r/MaliciousCompliance - I'm just going to do MY JOB...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of rabbits this is your host that took like 13 tries to get this intro right Zack and today subreddit is our slash malicious compliance don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called the day I did my job so while studying my foodservice bar and barista level-3 certificates I managed to get a job in hospitality but starting out as a dishwasher that would lead to an all-rounder so bar waitress barista and dishwasher funny thing is when I got my contract the list of duties I got was legit a blank page it had literally stated I was only a dishwasher anywho my first two weeks of working there the head chef was fired due to excessive drinking on the job having one or two was allowed and she also came in completely high a few times to top it off she also kept taking breaks without communicating with the restaurant bar these breaks were two weeks at a time she got led away with doing this a few times because at certain stages she was running the damn business for the stuck-up owners they were good people but very new to owning the business so they liked when people were up there but as I said they were good people just not good owners one of them tried to sabotage someone getting a job elsewhere because the waitress tried to leave them so after the head chef left the sous-chef took over but walked out after the first day of being in charge we had to close the restaurant for two weeks until we could find someone to take over we had a third chef but he didn't want the responsibility at the time I said to him I can learn kitchen hand if they needed me we also had to get another kitchen hand and she ended up being my family friend who worked there in the past so she knew how to do more things I could her sister came in to help any shift her sister couldn't do they also didn't get a contract stating this for an entire two months when they found someone to cover being head chef she came in acted all nice and all saying things like she doesn't want to act like the boss that this is a group effort etc she said all the right things but she was told that I was hired to be a kitchen hand no I offered to help in kitchen and I had not been shown a damn thing she was okay at first with training me it got to the point where I knew how to cook everything on the bar menu and was running a Monday by myself me running a shift I shouldn't have been on the bare minimum wage I live in New Zealand which doesn't do tips in minimum wage was 1770 at the time I was into my third month of being there and the head chef got annoyed at me over little things she changed how to do some things at the restaurant menu and expected me to know what she wanted to happen this third month I was in a very bad mental state and I was in tears multiple times a day due to the head chefs words when she was stressed her words anything she said during that shift stays in that shift it doesn't roll to the next one I work stupid split shift two hours over lunch and then dinner and she said a lot but only to me she started treating me like I wasn't worth her time to train so she did just that when we had a big day with bookings one night her stupidity only put three people on and the sous-chef called in sick so she tries both of my family friends and one had a graduation party and the other had already made plans so it was just us no I was struggling because I knew the bar menu but only half of the restaurants menu so the head chef actually yelled at me for not knowing something I wasn't taught and complained about me speaking back to her which I was not I was explaining what I was doing and that's why I couldn't do what she said immediately at the end of this shift she yelled at me saying I should do my flippity do dying job this is where my malicious compliance comes in I turned up the next day sat on the seat in the dishwashing area and played on my phone my head chef came in and said why haven't I done any prepping cleaning etc what do you mean now I'm just doing my job so why haven't you done anything because my contract states I'm a dishwasher with no jobs because of a blank page are you serious she said a bunch of profoundly inappropriate sentences I cannot say let's just say they weren't I still got paid that day after this she kept staffing shifts and guess what I'm the first person she calls to have it off got her mind this is the other two kitchen hands both had other full-time jobs and my stupid ass said yes to have it off because I thought she had already rang the other two the second time this happened I was working over lunch she said she over rostered and that I don't need to come in and I wanted to fight for my hours because they kept getting less and less plus the other two kitchen hands on that night were both at their other jobs doing eight-hour days so um head chef have you tried to ring the other two no because you've already worked today and you can have it off the other two have been doing eight-hour shifts at their other job and this was my only job well that isn't my fault I came up with the roster before their other jobs I back down frightened continue to do my work until a dessert order came through stating two cheesecakes I was told that they were meant to be at toe muses but nothing changed on the docket so 30 minutes later I went to make two cheesecakes whoops mistake found and corrected but I gotta tell you I don't know what a toe muses were I wasn't taught I asked head chef but all she said to me was it was creme meringues and passion fruit pulp she also said there were two meringues in the chiller I needed to use the first couldn't find them however I did find two small pavlovas haha so I did up a meringue creme in a passion fruit pulp desserts but apparently I did it incorrectly this time head chef showed me what to do who knew it was meant to be in a water glass with crumbled pieces of meringue and who knew that pavlovas were the same as meringues I clearly was not told I for the first time spoke back and got a devil's scratch I only pointed the fact that those pavlovas weren't meringues because of her yelling at me I wound up in tears and walked out that day mind you I have just her 19 and this was my first experience in hospitality I was so upset I drove my sister's home No when there went to my family friends place no one called them they were in town so we met at my home I live with my parents my parents and my family friends parents were pissed off my dad used my phone to call the owners and told them what happened owner once is it was your daughter that was listening it everyone likes working with head chef my dad said I'm not sure if you understand our family but we are very good friends with the other two kitchen hands parents and they are in the living room saying that's not what we have heard owner then got quiet I took them to small claim stating I was forced out of this position and I got a hefty sum of money and they had to continue paying me till I found a job my friends then left shortly afterwards and I've heard that head chef is now quitting because of many claims of her yelling at my co-workers good we don't want head chef there miss fakie macfay Kherson being fake and I heard restaurants are pretty gnarly when it comes to drug abuse like cocaine is really widely used in in restaurant bathrooms by kitchen staff because I guess a good 15 minute burst of ecstasy is great for cooking I guess this story's called sleep in office all right then this happened a year ago I still am working at this company my superiors team lead manager and department head are all fantastic bosses and they will fight for their subordinates when right most my immediate colleagues are great too and we often help each other out some related points to this story I have very severe sleep apnea after a sleep study was done I was told that I stopped breathing 69 times an hour as a result I tend to need more sleep than most normal people if the following day is not a workday I will go to bed at 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. and wake up the next day at 3 p.m. I have 7 different alarms all of which that I never snooze as I almost never hear them now my bosses are aware and very understanding and they do not mind me coming in late to work as I ultimately still get things done also sometimes my work requires me to work get our hours in the 12 a.m. 5 a.m. kind of hours we handle infrastructure my usual work hours are 9:30 to 19 hundred purses my colleagues usual 8:30 to 1800 as I had to work with clients and customers who have 9:30 to 1900 work times on to the story our CEO was cracking down on punctuality issues there were some people who were abusing this so I can't blame them and HR was going hard on everyone this lady was handling disciplinary issues we'll call her Karen knows that I'm typically late to work almost every day and starts targeting me my manager explains my situation to her and tells her that it was an exception granted to me she remarks said it is entirely unacceptable and that no employee should be given special privileges in called for me to a joint meeting between her me my team lead and manager after insinuations that I'm just lazy and lying about my situation with sleep apnea or that I snooze my alarms and sleep late she states that if I am late one more time I will receive a warning letter with the unspoken threat that I will lose my bonus for the year that was coming in two months as it is considered disciplinary action she then sarcastically adds if you can't get up in the morning sleep in the office I was pissed for a couple of seconds but this subreddit has taught me better the plan began to form malicious compliance it is once work in sigh head home as usual have dinner and relax and stuff however this time I head back to office reaching at 10:30 p.m. or so with all of my alarms as per office safety procedure if there's an employee in the office the lights need to be on at least in the employees immediate area on the lights go I set them up to start ringing from 6:30 a.m. as usual answering every five minutes I should also mention that my desk is right smack in the middle of the office just outside hrs closed area also any person with sleep apnea knows snoring is an immense issue my snoring is so loud that it sounded like Thor was pissed I went to sleep in my chair morning comes people start coming in it is 8:30 a.m. my seven alarms ringing my snoring bringing the Thunder did I mention that I'm seated right outside HR and in the middle of the office Karen unable to take the noise tries to get my colleagues to wake me up they simply shrugged and said it wasn't part of their job scope or contract my team lead and manager both refused to wake me up as he starts work at 9:30 Karen tries to wake me up but a choking breathing incident happens and it looked and sounded like I was on my deathbed it scared her to tears I ended up waking up on my own at 10:30 a.m. Karen then complains to my department head which I clarified that this was requested by Karen to which both my team lead and manager corroborates my department head Dean's that I didn't break any rules and in fact did do what she has said to do and thus had no grounds for disciplinary action he then gives me two days paid off to rest as I was in no condition to handle clients I found out later that the rest of HR were never agreeable putting me on the late list in the first place but did not / could not intervene as they were not in charge of disciplinary issues no one has really hounded me about punctuality again outside of the occasional hey try to be on time next time just to assure everyone I do try my best hey that's some malicious compliance glad it worked out in the end and I'm glad those directly responsible for you are very understanding that is so needed in the world understanding superiors honestly I'll let you get away with pretty much anything if you can give a good enough excuse like if you demonstrate real remorse and just assure me that you're not gonna do it again or you're gonna try to improve I'll let you get away with pretty much anything honestly unless it's like a repeat offense then I start getting into this story's called hassle me with an obnoxious annual prior authorization for my cheap lifelong medication thank you for the treatment upgrade I have been with the same employer and ensure taking a controlled substance medication for several years to manage symptoms of an incurable illness after an initial authorization several years ago my ensure now requires annual prior authorizations to improve my care and reduce their costs I complained and got this quote our bodies are dynamic and as such it is beneficial to re-evaluate therapies every one to two years describing their crappy process would be an even greater wall of text summary this wouldn't be a big deal except for yield ancient facts processing in there in flexible policies resulting in the delay of my treatment I did everything I could but they hastily several times about my family doctor not participating in their electronic system I'm sure every insurer has their own East system but that same fax machine works for all of them complaints through my very large employers HR got me a dead end with non answers now I have to do this every year simply prodding my doctor to jump through these hoops annually only serves to delay my care let's instead follow the spirit of their process and improve my care I'm paying extra for the PPO health plan and usually exceed the family maximum out-of-pocket per year this means I hit my cap faster and won't end up paying any extra let's get started I feel better already instead of seven years of family doctor visits every six months to renew my hard copy only controlled substance prescription I'm now going back to a neurologist for the specialized care my condition requires I'm not a monster so I'm not seeking a doctor that uses fax instead of their electronic authorization I just don't care how they do it I still need my family doctor just as often for my annual physical and other needs yes I agree that my body is dynamic and I have not had and multiple sleep latency tests for many years to determine how my illness has changed over the years I will check to see when I'm eligible for another test each time I have to hassle my doctor to do the prior authorization forms my diner body has built a tolerance to the stimulant I have been taking for many years I've been feeling more tired lately despite taking my medication it is time to try something new this new medication likely will not have a generic equivalent there are only so many prescriptions to try before you have to use meth unfortunately the insurer is incapable of learning that they should have left me to fit alone I'm getting something for delayed treatment time and hassle edits I use the wrong words my treatment so far is not quite yet the triplicate controlled substance scary stuff it is the stuff that I need forever but needs to be monitored for long-term effects I have it easy I can get six months a prescription and refill three months at a time I feel for you that are stuck on controlled substance prescriptions I dread the day that I have to up the ante to controlled substances now as someone who has absolutely no experience with medical insurance or healthcare policies and crap and stuff even though I'm an adult than I should probably know something about it I don't really see the malicious compliance here however I'm proud of this dude for whatever I mean if someone wants to let me know what the hell this what's what's going on here in the comments below I'd appreciate it because I I don't understand but I feel like you guys might adults don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 29,430
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/MaliciousCompliance
Id: ZP6kA4yZgjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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