r/MaliciousCompliance MY BOSS TRIED TO BLAME HIS MISTAKE ON ME! - Reddit Stories

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sometimes when the boss tells you what to do you  have to maliciously comply we'll get into that in   a bit but first are you sure you want to do this  by the book many moons ago I spent my youth in the   Army I worked in comms and spent some excellent  years doing dumb crap with some of the best guys   and girls you could ever meet one of those years  of my misspent youth I was deployed to a hot and   Sandy location the length of deployment was  unusual for me as most deployments in the   British army are 6 months the extra time was due  to being one of the first units deployed and after   supporting the initial deployment they requested  volunteers to remain in support and train some of   the relieving units and newly deployed Logistics  headquarters at this stage in my career I'd been   lucky enough to jump from deployment to deployment  and I was loving the extra money that that gave   me so I happily volunteered to stay I was tasked  with supporting one of the logistics hqs I'd run   that Detachment earlier in the deployment and was  happy to return as it was far away from the main   HQ and all the boor adults and seniors that the  HQ brings think sweeping the desert that kind of   thing our little Detachment was an oasis in a sea  of bull crap it was just six guys and girls with   me as the Detachment Commander I was a Corporal  Corporal / full screw at the time the isolated   nature of our Detachment meant that anyone sent  there had to be able to operate independently be   very adaptable and open to improvise to support  where required our main unit also like to send   us their troublemaker ERS but due to the nature  of the Detachment they could only send us people   who could do their role also so I ended up with  all the best and most interesting scum of my unit   and it was amazing for any Yanks reading it would  have been an E4 Mafia Paradise within weeks we had   a patio and rock garden set up we had a barbecue  pit shower area gym we'd sorted a deal with the   local civilian contractors for us to receive beer  in exchange for our help in vehicle and Generator   servicing the best part due to us being a comm's  Detachment it was restricted entry to our area   so we were free from any surprise visits now  that I've set out the backstory I'll get on to   the malicious compliance the HQ we were supporting  was regularly rotating its senior non-commissioned   officers and officers from the deployment they  would do the minimum time to qualify for a medal   and then they'd get replaced with someone new it  was a crappy practice that eventually got shut   down but not till much later deploy ments we were  fairly used to this by now and the only overhead   we had was creating new accounts for the seniors  the guys who actually did the work my peer group   in the HQ stayed the same mostly this latest  rotation saw the old regimental quartermaster   Sergeant being replaced by a newly promoted  rqms this new guy was a jerk full of his own   self-importance hated that we had a little island  of bull crap free Tranquility within his eyesight   I'd see him pcing outside at our fence line when  he first arrived unable to comprehend that he   wasn't allowed to just walk in by this point  I'd been in this location for about 6 months   and I was thoroughly past the point of giving  any freaks the rqms hated that he had to deal   with me a lowly F Screw As OC of the Detachment  and myself and crew of reprobates was out of his   chain of command one day he absolutely lost his  crap because we were barbecuing half a goat and   had invited a few of his guys to join us after  work for some beers and delicious goat wraps   by this stage we'd use tessian to fence off our  barbecue and bar area so that we could obscure   it from prying eyes he went off to get some of  his units regimental police RPS these are not   real military police just jobsworths with no real  job in a unit to come and shut us down I told them   to jog on they weren't getting in my Detachment  and I don't care who sent them apparently the   next day he was apoplectic the guys who worked  with him warned us he was determined to bring   M attachment to heal his solution was removing  our welfare package that we were issued through   his Department as a favor from his guys for some  services that we were providing it consisted of   a small fridge TV and British forces Broadcasting  Service TV decoder bfbs box the conversation went   roughly as thus rqms said Corporal op it appears  that there's been a paperwork error and you've   been given one of my welfare packages by mistake  I said okay sir I'd be happy to fill that in shall   I drop by your office they say you can drop by  my office and bring the package but you won't   be filling in any paperwork Corporal you may have  wrangled the last RQ but as far as I'm concerned   you lot can do one if you think you're getting  that welfare package back off me and if there's   anything else that I can find that isn't 100%  correct paperwork wise then I will be shutting   that right down you may not be mine and I may  not be able to enter your little compound but   I'm going to have you son every resup demand  every transport request better be completed   correctly I'm going to make your lives heck with  paperwork and admin QE malicious compliance I say   I'm sorry to hear that sir I'm sorry you feel  the service that we provide isn't good enough   the old rqms was very happy with services that  he was getting from us and sent over the spare   welfare package as a thank you are you sure that  it's paperwork that's the issue here are you not   happy with phones and the internet our qms replied  Corporal I have not complaints regarding the comms   you just need to complete the correct paperwork  and have it authorized by me at this point it's   clear that he's never going to authorize the  return of the welfare package and is very smug   about it I reply okay sir you're of course correct  paperwork is essential they ask are you giving   me attitude Corporal I said not at all sir just  just agreeing with you to be clear you are happy   with everything else we provide to the HQ you just  want me to complete the correct paperwork our qms   replied that's correct Corporal I say no problem  sir happy to oblig I delivered the welfare package   back to his stores his guys were very apologetic I  told them not to worry you see the welfare package   was a thank you for all the extra phone lines and  terminals that we' provided for the previous rqms   these expanded his and his units work working  capacity most importantly I'd run phone line to   the sleeping areas so that him and his Lads  could call home without using their limited   Welfare phone cards I'd also laid some precious  unfiltered internet lines too internet to deployed   units is very rare and unfiltered internet is  almost unheard of for British units what I was   providing was immense value to lonely squatties  and it was also without paperwork when I got back   to my Detachment I flicked a couple of switches  turning off all the paperwork less connections I   waited for the inevitable it didn't take long the  first visitor was one of the privates letting us   know that he'd been cut off mid call back home  I apologized and explained what was going on   with the rqms he understood not happy about it but  understood he went off muttering about throbbers   who can't leave well enough alone the next was  one of the rqm s's full screws who I have a lot   of time for she came around and asked what was  going on with the comms she was in the office   when I had the conversation with the rqms earlier  we had a bit of a chat about what a belter he is   and then she asked what was going on I explained  that as per the RQ ms's request We are following   his example and doing things by the book and I've  turned off all the services without the correct   paperwork she looked at me knowingly so what  does that mean she asked I explained that the   only service that I'd been ordered to provide  were for the HQ the rest would have to request   them through me and be approved by division HQ  as per orders I handed her a copy of the request   forms to be completed in triplicate as I didn't  have a photo copier and they couldn't send it to   me by email as I just turned their kit off she  had a bit of a chuckle and went off back to her   boss paperwork in hand you see the only orders  I had were for the six lines and the terminal in   the HQ the 30 odd Lin mindes I'd laid extra were  essentially me being a good bloke and supporting   the mission in apartments as they grew around  the HQ it was initiative and adaptability on my   part these were all now off and I had a steady  stream of visitors throughout the day wanting   to know what was going on I directed them all to  the rqms who had the request forms my last visitor   was the operations Captain he was a top Loke a  late entry officer had gone through the ranks   from private to Reg gental sergeant major and was  now commissioned as an officer who had spent more   than a few nights in our compound with a beer and  talking crap with us he was one of the very first   recipients of a private line and internet he asked  me what was going on he'd been around the houses   so he knew there were Shenanigans a foot his face  dropped leave it with me is all that he said and   off he went 30 minutes later the rqms was back  at the entrance to my compound with the welfare   package the Ops Captain was with him looming over  him as only a RSM or former RSM in this case can   I said hello sir how can I help the rqms very  sheepishly said hello Corporal there seems to   have been an error and we found your paperwork  for the welfare package so I'm returning it with   my apologies I said no need to apologize sir easy  mistake to make the rqms asked so are we good I   said and the other paperwork moving forward they  said there's no need for all that looking over his   shoulder at the Ops Captain we are after all on  the same team I replied we are indeed sir I look   over my shoulder and give one of my guys a nod I  think you'll find everything is now back to as it   was the rqms responds excellent thank you very  much Corporal and off you went the Ops Captain   stared daggers at him as he left he just gave me  a nod and confirmed that drinks were still on for   the next day and toddled off back to his bit I was  never bothered by the rqms again is this just one   of those positions you can't fill without getting  one end of the bad Spectrum or the other it's like   the defense against the dark arts professor in  Harry Potter there's always an issue with them   you either have one that's literally only there to  just get a medal and get out or you have one like   this that's needlessly a stickler for the rules  and can't let anybody have any fun responsible n   7361 wrote as a former Supply guy any itcs needed  they got oddly we always had great it connections   and service don't upset medical don't upset Supply  don't upset comms and it our next story is sure   we can follow the contract I work as an account  manager for a Food Distribution Company I have an   NDA so I can't disclose the type of materials or  type of project so that will be relatively vague   but the story is still good okay so we work with  a chain account and service all of their locations   in our state this is a relatively small but Global  chain that is historically very challenging to   work with management is aggressive pushy just  not nice our company is a tiny family-owned   and operated company full of nice goofballs we  don't take things too seriously provide great   service and put up with honestly way too much from  them we're their contracted distributor there are   a few items in the contract that no one follows  and hasn't followed for years years one of those   being monthly pricing audits no one from their  corporate ever asked for it but we never brought   it up because our pricing is not always consistent  with the contracted price we're supposed to charge   the locations reason being is we're often able to  get a product for cheaper elsewhere and also sell   to our other accounts outside of this chain  so we're not always compliant but it's always   for the benefit of the customer well our direct  contact at the company quit and the head honcho   over there stepped into take her place he insisted  that we begin sending monthly pricing audits per   the contract mind you this guy is just nasty I've  had to drive around to every location in the state   to recover a product the locations used less than  around one case a year of because they wanted to   teach us a lesson for running out of something one  time they assign us complaint forms that I have   to go into their site and resolve the complaint  it's usually about something stupid for example   you said that you were going to receive a product  on this day but you didn't tell us if you got it   yet please write out your five-step action plan  and solution to being better Partners to us so   anyways we dragged out the audits for a while but  were unable to avoid it so we brought up another   item in the contract that had been neglected and  attempts to be like if you're going to enforce   this we're going to enforce the whole contract it  stated that if we were carrying an item for this   account that moved less than x number of cases  a week that we would be able to charge a storage   fee per month that it sat in our warehouse they  said yes we need to be following the contract 100%   well we found that almost 90% of the products  did not move X number of cases a week and were   eligible for a storage fee to be added on the  language stated that we were also to back charge   for the months that it sat in the warehouse that  we did not charge storage which meant that there   were items that had a price increase of around  $30 per case that's ridiculous especially for   a restaurant in our state we alerted the company  and said hey while this would be more money for us   we really don't want to do that to our customers  they said it didn't matter and we had to follow   the contract and if any stores had complained  I was to send them directly to their corporate   rep so the updated contract pricing went into  effect effectively bumping up pricing on their   most popular items by about 10% and the storage  pricing by about 30% on their lowest moving items   increasing overall pricing by about 25% stores  are livid it totally sucks for them and I feel   super badly about it but it's a result of their  corporate being jerks the best part is now I get   these complaints about pricing all day long and I  just get to tag their corporate representatives to   deal with it instead I have less work and we make  about 25% more off an account account they wanted   us to follow the contract right so overall I just  feel bad for the customer at the end that is going   to be affected from these price increases but  the one thing that makes me happy about hearing   the outcome and the Fallout of this story is  just the point where they say please write out   your five-step action plan and solution to being  better Partners to us what kind of third grade   handholding bowl is that digital noise wrote  do you ask the corporate team for a five-step   action plan and how they'll be better Partners in  the future I would our next story is you want me   to do what I'm told because you are the boss okay  I'd been reminded of this incident recently when   I happened to run into one of my former bosses and  this is a story of malicious compliance many times   I'd mentioned during other conversations with them  that I'd previously come from the private sector   and was not used to how things were run even after  several years in local government and definitely   that those ways would never ever fly in private  sector especially when it came to money I'd been   tasked with being the liaison for returning money  and personal property to people that were either   the victims or the perpetrators laws didn't allow  us to know which category individuals fell under   but if a judge said give their property back to  them that's what I did with the correct paperwork   period of course there were procedures proper  paperwork had to be filled out and a valid SL   current state identification or driver's license  a court order and an Evidence voucher was needed   everything had to match on all the paperwork  their full name address city and state and a   property receipt from the police department if  they came to me with a receipt that said John Q   doe then their identification had to say the same  not Jack doe not JQ do you get it it was supposed   to be a Surefire way to make sure that the the  right person claimed the property and 99.99% of   the time it was money slus and our department was  entrusted to follow the rules well the supervisor   and the department head let's call them TD and  TL were both in rare form this particular day   during our routine morning meeting when they both  had attitudes about everything it probably had   something to do with the fact that they were being  applauded for running a tight ship and getting   things done yeah right all they had to do was sign  their names to things the staff did all the hard   work and yet contradicting everything said between  one and the other and walking around with their   chests out like they were God's gifts and in not  so many words both professing I'm the boss I want   it done this way or that way if I say something  that's the way I want it do it and don't question   me okay I thought and I've asked before at other  jobs are you sure really really sure because I   was taught to do just that give you exactly what  you want and usually people end up not liking it   they both were so nasty in their response that I  just smiled at my friend and cooworker across the   table who shook her head and did a face palm why  because she knows me okay it's on I'm going to   do it your way without question because you two  are the boss at around 11:00 a.m. I get a call   from the security desk that a visitor had arrived  with a property receipt Etc and wanted to know if   I would come and collect them to get the process  started sure I'll be down in 10 to 15 minutes I   told them as I was in the process of counting  money and needed to focus as on any given day   there was around $100,000 in cash on my desk and  I didn't want to put the money back in the safe   and start all over when I finished counting the  money and went downstairs to collect the visitor   the visitor was clearly agitated was I bothered  kind of but I was secure enough knowing that   there were 400 or so off officers with guns in the  building so I led the visitor up to my office had   them seated took their information and began the  process except one the voucher looked old two the   voucher didn't match the receipt three the receipt  nor the voucher matched the court order and four   their ID was expired alert alert giant red flags  waving in the breeze everything everything that   I'd been taught was screaming at me that this was  bad and that it was going going to end badly I   made the necessary copies for my records of all  the information like always except this time two   of everything and actually circled all of the  discrepancies and red marker and then told the   visitor that I needed to get the checkbook from  another officer it would take a little while to   get the signatures and mine needed and release  of funds required two other signatures I first   went to my immediate supervisor TL and explained  the situation to her I showed her every single   single solitary piece of paperwork pointed out all  of what I'd circled that the information didn't   match on any of the forms in any way at all she  literally did a quick scan and said it's okay do   it I know that I stood there with my mouth opening  and closing with no words coming out for a full   two minutes shaking my head and in shock before I  said wait did you really look at what I'm showing   you there's something wrong with all of it I think  it's forgery and fraud about to be committed her   words were I said do it while pushing all of the  paperwork across her desk back to me I said are   you sure do you want to look at it again you  do realize that I'm supposed to cut a check   for $97,000 I asked no it's fine do it so that  you can get back to your other work I then told   her that I was really uncomfortable completing  the transaction and that I wanted to speak to TD   about it and so I walked across the hall tapped  on TD's door door and asked if we could discuss   the transaction now mind you TD is the department  head one of the signatures needed to finalize the   paperwork the other person to sign would be the  accounts payable department head I spread both   sets of copies of the papers across his desk and  again explained in detail the situation and what   was wrong with all of it at least he took a few  more minutes to pour over the paperwork unlike TL   and so I thought okay he's paying attention he'll  see everything that's wrong with this you'll make   a call downstairs and have a couple of officers  up here in no time nope he literally said it's   all good do it TD it's not all good please please  look at it again I pleaded now is a good time to   tell everyone that I worked for loyers for 5  years straight out of high school and one of   the best things that I've ever learned was what  definitely became my lifelong motto cover your own   butt and don't take the fall for other people and  that mindset has been good to me again I pleaded   with TD to look closely at the paperwork I pointed  out all the discrepancies again the wrong name the   paper being the wrong color and looking old the  expired state ID everything and again he said I   said do it okay I thought this is one of the  times when you know for certain that this is   going to come back and bite you in the butt but  remember when I said that I worked for lawyers   for 5 years in my earlier career well I remembered  them always saying signatures are everything now   normally the only time I would need signatures  are when the checks are actually cut but this   time I was definitely going to take it oh so much  further back out to The copier I went for one   more copy of all the paperwork first stop was the  supervisor TL TL I need your signature to finish   the transaction sign and date here here here here  and here yes everywhere I'd made a notation in red   marker thank you and off I went to TD to get his  signature sorry to bother you TTI but I need your   signature and date here here here here here here  and here all the while thinking you two won't be   having me accused and arrested for conspiring  with a total stranger with that done I asked TD   one more time are you sure that you want me to  complete this transaction after everything that   I've pointed out cut a check and send the visitor  on his way TD never looked up from he was reading   and said yes so that's what I did completed the  steps necessary to cut the $90,000 check and send   the visitor on his merry Way 3 weeks later all  heck broke loose op my office now my head had   never whipped back and forth so fast in my entire  life as they both talked at the same time TD beat   red and TL ringing her hands in frustration  shut the door TL said and then I could barely   understand what was being said but eventually  figured out that it was about the transaction   and check that I'd written prior yep we and I say  we very very Loosely handed over close to 100,000   to the wrong person they handed me a record of  everything that's currently happening because   of that transaction the commissioner's memo the  judge's orders the investigation procedures the   assigned case number and detectives the names  of the bank Representatives I was told that   there was an ongoing investigation and I'd be  contacted by the banking detectiv shortly and   lastly that I might be fired what do you have to  say for yourself T asked forcefully while slapping   the top of his desk to which I replied I did what  I was supposed to do I did what I was told to do   don't you remember signing off on it all I said  matter of factly they both spluttered something   to the effect of I would never I have an MBA and  I've been doing this for 30 years no this is your   mistake this is not going to end well for you Etc  I almost burst out laughing because it very much   sounded like the teacher from the Charlie Brown  cartoons you know but I was in no way worried   I calmly got up out of the chair that I'd been  perched on the edge of excused myself walked to   my office picked up my purse and got my desk key  out opened the drawer and pulled out the folder   that I made of that one particular trans action  I had purposely kept it separate from the other   copies just in case those papers somehow magically  disappeared since TL was commonly and routinely   famous for going through our desks I walked back  to TD's office and sat the folder on his desk in   front of him and waited what's this Titi asked  just open it I said he spent more time going   through those papers than he had when he should  have been paying a heck of a lot more attention   3 weeks ago he finally looked across his desk at  me with wide eyes and I just blinked back at him   not saying a word TL asked well what is it and so  he hands her the file but never takes his eyes off   of me I swear that in that moment I could hear  her gulp loudly for me it was an oh so you two   think that I'm going to take the fall for this  one moment no nope not today not tomorrow not   next month not ever and then I waited some more  you could definitely hear a feather drop the room   had gotten so quiet as I said I did what I was  supposed to do just like you two told me anything   else you need me to clear up I asked TD and TL  couldn't speak neither could find their voices   in the moment so I just quietly left the office  shut the door behind me and smiled all the way   back to my office what happened with the ongoing  investigation I'll never know the subject was   never brought up again heck I did just what they  both told me to do they're the boss is right so am   I to assume that nothing actually happened to TD  and TL since there was no like Fallout described   like op he didn't say well they didn't show up  to work anymore or they were replaced by somebody   else or somebody got a promotion or something  also I'm wondering did Opie leave their copy with   them or did they have even more copies cuz in a  situation like that if they feel like their career   might be over over this kind of thing I would sure  hope you have more than one copy if you left that   with them fly run wrote quoting pull the folder  that I'd made of that one particular transaction   I had purposely kept it separated from the other  copies just in case those papers somehow magically   disappeared so what happened to that folder you  presented TD and TL could have easily have taken   it from you right then or did you keep a copy  to cover your butt and hand it over to the bank   Andor detectives with such a big investigation  I'm surprised that they weren't fired or charged   and ha funny boy wrote at one place I worked at my  client was not to be trusted my manager was also   like that after a couple of times of being bitten  in the butt by their actions I started a process   of getting the client to sign off on everything  I did that saved me a lot of trouble my manager   once wrote on an evaluation that I didn't do my  projects correctly I pulled out the signed forms   that said it was correct and told her to remove  that comment from my evaluation she did another   time the client wanted to know what the effect  would be to the data if some process was done   I produced a report that had a volume of around  80 cubic feet of paper when the client finished   looking over the report and said that they wanted  that change to be made and when could I make it I   handed them a paper to sign off and said as soon  as they signed off I would start on it they never   did and I never did once the manager asked me when  I would make the change I replied as soon as they   sign off on the change being what they want and  it was correct I can start I never did the project   but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   awesome malicious compliance story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 15,768
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Keywords: Storytime, r/, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: lS8JcdnOev4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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