I Dont Work Here Lady | But... I'M A TEACHER!!!

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gym teacher mistakes my mom a staff member as a student so this happened a few years ago when I was still in high school I'm not sure if this exactly fits here but we'll just go with it my family lives in a city in Wisconsin a pretty nice city with fairly good schools never really have too big of problems my mom had started working in the school district while I was in middle school she works with kids with disabilities as she has experienced being that my brother has severe autism she first worked at the elementary school before working at one of the middle schools before finally moving to the high school despite her not wanting to my mom doesn't look her age she's turning 39 in a few weeks around the time of this story she was probably around 36 her height reaches into the early 5 foot range with two of her kids cowering over her and her daughter just about to be taller as well at the time her hair was cut rather short like just past the ears I'd say she wears contacts due to her vision she dresses with a lot of geeky material with shirts ranging from Star Wars all the way to labyrinth typically she looks quite like a high school student even today onto the story this happened during her first year working at the high school and since I wasn't there myself I'm only roughly explaining what happened on this particular day wonderful contacts had broken and sing how bad her vision would be without them she had to wear her glasses to work despite the fact that she hates doing this as well as this she wore a black labyrinth t-shirt it was basically the poster of the movie plastered onto a shirt which was partially covered up by a black open up cotton shirt with long sleeves she had dark tight jeans on with just some normal shoes the only way to tell that she worked there was the lanyard with her ID on it hanging from her neck it was just after lunch if I recall and my mom was tasked to walk with one of the students she looked after I don't recall what this kid had but he loved to talk about movies with my mom constantly he would have headphones on while walking and would be looking at his Chromebook the whole time my mom and the boy were walking down the hall near the high school's upper gym she did this from time to time while kids were in class so he could get around and move as he did not like doing much work while walking they were far down the hall about to turn a corner when out of nowhere someone had yelled from down the hall at them gt4 gym teacher m4 mom will call the boy Frank GT hey get back to class em thinking this teacher was yelling at some other students wandering the halls continues walking slowly with a kid GT obviously sounding annoyed don't make me have to write you up for wandering the halls em now turns around to look towards the talking she sees GT standing up the doors of the upper gym staring dead at her GT was known for being quite annoying to say the least I had her once in my last year thankfully I got on her good side for the most part she's in her late 40s to early 50s usually wears thin sweatshirts with tight pants and athletic shoes her hair is cut into a Beatle style dark like the Beatles hair as well she stood quite a few inches taller than em but not buy too much em looks around confused at first GT don't just stand there dumbfounded like that get to class she perfectly exaggerated the last few words M has been mistaken for a student on multiple occasions but only when she's usually wandering the halls alone not when she's with a kid M oh sorry I'm walking with Frank here he likes it when the halls are quiet GT he can walk with a teacher you don't need to babysit him when you have class to go to M still a bit confused but realizing the situation sorry but you're mistaken I'm a staff member here she goes to show her the ID GT nice try come to my office so I can write you up at this point if the teacher turns to start walking into the gym M doesn't listen and continues walking this was apparently not the right move to make GT don't you dare walk away from me you come here now so I can write you up at this point GT started storming it over to m2 which M quickly turns around and flashes her ID to GT M mam I work here GT stopped inches from the ID and stares at it for a moment before going pure-white she backs up and clears her throat GT you should be careful about how you dress people are going to think you're a student M right I have to get back to work now maybe you should too at this point GT walks back to the gym doors closing them fairly loudly behind her Frank had continued walking ahead of M so she quickly caught up to him and kept on with her day my mom and I had quite a good laugh on the drive home from school sidenote my mom still works at the high school today and has gotten to know quite a lot of teachers there she only had a few encounters with GT sense and it seems GT doesn't even remember seeing her that day or just refuses to acknowledge she mistook a staff member for a student either way win for my mom I honestly don't know what would be worse for the gym teacher to actually forget meaning she has so many of these encounters that she just loses track of them all or to pretend to forget because you couldn't shut your damn mouth for two seconds so she could explain that she does work there I'm not a student does not being a student count as not working here it's an oldie roughly 2002 but still for context I'm five foot nothing and around a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet yeah I'm small my little brother however is not he's around six foot two tall and thin when we started high school both of our parents were working so I joined him at what's called freshman roundup usually a few days before the school year begins the classes come to the school for registration paperwork student IDs photos yearbook etc the freshmen who come alone tend to get egged on hazed in some way so most either come with parents or older siblings as we were in line outside waiting to enter the cafeteria a blonde teacher walks by she glances at me does a double take then spins to face me t equals teacher me equals duh t what are you wearing me huh t that shirt isn't not appropriate m-make excuse me my shirt had some minor swear on it like hell or crap you cannot wear that here go home and change now M are you crazy I'm not a student I'm 22 I'm here with my kid brother he's the student I gesture to my brother looking very respectable in khakis and a polo she looks at him and realizes that he and about a dozen students around us are fighting back hysterical laughter my brother can't contain it and lets out a loud laugh a few others follow I'm angrily glaring at her while she is looking around she just looks at me with this stupid expression and walks away my brother and his classmates laughed about it then teased me about being so small I passed for a freshman I'm curious was a genuine fear for any of you guys out there because I was honestly very scared when I was going from the eighth grade to being a freshman I thought for sure I was gonna get hazed in some way by being egged or swirly or something of the like I'm not sure uber driver lady I was living in a university area and the parking was really hard to find I found a great spot out front and had to run back up to my apartment and grab something and got back down to my car I was sitting in my car getting my phone ready with music before I left while doing that my two back doors opened up and two kids climb in they don't speak great English and are trying to tell me where to go I turned around and told them that I am NOT an uber driver so they sat in the back of my car on their phones trying to figure out what was going on with the ruber I had to scream get out of my car this is not the place to figure out your uber app but the look on their faces when everything clicked that they were lounging in the back of a stranger's car and we're getting yelled at was priceless there are so many uber videos on YouTube of passengers just doing the most stupid crap you can imagine those are probably some of the most fun videos to binge watch if you ever want to treat yourself someday alrighty guys it's gonna wrap it up for today I hope you enjoyed the stories and if you did and you're new around here maybe consider subscribing and if you really really liked it then maybe give it a thumbs up in the share anyways I'll see in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: Foobier
Views: 7,965
Rating: 4.9193082 out of 5
Keywords: reddit stories, i dont work here lady, i dont work here, best of reddit, idwhl reddit, daily reddit, reddit i dont work here lady, r/ i dont work here lady, i dont work here reddit, stories from reddit, r/i dont work here lady, reddit storytime, i dont work here lady stories, r/idontworkherelady karen, r/ i dont work here, reddit idwhl, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit top posts, from reddit, idontworkherelady karen, reddit i dont work here, foobier, foober
Id: BWwQy5wGKaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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