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[Music] what is up my gorgeously gallivanting goons welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today subreddit is our slash I do work here lady this story's called Karen thinks kickin the boss's kid out is a favor first Bo sorry has been translated from our language the whole convo might not be word for word okay so my parents used to own a small cafe in a small shopping mall I was 13 at the time I'm 15 now so not that long ago this event was around a week before we closed down but I still remembered it my parents used to come there once a week to check in and brought me along since we didn't have much staff only one or two people I used to help out by welcoming greeting customers and taking their orders well one lucky day along comes Karen already to make my day as wonderful as possible I did the usual drill open the door welcome to cafe name if the cafe is full I normally tell guests if they have to wait or show them to a table Karen came at a time when the cafe was almost empty so she obviously could just sit anywhere there was just one more customer a nice middle-aged man in the corner the cafe had a separate room with an opening to go into which was for smokers my parents were in there for privacy but could see me most of the time okay on to the story here's the cast crazy lady that's Karen there's me nice man who was the only customer employee mom dad I go to Karen's table one minute later to take her order she was seated on a table right next to the door are you ready to order ma'am she stares dead into me what ma'am are you ready to order kid I don't got time for your BS you played around when I came in now f off to whoever the hell your parents are before I call someone to get you out now I'm wearing an employee nametag with my name on it and I'm pretty taken aback by her rude response ma'am I work here here I gesture it's my tag that's obviously fake wait till I tell the onna about you and have you banned I'm friends with him okay so my mom's the owner and crazy lady said him so you get the point ma'am first of all I do work here and the owners are right here if you know them then you can ask them about me how dare you talk back to me like that you know what she grabs my arm I'll do this place a favor and get rid of you for them she gets up and dragged me out of the door my parents have a view of the door and see me being dragged out so do the employees and they rush over to free me let go of him let go of my son he gets me out of her grip what do you think you're doing how dare you touch me I'll report all of you to the onna I'm best friends with him I am the owner laia prove it slightly gives my mom a hard push on the shoulder mall security had been observing from a distance slowly coming closer we'll see about that she gestures for the guards to come here crazy lady completely ignoring the fact that she saw my mom gesture for the guards haha let's see you get thrown out for harassing a woman she then turns to the guards please help they harassed me and pushed me and shove me and that little brat abused and talked back to me guards they already saw everything sure let's go talk about it crazy lady why does it ghosts what you're gonna throw me out I know them all zona same old trick Oh Karen let's go see him then you would love to know what you did I went home with my mom and we left our dad to deal with it since I was having a breakdown and couldn't stop crying dad came home and told us the woman bawled and literally fell in front of the manager who she was taken to and apologized to my dad alot and how she was just under a lot of stress my father couldn't take it that this woman had laid a hand on me and talked with a manager in the end they finally agreed on banning her from the mall and let her be on her way the authorities did show up but by then the issue was resolved and she was sent on her way it might be something to laugh about today but boy I wish I never see another Karen again it is an unknown number of years in the future the apocalypse has occurred and now we are all facing our judgement before God wants to send Karen to hell but of course she says how dare you touch me and send me to hell I know the owner this story's called I'm your server and the manager checkmate Karen I'm not sure if this is inappropriate for this group as it was clear that I work there but not in the capacity that the customer thought but I'll push through I'm in mobile so all the obligatory sorry Ella mobile a few years ago I started serving at a family-owned restaurant in my town I quickly became close with the owner in the owner's daughter and helped them with more than GS serving I became head server Wow and then power manager since it was a smaller restaurant I kept serving because I made way more money that way we had a special every day for why we had a shelf filled with wine bottles each shelf was either 15% 25% or 50% off it was a great deal and typically we sold it for about five to ten dollars more than we were paying per bottle of wine I don't know if this is well known but a lot of restaurants up charged their alcohol quite a bit Sinop Rafat obviously haha so it was a great deal for people one day a lady comes in with her friends and immediately starts causing problems I end up taking over for the server who got them right away after they ordered their drinks because they were so rude to her and it was her first full day of serving by herself the lady ends up ordering one of the 25% off bottles which ended up being around $7 more than you could buy it in a liquor store how do I know this at the end of the meal I can hear her talking to her friends about how she's going to get the bottle of wine for free she knew I was right there and could probably hear her but I was just the server and probably dumb also overheard at an earlier time I may be dumb but I'm not stupid at this point I'm so ready to tell her no I actually wander by a few times so she can try her crab sure enough she snaps at me and I mean literally snaps her fingers and calls over and said I want you to get you a BA manager I looked online and found this bottle of Merlot for X amount it's all us and you charged me X amount of dollars plus 7 paying this ridiculous overcharge and I also want to talk to them about the service here today to know not to toot my own horn I was a good server there weren't many people in the restaurant at the time so I know I didn't attend I substituted food for them and didn't charge them any up charges even though a double baked stuffed potato costs more than a side of chips but whatever she looked at me with such a smug face until I smiled back at her and said actually I am the bar manager I've never seen such a comical change in expression outside of a sitcom she said you're the bar manager and I smiled and nodded and said every restaurant will charge you more for products than they buy them for that is how we make a profit I'm not going to be discounting the wine as far as issues with service I would be happy to listen to your complaints and take them into consideration for the future she spluttered grumbled and told me well I'll never come back here okay lady and she didn't come back her friends did though and became some of my favorite regulars they told me a few months later that the only reason they went out with her was because she was one of their sisters-in-law and didn't have any friends I wonder why okay first up I got to say that must've been really satisfying to be like I am the bar manager and you are no longer a lawyer also shout out if you guess where that little good riddance was from if you do you're seriously my friend now all right this story's called shut up kid I want the engineer second story since the first one was much much more appreciated than I could have hoped I began looking into old anecdotes and I remembered this gem from 2011 again a small pre-emptive excuse since English is not my first language sadly or luckily I don't remember any more stories that fit this particular sub that said here we go at the time I was 26 just out of the University with my title and master both completed by December 2010 almost immediately I went into a big engineering company specialized in tall buildings I was still green with little to no experience in the real world and by nature I'm also evasive when it comes to conflict so I'm not exactly the wise choice when it comes to clash against aggressive or too dominant people still I was able to fake confidence and capable enough to quickly gain the trust of clients because of that I was already managing projects with some degree of autonomy at 6 months on the job that said it was November already very warm weather July so summer in November and the office was working at its usual pace that is calm but two steps away from total panic it was morning when my boss called me let's call him ray he is a great guy professional but often a bit dense when it comes to social cues to this day we're still good friends despite both not working there anymore when I arrive at his desk he pulls out a set of schematics hey I have a meeting this afternoon with this particular client but I cannot go they have some kind of issues so it's important that someone from the offices they have things go difficult difficult I asked yeah they made a screw-up and want to blame us still well everything is on the drawings you shouldn't have any issues sure I'll take it the meeting came and I went off in the taxi in front of this 22 story office building the lobby was already finished in floors of black marble and roof and white marble with the fuse white lighting round double-height columns in stainless steel as I enter something calls my attention there are scratches on the floor oh also in the columns damn also in the doors this is bad these are telltale signs of horrible construction management I take the stairs to the fourth floor and the construction auditor Phil receives me he's a large guy with a short beard and stern but amicable face so you are Opie went up into ray high yes he sent me in his place well we're about to start just sit by my side and don't intervene unless it is necessary anything I need to know I ask he smiles back with a grin just wait and enjoy so we enter this large improvised meeting room there is electricity but the floor is still bare concrete's in the doors are temporary the table is enough for maybe 20 people on the corner there is a small guy with a curved back in sketchy appearance he could be described as a weasel in office attire no one pays any attention to my presence as everyone is taking seats I sit beside Phil near the middle of the table the weasel on the far head and the closest head is still empty that guy's the construction manager he's blaming us for the screw-up he says pointing at the weasel we wait for maybe five minutes with only a rumor of the small conversations in place finally the door opens and a peacock like office Chad enters black trousers white and pink vertically striped shirts and big golden sunglasses wear a helmet should have been a large golden watch kettle bell sized completed the image sorry I'm late let's begin the meeting Chad announces I assume for his commanding tone that he is the representative of the owners after some minimal greeting to all the people in the room by the architect he gives the word to Chad I take a glance at Phil he is expectant now Chad rises from the table points to the weasel and the party starts explained to me how the heck you forgot to build doors for the elevators machine room we are already delayed a month you made a freaking mess on the lobby and now we have to demolish a wall so the elevator people can enter ok ok sir the weasel answered first of all these changes have been asked by you you asked for the lobby to be left ready while I still have to work with the people there and you have it fully scratched how the heck is that my responsibility turns out Chad in the weasel not only were severely unprofessional but also hated each other with such passion that they had to be put in opposite sides of the table because more than once they went too close to a fistfight they discussed screaming at each other for maybe five minutes chad is fully aggressive in red attacking relent the manager just as his appearance suggests sneaks in between all the attacks and deflects responsibilities blaming everything under the Sun the rest of the assistants are just expecting to let time pass quickly and leave what Phil is happy he was one step away from having some popcorn I leaned to him in whisper so they'd forgotten accents for the machine room not only that but the weasel also declared some construction molds as stolen and they made an investigation turns out they are still inside that closed room what I asked a bit louder hey kid Chad addresses me dis respectively shut up and goes back to the fight after some more punches back and forth the weasel is running out of ways to deflect his mistake he tries one more but this wasn't our fault the door was not a de structural engineer strikes he forms a smug smile PLAs ray didn't even come to the meeting if penalties are to be applied as to them for their incompetence boy that was my cue I clear my throat but fail in the first impression entering in a timid way well shut up kid the weasel snaps and looks to her pill Phil keep your assistant quiet I decided to make me understood more clearly I pull the set of schematics letting them fall heavily over the table and catching the attention of both Chad and the weasel over the schematics I put my construction helmet with the logo of the engineering firm silence takes the place if I may I now speak in front of a pale weasel and a Chad who internally debates if he should show shame for calling me a kid or do a victory lap around the weasel I'm actually a structural engineer from company and Ray sent me as his representation because his schedule was full mind if we check what appears on the drawings here we are yes as you can see the door is here and I think this cannot be attributed to confusion from structural design by agree Phil comments with a huge smile the rest of the table is trying to hide their amusement I continue so that settles it now I can make here seizure for the demolition and installation of the access or if you prefer I can send it approved by Ray by tomorrow everyone is silent in a second of contained storm but Phil isn't done yet he leans in and puts his hands over the table now we need to see what we will do to recover the supposedly stolen equipment that is still inside the machine room and what you will do about the two workers that were fired this morning he looks to the weasel who is just about to melts and escape by the first crack he can Chad now turns into a raging volcano he was so furious that his blood pressure could have been measured in atmospheres Hugh fired people without proof and then another maybe five minutes of berating exploded until the architect who was supposed to be coordinating the meeting called for a truce so they could advance with the problems of the electric and water crews Phil and I were dismissed but while the door was closing I could hear Chad screaming again I sighed relieved truth is I was shaking a little what a mess now this was a quiet meeting Phil said smiling it's already missed a good one pleased to meet you kid in the end the construction was finished with five months of delay both though ezel and Chad were fired from their respective companies ray just laughed at my story and told me it was good that Chad hadn't tried to punch me because he wanted to fight everyone all the time I never found those two again but I found Phil on another project two years after say mischievous old man - my luck and to this day I never had another meeting like that dreadful one okay that was a pretty good story I actually liked that one who else found this story very anime though like a trope with anime is they take seemingly somewhat boring profession and try to make it into something badass for instance when Opie here made it known that he was actually an engineer there was this atmosphere of oh crap he's an engineer you know I'm not saying engineers aren't cool they are cool I mean not necessarily anyone's definition of badass they are very cool anyways good story very anime very enjoyable I liked it also raised a cool dude feels a cool dude honestly I kind of like I kind of like jad it's kind of fiery cool dude I mean don't be like that but still cool kind of like how in real life no one no one would like Baku go or Vegeta or or Sasuke but because they're anime characters you know they're jerks but they're cool jerks of fiery cool jerks ha Chad was Baku go if he was a Chilean dude in a construction thing don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 59,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/IDoWorkHereLady, MY MOM OWNS THIS RESTAURANT!!, MY, mom, owns, this, restaurant
Id: F6G1Je1wnAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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