r/PettyRevenge - They has a SECRET Crush on me...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today's subreddit is our slash petty revenge alright this story's called i hope you like spicy snacks the psychiatry snack thief i just was watching daily do what daily those are added on youtube and it reminded me of a story of a couple years back hi zack if you're seeing this oh my god oh my god i love i absolutely love seeing these little shout outs in reddit stories thank you user i may i'm not i can't say that hi to you i thank you thank you you're great you're great you're beautiful i'll marry you um first off i'd like to say english is not my native language so i may have some spelling errors in here feel free to correct any mistakes don't you freaking dare correct him he's perfect or she i don't know also i'm a mobile user well let's get on to the story names were changed due to privacy you're so thoughtful user of a a little background i had a rough childhood due to trauma because of that i was very sad for a long time i'm doing much better now good i was often at psychiatrists as a child and teenager this story takes place when i was 14 and went to an adolescent psychiatrist the one i went to had different sections there were some for male and female but also same sex sections i went to the female only station i was and partly am scared of men okay so you're a girl we had different kinds of mental illnesses but the biggest two groups were trauma and eating disorders a big rule was people with eating disorders are not allowed to share a room so i shared a room with mary she had anorexia and bulimia she seemed nice enough and her welcoming cheerful attitude made me feel better about the situation i got myself into because she had an eating disorder and i didn't i was a little chubby actually i was allowed to store some snacks on my nightstand but i had to lock it and keep the key with me the staff also had a key to my nightstand to check it randomly for forbidden items i did my best to never eat my snacks when she was in the room because i thought that might be rude or triggering but she clearly knew i had snacks in there the petty revenge we had three meals and two snacks a day everyone was required at least to take part in the three meals and only the ones with an eating disorder had to eat the snacks after eating we all had to sit for at least 30 minutes in the living room after like three weeks mary didn't want to eat with us anymore she refused to attend the meals no matter what the staff and doctors told her i don't know what she told them but they let her skip dinner i didn't give it much thought because they know what they're doing right they're trained so they know how to handle it it isn't my concern or so i thought every time when i'm coming back from dinner she's sitting in front of my nightstand waiting for me and asking if i could give her some of my snacks i felt bad so the first couple of times i told her she can have some but she kept doing that and when the staff found out i gave her some of my snacks i was in big trouble but what was i supposed to do let her go to bed hungry deny a really thin person food when she's asking me to okay fine i'll just tell her no from now on i was getting annoyed by her constantly taking my snacks anyway she ate more of them than me next time she asked me for some snacks after dinner i told her no and she got really pissy accusing me of letting her starve girl dinner was five minutes ago all you had to do was walk like 15 steps and sit down to eat and she made nasty remarks about my weight knowing that i'm really self-conscious so that hurt i just put in my headphones and listened to my mp3 player we weren't allowed to keep our phones and thought about how i can get her to stop eating my stuff so next time i was allowed to go out we had to get the okay from our doctor and everyone from the staff that we can be trusted to go for a walk alone they gave us a time between 10 to 40 minutes i had just gotten my first 20 minutes so i went to the shop right around the corner and got as many spicy things as i could find and afford she told me she can't eat spicy food anymore because it hurts her throat chili chocolate spicy candy spicy chips and gum i swapped that with the remaining candy i had in my nightstand which i hid in the suitcase i had in my closet i had to be fast because i never knew how long her appointments would take when she came back i was waiting for dinner and of course she wouldn't come when she came back i was waiting for dinner and of course she wouldn't come when i came back surprise surprise she apologized and asked if she could have some snacks she promised not to tell the staff i gave them to her after a few words of protest on my part i finally gave in trying to hide my smile she looked at me with a winning grin and i will never forget the moment her face dropped when she only saw spicy stuff she asked about the other stuff i had and i told her it was open for too long and didn't taste good anymore of course i knew she knew i did that on purpose but she couldn't get me in trouble for that she did tell the staff again that i offered her my snacks i was asked why i did that and explained that she keeps begging me to share they offered me to switch rooms which i accepted and i shared a room with an amazing girl i'm still friends with today it's always nice to have a happy ending to these stories um op let me just tell you i really appreciate that shout out the beginning of the story that was so sweet of you like yeah boys up and coming r slash who uh anyway um freaking okay now that's all well and good she like was using you for snacks and lets you get in trouble and try to get you in trouble when all you had was spicy snacks uh well she's a loser and uh spicy food is amazing you're supposed to like spicy food like the more spice the better so yeah she's just a loser i'm kidding she's just a kid she had some issues going on with her so i hope everything's well with everyone involved in the story alright this story's called she constantly called the wrong number and demanded i return a dress that a stranger borrowed in 2002 i had an older woman constantly call me thinking i was emily januszki i was listed in the phone directory as e januski and she said i sounded just like emily her name was susan i hung up on her every time she called about once or twice a month i didn't block her because in the ancient dinosaur days the phone company charged three dollars a month to block someone i wasn't gonna spend any money blocking her i used star69 to get her phone number and this fairly new search engine called google to confirm her name as susan janowski i have the same last name as these people but i wasn't closely related to them if at all i debated calling her home number to speak with the family member and tell them to get this woman to stop calling me decided i didn't want to get that involved the final straw came when she called me after midnight because emily had borrowed her purple dress and she wanted it back once again i said i am not emily and you must stop calling me she said whatever it's my dress click indication that i hung up two days later one of my friends disguised her phone number and called susan on behalf of the local police she told susan that i was going to press harassment charges if she didn't stop calling me susan accidentally called me a year later but realized her mistake after i answered she sounded terrified for clarity she only called about the dress once after midnight i'm not gonna lie that sounds really really annoying um but that was nice of your friend to do that because that would i would just drive me nuts i mean maybe not probably not honestly alright this story's called i threatened to expose my bully for secretly liking me i had a friend growing up who absolutely hated me it was weird because i considered her to be my best friend the older we got the more i realized there were ill intentions behind her actions and words ignore that voice greg so we will call this friend kayla kayla and i's parents were really good friends so naturally her and i hung out a lot this friendship began in elementary school kayla and i were inseparable she would stay at my house for weekends on end and vice versa once we got to middle school things changed kayla started hanging out with girls who were loud obnoxious and mean and me being the weird outcast i was hung out with my group of friends who weren't popular but weren't losers i was one of the first people in my school and group of peers who came out as lesbian nobody was surprised being that i wore dresses stayed in a sports uniform and generally would hang out with boys and play hockey basketball etc i was the biggest tomboy growing up i was labeled the school lesbian and was made fun of and told i had the les touch so nobody would touch me kale and i kept in contact outside of school and she regularly came to stay over at my house still nobody could know that we were hanging out or were friends though she wouldn't speak to me in school she would giggle when other kids picked on me and she started doing really mean things to me she would text me and tell me that a group of people were going skating at a certain place in time and that i was invited i would show up and wait for hours before realizing that nobody was coming and it was a joke at my expense my dad died seventh grade year and in an attempt at a joke as i was getting off the bus kayla rolled down the window and yelled that's why your dad died to which the entire bus erupted until after kayla would trip me in the hallways with her friends and laugh typical mean middle school crap kayla still kept in contact with me outside of school and would ask me to stay over or if she could stay over my house in an attempt to remain friends i didn't have many and she had been my longest friend i would cave and we would hang out well at our sleepovers at each other's houses kayla started getting curious about me being a lesbian it would start by her asking little questions about how i knew and blah blah blah then it moved on to physical things she would ask to kiss me to practice for boys or she would say she just wanted to know what kissing a girl was like there was always some excuse behind why she wanted to kiss me and once the weekend was over she would go home we would go back to school she would be mean all over again to me i got sick of it by 8th grade and realized that she didn't want people knowing we were hanging out because they'd connect the dots she liked me once my teenage brain figured this out it was on kayla would see me in the hallways and would continue doing mean crap once i caught her in the bathroom alone and shoved her against the wall and told her that if she didn't leave me alone and get her friends to leave me alone that i would kiss her in front of everyone i told her i would print all our text messages out and tape them all around the school and that i would tell everyone she was my girlfriend in that we had weekend sleepovers almost every weekend all of a sudden everyone left me alone i was upset that i had to use my sexuality as a weapon but was thoroughly impressed with the results she still to this day checks in periodically to see how i am i swear she's still afraid i'll out her she has a kid and a boyfriend now and i would never do that but man it was nice to be left alone for the rest of my high school days well um that's that's interesting um it's weird how people's insecurities end up coming out is assholery this story's called talk to me like a child i'll out bake you at every turn so back in march i made plans to visit my boyfriend who i'll call ronnie all the way across the country made it out there like a week before crap hit the fan and basically have been here ever since due to work shutting down in my university going online right now he has three roommates one single guy and a male female couple i'm assuming terry and dolly okay i was only supposed to be here a few weeks but now it's been five months and for a while everything was going smoothly anyway ellie ellie is very shy and anxious like jumps when you round a corner anxious i've tried socializing with her and being polite but she sticks by terry's side constantly and avoids everyone else which is fine i have anxiety too i get it however if there was something she wanted ronnie and i to change or do she would never bring it up twice now she's written us long notes instead detailing everything that we've done that's annoyed her stuff like our tv being a bit too loud a bit of egg on the outside of the pan that the dishwasher didn't quite get or me clean grabbing cookies on a plate instead of in a tupperware small inconsequential stuff that we would have been happy to take care of or adjust to keep the peace she once disclosed to me that she had anger issues and the notes definitely reflected that filled with curse words and declarations that we were disrespecting her by throwing away moldy bread that she and terry left in the pantry for weeks i wanted to say something but my boyfriend is very non-confrontational so we left it alone other than a general we read your notes and we'll do better statement i told her since she and i are home the most often that she could absolutely come to me and i didn't want any animosity well she never did and we got another long note in the same vein as the other one only the complaints were even pettier like drops of water not being wiped off of the stove or us using the extra dish towel to wipe food off despite us washing it regularly i was livid because she not only did not talk to us like adults she also stated that she tried to give us a taste of our own medicine we've no clue what she tried but we didn't notice now she cooks a lot cooks for terry basically every night and bakes occasionally and i decided that whatever she cooked i would too she tried making cornbread that turned out too dense and flowery i made cornbread that was perfectly moist she made noodles with tofu i made tofu and rice it's worth noting that my boyfriend told me once that terry complained about ally being terrible at cooking while i've cooked since my early teens as a coping mechanism for depression so i knew she was bothered when i wrote cheerful little feel free to try my ex on the in the microwave notes on the fridge cookies with homemade frosting fresh bread cakes chili pies cobbler syrups roasts enchiladas and tons of other dishes that i know she can't make since that she's ignored me every time i said anything to her and leaves common areas as soon as possible when i'm in there we're only in this apartment for a bit more but there's been no more hostile notes since i started showing her up i think i'll keep leaving my cheerful ones though people seem to be enjoying the baked goods at it just some clarifying points because there have been some questions in the replies 1. terry ronnie and single guy are only in this apartment for about seven months total ellie and i both came out here around the same time for our boyfriends she planned on staying the whole time i was gonna stay a few weeks but then modelo happened which everyone was fine with two she and i both don't have jobs the rent is split to make up for us being here but our boyfriends are helping us out i took on some freelance jobs to try and contribute and am getting unemployment since modelo shut my job down ally has never had a job three i live with my grandparents and the high-risk cousins so when i flew out and thanks at the fan it was just safer for me to stay here four ronnie is waiting to find out where he's being sent next and we're hoping it's in the same state i live in so we can drive out there and not risk a whole plane ride okay first of all um that does sound like a crowded living arrangement but does sound pretty cool have all these different people there y'all could have a party every freaking night if you wanted to but of course that's just the young idealistic person speaking has never had roommates before uh but that sounds so cool i would not mind living with you if you uh cooked all that stuff i like cooking cooking is so fun but ally really needs to work on expressing her emotions in a more healthy way and um to really learn to confront people but not necessarily angrily like you can not like something and tell someone about it but you don't have to make it into a fight can just explain your displeasure and y'all can get past it it's beautiful don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 12,456
Rating: 4.9573903 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: _yGcMarf890
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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