ladies to look like ladies to prepare them for adulthood so you refuse to change your dress code policy about what the girls can wear outside on their legs yes i'm sorry that won't be changing then my daughter won't be doing her homework shot looks she doesn't want to go outside but if she does her homework and asks to stay in you tell her no when she goes outside you won't let her wear warm clothes so she stopped doing her homework because it's the only way she can find that you'll allow her to stay warm i fully support her system mom then explained my system to them and how if they weren't willing to change the rules i was going to continue to abide by their rules and there was nothing they could do about it i wasn't feeling any classes i wasn't hurting anyone or disrupting other students i was just enjoying something that was meant to be a deterrent and they had no idea how to handle it she told them that she couldn't think of one good reason i should comply and do my homework if it was getting me nothing but benefits and zero drawbacks then what reason did i have to keep up with my homework the principal was stunned you mean that right here in my office you're giving your daughter permission to not do her homework my mom turned to me and said if you keep your grades up and you let me review your system and i approve of how often you're missing each class you have my blessing to skip homework just enough to stay indoors for recess no abusing the system it's a stupid rule and i'm proud of you for finding a solution she looks back at the principal does that answer your question the principal looked back stunned but said nothing eventually nodding and letting us go after all what could they really do about it that's kind of it for the main story but there's more for those that like a good long read i kept up my routine for another few days and that's when one of the lunch monitor teachers came over and told me if i could eat a little faster she'd let me run out and play with the other kids i thought that was odd but told her no thanks i actually prefer it in here to out there she looked bummed but didn't say anything then like two minutes later she chimed in again and i knew who had ratted me out well you see han if you're in here on detention every day i have to be in here with you to make sure you're not misbehaving and that means i don't get to go outside with the other teachers in chat every day one of us has to stay in here with you and miss out on the one time of the day we all get to socialize so i'll make you a deal if you eat quick and hurry out there you can still get a few minutes of recess and i can chat with the other teachers aha so that's what's got me pinched now i wasn't just annoyed i was pissed they called my mom and got me a conference with the principal all so they could have their lunchtime gossip session i looked her straight in the eyes and said you can go and play with your friends when you change the dress code or the weather gets warmer just cold emotionless to this day i get shivers thinking about the way i delivered that line to her she backed away and didn't bring it up again when i told my genius mom about the incident that evening she laughed and suggested i explain my system to the other girls i knew also hated being cold i didn't understand the gleam in her eye at the time i was only 10 after all but i did tell my girlfriends what was up as i had been keeping it a secret to stay out of trouble but now that my mom and the school knew why hide it from my friends so i told all the girls i usually complained with about why i kept missing homework and staying in for recess before i knew it we had a small indoor recess group all of us rotating through skipping homework just enough to keep inside every day this went on all winter until the weather warmed up and we were happy to go outside again the next year when things got cold again i was pulled aside and asked if i thought an indoor recess option might suit some students and that if we could keep the volume down we were welcome to stay in the cafeteria after lunch while others went outside while you're still reading this okay last bit the second year was much the same only we didn't have to skip homework we were just allowed to stay inside if we wanted to on warm days no one did but on cold days all the girls would stay inside and the boys would be outside yay for blazers and pants we were a gender separated school so the only time the hormonal boys even got to see the girls was recess it wasn't long before they were complaining that the girls never come outside for recess but they didn't always want to be inside and it was stupid that the dress code kept even the girls who liked outdoor stuff inside because they'd rather be warm by the time we reached 7th grade they reworked the entire uniform we had summer and winter uniforms the girls could wear pants and button-down shirts in winter months and they even designed us cool sweaters so we could stay warm and that is the story of how my little 10 year old self changed the entire uniform code at a hundred years old private school you would really think at a 100 years old private school that they would have a proper system in place for people to stay warm during winter months it's not like the school came from a different location if you were freezing every day at recess and you knew that you could skip homework on certain classes it doesn't really matter when to avoid getting frozen every single day would you do the same thing op did let me know in the comments down below i think it's really smart our next stories by california old timer malicious compliance from u.s navy bowling team we were just following the rules okay first let me say that this story is all in good fun nobody is that bad guy here we are all just super competitive so to give here is what happened september of this year i am a part of a veterans bowling league where i live in california so we have people from the army navy marines air force and coast guard each branch has members from those branches and they are a bowling team now for charity we each have a fee of 500 dollars between the 40 of us each team will face each other and the last team standing gets to donate the money to the veteran charity of their choice now it's all in good fun but needless to say people get super competitive now our teams really represent age diversity regarding wars of the us every team has two world war ii vets around three vietnam vets and four from iraq and afghanistan now it's important that i state that they don't have to be formed this way it's just we do out of courtesy for a team that might have some older players now the team captain of the marine team was super ultra competitive like walter sobchik from the big lebowski you'll always get tipsy and yell about how one of our guys was over the line and other various things so we'll call them walter now in september we meet and face the marine team we were one guy short because our world war ii vet wasn't going out because of the crisis we said that one of our guys could bowl twice but walter was yelling about how if we didn't have another player we'd have to forfeit one of the referees is an iraq navy vet so he could be our alternate the problem is that walter was yelling about how unfair it was because he was a pro bowler cue malicious compliance we read the handbook stating that so long as he is a member of that specific branch he could be our alternate for the day he wasn't the rough for our game so that's something to consider we later followed the handbook to the teeth during our game walter had a fit and started drinking more and getting more drunk because of this he was really off balance when he went for his turn we started complying with the rule book and called him out on his fouls such as going over the line in unsportsmanlike conduct malicious compliance times two walter got so drunk he couldn't play anymore we told the marine team these exact words if you don't have a man to play you'll have to forfeit so we won by forfeit and we lost to the air force team soon after and the army team won they donated the money to help veteran families that need help with medical bills and other related expenses thanks for reading have a good one hey it's in the rules buddy it seems a bit like karma right they kind of had it coming i just feel bad for the rest of their team if they weren't being jerks like walter was and our final story of the day is by chromas lock the door if we arrive five minutes late okay so this is going to be very short as it didn't happen to me but to a fellow professor last year last year the university i teach wasn't particularly strict on attendance the only thing not attending would get you was a call asking if you want to keep paying for the class if you're not using them at all there are no refunds but they could sign you out midway through so you didn't pay extra aside from that it was up to the teacher to control how they wanted attendance to affect their class this one professor decided to be incredibly strict about it and the students hated him for it he would physically lock the door once five minutes passed and would not open it again for any reason whatsoever if you were five minutes late you lost that lesson some students started sitting in the hallway and taking notes while looking through the glass doors when that was an option one day i arrived to teach my lesson and all the students are giggly and happy it just so happened that the professor himself arrived five minutes late that day and the students locked him out of the classroom for an entire hour i suspect he was too embarrassed to ask for a key and in the process having to admit why he was locked out needless to say he never locked the doors again it's only fair right if you're going to demand that your students be absolutely punctual at a university then the students can expect you to also be just as punctual but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 8ziLKDkFRic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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