r/FatPeopleStories - she was JEALOUS because now I'm SKINNY...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today subreddit is our slash fat people stories all right this story's called apparently I lost way to behave like a skank a very lovely Monday to all of you fat people's stories folks this one may not be as jimmy wrestling as some of my other stories I just felt it could be shared here here's the cast there's me Ken vara a 26 year old female finally hit my weight goal of 59 kilograms or 130 pounds at five foot six two weeks ago yay I weighed 212 pounds at my heaviest in October 2017 and shipped it away gradually with the help of calorie tracking apps long walks swimming and cracking down on sugar consumption by friends stringbean 27 year old female approximately 125 pounds at 5 foot 9 bride-to-be relevant to the story as the incident occurred at her engagement hard guy gust at the engagement maybe 175 pounds at 6 feet our habit aganist dragon fruits 26 year old female around 220 pounds at 5 foot 3 on to the story the string bean and I have been friends since we were in seventh grade she got engaged this Saturday in a fun a colorful ceremony and I couldn't be any happier but four dragon fruits behavior dragon fruit is string beans neighbor and I have met her many times before we mostly got along ok and I actually bonded with her particularly well when I was a fatty myself however she moved to another city for work and I had not seen her for over a year until Saturday all ceremonies related to weddings in India are quite raucous affairs with a lot of people in attendance this one was no different with at least 150 different guests being part of the bridal party I was with stringbean in several of her female relatives and friends in the dressing room we were all having a fun time dolling up booing and dying over stringbean gossiping the works in walks dragonfruit at least 15 to 20 pounds heavier than when I last saw her in a bright magenta langa with white and black jolie which is traditional Indian garb clearly a couple of sizes too small for her this also explains why I named her dragon fruit usually people get Langa's stitched to size rather than buying them ready-made but this one clearly did not fit well also the color she chose did her absolutely no favors as it only highlighted every role in bulge but she looks pretty fabulous overall she'd always had a great taste in accessories and MADD makeup skills after she and string bean had finished with all the squealing hugging and you look gorgeous back and forth I went up to say hi hi dragon fruit so nice to see you when did you get here I exclaimed big grin on my face but for a while dragon fruit just stared at me then her eyes raked me top to toe she said nothing for about 10 seconds and I started to feel awkward Kimbra hi you look different she said in a clipped voice yes she lost so much weight this past year isn't it amazing string bean giggled while the hair stylist put finishing touches to her gorgeous bouquet bun but how was that even healthy you liked happiest eyes last year did you get century of something dragon fruit asked I sensed several pairs of eyes on me yes a weight loss of over 80 pounds over a year it's dramatic however it is totally doable with reasonable lifestyle change I told her exactly that is so no dragonfruit I did not get any surgery done hmm was all she said dragonfruit then proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the time we were in the dressing room this stung a bit but there were several other people I knew there so soon enough I forgot about a about an hour later the string bean and her fiance are up on stage they have exchanged rings and are now cutting the engagement cake string bean looks radiant us friends remark upon how lovely she looks and how her figure is absolutely perfect for her outfit a gorgeous peach ivory and mint ensemble which shows off her toned back in flat stomach string bean has gotten thinner though and she was always so skinny I wonder if it was because bean stalk ass gotta lose weight for the wedding dragon fruit and muttered snidely string beans fiance bean stock was around 6 foot 3 165 170 pounds would you stop she looks great don't complain about her on her engagement I said and a couple of others agreed dragon fruit just snorted and walked away to join some other people sometime later us friends had headed over to the buffet and were filling our plates with absolutely delicious looking food while I was contemplating between the choice between sepcial Keith Eddie and the paneer Cola pudding with butter naan I heard a deep voice rather close to my face say look daddy is absolutely amazing you must try it I looked up to see this really really handsome man behind me smiling shyly daddy it was I took an extra helping just because of how cute he was I headed over to one of the tables nearby where my friends were and he followed turns out hot guy was at the table next to us and a friend of the groom's soon enough both sets of friends got talking and hot guys started to chat me up dragonfruit spotted us she got up from her chair came around the table and parked herself on hot guys other side she started to make conversation asking him how he knew being stuck what he did for a living where he stayed etc no harm done once he had answered her questions though hot guy turned to me and we started talking about pets colleges jobs and TV shows most others were done with lunch while we continued to chat on all this time dragonfruit tried hard to interject at one point I kind I started to discuss Game of Thrones and dragon fruit kept interrupting with statements that made it obvious she didn't watch the show think oh but Daenerys is dragons I get to grow up and Rob stock looks so good I love his character can't wait to see him at the next season anyway she also wanted third and fourth helpings in this duration but did not want to leave hot guy alone cue pleading other friends to get her a few extra rotis or a few jalebis Accio it going to the table anyway my friends gave me semi pointed semi teasing looks and I had to tear myself away from the conversation with hot guy it was time to leave and as we got up hot guy asked me for my number which I gave him very happily indeed I could see dragon fruit waiting for him to ask for her number as well but he did not and soon he and his friends left as my friends and I waited for our ubers dragon fruit was very quiet another friend asked her if she was alright if she stayed quiet for a while before rounding up on me and delivering this killer so this is why you bet losing weight so you could be a skank and pick up guys I don't need to become a twig like you to do that before stepping into an uber meant for four of us to share and asking the driver to speed off before the others could even get on the end okay another amazing story from king vara she's so good at writing and I enjoy reading her stories on our slash fat people's stories so I wonder if there's a part two to this because that would be pretty great because as I said Kim Farah very good writer oh but wait what's this oh my god why Wow the prayers have an answer there's another part to this story Wow okay it's called skanky me and dragon fruit an update hello once again fat people stories readers since a lot of people seem to enjoy the dragon fruit post I figured an update was in order wow she's so on this cast me Ginn vara 26 year old female hit my weight goal of 130 pounds at five foot six about 20 days ago after almost a year of sugar control long walks copious amounts of green tea and swimming weighed 212 pounds at my heaviest in October 2017 odd guy gorgeous drilled worthy Donis 28 6 feet tall approximately 175 pounds of broad shoulders trim waist and veiny muscled arms dragon fruits our ham tagging esteem ale about 220 230 pounds at 5 foot 3 great at assessing skank eNOS ordering people to get her food from the buffet table while she tried to impress hot guy with her amazingly impeccable quote unquote Game of Thrones knowledge new edition vapid ex my ex who dumped me after a relationship of several years because he wasn't attracted to me anymore when I got fat 27 male 5 foot 10 approximately 180 pounds on to the tail so after string beans not in this story engagement dragonfruit sped off in an uber meant for four of us to sher because apparently I had lost weight to be a skank and snag men who would otherwise be head over heels in love with her my friends and I worked gobsmacked by her behavior as we had never seen such a nasty side to her before we still had to get home though so we hired another uber and after utterances of don't pay attention to her she's just jealous of your weight loss by my friends I got home kicked off those killer heels took off my arty imitation jewelry and makeup got into an oversized t-shirt and dozed off after switching my phone to airplane mode that was a mistake the next day was a Sunday and I am never ever up before 11:00 a.m. on the weekends woke up groggy turned the phone at work back on and it started buzzing away to an absolute frenzy what the heck and heck happened I had received 136 messages from 12 conversations clearly some crap had gone down I opened whatsapp to see messages from hot guy stringbean some other friends who had attended the engagement and hello their vapid ex which one to open first any guesses well I open string beans chat window first because sisters before potential and formerly potential misters girl was freaking out her exact words were hey why the hell are you even thinking about speaking with vapid ex again is something wrong with your idiot brain call me now then if it happened here dot exe then I opened vapid exes chat window his exact words hey I saw some of the pictures from string beans engagement on some Instagram stories he looked gorgeous and I was so glad and excited to hear you wanted to meet me I was such an ass you I didn't know how I still affect you so much though like her he's seriously crying all the way back home all of my work the EFT JPEG and then I opened hot guys messages his exact words king vara it was lovely to meet you last night I must apologize though since I came on too strong maybe I must have seemed really predatory but that was so not my intention I had no idea that you were fresh out of a relationship obviously it was too soon to date again once again I had a lovely time but please do forgive me for being so forward the other chats could wait I instantly typed a response hi hot guy I don't really know what you're talking about can we speak over a call his reply was almost instantaneous that most definitely we could I'll spare you guys the exact details the conversation but apparently dragonfruit looked up hot guy on Facebook the instant she escaped in the uber and sent him a friend request he accepted a couple of hours later because hello is the harm right wrong so wrong she sent a barrage of messages the moment he accepted her request a first complimenting him statements like you are easily beanstalks handsomest friend and you absolutely must try to get into modeling and the engagement was worth my while just because you were there I was so bored before I saw you and then so I noticed you were also speaking with kim baba God she was interrupting our conversation so often she has always been like this mm-hmm she can't stand to see me talking with a handsome guy she thinks just because she is now a stick that she's such hot crap she's just insecure she was even happier than me once you know woman even at my heavy style was lighter than you while being three inches taller hot guy claimed to have said this and no not at all she wasn't interrupting on the contrary I had a fabulous time talking to her and you such a gentleman and it's great and it's great that she managed to get so fit then if what you say is true I've once weighed close to 280 pounds myself so I know the struggle in fact thank you for telling me this key Nevada and I have more common ground than I thought Oh woman your plan to discuss him by harking back to my former fatty self suffered an epic fail she then tried another attack she said something to the effect of oh is that so I will warn you though she is freshly out of a very long time relationship and still pines after her ex she still talks about him on social media and in fact today in the Oba home she was crying she was jealous that stringbean is engaged before she is and that she thought vapid ex was his soulmate she misses him terribly thought you should know this says you seem like a great guy and I don't want you getting hurt she also said that she thought you were creepy and was only being nice T was you'll being sucks friend Hawkeye told me he was completely taken aback by this and thanked her for telling him he had no idea I was so uncomfortable shortly after he told her he was going to sleep and then he texted me I clarified that no I most certainly was not uncomfortable with his attention and that my last relationship ended a year ago he seemed relieved and actually let out a long hi then told him to give me some time as I needed to sort some stuff out he said sure and ask me to ping him later I then called up he was super a few civ and gushy the way he behaved in the first flush of the relationship I got straight to the point and asked him what the hell his message was all about turns out dragon fruit told him the same story with a customized twist that I was crying in the uber about how much I missed him and that even a handsome man like hot guy didn't make me feel like he did and that I lost all the weight so he could take me back he ended with it never was about the weight baby of course I miss you terribly and one to patch up too let's meet this Saturday just a drive home my point about him dumping me for my weight this is what he said to me before the break-up you are so slim and trim back in junior college everyone staring at you and I felt so proud now no one looks at you you've slapped off and don't want to be pretty for me anymore I deserve better than this I just don't feel attracted to you anymore I'm so sorry message dated September 28th 2017 back to the present I told him dragon fruit was making crap up in that no way I did not even want to hear his voice ever again I disconnected the call while he was still blubbering something about soulmates and true love I decided to call dragon fruit woman was gonna have it unfortunately she had blocked me on whatsapp Facebook Instagram everywhere her phone was switched off too she probably realized she'd taken her line too far I decided to leave the matter be why because I got this text from hot guy forget her will you I was just being polite by talking to her it was you who had my full attention and I was not even afraid of making that clear how about meet me for coffee at really upscale cafeteria and I upload a picture of us together that's it sure we are first date tomorrow guys wish me luck yeah good luck even though this is a really old post and I'll check what she's posted since then but that's a really good story really good writing and I'm glad dragonfruit well nothing really happened to her but that's not necessarily a bad thing everything was resolved TOC I took the high road and I appreciate the kind of guy hot guy is because what an upstanding dude polite and he's taken the high road which is something I respect I hope they get married this story's called a hand planet told me I looked better before losing weight I just lost a bit of weight I wasn't huge or anything but I was slightly overweight and just wasn't happy with the way I looked and felt I'm finally at a weight I'm happy with so I showed off by posting a before and after picture on Facebook on the before picture I'm wearing tight clothes but my rolls are spilling over my jeans and I have arms like a fishwife and the after picture I'm wearing a crop top and showing off my washboard stomach and subtle apps most comments were positive telling me well done somewhere neutral saying I looked great either way but one really pissed me off you looked better before I think you don't have to be so skinny to be happy I replied but I'm much happier with my body now and she hasn't replied the thing is his girl is huge and always complains that her diets aren't working I know she's not happy this I she is oh you don't necessarily need to be fit to be happy it certainly helps to have confidence in the way you look but again you don't need to be fit to be confident you just have to be sure of yourself that what you have to give is something people want don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 45,150
Rating: 4.8746843 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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