r/MaliciousCompliance - Can't Read?? I'll MAKE You read...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach in today's subreddit Azhar slash malicious compliance don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called you don't want me in your class okay okay so this took place a long time ago I think it was in 2009 I was 14 years old and for context we live in a country that's not very familiar with English especially in 2009 at this period almost nobody used English in their daily life so no song translations Paul the media in our native language this resulted in really poor English lessons we were learning since we were 11 years old and we were studying simple stuff for my part I was always interested in languages and I was traveling for sport as I was training better and started to do more international kayak competitions this resulted in me not only learning but using English for three years at that point I already read two Harry Potter books in English so I can say I was really bored in English class I had little time to do my homework because I was training a lot and boy we had a lot of homework I was studying sciences math English German none of them being my native language and art in this resulted in a lot of stuff to do after class so when the year started I especially chose the place at the back of the classroom for the English lessons usually in English the teacher gives an exercise waits for everybody to finish it then asks a student to resolve the beginning of the exercise if he does not know she goes to ask the next student etc until all the exercises are solved this permitted me to resolve the exercise in five minutes and do my homework during 15 minutes while listening to the answers are correcting in five minutes with all the correct answers written on the blackboard not to brag but to me it was really easy and I was not correcting a lot of my first answers and you may ask how did I do when she asked me to answer well my answers were ready so it was easy I had been doing this for years with seven English teachers and as I was not disturbing the class none of them were annoyed by that but her she did not like it so the first time she had noticed was in the middle of the year I was stuck on a math problem and I had not followed how far she was in the exercise in what she asked me so of course I asked her to repeat the question and I think that's the first time she has looked at my desk her face was priceless I had two different exercise sheets three mathematical formula sheets a pile of draft sheets filled with calculations a lot of color pens a ruler and a calculator while her exercises were on a single sheet and I should have an English book open to help me do the exercise where is your English book oh I have it it's in my bag why don't you have it out in front of you oh I don't need it obviously you do as you cannot answer my question but and what are you doing anyway put all that useless stuff in your bag and open you English book so being non-confrontational I obliged for the rest of the lesson it was boring the next lesson I really needed to do my homework and I did not want to lose that much time as I did during the last lesson so as always I started silently I decided to do small homework the type that only needs one sheet of paper so she would not notice but she did and she got pissed she asked me once again to put that useless stuff away so I decided to do exactly what she asked I put her English book and sheet in my back she shouted at me and sent me to the headmaster with an explanation note the headmaster is the one supposed to punish you in our schools for example by giving detention but just before I closed the classroom door she made a last mistake she shouted and if my lesson does not please you you aren't forced to come to my class well before that I was I went to the headmaster he asked a couple of questions and as he knew my training solution he did not give me detention he just asked me to apologize to the teacher and here finally comes the malicious compliance I wrote a small letter stating I am sorry I implied that the English book stupid it is a well written reference book that may be useful to 12 year old students Hedy but we're leaving before the next English lesson I put the letter on my desk and left before she arrived I went to a room where students without a teacher can study calmly under the supervision of a school employee therefore I was not doing anything against the rules of the school if I was not under the supervision of a teacher I had to be there and this was the perfect place to do my homework of course after 15 minutes I get disturbed by students of my class who states that she asked me to come back to class I answered I was busy and she gave me the right not to come that everybody heard her and if she wants to revoke that she can talk about it with my head teacher or with the headmaster the student left and the end of the hour was quiet few days passed and of course I'm asked to go to the Headmaster's office and she is there my head teachers there the headmaster is there and to my surprise my mother's there my mom is also a teacher in the school a PE teacher and she heard what happened it did not want to miss that Opie please have a seat is this gonna be long we have a German lessons and I don't want to miss see Opie is always like that don't worry Opie you are excused for missing your lessons so can you explain why you don't go to English classes anymore well I don't learn anything there and I have homework to do as you may know it my head teacher was the sciences teacher she gave a lot of homework you could do it at home like everyone else isn't that why it's called homework she is training 2 to 4 hours per day and I can assure you she's also doing her homework at home do you really need this extra time to do your homework yes 4 hours per week it's a lot I don't understand why you did not have this problem before because I was already doing them during the English lesson English teacher just never noticed because I was not disturbing the class I see there is no way she is doing her homework in my classroom this classroom is for English only I'll do them in the study room then you allowed me not to your class I don't see why there's a problem mom smiling indeed I don't see the problem but the exam oh don't worry about your exam I'll still succeed but we'll be asking for an external jury if English teachers acting like this this is something you can do in my country if we have a suspicion of a non correct teacher well as I see it not going to the English class it's not helping you succeed on the English exam so this would be your choice and your risk if you make this choice you may not come back on your decision and complain if you fail I know I'll check with the secretary if we can make some kind of official paper for this maybe we'll be happy to have her parents signature as well mom mom trusting me with pleasure head teacher would you agree to this decision as you know hope you better than me I don't know how she does in English but she is really working hard in Sciences and I think we can trust her decision making for herself I would be disappointed to see her homework not be turned in on time and it is her English exam after all a bot and I don't think you'll need an external jury as I will reread Opie's English exam myself after correction you agree English teacher I guess so then it is settled have a nice day it is his way of asking us to leave and like that the end of the year went smoothly I had more time to do my homework and I succeeded on her exam that must have felt pretty cool to just have special conditions made for you because you're already ahead of everyone else in terms of at least something right this kind of reminds me of sixth grade so in sixth grade there were two math classes you could be in there's regular math and there was advanced math the regular sixth grade math class had a green book while the advanced class had a red book red is my favorite color so I really wanted the red book and so I tried really hard on a math test and I aced it like I didn't miss a single question and so I went up to my math teacher and I was like hey can I get the red book and he's like how'd you do on your last test and he's like oh wait you aced it didn't you I remember that and so all excited I was like yeah and so he he got me the red book and I did well for a bit but then I ended not doing well at all but it was worth it because I got the cool book this story's called well if you really want me to wait until after roll call advanced warning this will involve a bloody nose so for those squeamish at such things you might want to give this one a skip when I was 12 my family moved from the South where it was regularly something like a hundred percent humidity practically year-round to the arid Southwest where 10 percent humidity can feel like a muggy day once you're used to the desert needless to say my sinuses did not appreciate this and I was regularly cursed with bloody noses once or twice a week thankfully I've long since stopped having them though in freshman year of high school so about age 14 my school required us to take a foreign language class the only languages they offered were French and Spanish and I decided on French I'll call my teacher mrs. B no it's not because I didn't like her but because B was the first initial of her last name despite this story she actually ended up being one of my all-time favorite teachers and while I don't remember much French I genuinely enjoyed her classes here the first day and I'm heading to French class I hadn't met any of my teachers until this day including mrs. B so of course I feel the now-familiar sensation of an impending bloody nose I do my best to pinch my nostrils shot with my fingers but the bells about to ring for the start of the class I don't have time to run to the bathroom and stupidly don't have any tissues on me so I dropped my bag get an available desk and head up to talk to mrs. B hey mrs. B I'm sorry but I've got a bloody nose and need to go to the bathroom I'm about to call roll call in a couple of minutes it can wait until I'm done can I just tell you I'm here and you mark me down so I can go no no it's not done that way I need to do the roll call in order are you sure yes it's okay it only take a few minutes now if you've ever had a bloody nose you know how unpleasant a few minutes can be I go and take my seat and my friend who was well aware of the issue and was not expecting me to stay in the room gives me a whenever look I just shrug and mumble she told you a roll call finally the bells ring and after a minute or two mrs. B calls a class to order and roll call begins my last name is near the middle of the alphabet so I really don't have that long to wait but mrs. B speaks English as her third language with the first being French in the second one I don't recall so there are quite a few names she can't pronounce and she takes the time with each one to make sure she's getting them right which I am dreading because I have an unusual first name people rarely get it right even after correcting the multiple times in addition she insists everyone to raise their right hand when they answer here guess which hand is holding my nose shut yeah finally she gets to my name Oh P I raised my left hand yeah no speak up and use your right hand but like those right hand in am i pronouncing your name correct doe but come on Oh P right hand up and tell me how you say your name I raised my right hand I try to say my name I'm going to put this next part in a spoiler blocking thing because it was the shirt I was wearing was pretty much ruined and the look on her face was so incredibly disgusted and horrified that I couldn't help laughing which in retrospect probably didn't help matters I asked if I could go to the bathroom now and she managed to stammer out a yes I told her I'd stop by the office and call home to get a new shirt brought in this was in the dark ages before cellphones and she replied that it was fine I found out later that it was a misunderstanding between my muffled speech thanks to holding my nose and trying not to swallow and her sometimes miss hearing English words clearly she thought I was saying that I had a runny nose not a bloody nose I took French to the next year as well and we still laughed about it though she never did manage to say my name properly so I have no idea what a bloody nose is like because I've never had one obviously I've had bloody boogers before and I've like accidentally scratched the inside of my before but I've never actually had a bloody nose I wonder how that feels does it hurt does it just feel like water coming out of your nose what is it this story's called no beans first time poster method Center not sure if this exactly fits but here we go anyway years ago I worked in a childcare center in the one to two year old room all the food was made by a gourmet food company and brought in daily some was good some was so bad I'm not sure if it was really food one kid was a vegetarian and he had a lot of the same food over and over again the poor kid who I will call John Smith hated beans and refused to eat if there were beans I went through the proper channels in an attempt to tell the chef / owner of the food company not to send beans for the kid this included emails phone calls even a fax everything was ignored and when I called they told me they had no record to say I'd raised the issue lies they suggested that I leave a note in one of the styrofoam boxes the food came in again nothing changed despite me talking to the delivery people who dropped off the food and picked up the empty boxes as they got reused I had Jack of it so I got a permanent marker and wrote on the sides and bottom of the box given to my room no beans for John Smith over and over again at least 20 times on the lid I wrote no beans for John Smith that means no baked beans lima beans green beans lima beans chickpeas cannellini beans etc no beans whatsoever call me if you do not understand no beans it worked and it only took three months moral of the story to get your message through you only need to go so over the top and destroy a delivery box with instructions okay most of those beans I can understand not enjoying but baked beans that's basically a dessert like honestly how do you not like baked beans they are delicious everyone in the comments tell me your favorite bean dish I guess mine would either be a hummus or maybe baked beans as I just said because baked beans are amazing so is hummus don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 17,426
Rating: 4.9404764 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/MaliciousCompliance, Can't Read?? I'll MAKE You read..., can't, read, i'll, make, you
Id: 2jhCjQ269Q0
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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