r/maliciouscompliance | My High School Teacher regretted saying this...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by bushcraft hatchet challenge anyone okay this is my dad's story of the small time that he was an airman in the u.s air force probably back in the early 1950s he worked guard at an air base up north with cold winters he was positioned as a night guard that was guarding airplanes out next to the runway every night with his jacket wrapped tightly around him he got up and out to the runway he patrolled up and down the runway down the long line of airplanes armed only with a flashlight and a 45 caliber handgun he was to challenge any who he came across like anyone would actually want to be out in the cold weather one night his sergeant who did not like my dad and kept him on the patrol shift came out to check on him my dad saw the sergeant approaching and could tell who it was in the bright moonlight when the sergeant rounded the airplane dad called i'm here sergeant what followed was a verbal lashing from the sergeant of course getting more and more dramatic every time my dad told the story the sergeant basically gave orders that my father was to challenge anyone who was out of the airplanes with a sharp halt who goes there command the sergeant warned that if my dad did not challenge him that exact way that the next time he would be in trouble and would have even worse detail my dad didn't like the idea of anything worse than walking a guard duty of planes in the middle of freezing weather so he meant to do just that now walking around all night meant a lot of boredom and all he had to keep his mind occupied was a flashlight and a 45 caliber handgun he started entertaining himself by learning to flip the flashlight in the air and catch it flip it into his pocket and basically several tricks with it next he started practicing a quick draw with the 45 where in a split second he could draw the 45 halfway from the holster turn it sideways [ __ ] the slide and get it out of the holster oh to hear him tell it he was like unto the long ranger with the speed he improved to after about two weeks of practice it wasn't too long later that he heard that sergeant out on the runway again coming toward my dad cue malicious compliance now my dad was not really a sneaky kind of man but he made his way as quietly down the line of airplanes closer and closer to the sergeant he has made up in his mind what he was going to do as soon as he got near the sergeant he jumped out from behind the plane his flashlight illuminating the person and his immediately chambered 45 flashed out into his hand with a booming halt who goes there but what the flashlight illuminated was not a slightly scared sergeant but a lieutenant who was up and out early to check out his plane for an early morning mission who upon seeing the tenacity of the guard before him and the 45 trained on him immediately answered up whoa whoa lieutenant smith i'm just checking out my bird son i got an early mission do you want to see the orders my dad immediately holstered the weapon and flipped his flashlight into his pocket and saluted sorry sir but my orders are to challenge anyone who is found out here next to the planes at night the lieutenant smiled and answered back shoot no son fine job what is her name airman i would like to tell your sergeant he is a hell of a guard out here after the good word got back to the sergeant he had a little pity on my dad and let him swap out nights on the runway with two other guards so he didn't have to be out there every night let's say the weather was actually absolutely pleasant if you had this job how long would you be able to stand just pacing around up and down the airplanes just kind of watching around before you just completely lose your mind it sounds like the most boring job in the world i have absolute kudos sent out to this man but i would have gone insane very quickly let me know how long you think it would take you in the comments down below our next story is by nage 2020 drive a forklift through it i was working as a warehouse manager for a pharmaceutical cosmetic company our premises was part of a large industrial complex that had been walled off into three smaller buildings that had three different businesses occupying them my office was a freestanding building inside the warehouse it was about the size of a shipping container my company was in the process of redeveloping the insides of the warehouse as a result my office had to go my immediate boss was the operations manager and he came to me one morning and told me to demolish my office by the end of the day now we had tools but only hammers and spanners etc nothing really suited for the task at hand when i asked how he expected me to do it he said just drive a forklift through it to this day i am not sure if he was joking or being sarcastic or actually meant it but it had been said and in front of four witnesses like most grown men with the inner workings of a five-year-old i love chaos and destruction so i chose to take advantage of the situation i would love to say i rammed the office at full speed like the dukes of hazard on meth but i figured that may be too extreme what i did was push the walls in slowly before lifting off the roof panels all was going well i got called away to another part of the warehouse and another worker decided to take up where i left off he started lifting a roof panel off when there was a loud noise a cross between a bang and popping cork this is the point where we realized that one of the pipes for the fire sprinkler system ran through the office roof and it had been completely ripped out the pressure in the system caused an initial spray of water before a torrent of water spewed forth at roof height the water had been in the pipes for at least 20 years and combined with the dirt and the rafters it was like it was raining squid ink it covered the finished goods the raw materials the workers and the equipment the production line was immediately shut down and everyone was panicking we had a plumber on site who was able to stop the flow it had been flowing for about five minutes when we heard the sirens the fire system had automatically alerted the fire department when the water pressure dropped due to the nature of our business we had on-site up to 30 000 liters of pure alcohol and ethanol so when the firemen came they came prepared for the worst three trucks and about 20 firemen the firemen go to turn the water off but the valves are in one of the other warehouses one was occupied by a heating company the other by a christian food drive the heating company had knocked off early and the christian place was occupied sporadically firemen have to break down the doors of these businesses until they find and shut off the water firemen aren't happy with the situation and here in australia if you are responsible for a false alarm you get fined potentially thousands of dollars for wasting their time the damage bill was going to be massive in terms of fines ruined stock and materials and lost time it all happened so fast not much had been said but once the situation was under control the operations manager was looking for answers he approached me asking what the heck i had done at this point i informed him that it was not me as i was elsewhere at the time and that for the record he had instructed me to drive a forklift through the building he turned pale as the reality of his own culpability sank in end result was that the worker operating the fork at the time was deemed responsible i think they needed an official scapegoat for insurance claim but no official record was made and no punishment handed out it was all swept under the table and never mentioned again all things considered i'm really shocked that that all got swept under the table considering they needed some kind of scapegoat and it was probably pretty easy to just dump it all on the co-worker that actually ripped the pipes out i'm just actually shocked they didn't give them the boot and just chalk it up to them being a scapegoat this next story is by sage rideout goodwill hunters i work at one of the more popular chain thrift stores processing and putting out electrical usually we bring product out twice a day the first time we usually bring our cart out go to lunch and then put everything on the shelves when we get back this helps get rid of at least 20 percent of the work we have to do mind you we have signs that state customers aren't supposed to even be within six feet of the cart for safety purposes we sometimes have to tetris crap to get everything we processed on there and it can be a bit sketchy and it also makes our job more difficult putting product out if they actively look at our card which is why we bring it out early my card's usually well organized and free of hazards and they usually help so why not let people shop if they're being respectful well we have people who come to the store at those times specifically to poach good items to resell them we have a lot of respectful regulars whom i actually have built bonds with but some of the non-consistent regulars are a nightmare examples when you try to roll the rack onto the floor they swarm you and start grabbing items making it impossible to move calling out what items they want and fighting with others one guy even like jumped on the rack to get something before someone else now i'm not shy or timid but i am pretty reserved and usually have a carefree attitude but this crap was annoying so i started just telling them to let me park before they go at it 2 out of 10 had to my co-worker who used to do security come out with me where he told everyone to back off while i rolled the card nine out of ten but he wasn't always available and it rightfully made me look like a witch so there i was i needed to be self-dependent it only happened probably about half the time and i didn't want to lose out on making my job easier but was also just fed up then i had it i roll my card out like normal if it's a good day i leave my card out and go to lunch if it's not well they have one chance if i say let me park first and they don't listen i roll my card right back into the back but not very far just inside so they can see their products still if they look through the window or as people walk in or out then when it's time to roll product i calmly ask everyone to read and follow the signs then they start swarming me as i put items away i politely remind them that during these times i respectfully ask they maintain our social distancing guidelines then they started waiting at the section for the product they wanted most but since they were there i wouldn't dare dream of breaking my social distancing boundaries so some stuff just didn't get put out even though they'd see me walking to the area item in hand see them turn around and put it back on my cart if i can't put everything out in a timely manner it goes back with me if they really want it they'll have another shot to act right when i come out again in three hours don't you hate how you're just trying to do a retail job and you have to basically babysit people or at least treat them like they're in the age range that you would be babysitting them at just try and be respectful especially during a pandemic our next story is by km jace if you can't do the lab you fail the regrettable statement of my high school anatomy teacher in 2015 i was in the second half of my senior year of high school i had a catholic education all of my life in school by the time we reach our upperclassmen years we had the ability to choose one to two elective courses well in that chapter of my life i hope to pursue occupational therapy in college two changes in my major and an f in psych later i have my bachelor's in english and writing who would have freaking thought so i graciously signed up for human anatomy this class was taught by one of my catholic school's nuns who i did not get along with i had taken biology not by choice with this woman who we'll call sister geraldine in the past so sis geraldine and i had some history from a previous year of academic torture together you see i think we would have gotten along in another plane of existence maybe another dimension but that's speculation not here not on this planet not in this timeline she would sit her wide butt in her poor rolling desk chair and not move for a whole day i swear this woman was so large she had a gravitational pull sometimes i wondered if the pens and pencils she threw at students would get pulled into her orbit and since sister g was an old large goat she taught science in the most religious way possible glancing over the reproductive system chapters which were still covered in exams without being taught them or referring to more private parts of the human anatomy with phrases such as adam's gifts to eve's fruitfulness her bs was constant and i was over it if it wasn't for her cruel behavior and terrible treatment of her students i wouldn't give a darn sister g was self-righteous she felt that she could treat others with little to no respect because she chose a path of vocation every day i would battle her on this behavior because no one else ever dared to out of fear to get sent to the office yelled at by her or sent to sit outside her classroom students would pass by and they knew it was her room where i was usually serving a penance outside although to me it felt more like a blessing rather than a punishment not many people had the balls to call her out but i did i became the voice of my classroom i freaking felt like robin hood that year but i digress the context is just as important as the story now you can see the picture clearer now you can understand the coal that fuels my hate fire the story back to second semester 2015 like i started with here we are at the beginning of the end you see in anatomy most schools will have a lab for dissection to test your knowledge and learn by visuals or on hand experience of course i was expecting this but i'm no steel stomach to braveheart and as my class walked and sister geraldine rolled into the lab across the hall i could smell it formaldehyde that smell could have pulled my lungs out through my nose and coughed up fumes it was so strong i visibly wretched and went to step outside for a moment of air but alas sister planet rolled into my way and gave us the title of my rant if you can't do the lab you fail and boy did she have a sinister smile on her face she wanted me gone and i could see it heck i knew it she was my joker my lex luthor for two years straight but i wouldn't let her win in the lab i'm paired with a fellow classmate who we will call bread i asked brett if he wouldn't mind picking out a pig to dissect he complied and left to get one for us i see people coming back to their spots at the long tables with little itty bitty piggies and i think that this may not be too bad but boy was i wrong bread managed to come back with a baconator of pigs an absolute unit of a porker who was twice the size of our dissection tray lay before me i thought this could only get worse but then as if the fate served my silent cries an opportunity arose so sister geraldine tried to occasionally make her students happy she let us all name our pigs we went around the room and said those names out loud there were some silly ones like chris p bacon or miss honey ham but when it came to me and brett i hold my hand in front of him in a silencing gesture with a malicious smile slowly forming i turn to my nemesis and in front of our class said this this is geraldine i just want to know what kind of trouble they got in for calling the dissecting pig geraldteen after the teacher nun lady that definitely takes some balls of steel and our final story of the day is by tracy minnow b no more cookies i was a 40 year old single mom i've always liked to bake and a co-worker gave me a recipe for the best cookies i've ever had double chocolate chip three kinds of nuts and a secret ingredient that makes the batter awesome thanks beck we were recounting clerks in a union shop we were not in the union nor was any of the office staff the shift workers were all guys as were the mechanics they were union one weekend in mid-march around 2015 i made beck's cookies i went a little overboard and made eight to ten dozen i thought i'd be nice and took enough for everyone into work i set them by the time clock at shift change so incoming and outgoing could both have a cookie the guys loved them and ate them all beck and i got lots of compliments a month later my son asked me to make some and i went overboard again i again took enough cookies into work for everyone to have some may rolls around my son is doing prom graduating and we're busy around the house getting everything ready for the graduation party i did not make cookies in may towards the end of may my boss calls me into his office one of the union guys have filed a grievance against me personally i was shocked to say the least the grievance stated that due to a pattern of past practices i had neglected to make and give them cookies that month yes you read that correctly because i had made and given them cookies two months in a row one union guy was demanding that i continue to make cookies for them on my own time and at my own expense every month my boss fought the grievance and won i continued to bake and brought goodies into the office but i was never permitted to share with any of the union guys again i guess all it takes is one union guy to ruin it for all the union guys i don't know if they were trying to be a wise guy or something but it's pretty ridiculous to file a grievance because somebody didn't bring in cookies but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
Channel: Storytime
Views: 35,930
Rating: 4.938159 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 8b5CMvUo1YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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