r/maliciouscompliance | Their Neighbor SUED them for it, so they did it 2X

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day neighbor's gutter is flooding my property didn't want to fix okay I'll pay now I won't happened about two years ago friend reminded me of this today my next-door neighbor's house is slightly elevated higher than mine his gutter is not buried into a drainage system it floods my side yard when it rains and has progressed to flooding my front yard I have had nice conversations in the past but he is totally racist when referring to the people who live across the street who are wonderful nice people I approached him about a year ago prior and asked him if we could join the work on drainage issues he dismissed me immediately and said I don't have any effing money to spend I said okay no problem and let it go for six months I approached him again one day when he was outside and said I would like to fix it and I will get three estimates on the work and I will pay for it since I am such a nice guy and I had just gotten a bonus at work and I am tired of walking through a mud pit he didn't say anything and I told him I would get back to him with a plan and need him to sign off for HOA approval I am getting estimates around $2,500 to burry his downspouts and tie in drains in the ground and run to Poppa valves in the back of the house all three estimates wanted to do virtually the same work at around the same cost so I contact the HOA and put in a request to fix they then go to him for approval and he says I will not allow him to do the work on my house now I am thinking your water runoff is flooding my yard and you don't want to approve and allow me to pay the HOA comes back and said we talked to him and he does not want you to fix the issue 90% of the water is coming from his downspout so here comes the compliance part I ended up putting in a walkway with shrubs on the side of the house but that doesn't fix the flooding issue only helps that I don't have to walk in it I then filed multiple complaints against my neighbor with the HOA for the damage it caused they send complaint letters to him telling him that if he doesn't fix the problem he will be fined he had to hire his own company and fix his own drains the exact way that I was going to do them then he asked me if I was going to pay and I smiled and told him to go eff off I feel like I would have done the same thing you're offering to do it for free and he turns that down what would you have done in the situation let me know in the comments below hi to prove this isn't my story but my parents it was probably the first time I witnessed malicious compliance and I still remember it well it was about 25 years ago so I was about 8 and we had just moved into a 150 year old house that was in need of major repairs my dad thinking ahead knew he would need a large garage or workshop to really get started on the renovations properly on the edge of our yard was an ancient barn that was falling apart and needed to be torn down my dad figured this was the best place to build his new workshop so that was the plan we had met and were on good terms with all the neighbors at that point when the plans for the new workshop were finished my parents went around to all the neighbors as a courtesy to show them the plans and get their blessings the neighbors whose property the current barn and new workshop would border I'll call them the Peters were concerned about the height the existing barn was 16 feet high and they asked if we could only build it one-story 12 foot max as to not block the Sun in their yard sure no problem my parents agreed they wanted to go two stories for extra storage but just one wasn't a deal breaker so the old barn was torn down and the foundation laid for the new one during that time there was a falling out with the Peters and my parents I'm not sure what happened but it turned nasty one day my brother and I were playing street hockey and mr. Peters came out yelling at us get off the road you have breed craps my dad is black so we're both black you have to earn your place in this town upon hearing this my mom had to physically restrained my dad from going over and beating the living poop out of them eventually he cooled off and started on his plan the plans for one story went out the window soon the new garage that was only supposed to be one story gained a second in the blueprints if they were going to be directing racist comments at his kids my dad would build what he wanted as construction started the Peters came over to ask why there was two stories being built and we're told to go freak themselves we didn't hear from them again until the roof started to go on the bylaws of the township limited all-out structures to 24 feet high the Peters called the township and then a building inspector claiming that the new garage was over 24 feet high if it was over height the entire thing would have to be torn down and rebuilt costing us tens of thousands of dollars I remember the Peter standing there watching the inspector with smug looks on their faces two days later we got the final report back from Township and inspector 23 feet 11 inches just as my dad had drawn up in his new plans he sent me up on the roof of the garage just plywood no shingles yet with some spray paint and had me right 23 feet 11 inches height approved in two foot high neon orange letters across the entire roof facing the yard and house not only did the garage block all sunlight from reaching their yard but my dad waited until everything else was done before he shingled that side of the roof they had to stare at those neon orange letters for almost three years it may not be much but it certainly ruined the enjoyment of their newly darkened yard and there was nothing that could be done about it because it was hide approved they didn't comply with the Peters request but they certainly complied with the bylaws as maliciously as they could sounds to me like the Peters deserve to live in shade so you won't be me for the additional one hour I work but still claim it from the client I will stop working for one hour in 2003 I started working on a new dairy processing plant project in Saudi Arabia the electromechanical works were done by a British company who worked from inside the dairy company's plant premises and did not have a valid contracting license to do work in Saudi Arabia the contract between the dairy company and the electromechanical company was made in the UK and the electromechanical company worked inside the dairy plant premises as their representatives to avoid legal hassles I was hired by the electromechanical company through a manpower company run by a totally shady and creepy dude at that time I was slightly obese and in order to cut down on my weight I never had any lunch breaks I used to work straight from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. totalling 9 hours one hour additional to the usual eight hours I was paid a fixed salary by the manpower company but they charged the British electromechanical company on an hourly basis at a very high rate after two months I learned that they were billing the electromechanical company for my time for nine hours while they were not paying a corresponding salary to me i cross-checked with my boss the project manager at the electromechanical company and he confirmed so I took it up with a shady dude at the man power company and informed him that if they are billing for nine hours from me to the client I should have a corresponding increase in pay he refused outright I requested the dude again for a raise one month later and was refused ok sue can play the game I informed the electromechanical company's project manager that henceforth I will start taking my lunch break even if I don't eat anything and they should pay attention to the timesheet the manpower company submits for billing my time the month comes to an end and the manpower company submits the invoice for my time with nine hours marked as daily hours worked and was rejected outright the electromechanical company project manager informed the shady dude that they cannot build for time not worked they came to me they asked me to work during the lunch breaks and I refused outright they pleaded and I agreed if they start paying for that additional one hour for the past four months and for every future month they had to agree I went back to working the lunch breaks and I started getting paid for the additional hour - I made a good amount good on Opie for sticking up for themselves and making sure that in the end they're getting what they deserved are you sure you want to play this game years ago I worked for a family-run business I usually worked 40 plus hours every week and when my first check didn't reflect time and a half I went to the accounting person who informed me that time and a half was not a benefit we offer okay it's a federal law but whatever fast forward months of working for the company 40 plus hours a week one day I decided to test for a city job no guarantee I would get it but it was a full-day test on a weekday I had to ask for a day off keep in mind I had only used one vacation day until this point being honest I told them what I needed it for and that I wasn't even sure if I'd get the job they granted the day however when I got back the day after I was fired I applied for unemployment as the firing was a surprise someone from the unemployment office called to tell me that my request was denied as my former employer stated that I had received warnings I had not I replied hmm interesting since I have an email from my manager from earlier the week I was fired saying what a great job I was doing and our customers loved me and they don't pay time and a half overtime unemployment guy says he'll call me back on callback he advises he overrode the denial and I would be getting my unemployment and who I should call to file a complaint for the unpaid wages didn't think twice took all the copies of all my pay stubs and timesheets and filed the complaint they launched an investigation and he was non-compliant with their requests for a meeting got to the point that the investigator just showed up one day and walked into his office they demanded his books and every employee past and present for something like seven years prior got paid what they were owed plus he had to pay a penalty all while another company was in negotiations to merge with his needless to say I don't think the merging worked out very well for them I assume after something like that came to the surface their neighbors sued them for wanting to add another story to their house so my grandparents built two so to establish some things the parents of my father owned a couple of apartment complexes in this big city Germany the as well as me and my parents all live in this one house but in different apartments my father grew up in this house and never moved away I will probably one day move to another floor I'm 19 years old but don't intend to leave this house my grandpa just told me that in the early 80s it used to be just one storey high so really just a very long but super short house if that makes sense I'm living on the third floor at the moment so I asked how this came to pass what he told me was absolutely hilarious okay now the story my grandparents wanted to add another floor story to this very long in flat house so they obviously contacted the authorities and got all the paperwork done everything was fine then their neighbor found out about this and got really mad he owned and still owned some other apartment complexes in the same area and on the same street he inherited those complexes from his father my grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal with the neighbors father that if my grandparents wanted to add more floors to their houses then the neighbor would comply as long as he could also add more floors all the neighbor had to say to this was yeah that's what my father said to you but now he's dead and I don't want you to add another floor to your house I'll see you if you do that to which my grandpa just replied in his sweetest voice all right do it the reason why the neighbor could sue us for adding another floor was some weird clause in the German law that had existed at the time that stated that a house could only be so high so that the houses next to it would get a specific amount of Sun and air so that it wouldn't cast too big of a shadow on the other houses around my grandpa knew this was BS because a few houses in this area already had like seven floors so it wouldn't be an inconvenience of our house would stock up so he went to court he told me that there was literally a court meeting and a trial on the street in front of our house he brought a lawyer his attorney police officers and some specialists from the state department with him there the specialist said that our house could actually be three floors tall without Rob this neighbor of any of his heir and son with the attorney and a lawyer as witnesses everything was settled then the neighbor came over and had a fit screaming and huffing the whole time and demanded that it should be only one floor at most my grandpa said alright we'll do one floor and then we're gonna see what we'll do next they built the floor and then because that's what the specialist said built another right is when the workers wanted to start work on the second added so in total third floor the neighbor comes flying demands to know why they're doing one more than they said they'll do police were called the police already very tired of this whole situation and especially with the neighbor told my grandpa to continue building because the concrete was already mixed and ready to use this house is now three floors high I don't really know what happened to the neighbor because I never met him but my grandpa said that they're fine now there was some kind of a story that ended up with my grandpa actually building walls around some of the windows of the third floor because the neighbor demanded some BS about fireproof windows definitely fireproof if you ask me the neighbor kind of fundamentally upsets me there's no rule being broken there's no issue with the house being that high he has no right to complain he has no say in the matter but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was the most interesting to you let me know which one it was in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 73,275
Rating: 4.9123044 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: 57qNS48YN-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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