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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents in today's episode entitled mom tells her friend she owns my house after that entitled mom demands I buy her son a kids meal finally entitled mom leaves her kid in my garden then storms out after I tell her off before we get into today's episode remember to subscribe so you never miss another of our videos entitled mom tells her friends she owns my house PI for a little backstory I live in a nice house it's right on the beach and I take good care of it and my garden so it's not strange to see people admiring my home I'm also a teenager and basically live alone my dad and mom both work in other states and travel a lot and my sister lives with her fiance I can drive do laundry and can go grocery shopping so this isn't too weird I don't like driving so I usually bike everywhere and I have a pool in the backyard on to the story okay so I just had a long day at work and had a few groceries with me on my bike I just want to take a nice hot shower and I look like death in my fast-food uniform as I pull onto my street I see a line of people blocking my driveway like full blocking I pull onto the sidewalk and start walking my bike towards the group and I overhear confused friend Juan talking about how happy she is for entitled mom and how beautiful her new home is in like what no house nearby was sold or is even on the market so I try to pass to get to my garage me hey can I get past please entitled mom just go around can't you see were busy me I just need to drop my bike in the garage and then it will be out of your way I'm glad you like the house though I try to take care of it confused friend one umm I think you might be confused entitled mom lives here me no this is my house I live here I don't know her entitled mom you are obviously trying to break into my house get away before I call the police me no you need to leave entitled mom I will not get off my property at this point I just pushed past and head towards the garage that's when I hear the splashing no one should be in the pool I dropped my bike and run to the back yard and see three kids swimming in my pool [ __ ] that I raised my voice and tell them to get the eff out the confused twins both get out but are obviously confused but the entitled kid stays in entitled kids my mommy says I can swim go away you [ __ ] me no I am NOT responsible for you drowning get the hell out of my pool and off of my property entitled mom don't talk to my angel that way it's his pooled confused friend one entitled mom what's going on who is this girl entitled mom she is trying to rob me get the eff out kid me I'm panicking at this point well prove it prove that you live here huh confused friend two entitled mum why don't we go inside the kids shouldn't be here for this argument me like hell you're going into my home entitled mom yes we're going inside now go away girl before I call the police me fine I dare you to get in the group climbs the stairs obviously entitled mom didn't think this through only two keys to this house exist my key and my sisters I lock up my bike grab my groceries and push past entitled mum she is making excuses to her friends about why the key doesn't work me excuse me if you don't mind I'm going into my home confused friend to M what's going on I close the door and lock it as entitled mom is banging on my door screaming about how she is gonna call the cop I called the cops not her she ran off as soon as she saw the cop cars and the friends stayed behind very confused they explained that entitled mom had told them that this was her house and that they were just going to swim in the pool and then head to the beach so they would never go in the house later on no charges are pressed on entitled mom I hope she learned her lesson entitled mom demands I buy her son a kid's meal for some insight I'm 22 and still in college I have a part-time job at a Taco Bell and don't usually have a lot of money it goes something like this I walk into a Wendy's because I didn't feel like cooking so I thought about getting Wendy's me briefly tells the cashier what I'd like entitled mom hey so you look rich me head thanks I guess entitled mom so do you think you could buy my son a meal me sorry I don't have a lot of money and have things to pay entitled mom tries to say to her son that she can't buy him dinner tonight in hopes to guilt me into it entitled mom please I really need you to do this I'm so broke me I'm sorry but I really can't entitled mom goes on about how outrageous this is and threatens me by saying things like I'll sue you and my husband is a very powerful man worker ma'am I'm very sorry for you but you need to move on because you are causing a scene entitled mom are you [ __ ] kidding me you people are the reason why society can't move on kids start saying things to the mom like can we please go or mom you're causing trouble worker takes control ma'am if you are going to act like this please leave the store entitled mom becomes furious and demands that she speaks to the manager entitled mom this is ridiculous I shouldn't have to deal with this [ __ ] manager what's going on the worker explains but is quickly cut off by entitled mom entitled mom this G we assaulted me long story short when things got out of hand the EM backed off quite quickly as soon as camera feed was brought up needless to say I don't go to Wendy's as often anymore entitled mama leaves her kid in my garden then storms out after I tell her off I'm a single mother to three kids daughter is five son one is four and son two is almost two my eldest two were heartbroken when they learned that we couldn't visit our local park because of the current pandemic nasty germs as they call it so to entertain them I bought quite a few new things for them to play with my family have also contributed to this including buying and setting up a Wendy house and moving a large plastic climbing frame with two attached slides from my uncle's house to here I'm very grateful for everything they've done my kids love playing outside and I'm lucky to have a lot of garden space I understand that not everyone has a lot of space in their gardens but we also live in a rural area so there's a lot of land to explore including walking trails a lake and mountains you can see everything kid related from the street my garden isn't level over one side so I put everything on that side instead son who had just gone down for his nap when daughter and someone asked if they could go out to play in the garden I said okay unlocked the door for them lock the front gate just a simple metal clasp to join it together so the kids can't open it and then headed back in to start tidying up I went upstairs to put some clothes away and heard the gate closed I thought that it might be my stepfather dropping off some treats for the kids so imagine my surprise when I walked out the front door and saw a child instead daughter is very good with fiddly things like the clasp on the gate but she can't open it so I assumed that entitled mom opened it let sweet kid in then closed it again me oh hi there what are you doing here sweet kid hi my mom said that I could come in to play can I me surprised and confused to say the least um where is your mom now I'm sorry honey but I don't think I know you what's your name sweet kid my name is sweet kid my mom said she'd be back soon me she left you here sweet kid yeah can I go and play now me feeling bad for the kid okay but I'll have to ask you to clean your hands first do you know about the nasty germs she nods okay good I'll go and get some things and then we'll sort you out I go inside to get my hand gel help sweet kid clean her hands and then walk with her to the back of the garden me daughter Sun one this is sweet kid she's going to be here for a little bit how about we do some drawings with chalk the kids all say yes so I draw some lines between them all and tell them that it's their drawing space to give them some room to socially distance I keep an eye on them but also turn to check the street every so often I was busy helping someone get a stone out of his sandal when I heard the gate closed again entitled mum sweet kid time to go me oh hi you must be sweet kids ma'am can I have a word please I just sure a little way away from the kids the entitled mom no we have to go now I have to get back home to let my dog out me well I'd like an explanation before you leave why did you just leave sweet kid in my garden why didn't you at least knock on the door and ask entitled mom I needed to go to the shop and didn't want to take her with me normally I'd let her play in the pot but it's closed so when I saw your garden I thought it was a great idea I'm sure you understand how stressful it is to be a mom during this time me I do but I also understand how irresponsible it is to leave your child with a stranger while you girls wear the things in this garden belong to me and my kids not to anyone who happened to be walking past entitled mom you're not a stranger I've seen you on the school run and knew you lived here me I didn't recognize sweet kid and I didn't recognize you either knowing someone from the school doesn't instantly mean you can just leave them with that person entitled mom why are you making such a stink about this it's done now anyway me I'm making a stink about this because you left your child here with a stranger that you didn't know if she'd have been here any longer I'd have rung the police entitled mom why would you have gone that far over this you're a [ __ ] selfish [ __ ] keeping the gate locked when other kids could be making use of the stuff hear me are you seriously that [ __ ] stupid you left your child here if my youngest wasn't napping I'd have asked sweet kid where she lived and taken her back to your house I'd have quite happily waited outside to give you a talking then too what kind of parent leaves their child with a stranger while they pop to the shop next time don't leave your child in a stranger's garden and you won't have any problems if you drop sweet kid here again I will ring the police what if I didn't actually live here what if something happened to her entitled mom come on sweet kid we're leaving I'm not going to stand here and listen to a child tell me how to parent I'm 23 so yes a young parent me well clearly this child can parent better than you can get the [ __ ] out of my garden now entitled mom players at me grabs sweet kid by the arm and start storming off sweet kid looks sudden waves at me I wave back with an apologetic look on my face I feel so sorry for her after she left daughter strides up to me with her arms folded over her chest she's smiling so I know it isn't something serious me what's wrong daughter daughter you said naughty words me chuckling sorry baby mammy will put some money in the naughty word pot the naughty word pot money goes towards sweets for them if we go to the shop yes altogether no child endangerment here and that's it I'm hoping I don't see much of entitled mom when school eventually starts back up but I'd be happy to see sweet kid again teen daughter played very nicely together and I could see the potential for friendship there if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
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Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, its reddit, itsreddit, r/itsreddit, r/, redditstories, rslash entitledparents, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top post of reddit, r/entitledparents, karen complications, karens of youtube
Id: pwOb1D5w6j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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