r/maliciouscompliance | Man wanted the MOST *EXPENSIVE* Meal we had...

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is story time channel and this is steven and we've got some malicious compliance stories for you today quickly before i get into the stories today i want to mention that i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested in entering and don't know how to enter stay tuned till later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to that said our first story of the day is by short nerdy one i guess you don't want a lunch break for years i was a teacher some important background is for this story i worked in a very very poverty-stricken under-resourced school at the time because of a limited budget the cafeteria was far from efficient depending on the principle we either had to turn in a list every morning listing every student and id number that was buying lunch that day and the manager had one of her workers basically spend all morning inputting it or they had the kid say the name while they were in line they'd look at a list for that name and id number and type it right then and there either way it's a pain in case you don't know six-year-olds have a pretty quiet voice and can barely be heard in a loud cafeteria one year before school started the cafeteria manager came in and told my four-person first grade team that she had good news we were finally getting keypads so the students can input their numbers in line three of us all agree this is great and started planning right away i won't go into all the boring details of planning the physical logistics of it all seriously it's hard to hold a tray and put in a number on a keypad at the same time when you're six but we also made plans of making it more smooth utilizing pretty simple technology see two of us myself and sam are both computer savvy we figured out together that if you went into our attendance system we could create a csv of our students and id then we were able to make a word document for cards for the students with this information that pulled from that document instantly we just had to print laminate and throw a sticker on the back to mark which class the student is in one team member joan didn't agree with any of our plans they should get those scanners all of this is ridiculous well we don't have the budget this year maybe next year for now let's focus on what we have and work with it the best we can we said well don't make me those cards i'm not going to use them okay we said agreeing to comply perhaps maliciously let's jump ahead to the beginning of the school year we have to spend the first three weeks getting the students trained on how to's but once they got it it went really smooth other grade levels took note and asked us to make cards for them we obliged the creating of the word document at least pretty soon almost every kid had cards to refer to so they could go through the line quickly at least until they memorized the number which didn't take long typically remember how fast it was to memorize a phone number if you were a kid before cell phones almost every kid that is except jones students she kept printing out a paper listing your students names and id numbers and handing it to the much too nice lady working the register then she'd stand there and repeat each and every student's name since as i said they say it too quietly she'd missed almost half her lunch just getting her kids through the cafeteria is set up to have two entrances and two lines with a different class coming in every 5 minutes pretty soon they were doubling up classes on the other side when jones class was holding up one side at that point the principal stepped in and said she had to use the cards she tried to argue with him saying that they should just buy the scanner and this wouldn't happen but he wouldn't hear it she still refused to train them on the how to's of using the cards so it took several more weeks for her class to stop holding everything up and since i'm realizing as i'm typing this that it may not be general knowledge i'll say a couple of the how to's i mean is things like put your tray here hold your card with one hand tap it with the other stuff like that again six-year-olds need help with these things have you ever experienced these kinds of people where if it's not an idea they came up with they're not going to ever agree with it let me know in the comments down below because this seems exactly what's going on here our next story is by unicorn space station can you do the reboot again hi reddit this is my fourth and final call center malicious compliance story from the big mama chronicles so one day weekend this sweet lady calls in let's call her susan hi my son is complaining about disconnecting internet for a few days now i don't really understand these things but i promised him that i will fix it i'm calling from work is that going to be a problem it's certainly easier and sometimes needed to have someone at the premises but there is a lot of things we can do remotely from here let me take a look at it so susan i do indeed see that there are some problems here with the connection and it seems that the only solution is to have one of our technicians stop by before i can do that for you i will need to remotely reboot your modem it takes just about a minute or two but it will disconnect the services is anyone at home using them yeah my son is playing games for sure but it's fine he will survive do you want to call him to let him know i can wait it's not a problem now that little brat deserves it i bet he will call me himself to scream at me anyway when you disconnect it you are joking right oh we will see go ahead with your restart so i did and no joke in half a minute susan goes oh yeah he's calling me right now i'm going to join the call meet yourself and listen to what little devil i raised so i do and listen by his voice he is barely a teen but as soon as she picks up he starts yelling mom you said you will fix this crap it happened again you are useless how am i supposed to get good grades when i can't even connect to the freaking internet well i'm working on it right now so you better behave or i'll just tell them we don't need internet anymore oh you would not do that freak you hangs up so now you believe me yeah i'm so sorry that's horrible i don't know what happened my two daughters are angels maybe you can consider setting up some parental control on your internet it's something our services are capable of i can send you a link to your email so you can read up on it oh that exists that would be great as a gamer myself that had really strict helicopter parents when it comes to computer and internet i don't usually tell customers about parental controls but i felt it was more than justified in this case susan now that we have a technician scheduled is there anything else i can do for you could you do one of those restarts again me with a huge malicious smile i can do better than that i could push a software reload that takes 10 to 20 minutes to finish yes please do that i should be home by then and we'll deal with that little brat i complied big mama out i definitely feel bad for this mom because i don't even know how you handle a kid who's acting like that do you just take everything away and hope that they can reform you gotta have like a really hands-on approach don't you is it like a horse you have to take everything away until they just break and they're good again i don't know this next story is by what am i doing it's 3am emails are not an accepted way of communication i just got reminded of the story and i thought i should share it with you because it's the best mix of pro revenge and malicious compliance that i ever witnessed this all happened from 2013 to 2015 and i am able to exactly recall what happened due to reasons i will explain later so it started with my first day of middle school my classmates and i were very excited we all knew each other already because in germany where i'm from secondary schools go from grade 5 to grade 12. sometimes only to grade 10 but that is irrelevant here my classmates and i were excited because in 7th grade we got to have a new tutor meaning a teacher who is responsible for the entire class in germany you are always in the same class we didn't know our new tutor yet and we're pretty excited for the new school year to begin and as a bunch of very excited 12 year olds are we were loud very loud in walked our new tutor who i will call miss karen because that's exactly what she is a karen she seemed taken aback by the loud class and did nothing we were engaged in conversation so we didn't really notice she was there so she screamed she didn't scream something like be quiet oh no miss karen just screamed just screamed like we had murdered her dog or something so this is how the battle between basically my whole school all the parents and miss karen started besides being our tutor she was our german and english teacher as well so she was responsible to teach us two of the most important classes in school let's just say i didn't learn how to speak english thanks to her she generally didn't know how to handle kids or teenagers she was quite young herself i would say 30 years old she didn't have any authority and therefore screamed a lot and gave a lot of detention she also didn't know how to use technology like most teachers do somehow one day she wanted to show us a movie with a projector i don't recall why and was just not able to make the stupid tech obey her i was trying to be helpful raised my hand and said miss karen maybe you could press the power button so that the projector is working i was a very shy kid at that time and really just wanted to help her but what she said was op nobody likes a smart butt in german klugshaisa the way she said it it was clearly meant as an insult i was pretty taken aback by that my tutor just insulted a 12 year old girl me that really bothered me because i just wanted to help and did nothing wrong so i told my parents who understandably were furious they wrote an email to ms karen asking her how dare she say such a thing to a student before i can get into what she did and said next i have to explain how things worked at my school at the beginning of every new school year every student got some kind of journal in which you could write your schedule and what you do for homework every day there was also a section called communication school parents in which for example parents would excuse their children from class when they were too sick to attend ms karen answered my parents email saying that she was very sorry about what happened but that future communication between her and parents should be through the journal alone she was literally the only teacher who saw it that way so in comes the malicious compliance the incident with the insult and her screaming problem weren't the only things that made her a karen she also gave the whole class bad oral grades if you don't know what that is you got graded for your engagement in class and for your homework vocabulary tests presentations etc miss karen had the bad habit of doing surprise vocabulary tests which we all failed always because if we don't know what words we had to learn how are we supposed to know them so whenever we had one of the surprise tests we all got a six equals failed my oral grade before this test was a two one is the best grade six is the worst so it meant i was good after the test however i had a 4 minus pretty pretty bad not failing but almost the same happened to my classmates she all gave us a piece of paper on which she wrote our grade and other things like forgotten homework on my paper she wrote forgotten homework three times i was very confused by that because i was certain i only forgot to do an assignment once not three times so i went and told my parents about that again the following dialogue is directly translated from a page's ongoing conversation in my journal oh the sweet sweet compliance between my mom and miss karen june 16 2015 concerning oral grade english yes my mom straight up acted like she was writing an email dear miss karen you remark that our daughter opie forgot to do her english homework three times op told us that she only recalls for getting it once we ask you to clarify when and what our daughter forgot to do sincerely opie's parents and a second email right after that june 16th 2015 concerning oral grade german dear miss karen you did not explain or remark why op got graded a3 in german context i thought i was a two at least please explain further so that we can understand this decision sincerely opie's parents i gave the entries in my journal to miss kieran who just stared at me for a few minutes and then wrote in it first 106 805 1304 dates when i didn't do my homework i obviously do not write down what it was about four exclamation marks look at the class book context a book where the teachers remark all kinds of things four exclamation marks the exclamation marks she drew extra big and concerning the second entry she wrote engagement in class low homework 30.03 date of homework very bad three exclamation marks no improvement whatsoever my mom wrote this july 17 2015 concerning oral grade german dear miss karen op showed us the homework you talked about that you apparently collected in class and graded op's homework was only remarked with introduction and not understandable the evaluation very bad three exclamations we do not see and do not understand sincerely op's parents next to this text she actually printed out and glued in a miniature version of my homework as proof as to why she did that my mom told me karen wants us to communicate through the journal so you can't just show her your homework it has to be in the journal miss kieran the next day wrote this right next to it no i didn't grade it i only wrote down what i saw so basically she didn't have anything clever to say about that my mom also wrote july 18 2015 concerning oral grade english dear miss karen we had a look into the class book and now know what missing homework you referred to we do not accept two missing homeworks this part my mom wrote in red we as op's parents forgot to sign her grade on the vocabulary test this was not her fault yes apparently letting your parents sign your very bad vocab test is considered homework now second op merely forgot to do one little part of the homework not the whole thing i had to write an essay and forgot to write a conclusion or something like that sincerely miss karen just wrote very sad she really reminds me of a certain person being in charge of the u.s after that she made the whole class write in our journals that emails are now an acceptable way of communication as well i and a lot of classmates their parents have done something similar and from what i heard so did parents of all kinds of students who had miss karen as a teacher magically received better oral grades mission accomplished nah we're not there yet apparently i wasn't the only student she wronged and called names because parents started complaining to the principal we got told by other teachers who all thought she was pathetic and petty that she ran out of the principal's office crying and screaming miss karen disappeared after she was our teacher for two years because she wanted to move back home nobody believed that so basically this karen although qualified was very not qualified just unfair rude and had terrible practices and a terrible sense of just handling herself and handling the class it's no surprise that everybody basically ran her out of there our next story is by distant button 57 you want our most expensive meal here you go around two years ago when i worked at a restaurant as a waiter an obnoxious man came in with his partner and immediately called me over he began asking for the most expensive item on the menu probably to impress his partner i began warning him that it was very expensive and that he should look before ordering it after going back and forth a couple times he said do i have to call your manager or can i order it i obliged and he ate his meal and said he thoroughly enjoyed it then he asked for the bill i don't remember the exact amount but it amounted to around 2 300 pounds he freaked out he started shouting like mad saying why i hadn't warned him etc etc and i was standing there laughing at him his partner left the restaurant and he was sat there to pay the bill my manager was watching this exchange and was grinning when i came over and told me to go to the next table that's definitely a dangerous game to play give me your most expensive item and you play it like you're so confident that you can afford whatever but some restaurants might have a lofty item and op said that it was a golden stake it had like gold leaf covering or something like that so it was pretty expensive so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that being said our final story of the day is by jamoraga how spicy do you want it this was a few years ago when my parents still owned a chinese takeaway i was working the counter and a guy came in and asked for the spiciest chicken curry you have i just wrote the order down stating extra hot chicken curry guy replies no no no i want the hottest you can make as chinese people can't make spicy food worth a darn with a big smirk on his face challenge accepted i took the order in the kitchen and told my dad who was cooking to nuke it with chilis he added in a handful of chilis but then i remembered i had blair's ultra death sauce in the back as i really like spicy food myself this was unfortunately before carolina reapers even existed so i ran and grabbed it then shook the bottle as hard as i could until i got about three tablespoons in and the curry's color changed to a dark glowing red i sent it back out with the cheerful enjoy your meal one week later guy returns and says i'll have a chicken curry please i replied as hot as we can make it with an innocent smile and his face almost went white as he responded quietly um no thank you it was a pretty spicy last time i spent most of the night with a sore stomach as i drank almost 2 liters of milk to try to counter the heat sometimes you just don't know what you're asking for when you ask a person who handles food for the most whatever you want if they want to maliciously comply they can probably find a way to make it way too much in whatever category but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today please consider giving the video a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video and if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing whatever you did thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and as always i'll be back tomorrow with more reddit stories right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 60,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: dwy6LLDruu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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