r/MaliciousCompliance - I INFECTED THEM ALL!!

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another r slash malicious compliance video I'm your host captain Cameron for the weekend show I think that a lot of people fail to understand just how much their words matter don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode in this first story a hospital department doesn't quite understand the power of their words when they say we need as many as you can send us stat I work in the dispatch department of a hospital and it's my job to receive phone calls from clerks and nurses requesting porters I take the call and put the information and send the info to a porter so they can proceed with the patient transfer equipment delivery etc a certain Department calls us incessantly asking for wheelchairs to be delivered it doesn't matter how many wheelchairs they already have they will always call us for more they like to hoard them and hide them away in separate rooms so that it looks like they don't have any when the porter arrives with more in this hospital hoarding any equipment creates delays for patient transfers because it becomes hard for Porter's to locate the needed equipment in areas where they're supposed to be available this department has been getting away with this for years and any complaint to management usually results in a temporary fix about a week in which we receive fewer requests for wheelchairs from said department anyways on to my malicious compliance it has been an extremely busy day and the usual clerk from the hoarder department has been calling us excessively to deliver wheelchairs and has been rude about it every time we try to explain that we need to keep some wheelchairs on reserve for other departments which we have explained thousands of times to them before and she just scoffs at me and my co-workers and repeats that she needs wheelchairs because she doesn't have any at one point the clerk calls me in a rage and is screeching in my ear about how we still haven't delivered any wheelchairs which we have and we have call records to prove it and that she needs and I quote as many as you can send us stat then slams the phone in my ear ok I'll send you as many as we can I proceeded to call a porter that has worked here a long time and knows the situation with the hoarder department very well also he is retiring soon as always been a guy that works around the rules and we're all Union so we can get away with a lot I tell him the situation and tell him very clearly that they need as many as we can send them you chuckles and says no problem about 30 to 45 minutes later I get a call from the Horder Department it's not the rage lady from earlier unfortunately but it was still a very satisfying to hear them say can you please have a porter come remove some wheelchairs I say sure how many would you like removed she says I kid you not as many as you can get out of our hallway it's congested with wheelchairs and is a fire hazard it's super satisfying to hear them what wheelchairs removed for once but I figure they're exaggerating as usual except this time the opposite of their usual request by this point the porter who delivered them has gone home I call a different Porter that I get along with tell them the situation and send them up to assess the chaos and remove some wheel chairs she calls back when she's up there and she's just laughing uncontrollably while telling me there are over 30 wheelchairs stuffed in the horner Department and the connecting hallway apparently the clerks were trying to push the entire collection of them out of the hallway at once because they couldn't get through the sea of wheelchairs to move them one by one the retiring Porter literally trapped them in their department with wheelchairs surprisingly no one got in trouble or talked to it all I'm not even sure my coordinator heard about the situation porter department is still consistent with calling for wheelchair delivery but a little less so the rude clerk is still rude but she is very prompt on the phone and a little less sassy than before I call it a win what I find a little bit worrying about this story is that this hoarder department was actively creating a logistic situation for the entire hospital their constant demand of wheelchairs and other things was legitimately upsetting the normal flow of the hospital for everyone else the way that this person got revenge though is hilarious it's almost too clever for me I feel like it's something that you would see out of the office or some other sitcom so excellent job on that part that is some great malicious compliance a lot of times people ask for something without realizing what are actually asking for that happens in this next story when an employee at a fast food company has to say want me to come to work even though I'm sick fine I've worked in fast food longer than I cared for it was never glamorous but the regulars were always nice and I got along with my co-workers the general manager on the other hand was the worst she constantly complained about wasting food product had a huge chip on her shoulder because of a divorce and would show off inappropriate pictures to employees who were with her in the office she was never mean or spiteful she just didn't work like a manager is supposed to around April I got sick with the cold and I had all the symptoms Ronny and stuffy nose sore throat nausea and a bad cough you name it I had it I tried calling out but my general manager told me that I couldn't because the restaurant was understaffed she didn't even give me time to explain that I was sick before saying you either come in or look for another job she then hung up she's done this before to other employees they would take some medicine and come in anyway but I wasn't having it I knew what I had to do and thus I made my plan the revenge I didn't take any medicine to help with my cold I made sure that if someone saw me they'd immediately know I was sick I came into work looking pale ragged and exhausted I clocked in and went to work I washed my hands so much that day because I didn't want the customers to get sick but I had to prove a point every employee could see that I needed to go home but the general manager said they'd be even more in trouble if I wasn't there I tried to keep my head held high but it's not easy when it feels so heavy I constantly sneezed coughed blew my nose it was pretty gross regulars complained that I needed to be home getting better but the general manager ignored them she actually thought it was better to have me there working possibly making everyone else sick than to be at home getting better what she didn't plan was for the district manager to make a surprise visit when he saw me he immediately pulled to the side and asked why I was there I explained the situation to him and told him what the general manager told me he was not happy before crap went off he told me to clock out and go home and wished me a speedy recovery I wasn't there when he talked to the general manager but other employees told me he tore her a new one stating how it was dangerous to have me around food in my condition and to threaten my job if I didn't show up was unethical and unprofessional saying that if I didn't have a doctor's note after calling that would be a better reason to say I would be fired than what she did the outcome the next two weeks everyone was calling out sick I had made all the other employees sick with my cold the district manager called and told the general manager she had no one to blame but herself since she made me come to work sick not only that but she had to cook the food and help serve it some of the regulars even jabbed at her saying it was her fault she was in this predicament not too long after she got sick herself and had to use vacation time to recover the best to work weeks of my life no boss to watch me over my shoulder everyone was back and no one else was sick except the general manager having a sick person at all involved in food preparation is very dangerous and the general manager by not even asking why the worker would be late really set herself up for some big trouble I can only hope that the worker didn't get any customer sick and that the general manager learned a very valuable lesson in our next story a few teachers get more than fed up when a fellow teacher doesn't follow the rule ID required so this is about my father he worked at a high school that required IDs for the students and the teachers alike pretty common thing for public schools and equally common are the petty teachers that enforce that rule like it's the only thing keeping the school together my dad doesn't care he tells his class as much if you're in class you're fine don't worry about it with me other teachers in his department did not like my dad's attitude towards IDs it wasn't taking class time and he wasn't writing students up so his classes behavior seemed better and he was getting through the material the smallest bit faster it's also not nepotistic for me to say he was one of maybe three good teachers in the department and got the highest standardized test scores on average the only people who took his class and failed his area on it history were kids who seemingly tanked the tests on purpose so the petty teachers who didn't like him we're out to get him the next year rolls around and it's been announced that everyone needs to be enforcing the rules about the IDS harder so my dad has to write people up for it he hasn't been caring before so he hardly notices when the kids don't have them and his deal to the kids was if he forgot it he wouldn't write them up one day he left it in his car and walked past the petty teachers who noticed and didn't say anything to him they went and knocked to the principal who had hired my dad and was his friend instead of the assistant principal they were supposed to take it up with she told him to make sure to wear his ID and told them only to come to her if there was something that would distract from teaching he said that would be fine went home and got to work that was his fifth year at the school and each year they issue a new ID he had two that were on those extendable leads with the belt clip and three on lanyards he also scanned one and had it printed on an iron-on sheet then he earned it onto one of those shirts from the five packs from Walmart and the next day were one of the blank shirts his new iron-on over that both of his clip-on IDs and his three lanyards lo and behold the teachers who knocked on him were waiting by the door and as per his description red faced at what he did he smiled and waved as he went past and made a beeline for his room without running he then took off his sport coat the I B's and I t-shirt and put the sports coat back on over the blank shirt he stuffed four of the five IDs and the shirt into an empty drawer in his desk and waited for students to start coming in a few minutes later the principal comes in with the main narc and he's just sitting there completely normal one ID clipped to his belt and he stands to shake the principal's hand she says good morning glares at the other teacher and the narc walks away when they're out of earshot she just says let me see the shirt they have a laugh and nobody bothered him about his ID again for true Just Desserts that teacher later got into a screaming match with my dad where they did all the screaming the cameras caught it all including the three times my dad tried to walk away before being stopped and the teacher was no longer working there by the end of the semester I understand that enforcing rules is pretty important but in a situation like this where the was really doing well at teaching the class and it obviously wasn't being too disruptive I don't understand why the petty teachers felt like they just had to get back at him maybe it was jealousy this next story is simply titled shoo gate I used to work for a shipping company one of the big two in an office position our building had several different apartments in it but they were all non customer-facing the office was in a nondescript office Park there was no sign except on the door itself the building was locked and required a keypad entry we only interacted with customers by phone and email no Skype no in-person I worked there for six years and never saw a customer the dress code was business casual which fine I only wear skirts and dresses so I looked dressy anyway in the summer women could wear sandals but nothing between the toes and nothing obviously beachy pretty reasonable in summer 2012 I was just coming off disability and was informed that a new policy was that we couldn't have more than three toes showing in our sandals why no one knows so I spend all weekend looking for sandals that I like that fit the recommendation I hate peep toe shoes and they look awful on me so that was out I finally found a nice pair of wedge sandals that fit the bill and were $80 I arrived to work on Monday and within the hour I'm told that my shoes do not conform I said they only show three toes that's the rule I was given no turns out that the heel couldn't be higher than three inches platform higher than one inch no flats also unprofessional no rubber soles and if you were wearing shoes that covered your foot mewls then the back of your foot could be out but if your feet were out the back of your foot had to be covered exceptions for doctors notes but grudgingly so I was taken into a room and my shoes were measured I have super high arches so a heel is comfortable for me and I chose wedges because they are more stable the platform of my shoe was one inch and the heel was three inches so I'm good right well the supervisor seemed frustrated so then she says no wedges they are not professional I was like what the heck so she pulls up the dress code online and shows me the example shoes there are four good example shoes a stiletto closed-toe a peep toe high-heeled a block he'll high-heeled closed-toe and kitten heel mules she states that because there are no wedges then I can't wear wedges I point out that I can't wear a regular heel and that there are no flat shoes shown she tells me she'll discuss it with the group and have an answer for me tomorrow and not to wear the shoes tomorrow I'm like screw this I paid $80 for these shoes I'm wearing them so the next day I come in in the shoes and she tells me with a sour face that wedges are fine however she still doesn't think my shoe is appropriate so tomorrow I have to wear other shoes but bring these shoes so that all the supervisors could have a meeting about my shoe with my shoe present I'm annoyed this is ridiculous this literally took up hours of my time over two days oh but wait I can escape the dress-code shoes by having a doctor's no eye contact my orthopedist I had had a knee surgery the year before not related to most recent disability and talked to the nurse I explained the whole situation and described my shoe and asked if she or the doctor think this is an appropriate shoe after knee surgery she said they definitely don't want me on heels and a wedge is fine she also thought the whole situation was ludicrous so she wrote me a note doctor signed exempting me from the dress code shoes and allowing me to wear whatever shoes I deemed comfortable I had her fax me the note we had e fax I forwarded the fax to both of my supervisors who are among the group of seven supervisors who would meet tomorrow about my shoe within a few minutes both were glaring at me but I never heard another thing about my shoes again I also wore the shoes every day that summer and then with tights through the winter because I am petty as heck I wonder how much money the company could have made if they took all the effort that went into making sure people wore very specific shoes and instead put it into something that actually mattered I mean you hear stories like this and you just have to wonder do they do these sorts of things because they're so bored at work like do they not have enough stuff to do at work that they just make up rules and start petty fights for entertainment you know now that I think about it that actually makes more sense than getting legitimately annoyed at someone for not having kind of shoes you like our last story for today chronicles what happens when someone is forced to comply but still not stupid in the 1990s although the Cold War had been winding down Germany still enforced conscription it's still on the books today but not enforced anymore not everyone had to serve as the army had been reduced in size so only about 50% of the young men of any year had to go in the end I was one of the unlucky young men going through medical checks assorted testing procedures and got a first taste of life in the military namely procedures for procedures sake and lots of administrative headaches so I decided to refuse service with the Armed Forces a perfectly legal choice extending my time to serve from 12 to 15 months and earning the job title of ziffel daeun Stender somebody doing public service or a zippe for short so 18 year old me ended up in a local hospital doing general assistance fetching patients for their treatments etc until they told me I'd be transferred to the psychiatric ward to help there they even included a reminder that under the conscription laws I had no right to refuse that posting not that I had any intention of refusing but I really looked forward to doing actual work with long-term patients but this legal reminder got me thinking if they were so eager for me to follow the rules certainly they'd do the same the rules stated explicitly that Zippy's were only allowed in assistance roles were never to replace but only augment trained health care personnel and had to receive mandatory training before dealing with certain types of tasks eg patients with psychiatric disorders the first day at the psychiatric ward came and went really nice Ward the nurses were really friendly and happy to have me low on trained staff so I was to replace a fully trained nurse and they told me about the mandatory training which I neither had had nor found in my schedule in the near future so I following the rules inquired at the local K WEA office in charge of all the cities in the region about that training and they didn't have me on the schedule either by law I was required to inquire whether tasking required additional training the very next day the head of nursing furiously called me into his office asked whether I had been in contact with the guys at the KWA because he had just received a fax were furring to my call and ordering mandatory scheduled trainings for all 40 cities at the hospital between two and four weeks each depending on their respective tasks apparently they had always forgotten to notify kwa of special training requirements thereby increasing the amount of time they could use as cheap labor the hourly rate was approximately to Deutsche marks or in u.s. dollars a dollar and 20 cents the guy was livid I had robbed him of nearly a hundred and twenty combined weeks of slave labor just by following regulations he seemed to be so keen to point out his last sentence was the famous one he who laughs last so after completing my four weeks of training I returned to work in the psych ward only to be reassigned nearly randomly thorax surgery intensive care neurology a few weeks here a few days there he thought he'd punished me but it was a great adventure getting to know so many aspects of Medicine so he took the last tool he had available he forced me to live on site this last one actually was part of the laws intended for army conscripts not Zippy's nevertheless it also applied to me he ordered me to live on site not to go home after work as every other zippy there was allowed to do so I complied ah sweet justice someone finally has to follow their own rules for once don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss another episode thanks for tuning in [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 55,810
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 84
Id: rlBP8a_24_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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