r/MaliciousCompliance - She'll regret ever accusing me of CHEATING...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit is our slash malicious compliance alright this story's called math teacher told me to get lost til I found myself a better attitude math has never been my strong suit but being the eldest and so given the must have always unless there's a good reason I really tried lots of studying practice problems my dad solution to my struggle was constant worksheets every day I was to sit down at the table until my math was done and completely correct with my dad's method of tutoring being exclaim oh this is easy give me the answer I hated this I wanted to know how to do it not just the end result explain his method in what I swear was shorthand plus complicated as it could get or if I didn't understand he'd repeat previous steps but do so louder I explained this to show how easily stressed I'd get about math not to rag on my dad he's human like the rest of us and teaching and communicating was never his strong suit he did hardwire into me for every problem I had to painstakingly show my work all the way through and then explain how I got there by proofing and writing my thought process behind it my math homework was always at least four to five pages front and back but at least there was no way for teachers to say I didn't show my work right then I meet my seventh grade teacher let's call her mrs. shrill I had for math and science in a block or back-to-back periods which 95% of that time was used for math and study time hardly learned any science but that's another point we didn't get along she hated my constant questions after she'd explained something usually saying I should pay better attention when she teaches I understood her methods less than I did my dad's so would almost always want help during study time after a while she explained that I was taking time away from other students who needed help and to hold my questions till after class okay so I try just that only to be waved away as she'd say she has to prep for her next class could I have told this to my parents or to another teacher yes but I saw this as whining and so just kept trying to figure things out math grades slipped she always gave everyone an A in science probably to cover that we rarely did anything for that subject I wasn't about to rock that boat I get more tutoring time at home and told to pay better attention in class fun times this went on for three to four months with me desperately trying to hold on to a see then life said let's take a break on the lemons my parents wanted to take a road trip to see some family friends almost all the way across the United States would take a month and a half I was friends with her kids so yay and I saw this as a break from that dreaded woman so double yay now cue the storm clouds my teachers assigned to me homework packets to do while on vacation which wasn't surprising the part that made my soul shrivel inside was how much mrs. shrill had given me just under half the damn math book I was to complete before coming back much of the road trip there consisted of my nose in my homework trying to get it all done before we got there so I could relax and have fun or having to take care of my toddler sibling who of course hated being fed while in the car but can't not feed the baby so those were glorious moments of screams and trying to keep the mess to a minimum to all eldest kids isn't it fun being the substitute parent had no problems doing the other classwork so of course went through that first always loved history English and reading in almost any genre was a stress reliever so those subjects have always been easy aids for me I was thankful mrs. shrill hadn't given any signs of work but even then I struggled to get through even three chapters before we got to Michigan still not sure if it was good or bad that dad couldn't help me at all what with the cranky toddler being louder than a jet but at least I didn't have him timing my progress by thumping his fists oh I'll take that arrived to the family friend's house I'll call them the lemon family amazing people they used to live nearby but a job crisis made them move a couple of years prior of course I want to spend time with the kids relatively my age and just relax and have fun I got a day before I was told to finish the homework so it would be all done for the ride home of course dad tries to help but as usual this resulted in many frustrating hours wishing I was anywhere else but at the table this went on for a couple of days before mrs. lemon to this day I still say thank you saved me by sending my dad off to hang out with her husband saying enough is enough she needs a break made me tea gave me a cool book to read for an hour before she took it upon herself to try helping me she homeschools her kids and i quickly found out I had no problem understanding her still took me time but after maybe three to four days of homework sessions every time she'd send dad off with her husband with her I finished everything years later I found out she wanted to step in and help earlier but Dad had been firm in that I was his kid his responsibility to teach she let it be until she had had enough and convinced mom to help her get him out of the house to this day I'm still grateful we only could stay for so long but at least I had the last three days to just play and hang out before we started driving back home aside from more screaming and a couple side trips there turn home was uneventful dad looked over the homework to confirm I had done everything correctly and thankfully that was that think thank you as perturb still that someone else had an easier time teaching me but didn't say anything to me about it I was mainly relieved I had somehow finished all that math and so my grade was sure to go up first day back I'm almost giddy to turn in ten chapters worth of homework to missus shrill is she even surprisingly said that I had done well and it was good to see I was finally taking the time to learn that art but whatever you horrid woman I completed it then as further reward for my sudden learning curve I could help her help the other students during study time as they went through the chapters apparently they only made it through three chapters after I had left so helping with the next seven should be a good experience for me fairly certain my face went error reloading when she told me this until I was able to respond that I'd really rather not help out that way no thanks to which she was so lovely to point out this would show I really learned something instead of probably cheating my way through the homework otherwise I would have shown my work excuse me I lost it and profusely maintained that all of what she held was my work alone and how much more work needs to be shown before that's to be believed her face now curdling like spoiled milk told me to get lost until I found myself a better attitude still fuming I did just that for the next week come period six to seven I'd head over to the library and read to my heart's content until the bell rang signalling buses now of course my parents eventually were called and informed I was skipping and so they were peeved and demanded an explanation as well as being very interested to know what happened to my math homework as online it showed as missing 0% now very nervous certain I had an ad for the first time and wasn't sure what punishment that warrant I explained yes I did turn it in and how that unfolded at this point I'm getting basilisk stares when asked why I didn't go to class after this and I explained that she basically told me to since I hadn't found the attitude she was looking for I didn't have the urge to attend class after what seemed an eternity of silence my dad busted up laughing then they both hugged me told me with bows like that the old you find in life then admitted maybe he wasn't the best person to help with math mom had been wearing him down that she should try after I did so well with mrs. lemon showing it was more likely communication issues that were preventing me from learning quicker but I didn't find this out for a long while while I might be a tad scarred from his math teaching methods my dad is a loving father and when the need calls has no problem being our advocate at school even if it requires roaring he's always been a vibrantly emotional person he told me I could keep going to the library until he said otherwise he'd take care of things I was extremely happy to follow this thang I got two more library days before things were handled and I had to attend mrs. shrills class again dad had verbally berated her in front of the principal how I should be credited for all the work I did and not require me to help teach in any way that until the class had caught up to where she had assigned me in the book I should only have to take the tests and be left alone to make up for putting so much homework on me when it was a gross overestimate of where she thought the class would be when I she had tried to defend herself saying she gave so much with the hope of maybe I'd learn without taking up too much of her time after all parents or a tutor are supposed to help with homework she wanted someone else to teach me the reason she didn't credit me for my homework as I've always been slow never really shown my work and so thought I had cheated dad always checked my math homework and made sure I showed my work up to his standards this did not help her in the slightest and to appease my dad the principal said I could essentially be left alone in class till they had caught up to the last chapter I worked on as well as getting credit for my vacation homework aside from whatever questions I'd gotten wrong ha I already knew everything was correct suddenly I loved her class for a decent while ments I could just read aside from tests once the class caught up that ended but with mom helping me with studying math wasn't so bad to learn first time I had really stood up to a teacher like that and it ended up changing my life for the better still say math isn't my favorite give me music theory any day but I ended up not being too bad at it what a wholesome story there I think it was really cool how your dad defended you my parents would never know he always gave the teachers the benefit of the doubt not me but that's okay I had to get bad grades all on my own and I'm proud of it I'm kidding I was decently smart but that was a really cool story that teacher it really sucked she obviously did not want to do what she was doing because every teacher I've ever had was always always willing to put an extra time for the students to learn they always stayed after school always did their best to help and you know teachers like that are amazing but this teacher she needs to find something else to do this story's called you would like me to adhere to the contract in that case I require a hotel until you resolve all of these issues a few years ago I moved back to the city in which I was a university student as I was now a young professional and had experienced significant issues with housemates in the past a non-payment to Bill's having to do all the cleaning I decided that I would rent a small flat from a reputable agency which specifically catered for young professionals such as myself I went and viewed the property which was quite messy and needed to have a few things at rest ie the vinyl flooring in the kitchen was ripped one of the drawers in the freezer was broken but seeing as tenants were still living in the property and the agency assured me that between tenants the Landlord would clean the property and resolve any small issues prior to moving in I happily signed a contract and wrote a check for the deposit and first month of rent two months later I moved into the property and was welcomed with the following issues note I just happened to stumble upon the list I made at the time when clearing out an old hard drive a few days ago general the entire property had not been cleaned fired or wouldn't close breach of fire regulations the previous tenants had left much of their belongings behind namely clothes and bedding general waste was present in all rooms bins had not been emptied batteries had been removed from all of the fire and smoke alarms by law they were meant to be hardwired in rented property half of all light bulbs had been removed from the property hallway main supply and circuit breaker ripped from the wall incredibly dangerous carpets soiled bedroom slats on bed broken so would not have been able to sleep on it mattress torn and ripped vinyl floor ripped up window jammed closed bathroom fecal matter on light switch mirror broken toilet had not been cleaned still had fecal stains in bowl shower door broken off hinges vinyl floor torn up kitchen and living room washing machine broken all drawers in fridge freezer absent or broken beyond repair gas cooker missing burner caps and pan rail therefore unusable to cupboard doors hanging off vinyl floor ripped up carton pole ripped down it was very clear that two things had occurred here the first being the previous tenants had done a bit of a number on the property that they had not respected the property and had left quite a lot of damage in their wake they did not even have the decency to empty the place of their contents and at bare minimum take the rubbish out before leaving the second issue however is that the landlord had evidently not made any significant attempt to bring the property back into a habitable state prior to me moving in being the reasonable guy that I was I called the landlord and asked if he can resolve these issues immediately primarily as the property was genuinely in a dangerous and non inhabitable state I did not want to be a jerk about it however at the bare minimum the flat should be safe to inhabit the landlord dismissed all of my complaints and stated that his wife he was on a business trip to Dubai had inspected and cleaned the property a few days before and all was fine a blatant lie I told him that I was extremely unhappy with the situation and he told me to adhere to the contract which I had signed he subsequently put the phone down any sympathy I had for the landlord evaporated at this moment he was happy for me to live in a dangerous property so I went through my contract line by line and found two key pieces of information if property is deemed to be in breach of fire regulations and/or is deemed uninhabitable by a suitable representative it is the responsibility of the landlord to resolve such issues immediately if the landlord cannot resolve such issues immediately it is the responsibility of the landlord to provide alternative accommodation to the tenant until the property is returned to a habitable state fortunately a close member of my family at the time was a fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors within the hour I had a formal letter stating that the property was uninhabitable and dangerous I had this email to the landlord address helpfully listed on the contract within 10 minutes I had a call from him arranging emergency accommodation at a local hotel until he returned from his business trip three days later on his return he drove directly to the property from the airport and returned the checks for my deposit and first month's rent to me and asked me to move out which I gladly did unbeknownst to him a copy of the letter had been sent by my family member to the housing Ombudsman and the local authority the last thing I heard is that this bloke ended up being investigated heavily fined and had to sell the house what a jerk of a landlord what did he think was gonna happen it's really annoying when either tenants or landlords either one violate the contract because when it's someone's housing and someone's livelihood you should mess around with that don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell 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Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 38,393
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes, r/MaliciousCompliance, She'll regret ever accusing me of CHEATING...
Id: ZDkwjdGJ84c
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Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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