r/maliciouscompliance | I earned my Degree AND $5,000 in Cash

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day make sure everyone follows the sign sure thing I work as a quality manager at a vegetable growing and packing farm we are considered as essential business as we grow and pack food so we have been working throughout the pandemic just with more strict hygiene protocols as you could imagine part of my job is to make sure that food handling and hygiene practices are followed so once the pandemic it I made it my mission to ensure everyone was following the hand washing and sanitizing procedures correctly I posted several signs around the sheds giving instructions about what is required and also some tips to help stop the spread one of these was a generic sign that gave instructions on how to wash your hands it advised people to wash their hands for 20 seconds or so or as long as it took you to sing the full alphabet in your head this is standard practice in the food industry there were several other rules put in place as well the wearing of gloves keeping 1.5 metres apart sanitizing hands after touching your face door handles pallet jacks forklift steering wheels etc I did my best to be accommodating by placing boxes of gloves and hand sanitizer units everywhere so people didn't have to get behind in their work to do what I need them to do everyone was really good following the extra rules and was really understanding except for one of the shed supervisors he would never wear gloves was constantly in and out of a forklift without sanitizing and I'm positive that he wouldn't wash his hands after using the toilet impossible to tell for sure but he never left there with paper towel in his hands drying his hands off like everyone else this is disgusting at the best of times let alone at a food packing facility not to mention during a pandemic whenever I pressed him about it he would say he didn't have the time to sanitize there's a bottle of it right there on each forklift couldn't find his gloves there were dozens of boxes of them and even try to tell me that he doesn't use the toilet during the day when I asked him what he was doing in there he would just deny being in there and said that he only uses the toilet twice a day both times at home he bragged about it as if it was some great achievement I ended up going over his head and emailed his boss and the owner about it all and asked if they could please sit with him and talk to him about it he was a supervisor these were easy rules to follow everyone else was doing it so he has to as well both of them agreed and told me they would sort it out the following day I could see him from a distance following all the rules properly so I was happy the system worked but being the childish man he is he was giving me the cold shoulder in silent treatment he was obviously not happy that I went to the bosses about him and got him in trouble but I didn't care that was my literal job and I'd do it again fast forward a week and I come into work this morning to see all these new signs posted all over the place all generic stopped the spread signs from government websites telling people to be hygienic keep their distance stay home of sick etc all that stuff we've been hearing for a while now there was also a new sign at the hand-washing station that gave a really long and detailed instruction for people to wash their hands stating that the process should take 60 seconds I asked around and found out it was my mate the supervisor who put them up they should have put them up ages ago he says that the government comes here and says we don't have the mob we'll all be in trouble I put it out that there were already signs up all over the place and have been for months he says that they're not good enough and that his are better I didn't say a word but then he said but I was hoping he'd say if you're going to pick on me for this stuff then you need to make sure everyone follows all the rules properly now this guy is not my superior but he has a massive ego and probably thinks he's second in charge of the whole place or something I certainly didn't want to argue about it so I just assured him that I'd do exactly that you may have guessed where this is going but it's also worth pointing out that other than the sinks in the toilets we only have one hand-washing sink we are out on a farm site in a rural area so clean water is scarce we only have so much pressure available and most of it goes to the vegetable washing sprays so that's all we have for the time being next lunch break I stood by the sink as the workers were about to head back in again the first person hopped up to wash their hands and did a good job knowing that I was watching but they only washed for 20 seconds or so so I told them that they have to wash their hands for the full 60 seconds as per than you sign they were a bit dumbfounded to start with so I put it to the side and the part where it said 60 seconds then I told them that their supervisor wants them to do it this way and he wanted me to make sure you all do it right so he stood there at the sink and washed his hands for a full minute rinsed and dried up for the next person came to do theirs it wasn't long before everyone started chatting about how they're going to be late going back to work I assured them that they're entitled to their full meal break so take your time wash your hands for 60 seconds and if you're late then you're late there were 14 people in total that had to wash their hands everyone took their sweet time and the whole ordeal lasted around 20 minutes it was incredibly boring to watch but oh so satisfying the cool part is that the shed cannot restart if there are persons short everyone has to be back in in position before the machines can start back up again otherwise things jam up and it creates massive problems the supervisor didn't even notice I have no idea where he even was during all of this but the shed didn't restart until about 20 minutes after it should've so for their next meal break I did it all again people were well clued on for round 2 and most people just sat on the chairs on their phones rather than queuing up for the sink this time around the supervisor noticed we were about 5 minutes late when he came out saw half of his workers sitting on their phones when they were meant to be back at work already and asked what the heck everyone is doing I calmly explained that they are washing their hands for a full 60 seconds just like in the sign you put up he shook his head and went on about how this is ridiculous and how they should have been back to work already I told them I agree but I was just doing as he told me he then tried to say that if they're going to do this then they need to wash their hands in their time not company time so I announced to those remaining here that guys he reckons you don't deserve your full break and that you should give half of it up to wash your hands as soon as I said this he just stormed off muttering under his breath I stayed there and made sure the last half of the workers that the full minute of hand washing and the shed went back to work late they lost the full 40 or so minutes of production today and that will be very noticeable on the costing report I just hope he tries to blame it all on me I look forward to telling the boss that not only was this all his own doing but he somehow didn't even notice that everyone was 20 minutes late after their first meal break good luck explaining that one this supervisor clearly has his head screwed on straight that's sarcasm by the way well would you want to tell this supervisor let me know in the comments below how I double dipped on the same scholarship in my university there are usually two regular award periods each of the start of a new term during them a ton of scholarships and awards are up for grabs additionally throughout the year there are special scholarship applications because the donors want the money to go out right away in my second year one such scholarship opened in December its requirements however were way more than it's worth but any free money is good money the donors offered four awards each valued at $5,000 for the best students in engineering the eligibility criteria included a two page essay on your leadership qualities and community contribution and two letters of reference from professors on top of a minimum 85% degree average keeping in mind that this is December which is the month of finals students are incredibly busy studying and taking exams while professors are preoccupied with grading dealing with leniency requests and such needless to say there are a few students who would or could apply fortunately for me I already had two reference letters ready for a competition I was in earlier in the year I only had to ask the professors to redress the letter which they happily did I got the award and the money was applied directly to my tuition account fast forward to January's regular scholarship period when I was applying I noticed the same special award was reopened for application my guess is that they didn't have enough qualified students the first time my initial thought was oh I got the award probably can't reapply but upon reading the fine prints there was nothing that prevents me from reapplying just to make sure I sent an email to the award committee asking about it came a short reply email that said just comply with the award terms and conditions if they didn't say you can't then go ahead I saved the entire application instructions and this email then submitted the same package as last time I didn't think I would get it again but I was throwing a squid at the wall to see if it sticks it did I got the award and the money applied to my tuition account on top of all other scholarships I got a check back totaling almost five thousand dollars about two weeks later I got two of the same email asking for a bio and a picture to be included on the donors website half an hour after the emails I got another one that basically said something along the line of hey you weren't supposed to apply for and get the same award twice in the same academic year we will now have to deduct the money from your account but in a more professional way I forwarded them the go-ahead email along with the award terms and conditions in my email I also politely pleaded with something along the lines of hey you said I could I don't have money to pay that five grand already spent it on textbooks it isn't fair to punish a hard-working student for faults not their own I also responded to the tube bio request emails separately with two different about me paragraphs that basically humble brag about how hard I worked and how much I deserve the money a couple days later I got an email allowing me to keep both awards they said the admins have advocated to make up the golden scholarship category to put me in in the email they also have a lengthy paragraph justifying why I deserved it probably to avoid admitting that they messed up as a result of this the general scholarship guidelines at the University were updated to stipulate that no student will be allowed to get the same scholarship more than once during an academic year if Opie's they're still a year later swinging for the fences and throw it in again only once per year imagine that because Opie's groundbreaking work of the scholarship nobody else will ever be able to get the same scholarship more than once in a year Opie can live happily knowing they made a rule solely because of him compliance with the postmaster about five years ago I moved into my house and I received an astonishing amount of the junk mail for the previous owner the elderly lady I bought the house from retired and moved south but spent most of her time here thus over half her life signing up to every conceivable amount of junk mail and magazine possible I've moved many times and it was never much of an issue but the amount of mail received per day was insane I live in a remote area low population under a thousand people per town around here I have a pretty large mailbox on the street thing is a heavy-duty thick steel plow trucks can throw ice and snow on it all day and it doesn't care but it's 2 to 3 times the size of a standard mailbox in three days this mailbox would be full we get the mail once a week only thing that is coming in the mail in today's age is a statement that you've already seen online or some form of nasta gram which no one is in a hurry to read so once a week in today's age is pretty reasonable at least for these parts of the world the amount of mail was so out of control we were losing valuable garage can't space and we couldn't always toss out all the mail received do the room in the can so I took a stand and used the black sharpie and Rob returned to sender slash individual no longer at this address the postal worker didn't appreciate this extra workload and would leave everything in there untouched as a result they never checked the mail for new outgoing mail anything addressed to us that actually live here would be left in the post office for us to pick up out of spite the post office was intentionally being lazy and not following the rules I only know this because I was pissed enough to actually look up the regulations and procedures for this which they weren't adhering to anyway when I called them complaint at the postmaster the postmaster said that they would not remove the mail from the mailbox I said understood it's a federal offense for me to tamper with someone else's mail you refuse to take ownership I have no choice but to place the pile of mail each day on the ground by the mailbox the postmaster said but I was hoping for but it would blow all over the place and become litter and you would be falling my reply I personally wouldn't be find it's not my mail however anyone that would inquire about the letter I would explain your personal position on it despite the responsibilities noted on subsection a paragraph B stating how to handle this situation how do you think that's going to go your call the postmaster hung up on me couple days later after the mail piled up out there the postal worker stopped at first they had one of those little hand claw grabber things but it just wasn't cutting it due to the amount also its rained its butt off the night before each time they would grab a bit of mail they'd have to carry it over their lap getting water all over their lap they finally had enough and physically got out and shovel every last bit of it into a plastic bin and heaved it into the Jeep that was five years ago to date I've only received two to three items of mail that didn't belong to me when I write return to sender that mail is collected immediately never heard a peep from that postmaster again rules are rules and even of Opie has a ton of mail that needs to be picked up and taken back if you have proper regulations set for a situation like this you have to follow it and good ol Opie for putting that pressure on them to comply with that with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories that I read for you today was your personal favorite and why let me know which story and why in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 35,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: 68NiG5Z2s2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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